Brazilian Mayor Blasts Marvel, Orders Police 'Sweep' of Young Avengers Book

What Yea Forums thinks about The Children’s Crusade?

"It wasn’t until Wednesday of this week that Rio de Janeiro’s councilman Alexandre Isquierdo took the tribune to blast against Marvel’s “coward attempt to propagate homosexuality amongst our children,” while simultaneously stating that this outrage was not homophobic. On Thursday, Sept. 5th, Mayor Crivella, through the Secretary of Municipal Public Order (SEUP) ordered that the organizers of the Bienal do Livro should immediately remove every volume of the Avengers: The Children’s Crusade from every stand, or risk arrest and loss of their license. The same afternoon, Rio's City Hall dispatched municipal guards to carry out the sweeping. However, after briefly talking with the organizers of the Bienal do Livro, the agents left the premises."

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Is there anyone who doesn't hate these two though?

Isn't this book 10 years old?

I too think we shouldn't inject adult themes like homosexuality into children's media. Do kids really need to know about it so early

Yes, but only now arrived in Brazil

>however, after briefly talking with the organizers of the Bienal do Livro, the agents left the premises.
Holy fuck this is amazing comedy

the only reason why you'd possibly be scared is if you think sexuality isn't immutable and you're worried about the Corruption Of Your Children by outside stimuli might make them anything less than the idealization of your child you have in your head.
fact of the matter is that sexuality is like, 40% heritable and 60% environment or whatever.
the truth of the matter is that your child shouldn't have to be held to your standards as a parent. parents should be 'guiding points', but nothing about your rules be a strong stake in the ground that you can't go past. prioritizing freedom to explore is important.

Pandering to evangelicals is all a brazilian political figure needs to do nowadays to be popular. How so you think a congressman as garbage as Bolsonaro becomes president?

Everytime their popularity takes a hit, they do something "totally not homophobic" against gays and please the evangelical retards.

>Do kids really need to know about it so early
What age group is even reading these comics.

45 year old men.

that's dc

>"Works dedicated to children and adolescents that contain stories or scenes of homotransexualism, when apparently conveyers of stories that traditionally do not contain such an approach, such as those of heroes, mislead the reader and their guardians, failing the duty of loyalty to who has the right to free expression and, in this sense, to choose their reading or that of their children, so that, beyond the seal, they should warn of the respective content"

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They're catholics vro and the pope submitted to LGBT a long time ago.

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>Brazil knows how to deal with degenerates
>USA keeps sucking cock

Isn't the brazilian president evangelist or something?

>Far from blaming the transsexual or homosexual behavior of any human, which would set the heinous crime of racism, the law and the exercise of Municipal Posture policy''e power in the sense that his artistic portrayal should be subject to PACKAGE OF ITS WORK WITH SEAL AND PRIOR WARNING IN THE CASE OF INFANYL AND ADOLESCENT PUBLIC

Actually, 65% are catholics and 22% are evangelicals

I thought the one on the right was a chick.

Young Avengers isn't for kids.Hell, even taking all the gay shit away, you have drug themes in the first volume. depression topics in both Chidren's Crusade and the second volume. Allusion to rape in the special issue. A woman and a man in a post sex conversation in the second volume. Whoever thinks YA is for children should be beaten to death with a stick.

So children should have porn, too.

unironically they already do. i don't understand. they have phones. they can look how to get around your parental controls. they can do whatever the fuck they want with their phone after that.

Don't talk about shit you don't know, not only there are lots of VERY reactionary sectors within the catholic church and population, evangelical neopentecostalism has been on the rise for years in Brazil and the mayor in question is quite literally an evangelic preacher.
Even if we ignore how comics as a whole aren't for kids (and this is something that, as a brazilian, I grew up knowing, that there were comics for me and for the "older kids" and adults and so on), those paperbacks are expensive as fuck and clearly aimed at older collectors. If we ALSO ignore that, the average price for a monthly big two floppy in Brazil is something like 15 bucks? (they usually contain 3 to 5 american floppies), while the Disney and Monica's Gang comics are 4 bucks (at least they were, last time I checked).
Kids don't have the money (or the interest) in big two, younger ones will read the above mentioned titles and licensed stuff like Ben 10 or SU and early teen ones will read whatever fotm manga is currently being published.
At least since the 2000s, the brazilian big two reader is at least 16, in some sort of apprenticeship, because that shit is expensive as fuck to follow and collect.

>What Yea Forums thinks about The Children’s Crusade?
It was pretty based until the transport ships to the Holy Land were actually slavers' galleys. Everything took a ugly turn then.

>Young Avengers isn't for kids.

It's all the same thing to old politicians with rotting brains.

Not if I don't allow it. Kids might be smarter, but they're still kids.

what does this mean? because they are kids they must be in boxes separated from the broader world?

Catholics on Brazil are completelly chill. They go to the church on the sundays and listen to gospel music. They don't give a fuck about gays or about African religions. They don't get into politics.

The evangelicals are the problem. There's an evangelic church every 100 meters. They bully those who follow African religions. They attack everything they consider blasphemous (you should see how they reacted to "Good Omens"). And they get into politics. Half of our politicians are pastors, Crivella included.

The few LGBT rights Brazil have, they jave thanks to the Supreme Court that interprets our constitution in a rather progressist way. Our mayors, governors and congressmen are all crazy evangelicals.

How old are you my dude, in earnest. Because when I was like 10, on a shitty dial up connection in Brazil with barely any knowledge of english (and keep in mind every search mecanism and OS was in english back then) I could still pirate Playboy, Penthouse and similar shit, and that was 18 years ago.

>Not if I don't allow it.

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That's literally what you're supposed to do.
Kids shouldn't be confronted with the real world and all the horrors it brings all at once.
You let them grow in a box, of which you increase the size bit by bit.

>Not if I don't allow it.

Are you serious, nigga?

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>However, the organizers of the Bienal refused to comply with the mayor's order, firstly because it went against their values, but mostly because the volume in question sold out two days before the order arrived

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It isn't the responsibility of anyone to spread their identitarian beliefs and expect every culture to accept them. The ideology of the west isn't the ultimate ideology. Other nations of the world shouldn't be held to the same moral standards as California or Portland, because as you and yours believe, morality is relative.

This is a book where a teenage girl gets murdered.
Two people kissing is the last of your worries.

Queer people existing isnt an identitarian belief, its a fact of life. Not to mention that based on your post you dont seem particularly familiar with brazilian culture either.

ok, but when i think of "the real world" in what people normally mean when they say it, they mean the cynical mindset one develops upon entering the workforce or confronting the fact the world is difficult to change for the better. they don't normally mean sexuality.
and even when they do mean sexuality, this notion is incongruent with the fact that any adult that you speak to will be able to remember their sexual awakening and the various people in their lives they were attracted to.
in other words, we can easily shield children from the 'horrors of the real world' if that means the malaise that one develops while working every day as an adult. however, you can't 'turn off' sexuality. it will develop, no matter what, unless you are an asexual person.

it's precisely because morality is relative that we shouldn't necessarily push our own beliefs on our children as a moral imperative. i'm 100% in agreement with you. my last sentence in the quoted post shows that i agree with you, i think. people should be able to discover their own meaning to life and their own understanding of what is right.

>The few LGBT rights

Both things are bad, user.

>Queer people existing isnt an identitarian belief
The normalization of the gay lifestyle is an identitarian belief. To claim that they are a number large enough to repeatedly appear in entertainment media is an identitarian belief. You exist, therefore it means we should turn Ice Man gay? Where is the logic there?

Why has this rise of the far right in America, the UK, Brazil, etc. so clearly lead to nothing but embarrassment and incompetence?

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i do realize i should expand on my response to though. even though i am an extreme proponent of freedom to develop in whatever way someone wishes, i acknowledge that living in a society like the west will indubitably place within you certain values. it's not like islamic cultures get a fair shake in america or anything like that.

>To claim that they are a number large enough to repeatedly appear in entertainment media is an identitarian belief.
that's correct. but this is a matter that is not related to "pushing ideas on the children", rather this entire thing is a reaction to the increasing normalization of homosexuality and the desire for more homosexuality in media. there is perhaps a side effect of children being corrupted in this way, but children are often used a proxy in these discussions to hide the speaker's own distaste in gay politics and preference for its removal.

Good for Brazil. Time for these pedos to get back in the closet.

>Both things are bad, user.
"it makes me feel icky" is not the same thing as "it is bad", user

Very few.

They can marry (under a rain of shit throw by the evangelicals) and can adopt a child (under a rain of shit throw by the evangelicals), but that's about it.

And they can only do that because the Supreme Court decided a few years ago that the constitution didn't forbid it. There are no "pro-gays" laws here. What we have is a SC that destroy the dozens of anti-gays laws our congressmen try to pass every month.

Brazil is a country ruled by neopentescotal evangelical churchs.

>user is having another tantrum about gay people

Based fuck gays and trannies.

>but children are often used a proxy in these discussions to hide the speaker's own distaste in gay politics and preference for its removal.
That tends to be the case from time to time true, but the hidden intention behind the argument doesn't negate the stated point about children. The more that abstract or abnormal lifestyles become normalized, the more we as humans continue to push the envelope to further extremes with each new generation. Such behavior is in the nature of civilizations.


Does it specifically bring up this book or are creators spinning it as hard as possible for sales?

Pretty based to be honest

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i don't disagree. its likely that more people identify as nonbinary right now than in any civilization in the past. i don't necessarily see this further extremism as a problem though, or at least it has no innate moral value to me.

i am under the impression that a lot of people who might be 'faddishly' getting on board with lgbt identity are doing it cuz of the prevalence of the social discourse, and that this could be mitigated by a sort of non-toxic by liberal standards form of masculinity and femininity appearing. people might flock to identifying as these extremese because outwardly it appears that it is more Okay to be a nonbinary person than a normal man in terms of the moral assumptions some people make about you.

Stop trying to sound like a moral crusader for multiculturalism, Brazil is a huge fucking country, on my state alone you couldn't find a definition of a single national culture, let alone in the whole fucking nation (and before you try to accuse me of relativism, this is quite literally a problem that's been plaguing brazilian intelligentsia for the better part of the last 200 years, "how exactly do we speak of brazilian culture if most brazilians barely know anything outside of their own microregion?").
If you knew brazilian culture, you'd know this and you'd also know we have a steady and constant (despite the sudden reactionary boom of the last years) tradition of androgynous, homosexual, transexual and so on of artists.
I mean, I know you're probably some retarded burger who thinks "America" ends in Rio Grande, but as a whole, there are far less differences than you think between the former colonies, and our moderate, non politically involved population ranges from "burn those faggots" to "yeah they're ok let them get married and get kids and whatever".
Hell, my mom kinda holds both positions at the same time.

>Not if I don't allow it
Kids aren't as stupid as you think.

I thought gay marriage was legal in Brazil?

That country is also so full of trannies.

>the only reason why you'd possibly be scared
opinion discarded

>"it makes me feel icky"
This is the underlying motivation behind every Leftist opinion in regard to social issues. It fuels their movements and their judgement of other people.

My personal belief about homosexuality is irrelevant. Even if I liked it, I would hope that I still understood that normalizing it isn't doing our culture any favors. Extending the boundaries of what is culturally acceptable only perpetuates future extremes. As the boundary widens and weakens, you will eventually see a push for more outlandish lifestyles to become normal. And it's something we can see today with opinions toward pedophilia.

>the only reason why you'd possibly be scared is if you think sexuality isn't immutable

Seeing as people here constantly turn gay or get weird shitty fetishes that cripple their autistic selves for life, and seeing as there's studies showing sexuality can in fact be radically changed by environmental factors and even social pressure, yeah.

Sexuality is far too complicated to assume some things can never be harmful. And sometimes, science will side with traditionalism and conservativism.

Because it's the right, they always do this.

Yes, but read this

Brazilian morality user.

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Fuck the pope and fuck the Vatican, Catholics have been abandoned by their own clergy in places like China where they've literally allowed godless communists to appoint pro-government cardinals in place of the church, AND EVEN TO EDIT AND REWRITE THE BIBLE.

As if pride parades, gay shit like shoving dildos up your ass, and tranny shit like chopping off your dick and then killing yourself when you finally realize you fucked up aren't some of the biggest embarrassments in existence

i actually concede the point you're making at the very next sentence. i've seen the very same study that you have. it's certainly doing the rounds.

and in conceding this point that you can environmentally have an effect on your child's sexuality, i follow up by saying it's not your right as a parent to necessarily push your child in any which way as a hard rule. as much as possible i would like children to be able to think for themselves on what their desires or inner feelings are while separated from what other people tell you your feelings should be.

every single moral claim from any side is all about feelings and personal axioms. this goes for your right wing morality too of course. your entire stance and the reason you have it is developed from some axiom that is probably unfalsifiable.

>Stop trying to sound like a moral crusader for multiculturalism, Brazil is a huge fucking country, on my state alone you couldn't find a definition of a single national culture, let alone in the whole fucking nation

I get that there's gray areas and exceptions to every political point that can be made. No group of people agree on every single social issue. I never meant to imply that. But if a nation's leader says "no" to a certain issue, then it is what it is. It's not in my power to shame that belief or to change it. I don't live in Brazil. I'm not going to insert myself into your politics, and neither should a gay supporting Lefty who lives here with me.

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it has both the biggest amount of sexual degenerates and bible thumpers of any country of the world

>Chief Inspector says he only found 'many books' at Rio Biennale

"This Friday (6), inspectors and the undersecretary of operations of the Municipal Secretariat of Public Order, Colonel Wolney Dias, who is a former commander of the Military Police, circulated among children and adolescents attending the event to look for children's books that supposedly have pornographic content"

"At 2:15 pm, when the visit was officially closed, Dias was asked if he had found anything at the Biennial. "Lots of books", answered"

"According to the city, no pornographic book suitable for minors was found. There are also no new visits scheduled for the event."

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>follow up by saying it's not your right as a parent to necessarily push your child in any which way as a hard rule. as much as possible i would like children to be able to think for themselves on what their desires or inner feelings are while separated from what other people tell you your feelings should be.

A parent should at least attempt to raise their child in a way that lets them grow up with a healthy sexual life and relationships, even if that means imposing heterosexuality on them until there's no doubt it isn't just a normal confusion. It's their duty. I don't think there should be like, gay conversion therapy, but when you have people pushing gender reasignment on children under the age of 12 you know you've gone too far.

statistically most teenagers who claim to be gay or trans, like 80%, actually grow out of it by the time they're 20. You simply cannot respect the identity and orientation of someone who is still developing, it's all subject to change.

It was a fucking mayor of a town in such a state of crisis that kids are being taught how to dodge fucking police fire. The infrastructure is gone to shit, there are multiple tax evasion scandals, police brutality is reaching civil war leves, and yet this faggot is worried about fucking Wiccan and his skrull boytoy whose name I forgot.
Stop being such a complacent faggot, I bet you'd be up in arms if some anime boobs were cut off from some retarded jrpg and yet you're defending literal state intervention towards what i assume is your hobby.

There's even overlap between both, the dude in the fucking bikini is a (somewhat extreme) right wing candidate for city councillor in my town.
I was raised amongst gays, I had gay teachers, I went to fucking art school and yet not only am I straight, I'm one of the few straight people in my immediate group of friends and most of them had far more repressive and reactionary upbringings than I had.
Just like you talk about those weird fetishes that people "create", it's more about finding something about you that you didn't know up until now than being indocrinated into whatever.

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>not using based Clodovil as an example

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>tfw you'll never have a mansion with a toilet in a veranda where you can shit watching the sea
also lmaoing at Marco Feliciano, that bitch ain't fooling anyone with his plucked eyebrows

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>even if that means imposing heterosexuality on them until there's no doubt it isn't just a normal confusion.
Yeah because that has NEVER caused any problems whatsoever.

>statistically most teenagers who claim to be gay or trans, like 80%, actually grow out of it by the time they're 20.
would love to see the stats on this.
but yes i of course agree that children are very volatile in their sexual development. though i reject your notion that heterosexuality is the only healthy and 'normal' type that ought to be pushed. this is clearly dependent on the place you live. if being gay is treated no differently than being straight, or is relatively close to being treated the same in some locality, then i see no real issue with letting a kid explore the possibility of non-heteroness.
and yeah, acknowledging that child sexuality and identity is super volatile means acknowledging that making permanent HRT related changes to a child during their volatile development stage is possibly a disaster. i don't think many would disagree with this take who are reasonable.
but really, for sexualities that don't involve sexual reassignment surgery or whatever i see basically no issue allowing a child to expore these possibilities provided it is safe to do so. it's only not safe to do so right now because some groups will actively punish you for being a certain way. i reject the idea that relationships between boy/boy or girl/girl are more harmful than boy/girl at a young age and reject the idea that these relationships are any less 'healthy' than straight ones. unless you strictly are talking about like, diseases you can only get by buttfucking or something.

>would love to see the stats on this.
i meant study. of course you already stated the stats.

and you know what, I don't mean to go on another anti-first world diatribe here, but as a staunch leftist I agree, HRT treatment shouldn't be administered to children, but again, this only seem to happen in either Scandinavia or the US.
As far as Scandinavia goes, I'm not completely aware about their society and usual beliefs, but the norwegian dudes I met a while ago where all normal, well rounded people. But americans, americans are retarded and will fuck up anything. Just as it's retarded to enforce your own views on sexuality on a kid as a right wing bible belter, it's retarded to do the same if you're a progressive pinko.
But then, and again, I don't wanna go on another first world rant but sometimes it's unavoidable, this is the sort of thing that neoliberalism promotes in order to draw attention away from more pressing and serious matters, like the crisis economy neoliberals impose in the world, the growing age gap and so on.

here's one, i'm sure i've seen another study along the same lines and some published by a treatment clinic, but i can't remember the keywords to finding it.

>But americans, americans are retarded and will fuck up anything.
And this is the source of this problems. The civilized world where handling well the tolerance and aproach to minorities until the muricans exported their "cultural war" overseas.

see, we're agreed. the issue is capital and society. and of course it is not your place as a parent to push upon sexuality onto your children. i have no particular issue with someone pushing politics more broadly to a child's questions of Why are things this way? but it's not your place really to decide their sexuality, as that's at least 40% out of your control.
a shitton of the impetus for kids to consider themselves nonbinary or trans right now is unrelated to genuine having of gender dypshoria but rather because of its hotness as a topic right now in the discourse. i think if this topic dies down kids won't have as much of an interest in it and won't be potentially making a mistake.

Precisely. The racial discourse in Brazil in particular got so fucked up by american retardedness that a lot of activists I knew simply dropped out. Like the whole "clearer skin" thing, while there are discussions to be had in that area, the way brazilian society dealt with mestizos and mixed-race kids since it's collonial days is far removed from the way it developped in the US (thankfully, desu)

Because it's a movement filled with morons. They eschew education and knowledge in favor of might and 'leadership'. They're also the biggest snowflakes on the planet.

>a shitton of the impetus for kids to consider themselves nonbinary or trans right now is unrelated to genuine having of gender dypshoria but rather because of its hotness as a topic right now in the discourse. i think if this topic dies down kids won't have as much of an interest in it and won't be potentially making a mistake.

i have a link for that actually

And for good measure

ok, i'd like to say that this study link says
>On the subject of treating children, however, as the World Professional Association for Transgender Health notes in their latest Standards of Care, gender dysphoria in childhood does not inevitably continue into adulthood, and only 6 to 23 percent of boys and 12 to 27 percent of girls treated in gender clinics showed persistence of their gender dysphoria into adulthood. Further, most of the boys' gender dysphoria desisted, and in adulthood, they identified as gay rather than as transgender.
which i don't think is the same as
>statistically most teenagers who claim to be gay or trans, like 80%, actually grow out of it by the time they're 20.
because the altter implies that gay people grow out of their gayness. rather, the study says that trans people can grow out of their perceived dyshporia over time and become gay.
makes you feel bad as homosexual man, there are plenty of very attractive young men who become trans who don't necessarily have dysphoria and may come to regret their choice. they could've just stayed adorable boys!

>They eschew education and knowledge in favor of might and 'leadership'.

Sounds like the "gender is a social construct" and "cow farts are gonna kill us all in 5 years" crowd instead.

and honestly, I don't have any evidence to support this other than a couple of anedoctes, but I know people who went through this situation and in both cases it was exactly family enforced heterosexuality that made them perceive themselves as the other gender, since if you're attracted to another girl you're probably a man.
Hell, brazilian normie lesbian culture is heteronormative as fuck, most of the butches I see on the street dress more like a straight man than me, a straight man.

Yeah they would do more to stop "the gay" by closing the beach for an afternoon

right, this is part of why i would like to not force any sort of notion of some sexuality being Correct to my children if i have them. i have a feeling it just complicates things. i know that when i was coming to terms with my being gay in the early 00s transgenderism was not really in the discourse yet, and the thing that existed was Being Gay. now that there's this new thing in the discourse, i feel that if i were a child today i might be more likely to consider the transgenderism option because of my love of men even though i almost certainly don't have gender dysphoria.

Yeah sure if not for the hundreds of years of anthropological and historical research showing non-conforming gender stereotypes in non-western culture (from the top of my head, dervishes in the middle east, for once), and it's not like we're fucking SEEING enviromental changes happening right now.

>and honestly, I don't have any evidence to support this other than a couple of anedoctes, but I know people who went through this situation and in both cases it was exactly family enforced heterosexuality that made them perceive themselves as the other gender, since if you're attracted to another girl you're probably a man.

This is something that happens in the arab word because in some contrieved way it's less haram for a man to turn into a woman in order to be with another man than for two men to be gay. In some cases i recall, they forced them to transition.

>Hell, brazilian normie lesbian culture is heteronormative as fuck, most of the butches I see on the street dress more like a straight man than me, a straight man.

Yes and no. Culture at large might influence people this way but i can tell you butch lesbians still spring up even in the most hyper tolerant corners of San Francisco. It's a psychological thing for human relationships, regardless of gender, to often develop a dominant/submissive dynamic which often extends to demeanor and personality.

Are you actually pulling out some obscure historical oddity to contest fucking chromosomes? What about Hermaphroditus, does that mean hermaphroditism is natural and functioning despite every intersex person ever observed by science being infertile?

not really, brazilian society has always been more open about transexuality than the average latam country (there are examples of people in this very thread mocking it) and yet I know far more gay people than trans people. Hell, I know more drags than people with actual gender dysphoria.

well i won't claim to know anything about brazillian society cuz im american. im more so talking about my perspective of america as an american. i acknowledge things could be different in brazil.

Nigga dervishes are such an historical oddity that you quite literally mention them in your post. Many american indigenous societyes have gender places for intersex / trans people, so did Greece and Rome and so does India, for longer than the west has existed.

Eh. Marvel is stIll prioritizing pandering over writing and Brazil is still doing silly things that will solve nothing. I don’t exactly see the news here.

>Nigga dervishes are such an historical oddity that you quite literally mention them in your post. Many american indigenous societyes have gender places for intersex / trans people, so did Greece and Rome and so does India, for longer than the west has existed.

They also fully believed in spirits, chimeras, monsters, the undead and dumb bullshit like the body having too much blood and needing to bleed often.

its moslty Yea Forums that hates them

You can probably guess why considering some of the responses here

>What age group is even reading these comics.
>45 year old men.
Everyone talks about the children, but who's going to take a stand and ban these comics to protect the poor innocent 45 year old men from learning about homosexuality?

People on Twitter were saying that once they knew the sweep was coming all the books that would've been sized became the hottest sellers. So congrats, you actually raised interest in the books

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Mate, I'm quite literally talking about this
>This is something that happens in the arab word because in some contrieved way it's less haram for a man to turn into a woman in order to be with another man than for two men to be gay. In some cases i recall, they forced them to transition.

yeah I mean this is how the brazilian right operates, during carnival the literal president of the country posted a vid of some gay carnival parade where two dudes were pissing on each other in his official twitter profile, now my 65 yo mom knows what's golden shower, thanks to the right wing conservative president