/peri/ - Peridot General

/peri/ - Peridot General

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Peridot is a precious treasure, and I love her.

I liked Peridot a lot in the movie.

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based and generalpilled

Peri Trek

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old design > new design

Fuck off and take worst gem with you.

i wish peridot was in a better show

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she cute

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So cute I want to nut on and inside of her.

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>Oh my stars I TOUCHED it! I could've lost all my character development!

Based Peri with the banter.

Ooh yes, about time she got her own thread.

Attached: Peridot Dance.gif (540x520, 189K)

Again, thank you to the draw friend who edit this.

Attached: Steven Univers Peridot Sexy_Edit_02.jpg (1920x1080, 122K)

So, in season 6 Peridot is gonna be the "le 4th wall breaking" character?

Goth Peridot makes my penis the big

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Ok, can another draw-friend kill the socks and add a sleeker visor with a Star on the belly.
I truly HATE the outfit the crewiverse gave Peridot.

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Nah they have Sardonyx and Sunstone for that.

She looks more like in a SM roleplay.

If you would fuck Peridot you’re pretty fucking Invader Zim. You’re a faggot that would fuck Zim of all things and I hate you

>bimbo fetishists
can't you go ruin lapis who already struts around with a bare midriff or something

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A short-stack mistress would be quite nice.
Has there ever been any top-tier cos-play of Peridot ever?

Attached: Peridot Steven_Universe blushmallet Dom.png (811x1038, 423K)

B-team crystal gem show when?
Central character must be Peedee.

Attached: Steven.Universe.The.Movie.720p.HDTV.x264-MADRiD.mp4_snapshot_00.27.34_[2019.09.03_20.49.38].jpg (1280x720, 173K)

How pathetic do Peridotfags have to be? Face it tiger, we hit the jackpot with Spinel. Fucking seething

Give that shitty character pants and shoes was a much bigger mistake on their part.

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Just imagine her talking dirty:
>"Nyehehehe! That's right you clod! Praise me! Worship where my gravity connectors treads!"
>"Your organic inject couldn't even pierce sandstone! Why would I let you put it anywhere near my pleasure tunnel?"
>"You look good as a Pearl. More fitting as a servile organic clod."

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Wait, did we see Pumpkin at all in the movie? We saw fucking Catsteven for sure, odd that I can't remember her.

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Post more blush peri

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At least we'll see our character again. Spinel is great, But odds are she's never coming back.

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There's room in my heart for both, user. If I could have any two Gems, they'd be our Peridot, and a Spinel geared more towards my sense of humor; basically a Gem version of Dennis Leary that's cute and fuckable.

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Pretty sure Amethyst fucking ate it at some point, or she just died of old age

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Better than the Zone animation where she just starts cursing at the end, completely out of character.

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I just imagine her being sub.
>inb4 Peri completely forgets it being a roleplay and cries running back to barnyard

What I truly want..

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Her whimpers are so cute and boner inducing.

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What's going on in this thread guys!

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"How do you fellow alien?"

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SO, THE JANNIES AND MODS ARE APPROVING STEVEN UNVIERSE GENERALS? yay! of course I'll make a TRANSFORMERS-FEMBOTS general, because the mods approve this bullshit