This is the showrunner for Ms Marvel , the world’s first Muslim super hero

Say some nice things about her

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Other urls found in this thread:

If she got a nose job then she'd be a real QT

I was thinking. Why does this woman hate white people so much? Then I realized. White people's prosperity made her fat.

>1st muslim Marvel superhero
>a woman

oh boy...

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How would she defeat a supervillain who is also a pig?

Looks like an absolute unit.

Who the fuck is the trans/woman/man or whatever the thing is?

>The world’s first Muslim superhero
But Omar exists

All she needs is some hair dye and boom: she'd be the perfect Miss Piggy for Disney's inevitable live action Muppet Movie reboot

Se parece al señor Barriga pero con peluca.

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Well, she is each day closer to her death by old age. That is a positive thing.

That's not even close to being true.

Well, it's going to be a shitty series, what a big surprise.

>ms marvel
her name is kamala khan, not carol susan jane danvers.
muslims steal so much in real life that they cannot help but steal even in fiction too

Are you KKK?

>Say some nice things about her
Maybe she'll have a vague clue about the source material.
Maybe she won't turn out to be a second-rate writer let loose on a project she's out of her depth woth?
Maybe she won't just use the show/character/setting as mere window dressing for an agenda push so hard it'll puke rainbows.

Why the fuck isn't G. Willow Wilson writing this? Sure she's an overweight converted muzzie apologist who can only see the bad things around as most ess-jay-dubs do - but at least she can write.

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She is the showrunner for Ms Marvel , the world’s first Muslim super hero.

>if you don't like my backwards religion, you're a militant
>something something fuck whitey
fuck off back to your local goat fucking convention

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Maybe Disney will actually give them a CGI budget that does her powers justice.

This should have been animated, period.

I am not a muslim.

Her face is too small for her head.

If you got a nose job you'd be a real qt

You're spewing major league crazy, dude.
I hate Islam and the other religions, but calling those people thieves just makes you sound like a nut.

>Why the fuck isn't G. Willow Wilson writing this?
We don't know if she's consulting, she probably is... Given that Sana Amanat *definitely* will want to be involved too. It's too early to say.

>first Muslim super hero
Uh, I think there's someone you're forgetting

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>An ugly ass brown bitch showrunner for a ugly ass brown bitch character.
Match made in heaven.

Isn't he Zoroastrian or something?

Despite my vitriol hatred towards brown people, Indians, Pakistanis, Muslims and Hindus, I will still try and enjoy your show because my love for the MCU outweighs my hated for those aforementioned people(though make no mistake, I HATE those people)

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nah, Algerian Muslim

She hasn’t blown up a huge group of children...yet.

Omar comin'

This is going to be Woke as Fuck and have nothing in common with the comic and you will like it.

Fucking Nazi's these days am I right /co?

Well a quick google search got me this on IMDB.
>Bisha K Ali is a screenwriter and stand up comedian known for her personal, political comedy. She was recently selected for BAFTA's 2018 Elevate programme. As a performer, Bisha is frequently heard on the Guilty Feminist podcast and she also co hosts the BBC Radio 4 podcast GrownUpLand. In 2012 she took part in the internationally acclaimed Royal Court Theatre's Young Writers' Programme.
She's done comedies, which is good for this type of show, seems like a nice person too.
Although, heh, apparently she deleted like 5,000 tweets before the D23 announcement. Take of that what you will.
I mean I'm not turned off or anything knowing all of this, and I'm buying D+ anyways so yeah, I'll see what she can offer.

Back to pol retard.

>Although, heh, apparently she deleted like 5,000 tweets before the D23 announcement. Take of that what you will.
Better than letting another Gunn scenario where a bunch of assholes dig whatever dirt they can on her and use it as weaponry. Good on her.

She may legit cry when Rogue fucking eats her baby.

>the world’s first Muslim super hero
What about Dust or Monet? I'm also pretty sure Simon Baz as a character is like 1-2 years older than her.

X-Men don't count.

Piss of you Paki

>world's first
I'm sorry, what?

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>the world’s first Muslim super hero

If some website actually made that title, sheesh. Even if they want to argue outside of comics, Dust was in a movie and cartoon first.

>world's first muslim superhero

We search for Deryabar, you say?

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Into. The. Trash.

Holy fuck a woman that's disgusting oh no no no no

bro she looks like my elementary school bully put on a wig

I don't know. She didn't say any nice things about me.

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Yes, a woman who is disgusting. That's what we said.

>the world’s first Muslim super hero
I'm not hip on my super hero religions. Is this actually true or is she "the world's first Muslim super hero" in the same manner that the media for some retarded reason called Silk "marvel's first asian superheroine"?

absolutamente basado

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This is one show where lesbian ending would actually be appropriate.

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But are you kkk?

>first Muslim super hero

It wasn't even that long ago. Why does everyone have such short memories?

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And Simon?

>Say some nice things about her
She's too old for Muhammad

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Is Black Adam a muslim?

If he worships anyone, it would be the gods that empower him.

>short memories
More like selective memories. Plus Marvel wants undeserved credit.

I expected her to be infinifat but she is only obese.


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I live wide noses, unless the nostrils are huge because it gives a youthful appearance

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I am worried about the show desu . Especially since the deleted tweets and hastags.

How did he know?

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SJW Containment the series.

Wake me up when Nejer will deal with something muslim themed for Disney

Grow up.

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>Yea Forums acting like they're sickened by chubby brown qts

Don't try to hide it Yea Forums, we know you want to stick your shishkebab in that haram porker.

What did he say?

Well if she dont have possiblity of having racist tweets which was deleted.

I thought he came after Kamala.

Regardless, it's hard to stand out when you're just another faceless grunt in a giant team. It's why nobody cares about anybody who came before Kamala.

Based spic chavo user


Before making another inane "herp derp Ms Marvel isn't the first Muslim superhero", did any of you stop to think that OP was baiting for replies and you all fell for it? No one called her the first Muslim superhero, maybe the one to get a series (which might be technically true), but I haven't seen this headline anywhere.

>No one called her the first Muslim superhero
Pretty sure all the news outlets were saying exactly that when Kamala was first introduced.

Okay then post one? Because I didn't see any of this, I think sites like Bounding into Comics were using her religion to bait for views but no one called her "the first".

>the world’s first Muslim super hero
Pretty sure there was a mutant that was a muslim that predates Kamala

Oh wait this is just another shitpost thread where people make fun of someone's appearance and dredge up negative facts about them from social media for petty, childish reasons. Facts don't matter

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Because facts don't matter when marketing something

Post at least one outlet calling her the first Muslim superhero then?

Never mind, just found one myself. Such retards.
Though it was the only one I found in three pages of search.

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Not that guy but:

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>Muslim American
Isn't that technically right, then? Keep in mind I posted the screenshot above you so I already admitted a handful didn't do any research, but still.

>love outweights hate
more like youve been brainwashed by the disneyjew

>more like youve been brainwashed by the disneyjew
Are you a neo-nazi?

Based TayTay (Momsen) poster.