Where were you when Sony saved Spider-Man?

Where were you when Sony saved Spider-Man?

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Yes. The company that wanted to do an Aunt May solo movie is going to “save” Spider-Man. Whatever you say.

t. mouse

*gets bought out*

On here laughing and Ratfags.


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>The company that wanted to do an Aunt May solo movie
What the F word?

Only to kill him off and replace him him with the ONE TRUE Spiderman, Miles. You can tell he’s the real one because he doesn’t have that stupid dash between man and spider like that faggot Peter Parker. Based Sony!


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>thinking they'd buy the entirety of Sony and not just Sony Pictures which barring a few Spider-Man flukes hasn't made a profitable project in a decade

t. Sony shill

TASM is unironically better than any mcu flick.

But it was Sony execs who pushed for Tony being in Homecoming so much. It's literally Sony who ruined MCU Spidey.

I doubt Sony would even let them buy a part of them like Sony Pictures.

i would pay to see all the sony employes samurai charge disneyworld and the disney HQ, killing everyone inside

>Billion dollar movie company wars
Is this Yea Forums?

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Why not? If they keep bleeding money they would want to get rid of them, the best part is even if they sell the division but not to Disney, the Spidey rights revert to Marvel

Don't corporate takeovers usually work by planting shill stockholders? So eventually you just hold the majority and force a buyout?

But this is pretty great lol

>clone saga
>pg-13 carnage
>retarded interquel
>sinister six solo movie
hi ms. pascal

some of these aren't bad, but the kraven one would work well if they mentioned this in the amazing spider-man 2, hell the kraven movie should've been the second film desu

I'm so glad that the MCU doesn't have to deal with spider-man shit anymore

They could make an official gay porn musical for all I care. All I know is I'm glad he won't be allowed legally to be a fucking brown nosing sidekick anymore.

>All I know is I'm glad he won't be allowed legally to be a fucking brown nosing sidekick anymore.

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Does anyone else more enjoy the seething this has caused while potential new projects are just the bonus?

Sony Pictures, dumbass

Sony has their head so far up their ass I don't understand how they stay in business aside from being a money laundering front

>not to long ago they had to keep selling their own buildings
>the bravia line has been in the red since like 2008
>absolutely refuse to work with other companies, often going as far as to doing things purely out of spite with the playstation brand

Not that I really cares what happens to some shitty brand. I just don't get how Sony could be anything but the main front for yakuza.

None of their electronic or entertainment divisions are making money, they're kept afloat by their insurance division

Yeah I work in the smartphone tech sector and Sony are fucking miles behind the competition. Every new device they bring out is considered a dated laughing stock.

Spider-man 4 with Peter married with kids when?

Sony of Japan were literally the ones to kick Sony Picture's ass to get them to make a deal with Marvel Studios for Spider-Man because they had no fucking idea what to do with the character.

Along with 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' only giving them a measly $70M profit despite the enormous budget.

Sony Pictures, by far, has been the least profitable part of the entire company.

I find it hilarious it ended on a cliffhanger

I can hear the distant screams of Sony Computer Entertainment who just bought Insomniac because of the success of the Spider-Man PS4 game. They've just purchased a developer that would print easy money with a sequel on the PS5, and now there's no way in fucking hell Marvel is going to let Sony touch Spider-Man as a video game property ever again.

Laughing at the mouseshills

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Honestly, this makes me laugh still. Sony clearly didn't think ahead here.

>Spider-man dead forever
sounds good to me

Never, now go back to /r/raimimemes.

Disney owns all the rights to spider-mans merch, which makes more then any movie ever could. Them refusing to go 25% on the movies was just greedy. Fuck the mouse its their fault Spideys wont be in the mcu not Sonys.

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Feige turned Peter into Miles Morales. Right down to his fat asian best friend.

it was nothing but a rumor some website invented. It was never true.

Is possible to make the Spider-Man game be classified as a “interactive movie”?

I think simply being on a video game console means Sony has zero chance.

your brain on internet lawyering

May be the company that made the worst spidey movies a few years ago, but also made the best both before and after.

Yeah, and I'm saying Sony will both continue the Tom Holland sniveling Peter and introduce Miles into live action movies

>knows Spidey is on borrowed time
>ends his movie with major sequel bait
What did Fagie mean by this?

Still retarded.

Stopping Sony from continuing with Tom Holland easily?

Probably should have kept their mouth shut on this to be honest. Only gives more vitriol to their current haters.

Sony as a whole is making bank because of their Playstation division. Their Columbia Pictures division, though, isn't doing so well and may eventually be put on the market.

>everything is reddit
You should probably seek help.

Sony is probably annoyed at how horrible they've been treated by disney.
>want to work together to make all characters a part of MCU but disney refuses
>at least holland can also be in their spiderverse and filmed a venom cameo, but disney demanded it was removed
>want to re new contract, but disney suddenly wants more money and more control
It is no wonder they got fed up. One side was trying to be friendly and work together while the other was being a dick and making everything harder.

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New Sony Spider-Man Film:
>Tom Holland Spider-Man is caught in an interdimensional rift and must navigate through the Garfieldverse, Raimiverse and Ultimate Universe to hopefully find his way back home. Along the way he discovers what it means to truly BE Spider-Man.

Sony usually does 3 game deals, plus Marvel games does their own thing seperate from the studio. If the game brought in huge money, they will want to do what is best for them. Sorry to ruin the fantasy.

>any better than Disney

I just want this character to be shelved already. Why the fuck is it hard for any studio to simply make Spider-Man without attaching some kind of gimmick to it? How is it that Maguire was able to do it?, especially in two? That felt like a proper comic book movie versus a forced product.

>"Spider-Man was fine before the event movies, did better with the event movies, and now that we have our own universe, he will play off the other characters as well," Vinciquerra said.
those are the words of a deluded man
can't wait to see this trainwreck

>Sony usually does 3 game deals
Video games aren't movies. Not only are those sorts of contracts rare as fuck, they're easily broken. See Bungie splitting with Activision despite being contracted for a ten-year Destiny deal. They separated after only five-years, half their contracted period.

So, even if Sony did contract for three games, Marvel can quite easily say "fuck off."

You took brown nose too literally

Got a lot of free time, Avi?

Unironically based.

You ignored the other part of my post.

>plus Marvel games does their own thing seperate from the studio
What you mean "plus Marvel games does their own thing seperate from the studio"?

Marvel has plenty of fish in the sea. Nintendo just funded Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 with Spider-Man, Miles Morales and Gwen all included. Square Enix is making that Avengers game.

Marvel games doesn't have to listen to what marvel studios says.

Don't forget, Disney was just caught overinflating the value of their stock so they're actually worth less than that

And remember mouse shills: it's impossible for a foreign company to buy a controlling interest in a Japanese company because japanese law forbids it


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Marvel Games very much does. Fantastic Four and the X-Men were gutted from every mobile game under the sun during the spat with Fox. Even references like the Bombastic Bag-Man outfit in Spider-Man Unlimited were changed to remove the 4.

When are we going to get an aged Tobey to play boomer Peter Parker training Miles Morales?

You forgot the part where the chief said "For the moment"

Okay, we'll see. Meanwhile Marvel games continues to promote PS4 games stuff:

>bought Insomniac
God, Insomniac are hacks. What the fuck happened to the team who made Ratchet and Clank a good game. I'm talking about the first four games too, I never touched the Future series because they sound like dumb soulless retcon shit.

Literally all Sony has to do to succeed is put Lord and Miller in charge of all their Spider-man shit.

There's only so many times you can retool Lego Movie before it becomes too obvious

Dude, it's barely been a week since the announcement.

Is Spider-Man the unluckiest character in modern fiction ever?

The MCU has gotten away with making the same movie for a decade now, normalfags will continue to eat up rehashes no problem.

The falling out happened before all those tweets.

>Okay, we'll see.

That's how i know you lost the argument, user.

This. I can't wait to see Spidey slowly pressed out of Marvel stuff as time goes on.


>I never played them, but I know they're bad
Yea Forumscore

You ignored the other part of my post, again. You seem a little emotional.

The Fantastic Four and X-Men purge wasn't immediate either.

>I never touched the Future series because they sound like dumb soulless retcon shit.
based retard

>How is it that Maguire was able to do it?
It was done by a guy who loved Spider-man as a kid. And it came out in a time when cinematic universes weren't a thing.


>Clank was a created sentient robot from a machine on a planet.
>Clank got his "soul" from aliens who want him to watch over a time-space clock.

Not that user, sorry to burst your bubble in your desperation to be salvage your pride.

Why are you ignoring it only just got out into public and will so Spider-Man will be dealt with accordingly? is correct.

Ok, we'll see. Nice seeing Spider fans love the character so much they want to see marvel sabotage him.

It's because I love him so much that I want him to get a quick and clean mercy death, rather than this unending suffering

Disney couldn't pull that even if they wanted to because the Japanese government would tell them to fuck off

SIE and Sony music are some of the biggest in their sector seething mouse shill. Their worst performing products are their PCs and phones, everything else is nominal

Expecting the inevitable is not the same as endorsing it. The Mouse is a proven spiteful fuck.

Nah there's no way Holland will continue as Spider-Man. I dont care what Holland's statement was. Sony can't reasonably remove all MCU context. Ned Leeds, Peter's best friend, belongs to the MCU. Tony Stark, the most important figure in Holland Peter's life, belongs to the MCU. They can't separate these things in any way that makes sense. They will have to reboot. You're probably right about Miles though.

>Ok, we'll see.

Once again BTFO, I see. Also:

>Nice seeing Spider fans love the character so much they want to see marvel sabotage him.

>Sony and the millennial pandering
>Sony and the fact an Aunt May solo movie was plausible
>TASM movies being hot shit
>Spider-Verse about to be milked to death


Sony Pictures is based in California

>Them refusing to go 25% on the movies was just greedy. Fuck the mouse its their fault Spideys wont be in the mcu not Sonys.

>Disney pays to make said spidey movies
>practically even makes them for Sony too
>they don't deserve 50% despite mentioned above and the fact that the main draw was because Spidey was interacting with these characters that Disney owns

They had every right to ask for more money. But, in the end, it's Sony who's going to face the consequences of their short-sightedness. Sony needed Disney, Disney didn't need Sony or Spider-Man. It'll probably be less than a year before Sony realizes they made an enormous mistake by breaking the deal and I wouldn't be surprised if they fire the people who burned the bridge with Disney for fucking up so tremendously.

Based common sense user, too bad no one will agree with you.

Based Sony taking a fat shit on the Mouse

That's not sabotage though.

Activision cut ties with Bungie because Destiny 2 was such a massive fucking failure that they decided to drop their contract. You're trying to compare one of the best selling games of 2018 with a shitshow of an MMO


What is with you and these weird fantasies?
>and then hillary kicks Trump out and winks at the camera

>Sony needed Disney
Spiderverse was better then any MCU film since the first Iron Man. Even if its bad from a PR sense I'm glad that the mouse doesn't have their bacteria laden hands on Spidey anymore.

For free or for a fee?

>Spiderverse was better then any MCU film since the first Iron Man
Imagine being this delusional

Ned is a SM-brand character, he falls into Sonys property

That studio actually has a chance to fill Holland-Pete void with actual neglected brand characters, like The Boogle crowd, Uncle Ben, JJ, Harry, etc.

Will sony do good or fuck it up? it's a coin-toss, so far that studio is half and a half in the Good/Bad Spider-Man delivery

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Spiderverse is a ood film, but that counts for nothing if it doesnt make big money, you know that even Sony would love more FFH stuff because that made a billion

Didn't Sony give up all the movie merch rights they had back to the mouse in exchange for a higher cut from the movies? Disney tried to keep all the money from toys and shit as well as take more money from the movies. They were essentially trying to slowly cut Sony out and Sony told them to fuck off and left with everything.

fucking christ the 2099 shit is bad, fucking christ you do a fun movie for that guy that's sorta dark and futuristic, but you don't need to have any fucking hooks. Just make it a good movie, fuck.

>Will sony do good or fuck it up? it's a coin-toss, so far that studio is half and a half in the Good/Bad Spider-Man delivery
They have a pretty consistent track record, if the execs are meddling the film is shit, if they don't there's a chance it's good. However with the situation forcing their hand, I feel like this will be the most involved they've ever been.

we've been gettign that for years you faggot. His entire history post 90s was completely destroyed, no friendships, no MJ, no Spider-girl, no lasting impactful stories, it's been endless trash since fucking clone saga.

Whatever your thoughts on Sony and Spidey, Disney overplayed their hand, driven by ego, and Sony rightfully told them to eff off and come back with a legitimate offer.

Instead of negotiating Disney cried to their army of MCU stans to sway the negotiations and Sony basically said “if you don’t wanna play then we’ll go home”

Disney screwed themselves and fans

My God, I hope you get your Uncle Ben PATHOS scene, so you can finally shut the fuck up about it.

No, Sony sold the merch rights back to Marvel in 2011, it wasn't part of the deal and they were going to make that money regardless

Good Sony stuff:
Raimi 1 and 2

Bad Sony stuff:
ASM, Raimi 3

MCUless-Holland could be good or bad, but I'm not gonna bet on the chances being great until I see how Serkis fixes Venom and get a decent idea of what the fuck Morbious is

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Disney paid NOTHING for HC and FFH, they essentially got 5% of the gross for free. Offering to pay part of production costs was a hollow as fuck gesture because the gross from tickets would have covered all costs and then some so Sony would have essentially gotten less money while still missing out on merchandise profits. Disney being even bigger Jews while demanding a piece of all spiderman verse movies while not putting in anything for production was just the cherry on top of the shut sundae. Mouseshills are bootlicking faggots of the worst kind

fuck you mouseketeer, choke on Iron Man's dick a bit more

>Disney screwed themselves and fans
I honestly don't need Spider-Man: the Avenger in my life. I'm fine with them being divided, Sony can't do much worse than WB, and I want to see other properties get a chance besides Spider-Man 9, 10, 11 ect.

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Curious as to Feige’s involvement in this. I’ve heard he was pissed at Disney brass for their pussyfooting attempts with negotiations, but I’ve also heard he wanted Disney to do everything they could to tear Spidey away from Sony

so disney still profits from sony even if they don't do anything.

Indeed, thats why no merchandise is getting cancelled, the videogames and comics will continue as they are now, the mouse gets all that money anyway if the movie rights are divorced again

The most intelligent post here. Too bad mouse shills will ignore it

Ok then which MCU films were better then Spiderverse?

I hate the mouse but Sony was really shortsighted when they sold the merchandise rights back to Disney. No way Disney will sell them back and at some point Sony Japan isn't going to be happy with a film IP they can't fully profit from. Disney is playing the long game

It made it harder for Sony to take Spidey back without getting the fans even more pissed, but they did that, so it's actually easier for them to use Holland, as they still need to finish his story, even if they have to think of a way to get his name cleared without using Skrulls.

It's a bit strange that Sony thinks they can build up an entire interconnected franchise with just the spiderman stuff and succeed with it. Fox tried with the X-Men and never quite got it off the ground and even DC, with access to their entire catalogue hasn't quite managed to make it work, with a legion of shitty CM tv series and an entire line of movies that are as much hit as they are miss. Yet Sony thinks cranking out Spider-franchise spinoffs will be the ticket to sunstained success. I guess it comes down to whether you believe Sony can makes this work, and as far as I'm concerned, I think they can't. I think it would have been the better option to hammer out another deal (that most likely would have been significantly less than the 50% that got thrown around) with Disney, to both reap profit from something that was already working.

Sony figures Feige has given them enough momentum to succeed without further MCU boosting. Which is funny given how much the Anti-Mouse girls here hate the MCU and Spider-Man in particular.
They've pretty much gotta work with the MCU leftovers or risk going back to where they left off; making Spider-Man movies that cost as much as Avengers with sub Suicide Squad box office.
These villain-centric movies are gonna ride hard on the performances of the individual actors carrying them, hopefully they can keep things at the Venom level, but I don't really see where they can go with Venom, now that the novelty is gone.
Maybe they can make successful movies with Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Ham, but action hero cartoons aimed at boys have generally struggled at theaters.
Sony needs to get this very right, because really what else does Sony Pictures have?

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>shitty CM tv series
Then why is Marvel ripping them off?

>Good stuff.
>Bad stuff.


Not that user but:
Avengers1, Incredible hulk, winter soldier, CW, infinity war and endgame, strange, BP, GOTG1, Ragnarok are all on the same level as SV or better in terms of good capeshit

A lot will depend on budget discipline. Sony has awful budget discipline with movie-making.

they sold them out of despair, Sony Pictures was in a reaaaally bad shape back then, its only now with stuff like Venomverse, HolandSM and RockJumanji that they are getting back on track

Thanks for participating, here's the (You) you needed so badly.

Marvels D+ shit is twice the budget and half the episodes tho, I don't know if that will make up for good quality, but it does sound smarter

So what happens when the Morbius movie bombs?

Remains to be seen how their shows turn out. Movie budget, short episode count and not making it about twen relationship dramas would give them a decent chance to improve upon CM fare.

The only Spiderman movie Sony fucked their budget on was ASM2. Part of the reason Sony Pictures has been doing better lately is because they reigned in the retards making expensive movies. Spiderverse was made on an almost shoestring budget

Yes, that's how business works, they sold the rights and got short term cash, now they have to deal with the consequences. If you and I pooled money together to buy lottery tickets and agreed to split the money if we win, the fact that you sold me your truck last week and need one badly now shouldn't play a role in how we split the money.

Based on past Sony?
They make a Spider-Man/Green Goblin/Venom/Carnage movie with a $300 million dollar budget and pray for Civil War-level box office.

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If you don't recognize Infinity War as an achievement in achievements, you're either underage or a brainlet. Not to mention its actual merits as a movie, and especially a superhero movie.

>enough momentum

Why do retards here talk as if Spiderman has ever been anything but successful? Even the worst movie Sony put out made $700 million and it was only a "failure" because they spent too much on marketing and production

Holland, Vulture, Mysterio and Hardy get pushed into a sinester six movie, leaving SM3 and Venom3 to rot in the meantime

clowns on you

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Absolutely fucking not. Fails as a proper comic book adaption film, felt more like Transformers then the whimsicality and quick cuts of the comic book format.
>Incredible hulk
Double absolutely fucking not because it was a shit movie, worse then The Hulk 2003
>winter soldier
I'll give you this but I still think SV does itself a lot better as a "comic book" movie that live action films don't come close to
See complaints about Avengers, also far worse then Winter Soldier
>infinity war and endgame
Infinity War had the same problems as Avengers 1 but Thanos was done well in IW but his presence was ruined in EG outside of the first 10 minutes
A boring tech demo that never plays upon the depths of the powers and the elements present in the comics when it had a lot of potential as a source material.
A LITERAL PS2 game demo with terrible lighting and an even worse character arc for T'Challa and I actually liked him in CW
I preferred 2 and enjoy the aesthetic but it's too stuck up on being funny throughout the entire film.
Literally the worst Thor film, even more then Dark World.

1/10 try harder next time

hah more like they pray for Endgame-level box office! remember the mails, they ere sure S6 could make 2B and Spiderverse-lite with Tobey and Garfield the same or more

>The only Spiderman movie Sony fucked their budget on was ASM2.
Both ASM had a bloated budget, $230 million is 10 more than it cost to make Avengers.

You can tell the breathless optimists because they assume that Spider-Verse is the new norm now.

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As a standard.movie. IW is nothing special. Most of the MCU's success comes from its overarching story and characters, not its cinematography or storytelling

>implying jake gyllenhaal will ever return to a superhero movie
he literally could not give less of a fuck about these capeshit movies and only agreed so he could rail holland's ass for a few months

>I hate the MCU soooooooo much it's rendered me retarded!

>Where were you when Sony saved Spider-Man?
Only for them to kill it later like the last two

I'd agree with you if Sony weren't doing terrible things with the properties they have. Remember Fantastic Four? The Disney dildo up their anus is the least they deserved.

I can acknowledge IW as an achievement when it came to actually making a sympathetic and threatening villain but the rest of the film is basic "early 2010s actiony" shit. Spiderverse is the only superhero film since Watchmen to actually get the shot by shot transitions and the lighting right to where it actually feels like a comic book adaption as well as having a good variety of colour usage, set pieces and characters that are "mostly" well written and actually develop as characters throughout the movie in a meaningful way to find a resolution. Infinity War/Endgame had no real resolution outside of Cap's story arc which was extremely simplistic shit and not delivered anywhere as well as Miles was, or even TubbySpidey was, in Spiderverse.

Cinematography has always been MCU's weakness I agree, but IW even stands out in that regard. Its actual strength lies in how incredibly well it juggles a gigantic cast and event timeline, as well as the freshness of the ending. Also Thanos CGI is some of the best of all time.

>comes from its overarching story and characters, not its storytelling
Based Potato, telling it like it be.

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And you have no evidence of the contrary, all you have is your anger over the absence of Spider-Man and your desperation to make the MCU look like it was a savior to the IP when the reality is that it wasn't. ASM was profitable, almost more so than the first Raimi film.

Nice rebuttal nigger. I wouldn't even be surprised if you were a Disney marketer faggot given how many shills (or brand obsessed retards) lurk Yea Forums these days especially Yea Forums.

Is this bait? Or is this OP being an utter loser and full of shit?

The hell am I angry for?
Spider-verse is one low-success animated movie.
Congrats I guess, to Sony for getting an Oscar during Oscarssoblack pt2, against a weak field.

I get Spider-Man movies in any case, I'll live without Dr. Strange and Ant Man in them.

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>Both ASM had a bloated budget, $230 million is 10 more than it cost to make Avengers.
>>The Avengers. Budget: $220 Million

See, now THIS guy is mad.

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What you're talking about is gimmicks and surface level stylization, whereas IW actually feels like a comic book taking place in real life, down to the converging storylines and "retconned" ending. Spider-Verse's converging event feels cheap and unearned since there was no setup.

can you believe Spider-man would have gone into public domain a few years ago unde the old copywright laws? Disney would have no problem putting him in the movies
now i wonder wich company tried to fuck copywright laws to keep their mascot alive

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Sipiderverse suffers from the same problems you listed for Avengers1, was still not superior to Raimi's SM2, Thanos was still a betetr villain that animated Kingpin (hell, netflix Kingpin was better than SVs), you can say that SV is also an animator's techdemo if you're that critical on the worth the visuals have to carry a movie, and let's not even touch GOTGs comedy when half the main character's on SV are used as comic relief (lol the pig's hand is wet, lmao moe anime gurl, omg he can't understand colors)

you have that cartoon on a very high pedestal, get real and knock it down some notches

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>not being able to tell the difference between what a story is and how a story is told

>Spider verse was the only successful spiderman movie

So you're just bitter then or ignorant

Mouse-Haters have the utmost respect for Oscars when Disney isn't the one winning them.
I have no idea why.

The fact that they made the movie about Thanos and had him fuck the good guys was special, it's not something you see on capeshit often unless the movies protag is an "antihero", outright bad guys always lose and are relegated to second-fiddle


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Too bad talentless hacks can't steal the ideas of others for their fanfics. What a shame......

>half the main character's on SV are used as comic relief
It was a comedy you fucking retard.

>Spider verse was the only successful spiderman movie
Spider-Man 2, like TDK, was a long damn time ago.

I know this is probably a normie opinion, but IW and Endgame just felt like comic books coming to life. Thanos acquiring the Soul Stone from the Red Skull who was transported there by the Cosmic Cube, Spider-Man webbing onto Mjolnir thrown by Cap, Pym Particle time travel, and so on.

Disney wins most of their Oscars by virtue of having almost no competition. Sony actually had to compete

Public domain isn't theft you retard. Disney paying off lawmakers to change the rules so they can forever hang on to properties they didn't create is actual theft.

>SV is full of gimmicks and surface level stylizing
You can literally use this argument against any comic book film.
>Spider-Verse's converging event feels cheap and unearned since there was no setup.
How was there not setup? They clearly develop Miles' personality as the main character (especially his chemistry with his family being built and supported by experiencing where the other Spideys went wrong and finding his own way), they "mostly" develop Kingpin as an empathetic and (for once) fearsome antagonist and some of the support characters are well done and help flesh out Miles' coming of age a lot better then most origin story formats.
IW did the antagonist development very well with Thanos but the storylines felt cheap and the gimmicky argument can be easily applied to those too especially when you have 20 movies to work with of backstory and yet can't really develop characters that much past how they were in their first film's outside of Cap (barely).

Maybe now Disney can return to actually making quality movies again instead of just trashy superhero movies?

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It took some effort, but you've made the most retarded post in this thread.

Sure, SV deserved the oscar that year (even tho island of Dogs was impressive on the tech level as well), but it still doesn't come close to other academy winners, people act like Ghibli made it for fucks sake

>Disney wins most of their Oscars by virtue of having almost no competition.
Yeah, it definitely isn't because Oscars are handed out to whoever pays out the most that year. Sony just made a bigger payment than Disney for the animated film category that year.

And that automatically makes SV stand on the same level of half the movies made for MCU - Marvel's Comedic Universe, fag! get off that high horse

You want something that someone else created, to be made available to you so you can profit off it because you're incapable of creating something original for yourself. I.e stealing

>Sipiderverse suffers from the same problems you listed for Avengers1, was still not superior to Raimi's SM2
When did I ever state this?
>let's not even touch GOTGs comedy when half the main character's on SV are used as comic relief
Spider-Pig and Penni were used poorly but it didn't detract from the majority of the film unless you're stuck up on it like an autist.

compete with what?? Wes Anderson was the onlu oponent, the other nominated movies were mediocre to shit

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>you're incapable of creating something original for yourself.
>implying this isn't the exact reason public domain was changed so big companies could hang on to shit they didn't make because they are creatively bankrupt
Please take disney's cock out of your throat for a while mouseshill. I'm worried for your health.

Sony: SOUL

So you're retarded then because surely you'd know that most animated films released these days are from Disney with fewer and fewer studios having animation departments

>it's impossible for a foreign company to buy a controlling interest in a Japanese company because japanese law forbids it
None of that is true.

>When did I ever state this?
Your first claim is that "SV is better than any MCU movie aside IM", I procede to list other MCU movies that are just as good or even better... ERGO, you claim that SV doesn't suffer from any problem that the other movies have

Also, add Noir to the one-note joke characters; I'm only letting PeterB slide because his arc of being patetic-old SM serves a purpose

can we talk about how cute they are together, Yea Forums?

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You're the faggot trying to make the argument that someone else's ideas should be made available to you for free. It has nothing to do with dick riding Disney, I hate fags who feel entitled to things they don't own

Actually it is. Japanese law prohibits companies vital to the Japanese economy to be bought out by foreign interests. Sony is one of the largest Japanese companies in the world

Are you an edgy Socialist, a 12-yr old, or an edgy 12-yr old Socialist?
Should we make all your stuff free-use, people can just wander in and use your stuff as they like? (There'd be BLACKS!).

You don't even have an argument, you just like to sputter and rant about dicks.

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>>SV is full of gimmicks and surface level stylizing
>You can literally use this argument against any comic book film.
No, I said Spider-Verse's "comic-ness" is gimmicky and surface level, whereas IW feels like a comic book playing out in real life. It's the difference in thinking you know what comic books are like, and actually knowing for having read them. IW's story is comic-like even on paper, whereas Spider-Verse relies on you actually seeing the movie to tell you it's based on a comic and that it's not some random fanfiction, i.e. IW is written like a comic, whereas ITSV only looks like one.

There was no setup because there was no setup, it was the first movie in its line, entirely self-contained, which is not how these multiverse events work in comics, it's a movie about crossing the finish line without showing the race. The only thing you could consider setup was how Peter B was LOOSELY based on Raimi-Man, the rest were for all intents and purposes "invented" for the movie.

You know, what does an, "interconnected franchise," or, "cinematic universe," even mean? Like, all of the different Marvel series and DC series cross over with each other in the comics, but if you're just gonna characters from a single series like Spider-Man, how is that a shared universe? You're literally just using the characters from the series you're adapting, like any other movie!

Even if it isn't, Sony has almost double Disney's net worth. They'd laugh at a takeover

>So you're retarded then because surely you'd know that most animated films released these days are from Disney with fewer and fewer studios having animation departments
Please accept my retarded non-facts as truth!: the post.

The FF films beyond the never released Corman one have been 20th Century Fox.

Public domain benefits everyone because it forced people to keep creating new things they could own and old things that became public domain would have to compete with other things using the same property. Now every successful thing will be purchased by some major corporation where they will keep pumping out rehashed garbage because they aren't forced to compete or create anything new.

There is a fine line between being pro capitalism and being a corporate whore. Take a guess which side of the line you're on.

So you're going to ignore the fact that they've fucked up the Sam Raimi Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man, and they will most likely will fuck up with this

You are full of yourself aren't you?

Spiderman 2 isn't MCU retard.

We live in a world where countless people are shitting out ideas. If you're unable to make one for yourself then that sounds like a personal issue. Fags who whine about public domain feel entitled to ideas and concepts they had no hand in and they should eat a dick

Nice non argument retard. Try coming up with one reason for why letting large companies eternally hold a property is actually better than what had been happening throughout the rest of history. An actual argument this time and not just "you to dumb to make stuff."

>there's no way in fucking hell Marvel is going to let Sony touch Spider-Man as a video game property
Wait shit, that weird rights stuff extends to video games too? I thought it was just TV show stuff, but holy hell. This leaves Sony with just the movies, and Disney with their low budget ass cartoon. Both sides gotta realize how much more useful a deal would be, right?

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_Award_for_Best_Animated_Feature Jesus Christ mouse shill it's there for everyone to see. Look at the competition, fuck, sometimes they even had multiple movies up for nomination. The few marquee years for non Disney animated films, Disney almost always loses

Spider-Verse's Oscar was won by virtue of virtue signaling

>people actually are claiming public domain is bad
Jesus Christ. Just imagine a world where Disney owns Greek Mythology because they payed off the right holders and now nobody else can use any of it.

>Ladderbro will kill himself

>prohibits companies vital to the Japanese economy
No it doesn't. It prohibits companies vital to public safety and national security from being bought out.

You have no argument yourself beyond your own incorrect accusations that being unable to steal someone else's idea has stunted creativity when we see in every day fucking life that some one is out there pitching a new idea for something. Nothing is stifled and you haven't made a case for your claim other than your anger at being unable to profit off someone else's ideas

spiderman is the worst marvel hero anyway

fuck it

MCU isn't hurting for cash, and Sony is. They're overvaluing the Spider-Man movie rights, Disney is going to let them run them back into the ground so they can purchase them permanently for a lower price.

That part was for the faggot that thinks TIH was worse than AngLee' Hulk.
1. TIH isnt a bad movie, and it sure is better than Shrek vs Pitbulls
2. Lots of people think SM2 is better than SV, does that make Spiderverse complete shit then? the part about "I like old hulk better" on that list isn't an argument

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What stupidity do you suffer from that makes you think Disney will refuse what amounts to free money from the Spiderman PS4 series? Corporations don't pout and go home if one deal falls through

>some one is out there pitching a new idea for something
And how many of those new ideas utilize parts of other people's creations? There are countless things that use mythologies and legends created by others, but you would claim that's bad. Those people are just petty thieves and who ever pays the most should be the only one allowed to use those mythologies. Corporate drones truly are subhuman.

Marvel owns literally everything but film rights. This is why Spider-Man is in MUA3 on the Nintendo Switch.

>Marvel proceeds to stop selling Fantastic Four/X-Men/Deadpool merchandise and cuts all related content from video games to spite Fox

t. short memory faggot

>Yes, 5 noms a year, with 1-2 of them being Disney.
Exactly how the Best Animation Oscar has always been. I bet you are also the user who complains how Disney is flooding cinema with capeshit by releasing a whopping 2-3 cape movies a year.

>all this faggy talk about the movies when the Spiderman PS4 game was the best Spiderman since Spiderman 2
I'm so glad I'm not stupid.

Disney didn't get money from XM and FF thou, since they own SM merchandise rights, they still get money from videogames even if they cant make the movies anymore

The PS4 game was fucking shit though.

Let's just pray for the new SM3 movie to be more like Insomniac's and less like the Webb movies

>epic contrarian man
If you didn't like the game, I can only imagine what you thiink of the movies.

You can think whatever you want about it, but most people agreed that it was a solid and enjoyable game.

They did literally just that with the FF and the X-Men, Marvel vs Capcom 2 had 28 Marvel characters of which 18 were X-Men or FF originating, Marvel vs Capcom 4 had 15 Marvel characters of which 0 were from the X-Men or the FF.

take out the MJ and Miles stuff and it's very decent

Doesn't explain why they were hugely downplayed in the comics.

it does, think about it a bit harder

Same to

Marisa Tomei cast as Aunt May by Disney and Aunt May film possibility rumors from Sony means that the press drama between Sony and Disney is take news designed to protect Disney from whatever had magic comes from a Rated R Venom movie co-starring Tom Holland.

So in desperation you'll use whataboutism and even then you'll still ignore that you're simply angry at being unable to poach from others

you can't steal from dead men

OK retards, now point out where FOX made those games

>people make new shit all the time
>how much of that new shit uses public domain ideas
>t-thats just whataboutism
Protip only the mental deficient use bullshit terms like whataboutism.

>What is tomb raiding and grave robbing, bother are considered crime btw

You can steal from who owns the idea

Okay retard, now point out where Sony owns ANY rights to the video game licensing portion of Spider-Man.

>Spider-Man is in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, a Nintendo Switch exclusive

Whataboutism is a valid term and you never justified your argument beyond bringing up adaption while ignoring that what you're demanding is access to original characters with no ties to "mythology and lie"

Not to mention you still haven't addressed the fact that despite your ravings, original creations are still going on, it just seems the fact of people being able to own what they create makes you seethe

What's making him seethe is "Disney is doing a thing".
Plain and simple.

>X is valid proof of Y

Yes it is in fact proof that Sony factually doesn't own any rights beyond film for Spider-Man.

Someone get out the grayons for this guy, and don't let him put them in his mouth.

user, Trump is purging all of Disney's lackeys in the DoJ and the congress, Walstreet is nuts for the government to Sherman them.

>Disney gets greedy, wants unreasonable amounts of money
>Sony says fuck you
Glorious that I lived long enough to see the MCU die.

Didn't Sony move to California, though?

Yep, their HQ is now situated in California.


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>Ned is a SM-brand character, he falls into Sonys property
the versions that Marvel made are different enough that Sony can't use them. They own "Ned Leeds" but they don't own "fat asian Ned Leeds"

They own Mary Jane Watson, but they don't own "Michelle whats-her-face"

Fantastic Four would unironically be better off with Sony than 20th century Fox.

Regardless. Sony shits on Disney in terms of net worth, Disney couldn't buy them out even if they wanted to

>Sony is

Sony music, SIE, and even Pictures just had marquee years. Meanwhile, Disney is bleeding money from their failing TV networks, falling theme park attendance, and they just got in trouble with the SEC for inflating the value of their stock. The only thing bringing in money right now is the MCU

SIE moved to California retard. Their main headquarters is still in Tokyo

Sony comes across as petty and a little pathetic desu

thats a very grey area user, 90% of the holland movies changed the SM lore just as much, even for Peter himself

so basicly how Disney built their fucking empire?

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Who wrote this pasta?

This is for the best, and actually kind of on-brand for Spider-Man himself. Peter being a solo hero without much money is a pretty central part of his character, and we've consistently seen that when this changes (up to and including becoming an Avenger and gaining access to the resources that come with Avenger status), it tends to work out poorly for him. It's like stretching a rubber band- the farther Peter gets from his natural state, the harder the inevitable snap-back eventually is.

Joining the MCU and becoming Stark's spiritual successor was, in a meta-sense, probably the biggest stretch Peter's character has ever experienced. I mean, in his latest movie, he built a high-tech suit inside a billion dollar superjet. The universe couldn't bear that.

It doesn't matter how much better things seem to be getting or how stable this new status quo seems to be... Parker Luck ALWAYS wins out in the end.

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everything written after the original works is fanfic user

Literal teenagers who are furious st Sony for having the gall to not renew the deal with based Disney.

The best part of all this being that the people screeching loudest about this are the ones who don't even read comics.

The idea that anyone would be against a What If episode where Marisa Tomei's Aunt May gets to be a young sexy super hero doesn't float, doesn't convince, it isn't realistic to think there's drama between season 2 of Marvel's What If and now. It's just foment of the press for eyeballs.
Marisa Tomei
Marisa Tomei
Marisa Tomei

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Yeah how dare they make a sound financial decision

Google Image Search results

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Who gives a shit? I got the X men now, and moon knight
Keep spider man and do whatever you want with him

Did you watch the second movie? Holland was going to be the new RDJ. He is probably pissed


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that peter parker luck holds up as usual

Who’s excited about Tom Holland as Ricochet or the Bombastic Bag-man?


>So Spiderman is back to having a varying successful direction in promoting his franchise instead of bucking down towards having non stop quality success and actually being a franchise that is always critically acclaimed and reknown in branded popularity with other brands that happen to be the most famous media company on the planet.

You deserved this, fags. You'll be the reasons Spider-Man stops being more popular than Avengers and Deadpool.

Yes along with Superman and Aquaman.

>The Parker Luck is a force so powerful that it broke the 4th wall and extended into meta
How long you give until Sony’s ambitions burn it all to the ground again?


This is adorable. I'd watch the hell out of a series about Spider-Ma'am knocking out dudes with a giant purse made of webbing and gently admonishing her recurring bad guys into giving up because she "isn't mad, she's just disappointed".

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>the company that made the amazing spider-man, wanted to make a bunch of stupid movies about aunt may and the sinister six and shit, made the ghostbusters reboot is gonna save spider-man

if they fuck up spider-verse 2 they'll have nothing

Not really. His role in the MCU only happened due to a big stroke of luck in the first place (the Sony leaks) and it happened to match the timing to allow him to appear in the lead up to End Game and its epilogue.

>Disney being even bigger Jews while demanding a piece of all spiderman verse movies while not putting in anything for production was just the cherry on top of the shut sundae.
They would put 30/50% on them too. The whole point of their proposal is that all those movies would be integrated into the MCU avoiding the current issue where they were splitting characters with Sony.

>Holland was going to be the new RDJ
Whoa dial back there mate, pretty sure her wouldn't even get close to RDJ fame

why should Sony own Spider-Man and no bitching about Disney is not an actual answer

>Speedball is a barrista


With both Evans and RDJ retired and Thor assuming a more collaborative role than being the main hero (whor lol), Holland was being build up to be the new face of the MCU, we are talking about Spider-Man who popularity rivals Batman's leading the biggest Hollywood franchise in history

>d-disney bad
>s-so sony good!
Fuck off. They fucking ruined Spider-Man. That Disney messed him up is sad but that doesn't mean Sony will fix anything. They'll fuck up just like before and you'd know that if you actually cared and didn't just want to brand war like some kind of console warrior.

How much do you want to bet that Sony will sell the Spider man franchise to DC comics? That'd be hilarious

because they paid to the agreed amount for the rights to own Spider-Man

That's it really. It's stupid to split hair past this. There was no underhanded deal. Marvel offered them Thor, Captain America, Iron man, Ant man and others all at once for the same price as just Spider-man and they declined saying they wanted Spider-man or walk, so a deal was struck and Disney came later to play nice to get him in the MCU, Sony agreed and when new terms rolled up, Sony decided to just keep their Wall Crawler.

They can't, they shutter, the rights to back to Marvel, they sell, the rights go back to Marvel, they don't make a SM movie for a few years, the rights go back to Marvel, it's a lose-lose for Sony

>we are talking about Spider-Man who popularity rivals Batman's leading the biggest Hollywood franchise in history
yes but our Buddy Holland doesn't generate the same demand in his solo movies and no amount of grooming will make the audience shift their stance otherwise Captain Marvel would be still front and center.

lets get real. By how lose the contract works we are getting a live action Miles and/or Gwen next. They can do a lot with the brand and keep it alive.

wow you have retardation lol

but why should they continue to own it?

I really wanted a follow up to the cliffhanger. But I guess Yea Forums will call me a shill for even suggesting that.
This is all a gigantic mess.

They can because Sony owns Spider Man, not Marvel

They literally cannot

B-b-but Disney bad! Disney bad! So Sony good!

It seemed like that but it would be the stupidest decision to put all their eggs in the character that was part of a one in a time deal that could be broken at any moment. From the looks of Phase 4 it seems that Marvel knows that is time to search new characters that could gather interest instead of relying on just one, this is not phase 1 where Iron Man was the only character with a movie that was a massive success

Does this mean he finally gets to grow up, marry and have kids?

Film rights, Disney owns, comic book, merch, and tv animation.


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They bought the character back in the 90s you dumbass, Marvel ANSWERS to Sony with the spider man comics

>Spiderverse was better then any MCU film since the first Iron Man
Its also the lowest grossing Spidey flick. Also don't forget the critical darling Venom.

Spider-Verse wasn't interfering with the MCU whatsoever or vice versa. We aren't going to get more things like Spider-Verse because of the Sony/Disney breakup.

Well, I hope this "DisneyMCU is finished!" thread has been therapeutic for everyone who needed it.
I'll see you all at the next MCU movie. Especially you, "I haven't watched an MCU movie since Winter Soldier" user.

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Nope, only film rights.

Why does everyone call Disney "the mouse" all of a sudden? Yeah, yeah I get it. Mickey. The logos. I get it.
But why now? If we go back just a couple of years and everyone just plainly said Disney 19 times out of 20.

I agree and it's not like they were asleep, phase 4 looks pretty solid with all the solo movies, but I was talking more about a Spider-Man/Holland perspective. Sure the new movies are probably going to do well, but Spider-Man is by the the most solid IP and it's actually tested.
Fuckign FFH went to the theaters a little bit after the major closure of the genre (endgame) and everyone agreed that a fatigue was inevitable, me being part of the "superhero bubble" poster and shit.
To my surprise, FFH made a easy billion that we aren't expecting! Everyone here thought that the train would slow down but it's just keeps giving. Since I left the hypewagon in infinity war already, Im on the team that if it wasn't Spider-Man, any other IP could have done pretty bad (by comparison) after the highest fatigue point so far

I might be wrong but it was a safe bet that Spider-Man would conquer the spotlight regardless if the other movies of phase 4 also do well or not

Pic related levels of ass-pain over TLJ.

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>Holland was being build up to be the new face of the MCU
Don't you mean Chris Pratt? They've been pushing Doctor Strange super hard too.

And really, it looks like it might be Hemsworth moving forward after all.

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Yeah man I'm sure being able to use Spider-man would totally compensate for the lose of Mickey fucking Mouse. I can't believe people can be so stupid to believe this.

>hahahha me likey dis other corperation bc me no like oder corperation!!

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The revisionism of some pleople is off charts, and i'm talking about who says Sony is "based". They haven't made a good movie in years.

Spider-man makes more money for Disney in one year than Mickey did since the 2000's started

You are really understimating how much money Mickey Mouse merchandise makes

>tqaking what I said, one episode of what if featuring the MCU Aunt May, and inflating it last it's function into a whole series.

Esh, marvel really pissed them off.

like i know its cool to hate disney now since they now are tryna have a monopoly on all entertainment, and i understand people that don't like the new mcu spidey or anything he was in or the mcu in general. But nigga, if you really on god believe that sony is gonna make a good spiderman movie, you are dead fucking wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if we get something that is EVEN WORSE than AMS 1 and 2. You guys who hate mcu spidey are just trading another bad spiderman with another bad spiderman. Like for real, does no one fucking see this, am I the crazy one here?

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Spider-verse came out just a few months ago, pals. And Venom was fun.

>expecting same discussion on Yea Forums while using urban speech.

This forum would need to have to be 20% this kind of slang posts, 20% another kind of urban slang, white people church slang I guess, I don't know, Asian people sounding white TV English posts etc for a total of 60-70% posts making sense instead of the way it is now, post after post of senseless arguing to the script of writers employed by PR agencies who write out the entire conversation pro and com on a topic to monopolize the conversation and ghost post it from spooffed IPs so the community never rises up in unison against the corporation,and since so many people learn in school how to kiss was and brown nose even the Twitter and the Instagram fall in line because they're all trying to sound as on point as the true to life shills who hide behind the spot light calling out other shills.

The Disney Spider-man Song right is a battle to hide the creation of a Spider-man Monster-verse, since no one is noticing how Spider-man villains are all either werewolves or techno criminals.

>Holland was going to be the new RDJ
No he wasn't. They were going to try to shove him into that role, but the suit doesn't always fit.

Why do people bring up Spider-Verse all the time? As if the production behind an animated movie would ever be shared with a live action production even though the talent, budget, and intent are all different.

The Spectacular Spider-Man was an amazing cartoon, and yet we got Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing movies.

Apparently, the Sony execs from Japan are unironically pushing for a deal to be made between Sony Pictures and Disney, and considering how much the Japs hate their film division I don't see this going wrong, maybe for Sony it will

>mfw they end up selling Sony Pictures

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Take out Mary whore and it's almost average

Except Start died so he isn't anymore.

I can't wait for the self-bargaining after more shitty movies come out from Sony.

Then ones who wanted this will have to defend it, or risk looking stupid.

>mfw I have no interest in Spider-man in the first place

I can name 10 heroes off-hand I enjoy more.

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>I hate Disney because it's an evil monopolistic 100 billion dollar corporation, unlike based Sony which is a multinational 200 billion dollar corporation

Did you not watch FFH?

Based casual.

Same. Kind of glad that he is gone from the MCU.

i was sat home eating smegma butter when disney ring

'spidey is kill'


It's amazing how you can tell some people in this thread are from reddit.

it's been revealed that feige helped uncredited on it. this means that spider-verse is even more of an exception to the rule because sony couldn't direct their way out of a paperbag

Remember...sony has made multiple spider-man movies.

There is a reason they keep having to reboot that shit.

The whole board is tumblr and sucking Steven Universe dick so you can easily tell the redditors apart

I don't remember where I was when I saw the trailer for Civil War, why do you ask?

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Are you dumb? It makes them money, and they paid for the rights. Not much more than that.

Oh okay, so no reason to watch a Spiderman movie ever again and avoid DisneyJewland as much as possible because they'll just ruin everything you enjoy. Welp, it was a fun ride while it lasted.

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Who gives a fuck, fuck Disney. You stupid capeshitters.

>>Sony is
>Sony music, SIE, and even Pictures just had marquee years. Meanwhile, Disney is bleeding money from their failing TV networks, falling theme park attendance, and they just got in trouble with the SEC for inflating the value of their stock. The only thing bringing in money right now is the MCU
Imagine actually believing this when Dinsey has had 5 billion dollar movies (one close to 3 billion) and still has Frozen 2 and Star wars 9 this year.

And they're launching their own streaming service filled with shit normies will love.


jumanji made almost a billion, going against star wars too

I love it when retards think they know shit

This! Can't wait for more Amazing Spider-Man movies!

you do know that is the MCU image durinng civil war. you know the civil war that manage to do better with spiderman than the entire sony franchise combined?


you are comparing the studio of disney to the whole of sony. Try again you philistine.

Sony’s fucked up on Spider-Man, but we also got Raimiman 1, 2, and Spider-Verse from them. MCU “Spider-Man” was in name only and I hated it.

Sony does realize that the only reason venom and into the spiderverse made any money...was the fucking MCU?

If they make a big deal about takign it out of the MCU then...there's no reason for the normie audience to go see the new spiderman movies.

>oh no disney can't keep a monopoly on every single character in existence
you have to be retarded to think that's a bad thing.

>yes finally spiderman has returned to the company that gave us such hits as The Amazing Spiderman 2!
You have to be retarded to think that's a good thing.

>yfw this kills the capeshit movies

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>Sony does realize that the only reason venom and into the spiderverse made any money...was the fucking MCU?
spiderman prints money, before MCU rose a bunch of C and B listers up, Spiderman and the xmen were only super heroes that had as much name recognition as superman or batman, even though amazing spiderman 2 was a "failure" it still made 700 million, as long as they don't try to freaking rush the whole franchise from one movie, they should had been fine

The brainlets in the thread are the ones who are posting any variation of the following (paraphrased):
>Disney good, Sony bad!
>Sony good, Disney bad!
>Sony has all rights to Spider-Man, Marvel has none!

>even though amazing spiderman 2 was a "failure" it still made 700 million

Oh yeah, I forgot the other post brainlets make:
>Studios get all the money from the worldwide box office

Why doesn't the Mouse buy Sony?

>Studios get all the money from the worldwide box office
you are moving the goal post, your point was that they needed the MCU, even the shitty movie still made more than most of the MCU single hero movies

Imagine having to do these stupid promotions things and act like you give a shit about capeshit.

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>and Spider-Verse
Why do you keep bringing it up?
Spider-Verse falls under a completely different licence, and was handled by completely different talent.

My only post in this thread was you schizo brainlet

>You'll be the reasons Spider-Man stops being more popular than Avengers and Deadpool.
One can only hope.

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Why can't sony just give the fucking rights back?

spiderman 3
amazing spiderman 1 and 2
homecoming and far from home
all varying levels of hot trash

they have literally only made three good spiderman movies ever and one of them is fucking animated while the other two are 15+ years old

>homecoming and far from home
Sony did made produce those but the creative decision was made by marvel

and reminder that the same Sony has done The Emoji Movie

I for one love the assblasted state of Disney shills

I mean the basic fact of the matter is that Disney should never have been allowed to acquire Marvel in the first place. The way I see it, even if Sony Pictures is a bunch of literal teenage-level IQ retards who just want Spiderman back because they're greedy and jealous, they're still doing a good thing by keeping a high-value IP out of a monopolistic IP-hoarder's hands.

And let's be real I'm going to watch a Spiderman movie no matter who makes it.

Mickey Mouse is trademarked, not copyrighted. Disney has tried to move the copyright law goalposts because otherwise the earlier cartoons would've been turned into public domain, but even with old copyright law, Mickey Mouse would've remained theirs only.

You're part of the problem. Just stop watching them altogether. Nothing of value will be lost.

>he thinks Disney can buy out Sony

Drinking the tears of MCU fans

Can Sony Pictures just ignore what Japan wants? Seems like that'd be a bad idea, no?

Except for the fact that it's main character is incredibly boring compared to the rest of the cast

funny enough they can't sell it to Disney, after getting fox they are dangerously close to breaking monopoly laws on how much one can own of a single industry

I really wanted Xmen, Spiderman and a few others to just stay as their own thing in films and shows. What is it with these faggots that need/want all this cross over shit?

god I hope so

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>he doesn't want 90 minutes of blood pumping action as 80 year old Aunt May attempts to bake a cake, but gets constantly bullied by increasingly dangerous enemies of Spider-Man who are trying to find him, and whom she needs to shoo off with a rolling pin

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Including Doc Ock constantly trying to marry her!

>after getting fox they are dangerously close to breaking monopoly laws on how much one can own of a single industry
"I'll just make shit up!"

It's more fun to say

No more Iron Kid finally.

We can thank Disney for being too fucking greedy and Sony for having a big fat ego. Fuck these two! Why the hell do we have to suffer for this!

This is all just because they made that Asian guy look bad in homecoming isn't it.

That would be an antitrust suit

Not by any stretch of the imagination.

>Sony saved Spider-Man from being a sucessful 10 year billion dollar franchise
Oh thank god, now we can finally have that Aunt May solo movie

I dunno, they probably read comics like fucking dorks.

>owning yet another entertainment company wouldn’t be crossing the monopoly line

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Every time I see this in the catalog it looks like he's holding an Oreo.

And Wes stood no chance in the category because he didn’t make a children’s movie, fuck the only reason Disney didn’t win this year was because they had to ask the academy to stop having them be the only winners in the category (and even still bet on Ralph to win)

Yes, that's not the basis of monopolies/trusts.
I feel you aren't too stupid to reach.

>the only reason Disney didn’t win this year was because they had to ask the academy to stop having them be the only winners in the category
You need to walk it back to only Half Retard, user.

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>Owning multiple rival entertainment companies is not a monopoly
>owning multiple rival animation studios is somehow not a monopoly
>owning multiple tv stations and broadcasting companies is not a monopoly

Realistically what would it take for Sony to even consider another deal? Cause it seems like they've really let their recent success go to there heads, and it would take another 2 or 3 films underperforming to even make them budge.

I have half an hour and the patience to explain it to you simply. Do you want to understand, or are you just on shit-post autopilot.

I can use the Steel Industry or relate it more to entertainment, or both, whichever you like.

Since you post about monopolies regularly, I think it would be helpful if you had a basic idea of what they are about.

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Sony of Japan wants the deal with Disney and they call the shots.

So do you want to understand the concept, or not?
There's a reason no regulatory agency has taken action at Disney, or even seriously considered it.
I really feel it would be helpful if you broadly understood the reasons.

Out of the last 18 years with the category Disney/Pixar won 12 times (14 if you realize that spirited away was distributed by them in the states and spider-man is owned by them regardless of what song does) even then the only other time that they lost outright was in 2000 when monsters inc got beaten by shriek (which I’m surprised about but those were both actual contenders) they have a monopoly and I’m not happy about it because there is no winning here, we either get more Sony movies which they’ve already fired everyone from the first spiderverse to avoid paying their pay bumps from the win we’ve got venom and we’ll see if it’s actually good this time and not just “surprisingly competent” and the kraken and nor just movies sound retarded. I don’t know what they’ll do with the actual mainline films but history has taught me it won’t be good. But it’s not like it would’ve gotten any better with giving Disney a bigger slice of the pie so I don’t know, I’m just going to watch another favorite franchise get destroyed from within and try to find something else stupid to get into I suppose

>(14 if you realize that spirited away was distributed by them in the states and spider-man is owned by them
You are already starting out with specious logic here. Are you seriously suggesting that Spirited Away is a Disney film?

Because they bribe them to ignore it and buy senators

Not the user your responding to and I'm not even going to pretend to know what I'm talking about. I'm just asking a sort of what if question here. If it would even be against monopoly laws for them to buy Sony, could they buy them for the purpose of getting Spidey back and then just sell the rest of the company?

You let me down user, I felt sure you were going to go with Pic Related.

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>the only other time that they lost outright was in 2000 when monsters inc got beaten by shriek (which I’m surprised about but those were both actual contenders)

Shrek is like an 8 and Monsters inc is a 6, being generous.

Ok how about their multiple realty companies too for the land own. They’re too powerful in the the US

Why do people so easily forget that when the original Spidey deal was going on Sony and news outlets kept saying it wasn't happening. When the Fox deals were going about they had come out and said nothing was happening only for Disney to buy Fox the next week.

Not saying Spidey will be back in the MCU. Sony could very well think their ego is big enough to not shit the bed. Not saying Disney is the best ever but the Spidey movies at least felt competent with them having some hand in it compared to Sonys usual fair. I just don't think some exec spouting PR talk is confirmation of anything. Hell he even says it's still possible.

The government doesn't care about "horizontal takeovers". Anti-trust legislation is meant to stop "vertical takeovers", which creates monopolies that damage public interest.

There are dozens of film studios of different sizes, producing at least a hundred films a year (usually more). Disney is currently the largest and most profitable. They could buy Sony Pictures and WB Studios both and it wouldn't be considered a true Monopoly.

To use an analogy; if you were KFC, and you bought Popeyes and Chik-fil-A and Church's, you aren't a monopoly.

IF you buy up most all of the chicken farms, the feed producers and the restaurant supply companies, THEN you become a monopoly. The magnates of the early 20th century were doing this shit, buying up the steel plants, the coal mines that fueled them, the rail lines that moved the ore and fuel, ect, til you couldn't even try to make steel to compete with them.

This is why Time/AT&T gets scrutinized, they are a vertical takeover, owning the studios, AND the infrastructure (cable lines/satellites/transmission towers). If they started purchasing the big theater chains they'd be a certain monopoly.

All of Sony's old franchises added together and sent to Disney means nothing.

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Not at all, but their monopoly extends to distribution of popular foreign films.

Distributing films for smaller studios is not monopolistic behavior. If foreign studios had no choice BUT to have Disney distribute them in the US, THAT'S a monopoly.

Things don't become a monopoly just because you throw the word around like "cuck".

Same, I was afraid that Spider-Man would be like what Tony was in the setting, except far more prominent and far more shoehorned in than Tony could ever be, this gives some breathing room for everybody else to get their time to develop without assholes going "buh where Spider-Man?" every time something goes down.

Crossovers are fine, just don't do what they did with Wolverine in the 80s and 90s where he was everywhere, even if it didn't make sense.

So the main thing stopping Disney from buying Sony Pictures is how expensive it'd be compared to the turn around? Not fear of a monopoly.

So how are they going to write out Iron-Boy? Say he died offscreen during a fight with someone calling himself "Trapster?"

You seem to know a bit about business. What's your take on the Spidey thing? Wouldn't both parties make more money overall by working together? As long as the deal was fair. Think there's any chance they'll make a deal?

Accidentally called in a drone strike on himself

Hanged himself leaving a note with MR STARK written all over it.

I blame Zendaya's ugly looking cunt face for ruining spiderman

They can only buy Sony if the japs are willing to sell or get rid of it, but even then Disney wouldn't buy Sony because it's a worthless investment, that's how shit Sony Pictures is
Also Disney doesn't need to buy Sony to get Spider Man back to Marvel, if something happens to Sony Pictures, like the japs get rid of it or they sell it to anybody, then the rights revert back to Marvel, could that happen? Yes, because it's been known that the japs were the ones behind the Sony-Disney deal and the japs were willing to get rid of their film division because it was dragging the entire company down

>Too bad talentless hacks can't steal the ideas of others for their fanfics
What do you mean by this? Disney talentless hacks do exactly this. They also have an army of lawyers to prevent everyone else from doing what they already do. You corporate shill.

Blame Zendaya AND Disney

Spiderman should have never joined the MCU in the first place


Read the thread.

>Dread it, Run from it, Mouse money arrives all the same...
I don't give a shit about company wars, but it's just a matter of time before Disney gets him back.

Right now the studios are maneuvering for bargaining position. Sony feels that Feige has laid enough groundwork, and that Venom has done well enough, that they can try and ride Spider-Man for some big payoffs. Marvel Studios barely has room on their slate to do the sequels to stuff they feel obligated to follow up.

Both are playing a long game.

Wait if Sony Pictures is so bad off why are they trying to go it alone with Spidey instead of taking the safe sure fire route that ensures they make constant profit off of Spidey being in the mcu?

>civil war that manage to do better with spiderman than the entire sony
>the entire involvement of Spider-man in the movie is being blackmailed by Stark into becoming his personal boy-toy enforcer

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Disney and it's sub-studios account for maybe 1 in 12 movies that get theatrically released.
Their streaming service will be one out of 10 (possibly 12).
They will own maybe 5, 6 channels in cable? Out of how many hundred?

Their movies are hugely successful, but 10 movies a year isn't squeezing anyone out of theaters.
Cable on the other hand, is pretty close to a monopoly. They divide service in the nation into fiefdoms, and the (shitty) satellite option exists, so hey can claim it's a duopoly and avoid government action.
I just had to deal with AT&T/Spectrum yesterday. What they laughably call "customer service". Those guys are more powerful/awful than Disney could ever want to be.

Disney isn't a monopoly, or even threatening to become a monopoly, by even the loosest definition of the word.

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Sony Pictures isn't that massive a studio, if they can keep 2-3 franchises spinning the whole thing becomes worthwhile.

The trick with cable companies is that only one or two are in individual areas. Even though there are a number of companies, most consumers are stuck dealing with one or two options. I am fucking stuck with Comcast now. I think at my last place we had Comcast and RCN. Possibly Verizon, but they didn't want to put in new cable to the building.

It suits most of us, if we can have access to creations after some time. In a democratic society, what suits most of us, is what ought to happen. If it doesn't happen, it means someone (disney) is using something (lobbying to lawmakers) to go against the public's wants.

Sony did.

you won't make anything good with anyone else's creations, just like you wouldn't make any of your own. No one's stopping you from making your own pitches instead of waiting for something that earned its place as being popular to become available, other than your own lack of good ideas.


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t. Uncreative shill

What if they bring back Raimi for the sony Holland movie?

It's not gonna happen, reddit

Raimi fucking hates Sony.

>can you believe Spider-man would have gone into public domain a few years ago unde the old copywright laws? Disney would have no problem putting him in the movies
>now i wonder wich company tried to fuck copywright laws to keep their mascot alive

You and every hot take Tweeter don't understand how it works, under the old copyright laws prior to 1976, it would've meant 1962 stuff goes PD this year, which means only Amazing Fantasy #15 would've gone PD, because the Amazing Spider-Man ongoing didn't start until 1963. You got two scenarios going here:

A: Marvel and Sony did come to that agreement and made Spider-Iron Lad for the MCU, but that means once Sony walks away, they can't use that version after they'd already established him in the MCU.

B. Disney and Sony don't make that deal years ago and Disney simply waited till 2020 or something to put Spider-Man in, but with a limited amount of characters.

>B. Disney and Sony don't make that deal years ago and Disney simply waited till 2020 or something to put Spider-Man in, but with a limited amount of characters.

Amazing Fantasy would be enough for Peter's appearances in the Captain America and Avengers movies. They'd lose the supporting cast aside from Aunt May, but they were pretty much original characters so they could just get name changes. The biggest factor they'd be missing would be the villains, since they'd need to create original ones or used other villains they own (they now have kingpin for example).

>they now have kingpin for example

Do they? Because Spider-Verse used Kingpin.

The issue though is how it would be incorporated. If Sony still wanted to hold onto the movie rights they got, then Disney would just have Spider-Man be a supporting character in the MCU films, like Hulk. Using him like in Civil War could be possible (since that was Peter and Aunt May only), but Civil War was released in 2016, too early for them to use a PD Spider-Man. In fact it'd mean Spider-Man wouldn't be introduced until MCU Phase 4.

I don't know why Disney just doesn't tear up the contract, pay a large sum and snatch him out of Sony's hands

Cause they bought out Fox recently.

Plus if what people are saying about the contract is true, Disney still gets all the money from Spider-Man film merchandise.


Damn you made it actually sound good

Sony isn't bleeding money. They have been profiting off of their films for the past few years.

We really gonna believe the company that gave us Ghostbusters 2016 is going to save anything?

Now this is advanced shit taste

I'd rather not talk about videogames.
Anything is better than Yea Forums mouthbreathers coming here

Just like Disney never bought everything Fox, just the studio part of it.

Whoever came up with "Auntie Freeze" should be pulled from their homes and beaten in front of their children.

mojales confirmed for DisneyU .. :x

It's one of the characters that are shared.