One of the greatest albums of all time

how does Yea Forums feel about preoccupations?

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it has only 1 good song dude...

Great band. Great album. They were my introduction to white artists being censored by the woke mob. Viet Cong is a badass name. In a parallel universe, punk bands don’t give a shit about offending whineorities.

which one

>"punk" band
>takes a knee to the moral majority and changes their name to some forgettable milquetoast toothless shit
>music instantly becomes bland boring trash

yeah dawg i wish every day they didnt give in to that pressure and kept their original name but i understand why they changed it. they played a show in that transition period where they didnt have a new name yet and they put Diet Dong on the show flyer lolz

They should have changed their name to 1,000,000 Dead Gook Babies

yeah we're all chaffed by the name change but im talking about this album specifically

which they made when they were still called viet cong

lol it happened with The Muslims too. just completely killed their momentum. I'm almost glad Jay Reatard died when he did cos he inevitably would have been pressured to do the same.

your OP literally says "how does Yea Forums feel about preoccupations" mate. i feel they're pussies. the first album was good sure though i guess. not surprised they stopped making any more after the shit tier second one though,i even saw them live for the tour of the second one and holy fucking shit it was so dull.

>modern post-punk

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I feel like the third album was as good as their debut if not better, honestly. Second surely was a mixed bag.

fuck off with your generalizations. there's plenty of good modern post-punk. these boys in particular aint it, but there's plenty of good shit elsewhere.

i wish they wouldve kept the og name as much as the next guy but clearly they do not live off of this band and if they had to change their name to continue doing what theyre doing then so be it. a band name that people dont appreciate is not a hill worth dying on imo. sucks to hear that theyre boring live. their albums after this werent as good as this but they still had a few pretty fucking good songs. ill still listen if they release something else

oh fuck they made a third album? literally hadn't heard a word about it. guess i'll give it a try

The name change honestly feels like it killed any steam this band had even though they were the on the vanguard of the 2010s 'artier' post-punk.

the name isn't important, but you lose all legitimacy as a punk band when you bow to moral majority karen-bullshit. i get what you mean with "it's just a name" but it's also about being legitimate and honest about anti-authoritarian attitudes. you straight up can't be a punk band and go from "viet cong" to a completely toothless and bland "preoccupations" just because of some bored karens. imagine if the sex pistols had crumbled under the first media controversy.

I feel like Women never should’ve broken up/died

they were only good when they were still named viet cong

>Viet Cong
>Girl Band
any other examples of "punk" bands that cucked out and bent the knee?

>calling yourself anti-establishment
>bending the knee immediately
cringe as fuck

More like Viet Cuck

back when this album came out circa 2015, they gave away the lead single on google play for like a week and i downloaded it because it was free. back then my taste was comprised of top 40 and linkin park, so this band and album pretty much changed my life so i am a little bit biased. ill probably follow this cohort of artists (chad vangaalen, women, preoccupations etc) until the day i die simply because they had such a drastic impact on my music taste

my other favorite band declared jihad on a guy from a record label who sent them a cease and desist letter because the label already had the same name lmfao

British Sea Power

these dudes were MEGA KEKS lmfao

I don't really think it was a cuck move for them to change their name under the circumstance they were in. There were petitions to get them kicked off of festival and gig lineups just because of it. It was pretty clear it wasn't really careering viable moving forward, regardless of the politics surrounding it.

Andrew Cuckson Jihad, but they were always cucks so it’s no surprise.

Preoccupations is such a soi band name lmao

They were being dropped by veneus left and right, there really wasn't much choice. Anons here just spouting nonsense and they know, it's the insecure though channer persona.

Boy that is some cringe

I still can't get into the vocals. Women ruined this band for me, fuck.

Great album and the cassette is good too. I never could get into anything after the name change.

Death is an amazing song. everything else sucks

>Women ruined this band for me
why are you can incel? how could women ruin a band for you?


first off learn english pajeet, secondly being cancelled is a mark of honor for a punk band, you don't start a punk band for the income unless you're a fucking cuck trying to ride a wave. they should've taken the cancellation with pride, told everyone to fuck off, and become the biggest name in punk rock overnight. instead they sold out, washed up, and nobody gave a flying fuck about them anymore.

The name change killed the band. They lost all momentum.

such as?

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If a band opted to use the name Kiev or Palestine would the get cancelled?

Freak Heat Waves? I liked them till Bonnies State of Mind, then they went more synth electro shit.

Shut up, you fat sack of shit. That was clearly a typo. You should shitpost all this bullshit with your other mentally ill attention seeking friends on discord. Your parents clearly aren't giving you enough

>omg le heckin black midi for sure! so challenging and original

Newspaper Spoons

The post punk scene in calgary and montreal after women was pretty good. I dont like the new brit stuff that people are creaming themselves over.

Attached: canag.jpg (3037x1660, 710.46K)

>Palm from Philadelphia
>Omni from Atlanta

not my picture but it gives a glimpse into the major bands that you should check out from the canadian scene. there is also that rym list but that one is too muddied with bands that dont really fit the sound imo and also with bands from other countries.
i would recommend that are not on the chart and some not on that rym list
-Each Other who are FKA long long long FKA york redoubt
-Veranda Liv, though they took down their music from bandcamp so GL getting it. i have it though.
-Wild Friar
-Works the band FKA girl arm, particularly Cell Death. leaning more math i guess but Cell Death is pretty close.
-Phern, short lived with an album and couple EPs, but their EPs start to get into more of a sound of their own. shame they broke up soon after though.
-Soft Cone
-Fet.Nat. check out purple empereur, their other stuff is more artsy fartsy spoken word bullshit if youre into that type of stuff
-Victime, steers a little from women but i think still kinda fits
-Bleu Nuit, their album Le jardin des memoires in particular to check out
-Bart, Holomew check out
-Desolee, more a bootlegged Cindy Lee but thats fine
-Boy Friends check out Fragilism. more mathy, moreso than Works(Girl Arm) but something to check out imo
-Shit Whitman, check out their practice session for free on bandcamp Karaoke, little mathy i guess
guess my own recommendations got a little off track but thats what i would say to check out alongside that list and the picture.
and thats the bloat list that i dont like all too much if youre interested.


I still don't get what was so polemic about the name.

vietcong=bad name given to vietnam freedom fighters by usa
naming yourself after bad name means you racist

>bad name given to vietnam freedom fighters by usa
But the leftist kids cancelling time wouldn't be sympathetic to the viet cong?

They are my favorite band. It's a shame the name change stopped people from listening to them after that because the music is still great but oh well. Live, I'm not too sold on them, a lot of their songs sound different on stage.

It upset some vietnamese student organizations because they don't like the viet cong

they are but not the derogatory name

continental shift

bunker buster

Who the fuck cares, they're a band they make music it's not about politics

they are a post punk band. its not about
>muh fuck the authority!
it describes a certain type of music you numbnuts.

Cancelled for da Yea Forums clout!!!

EXACTLY. Yea Forums posters more concerned about image than actual music. fucking suprise suprise