what are some instances of pic related?
What are some instances of pic related?
Can we have a "No totally spies" rule?
its too easy.
Wonder Woman, almost every episode of Totally Spies
Tangled Threads
There hasn't been a good one in months
>totally spies
Doesn't count. It's not even barely disguised.
Giantess fetishism in SU is rampant
I wish there was less SU spam.
Simone and her giantess fetish
I think its more
"Durr im fat retard gail Durrr how can i draw female empowerment literally durr???"
"Oh i know durr, ill make them big :D :D :D durr durr durr food durr fat durr"
I don't trust comic book writers without fetishes and neither should anyone else.
Parker Simmons is a vorechad
>>"probably has a vore fetish"
thats the most blatant thing i've seen in my LIFE
He might be a cringy asshole for a shit show, but I can't fault his taste
Taylor Swift in Cats (2019)
With special guest Chris Claremont
>(Cuts to him getting stomped on by a Sentinel)
Vore, too
No. I have a vore fetish and there's nothing chad about it. It's fucking weird and I hate that I have it.
what am i missing
Yea Forums eternally upset he actually made his and his waifu's relationship canon.
What is that picture from anyways
Anything with bondage is usually the writers fetish.
>not owning it
And that's why you're not a chad
I'm sure Bryke is a BDSM fan...
The strangest thing about all this is that even the "crossing hands" ending is nothing compared to this or the supposed "final kiss" of Korra with Mako in S1... I will never understand why.
Police Squad, but it's an edit.
I think Morrison has a thing for vampires
>Furry has a retarded murder fetish
Shocked gasp
He has 2 series like this already...
This: if you have a fetish that doesn't endanger the people around you, then there's no need to be a self-hating cuck about it.
>Not posting all the times Timm shoehorned Batman/Batgirl
I don't know if I'd even consider it canon if McCracken wants nothing to do with it. And while I do think Blossom is best girl, making a kid version of yourself to ship with her is pretty weird.
>I will never understand why.
It's because if I recall correctly they had to plead with Nickelodeon for Korrasami to happen, and that was all they could get away with. By that time I didn't care about the show, but it is a shame for them.
Yeah, right but...
It's ironic the S4 ending being "the best they can do" when we saw fully the Queen's kill scene, P'nila being headexploded & literally anarchism ideals explained in S3 (also as mentioned above.)
So... fucking up the S4 finale it's... disappointing.
Please note that pic related is from an actual episode of Phineas and Ferb and is not a Deviantart edit
Realtalk I haven't even finished season 2, so ...
But it's always been a constant that brutal violence = okay, love & sexuality = OH NO when it comes to censorship
This dude
The entire show, really.
Half of this show's episodes but this scene especially.
I am disgusted.
I refuse to believe that's an actual fetish
There's a dude willing to fuck floor tiles but this is what crosses the line? I've seen a fleshlight in the style of a woman's severed head where you fuck the neck stump, this shit is bush league.
cmon man, simple inflation is not that bad
at least not as bad as knee inflation
tell me about all the totally spies fetishes
bro link me the webpage, I have $50 bucks to spend
written and directed by andrew dobson
beat me to it
hard vore is the chaddest vore
Be honest, if you had a job on animation, would you try to sneak your fetish into the cartoon?
But that fetish is actually patrician
Not only is Freak's Sqeele "Bare soles: the comic" (among a shit ton of other fetishes), but there's one point in the story where the redhead is trading creep pictures of the Asian girl's feet to the landlord for rent.
Absolutely. As long as staff were cool with it, though, I wouldn't want to be rude and shove that into someone else's creation if they didn't want it.
>Simple inflation, I don't know what gif you saw but that was not simply fucking inflation.
>knee inflation
What the fuck even is that?
This is why Claremont is the most trustworthy man in the business.
Definitely. I’d try to make my own series for it, if I could get away with it. Weight gain in cartoons has really dropped off, so I need to balance that out.
Yes. I had to suffer, so they must too.
It's great how easy it is to include too.
thats only 1 instance
No one man can have that many fetishes. He would never stop masturbating.
>weight gain
Good. Though personally I want more cute male weight gain where the guy is happy about it, because I'm a sap.
by the time i would make into the industry, i wont need to hide it. outspoken sexual deviancy is hip now
Two girls taking turns sharing one popsicle while a dude holds it.
Exactly as what you expect so don't google if you don't want your mental fortitude to take a hit.
The harder the vore the harder my dick
>wholesome religious DILFs who love kids and adventurers
I don't think it would be tough to do.
Forced crossdressing episodes errrrrrywhere
I think DC Super Hero Girls already had Bumblebee as a shy and nerdy black girl (never actually watched it), I could probably get away with one as a central character too. If I can figure out a G-rated way to make it apparent she's at least slightly bustier than the other female characters on my hypothetical show, the internet would notice and work with that, all according to keikaku.
>eating pinkeye crust
This whole episode is completely fucked.
I'd genuinely try to avoid it, but that might be impossible, depending upon the show.
Gravity Falls
No, as then everyone else would know my fetish.
>A woman gets hypnotized, brainwashed, or enchanted.
>I cross my legs and chuckle nervously.
My two main fetishes are feet and futa. Thinking about it Sugar managed to put both into SU. If she could do it I could do it
Yeah I don't know how that would work in children's entertainment under the radar
I see, so r63 dobson then.
Give me examples I never fucking see this happen
considering several of my "main" fetishes are pretty SFW so i could easily get away with it, yeah
>Pregnant lolis
I can't really come up with a way to get that past the censors.
>mfw /fit/izen into architecture long before the memes
I stand very conflicted
I don't know how I could sneak forceful lactation past the censors, but I know I would try my danmest
maybe imply a hippie comune or post apocalypse group regularly consumes human milk?
i mean you cant really show it unless you're showing nipples too and a hose spraying milk aint the same
cmon lactose chads think of something
I don't have the time for that just google it
Pretty easy. Have the hero get captured and bondaged up in the dungeon.
That was head inflation, the specific nature of it makes it weirder than simple whole-body inflation.
We'll never have proper slimegirls in cartoons doing lewd things again.
Take all male slapstick and use it between females. Also, body humor.
That insane paedophile who wrote himself as a character in that shitty Powerpuff Girls reboot just to fuck Blossom.
Act II: Gesundheit
That episode of PPG where the town eats chemical x laced chili and make a braap monster in one night.
Now I want Ms. Keane to sit on my face
Cuteboys in latex is actually based thou
How the fuck will you sneak that into a children's show?
there was an episode of OK KO a while back about a giantess scalie that vored a planet whole, provocative shots etc
Some shows are really blatant. You might be able to just about get away with it if you just imply it—and play it off as gross comedy.
Pic completely unrelated because it's not lactation and it's not Yea Forums.
Female characters being grabbed by the throat and/or face, females in headlocks, strong female villains getting surprise defeated and put in bondage/jail.....it could work.
Upset that I have to share the same planet as this massive loser
start with a pregnant woman, from there have a hurricane and say you're out of milk for cereal. Oh no you can't go get more supplies
Be eating cereal with milk in the final scene
Some kind of vampire ends up in many of his works, even if it isn't the traditional bloodsucking kind.
Dry humping
>who is Race Bannon
One of the most successful writers in comics not only managed to insert his bdsm fetish in every other story of his (regularly read by millions of people including children for 25 years) but won awards, praise and even had those same stories and fetishes placed in a half hour cartoon.
There is no one in the comics industry with a fetish more based than Claremont
Also, feminists loved him
"Canon" is a retarded concept, the key is not caring about stupid shit
What was up with all the sexy furries/scalies in S3 anyway?
This entire character.
It probably wouldn't be hard
My fetish can't be done subtly and when it's done in cartoons it's never fun
One of the storyboarders was definitely a scalie.
and into reverse traps
Is the rumour about him getting fucked by a black tranny dressed as Storm true?
that isn't a fucking thing you mongoloid
"girl getting kidnapped" is not hard to sneak into a cartoon.
"girl getting kidnapped by mad scientists" would raise a few more eyebrows.
I don't think I could fit chastity in with a kid's rating.
I Couldn't
It's non sexualized full frontal nudity (not that embarrassed in public crap, but being naked at home or in nature)
Except that retarded murder fetish is stupidly popular amongst non-furries, to the point that it's all over /d/.
Nothing else to add
Didn't she straight up admit to this on Twitter when someone pointed it out to her?
Whedon literally puts in scenes of shoeless actresses on every movie he does. like tarantino the actresses say he records tons of takes on them and takes them home for personal use.
That includes the feet scenes in avengers 1 and in ultron.
nobody mention dan shnieder
I will never be able to understand vore. Bodily functions that aren't blood, piss or cum make me want to kill myself
>I've seen a fleshlight in the style of a woman's severed head where you fuck the neck stump
made in abyss
A little girl have a nightmare about marrying some dude and having kids with him? Only really works once though.
Strong girls bullying weaker dudes.
Extremely easy, make her the main character and she kicks villains butts. Even get brownies point with the sjws.
watching wholly fictional boys be transformed into cute girls and slowly giving in to the tide of hormones and compulsions
yeah, probably not this one, chief
I'm certain if I was reigned in I could shove as many fanservice shots of pantyhose and stockings in without it it just turning into a western Miru Tights.
my fellow man of taste
Pfft, easy, in a setting where there's magic at least, make the guy get cursed or some shit and he slowly turns into a girl until his friends find a cure.
but if it lasts only an episode, i feel cheated and my boner is kill
a guy getting zapped into a girl forever and gradually shifting to liking dick — top shelf shit
the secret is that i don't self insert as the transformee, i insert as the dude they crush on
That's kinda gay
it's a tomboy squared
possibly the straightest thing known to man
Sure you could. It just has to be a character that is perceived to be completely non-sexual. Remember the bath episode of Powerpuff Girls?
And while it's not full frontal, you can still easily get non-sexualized, casual nudity into just about any show.
At least we know for certain that Sugar is actually Bi now.
I shook his hand...
Feet tend not to look good in 2D animation
but if I had a cgi show you better believe the female models would be the best looking feet of any show
Look up The Mental Block wiki
It would be a challenge.
user i have more fetishes than you can imagine.
it would be physically impossible for me to not end up putting one in there even accidentally.
Whedon the discounted tarantino
Same goes for Pearl.
farts are my very disgusting fetish probably EXTREMELY easy if it's a gross out one.
It's Yea Forums but have you seen Osomatsu-san? Lots of cute casual nudity in that.
Oh, unless you're not into guys.
Sorry user, not my kind of weight gain. Girls only. Or lolis.
Mindcontrol in Young Justice. It gets ridiculous.
>Fat Asses
First one ye, second one would have to be subtle, like Shazam dating an adult character in his adult form
Mine would always be just off camera or hidden behind something.
>nonstop futa-on-female with frequent impregnation, signs of pregnancy, and women worshipping their futa superiors through body language and mannerisms and absolutely EXCESSIVE shows of affection and sweetness
I'm uhhh, gonna have to design that one real careful to sneak it in, but I'd absolutely try my damnedest.
With that many tentacles couldn't she just use them as replacements for fingers and draw sigils that way?
I spend too much time while trying to fall asleep fantasizing about how I'd get that one to work. I can only figure if you're just quietly blatant about it in very mild ways, and never draw attention to it beyond that. They're both always together, they have wedding rings, hold hands in multiple scenes, stuff like that without ever actually commenting on it.
>Kindergartener wants to fuck muscly jew man
lmao every time
The only female instance of weight gain I liked was Clover in Totally Spies, because she didn't seem to mind it at all. Plus she looked pretty cute.
Otherwise you probably have a better chance than I do. Fat guys are mostly shown to be dumb and gross.
Loli, gore AND furry.
Quite the mix.
This makes sense, just pass it off as like a "cool aunt" sort of relationship, wedding rings might be overboard
Beat me to it!
This, or have something like the ending of Princess and the Frog with Lottie.
Straight up panties would just get me nuked on social media, so unfortunately no.
Oh yes, and also body-horror.
Can't forget that.
If only you were the director of an Anime OVA from the 90s.
Yeah, 'suspiciously young, overly familiar cool aunt/cousin' (without ever actually saying that) works best. The wedding rings can be subtle in a "not gold and not on ring finger, but they're wearing matching rings".
I just want a fantastically glamorous woman in risque outfits smiling with genuine happiness as she holds onto her man. I ask for very little.
How'd that end?
Everyone's dancing, and Lottie is dancing with Naveen's kid brother. She asks how old he is, and he's like "I'm 10 years old!" and since he's technically a prince, Lottie just says, "Well, I've waited this long!"
Not into /ss/ myself but I was like well then
What does that mean?
Ohhhh yeah, that. 'Well then' is right.
90s anime and hentai had a lot more gore and body horror. Pretty sure seeing it gave me my "monster rapes woman to violent sexdeath" subfetish.
oh god, this. the ultimate curse is knowing that you will slip one in, even accidentally, worrying that the puritans and crusaders will pick up on it and soon people will find that all of the scenes you work on are a little weird compared to the other animators.
There were a lot of ways to make this not uncomfortable to watch but they chose none of them.
No because it's disgusting and I hate myself for it.
Is it tiles?
I think we’re both screwed, honestly. There’s not much chance to slip good weight gain in under the radar, and even less chance for lolis.
I think this was fucking hilarious the whole team drawing and animating a self insert of the director
wow now that´s what I´d call subtle
Steg Multiverse is a gar god and we are not worthy.
Thankfully I'm an animation student so I draw plenty of stuff for myself in my spare time. I just wouldn't put it in a kids show, I guess.
Most of my fetishes are vanilla as fuck so I'm in the clear.
The one thing of note would be any show I could'd have a a tomboyish short haired tan-skin girl as part of the cast.
Times like this I wish I was any good at art, so I could make a full pitch for a cartoon that was chock-full of weight gain fan service and then never show it to anyone.
post some of your obscure work pls
The thing is animation is so time-consuming. I know this sounds contradictory but I usually stick with still drawings and comics. But someday, maybe I'll animate something especially ...
Thing is for me I love it domestic and slow, so a montage could be really really cute.
I love ya Tex Avery but sometimes you make WONDER
jayzus that's like Ross but somewhat sexier and less full of utter faggotry
Linking so I don't go to hell, and because it's Yea Forums, but I mostly draw my husbando. Because if you're going to be self-indulgent, why not go all the way?
(and no, he doesn't have a proper neck, that's kind of his design)
God-tier taste user
i mean, i don't really understand your image or what possessed you to draw it, but it looks good. you have a bright future ahead of you in animation or making mad patreonbux drawing niche fetish porn for high-roller neckbeards
But is that weight gain or pregnancy? Cute either way, but pregnancy is even better on a gal
Thanks man! Better to hear that then just a "ew, wtf" or similar.
Only thing I've noticed that there's often one extreme or the other when it comes to people with male weight gain fetish - those who call themselves "nasty" and are into full-on slob stuff, and those who politicize it like "fuck your beauty standards/thin priviledge!!11"
And, well, I'm neither. So I'm not sure if I'd want to draw for those people.
If you pursue a career in animation you will be drawing a lot of shit you end up fucking hating, but you get on with it. Drawing for neckbeards is good practice to get you just jaded enough to enter the animation industry with little idealism, so you don't burn out (if you truly love the craft). word to the wise.
True, true. I considered that as I was typing but sent it anyway. I just don't really want to draw something that pushes a message I don't agree with. I hate the "fuck them skinny bitches" attitude and wouldn't want to promote it.
Thanks. It's kind of lonely to enjoy the fetish in the very specific way that I do that really isn't shared by a majority of those who do usually like futa. But it's been my #1 for my entire fetish career.
>I just don't really want to draw something that pushes a message I don't agree with.
Boy are you gonna struggle in the animation industry.
That's why my specialism is in comics.
Well, we'll see anyway. I'll deal with that bridge when I come to it.
Personifications of everyday household objects. Old-fashioned telephone consoles, handguns, etc. I made up a particularly perverted ragdoll character just for this fetish alone. I might be able to get away with some innuendos that would go over kids’ heads.
You better believe I'd be drawing women faceless/masked women for fucking days.
>cute/sexy girls being generally gross
>cute/sexy girls being really sweaty
>cute/sexy girls overeating till their stomachs are fat (but not to the point where its basically inflation, obesity, or general fatfaggotry)
Not only is this all very easy to sneak in but its already been put into many cartoons/shows.
It was kind of frequent in kids shows in the 90s and early 00s. I blame the episodes airing pretty frequently for it happening to me when I was a kid.
My problem is more
>Cute/Sexy girls obsessing over their need to pee, to a disturbing and psychological degree
which can't fly. Even desperation is hard, nevermind making it a full blown mental illness and sexual dysfunction for the girl.
>Anything with bondage is usually the writers fetish.
walt, i had no idea
thought he nature of fetish is "sexual feelings attached to something that has nothing to do with sex" so there's lots of cartoon tropes that are going to apply.
Nah. There's plenty of weight gain fetish shit in cartoons as it is, but I doubt they'd let me do it as rapid, extreme, and visceral as I'd like to it. Stripperella came kinda close, but that was aimed at adults anyway.
Good taste user
Aw shucks. If you wanna be traumatized (jk) I drew the thing in this post
I'm glad size shit has gotten a good place in comics, but man was it a kick to the balls when Gigantic was cancelled. We almost never get anything good when it comes to anumation, and this would have been amazing.
I'm planning on making a wholesome giantess game, tell me some comics to take inspiration from and references for tropes and overall aesthetics
She's fat. It's a joke about a wasp with a wasp-waist: her stripe on her waist is actually a girdle hiding a ton of weight. And then there's "King Size Canary", a cartoon that is hailed by many as one of his greatest.
I'm not some sissy that doesn't own up to their fetishes. I'd make it the central point of the show.
Thank God lycantrophy is a valid plot point
I have like 10 straight years of giantess comics and manga under my belt and I'm supposed to be studying, not gonna happen right now.
But regarding wholesome content, they are defintely few and far between all the other subgenres. Off the top of my head I can only remember Miniature by Tamakoshi Hiroyuki being wholesome.
The Jessica Jones show had multiple instances of people wetting themselves. One time and you can maybe dismiss it as some weird atmospheric thing. But when it keeps happening...
I like both of the catgirl transformation episodes.
Mind controlled bitches. Mind controlled bitches EVERYWHERE.
E V E R Y W H E R E.
I know Totally Spies is the prime example of this, but it has been so long since I saw an episode I forgot how blatant and often it was. I caught the tail end of an episode just now and the first thing I see is Mandy wiggling her toes in Clover's face telling her to massage her feet with a feather.
Archie's Weird Mysteries is basically Totally Spies before Totally Spies. To a slightly lesser extent, Sabrina the Animated series is basically porn if you're a transformation fetishist
Ah, my mistake, I'd never heard that term before.
I don't need wholesome stuff, I just need imagery and something to get inspired
Oh, there's also a game that's been making the rounds, ResizeMe!, and the first chapter is super wholesome.
Who? What’s his name again?
You forgot piss/shit.
I just need to do a detective show and no one will even notice
user, that's why I'd try getting a job on animation in the first place.
Guys in suits wtf fingerprints
THAT WAS HARD TO GUESS. And maybe I’m just an idiot, but I wouldn’t guarantee every detective wears a suit.
I mean of course, but im fine with just one
I'm a vorefag and think this shit's terrible. Wearing your degeneracy on a sleeve is asking to be nailed to a cross, and is indecent in general- not like most vorefags have a concept of fucking decency.
You should’ve seen the twitter for StarVS.’s writer.
Dear lord.
Being nailed to a cross is another of my kinks though
what is their fetish?
Keep it to yourself, fag. I'd tell you to eat shit but I'll assume that's another kink of yours, so I guess I should tell you to eat shit, huh?
It's even more obvious if you have perfected your pausing skills
Pubescent girls dressed inappropriately, among other things. It was on that “best of Yea Forums“ thread a day ago but I forget the rest.
I have every kink you can imagine, it's like a superpower, I'm Fetish Man!
Whoever wrote the '87 TMNT must have had a bondage fetish, since every other episode had April O'Neil being tied-up or manhandled by the bad guys. There were also a few transformation episodes and at least one episode where she spends the entire episode passed out from a poisoned flower (sleepy fetish).
Pretty sure that's where Ross got his style from in the first place.
>watched various cartoons since an young age
>had internet access relatively early on
>the weirdest thing I have going for me is managing to enjoy cartoon vanilla porn
Anyone else managed to come out of this basically unscathed? I feel I'm the only one
The good old days.
Even the most degenerate of fetishes can be done tastefully. It's not our fault most vore shit is so disgusting.
>almost every woman has a fat ass
I don't have to.
Almost every cartoon in the past couple of decades has done it for me.
also big pussies
most likely way would be pretend playing with a pillow under the shirt/dress
>girl: ''look daddy im gonna have a baby"
>dad: ''they sure are growing up fast these days"
how would a little girl tying up someone bigger than her and interrogating them be in any way out side the believable realm of comedy?
>"Girls with colored hair with disappointed eyes drinking slushies"
>"Depressed french art hoes who wear mime outfits"
>"Cute rich Japonese girls"
The trick is to make part of their character traits and not some one off episode so other people when they do fanart will have this as a recognizable trait.
My fetishes are easy to hide so yes.
More like they were never meant to be a couple and it was a last second attempt to deflect criticism of how garbage the show was.
>chub in general
yeah probably
Does it count if the character doesn’t have genitals? Because I think that would be possible.
Forgot pic
Please don't ban me they're 20-25 years old
Eyyyy, not bad not bad.
The only problem is whether or not the werewolf design is actually good. And how the mechanics (for lack of a better word) work.
>tfw your fetish is a commonly used plot device
>tfw your fetish is often the subject of stand alone episodes in slice of life style shows
>tfw your fetish could be one of the major elements in a show and nobody would find it eyebrow raising
fucking love having a mind control/hypno fetish lads
>nobody would find it eyebrow raising
we would, user
something would be raising for me
full female femdom with the villan and the hero.
I uh...need me a cartoon about Romans and barbarian women and stuff....
fuck yeah, two of my main fetishes are literally justchubby guys with open jackets and stomach growls so they'd be easy as fuck to insert in subtly
"Chubby" could mean a broad range of sizes, but at least I got you covered
What cartoon was that from? Now I'm morbidly curious.
nigga, they already made like a billion shows about it
I have WAAAAY WAY WAY too many fetishes. I'd have a harder time avoiding them than I would indulging in them. So I'd just try not to get caught.
What's this from?
Fact: every animator ever sneaks their fetish into anything they've ever created, and made porn of it.
"The Bug Parade". One of those classic loony tune shorts where it's more just a rapid fire series of gags. That's her only scene.
giantess and vore share an apartment
Entrapta is my fetish.
She is best princess, perfect in all ways.
there is no try
I have absolutely no idea. That's how strong my lipstick fetish is.
Thanks, user. Never heard of that short.
fuck you
Not Yea Forums, more like Yea Forums I guess, but I still think you need to read this insanity.
>book is 1950 sci-fi short story compilation by some writer I've never heard of, given by a friend of my dad
>first three stories, while not directly connected, have a few concepts in common
>The Change, which is an on-the-fly futuristic genetic editing
So like, a tranny's wet dream, you literally can become the little girl.
>backing up your memories to a computer so that if you die you can be resurrected if you wanted
And the fetish part:
>main character meets sex-swapped clone of itself and eventually fucks it
BTW, whatever happened to PPG 2016? The last episode it aired was that lame soccer episode. Whether or not if it will get cancelled or... renewed for a new season
> Freak's Sqeele "Bare soles: the comic
Really now? Thanks for the head up user. I'll be looking for this one
Those two words should not be combined together.