ITT: Yea Forums Cursed Images

Dead Baby Smurf edition

Attached: jokes aside, i thought the guy who made this harmed kids irl.png (550x517, 453K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How about no

Attached: 21DF47A3-9261-423A-BC09-15C18982BF78.png (373x326, 137K)

post fluffies already

Attached: ww0IvVH.jpg (1992x3424, 1.16M)

Attached: 1541659610538.jpg (1000x782, 304K)


This is just great.

>smurf abuse

Oh boy.

Attached: 1556149480998.jpg (730x3240, 820K)

I don't get it

Attached: 1564694929067.png (670x629, 424K)

Otis the male cow is so bizarre. There's even a bull in the movie, as if the makers thought bulls and cows were different species on top of male cows giving milk.

Attached: giggity.png (504x451, 172K)

Attached: ertyuioyipolwefrtgykosefrtgyji.jpg (720x718, 146K)

It was a heart warming story about triumph over tragedy. Change my mind.

Attached: image.jpg (985x811, 220K)

Attached: 1545456103128.png (890x781, 54K)

Attached: 1566536629200.jpg (1600x1200, 288K)

This reminds me of those comics where they abused deformed ponys. I don't know the name but it was terrible. That was cursed.

Featuring Star Butterfly.

Just about every picture in this guy's gallery can be considered cursed.

Attached: Cursed Image 1.jpg (1024x576, 58K)

Attached: 1536711827975.png (800x600, 119K)

Attached: 1563872503673.jpg (600x330, 37K)

Stitch is well made for an MS paint drawing but godamn! Lilo and their baby abomination are disturbing.

I'll spoiler it this time since it seemed to piss so many people off the last time.

Attached: second panel chest.jpg (313x313, 24K)

>i remembered the great smurf war of 2003
>i barely survived


>all the pictures of Brian on the wall

>that page where ellie fingers herself at the mall with her friends watching
jesus christ ellie, get a hold of yourself


Please tell me this isn't a thing.

that supposed to be rocko?

It is.

It is.

Imagine being in space for 20 years, then coming back and discovering this is your legacy.


That one isn't dead. You tease.

You are like a little baby. Watch this.

Attached: Bones.jpg (1648x868, 381K)

Horrifying but I’ve seen it before

You know what I don't understand? Why is it people keep downsizing images they save? It seems like in the past few years people have gone out of their way to keep making images smaller and smaller and smaller. The text there is barely legible, is that the same size of the image when you first downloaded it? Did you grab it from here? I've seen it posted before and it was much larger, I didn't have to zoom into a blurry mess to read the punchline the first time. Is automatically downsizing images an undocumented feature new phones have to save space?

imagine you're just chilling in the afterlife and your soul is pulled back to earth because your body has been disturbed.
You think it's just graverobbers or something and you come face to face with something much worse

Fluffy abuse, thanks for reminding me goddamnit.

Sometimes when I download something it gets smaller. NOT because I save a thumbnail. Not sure why. Let's try this.

Attached: oh god oh god oh god.jpg (898x1216, 185K)

See that was 1.45mb back when I saved it. Fucking weird.

yet fascinating

What device/internet browser are you using?

Finally I can post this

Attached: pregnant-batman-moon-superman1.jpg (500x651, 76K)

Just fuck my shit up.

Attached: 19056 - abuse anus artist_shadysmarty big_poopies_bag butthole drowning explicit fluffydash hasbio p (1000x2500, 813K)

I'm at work and using my phone. Chrome browser with no ads.

so this is the Snyder cut, huh?


Attached: HORY SHITU.jpg (960x540, 49K)

yeah I figured it was a phone thing. Super limited storage and people always taking pictures at obscene resolutions with cameras that have no business capturing images so large. It makes sense to secretly downsize images when you're moving around 2592x3872 pixel photographs. I installed an extra hard drive into my mom's computer just to store the photos she takes for work

Yeah I rarely take photos with this thing. My old one slowed to a crawl because of storage fuckery.

its plastic dude

this is unholy
d-do people jack it to this stuff? or do they just draw it for their own enjoyment?
I don't know which is worse

Still creepy.

Attached: 1446875987201.jpg (900x671, 127K)

Fluffies. They've got a website. Bunch of psychos

last time i checked, fluffy abuse is just made by brony haters and stuff.

now that's some dead breath, if you know what i mean

Attached: huffs.jpg (640x445, 26K)

please don't tell me he's using an actual two piece bathing suit on that disgusting corpse of a doll

This is like Yea Forums version of Fluffy ponies

this is worse than fluffies because Smurfs are more humanoid

Attached: vore.png (1547x726, 123K)

Attached: cropped 9.png (410x776, 300K)

Fluffy abuse is part cute rage, part shared worldbuilding, part just general sadistic urges.

There will be always some kind of this shit around in a hidden corner of the internet, be it yukkari/fluffy abuse/smurf abuse/monkey abuse or whatever with varying amounts of autism baggage. Fluffies are even one of the more benign ones because it actually has a hugbox part where people just draw the creatures being pet and shit and write stories about inexplicably rich dudes just being responsible breeders.

>I came out to my family that I’m into anal vore
That’s my new catchphrase.

I love this because I hate Baby Smurf

Attached: dedge bell teens.jpg (1260x945, 864K)

Goddammit I thought I was free from these things. McGonagall was the best artist out of everyone.

Attached: magow.png (398x424, 184K)

>Mentally unstable blonde named Ellie
this post ripped open a wide scar. Thanks, user. Now I need to drink

Attached: 1837E4EE-DBF4-45C5-B274-B84F6EC2B80F.jpg (1234x1200, 202K)

Thanks for posting a classic! I have no idea what he was expecting. Does he realize people usually don't share their porn folders with their family?

the placement of a random remington 870 shotgun really elevates this

just out of curiosity can you explain the image you replied to

Well, thats also why fluffies hit the ball out of the park compared to the other minor torture fandoms. Not only they managed to cannibalize the excellently designed MLP assets but also got some really good artists onboard early on.

Guy tortures small animals to death. Well drawn. Scottish accent.

He is a character in the fluffy community
Proceed with caution

So where can I read this haha

I fucking wish I could forget the many months i spent in fluffy threads
based taste though

Attached: 1566845708562.jpg (306x326, 19K)

I've been clean for 2 years.

>post yfw you draw better than this Moviebob rip off

Attached: IMAG0176.jpg (4224x3136, 3.86M)

Fluffies are still alive and well on /trash/. Well not really but you know what I mean.

Attached: Moooooooo.jpg (453x671, 111K)

Better than a literal hospice patient. Well done user, I'm sure your mother is proud of you and your career is going gangbusters with plenty 'a pussy on tap.

some of these can get creative...

Attached: easter_egg1.png (1024x768, 330K)

I wasted many months as well.

MagosBiologis was a fucking trip

Is this for Children?

Attached: 1566886633469.jpg (1160x652, 232K)

Off to a good start.

so you're telling me there's a whole subculture about this shit?

Attached: 1566124339913.jpg (540x398, 44K)

>Better than a literal hospice patient
Wait what

>mfw I had entire gigabytes of fluffy content (now deleted and nuked)
>mfw saddened by many unfinished torture webcomics
>mfw I made countless fluffy threads on Yea Forums. I remembering always making new threads after the old ones reached bump or image limit
>mfw I was there during the war against Chokobro and countless other anti-fluffy anons
>mfw I was there when fluffies were exiled to the /trash/
>mfw this is how I discovered /trash/
>mfw pillowfluffs are partially responsible for giving me my quad-amputee fetish
Those were some very dark months for me as well. Nay, it was an entire year.

My favorites were McGonigall, Wolfram Sparks, and Carpdime

Attached: be patient.jpg (900x900, 193K)

Attached: what fucking cunts.jpg (600x878, 491K)

Terrible things can happen to a smurf.

Attached: snickers.gif (1000x909, 474K)

I always think this is a picture of the Nostalgia Critic.

Attached: candyland.gif (499x380, 280K)

Can I just up and castrate the men who make this.
Like all of them.

Go on...

Attached: full.jpg (750x1200, 316K)

That's some tasty suffering

Attached: 1490153678112.jpg (300x400, 17K)

Whatever happened to the guy who made the smurf abuse pictures? Did he just disappear from the internet?

Attached: foot.jpg (1278x830, 358K)

what the fuck

Attached: fucking-shattered.png (589x446, 139K)

This is autism irony?

Attached: 1546621314237.jpg (997x900, 75K)

Pretty sure that's a trollpost.

some people just lack a conscience

Attached: weewee.jpg (480x360, 13K)

how did the blanket get in there? how did he die?

Attached: buzz_lightyear.jpg (500x620, 70K)

Attached: gamkat_babby_emma____by_stick_out_production-d7kalhe.jpg (540x540, 58K)

A classic.

Attached: demented.gif (1036x3182, 391K)

>We're smarter than men
>Much more reliable
No, emotions hinder women's performance in doing tasks
>We also trust each other more
Uh, no. Women are quite petty and emotional.
>We're much more attractive than guys are
Was this drawn by a lesbian? Who the fuck calls their own gender attractive?
>We don't smell bad
>Take showers regularly
>Aren't sexist pigs
What is Feminism
>More mature
Mature earlier, yes. But that's about it.
Is this a fucking joke? The whole comic is quite the opposite of "modest"
>Brush teeth

I don’t know what’s worse, the Rocko doll tied to the chair, the gun that’s just lying around in the corner, the wall that’s completely covered in screenshots of Brian Griffin, or the fact that the username is called ‘mattmurderface.’

Attached: may i see it.jpg (1200x943, 114K)

Attached: 2350769 - Larry_the_Cucumber Pickle_Rick Rick_Sanchez Rick_and_Morty Shadman VeggieTales crossover.j (800x1098, 310K)

>Was this drawn by a lesbian?
Lol, you don't even know.
It's a fat fucker called Andrew Dobson.

If it weren't for Dobby's well-documented love of feminism, I'd assume this comic was one giant pisstake making fun of feminists. Like, the "Aren't sexist pigs!" part reads like it should be self-aware humor, but it isn't.

>how did he die?


Attached: smurf.jpg (481x693, 227K)


Attached: elmo.jpg (640x480, 109K)

Attached: 70338670.jpg (1200x935, 327K)

The gif I have hidden is a dog that has a secondary mouth in its ear. It has teeth and it drools.

I have been morbidly fascinated by this every since I discovered it...

Attached: tumblr_pmy297GGuU1qga4pio1_500.gif (500x500, 2.51M)

This is the kind of shit I fear the FBI would arrest me for.

Attached: NO.gif (500x281, 1.48M)


Attached: AHHHHHHHHH.jpg (342x342, 9K)

Attached: bambi.jpg (268x188, 12K)

what the fuck

I think it's more that when he revealed his inflation fetish to that GF and she dumped him, he suddenly went "I AM MAN AND THEREFORE WRONG!" and made this.

W-what happened to Snickers

I like this.


Watching all this shit just give me the feeling of logging into that smurf forum and start uploading more explict torture just to piss the faggot who made this

here's another vid of the mouthear dog

Ok, it's time.

Attached: This is a Junji Ito reference?.png (555x544, 214K)

I hate the smurfs. Who else here wants to cleanse the earth of those blue valley-freaks?

same here I'm so confused. The smurf torture explains it but I'm surprised it took me this long to learn about 'fluffies'

Attached: flabbergasted spinel.png (640x360, 175K)

mm teratoma

Attached: teratoma.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Attached: 1552344941591.png (92x154, 33K)

Attached: cyst.jpg (1024x576, 114K)

Delete this now

Attached: spinel it sickens me.png (640x360, 282K)

You know damn well its not.

At least spoil that shit.

Attached: onlythedead.jpg (719x540, 196K)

Wonderfully designed by a loving god

Attached: perfect world.jpg (705x631, 68K)

formerly empty

This is cursed because it's from a show that people
actually think is good.

Attached: crap.jpg (1280x719, 169K)

What did I do to you to deserve this?


Attached: Dale crying in the shower.jpg (640x480, 195K)

>Fetiform teratoma was a parthenogenetic tumor arising from a mature ovum

>The aim of this study was to investigate the parthenogenetic origin of fetiform teratoma by using molecular genetic studies and methylation status analyses. A fetiform teratoma was removed from a 35-year-old nulligravida woman. Genotyping of microsatellite marker loci, microarray analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci and methylation status analysis of the differentially methylated region (DMR) within the human IGF2-H19 locus were performed. Karyotypes of the host and the fetiform teratoma were 46, XX. The fetiform teratoma was homozygous at all loci and meiotic recombinations in the tumor were confirmed by SNP microarray analysis. Methylation analysis indicated that the host had both methylated and unmethylated IGF2-H19 DMR alleles, while the fetiform teratoma had unmethylated alleles only. Genetically, the fetiform teratoma had homozygous genotypes with meiotic recombination and a duplicated unmethylated host allele, indicating that it was a parthenogenetic tumor arising from a mature ovum after meiosis II. This is the first demonstration of a fetiform teratoma originating from a mature haploid ovum.

Literal virgin birth mutant tumor baby

The Blood Moon rises, it will be a long hunt tonight.

Attached: bloodborne-winter lanterns.jpg (1024x682, 93K)

i cant even begin to guess what that is

The article


A tumor baby

Attached: Chibi_doom.jpg (720x900, 88K)

damn user
never got so far as the amputee fetish. got out early before that happened but it def did awaken something after just reading the threads on b. starts out as morbid curiosity and then you get stuck in it. the great art doesn't help either.
hope you doin okay now

Attached: Nic_Cage_the_hedgehog.jpg (700x492, 28K)

Attached: 1514578176141.png (729x867, 292K)

Attached: spider-man-learns-norman-osborn-and-gwen-stacy-slept-together-4.jpg (872x1365, 958K)

>Batman vs Superman II: Mistakes Into Miracles

Attached: True_Detective_Pikachu.jpg (1217x890, 44K)

Attached: CANT WAKE UP.png (131x339, 44K)

Attached: marmaduke.jpg (1072x1170, 311K)

This thread is beyond cursed. What the actual fuck is wrong with some of you people.

I read it in her voice

Attached: 911.png (944x679, 35K)

Attached: louis_armstrong.gif (337x250, 802K)

>they're waterboarding Smurfs

Attached: FB_IMG_1567395249299.jpg (400x400, 26K)

The world we live in is pretty good evidence against a creator.

>the video
>the comments
You're shitting me