Tfw find out Ennis is an Orangeman from Northern Ireland

>tfw find out Ennis is an Orangeman from Northern Ireland

FUCK that explains so much about his comics, it's like the skeleton key to all his work.

Attached: 6.1.19GarthEnnisByLuigiNovi1.jpg (3024x3800, 1.04M)

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You're only finding out now? It's the crux of most of his work


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Garth Ennis is so Irish that you can sense it through his work.

Is he an Orangeman? I thought he was a nationalist.

How the fuck did you think that given how he portrayed the IRA in his Punisher run and how he jerked off to the SAS? Have you read any of his work?

Yeah why else would he be so infatuated and in love with America and never disparage its revolutionary origins while acting like all Irish Republicanism back to 1916 and beyond is completely sinister and cynical.

Because he's a cuck for power. He liked his group being in charge in Northern Ireland and would have preferred the taigs accept oppression rather than infringe in any way on his privilege. Then he globs onto an embarrassingly romantic idea of America because, again, he's been primed to love power and hate its victims.

I could probably write a good 5000 word essay about the bullshit ideological landscape of Garth Ennis' work, and that's as someone who really admires.likes a lot of it.

that's what garth ennis looks like?

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I’m actually surprised he gets away with a lot of his anti-Irish stuff,

>”if he’s black and survived growing up in Dublin, he must be one tough motherfucker”

I think people assume he can’t be Irish if he’s from ireland

Goo goo g'joob?

>Garth Ennis is so Irish that you can sense it through his work.
Try telling that to his face.


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Latefag be late, OP

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Imagine British Klansmen but instead of black people they hate Irish people.

The main point of conflict is these people happen to live in Ireland.

>I think people assume he can’t be Irish if he’s from ireland

Meant to say anti-irish

I thought he was just being balanced in that. I guess I assumed that the reason so many Crossed stories took place in the UK was because of some weird revenge fantasy.

Imported English on Irish territory who actually think they were there thousands of years before the Celts or something like that arrived, and were the vanguard of protestantism before such a thing existed.

I heard he refuses to give out autographs to catholics

Most of them are descended from Scots. The american scot-irish are orangemen.

Would not surprise me at all. Ennis is a huge cunt. But I doubt he has many religious fans given how he treats religion in his books

Maybe he's like the South Park guys who have a ton of Mormon fans

Except Matt and Trey love Mormonism because it's so weird.

True, they make fun of it but at the same time they don't seem to have contempt for it like Ennis does for Catholicism.

I thought his nationality was clearly shown in The Boys, especially how much the two characters Hughie and Billy Butcher bash Americans celebrating St. Patties day and using it as an excuse to get drunk

Just Catholics? It just seems strange to be only hostile to a specific denomination of Christianity. It would like an author that only targets Sunnis in Islam in his work.

You mean a person's backstory and personal experience actually shapes who they are as a person?
Get the fuck out of here!

Ulster Protestants really, really Catholics for some reason.

I think it's pretty telling that in the episode all about how retarded Mormon beliefs are, the actual moral was that what people believe is less important than how they treat others.

I'm certain he doesn't discriminate against catholics at events but look up Northern Ireland to understand this.

It wasn't Protestants versus Catholics, it was people whose families came from Britain originally versus people whose families came from Ireland originally, and the people who came from Britain were in control and were overwhelmingly privileged compared to the Irish.

But the British happened to be mostly Protestant, while the Irish happened to be mostly Catholic, so that became a way of identifying what side you were on. It was an ethnic conflict, not a religious one. Religion was just used as shorthand for ethnicity.

It's a complicated and stomach turning story, but a lot of it boils down to car bombs, and reprisals for reprisals that go back to before WW1.

>Orangeman bad

>being retarded
Five seconds on google could have made you look less retarded.

Stay triggered mystery meat

>he doesn't jack of to the glory of the ira like some bloody plastic paddy
The bog people are going to be upset with this thread

I think he was making a joke. I think.

so what’s his connection to WWII?

No these people are just retarded and think everything is about american politics.

Orange man?


ITT butthurt taigs

>fuck the pope

Speaking as a person with a passport that has a harp on it, no shit, obviously he's not a catholic. Not that sucking brit dick is something you need to be a prod to do.

But saying the IRA are retards isn't exactly groundbreakingly revolutionary stuff either, the shoe fits and all. The Irish uprising bits in Preacher were pretty good all in all.

Now I suggest all we micks vacate this thread and let the yanks drive it into the ground talking about their bellybuttons as is usual.

He enjoyed war movies and comics a lot.

No I mean he won’t give autographs to people with Irish surnames like O’neil Or O’shea

At least we got someone who has a different life experience inspiring his work than the usual middle-high class South California type

Don't confuse the American.

Attached: the northern ireland conflict in simple terms.jpg (553x354, 61K)

Are you twelve?

This is good.

N.Irish protestants don't consider themselves Irish. They're British. It's pedantic and sad and petty

How so?

>I forgot how much I hate kids
>It's fuckin mutual cunt
Kek, not gonna lie that got me good.

He's based for shitting on capeshit and triggering Christcucks.

Garth Ennis: are you a catholic or a prodestant?

person from ireland: Im an Atheist

Garth Ennis: are you a catholic atheist or a prodestant atheist?

Goes back further than that. Gotta stretch it back to the War of the Roses to find the start to that mess. Battle of the Boyne's outcome is bad blood that's run through centuries.

Ennis the Menace!

Is Midnighter American or English? Sometimes I'm not sure from the panels I've seen.



Who's the dude,?



A lot of my close friends are Mormons. I may find their beliefs to be rather unusual, but not much more so than any other major religion, and they and their friends and family are generally upstanding people. Very sexually repressed though. It's not healthy for them, but there it is.

Fuck micks

Fuck mormons

>sucks dick but is an asshole


it's the skeleton key to explaining his obsession with killing and raping children?

I mean I don't always write derivative shit, but when I do I distinguish it with child murder and child rape.
>t the least interesting man in the world

>think Ennis think, would could make this shit seem more original
>maybr I crossed some taboo line like child murder or child rape
omg CROSSED thats it ImMa gEnIUs

I wonder how he likes his beef then

>Calling garbage garbage is all it takes to be based
Your standards are lower than the Marianas Trench.

>what would the inside of a madman's mind look like?
>osama bin ladin fucking a catamite to death OF COURSE
>has so much to do with story and is clearly not a sick fetish that I have myself no
seriously what the fuck
this is ignoring all the countless of times that literal children get raped between panels
or the dozens of other times that children *need* to be shot gratuitously in the face in his comics,
notably the first volume of crossed which has the silliest "we did what had to be done" moment in comic history

Attached: fuckedthecataminetodeath.jpg (1041x1600, 233K)

wait, let's read that line again shall we
>he pushed all six into the erection that he could not quell, and then began to fuck the catamite to death


GARTH just thought it was a good metaphor or something for SOME REASON

Attached: garth.jpg (288x335, 27K)

He takes a very dim view of American power politics. He likes the men serving in the military but doesn't care for the government at all.

Tf is an orange man?




Morrison wins again

The Orange refers to the Ulster counties of North Ireland, who were Protestant colonists from England and Scotland brought over to displace the Catholic Irish through land prospection and plantation owning. It worked so well that when Lancaster and York had their fight for the throne of England, North Ireland declared for Protestant Lancaster and the rest of Ireland for Catholic York. The Battle of the Boyne ensured Lancaster won out over York, and ensured that North Ireland remained Protestant. William of Orange was the Lancaster king who won that battle, and about 100 years later the Orange Order named their fraternity in his honor. The Irish tri-color flag designed by Thomas Meagher depicts a unified Ireland of Green and Orange held together by the White of peace.

I just learned what a catamite is and it will be replacing FAGGOT in my vocabulary. Thanks guys.

I had a funny story as a catholic going over to NI.

Im from dublin, and I got the call to be an extra in Game of Thrones, I went over to belfast. I had no idea about the politics or how catholics and prodestants hate each other to the extend that they would take a different type of taxi.

so I ordered a taxi from my hotel, as you would know it, it was a prodestant taxi, (it looked closer to the taxis in dublin than the catholic taxis did)

So I go in and has hes driving me to the titanic museum where the extras busses are I decide to talk to him.

I ask is there anything to do in belfast? any places worth sight-seeing.

"no everybody hates each other, you shouldn't go anywhere"

as we approach the museum I thought the busses left without me, in frustration I facepalmed and knocked my head on the headrest of the seat.

Taxi driver raises his fist to my face and says

"mate, if your going to damage my car, you'll get this right up your mouth."

Stunned, I tried to figure out what I did to piss this man off so much that he threatened violence. so I get out of the car, pay the fair and resist the urge to say ' I hope your car feels better' best not to escalate the situation. he drove off looking pissed

NI is a wacky place.

I cannot imagine drinking Calvinist Kool-Aid so deeply that you literally think reunification means the obliteration of your subsect. They do know there are Protestants in the Republic of Ireland that get by just fine alongside Catholics, right? There isn't some Irish Inquisition suppressing Protestantism in the Republic. What happened that the six counties are so sure becoming Ireland again means the end of life as they know it?

Fuck you I am both.

they're scared the Catholics will treat them the way they treated Catholics

ya seethe?


>you literally think reunification means the obliteration of your subsect
Yeah, it's not like Ireland spent the entirety of 1930 to 1990 as a pope-worshipping peasant autarky where making your kids "help the priest dress" was seen as a high honor anything.


Why catamite is barely offensive.

Preacher 14 letter section

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Hitman had Tommy reviling his ancestry. It was a big part of the character, to give up his culture and become an American instead. It is what lead to that Superman issue.
Ennis has always been ashamed of his background for some reason.


This. Fuck da IRA, and up the UDA. Loyalist paramilitaries and RUC might've killed more civilians, but Fenians don't count anyway.


Lol if people only knew this is what they were saying about Trump

Yeah but that's still a colossal double standard when he hates all IRA soldiers on an individual level back to 1916 and beyond.

And it's wrong to say he doesn't care for the government. He views it as a fundamentally good thing that at its worse "makes mistakes" or has some bad apples in the upper echelons. His overwhelming feeling towards the US as a state is one of cringy awe where even its most blatant acts of evil were whoopsies or subversions. The USA can kill a million civilians, many 100 percent deliberately, and that's a 'mistake'. The IRA can kill one person, even a uniformed soldier, and that's evil to him.

I would be amazed if the rate of rape in Orange lodges was less than twice that of the Catholic Church.

>n-no u!
Pathetic. Shouldn't you be off burying unwed mothers in a mass grave?

Re-unification is going to be funniest mass coping in human history.

Before reading the thread I thought it was about trump

People on Yea Forums have no idea how to talk about him

This is the most pathetic shit.

I could respect coming from Northern Ireland and becoming disillusioned with ethnic and national identity in general, just abandoning the concept of national pride.

But shitting on both the countries you could credibly claim to be from( and you could claim both or a mixture of the two, or even just Northern Irish), then begging for the right to consider yourself part of somewhere else and sucking its cock cause its so much better and you just hope you can be worthy-this is worm thinking.

There's nothing wrong with being English or Irish or American. But he somehow found a way to embarrass himself in relation to all three.

What started this stuttering thing?

Hes polish in dc i think

Based, stay mad cucktholics

>It would like an author that only targets Sunnis in Islam in his work.

Yeah, it's a good thing there's no one making defamatory anti-Sunni work, or vice versa, over a conflict that started over how religious head of state inheritance works.

As a Bong representative, we loathe the Orange Order. You won't find a bigger source of sheer arrogance and impotent murderous intent outside of a Kent/Essex EDL rally.

When everyone from Margaret Thatcher to Jeremy Corbyn holds secret peace talks with the IRA, and the Orange Order starts promoting actual murder, you've got to wonder how they became worse than the boogeymen of either side of the political spectrum.

What's a taig?

Dude, if you want some actual wholesome reading, Pratchett and Gaiman are where you need to go. Every country has diversified literature and comic sources, the only reason yours has become so focused is because the Southern State typically look down on anything more artistic than pure blue collar work. Even if it's just a book about blue collar work, you get a tonne of anti-intellectual snobbery.

>How DARE people want to belong to one country and not another.

Tadgh(pronounced like the first syllable of Tiger) is a common Irish name, so its a relatively mild slur for Irish people.

Pretty much like calling black people Tyrone except you misspell it as well.

>How dare people want to leave a Union of countries decided by a monarchy, that gets off regularly on fucking over other constituent parts of their Union

The Brexit process so far has been a massive heart attack for unity efforts, considering the stereotypes of Little Englanders deliberately fucking over the Scots, Irish, Welsh and North that could easily be brushed off have revealed themselves to not be stereotypes. It's not even happened yet, and the SNP has recovered from the death knell was losing Indyref, the DUP are losing support for fighting against their constituents referendum votes, and most bizarre of all, the Scousers and Mancs agree on something.

>B-b-but the EU

In the EU, intra conflict is bad for business, and is generally smoothed over with regeneration funds in exchange for reconciliation talks. In the UK, it's just considered good banter.

Oh that's really specific.

Irish Catholicism has always been seen as fringe freak form of Catholicism by the Vatican.

Imagine honouring the fucking Dutch

up the ra

The Dutch were good at hating Catholics back then. Shitting on the Papacy makes for odd bedfellows.

No, every portrayal of "the government" in Ennis books is either incompetent, malicious, or both. He worships the ground US soldiers walk on, but the government can go fuck themselves.


This is what they're like.

Orangeman bad

I'm N.Irish and as sad as it is I don't consider myself truly Irish. I can't speak Irish which I'm ashamed of. And going down south feels like going to another country.

I've even chatted with cute Irish lassies in Dublin and they've asked where I'm from and when I say Derry then literally go "oh your not irish" ;__;


He looks like Kevin Spacey.

It really isn't, stereotyping any group by a stereotypical name is pretty common, you're just too much of a burger to realize it

Explain the demonisation of anglo-irish then.

>Promote genocide
>huh why do u guise hate me :(

Thatcher and corbyn are both anti English autocrats though.

How dare England not be the nanny to failed states right?

>promote genocide

Imagine lying to yourself and thinking the Irish landowners were split on racial ties.

>Anglo Irish
>caused Irish genocides

The Anglo Irish didn't own the majority of the land that was partitioned and caused the famines you dolt.

The demonisation of the Anglo-Irish came from the Anglos of the Pale, not the Irish. The A-Is were seen by the conquering English as having gone native because they'd been there for generations, intermarrying and dressing like the Irish and going to do Irish things with Irish people that proper English just would not do. They got lumped in with the Irish by the English as being barbarians, and when the A-Is tried to broker a compromise that wouldn't end in devastation the Irish called them wolves in sheep's clothing. Sad fact was no one was interested in compromise, the English wanted to eradicate Irish culture, history, and society and replace it, and the Irish wanted the English to fuck off back across the sea and never come back. Anglo-Irish got caught in the middle, though in fairness some did sell out and they're hardly innocent, squeaky-clean bystanders of the shitshow that is English/Irish politics.

From what I gather, the vast bulk of Ireland doesn't speak Irish either, except in the Gaeltach out west. That shouldn't really be a factor. The Irish not seeing you as Irish? That should be worrisome, because that is the crux of the Brexit dilemma, and neither side seem willing to sit down and discuss it because it "just is". People like to compare the situation to the divided Germanys but it really isn't like that at all; the Soviets never pushed the idea that the East Germans were no longer German, nor did the East Germans ever consider themselves anything but German.

>the English wanted to wipe out Irish culture

You mean the London elite. Because they were wiping out English and Scottish subcultures with the same tactics and even used Irish immigrants as scapegoats to further this.

It's because of years of political propaganda on both sides.

oh wow, angrier than scots

Clearly it's the Norman blood that caused all this horror.

T. Proud Yorkshireman

>Ireland is ran by a gay indian, they voted for abortion and are slaves to the EU

And I though NI was bad.

The EU issues anti Anglo sentiments to distract Ireland from the fact the EU offers them fuck all economic wise. And don't want them to become another Switzerland.

How the fuck did you know that

Really? Panel for this?

Since it’s a common Irish name, yes it is really specific to use it as a slur.

Swap England and Scotland

>t. seething prot

Any of you fucking cunts want a slap I'll be at the city hall in 15 minutes. Come in then tough guys

well there less of a risk of been killed for been the wrong religion with angry scots.

This whole thing just lead me down a wiki mindfield. This is all rather fascinating. Any good (/modern) documents/videos on this topic?

Not seeing it.