Captain N Reboot

Say if it was announced that Captain N was to get a reboot what new characters should be on the team, and how would you reimagined them?

Attached: 274EFA8D-0370-4CED-826C-5083A597E03F.jpg (1920x2715, 634K)

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Keep mega man and Pit, however make pit his uprising incarnation. Replace Simon with Trevor and the princess with Samus.

What's the N Stand for?



>how would you reimagined them?
Say sike and announce the superior reboot.

Attached: powerteam.jpg (600x400, 38K)

It'd just be an ad for SSB

Attached: cyTSzRb.png (3031x561, 3.25M)




At this point, I don't even know who's Nintendo anymore. Any chance to get Ryu Hayabusa in?

>Ryu Hayabusa
that's a DOA6 character and those are currently cancelled for a breach of Core Values.

I... I don't even know what that means. I just thought Ninja Gaiden was probably one of the few classics that wasn't represented at this point.

What's this? Never heard of it

It's possible, but Capcom already has 2 characters in. Maybe if there's significant support for him (but really, Sakurai does what Sakurai does).
Dead or Alive 6

Oh yeah, I know Dead or Alive, I meant the whole Core Values thing. Was Ninja Gaiden even Capcom? I seemed to remember Tecmo or whatever.

At least, in the case of Captain N, Ninja Gaiden villains would be pretty neat looking.

>he's never heard of The Power Team.
It's a show within a show. The animated cartoon segment of a show called "Video Power"

It began as a magazine format weekly game news show. The host "Johnny Arcade" doubles as the "Captain N" of the cartoon segment.
Season 2 the show turned into a Nickelodeon Double Dare style game show where kids play shitty video games and answer game trivia.

>I know Dead or Alive, I meant the whole Core Values thing.
DoA6 staff brought some gravure models on stage to literally show their ass and play grabby tiddy at the last Evo Japan and got the game blacklisted. Any acknowledgement or reference to any DoA related characters at this point is an invitation for memes and outrage. Even if Ryu is a NES veteran.

Attached: Video Power.jpg (480x360, 27K)

>DoA6 staff brought some gravure models on stage to literally show their ass and play grabby tiddy at the last Evo Japan and got the game blacklisted.
...Now I gotta look that up
>Any acknowledgement or reference to any DoA related characters at this point is an invitation for memes and outrage. Even if Ryu is a NES veteran.
Well crap, not even some friendly groping is allowed now?!

>not even some friendly groping is allowed now?!
the advertisers must be protected at all costs.

If Nintendo ever does a cinematic I'd see this as their Guardians Of The Galaxy, the team would have Ice Climbers, Game & Watch, Duck Hunt and R.O.B.

Pit but make Viridi the main baddy instead of Mother Brain

Attached: viridi laughing.png (384x384, 118K)

The main character would have to be black.