Yea Forums... I'm always proud of you

Yea Forums... I'm always proud of you.

Attached: dadbrane.png (517x517, 218K)

Other urls found in this thread:!XllSkCrQ!BZSoN_6J_kDKe6l8D11NDw

Best dad.



>post yfw Membrane made a Kamehameha

Attached: you're a horny one, Mr. Grinch.png (343x432, 280K)

>post yfw when people are wearing those shirts but you didn't hire any of them

Attached: 4a3.png (1001x1001, 765K)

Attached: 1559026578248.jpg (960x960, 74K)

Thanks Harry Potter.


Why does a scientist as intelligent as Membrane deny the existence of aliens? Sure, he's skeptic and wants evidence but there's plenty of ways to acquire evidence.

>i'm proud of you son
i hate when writers pull this without qualifying that statement. it would have been easy.

>I'm proud of you dib. I always have been. even if i've never believed in your ghosts, big feet or aliens; the furor by which you pursue them has always amazed me.

>i hate when writers pull this without qualifying that statement. it would have been easy.

what did he mean by this

For once user was right

He's pretending to be retarded


Attached: not_scientifically_possible[1].png (938x528, 613K)

i'm proud of you user

That would make sense. Intentionally denying the existence of aliens to make his son work as hard as possible to prove them.

maybe he's just kinda insane and stuck in his own little world
i mean, he believes in santa clause but denies the possibility of intelligent life outside of earth

Attached: Happy Wondie.png (1260x726, 617K)

he was kinda flying out of a crashing space ship at the time

good smear

Attached: ghostbrane.png (1330x923, 1.03M)

The implication of that was already there when he told Dib he didn't have to prove anything.


>I was in bad shape then I got too in shape and now I'm back to normal shape!

I had some military friends that went through the same thing.

Thanks, science dad.

I wish Gaz had more interaction with Membrane.

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She's the prodigal daughter, she doesn't need dad's approval to exist

He's hiding something.
Trying to distance himself from something he's involved with, and protecting his kids from it.

Do you even have kids? Don't you know what Father's Pride is?

Be honest Yea Forums
Do you think your dad is proud of you?
Sometimes it keeps me up at night thinking about it.

Nah, but I don't care because he's a dick

Kind of both at the same time.
You don't get full on abusive parent growing up and outperform anyone else at the state school you went to, but you still get the discipline and "I'm just disappointed in you" whenever you don't get the top of the class in every subject and no upper class who you know benefits.
So you grow up and still feel that nothing's ever good enough, and anytime time you fall behind perfect or don't get that promotion ar work, or you can't yet afford a mortage for a house with an ex-olympiad gymnast wife, you get the "when I was your age" talk.

Attached: C3DF8E58-6C10-4BF8-AB4F-7CDE2666F853.jpg (700x719, 63K)

Absolutely not but who fucking cares seriously.

He says he is, but then he brings up stuff he did by my age and asks why I haven't done those thing yet.

This is probably going to track with a looooot of people. And I don't mean it as a dunk.

He absolutely isn't, but he says he does.

It genuinely breaks my heart knowing that I'm a complete failure in his eyes. The fact that I have the resources to change it also adds to it. I could pick any profession and pursue it, but I'm not interested in anything. I don't want to waste time and money on something I won't end up doing for the rest of my life, so I sit around stagnant waiting for my life purpose to fall in front of me. Like that's going to work.

Sometimes I feel like I should just throw a dart at a board and waste $10,000 dollars of education on that until I find my purpose.

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A Dad's Pride is when the kid expresses, by words or actions, that he wants to be like his dad. And Dad wants his sons to be as sucessful as his, HOWEVER, when dad is not sucessful you get stuff like Hans Anderssen's Dad, that is, Dad wants his son to be better than him by wanting his sons to success as other successful people among the world.
That being said, Internet and Daddy Government (and his Mama Media) are corrupting this biological social mechanism.

What are the rules of smearing?

He totally is. Sincerely.

My father is abusive, and we don’t talk anymore, so who cares.

My dad is dead but id like to think he is proud.

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No. But he loves me anyway.

some scientists don't believe in aliens. plus dib pursues his belief in aliens in an unhealthy and obsessive way.

>Don't you know what Father's Pride is?

w3 fatherspride (dizzot) org
>A Father's Pride is a resource that links young gay men and their fathers with men who have "been there" and have wisdom and experience to offer the next generation.

I know I'm late to the party but is there mega to the movie floating around?

you are right say it louder

imagine thinking this asshole who keeps denying and invalidating his son even though he has a lot of proof is a good dad

>moments Characters were completely out of character

Are we just going to ignore that Membrane always wore elbow-length gloves that clearly showed his skin and that Enter The Florpus asspulled metal arms?

He isn't and I sincerely don't give a fuck.

I can see why this board is like it is.

When he died I was a depressed anxiety ridden neet, so probably not. Wish I could show him I far I've come. How much his words changed my life.

To some of the less happy responses, I know what it's like having a shit dad. You're not alone and worth no less having a dad who sucks.

Attached: best.jpg (640x496, 55K)

My dad is very proud of me
My mom is a bum and he left her when I was very young so he expected me to be a bum as well, so all I had to do was get a job and pay taxes and I blew all of his expectations out of the water.

I'm not sure about proud but I know he loves me alot, so it's all good.

I know that exact feeling user
We're not alone either, there's an entire generation of alienated and disillusioned young men just like us.

That was really obnoxious.

i'm not sure, but we still have a pretty good relationship so i guess is hould be glad for that

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Yeah but he will never tell me. He never says anything good about me to my face but apparently according to my mom brags to people about me when I’m not around.

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Because the more he denies something, the more determined Dib is to prove him wrong. Membrane knows it's better to motivate him without stroking his ego, and only personally intervenes when they're in mortal danger.

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I feel kinda like a dick saying it now what with all these baddad anons, but my dad is absolutely proud of me.

Tak needs your help

Attached: 22525.jpg (1300x1000, 194K)

Anal sex of course

Yeah, but he's too drunk all the time to see my shitty side.

Re-requesting this

>Wishing isn't very scientific

Perfect line delivered perfectly. Fucking fight me.

Why does your pic related make me feel uneasy

You're adding unnecessary dialogue to make a point that was already made. Don't pretend to be an expert on writing when you aren't one. To beat a dead horse: "Brevity is the soul of wit"



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Aw, fuck. Not you again

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Honestly after an entire show of Membrane not doing much and then pulling out a chad fuck you and your army move brought a tear to the eye. It was fucking amazing.

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I didn't notice the link to the new thread, sorry for the repost!

A number of people expressed interest in this RaPr anthology a few days ago. Hopefully you're still around.!XllSkCrQ!BZSoN_6J_kDKe6l8D11NDw

It's entirely SFW. My favorite bit is the comic where The Tallest hang out with Gir in Zim's house.

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Maybe he normally wears fake skin.

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Gaz was so much better in this movie than she was in the series.


Hey guys

Remember this?

Attached: 3fcd404ab843150ec4598164cde15856.jpg (600x710, 54K)

The man built a flesh printer. Honestly, he probably changes arms like an athlete changes socks.

Attached: Gaz_helpin_big_bro_dib.png (980x908, 764K)

Just a heads up. I should have the next chapter up sometime tomorrow night hopefully.

If you haven't already, be sure to check out the current chapter.

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The nostalgiafags who say otherwise haven't watched the series since preschool.

My dad was a PTSD'd war vet that beat me so horrifically he broke my jaw so bad it still doesn't sit right. He died of cancer and I felt nothing. Before I die I want to piss on his grave.

My dad says he is, but I can tell he isn't considering I'm still living with him

Don't get me wrong, I love the series, but I love Gaz in Florpus where I was just kind of unimpressed by her in the series. Oooooh scary little girl who plays video games what a fucking interesting character

Fucking based

Attached: YES!.gif (380x262, 967K)

My poor, insane son.

Oh yeah, I have nothing really against the Gaz in the series, but I'm just saying

To say the movie wasn't an improvement is flat out wrong

Only villains do that

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Because you are insane.


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Reminder that RaPr is best ship.
I'll draw after reading snack party

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Has someone made a Zim version of this image yet?

Attached: ALXtGMS.jpg (960x720, 131K)

My goodness there's certainly a lot more making out in this one

I'm not sure whether or not you want Zim to be the teletubbies or the kid.

Explain to him that times have changed. You could walk into a job with no qualifications and get hired and trained. Now you need 4 separate documents listing your accomplishments and detailed witnesses of your virtue to get you considered.

I had Dib as the kid in my mind with Zim and other Irkens as the teletubbies.

Zim, Tak, Tenn, and Skoodge.

I'm a gay guy and I won't ever have kids, but if I was in charge of one I would do my best to impart notions of common decency and the fact that respect needs to be earned. I also wouldn't quash any ideas of creativity, but would instead insist they learn something practical before embarking on the creativity barge.
I know it's easier said than done but that would seem like the game plan to me.

Florpus ruined Dib and his family. It took away everything about them that made them funny and cool.

Attached: God Save The Dib.png (700x793, 415K)

My Dad was a self centred ass so I don't want or need his approval

I appreciate you user.

Honestly his new design is more a combination of the two than the one on the right.

Attached: 91952A18-31B4-45C8-8F05-1201A47D8B30.png (634x591, 286K)

Looks like a Tumblr redesign of both.

not into this pair but it's nice to have writefriends in these threads
keep it real user

Because the shows dynamic wouldnt work if he believed in aliens. Thats it.

If the writers really wanted to, membrane could figure out there are aliens in seconds, hes smart enough to have the technology to do so.

Attached: 1567796678382.png (1317x1368, 762K)

Not everything is tumblr user. It’s simplified and “cutesy” but it’s not really tumblr style.

Attached: B0E202E4-1A5F-45C4-B6DE-F8253F331F52.gif (400x400, 120K)


If it was tumblr then he'd be way darker, a tranny and probably fat too.

don't forget the red nose and piercings

No bulging cheek or red sores all over his skin? He's better than what Tumblr would have done if they were in control, trust me.

Attached: 67531383_155571982193978_5645081092875115944_n.jpg (1000x1000, 81K)

I never said that story is shipping.

Re requesting

For fun, what would the IZ movie be like if tumblr was in control of writing it?

Hey, I'm the user who keeps posting that screencap
Thank you for this.
this is BASED AS FUCK.

Attached: uh.png (1324x272, 72K)

Attached: 6031cbf6f0387490318b8def731ee997.jpg (1148x1531, 197K)

You're all fools, clearly this is the superior artstyle.

In all honesty, I love the new deigns. It lacks some things that I liked from the originals but the new ones did some great things too.

Attached: egg.png (158x158, 23K)

>Mom died of lung cancer
>Move back in with my dad who has Alzheimer's
>Quit my job because I can't get him enrolled to a home anywhere (extremely violent tendencies) to care for him full time
>War vet that had a lot of trouble but was there when he really tried
>Was always violent to me and everyone growing up
>Alzheimer's mixes with PTSD
>Spend most of my nights making sure he doesn't get enraged and start breaking his hands punching through walls
>Want to just smother him and be done with it
>He starts crying most nights after episodes
>Can't hate this
>Calls me by my brother's name (committed suicide)
>Tells him to look after me because I need help and he can't help
>He cries himself to sleep
>Finally dies
>Nobody shows up but me (he was an orphan and a cunt so no friends and no remaining family but me)
>Go home and drink so much I vomit and pass out
>Not sure what to do now

Attached: 1545103798908.jpg (637x900, 131K)

Attached: D_DWFKZXUAAb88O.jpg (931x1024, 111K)

It's cutesy and rounded in that generic modern way and the weirdo/crazy quirkiness from the early 00s is replaced with cutesy Tumblr quirkiness.

>retarded alien race makes FTL, general AI, and incredibly intricate robots
of course membrane denies them. his life's work would mean nothing if the tech Dib describes was true.

Sauce or face certain death

I think he is, though he doesn't like that i followed his career choices, he still says that'll have success in my life if continue to dedicate myself, and i want to prove him right.

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Every dad has his weird stupid hangups where he absolutely won't budge on something even though their kid is right about it. But because this is a weird show about weird people, his hangup is the existence of extraterrestrials.

That’s not tumblr but a trend in animation to cut costs.


Holy shit user... I don't know what to say...

I genuinely hope you pull through this and shit gets better for you. Just hang in there.

>strict continuity
>Invader Zim
Pick one and only one.

Besides, he could've just been wearing skin-coloured coverings before, and only just upgraded to the more beefy arms. He fired an energy blast from his arm in the show.

Zim in smash when?

It would be exactly the same.

Attached: thedib.png (627x477, 296K)

>man and woman argue and hate each other
>tumblr calls it a toxic relationship
>two men or two women argue and hate each other
>tumblr claims they're in love and in denial about their feelings

Attached: 1567542738795.jpg (320x366, 25K)

Gay human/alien orgy with melodrama thrown in.

It would suck.

because its funny

Bruh, it was way before tumblr

In an alternate universe...

Attached: super-brawl-universe-screenshot.jpg (450x279, 40K)

user... I might never understand what it was like to go though all that but you've done a damn good job so far going through all that. Just try to hang in there.

...did he? I don't remember that.

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/r/ing Gaz version of this

I have a twin brother. He's married, owns a house, and has a respectable job that involves saving people. I don't. My dad will likely never point out this difference to my face. He isn't that kind of man. But the feeling is known.

>implying tumblr started this bullshit

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Enter the Florpus feels like a lame Dib wish fulfillment plot more than a new Invader Zim special. Like Dib grew up, realized his life sucks, and made a cartoon about his childhood where everything is significantly better without changing the status quo.

That one navigator all the way to the left gets me every time

The models in Gloobs of Doom are so fucking stupid it's hilarious

Nah, I know they didn't start it, but until the whole age thing they fucking loved it just as much as DA

>Like Dib grew up, realized his life sucks, and made a cartoon about his childhood where everything is significantly better without changing the status quo.

So Jhonen?

>who's that pokemon?
It's Membrane! (membraaaaane!)

I fucking love them

Attached: PlungerZim.jpg (1280x720, 66K)


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Hard getting a job. They look at the big glaring hole of me caring for him and just think I'm lazy or something. Good news is I've got a new gig starting up next week for a couple of months through a temp agency driving a forklift. It's something.

His uniform is hard?
I always thought it was some nice, soft, pink fabric

Attached: invader-zim-nicktoons-globs-of-doom-56.9.jpg (210x240, 18K)

if you think shippers don’t do that with m/f pairings as well you are shiny and new

>dad wanted me to be a pussy slaying genius
>dropped out of college when he died, still a virgin
at least now I live with his sister

Oh my god, I was actually messing about with DIb's model the other day and found something I really wish I didn't have to see.

Attached: the truth.png (552x549, 183K)

My god, he's a robot

Nice job?

i always imagined the main torso part to be some sort of plastic which gives off a shine, while the sleeves and leggings are soft

Attached: 1567403671656.jpg (310x516, 38K)

Jesus christ, go back

Attached: Untitled.png (788x528, 285K)

It’s not like they haven’t made a cute model of him before too.

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>They look at the big glaring hole of me caring for him and just think I'm lazy or something.
Oh...oh, shit. How long were you caring for him, user? Just out of...curiosity.

The voice actors sounded so tired in this like they didn't care and wanted their paycheck.

Why is GoD Zim unable to close his fucking mouth? I hate how his tongue is always sticking out

Attached: 56423.png (243x277, 131K)

>claymation soul
>3d model soulless

11 months

If 11 months does this then I guess I should just kill myself after 6 years

Is GIR the only IZ one who looks even remotely okay?

Attached: GIR_Globs_Of_Doom.png (183x185, 56K)

He's in heat

Yea, I think so


>Zim gets invited to Christmas party at Santas with cookies and presents and Mr. Krabs rap performance
>Dib doesn’t

i dunno what this is from, but it looks like absolute dogshit

Pro tip: get with a temp agency. That's the best way to get your foot in the door without any interviews or anything. Seriously before I took care of my dad a temp agency got me a good production line worker job at considerably above minimum wage after a month of working in the shit.

Attached: tumblr_inline_p21r6mE7eY1rfman3_540.png (414x396, 160K)

Dib's father dedicated his life to destroying Santa

>Decide to look up the cutscenes of GoD on youtube
> The first cutscene has Zim join the heroes and Dib join the villains
>In the next shot they're at the complete opposite side
It feels like Nick told them that Zim couldn't be a villain a week before the game released so they had to rush and change the cutscene

Jesus, I only just found out about this game and I wish I never did.
It's so fucking cursed

Attached: banner_339.jpg (600x240, 49K)

>That Jimmy Neutron.

Attached: skgskgsklgla.png (264x265, 63K)

Patrick is missing an eye

>got to post this before midnight
His dad hates Santa bro

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This but in a foursome

Don't you love me, user?

Attached: beauty.png (573x698, 194K)

Dib is a fucking narc, of course he isn't invited to the party featuring the world's most famous cryptic, a boy genius, a kid with magically empowered slaves and fucking CatDog.

Drawanon from last thread. What do you guys want? (sfw)

How did they get him so wrong? He's a fucking 3D cartoon, for fuck's sake.

Attached: Jimmy_No-tron.png (299x359, 212K)

Will do, thanks.

Based fa-

No, based Man who's into fellow Men

Do we have a list of how much side-stuff Zim and co. has appeared in? Such as games and shit.


Can I please see Membrane suplexing a shark.

Zim x Jimmy Neutron

Am I kawaii uguu~

My Dad died three months ago from pancreatic cancer. To some extent I've always been your stereotypical Yea Forums kind of fuckup, but at 28 I've finally started to turn it around.

Before he died, I told him "I'm finally starting to get my shit together, and I want you to be there to see it."

And without skipping a beat he told me "You've always had your shit together in the ways that matter."

Of course I do, Zim. Nothing could ever make me not love you.

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Attached: horrible cartoon kid.jpg (318x383, 23K)

This is the funniest fucking thread because it’s Anons telling serious stories about their families right below Invader Zim shitposting.

How would Dib react to Catdog anyway?

The bizarre nature of 4chins is why I keep coming here

Cut them open.

I know, it's such a bipolar trainwreck, I love it

Attached: pff.png (222x421, 164K)

Just... Damn
All I can say user is chin-up. I doubt your father would want you to wallow in his passing, but to pull through and be a better man than circumstances allowed him to.

Make him proud.


Ok, I laughed hard at this post.

Good choice

>I still remember bring by my father on his deathbed, and him telling me how proud he was...
>hey can someone draw Jimmy Neutron eating Zim's ass?

Yeah I probably should have kept scrolling before I replied.

For me, I think he's happy
>Finished college
>Moved out of my parents place at 23
>Started a long term career
>Found a place to live
>No longer needing any money or support and can take care of my own life

Attached: 1499691311625.png (400x400, 159K)

Eating Zim's ass sounds like a terrible idea because he'd invariably condemn you to "a dimension of PURE DOOKIE" and shit in your mouth while laughing his maniacal ZIM laugh, y'know?

Shitposting aside your sort did touch my heart a bit if it helps.

Based TaTr user

Attached: TaTr in a Bench.png (1280x1432, 927K)

Anyone know where I can watch the movie?

fucking kek

I know but it's weird. I keep waking up hearing thumping then realising it's my head. I rush into the next room and nothing's there. And I'm drinking too much all the time. I need to get out of this house.

okay im back

Attached: tenn zim uwuwuwuu otp omggggg yassss.png (564x642, 131K)

ZaDr is dead. We only ship ZaJr now.

That's good, between Enter the Florpus and Stranger Things 3 both coming out after his death I'm feeling plenty touched.


Attached: 1519300171632.gif (320x270, 347K)

it's lovely!

Attached: 1566888894193.png (969x969, 983K)

It's ok user, life's like that, one second someones joking about Jimmy fucking zim and the other someones opening up about their family relations, we laugh and we cry, often in quick succession, but it's important to open up sometimes, you had a nice story user. Now can we get some hot Jimmy on Zim action or what?!

>ZaDr is dead

Seems like it is. We've all died off.

Really nice art man, do you use Sai?

Attached: 1448938220041.jpg (250x238, 17K)


Will I ever be able to get my shit together if I've been a NEET since 2013 post-graduation with a useless BA in English? I'm nearing 30 and have absolutely no skills. I don't necessarily care that I have no career path or value to society, but I want to be able to support myself and not be miserable.

Attached: 1566070189744.png (700x630, 179K)


Zim x Jhonen?

draw zim porn for money

Very cute.

That's a legacy I could be proud of.

I mean probably. You ever try a temp agency? AmeriCorps?

Attached: Thanks Japan.png (429x352, 119K)

The ultimate forbidden ship..

Tak and Tenn slow dancing with each other

There isn't one close by but I've thought about it. I've actually applied to a lot of places over the years without ever getting a call back

become the one user to rise above all anons

Sooo, any hint of what they saw?

Can Irkens even shit?

Food gotta go somewhere

I do that for free

Probably not, but what's the point of spreading Tak's beauty-marked cheeks apart if there's no dark green ring of muscle hidden in there to lick at whle she gasps and squirms and hisses about how butts are gross?

Attached: 1567387879586.jpg (1500x1500, 346K)

I don't know what the job market is like where you live but you might need to try something risky.

And by that I mean take a steady gig in a different town, even if it's real fucking boring.

i do too

Attached: beans.jpg (1242x940, 146K)

I'm up for that. We're all gonna make it.

yeah i recently i switched to sai because i haven't touched it in so long but i normally in firealpaca because pixel art




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This disturbs me but i cant pinpoint why?

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Not even OR but damn user.

Dat shit good.

Fuck i cant stop laughing

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Same with me

Attached: LowEffortKnifeIrken.png (364x532, 252K)

Attached: unknown (4).png (995x653, 102K)

It is time. Send writing prompts.

membrane is proud of dib because he doesn't sit on his ass all day playing video games and drawing piggies, he actually tries to learn engineering and is good at it even if his main hobby is paranormal nonsense

why is he so cute oh my fucking god

Attached: lookatme.png (358x489, 53K)

It freaks me out how long his arms are and how tiny they become even though they're like that in the show.

The juice is loose.

Attached: HeatCycle.jpg (411x387, 58K)

How about Tenn and Gaz sitting together playing Game Slave. Gaz either in her lap or on her head.

Attached: Gaz.png (649x600, 176K)

It was incredibly hard to post 109851589, tears were streaming down my face, and now I'm laughing too.

Yea Forums man.

Zim is brainwashed into believing he's human for a day.

What is this expression meant to convey?

Attached: 424.png (313x315, 30K)

oh jesus

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-09-05-18h40m58s051.png (716x540, 350K)

maybe ask me tomorrow coz i injured myself irl and i only finished that pic since i promised to earlier aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa im srry coz i love drawing gaz


Attached: sweaty but sassy.png (282x307, 44K)

The show creator confirmed that the Irken don't have genitals. So why do people keep drawing Zim and Tak porn?

Dib and Tak have to chase Zim halfway across the known universe because he used a component of Gaz's Game Slave to repair Minimoose.

Attached: cgZnZlL_d.jpg (640x834, 56K)

Youre welcome

Dib rescuing Zim from Area 51 because he wants credit for his exposure.

This. Featureless crotch is hot as fuck.

The same reason why people draw Transformers porn: it makes our weenies tingle.

People are horny.

>Still believing Jhonen's lies

Best dad

Attached: 15678288638111517794080.jpg (4160x3120, 3.44M)

so?, love shouldn't be possible for any irken but zim yet here we are.

Attached: tak3.png (1334x750, 1.92M)

Jhonen says alot of things.

Jesus Draw user, take care of yourself

Jhonen says this to get people to stop drawing porn silly.

He says a lot of untrue stuff.
He just thinks it will stop porn... it won't

> anal probe to the alien

Attached: 1566867137036.gif (320x240, 340K)

>tells people Zim's elderly to stop people from drawing shota porn
>only makes people draw more Zim porn because he's legal now
Based Jhonen strikes again

Goodness. What happened?

Are you just going to ignore all these?

He clearly got kicked in the chest.

No. I'm wrote the same one yesterday and I'm looking to do another. I was just hoping for people to get a few suggestions in, and then I'll pick the one I think I can write the best as a oneshot.

Jhonen's primary objective is to piss off overly obsessive fans (I don't blame him) and he'll say anything to do it, even if he has to make something canon that he didn't think about before.

Except when it comes to no nipples, that one is confirmed design choice without any outside interference.

>Jhonen says ZIM is an adult so people will stop drawing ZIM and DIB making out.
>People then solely lewd the fuck out of ZIM.
>Says Irkens don't have genitals-doesn't stop the porn.

Jhonen can't catch a fucking break.

Something with this concept, please?
I absolutely adore the idea of the Tallest being stuck on Urth with Zim.

Attached: 1567391430494.png (642x891, 206K)

i was being a complete retard and bashed my foot and hand into a rock because i saw a stingray but then an actual kid got stung by it so i think my reaction was appropriate

Attached: Cortez Round Stingray 015.jpg (600x399, 122K)

Is the kid okay?

Do you prefer Zim with tentacle dick, human dick, slit, or nothing?

Why does he grab the crotch, user. Why does he grab the crotch,

Tentacle dick coming out of a genital slit.


No genitals?
Antennae not actually sensitive and it just being a rumor that they are?

there's always a solution

Attached: GIR holding onto Zim's antennae.png (716x540, 499K)

I love Zim!

Attached: C9A8F683-2818-415B-A28A-493ECB96DC89.jpg (239x402, 36K)

he's grabbing his arm i believe.
it's a dumb way to animate it either way.

he was in a lot of pain so probably not

I'm waiting for Jhonen to say Irkens don't have a butthole. That will just make a surge of pics with Irkens giving a bj. Again, Jhonen can't win this.

He kicks him in the crotch in the animatic though

18-inch barbed human dick with the head of an echidna dick, tentacle dicks coming out of each of the four urethras, all protruding out of a slimy slit that usually looks like nothing

Tallest Zim and Tallest Tak being cute.

Attached: 897.png (423x411, 52K)

He's said he is, but I don't believe it.

Attached: pee.png (668x646, 66K)

A featureless, barely there slit. It's not even noticeable until spread open, and doesn't leak unless extremely aroused. I like to think there's also multiple small tentacles nestled inside it, twisted up into a twizzler. It doesn't come out unless pulled out by hand.

Tallest Tak and her lap warmer, Zim

This right here

You got that animatic on you anywhere?


Magic Nanobot Space Genitals that adapt to his partner.

Attached: 1567365180244.jpg (1400x1400, 101K)

That's not the best reasoning, you're going to grab whatever area was just kicked or experienced pain because it's always going to hurt skin and flesh. Also there's bones down there that are close to the skin, those fucking hurt.

Nothing > slit > human >>>>>>>>>> tentacle dick and I hated that shit even when Homestuck was popular I wish it'd die


Attached: EC6E9D53-3B4B-4A2C-B1EB-397AAA5F6BF2.jpg (320x464, 56K)

Post the animatic fuck-o.


I love tentacocks but I respect your opinion. I think the idea was inspired by his tongue.

Eyes or the positioning


Zim is CUTE and FUNNY!

Attached: 1567651508105.png (352x591, 112K)



He'll then say they have extremely sensitive gag reflexes

...then comes the puke fetish porn

That's a fair assumption. I'm slightly more accepting of Irken tentacocks than the Homestuck variety though because I would get grossed out by multicolored cum even if THAT was canon. But the neural wiring is still connected to remembering the Homestuck days...


hey, that's my fetish!
Jhonen, do it right now.

Do you think Irkens have different junk depending on the sex, or the same?

Do you think they lay eggs?

Attached: shd4380ui.png (149x198, 32K)

>than the Homestuck variety though because I would get grossed out by multicolored cum even if THAT was canon
I'm so glad I never liked Homestuck.

Attached: 3a8d8385537ce8d46f9ccd64bb06f2dc.png (343x332, 220K)

Jhonen's mistake was creating female Irkens.
If you don't want people asking about your characters crotches, don't give them sexes in the first damn place.

How's this?

Attached: 1567830052973410917933.jpg (4160x3120, 3.87M)

They clone their offspring.

What if the wide Irkens are the male ones like Skoodge and Sizz-Lorr while the female ones were the skinny ones but there's multiple types of female morphs where the most prominent ones are the hermaphrodite ones like Zim and the Tallest and the second most populous ones are the tru-female morphs like Tenn, Tak, and Zee?

His mistake was giving a way for people from the internet to contact him in the first place.

Not that user but I was curious too so I checked and yeah, they're right.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-09-06-21h21m42s362.png (720x540, 225K)

my dad is amazing and my best friend. he does so much for the community around him. He helps me out a lot. Even though ive spent the last year a neet and struggle with university he still says hes proud of me. Even after i contemplated suicide and failed so many classes ive almost flunked out.

That’s low even for Dib.

I KNOW, but you know, what they did before then.

We have this conversation EVERY thread, user.
we KNOW they clone. We don't care. We're horny.

haha... very funny, user

K, mystery over. He had dick and Jhonen cut it off

Getting kicked in the cunt hurts too even if it’s not as bad. Shit goes numb.

Attached: 1491790056642.jpg (300x226, 12K)

I like this idea. It's wild.
The more obscure their anatomy is, the more interesting it is.

So is Zim trans?

I wonder why they changed it, there's plenty of cartoons with "hit in the nuts" jokes

Its beautiful user! I just love your work!

So you’re suggesting Zim has a working dick and pussy futa style?

See I wasn't into Irken tentacle cock when I first started coming here because of Homestuck memories too, but Foodcourtia AU TrapZim user (may he rest in peace) made me come around to it.

It's more fitting for Irkens than Alternians, it just feels more natural.

Thank you all for your suggestions. I'll have something in an hour or so, depending on how focused I am.

2 words.

Alien Cloaca.

I'm thinking of something akin to a hyena clit and a nonfunctioning pussy that just produces blank eggs.

Depends WHO changed it.
Could have been Nick, could have been Jhonen.
Left the crotch cupping in though, so it does seem to be last minute.

>may he rest in peace
wait what the fuck happened to Foodcourtia TrapZim user?

Glad to see the threads are active again.

Or are you just proud of my Spinach puffs?

They said they'd stop drawing porn for whatever reason (they still draw fanart though)

Oh, wait was TrapZim user that porn artist who said they had to stop now that the summer was over and they had to go back to their job as a teacher?

I just found out a few hours ago that this is where the party was at, for some godforsaken reason I never thought to check Yea Forums for active Zim discussion after wondering since Florpus. Learned my lesson, and I'll be contributing fanart soon in gratitude for the anons here keeping it alive.


Yeah, that's it! I saw it somewhere the other day as a gif though, was trying to find it again because I was too dumb to save it

Ah, good.

I was worried for a sec that something serious happened to the guy.

I love my insane bug boy

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-09-05-18h32m18s823.png (716x540, 332K)

You missed out on a hell of a lot, user.

>Irken mating rituals
>Red/Purple gayfagging
>two to three whole threads of Tak dominating Zim
>Trap Zim/Tenn posting
>Chad Scoodge gets all the pussy
>Irken Membranes AU

What else am I missing?

Attached: 1567280206291.png (900x642, 188K)

You forgot the RP thread with the female Irkens going into heat and shit


Attached: tak.png (512x425, 137K)

She was made for anal sex and cuddling

Oh right, dunno how I forgot that one

Attached: 1567292051727.png (1570x566, 239K)

This concept
went on for a few threads before suddenly dying out of the blue

Based Tak poster

Attached: 1566789131953.png (900x700, 515K)

>Irken Membranes AU
Technically canon?

Attached: 1565974592678.png (1920x1080, 1.08M)

Also missed out on this.

People aren't quite this degenerate in thread anymore.
>remember the multiple "For me, it's Zim" threads
>the dozens of anons who want to molest Zim

Attached: 1567823877738.png (1317x1368, 822K)

Look at this degenerate getting fisted

Attached: Untitled.png (132x187, 49K)

A damn shame, too. I really liked it

Get it going writenon.

Well, to be fair, Zim is very molestable

Attached: 1567642547672.jpg (832x1000, 287K)

Yeah he is.
I can't even fathom how much he loves me and I fucking love him too

He sure is!

Attached: 78u9ijods.png (182x234, 43K)

Here's the full shot then, ridiculous that this is the first thing my dvd ripping project has been good for.

Attached: kick.gif (718x534, 1.73M)

TADR shipping. Lots of TADR shipping.

Also the immense amounts of anons gushing about Dib's cuteness/wishing he was their son

Attached: 1566200159138s.jpg (181x250, 8K)

>Contributing fanart
You're too kind user! Maybe one day you'll take a ship request soon...

i refused to learn chinese and that was enough to be dishonor on famiree (along with getting pissed they wanted to ship me overseas for school)
the only thing we share in common is our appreciation for horror films and rowing though i can't understand any of the movies he watches because they're all in asian

Can be hope to compete with Dino Dad?

May we all be based, Tak bros

Attached: Tak with MiMi.jpg (640x640, 38K)

Steve Irwin was a grown man who wrestled crocodiles on the reg and he just fucking died so things aren't looking up for that kid

Someone actually did a really good draw portraying this

The two of them have a legitimately interesting dynamic. Her actually caring about Membrane and getting pissed at Dib for even thinking about ruining the big event gives a lot of depth to her character. Even in the old show, he was one of the few people she didn't hate.

Attached: Scientific Bond.png (1304x1079, 809K)


Attached: Dr0J6feVsAIPidm.jpg (960x840, 111K)

Man, why does it have to be called a Squeedlyspooch? Doesn't really fit well with the tone of a story that's not supposed to be silly. I can't even take myself seriously whenever I type it.

That's because you spell it wrong

It's "squeedily spooch"

Call it a 'spooch for short then.

I love these two. Membrane clearly cares for her a lot too, to where he calls her 'honey' which is so fucking cute.

Attached: Gaz_and_Professor_Membrane.gif (234x159, 10K)

Not according to the wiki

That's almost even worse.

Can anyone draw Zim crying with cigarette burns in his forehead?

Hey thanks! I made sure to save it this time
Well to be fair that one got him right in the chest didn't it?

Huh. everywhere else calls it a squeedily spooch

pls get help

Attached: 1567461915263.jpg (800x800, 43K)

kys my man


Attached: ZimCry.png (505x505, 334K)

I’ve seen het ships like that too. No one is free from sin.
Abandon fanshit and live a fulfilling life in a cave.

requesting this user thrown out the airlock

Because I can't get lewds of Tak so might as well redirect my lewdness to Zim in a painful way that isn''t any way healthier

Where's that "Remember Zim is for abuse." user?

>Sometimes I feel like I should just throw a dart at a board and waste $10,000 dollars of education on that until I find my purpose.
Better than doing nothing. At the very least you'll check off one thing you don't wanna do.
Just find something vaguely interesting and go do it. Life won't just fall into your lap.

Why do you want to hurt Zim?

Attached: 1566359805708.jpg (793x575, 86K)

Zim is for dress up

Attached: IStoleDibsLaundryAndAllIGotWasThisStupidGothOutfit.png (407x766, 85K)

H-has dib ever taken his glasses off in the show? I don’t remember that?

I'm kinda upset that this OC never went anywhere. Anyone have that other drawing?

Attached: The Smallest.png (500x607, 255K)

Legitimately neck yourself

Attached: 6e3.gif (600x338, 3.09M)

user last thread was talking about an episode where a little girl catches Zim out of disguise but thinks he’s a stuffed animal so Zim has to stay limp in order to not expose himself until he can escape. I ran with the idea.

Attached: 328F7172-8E34-48EF-BA6F-F249A9AFCC69.jpg (640x569, 50K)

Why do you anons have to be so disgusting?

Attached: Zim_Puke.png (311x247, 168K)

I wanna see this in cgi

Attached: 74441F07-2A27-4ABB-BD55-5FEDD809FD3A.jpg (500x278, 28K)

Hey, how about we post some cute, happy, wholesome Zim instead of putting him through some kind of horrifying abuse?

Attached: Invader Zim - Enter the Florpus [1080p PROPER].mkv_snapshot_00.07.38_[2019.08.27_12.44.34].jpg (1920x1080, 183K)

Actually there's something I wanted to start that's not shipping but hopefully I could get some help. I wanted to do some fake comic covers (done ones for other series before) based on the unfinished episodes but I don't know which to start with.

I have layout ideas for The Trial, Nubs of Doom, and Ten Minutes to Doom, which one should I do first?


Attached: 68295628_p32.png (1200x483, 159K)

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-09-05-18h43m32s433.png (716x540, 474K)

All I can remember is he took them off twice while he was sleeping. As for this monstrosity, I guess they didn't really bother with fixing up whatever the fuck's under his glasses here.
Why is it there? I have no clue.

My dads more of a roommate too me and my mother. The only thing he can say that he's done, and I haven't, is get a college degree and have a gallery of photos shown in a random college.
Guy won't even get a job, and yet says my retail job isn't "real work". Fucker wants to divorce my mom and get his own place, and I straight up told him, "with what money". I really don't understand what my mom sees in the guy, then again she got pregnant and married when she was 20 and he 27. They SAY I was planned, but I really doubt that's the case. I was born 2 months before their wedding after all.

Fucking amazing. The claw machine is a great touch.

Why not both?


Dats pretty good

>Putting on your shoes before your shirt
Maybe Zim really is an alien.

what TV show did this idea? i swear it seems so familiar.

Definitely The Trial, my guy.

Attached: 1544669009154s.jpg (125x94, 2K)


Not my Zim. Tentacock bulge in his black leggings or I die.

Attached: 1567056317514.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Seriously think about the kinds of noises Zim would make while getting his dick sucked and cumming. There'd be nothing else like it anywhere.

Attached: 938765983063.png (766x804, 132K)

"The Trial" seems like the most popular unreleased episode, according to these threads anyway. Start with that.

I love this bug

Attached: ZimBlep.png (716x540, 147K)

Wholesome is good.

Attached: 1536892115235.png (344x382, 61K)

While drawing it made me think of the part in Kiki’a delivery service but I have trouble thinking of anything recent.

We need to find someone to break into Horvitz' house and record him having sex.

Attached: 43028909253.png (1005x739, 189K)

Tikki pretends to be a doll in Miraculous Ladybug, but I'm sure it's been done other places too.

Thanks senpai


My thought is he screams the same exact way as he does in Germs.

So what are Irken antennae? Are they like hair? Because we know Irkens are vertebrates.

Well I once described Zim fucking sounding like Richard Horvitz falling down a long flight of stairs, and I stand by that being canon.

If any draw user is looking for ideas, why not draw Tak and this crystal girl hugging?

Attached: Crystal Girl Colored.jpg (652x828, 185K)

>putting Zim through forced crossdressing, forced affection, and then suffering

Moofy is a femanon.

It really isn’t anything in the same ballpark of getting kicked in the testes. I’ve been kicked in the vag and just ended up winded, ball trauma can make men pass out from pain.

I love this little guy and want more.

Attached: eeee.png (239x235, 96K)

You forgot the cheese=alcohol discussion

Attached: final_5d671a6db297350014a364c9_141775.jpg (1800x900, 355K)

This is the true answer, Membrane's giving Dib hints to "focus on science" so that eventually Dib starts using scientific methods to prove aliens exist to his dad until finally he becomes a full blown scientist.

Why are you like this?

Femanons only want one thing.

Attached: 34F47F94-4BE7-45DF-B5E3-0E5008D68FBD.jpg (331x237, 27K)

I've never seen either of those.
Actually, I remember. Rosianna Rabbit does it to smuggle herself into the UK from France.

Attached: 1V3zcYz.jpg (640x960, 96K)

Zim is for drowning in the bathtub as his skin melts off

Attached: JustStop.png (500x384, 254K)

>tfw you wish you were a Zimlet so you could climb your tall gf like a tree but you're actually well over 6 feet tall


Attached: 1551319047651.jpg (1024x1024, 67K)

>Hearing Zim's screams
>Get a flashback to Tak also screaming and writhing in pain from another "liquid"

Attached: Why.png (352x291, 139K)

Vibrissae come in many forms- but they’re probably just regular, roachlike antennae.

Would you succumb to her dressing you up in cute dresses against your will?

So that scene in Mr. Deeds isn't accurate and was probably written by a man without consulting anyone who'd know on the subject, huh? And who kicked you in the vag and why? I've been struck in the balls during dodgeball games and the pain as on such a whole new level to me that I started laughing. I still fucking loved dodgeball, though. I miss playing.

Seek therapy

So that means we can stick wires into his antennae to braincontrol him into doing our every bidding?

I did not go into the film expecting so much focus on Dib's family bonds.

I'd struggle a bit because she'd probably want me to put up a little fight at first, but the thought makes me rock hard, so yes, I would.

Literally kill yourself

Attached: Blank+_2be8a2bd255840fb5dfff54136b3766e.jpg (306x326, 33K)

Attached: comfy.png (1200x1200, 246K)


Attached: MiniMoose_Squeaks.png (185x163, 36K)

>who kicked you in the vag

Older sister

normal posters: on the left
torture anons: on the right

Attached: 1566682552739.jpg (1280x595, 91K)


Why is it out of all the bizarre fetishy content this fandom makes, the one thing that always slams my hog is solo pictures of Zim masturbating?

>Diblets on the left
>Zimchads on the right

Should have gone with this artstyle for the new movie.

Attached: 6CA2477E-7685-4C38-B148-445A668200E8.jpg (480x268, 38K)

>And who kicked you in the vag and why?
A high school friend being an asshole. I was at her house and we ended up roughhousing for some reason I can’t remember.

Based and redpilled

Attached: Neet Zim.png (1368x1080, 500K)

Yeah, that happens. Still sorry to hear it.

link to said solo pics?


Attached: rewojid.jpg (640x596, 51K)

Goddamn, the thread is fast tonight

What the fuck is this?

It’s Friday. All the posters are free and drawfags have been fairly active.

Attached: that.gif (400x300, 389K)

actually can i draw this for you? what do you.. prefer him doing?

No, it's good as is.
All that is already implied.

Didn't your dad ever stop just to say he was proud of you? Not for any real reason, but just because he was? I don't like the idea that I'm alone in that department. In all honestly, I know I don't deserve to hear that, but he says it anyway and I can tell he means it. I feel bad because I should be better and he can't see that.

Zim is for kidnapping and keeping him hidden away, locked in a cage

Invader Zim.

What's the source of this gif?


>Women kick each other in the crotch.
I don’t know why but it’s weird to think this is a regular enough occurrence that it happened to two different anons.

Can we all at least agree that Zim is for forced crossdressing?

he willingly crossdresses tho

Attached: ece5563c1e5718538f993fa6c4dab575.png (233x364, 51K)

Refreshing and tamepilled
Zim is for keeping in your home because you have tricked him into believing the human authorities are very competent and are already onto him

Most women don’t do this, my sister is just a megabitch.

True but against his will is better.

FOOL! You can not force the ALMIGHTY INVADER ZIM to do ANYTHING! Zim does as he pleases, and would NEVER submit to such foolish demands!

Attached: 1567046691776.png (509x516, 339K)

Zim get out of this thread before it’s too late

what is zim's favorite italian dessert

Heheh... you won't submit YET anyway.

There's some in the /aco/ thread but this one in particular does it real bad to me
Just rubbing on his shmoo my dude. Getting into it, flushed and hitched breathing. Maybe this is a voyeurism kink kinda thing?

Zim is for Submitting to the superior Irken race and aiding his schemes to conquer earth


I like it too. I like to think about enter other ship character here watching him secretly, out of curiosity.
What kinda junk do you prefer?

Nigger we're only on page 2, come on now

I like the tentacle dick like in the pic linked and various other lewds in that thread.

Added bonus for him biting on his hand or shirt to try to keep from making too much noise.


Attached: Invader_Zim_Not_That_Im_Jealous_Or_Anything_Colorized.png (1416x678, 375K)

Okie dokie.
... is that you, galpal?

hell yeah

Attached: 922.jpg (680x510, 24K)

I would love to abuse Zim, I want to pull off his teeth one by one so he will not be able to bite my tongue when I french kiss him after beating him up

Attached: EC8cUSlX4AAw3UL.jpg (680x664, 71K)

Attached: whatthe...png (1000x1000, 92K)

If you want more I can draw more, I just didn't want to overload the threads with my garbage.