Why isn’t Hollywood making animated horror movies?
Why isn’t Hollywood making animated horror movies?
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Because cartoons aren't scary you pussy
Why don't they make animated action films or animated romantic comedies? Why are Hollywood animated films all children's movies?
Because Walt Disney you fucking idiot. You want to make an IT thread don't bother trying to hide it, just fess up.
The only animation Americans want to watch is Disney and Disney knockoffs.
Horror is successful because it's cheap to produce. Animation is expensive.
cause that would take effort and horror movies are mostly low effort, pitch black screens and people running around and maybe they'll spend money on 5 seconds total of a cgi monster throughout the movie
I've seen some scary stop motion stuff.
because dumb americans would take their children and then go "I DIDN'T KNOW IT WOULD BE LIKE THIS, I SUE YOU."
there are animated horrors out there the likes of which you should pray you never see.
What I want to know is why there aren't a lot of animated horror films/shows/etc. in general. I feel like animation has a lot of potential to be scary.
Literally this. Westerners can’t handle animation that isn’t kiddy garbage or adult """"comedies"""".
Animation can be pretty uncanny, so it's a nice idea, but it'd be difficult to sell it to a mass audience.
because Hollywood
They make those movies for slack-jawed pillocks, who are the majority of the populace.
americans think that cartoons are for children
>one's a niche interest format known for being expensive to make
>one's a niche interest genre that is seeing a revival because it's really cheap to make
It's like no one wants to make something that combines all of the pitfalls and none of the benefits of its components.
There is Uzmaki, which is a collaborative project between east and west, but honestly is probably more Japanese than American.
Where were you when The Dark Crystal was the best western animated thing this year
Same Dance
Neither are horror movies.
I agree but a dark fantasy with puppets is different from an animated horror
Blumhouse and DreamWorks are working together on Spooky Jack at the moment, though chances are it's more comedy than horror
But they just made the Lion King this year!
God, I have watched this trailer multiple times and it's just so hauntingly catchy.
Because they don't make money.
But HEY there's weird foreign artists.
Rent fucking free.
There’s also this:
Damn that looks fun. And kinda familiar.
Did they ever do work for one of the ABCs of Death shorts?
Where do I start with Junji ito?
Oh I'm sorry, where's Hollywood at?
>Won't drop around October to have peak spooky times
Absolute horseshit
I haven't seen any mainstream or large market Euro animated horror films posted.
>Why isn’t Hollywood making animated horror movies?
I fucking wonder why people are just talking about Hollywood, one of the biggest mysteries of the 21st century.
He's the Japanese Steven King, he's got a bunch of one shots and larger stories so you just pick whatever looks interesting
It doesn't matter anything is good
But If I have to say something
Frankenstein (His adaptation is so good)
Gyo and Uzumaki (pure perfection)
Black Paradox ( my first one and the reason I love Itou)
Hellstar Remina (bland but still a good read)
His collection of short stories are pure kino read
I faintly remembers me of H.P Lovecraft
If your answer is just "Americans" then you need to show that it actually exists outside the USA as a major market product. Otherwise, as stated repeatedly in the thread, the combination of high cost and low audience pull makes it a poor investment; something completely separate from simply blaming Americans.
>If your answer is just "Americans"
None of the posts blaming Americans are mine, I was just calling you a retard for saying "rent free" when the subject matter is fucking Hollywood.
What about flash animation?
And I'm saying "Americans" isn't actually an answer.
I'm giving this a fucking watch
flash is kill
/f/ is most likely kill
>Calling the Missing Link bad.
Die bich
animation is the least respected art form and for good reason example all of these shitty SU threads as of late
All of the special effects in horror movies are CGI now anyway, they’d might as well be considered animated.
I can agree with this, but I can also think of an example of an animated short that was fucking terrifying for me when I saw it. It was from Samurai Jack, that episode where he enters the haunted house and shit starts to go fucking crazy. That whole episode was pretty scary. Another example, tho far shorter, is also from Samurai Jack, in the final season in the first or second episode Jack is kneeling down by a stream, a leaf from a tree falls and lands in the water, making a moan of someone who has died, Jack looks up as All the leaves fall in a course of moans and wails, and when Jack looks back to the stream it’s filled with corpses.
Point being that animation CAN be scary, it just that first someone has to want it to be scary.
Monster House was pretty scary
Because even the Japanese have problems pulling it off. The ito series was a travesty.
Why does the art remind me of Crossed?
How could you forget Tomie
reminds me how a comedy anime that did a Hellboy styled end credit sequence for a Halloween ep
Oh yeah. The series is Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Is that a gogo dancing cage?
Are you serious? People are too stupid to understand regular horror movies. Look what they say about any horror movie that even slightly deviates from the jump scare formula. You really think anyone would understand an animated horror movie?
So, I went to go see this movie tonight, and right when the movie is getting ready for the fucking ending, some motherfucker pulled the goddamn fire alarm at the theater I was in, and after evacuating the whole place, they just close up for the night.
There is no way in hell I'm sitting through a 3 hour movie twice in one weekend, so I was wondering if any of you guys know where I can download this. Piratebay has nothing.
Courage the dog. It scares me more than any horror I've watched. Characters with protruding eyeballs freak me the fuck out.
California doesn't count as America.
Stop motion can be scary as fuck user
There's almost no audience for that sort of thing, it would be a massive financial failure.
lee hardcastle could pull it off.
Because America audiences dont stimulate current animators to make horror, they think feature length adult animation is something between sausage party and el super beasto. On the other side of the Pacific though...
That film is 22 years old, user. Also most adult animation is indie circuit drama stuff.
Cartoons are for kids! You'll traumatize them!
cuz they nailed it the first time.
Because kids wouldn't watch them.
That's like saying literature can't be scary.
>inb4 "it can't"
Cartoons at best can be unsettling. Scary is hard to pull off for anyone but literal children. I remember being scared of the intro for Nightmare Before Christmas when I was young, but it's not actually scary.
Where the fuck can I stream/download this
So, aside from airing on [AS], is it /con/ material?
animated horror is the scariest thing on earth you fucktron
I fucking hate this
it's not even animated except for ONE head turn for fuck sake
>Look at le funny gif i found! wouldn't it be funny to make a shitty "Why isn't...?" thread to show it?
If he didn't make le funny gif thread I wouldn;'t have found all these cool animated horror movies so fuck you
>Look what they say about any horror movie that even slightly deviates from the jump scare formula.
Don’t those movies get critical praise though?
Horror movies don't get big enough budgets to accommodate the cost of animation.
Not in scary stories to tell in the dark
Neat stuff.
Don't need a big budget, one fo the freakiest Japanese horror anime was made by a single guy.
>Don’t those movies get critical praise though?
Yes. But they also need to make money.
An animated Tales from the Crypt type show would be cool. And I don't mean like Tales from the Cyptkeeper or whatever the kids show was called. Get some legit directors, have different animation styles each episode, make it interesting and you've got a hit.
They pussied out in the ending though.
Whenever the crowdsource marketing contractor paid for by IT's production studio would start fake "clown sighting" threads last year I would flood them with Minions pictures because warner bros doesnt own Minions intellectual property
Horror and animation are really difficult to make work together. I think horror suits comics much better.
Basically this. I'd recommend "The Enigma of Amigara Fault" and for a laugh, try checking out "Junji Ito's Cat Diary." It's a slice-of-life based off real events with his cats, except he completely keeps the horror artstyle. It's genuinely funny.
Because Don Bluth retired
Love, Death, & Robots had a few horror episodes.
That they screwed up adapting his stories doesn't mean that they screwed up because they were horror stories. GeGeGe no Kitaro does horror pretty well, although it's not strictly speaking a horror series and it's aimed at families. It can still get creepy.
Recently finished Uzumaki. Does anyone else find the series kind of dips in quality near the end? After the hurricane chapter, I found nothing was really all that creepy until they returned to the town and it was just row houses connected together. Loud noises making tornadoes wasn't exactly creepy, and they were just reusing the snail people thing over and over.
I liked it better when the curses were more varied and interesting.
This isn't animation it's a story time
What I meant was that it's difficult even with good material to adapt. Especially few directors left that actually understand what makes good animated horror and having to compete with more braindead but popular shit like Isekai.
I want to fuck the new Pennywise, he's so hot
How exactly is horror competing against isekai, and what makes horror more intellectual than isekai?
This isn’t the same without the zooming and the blur.
because they know they can't compete with this masterpiece
Honestly WTHGTD is too funny to be that horrific
>He's the Japanese Steven King
he's the reincarnation of H.P. Lovecraft. Shit they even look the same.
I will never not be mad about the shivering truth.
They really dropped the ball with Chapter Two. Lost my shit laughing at the "spider."
Critical praise, yes. But mixed reception from the masses. They will all have two and a half star ratings on Netflix or Amazon or whatever.
>he's the reincarnation of H.P. Lovecraft. Shit they even look the same.
They even own cats and live near the sea. its uncanny really.
I’m not buying this until someone butchers his lips in a photo editing program.
>HP becomes the yellow menace he feared so much
karma's a bitch
Let me put it this way. I would love an animated adaptation of Chi no wadachi. But i gurantee you a producer would say its cheaper to make it live action while promoting an anime based on some light novel to promote it.
Something people often miss is that Ito is a weird fiction writer, not specifically a horror writer.