Realistically, what are the odds that Sony will get Spider-Man right this time...

Realistically, what are the odds that Sony will get Spider-Man right this time? Or will they take us back to the ASM dark ages?

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Kill Avi Arad, dont let retards like Amy Pascal mess with the movie at all, put Lord and Miller in charge of everything, watch how the MCU burns in the distance.

I’m not watching shit Sony does.

Starve that shite film division until they sell to Disney

Dont worry user, i'll watch it twice for you, even the Aunt May movie.

Reminder that Avi Arad thought the Sonyverse would peel Jon Favreau away from the MCU. The guy is next-level incompetent.

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He is quite retarded, i gave him a lot of money buying toybiz figures though.

Why are spiderfags always so angry towards the MCU?

>Or will they take us back to the Spider-Man 3 to ASM 2 dark ages?
Reminder that all 3 of those films cost more than Avengers. Sony is a legend at pissing away movie budget.

Muh Unka Ben.

Just make more spiderverse movies dammit

Venom was shit, too.

Spider-Verse was only great because executives didn't care enough about it to piss on it.

All they have to do is keep everything they do separated into two camps, the Spider-verse camp and the Venom sequels camp. It's not that hard. Venom wasn't good but it was a bad guy being good so maybe it's a good movie being bad on purpose, idk. Morbius, Carnage, Silver & Black (Sable & Cat)
Looks like a big Trust/Anti-Trust dance so people don't notice that all the power rests in control by a few powerful companies.
Let's pray for the Mexicans whose babies are playing iPad all day. They don't go MS-13 for nothing.

>head full of shit
It all checks out

Daily reminder that Sony had creative control of script, supporting roles, casting, story direction, advertising, and editing of Homecoming and Far From Home. The only things Marvel had final say on in the solo films were about Peter's overall character, the Villain used, and any MCU liaisons involved.
It's not a coincidence that Spidey was depicted properly in Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame while he was treated like garbage in his solo outings. It's because the production team never changed from ASM.

Venom was profitable, which is the entire point of making expensive movies. It cost 10 million more than Spider-Verse and more than doubled it's box-office.
The future of Sony Spider-Man is Venom, not the low performing cartoon.

>the Villain used
Vulture and Mysterio were pretty damn good picks.

>The only things Marvel had final say on in the solo films were about Peter's overall character, the Villain used, and any MCU liaisons involved.
So the good stuff.

FUCK YOU! They GOT Spider-man right in ASM.

That's certainly an opinion you have there.

These posts are trying to frustrate me or something. Spider-verse was universally acclaimed. If they don't make a sequel to Into The Spider-verse using Tom Holland's voice and Likeness I don't know how you're going to keep me out of a court of law begging for reality to put itself as inherently duplicitous. Head full of solid food waste, no. No, I don't think so. Brains are made of nerves, aren't they, not partially digested food stuffs.

I thought Marisa Tomei was from Disney, like Robert Downey Jr.

Actually, I don't believe any of this, I bet the movies come first and the reality that makes them come after the fact. It's all so tiresome.


Can anyone go ask Yea Forums if they've misplaced a faggot?
It seems to have wandered into a Spider-Man thread and gotten lost.

I've never gotten to see Schizophrenia work itself out in real time so this is gonna be pretty fun. Good luck user!

Dogs in my neighborhood say
"I love you
I love everybody"
Sounds like this
Why can't there be a nice waterfall of suicidal mean people climbing and falling to their death instead of this 666 internet hate machine?

Here's a picture of Cardiac showing that he's black.

I guess in Marvel U Cardiac and Prowler can make a baby using The Jackel's clone technology and by-pass hetero-normative procreation, because you know, blacks and Muslims and how religion has not a lot of good things to say about women.

Oh, and the baby would be Miles Morales.

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Isn't that the question of the day?

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MS-13 are Salvadoreans. Get your spics right. That like saying Brit’s and Germans are the same.

>make 2 bad movies

Considering that Mandella Effect videos have brought attention to the red X behind the red cross in the British flag I would say you are trying to make some sort of double entrendre -type state ment. I don't know if it's an entendre. There's a lot of overlap,

Same could be said about disney.


Seconded. That was the best capeshit I had seen in ages.

Sony has made nothing but shit recently though. Ghostbusters?

3 bad Spider-Man movies and Venom wasn't that good either.


user, it’s not just 2 bad movies, it’s 2 bad movies that ran the franchise so far into the ground that future plans were scrapped and they had to reboot. Twice. You gotta fuck up pretty bad for that to happen not just once but twice because you keep getting over ambitious

WB knows that feel.

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Same COULD be said, but it would be wrong.

None, it has to awkwardly not associate with anything mcu but still be a continuation and they want to shove it into venom verse.

It's Sony. They'll fuck up like they always have. Like with Spider-Man 3 & TASM 1 & 2. Spider-Verse was good because they didn't have much hand in it. Well that's going to change, and the sequel will bomb as a result

ASM were the best movies, I want a third Marc Webb movie. Never bothered watching the MCU spidey movies.

>Muh Unka Ben

Seriously, EVERY SINGLE TIME I got into a discussion with an anti-mcuspidey person, Uncle Ben was always the root cause. How many times do we have to see an origin story told over and over and over again? I equate it to seeing Batman's parents murdered in a Batfilm. I guarantee Yea Forums will be pissed if it's not shown (or at least mentioned) in the next reboot. Everything has to be comics accurate... OR ELSE!

Nobody has ever gotten him wrong.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Is the sequel fucked then?

Having seen the Sony leaks from years back, I have zero faith (even if Marvel just handed over the blueprint).

They wanted to turn the Sinister Six into anti-heroes fighting crime. They already took the supervillain arc out of Venom.
It's gonna be bad, real bad.

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I'd rather watch Spider-Man than Iron-Boy.

So glad Sony pulled him away from that SJW shit storm going on at Disney. Can't wait for the all female multicultural man hating Avengers

>How many times do we have to see an origin story told over and over and over again?
Why the fuck is everyone alright with watching the Waynes die in literally every god damn Batman adaptation but Spider-Man is a step too far because we saw it.


We've seen the waynes die like 40 fucking times but Uncle Ben being shot TWICE is too much.

>Why the fuck is everyone alright with watching the Waynes die in literally every god damn Batman adaptation
You're arguing with a straw man

I thought people are sick of it? Both origins have been played out countless times, and I can't imagine anyone needing a refresher anytime soon. Besides, Uncle Ben dies in the cartoons too.

>put Lord and Miller in charge of everything
What a tired meme



Seriously though, putting any more screen time towards the destruction of Krypton, the death of the Waynes and Uncle Ben is a waste of everyones time and the budget. Everyone knows those stories.
Sure, MCU Spider-Man could have tossed in a "things have been hard since your uncle died" line, maybe that would have mollified all the shitheads bitching about it (though I don't think many of them actually give a shit), but anything more than that is redundant, and even more so for the Waynes. How many times have we seen them killed at this point in movies and TV? Five? Even having Batman staring at a grave or a family portrait is feeling tired at this point.
Honestly, skip the origin movies entirely from now on, it's a tired formula that's been perfected and driven into the ground through repetition.

This is all still besides the point which is they completely eradicated Ben and his moral and narrative impact on Spider-Man which fundamentally breaks the character, and tried to awkwardly force Tony Stark into that role.

For me, tho I'm not a raging spiderman fanboy, it's more about uncle ben teachings and death having a lasting impact on Peter's behavior. If you take that away and replace it with "Hurr durr i want to be an avenger like Mr Stark" it seems normal the character loses some shine.
You dont have to show his death again. Or if you do it could just be a 30 seconds flashback.

Nobody is demanding to see Uncle Ben get shot again. They just feel the character deserves to be acknowledged. It doesn't have to be some big flashback or anything like that. It could just be something as simple as a passing reference in a conversation between Peter and May.

>source: my ass filled with Disney cum

Or start it with his funeral.

ASM is great though, it's the definitive version of Spider-Man.

What good movies have sony pictures made in the past 5 years that could engender any sort of trust or faith in the new spiderman film being good? Spiderverse is a completely different thing in its own right and I don't see just ripping the spiderverse team and putting them onto spiderman 3 making it good.
On the other hand I have more than enough belief that they will make another stinker considering some of their headline releases for this year include a zombieland sequel, a charlie's angels reboot, another jumanji and the worst men in black movie of the franchise

Ben's initials are on Peter's suitcase in Far From Home. Civil War makes immediate reference to the overall lesson Peter learned from Ben's death.

How much more can you fucking want? Does he need to yell out UNCLE BEEEEENNNNN three times a movie for you fucks to be satisfied?

Anyways, no, Sony is going to fuck it up miserably. Venom was a bag of shit and anyone who disagrees is just being a contrarian for the sake of it.

asm1 and 2 were not the dark ages you shill, they were some of the best movies to come out

They're made 2 good spider movies and 6 bad ones but hey maybe they can pull an aquaman and actually save the shitshow

I could not hear you with that disney cock in your mouth

Peter's big emotional climx in Homecoming being remembering Stark's line from earlier in the movie would've been a perfect place to instead use something from Uncle Ben. Just a simple, short flashback of Uncle Ben instilling some sort of moral about not giving up when the going gets hard. Again, no one actually wants it to be the focus of the character or the movies. But it's a consistent issue that Peter's moral foundation in his movies comes form his idolization of Tony Stark and one half way reference in Civil War doesn't change that. This doesn't make them bad movies, but it's still a valid criticism of the way the movies handle his character.

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See? These idiots can't even read between the lines and enjoy subtlety in ANYTHING. this is why comic fans are fucking obnoxious.

I don't give a damn. It's not like Feige and co. have demonstrated any better ability to guide the character and with Sony, there's at least a chance that some interesting creators could get a hand on the IP, like with ItSV, unlike the MCU, where we'd be forever stuck with the studio mandated mediocrity. I'll rather have a chance of 1 in 10 for a great movie than 10 assured Homecoming-tier functional-but-disposable products.

One way or another, at least the future movies will have to be Spider-Man films, rather than Avengers spin-offs. That, by itself, is a win.

In an alternate universe, QOTDposting is the prime cape meme and Baneposting is forgotten.

As someone who thinks WB is doing far, far worse than either the MCU or Sony, I think any presumption founded on firing rich idiots is doomed these days.