I honestly think Spinel is the best character ever created in animated history. >Manic pixie dream girl

I honestly think Spinel is the best character ever created in animated history. >Manic pixie dream girl
>wields maka's scythe
>dat 30's homage
>kino clothes design
>brooklyn accent
>Immediately sympathetic

She's everything you could want in a character. Fuck you if you think otherwise.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think otherwise :3

Did you really need to make another thread for this? There’s like 12. I mean, I don’t disagree she’s very well done, just let’s consolidate people.

She should have drained Steven’s cock dry.

>shit is fanfiction tier
>her entire resolution
The yellow triangle is a better character



>literally any single character in venture bros is immediately more interesting
You dont have to sympathize with a character for them to be good, user.

if she's queen of Yea Forums in 12 months then maybe we can discuss best of ALL TIME

i got dark blood maka flashbacks the moment she pulled out the scythe

The scythe. The 30's influence. The accent. Idk, there's just something freakishly unique about her character that you'd only see in an autistic fanfiction and it all just works out perfectly.

She is the only good thing in Steven Universe, right?

i should've known the Shadow the Hedgehog tier OC gem would be this popular on Yea Forums

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I absolutely wanna hatefuck her all night

>Tonight, Spinel joins the hunt

Catra > Spinel
"being suffering" characters should suffer forever, not getting outs that easy

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Huh, you managed to get two of the other best characters from the show in one image.
shame the focus of the image isn't on either of them

That fate belongs to Jasper

You haven't watched enough cartoons if you think that.

I have never watched SU but why is everyone praising this movie for stellar animation, it looks like an average episode at best

Is the actual show like DB Super tier animation or something?

She simply IS Yea Forums
I think intentionally too

It's that Spinel had good animation for her introductory scene. The final battle also had good animation but aside from that, it mostly resembles the show.

it definitely looks better than the average animation from the show; more on-model, more dynamic angles, smoother movement, just lot more energy. but it's not like it was mind blowing.

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The animation made me want to rewatch Kill La Kill but something about it also made me want to rewatch Soul Eater and I couldn't figure out why.

Fuck you

>There’s like 12
ONLY 12?! I remember there was a time when we had almost 30 Spinel threads at all times.

I think we called that age, "3 days ago" or something like that.

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>tfw we forget about her once a new flavor of the month comes along

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>TFW I don't give two shits about SU outside of Spinel
>She will be forgotten in a few months

feels bad man.

That's just the cycle of Yea Forums user, unfortunately. She won't stay around forever, so might as well enjoy it while it lasts. One minute it's A French Robot maid, next minute it's a rare gal like this.

Dream on, user. Dream on.

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Like tears in the fuckin' rain.

Yeah but she's ugly

man when's pizza tower getting finished

Let him take his time. The game is gonna be great when it comes out.


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The only character in history that has a 10/10 design is Dr. Eggman
Prove me wrong

>Dr. Eggman design
Which one?

She's adorable

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>you're gonna leave me... somewhere?

>venture bros
Making a character just "blonde Patrick Warburton" isn't enough

This. Brock Sampson is great but that's kinda all he is.

How the fuck does a court jester defeat the gems in less than a minute? The fuck?

Take a glimpse into the future

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She's the hardest stone out of the Crystal gems on the Mohs scale

If that's the future, they should just shut the board down.

I means she’s a fun character and all. But come on...

Sonic Adventure-era


You're right.

She had crazy retard strength and they were caught off guard and like amethyst said, they were "rusty"


Having bit the bullet and watching the Movie, I can honestly say Spinel is genuinely the best thing to come out of SU in years, if not its entire run.

And she deserved better than the ending they gave her.

>Is abandoned by a diamond whom she was dogmatically loyal to for thousands of years
>lol let's give her back to the Diamonds, but they're good now so it's a happy ending.

Fuck right off with that horseshit Sugar, I swear it's like everyone on the "crewinverse" is tone deaf

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I'm not sure best of all time, simple due to lack of screen time. She's hits a lot of my boxes for "character that I fucking love" but if the movie is the last we see of her it'd be hard to call her the "best character ever."

Thing is SU has such low standards for character development, being the "best" isn't exactly a hard thing to do.

for the record Greg is still the best character in terms of the actual show

Hell yeah


She was made to play with a diamond. The others a grunts and servants

i really wish the show would more often, or, at all, show this kind of perspective, to show off how tall the diamonds are.

i have only watched two or three episodes of su but i had to draw her, she looks extremely cute

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>I honestly think Spinel is the best character ever created in animated history.
Don't you think that's pretty sad? Like your standards for quality are that low that you think a rip off character who's shtick has been done dozens of times before is the greatest character of all time? Jesus dude I know you're obsessed with your new waifu but try to look past the honeymoon phase.

waifu of the week

Greg is the other good thing out of it

they beat her the second time. First time they were rusty.

Definitely the highlight surprise in the movie for me, and lots of other people.

I hope she gets that fucking hug from Steven some day.

Sounds like you're thinking with your dick. She's cool and probably the most unique thing in SU, but best in the whole medium of animation is just wank.

not a brooklyn accent, its a transatlantic accent they're distinct

based. fpbp only baby zoomers like cuphead/bendy shit.

gitgud scrub

>grunts and servants
Sapphire has a fucking noble title.

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yeah, the brooklyn accent is 3 stooges

Are you going to post some smears next to prove how shit the animation is?

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>4 lines
how can put so much effort yet fuck up this badly

Be honest, /pol/: You wouldn't love Spinel if you only saw her default form. It's the 6000 years of suffering that turned her into your waifu.

If you truly loved her, you wouldn't want her to go through that.

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am I fucking insane? I liked the character design as a 30s throwback but it was completely out of place. The storyline is hackneyed as fuck - better for a two-part episode than a whole damn movie musical.

That's neat art! I'll suggest that you should make her face look more expressive but other than that, it looks good.
>it was completely out of place.
That's part of the appeal for some people. Look at Slapstick.

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>I guess

Does Spinel play ps4

When's her birthday

You might but I will never forget her.

But that's exactly where you're perfectly wrong.

I don't love base-form spinel. First of all I'd feel like a kiddie fucker and second of all, I don't have anything in common with a pre-suffering spinel. I love her suffering and her sadness, and not because she had to go through it, but because it brings her closer to a perspective that I (and I guess many other Anons) can share and understand.

If I wanted a happy go lucky girl there would literally be no end to them. Just pick one out of the pilot episode of nearly any cartoon and you'd be set. I see my reflection in Spinel, a fear of rejection and abandonment, low self-esteem, an inability to come to terms with past trauma. All of these things make her who she is and make her someone I empathize heavily with. That's what I like about her.

If you take all of that away you just have a character I want to protect and shelter from the horrible realities of the world, but when you leave it in you create a character I don't need to protect, but rather one that I can understand and would understand me, a character that I can help because of my own circumstances while simultaneously being able to be helped by her because of her own past.


bad opinion

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>revert-o scythe can nullify pink diamond's shield
>the same shield that shrugged off white diamond's most powerful attack

why is it that everything that is added to create concflict is done in the most contrived way possible in these shitty cartoons?

I liked how they made the highlights in her eyes make her look even more cartoony

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How is it contrived? White's beams control, the scythe is designed to revert. You're also comparing Steven's shield as a hybrid to raw gem power.

>ywn too-much-love peridot

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Every other attacks dealt to the shield either bounces off, does nothing or takes a long time to break through. Doesn't matter what version, the scythe just yadda-yaddaed the shield out of the equasion and it never came back to the plot in any way, as the conflict was resolved through song as usual.

The whole deal of the weapon was a contrived way to make a glorified recap, wasn't even good to begin with.

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I know the board fell in love with Spinel but isn't she getting way too many passes just because she jives easily?

Her whole arsenal is never explained, she loses her menacing factor in less time than White Diamond, and her backstory isn't even something new, it's just another case of Pink being a bitch and it bites Steven, it's pointed out so much too.
When it's just one or two, It could be let go, but she's actually a bit artificial, most of her stuff that is spitting in the face of what the show did before, is immediately followed up by her doing the exact same thing.

I loved the movie genuinely, and she was still solid in some parts, but she's not amazing.

Injectors are covered in the show, though. The rejuvenator is explained by Bismuth.

If you mean it’s not explain how she got it, then yeah, it’s not. This explanation clearly not necessary to the plot so it’s open to interpretation. Her acquiring shit like that is not out of the question because the Gems leave so much of their shit lying around because they don’t care. Steven’s earth for example has literally hundreds of mothballed injectors lying in enormous abandondef kindergartens.

Lol was that Korra panel from E;R’s video?

That might be fine if both concepts weren't completely new and sound incredibly unusual to just be found in not only a horribly short timeframe but also in a planet that doesn't seem natural to have either object.
Again, issues that the movie itself kinda brought up because of how it decided to explore Spinel's backstory, it's just a double whammy on the spot of a time crunch that seems unreasonable, and how to even get the goods.

The easiest way to explain all this shit is that some weeks or a couple of months passed between Spinel receiving the message and Steven lying on the hill.

Yeah, if it honestly weren't for the cut-away to the hill this might honestly seem like a complete fucking BS of a backstory.

The board may toss out FOTMs like trash, but that doesn't mean YOU have to forget them

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That is a criticism of the writing of the story, not her characterization.

>If you mean it’s not explain how she got it, then yeah, it’s not.
Its not explained in the movie, true. YOu have to make guesses. What I think most likely happened is the following
> Steven starts broadcasting peacetime after everything is resolved.
> Spinel hears this and starts plotting her revenge while listening to steven's speech on loop
>Meanwhile Yellow is dismantling her army.
>Spinel scavenges scraps and builds the injector and rejuvenator.

It would be nice if it was explained, but this can be extrapolated

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Why is Mark Hamil getting so much clown roles?

her design is edgy shit

otherwise pretty good

I fucking love it. Everything. The spiky shoes, the spiky hair, the tear streaks. She makes my dick swell. And then I watch the movie and she makes my eyes well.

He does a good laugh

Edgy is good.

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The fuck is bendy


I love edgy shit though