All change is good goyim, now take your hormones pill and go to your forced gender reassignment cirugy

>all change is good goyim, now take your hormones pill and go to your forced gender reassignment cirugy
how did they get away with it?

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That wasn't the point.

Unironically I have no issue with trannies that keep to themselves. I grew up with a neighbor who used to dress like a pirate everyday and you know what I didn’t care about that either. But he never asked me to go out of the way to make him believe he was an authentic pirate or called me an asshole for not being attracted to him dressed as a pirate.


So, in other words, those are completely different situations and trannies should turn that 40% into 100%.

Back to /pol/, subhuman

If a dude wants to dress like a woman I honestly don’t give a shit and you can’t make me give a shit.

Who’s forcing anyone to do anything?

Instead of being butt blasted on Yea Forums they honed a talent and used that talent to spread a message of tolerance.

That's how they got away with it chucklenuts.

If that's all what being a tranny was about, everybody might stop hating them.

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I don't care that people don't see me as an authentic woman and I definitely don't think I deserve sex, but I do want to be gendered correctly and that small little change sends some of these /pol/ goblins into an indescribable rage

Unironically no cops at pride

You can't control how others refer to you. People will call you what you appear to be.

I love how everybody missed the point of the special and only focused on Ralph turning into Rachel.

>the future is brown, trans, muslum, and everything you're not!
>if you dislike this, you're a bigot and a racist and mentally insane!

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>getting called "sir" makes you kill yourself
>somehow it's everyone else who's being irrational

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if thats what you took out of the special then holy shit are you fucking retarded and letting the trans live in your head rent free

If you pass you will be gendered correctly. If you don’t... what makes you so special? Ugly people are made of fun of for being ugly, fat people are made fun of for being fat, why do you think you deserve an exemption while the others don’t?

so what you're saying is you haven't seen it.

>People's freedoms should be inhibited to adhere to my mental delusions

Fuck off

Boy this thread sure is about cartoons and comics.

Well Yea Forums?

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KYS. Back to the earth with you.

What does goyim And cirugy nean?

How does Labelle sell merchandise with art this bad? I can't imagine even trans people like this stuff.

You got it mister.

Careful there, you're sounding transphobic right now

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goyim means folks, used most often to describe not jews

I honestly just don't care about trannies and tranny pandering. They just going to kill themselves anyways, so no matter what it is a win for me. I'm glad the media is treating it like normal now and inspiring more weak morons to mutilate and kill themselves. Their deaths are a win for me and I just can't stop winning.

Even the trans community hates Assigned Male, or at least they did until he stopped being relevant