This will be fun! Aren't We the lucky ones?
Her cut is perfect and she's green, as well
She'll bring us endless entertainment, our new best friend:
This will be fun! Aren't We the lucky ones?
Her cut is perfect and she's green, as well
She'll bring us endless entertainment, our new best friend:
Other urls found in this thread:
make the crazy version, coward
Sure, I like her.
This pleases me
/pol/tard Channel, complete with Nazi armband
unironically looks better than pink spinel
She would have been a great design for that Vtuber contest that happened
Okay fine, we can keep her. But only because she’s a classic rubber hose style toon
How did that go anyway?
We need a tendies greentext story starring spinel living her new, best life with the diamonds
Spinels can be green
cute design, good job
Can she be Yea Forums's mascot along with Yea Forumsmrade
Can she be Yea Forumsbras friend?
Yea Forumsnrad is dead!
Hiro forgot about if after no one wanted to be a VA for free.
I want an image of Spinel in the garden with Pink superimposed laughing above her, only with Chan-el and moot.
This is 4channel, user. You must be thinking of Yea Forums.
Not bad at all.
Is Channel's friend reddit or tumblr
Veri cute.
Never heard of this before. I found it on deviantart thanks to user, but what is it exactly ?
Porn when?
I love this thread.
There's like 10+ years of history behind Yea Forums making OCs and its own comic universe setting.
This is my favorite thread on 4channel at the moment.
>"Hey user! I just made my FOURTH Steven Universe thread since you like them so much! I'm getting a lot of (you)'s!"
needs a spades and a diamond-themed version to complete the suit
Is Steven Universe the new MLP? Can we make a containment board already?
As soon as FiM ends :)
yeah I'm tired of seeing Steven Shityverse threads nonstop, are we being invaded by reddit or something?
This is just the fallout of that shitty movie, gonna cool down in one week or two.
Requesting a drawing of Channel carrying Yotsuba in her back or them playing with Yea Forumsnrad.
But lgbt exist
Newfag please.
Movie comes out.
People talk about movie for a while.
This board is about cartoon.
Movie is cartoon.
Just wait a few days you retard.
based. a suggestion, just make the arms curvy, not rolled up.
This is good
Would spades be a blue spinel?
I love him
a black one ;^)
> Fucking dead for several months at a time
> New TV movie gets released after being advertised for a full year
> Suddenly there's 20 threads every day in the catalog
Because big name comic movie capeshit didn't have 20 threads every day for a week after release to the public, right? The conversation will die down and be over in less than a month once everything that could be said has been said.
mlp was given containment because it's dangerously close to furry content with an equally annoying audience that will NEVER shut the fuck up about it. in the last year how many steven universe threads have there really been? that matches this volume?
Good, but her limbs should form a swastika
Dark blue
But /trash/ already exists.
I can be your angle…
...or yuor devil
Like their salute to the diamonds, but
>My Anons
>waaah mods I need my safespace
>Never Had a Friend Like Me
>Other Friends
Wait a sec...
mlp was given containment because it was being spammed on every board and actually was killing slower ones because they'd just spam pony topics in there. I remember /o/ being literally just pony threads at one point, shit was insane.
Let's not forget all the anti-threads.
Fine i will do her and OmegaMurderCock later
Sounds like a lot of fun. Would be worth it just to see everyone else seething.
>I can be your angle…
so shes got a dick, right?
Stretchy clitoris
can she do balloon animals?
I don't see why not.
>MLP took over the entire site for 2 years
>SU takes over the board for a few days because it had a movie with a cute new waifu
Jesus kneejerkchan gets worse and worse
*takes over one fifth of the board for a few days
People that make those comparisons probably weren't here when MLP happened, because it was so much worse it's not even funny.
She contort her cunny into a balloon animal with a 7 inch cock just for you user.
Ironically Yea Forums fared quite well with the implementation of the general and marker system. The rest of the rise was a burning hellhole for so long. It was weird. It felt on such a larger, more destructive scale than even the old furfaggotry plague.
Forgot to reply.
So Channel's gonna be the official mascot of Yea Forums now, right?
If so, she needs to be blue to fit with the board split ;_;
Don't toss Yea Forumsnrad to the side like that.
Yea Forumsnrad is dead. Yea Forumsbra is forgotten. Just accept your new best friend, Channel.
Jokes on you, I like all three of them.
gonna be dead next month when a newer character takes the spotlight
>Oh I sent the letters, over and over again
>Gee it's swell to finally troll Valve's Gabe N
>Oh I called him NIGGER and told him to go Yea Forums
>Gee it's swell to finally delete /mlp/
>What did you say to Chris-chan, what did you saAaAay?
>What did you spam without me, did you SpaAaAaAam?
>Did you play Yea Forums Cup without me, did you play CuUuUup?
>Did you really think you weren't being Jewed by HiroshimoOoOoOoot? Ooooh
I want them to fuck
>being this autustic over a domain
>This will be fun! Aren't (You) the lucky one?
black pilled channel
What causes this?
What abandoned her?
Moot seems the most fitting
>gonna be dead next month when a newer character takes the spotlight
>dead hooker spic
eeww, no thanks.
I'll take my qt stretchy toon gf to go.
How does she get better? Does /pol/ hand her off to Hitler, Trump and Putin?
I love this thread, i love spinel and in love you user
>hackshit hotel
Haha, good one mate. The only character that even has a chance of being likeable in that shitheap is the stamper snake.
No, I'm the new mlp.
/pol/ kills himself and his son convinces Hitler, Trump and Putin to take care of her
That's much more accurate.
Oh shit, it's already happening and you can't stop it! Meet Veggie!
>Let's make a brand new thread and this time I don't have to wait!
>tfw you become a doomer
Please ban me channel-chan
She'll bring us endless entertainment our brand new four channel
>Mad? Why would I be mad at my Best Board!
This is nice
amazingly perfect
Top two threads right now
>inb4 phone
dont rest until channel is on the front page
I would have made the lines on her cheeks swastikas to represent our worst part of the site *cough* /pol/ *cough*
/r/ing green spinel doing a dabstika
I dunno, user. Yea Forums is pretty awful, too.
You've clearly never been to any other boards
>Channel singing 'Drift Away' about moot getting a Job at Google and abandoning us
too much T~T
I bet she'd look real slick
>worst part of the site
Just started browsing Yea Forums today, eh?
Absolute gold
No no. Yea Forums is worst one. Like you know how we have stupid conversations but know its a joke? On Yea Forums they might actually be serious.
I've been to a few other boards. Most I tolerate because it's not my niche but other people like the content that's on there. I do have a personal hatred of Yea Forums even though its one of the ones I frequent. On Yea Forums you can't have intelligent conversations, it's more toxic than /pol/
I like Yea Forums, Yea Forums, the porn boards, /x/, /tg/, Yea Forums, /biz/ all them. I never really got into /r9k/ but thats because I don't understand their board culture and don't want to piss them off by acting like an idiot on their threads.
Needs lewds to make it official.
I couldn't resist.
cheek lines should be the // between board names, maybe have them angled the same way on both cheeks
>going to /r9k/
Please user, don't for your own mental health
The true worst board on this site is /his/.
Can I ask why you think that? I went on there a few times and had some in depth conversations that I rather enjoyed.
What's so bad about it?
The quality of every board goes down during summer but /his/ is honestly the most affected.
/his/'s issues are more because both /pol/ and /int/ can smash together there. There are some fucking atrocious threads but also really informative ones. Real mixed bag but far from the worst.
See I don't even like Steven Universe, but I like Spinel and Channel
the epitome of blackpill
i present to you, chan
/r/ing Channel getting (You)'s
This is great. Now make her dab
If the spades one would be called Spadel, what would the diamond one be called?
W.T.Snacks' gemsona
He's right though. Along with /int/. And Yea Forums.
>Channel I need you to wait at page 1. I promise I'll be back.
the posters
>Here in the Yea Forums, let's play a game, I'll show how to check em
>Here in the post number, see the three Xs "Did I finally GET em?"
>Happily posting, happy to troll, happily watching him spaaaaaam duck roll.
>And then moot posted! That's whatI planned!
>To see His red tropcode and USER WAS BANNED
>Happily posting, happy to troll, happily watching him spaaaaaam duck roll.
>Happily posting, all on my own
>spamming /con/rad and Zone
>Counting the seconds, all a quiver,
>Will OP deliver?
>Happily posting, night after night. Will thread 404, am I gonna get MOAR?
>Happily posting, happy to troll, happily watching him spaaaaaam duck roll.
>You keep on spamming waifus, for faggots who hate her! Faggots who hate your waifu.
>And still it takes you ages to see your really shit taste, really shit taste, your really shit taste. Your really shitty taste in waifus.
>Finally something. Finally news. About how moot's story ends.
>He hates you, working for Google, and all of his luggage friends.
>Ins't that retarded, isn't he a nigger? Why am I TRIGGERED and where is my liquor?>Happily posting, happy to troll, happily >watching hiroyuki ruin
>ruuuuin the site
Oh my god this is fucking amazing
This one represents
This one represents Yea
Why would you want to? She's fine as is.
You can't because you loose the rubber hose style and the clover
Boy if only the General was still allowed to contain Su to a single thread?
Fuck off
*thread hits bump limit*
Maybe make them one thick line so it's just two: /^/ instead of //^//
despite making up less then .00001% of the population, pink diamond accounts for over 50% of all the universes' suffering
Having a general makes no sense anyways. New movie just released, of course people are making threads about it, that's how the site works.
>Did you think all this time that i wouldn't find out your IPeEeEeeee?!
I wonder if he complained about IZ movie or when ATLA/Korra was airing lmao
hear hear
I think the first one more.
Guy who requested that drawing here, I love you. Have a link to my collection of Yotsuba pics I uploaded yesterday for another user on /g/.
I think two lines per eye works better because you can toss in any board between them
Channel could also have the WoJakvenator which turns normal fighter plebs into WoJaks.
Woah user, that's...that's pretty fucking good.
>anons hit by it get turned into NPC's
Why do I want to shitpost?
I'm supposed to discuss things
I just want to discuss.....
Need Channel dominating a green user.
Banhammer is better. That's basically what the Rejuvenator did to the gems, they were rangeb& from their own OS until Steven was able to get WTeg Snacksiverse to MURDERCOCK the bans for shits and gigs.
/pol/ is the best board if you're a troll becauae it's full of retards.
Some weeks ago I pretended to be the FBI and shitposted a bit about how all falseflag operations were made by the CIA (even those made by the FBI, because the CIA falseflags as other organizations). When I got bored I said that I would have to freeze the site because I said too much, and two days later Yea Forums went down for hours. Went it got up I saw a couple of threads screaming about how the crash was caused by the FBI and a pic of my shitposts.
>Pearl is a literal NPC
>Ruby and Sapphire are a Tumblrite and a Redditor
>Garnet is a newfag
>Amythest is a Bot
Which character could be a parody of Pepe the Frog for Channel?
the melon people steven brought to life
This thread is why I still come to this shit hole.
God bless you, anons. God fucking bless you.
>Ruby is
>Sapphire is
So we'll get bored of her eventually and abandon her as well, right?
Here's Melon Pepe.
No, Sapphire is a Bogdanoff.
>Uh... yes?
Just throwing it out there but what if we add a dash of Plastic Man?
im sheding a tear
>Channel/Spinel version of "Powder that makes you say Yes"
>You know I came here to shitpost and fuck with a buncha anons...
>But now that I know you, I wanna BAN you even more....
checked and keked
How do we Channel-ify this?
>Finally something. Finally news. About how moot's story ends.
>He hates you, working for Google, and all of his luggage friends.
Can't wait for the "Yea Forums ruins another cartoon figure representing innocence" article
Reading this broke my heart
based and satanpilled
Please tell me they won't actually write such a stupid article.
>wanting to kill everyone
Just like they did with pepe!
This is Yea Forums, so we can talk about Pepe le Pew whenever we want.
>twisted channel
>not drawing her checking these dubs
hes rasis of french peapo
She's acting all wacky. She's checking them trips facing the wrong way.
I'm telling Yotsuba about this.
This... This picture feels right, user.
It is a holy image.
With this and the swastika requests, I think people may be moving a little fast on trying to make Channel represent the worst of us.
based and quadpilled
I like it.
Not sure what you mean, best buddy. Looks to me like she just wants user to hang around for a bit
Chanel and Yotsuba are FRIENDS!
Make a Channel version of this but with the mascara streaks as //^// for the boards
Mmm, that's nice, user.
Would be a waste of four hours in pain if I don't get at least dubs.
lmao check these Channel
Don't worry,
checked them like a good friend should.
Requesting a Channel edit of this.
kekd, love the hair btw
must be high res
here ya go
For some reason Dark Channel
Reminds me of Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo
Requesting Channel + Mini Princess doing literally anything
This but channel and steven is user
Killing each other
Forgot to finish the hair, here's a fix'd version
Conrary to Hack's Scythe.
So who makes her wait in the garden?
Moot. Read the thread.
>"you can't make everything better by CUTTING ALL THE WORD BALLOONS OUT!"
Freshly-fused Reddet sings “Is this loss is this loss is this loss?” when Channel posts a new LOL thread
Based Peribro
that made me laugh harder than it should have
Look out for her Super Laser Piss Steven!
what if you're actually pulling a double lie, and you are actually in the FBI, and this was a huge ploy of some kind to spread misinformation.
Well he posted a child so it's likely.
I can only change it so much, but here's my attempt
>no fourleaf hair buns
there was an attempt
epic, thanks for your hard work user
this is the post that broke me
the cheek line width is consistent, they dont get wider or narrower
Save this. Has Yea Forums musical happened this year yet?
I didn't like how it turned out, this is what it looked like with it
Yeah, well I'm retarded, so how would you expect me to know that?
What about the stars, horseshoes, and blue moons?
I think that looks just fine.
What kind of games would Spinel and Channel play together? Do they have tea parties?
We need a Channel and Reddet edit of a screenshot of this scene because Channel is jealous that Anonven posts on Reddet more.
If your still there, would you consider doing the image in - that'd be cute
>/pol/ is the best board if you're a troll becauae it's full of retards.
No, it's just trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.
/pol/ is 10% people who want to discuss politics, current events and culture, or laugh or rage at outrageous news stories and 90% trolls posting bait threads and other trolls pretending to be retarded by replying seriously to bait threads.
what a coincidence. You'll never guess what I was working on
Such a rare image nowadays.
user you have been too based for one thread to handle.
Pls do more Crazy Channel edits though. Cute Channel is fine but I need my sexy Crazy Channel.
haha yessss, beautiful, perfect
you truly are based, my friend
would this one count? lmao
I think Channel is our only friend, and her personified makes it all more real
An edit of this please
>when a Yea Forums user asks Channel if they can go to Reddit
you're awesome, user.
>"One of moot's lost treasures!"
An edit of this one please.
This has to be my favorite reaction image to come out of this whole thing.
Replace PD with Trollface Moot and we are golden.
Give moot a break. He could've deleted us but he didn't!
PD is honestly pretty based. Ruins everyone's lives and then leaves her son to clean it up.
Did it really take Yea Forums this long to make a gemsona?
Make PD moot too
Maybe, but she was worth the wait
If every board were perfect, we wouldn't have ____
based edit user delivers again.
>the furrow between her brows makes a perfect implying green arrow
My smile and optimism: restored
do this now slave
A fusion of Channel and a Sapphire would just be Princess Mini.
what is this, an image for infANTS?
cringe, please no logoposters... here, use this instead of that garbage you have there
God Spinel was seriously such a great character, every shot with her is just gorgeous.
Any requests? I can get any frame of the movie in 1080p logoless for you
This needs to be the next edit
>Just admit it user, you WANT fuck fuck me!
please... please don't make edits of screenshots that are less than 1080p and have logos... it hurts
Naw it's cool, I got the movie in 1080p too
Well I DIDN'T, but mention the devil and he doth appear.
but it makes it seem like it really happened that way
Requesting Channel reeeeing
Where's a voice user when we need it? This is good and I don't even like SU.
During the first fight, that stance she takes while gloating, hips in the air and leaning on the scythe. Also if you could, pic related; the exact moment PD's boredom turned to unwarranted spite
Well, this IS Yea Forums...
very nice user
holy fuck
Holy-I never realized how much Channel reminded so much of Vendetta from Making Fiends.
fair actually
dont bring up that show youll start making me feel bad about the creator again
a bloody legend, thanks user.
PD is Nickelodeon in that situation.
Based user who didn't forget his princess.
>Once there was a little gem, the gem who could make fiends.
>She kept her whole squad terrified, the gem who could make fiends
>Then there came another gem, who wanted to be friends
>Channel can not stand her, so she plots her end
>Making fiends, making fiends, Channel's always making fiends, making fiends, so Spinel makes friends.
>You Stupid Pink Gem!
Fixed the bottom
This is the quality content that keeps me going
This is nice, user. Actually brightened my day just for a second.
>His princess
I'll have you know I'm a victorious Peanut Chad
Thanks to our chocolate bros too, you guys are cool. Don't visit Yea Forums next easter
Your dedication is nothing short of amazing. Bravo, user
My brothers.
Oh yes lurked the boards don't really like any of them.
Gee it's swell to finally find a decent thread!
Do what? Post on red boards?
Yea Forums needs another musical
Last one? Thanks for your service, user. You will be remembered. Off to bed with you now.
Can we please make her Yea Forums's Yotsuba? She's so much better as a board mascot than Yea Forumsnrad or that chick with the gloves ever were
best colors for a chan-el edit so far.
Was gonna finish this off, but I gotta get to bed.
I'm on board with that
>Wowie, his dick suuuure is small. You wanna ride it or something?!
>1 user rests
>another takes up the mantle
Kill yourself. No, really, kill yourself
That's fucking beautiful.
Shut up you lonely piece of fleshy shit.
Awwww, don't be like that user. Sounds like someone needs a new best friend, a new best friend, YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND CHANNEL!
Rest assured that if Channel can attract AND repel others than she literally is perfection and should definitely become Yea Forums's new mascot.
- Is 'Cartoony'
- Yea Forums related
- Colors and leaf symbol fit just right
- Is a cutie who is literally based on never being abandoned
She is perfect, lads!
Based user carries the torch.
What's with the weird resolutions though
Yeah you're right we should really be spamming Yea Forums threads instead of Yea Forums related content.
does Channel have Chlorokinesis?
my what, Channel?
Based anons, i love you guys
Good art user, please don't bully me.
she actually looks cooler with that shade of green.
>What's with the weird resolutions though
I was just using my default resolution I screen grabbed. Sorry if it ain't to your liking, user.
>post is so based nobody has noticed bleedman
The queen is dead. Long live the queen.
I don't really mind Bleedman's art. Some of his comics were weird to say the least, but he draws well and only occasionally puts unnecessary pantyshots in otherwise wholesome drawings.
what does her /k/ side look like?
Let me give a benchmark
I get it user
i still read the comics and his art is real nice to look at
That's just going full peacock
>for our last game, show me how long you can shitpost
Spinel really awoke somthing Yea Forums huh
>puts unnecessary pantyshots in otherwise wholesome drawings.
he's a hero
>turning Spinel into Yea Forums's Yotsuba
Nice pic. And I just barely made this one kek
>What's the matter user? Sad I rejuvenated your favorite boards?
Anyone want a version where I poorly make the scythe green?
Channel's hair actually lokes like the logo.
Yes, make it a memearrow
Remember when ongoing cartoons had general threads?
Here you go fren.
Generals are shit. If all discussion was contained in one cancerous thread we would have never gotten threads like this.
Well, generals are banned.
There seems to have been no backup plan so here we are
Not that user but nice
Is it okay if you do a spinel version too?
Limp attempt, cuckboi.
There will not be a next MLP.
They actually aren't. Just don't call it a general, and it's magically allowed. Jannies are retarded.
You boys asked for it, so here you go.
Oh my stars, thank you so much user, it's everything I ever imagined.
Based Minibro.
What Su character is Yea Forums and /pol/?
Amethyst is Yea Forums
Lapis is /r9k/
Is Peridot /k/?
peridot /sci/
Very true.
early Peridot would flood the board asking
>is this a weapon
I'm going to make another thread to spit you
Oh please, she's basically Yea Forums incarnate already.
>Yea Forums
The Cluster
Ronaldo, just replace Sneople with Jews.
Peridot is /g/, a moron who likes gadgets and technology.
Pearl seems like she'd fit in /r9k/. She's autistic and forever alone
peri is /x/
But does Pearl have lines like this?
found /d/
Good job user, will use it in the future.
Sure thing.
/d/ is Stevonnie since she's a canon futanari.
Thank you kindly!
the 30's animation style really does it for me
I am going to save these drawing and edits and probably never use them again.
I still have PTSD from what happened the last time.
I can't fucking believe it. Yea Forums's still got it.
This demands an animation with Channel is Spinel and Conrad as Steven
I'm out of the loop. So Moot left, and he's working for google now. I don't understand the luggage though.
You're welcome.
Much better, thank you user.
So Channel wants to destroy Yea Forums by making us overdose? I dig it.
Honest question, when was the last time?
Spinel and therefore Channel are so freaking expressive. I've made a reaction image folder just of Spinel
IIRC he became an unironic cuck, paying por dates and shit for a girl that was just his "friend"
>Have a folder for Spinel
>Fill it up
>Channel enters the picture
>Suddenly need a subfolder for Channel
God I love Spinel.
moot's most recent photo showed him hugging a girl and a guy at the same time. I'm not sure if he's still a cuck or if he went full homo with a female friend.
>representing innocence
That's retarded. She represents Borderline Personality Disorder.
>overly clingy
>constant fear of rejection
>prone to emotional outbursts
>sabotages own relationships
she totally fits the bill
I find it interesting that BPD is kind of the female counterpart to Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Despite them having completely different effects, they are usually caused by childhood trauma/abuse. I wonder if that's why anons can empathize with her so well
I know right, my folder doubled from this thread.
What would we do without her, what would we dooooo?
so edgy.
Thanks, Rock
fuckin' cute chief
Thanks, Rock
what happens if they fuse
>It's another "user falls in love with a cartoon girl who has the same emotional hangups as him" episode
Gotta admit, these ones are pretty good.
>Trisha meets the other Trisha
Chinel swirls.
Fusebrains get out
I want more Channel and Spinel interaction art.
That is adorable too.
i just want a clingy toongirl gf
because the 3d one's'll kill ya
Best one so far ITT
Toon girls just do it better you know.
user's quickly! Channel needs some (you)'s ASAP! Give her some good bait to go fishing in Yea Forums with!
And a blank white one for good measure
This is bait I gladly will take
(you) want some (you)'s? I'll show you how to get (you)'s.
Don't worry girl I got you
"Moral Orel is a bad show that tries too hard to be "Deep" in it's later seasons when it was better off sticking to the comedy, and even then the comedy blew ass but at least it was more interesting than 'waaaaah my Dad treats me bad', grow the fuck up you little shit"
Hope that's sufficient enough bait for u ma'am.
>55 doesn't exist in the chart, it jumps straight from 54 to 56
I can't belief OP failed to qualify for their own chart
Rollin for wizard wizard.
Read it. Again.
St Patrick's Day is in March. You are months way too early!
Oh. I'm blind and retarded. Disregard me
can someone give me a quick rundown on Spinpe?
spinpe BASED
spinpe DABBED
Foolish Anons, this post alone has been bait the entire time! Channel now has what she wants and is running for the hills!
played like a fiddle
Noooooooo. She took my willingly given (you)s! How could I have been wronged in such a way?!
On the computer all day
Getting (You)s all night
When you're rarin to post
When you're salty from some fights
Let me give you a bump
I'm gonna post right by your side no matter what
R8 my fanart
gr8 m8 I r8 8/8
We need a gif of that
not as HNNNGGG but tells a story
We need a full version of Other Threads
I really like skirt on channel
Is her foot in his ass?
Don't worry guys, I got this! She won't get away
>Sicle and Hammer
Wrong failed ideology
>right here
>right now
>i'll post again
>I've finally found
>paaage oooone
Kek it was supposed to be her dong.
user NO
Pearl she collects weapons and canonically has a shotgun
Thank u lol
I don't make reaction image folders but it always warms my heart to see something like this happen on Yea Forums it's almost like you guys are making your own gemsona in a weird way. Also is Steven Yea Forumsnrad or just an user? I'm seeing conflicting sides
it can be whatever you want, we don't judge
He is user, Pearl an NPC.
>tfw could be making Channel edits but my computer fucking died
Don't do it, user. You know this is wrong. This won't bring your (you)s back.
Channel is the perfect mascot for Yea Forums
source? Can't find it on paheal and it really looks like theboogie's art
Songanon here:
>That’s right I sent the letters, over and over again
>Gee it's swell to finally troll Valve's Gabe N
>That’s I called him NIGGER and told him to go Yea Forums
>Gee it's swell to finally delete /mlp/
>What did you say to Chris-chan, what did you saAaAay?
>What did you spam without me, did you spaAaAaAam?
>Did you play Yea Forums Cup without me, did you play CuUuUup?
>Did you really think you weren't being Jewed by HiroshimoOoOoOoot?
>Ooooh that’s right I crossboard on Yea Forums over and over again
>Gee it’s swell to finally see this thread on page 10
>She’s (You)ing circles around us!
>I’m a newfag, gimme a break!
>It really is her, but she can’t be serious about moot
>You know her, tripfag? Could you tell us who moot is?
>Let's make a brand new thread and this time I don't have to wait!
>Ooooh that’s right I samefagged this thread over and over again
>Gee it’s swell to finally win this argument
>That’s right I read the greentext, don’t really like how it ends
>Gee it’s swell to tell this fag to KY
that's because once people realized you could destroy entire threads with a single pony image, it became a game to do so.
Do it.
Channel looks great with a dress, actually.
You can't kill her. The boss won't let you.
This is getting dangerously into literal selfinsert OC-dom but im having too much fun to not enjoy it
Seconding this.
I propose a motion to include a skirt as part of Channel's (c)user design.
Vocaroo now
This could work
Spinels pants kinda form an upside down heart shape while channels dress can make a four petal pattern.
This is it, gentlemen. We're making history. We're making this years Bowsette. And it's only days away until the anniversary of her creation.
Fuck I love you user
>channels dress can make a four petal pattern
like this?
Uhhh, that's a bit far user. Maybe stick with Spinel, Channel might be a bit much to push.
it is from patreon iirc
Nah. It looks overdesigned and also I feel if doesn’t fit her 1930s cartoon jester theme. Keep it circular imo.
>thread has hit bump limit
Yeah a bit.
Maybe a little more round and flowy but still good.
rolly polly
>bump limit
Well fuck
>>thread has hit bump limit
Now, the question is:
Do we let it die here, in glory?
Or beat this horse into the dirt?
You already know the asnwer
Yea Forums is good at beating horses into the dirt
Shes a cute waifu for Yea Forums so i expect her to be around for a while since shes so specific.
Start a new thread when it hits Page 8/9 and post a link here?
yeah this is definitely theboogie, not surprising since he likes the dick stretching
This better not die, I'm about to try something kinda big.
You got some time
To a pulp, sir.
Just to be clear, we ARE all pronouncing this like Chanel, oui?
Chan-el, yes. Like Spin-el.
Cool your jets, we've got another 5 pages of coasting before this thread runs out.
Someday, somehow, somewhere...I'll love again...
Like 1/3 of the lines dont fit the meter.
I like the idea of the right, but the left is more in tune with the character design.
i gotta roll
Are we making a new thread or letting this die
scatter them out desu
good shit my dude made me lol and shed a tier
She is /OurGem/!
>The April Fools Princesses descend upon the thread
>Welcome Channel with open arms
>Come live with us on the booru
>There's an Archive just for you
>Come on, come on, come on
>And Yea Forums will adore you
>Yes we know that you're not her, you're made from her
>Yea Forums you know would come to love her
>And you remind them so much of her
>Today, right here, right now
>They'll draw again, they've already found someone
>Today right here, right now
>They'll draw again, they've already found someone
>Yes I know that I'm not her, I'm made from her
>Yea Forums I know would come to love her
>Cause I remind them so much of her
>Today, right here, right now
>They'll draw again, they've already found someone
Probably wait if people aren't steadily making new content, or try the /coc/ thread.
Based thread
ThisPonies could and can still garner reactions out of Yea Forums as a whole like nothing else ever could.
Posting some rainbow haired horse could get screeching out of the same place where gore is routine.
It is no wonder Yea Forums took it as far as the did.
So no SU doesn't need a board like mlp does. The movie wasn't absolute shit, Spinel was cute, it's going to be talked about for a bit.
>Fuck you!
>THEN FUCK ME! You WANNA fuck me. Just admit it! Or better yet, just try it!
Channel is way too thirsty for Yea Forumsck
>Page 8
So, we going to make a new thread and post a link here, what's happening?
I did my best with the angle given. Four puffs instead of two are hard to make look nice.
the third puff down should barely be visible behind her head, with the heart shape just visible, but it’s in front of the others for some reason.
And so it is
And so it shall be