
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Best Gem Edition

Last Thread: >>???

>The movie will air on September 2nd at 6pm ET
>’The Art of Steven Universe: the Movie’ art book coming Fall 2019
>Sneak peak at the Behind the Scenes 1 hour documentary
>Dove x SU shorts

>Battle of Heart and Mind Arc
>OST Vol. 2 and Karaoke
>The Steven Universe Podcast

>Episode downloads
1080p: mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt, comics, soundtracks: sug.rocks/dl.html
Comics, soundtracks, older episodes: mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
Soundtracks: mega.nz/#F!Bxcn3LbC!JZSLtIcE_E510tzc3czCdg
Streaming: ctoon.party/sun/


>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads
>/sug/ image archive

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Hold on a minute. You only have so much threads because mods have been generous on you for your recent movie. But that doesn't mean you can have any general threads, it's completely off limits. Back to /trash/ please.

here before deletion

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Based OP
So epilogue season? Or is sugar gonna decide to milk SU

It’s gonna be totally different. That’s all we know.

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>we have so much to come
>this is just the beginning
Guess which.

Jasper's gonna be irredeemable

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>the janny isn't directly responsible for the spam

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>yfw this becomes an antagonist in the next season

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Mega for the movie?



Mods should honestly make rolling stickies for large series finale's, premieres, and movies. It would help to contain shit desu

Injector really does end up killing the Earth?

Doubt it. It's really not that kinda series.

>Jasperdemption SOON
S6 can't come soon enough

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I made this :)

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I don’t know, that’s the only thing from the movie that could have consequences. Everything else worked out.

I think it's more like character consequences than physical, but we'll see. Cluster ended up coming back after being dealt with.

This actually looks decent.

If S6 does end up being the last of SU at least we'll be going out on a good note with that and the movie.

A daily reminder:
>Next season will be about Steven trying to explore the other realms outside the Gempire's boundaries. Arch sorcerer and the duchess of grand alchemy Rajax had made a deal with Serpent Riders in exchange of the chaos spheres and the control of the Parthoris realm. But soon after Eidolon, the third serpent had been defeated, Rajax had feared that heroes would soon come after her as a revenge for helping Serpent Riders. Rajax then created three diamonds and ordered them to build a grand empire, in order to prevent the arrival of heroes. Afterwards, Rajax had fallen dormant into a deep astral meditation in her sacred domain in the very depths of Homeworld, only waiting for the right time.

It's cute.
On a related note, people seem to make fan-Spinels pink, when they probably do come in different colors.

Weird but can dig it
Probably also customizable.

I think they're gonna make her the final big bad...

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Mega for the movie?

Finally a Spinel General

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Jasper is only gonna have a major redemption like other gems. Rajax is the final big bad.

Check the sug.rocks link, it has downloads for the movie and other shit.
/sug/ probably could've worded the OP better to explain that.

I thought someone on Yea Forums made Rajax up

OP here. I just copied the OP from sug.rocks.
I guess it hasn't been updated for the movie yet

They did


The Serpent Rider and Chaos Sphere stuff is from a game called Hexen. It's adjusted and embellished, but yeah, total horse shit.

Spinel deserves the 2nd best gem as her gf

Rajax lies dormant in a deep Homeworld chamber after creating gempire and entrusting things to diamonds but she will awaken once more to reclaim her kingdom from Steven. She'll be the first non gem antagonist that Steven will ever have to face.

So what's next for this qt?

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Mystery Girl reunion?

The whole stuff started in /vr/ as chaos spheres were never fully explained in the game. Then some user thought it would be fun to include Steven Universe with Hexen lore just to make it more edgier.

We need more spinel is this thread

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She gave me a strong lupin vibe for some reason.

Her being bisexual.

Marries Greg

so fragile and cute, i want to hug her

Here you go
She's gonna get Greg'd

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>i want to hug her
She doesn't want your hugs, she wants steven's

but he cucked her hard

I've been listening to Other Friends for hours. Please send help.

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probably the second most wholesome ship. Shame sucrose will never allow it.

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>inb4 there exists a lost game inscreen from Hexen showing a robed magician discussing something with serpent riders in a hexagonal room with geometric ornaments
>there's a young white diamond scaredly looking at the three sinister figures behind her side as the sorcerer greedily bargains with Korax
>inb4 Steven Universe's prequel has been planned 20 years ago in a computer game
Simply asking, just how would you all react if something like this would turn out?

Same here

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>Shame sucrose will never allow it.
i dunno, feels like we're pretty close to it happening

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I need an explanation for the new symbol on her shirt! I need quartz sisters! I need accepting herself and embracing coming from Earth! I need fusion therapy! I need slowly moving on from Pink Diamond and the war! I need oni horns! I need happy Jaspy!

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It feels like there would be too much backlash, especially because they introduced Mystery Girl.
of course I'm not sure if Sugar even cares about backlash at this point.

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How long until we get shoah'd /sug/?

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