Hey gang, I just ordered a Moon Knight action figure on a whim because I thought he looked cool. However, I have never read an issue of Moon Knight in my life, where do I start?
Tell me about your favorite Moon Knight series, and what made them so awesome?
Are there any extremely violent and extreme ones like Punisher MAX? I heard that Moon Knight was pretty violent.
Moon Knight Thread
The Huston one is his most brutal.
Best start is the 2014 one but stop when Ellis leave it, then read Moench OG one, skip the Fist and enter the Huston one.
>Meme Knight
"Hey, I'm a rich white men that kills and torturers people because I am "le crazy", look at me!"
Sounds cool, I'll read that one after I read the 2011 run!
Can’t wait till posts like this flood the board when Moon Knight becomes a house hold name
That user is doing this since 2 years though.
>casing on the bullet
>clearly a rifle round
It doesnt matter how many years have passed or how many times I've seen it, it still bugs me.
Fuck off, Tommy.
>Moon Knight is Jewish
Fuck yeah!
It's nice to get some representation.
Moon Knight does seem to have a hipster casual fan base though
I’m a Moon Knight fan but my two other favourite characters, Daredevil and Green Lantern-Hal Jordan, are mainstream. I wish he would stay niche because the popular fandoms can be cancer.
>Daredevil is mainstream
He can defeat Moonstone now, are you ready for the Moon Knight wank?
>forgetting about the Thing, Kitty Pryde, and DC's Ragman
>not using him to punch Ghost
Missed chance. Ghost Rider would have been the better opponent for Moonstone and MK could actually have hit Ghost.
It's Rosenberg. This should be the least of your concern regarding his writing.
If it looks white, its white.
Ghost Rider vs Ghost does make sense on the first glance but deeper knowledge on the matter could have lead to a more balanced battle.
Again it's Rosenberg.
In the same page Night Thrasher defeated Radioactive Man.
A team with Punisher, Punisher (Rachel), Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, Night Thrasher and Black Widow defeated an entire Hydra army, Moonstone, Ghost, Radioactive Man and Fixer (killed again), not to mention Zemo and Jigsaw as Paladin.
Who cares. It's ending with next issue and hopefully Rosenberg will fuck off Punisher.
>Netflix show that got it's dick sucked when it came out
IMO, Moon Knight has almost always been an artist showcase book. The fact that you were compelled to purchase some product based on his design alone speaks to this. Sienkiewicz, Stephen Platt, Mark Texiera, David Finch, Jerome Opeña, Declan Shalvey, Greg Smallwood. Hisost memorable runs have been visually compelling.
Modern writers Huston, Lemire and Bemis all played with mental instability to greater degrees than others, as a means of working out their own shit and also, to differentiate the character from similar properties.
Ymmv with the OG run and the intervening minis. Most scans are poor quality and the books have a general sensibility that marks them firmly of their time. They're great though, if you can handle that older style.
The 90's book doesn't have a ton going for it but it ran 50 something issues. Unheard of in this day & age.
Huston's run, with Finch art, established the modern basis for the character. It's grim and edgy.
Hurwitz, with Opeña art, was kinda zany but it looked great.
Ellis, with Shalvey art, is a decent 6 issue encapsulation of the character milieu told in single issue stories.
Lemire's run, with Smallwood on art, was compelling visually and in terms of plot and I found emotionally satisfying.
Bemis' sucked shit except for the introduction of a couple neat new villains.
Shalvey was good aside from that though. He's just some dumb Irishman, course he doesn't know anything about guns. But him and Bellaire made the book look incredible. The issue with the ghosts was fantastic.
I liked the second volume of the 2014 run too. It was weaker than Ellis', true; but still enjoyable. And it had Smallwood's first work in the character as the penciler, and he was definitely the highest highlight in the 2016 run.
Which, btw, it's a good run (Lemire's), and also a nice recomm if OP get'sto read previous, older material before that.
It's Moon Knight. He gets to do stupidly impossible stuff like that.
Sometimes, one wonders if he really isn't a god himself and he's not aware.
Moench work is pretty good, if you enjoy pulp writing, which I do. It's very atmospheric, and also catchs you to follow the plot (and it has plot). It reads like the Shadow pulps.
And fucking Magneto.
Also, Bemis' introduced his daughter, that can bring some interesting stories if a writes knows how to pull them (think of John Constantine's nieces in Hellblazer, for example).
Just read the Monech run (Moon Knight V1 #1-38).
See. This is why we need to finally get Jewish creators in comics. There's just no representation of Jewish creators in the industry.
I can't ever get over the original Moench/Sienkwicz run. It's just got something that allures me. It's part comfy bronze age superhero hi-jinks and part horror story.
There are handguns that shoot .223 which is a rifle round. The one in AR15s, so not that unrealistic if he wants a gun that shoots a really powerful round.
I saw a bit of bemis' run and kind of liked it, if only because it did a comedic spin on moon knight. It was a nice contrast to the grim edginess of how he's usually portrayed. still, the humor was pretty hit and miss, and everything else was pretty bad.
well I mean Magneto has "being Jewish and pissed off" as his entire personality so it's not much
Has had long running solos basically his whole existence.
Got a movie before Iron Man, F4, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, Green Lantern, the Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and many many more.
Got a TV show to, and a very well reviewed and popular one at that. Daredevil has been mainstream for more than a decade m8.
Don't forget: TMNT was primarily a Daredevil parody when it started out.
this art is ass