
ITT: Post Yea Forums animals you would like as a pet, pic related.

Attached: Cub Vitani.jpg (1024x768, 93K)

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Damn, i don't have even a picture of Appa, Momo or Naga.

Considering she has human level intelligence this would be kinda bizarre tbqh

She will grow up and eat you.

I would take good care of her and feed her cum daily.

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Police will fuck you up

She doesn't know how to use a phone, retard.

Someone will.

4 posts
4 posts and you already ruined the wholesomeness

Get dabbed on mother fucker. lol

someone commissioned me fat fetish porn of this character

Did you draw it?


how fat are we talking about here



post it


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Not if he lives in Canada!

vitani's super cute, would pet and hug

Attached: 1513975543269.gif (529x559, 3.97M)

>You woulike as a pet.
1-800-Come on now.

OP here, thanks user.

Attached: Thanks Anon.gif (360x202, 1.32M)

Attached: Ace_(dog).png (350x262, 149K)

How so? She's still an animal. I mean yeah she can talk and understand some concepts but she still mostly acts like any other animal from our world. I'm not saying I would go all cutesy baby naming with lots of kisses like an obsessive pet owner, it would be more of a family type dynamic. No different then raising a kid.

Not if I treat her well since cubhood. She has everything she could possibly need with fresh food, water, a comfy bed to sleep in, a safe environment with a nice backyard, toys to play with and I'm sure she would be amazed at all the technology we humans have created. Eating me will just leave her all alone in an alien environment, besides she wouldn't do that after I basically raised her and treated her with love and respect.