DC Super Hero Girls| New Episode

Super Hero Boys

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New episode link

Also, new Zatanna short

To anyone counting, how many picture day shorts have we had?


>reminder diana is best girl

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what would you do in garth's place?

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Episode could have been hourlong

Hawkman intro


>hentai haircut

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Ash Ketchum has been working out

>supposed emo kid
>looks more like a redneck

We don't have a lot of emo rednecks

Get my big buff kryptonian girlfriend to save me

and then she is raped by zee

As an emo farm boy I resemble that remark.

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so this would be karen and carter relationship in a nutshell

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>Show tries to have a western style standoff between Garth and Kara
>Comes off as flirty and cute
I swear, this show has only has two settings.

garth and kara's snu-snu art when?

Cant wait for Steve video


It was never credible that it's gonna be a Western-style standoff. From the start you knew Kara is going to cream him, but she gave him the benefit of the doubt 'cause she's cool.

her boy

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faust make this couple finally works after years of people giving a fuck about steve

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It works for several characters.

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So how come Kara isn’t here with her love interest? Is she a lesbian and the network won’t let it happen?

Which are the episodes that have Ivy in it?

Diana is adorable in love mode.

what are you talking about? she is there with zee

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No, they're not matchable. Soap your mouth!!

Your theory is a dumpster full of elephant poopshit.

So will we still get episodes next week or are we back on hiatus

>the most tomboyish and the girliest
>the curviest girls
>the cuntiest girls

they are made for each other.

Need myself an emo country boy bf

based, thanks fren


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how did this even become a thing

I want to see him raping Bee so hard

>Not Bee raping him

faust femdomist mind

amazon position is probably Bee's go to move

user, Karen is for take care of her.

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bitches please, we know how it will be

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you're right
Hawkman will wear her as a cocksleeve

Oh my god, I can't hold it guys, I'm gonna hold her hand and ask her out and then I'm gonna hug her goodnight

He's mexican now?

Who’s best boy?
Who’s best girl
Who’s best villain girl?

based and hawkpilled

>Best Boi
>Best Girl
>Best villain girl

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>best boy

>best girl
zee, diana and jess

>best villain girl

also, villain boys when?




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It's gonna be hard.
I am liking them together so much.

Zach Zatara as Zee’s kid brother

Donna as leader of the kid team

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why is green lantern constantly teasing green lantern babe?

Liar as a stubborn faggot

will we actually get content of these ships?

sexual tension

what would a Hawk x Bee relationship be like
>no it's fine, sorry umm sorry

Did they just give Guy's personality to Hal
I hate to admit it, but I love the Hal/Guy hybrid we have,

what is hal's personality anyways?

hothead who dives head first into everything
there's more to it but that's a pretty good summery

Anyone know the name of this font?

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every time I watch an episode, I get the need to rub one out

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How the hell did he manage to outrace Supergirl anyway? Did he flush himself down a toilet to get there faster?

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This episode when

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Jessica's wondering if the donut is gluten free, I see

Garth confirmed for forever alone

who's the hottest boy

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>it turns out Hawkman actually really cares about her but because he communicates almost exclusively in grunts she always assumes he's in a bad mood

barry... and Im not gay....

And then she became in the only one who understands him.

Chances are the crew wanted Garth (the weakest) to go against Supergirl (the strongest) and that was the only part where they could fit it into the script. Which is fair enough. The gag's more important than realism.

Where did she fly off to?

Kinda of love the guys

>the only one without a girl is aquabitch

>Kara calling Garth "Squirt" taking on a whole new meaning

>Kara actively not sittign next to Garth despite every other girl being paired up with their boy
hurts just a little bit

What's next week's episode

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It's the classic "Beauty and the Beast" trope: small, delicate girl with unseen inner strength paired with a big, brutish guy who's truly a prince at heart.

[spoiler}]the bees and the birds[/spoiler]

sorry faggots, pretty obvious they will end up together... and Im not even shipping them...

It feels more like Supergirl views him as a cute little brother than anything else

/ss/ wincest

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He's clearly supposed to look like a truck driver

Garth is too cute to be sexualized tbqh

am I the only one who think barry is too good for babs?

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>cute beard
>green eyes
Patrician choice

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shit taste

I do like that there is actually a brain in that impeccably-coiffed head of his.

>just let me know when you want me
what did they mean by this

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He is way too good for her

Good thing he's her gay best friend

sometimes love is pure
sometimes it isn't

fuck you

DC Super Hero Girls fight the CN scheduling department (and lose) (and get cancelled)

That happens when the characters are written with more than one facet and it's great.

snu snu, user


Seriously, is picture day like a thing? I don't even have my HS yearbook because I'm still friends with all my bros from HS.


>best boy
>best girl
>best villain girl
Poison Ivy
>worst boy

we're already getting a second season

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Gonna do boys

Liar, liar pants on Fire!!!

I can't fucking load them, they get stuck at the theme song.

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Terry would do ok in the DCU so long he stuck with street level shit


Hal profile


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This smells like an exploitable edit waiting to be used

God I fucking LOVE Bee

>throwing Babs under the bus like that
she truly is worst girl

Bee is pure, motherfucker, PURE!

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She's so intentionally worst that she loops back around to best

>almost stabbed Ollie to entertain a villain
if you're into that kind of thing

being hatefucked by Zee
Oliver, lucky bastard

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The appeal of Zee is the appeal of Always Sunny: sociopaths and narcissists are just fun to watch

>all this random shipping now

and here's where whatever fanbase the show has gets annoying and I ignore the show now.

>Comic Con poster was just taken from the show, but with Diana and Steve added in

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She shoves a giant dildo up his butt

>Diana trying to shove her face into Steve
>GA cock blocking my girl
I have a whole new perspective on this

we've been desperate for something to talk about that isn't waifu posting

Regular shipping is fine. It's annoying but acceptable.

Fujoshit shipping is literal cancer and ruins shows.

She's the single mom type, who just hasn't had her oopsie kid yet.

She'll never be a single mom 'cause the second she finds out she's pregnant she'll punch herself and abort the pregnancy.

Harley and Ivy are lesbians

Thinking it's more likely Livewire and Giganta are gay

so they tecnically confirmed jess is jealous about other girls with hal

>That one “Yeah, it’s real complicated, you don’t wanna hear about it” joke both Lanterns give that seems to be becoming a running gag
>Zee revealing who Babs is to get out of an awkward situation
>Karen screams who she is apropos of nothing, but no one knows who she is
>The reveal that Steve is the acting leader of the Bros
>Fucking Hal saves the day by sending Steve to get donuts, thereby returning Diana’s higher brain function
>Fucking Aqualad with the finishing touch
>Based Steve Trevor returns with sprinkles

That was a great ep

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is this season 1 yet? all those hiatus confuse me

stop saying "hiatus"

Calling it right now: Bumblebee would use all of her knowledge of those Twilight-esque movies to hook up Big Mac here with Hawkgirl when she appears

Sadly, not true. Just simple Side Pieces for Men
Zero chance for you, pesky sapphic noselicker.

she will choose the werewolf over the vampire? is she team jacob?

lauren doesnt likes gay pandering, so, sorry

will you stop posting shit nobody cares about? Best girl? They're all the same quantity of shit.

>nobody cares
>bitching about that comment anyways

please lurk more

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>both get ignored as heroes
>both are atypical for their gender stereotypes
>aqualad would probably be what supes was like if kara didn't get fucked by time bullshit

it's a good parallel actually

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she made an anti sjw back in powerpuff girls
we might get an anti sjw ep

Astute observations my esteemed colleague

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jesus christ zoro is so hot

>Hal, the idiot, is the one who actually has the brilliant plan that facilitates the day-saving
>Garth, the wimpy nerd, is the one who delivers the finishing blow on Zod

I love this show so much.

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That’s just Hal’s style.

i'm starting to think there are girls posting in this thread

The fact that neither Hal nor Jess really wants to talk about the Corps makes me wonder if the show is saving that reveal for something bigger. We know there IS a Corps; they mention it in the very first episode, and we see both Hal and Jess training with Kilowog in Hate Triangle. Yet they're holding it back from the rest of their respective teams, so I wonder if there isn't going to be a bigger story involving the GLC later.

it's going to be in the backround like this Zod thing was

>girls in Yea Forums
maybe they are just fags

Would be interesting, almost never see the Corps take a big role outside of GLTAS.

rainbow lantern girls

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Maybe because it usually takes years to fully understand the Lantern lore

>fully understand the lantern lore
>space is filled with space criminals
>space gnomes create magic rings and a space police
>space police fight space criminals with their magic rings

I've got to be honest, I was really not expecting a heartfelt flashback to the last days of Krypton in this boys vs girls episode. It really feels like Kara is Faust's favorite girl, she's gotten a lot of really strong character moments in the show so far.

Although she loses almost all of her good girl points when you think about how she apparently once joked with Clark about Zod coming back. I mean, really?

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I love it, the boys were actually useful, and the girls aren't immune to violence or being silly

If only it was that easy

Diana has gotten REKT multiple times in this show. Kara punched her face into the floor in the premiere, Livewire nearly electrocuted her, and she takes a mean right hook from Zod in this episode. She seems to be the damage sponge of the group.

She is Faust's favorite.

it´s almost like naruto with sasuke. I dont even know why babs is the main character if superdyke is lauren's pet

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Diana punched Kara's face into the floor. Although Kara smacked the shit out of her for crushing in Steve. I love seeing those two smack each other around.

Ah, fuck, you're right, my mistake.

>tmw u keep getting reincarnated
>tmw the love of your life hasn’t been reincarnated
>tmw u and Oliver, and Zatanna mind wipe some rapist

When super Mii
Becomes super Wii

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Did not expect this ep to get so deep or we’d get a Zod battle. Damn good episode.

That “feels like home” reference to Gotham when they find that trashy place was subtle but goddamn gold

Oh, baby, it just dawned on me that there are six major Lantern Corps, if we leave out the Indigo Tribe. We could absolutely eventually get a storyline where each girl gets a different ring.

If Jess stays with Green, which girl gets which ring?

Zee totally gets an Orange ring.

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Karen will get fear ironically, while Babs gets hope

It's funny like with almost episode or short that is released, we see more of how "crazy" Zee is.

>Steve defeats Zodd by getting donuts


There's a reason why he's the leader

Oliver knew what he was getting into when he chose her as his rival.

Jess: Green
Zee: Orange
Karen: Yellow
Babs: Blue
Kara: Red
Diana: Pink

Yeah, it fits. We actually had this discussion way back when the show premiered, but now that we've seen more of their personalities it's easier to slot each girl into a Lantern Corps..

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>>Fucking Hal saves the day by sending Steve to get donuts, thereby returning Diana’s higher brain function

Hal saves the day by clearing the path for a girl to take the lead.

Just sayin'.

Good Lord Zee's got some big tits and thighs. What a fucking brick house she is. She's one of the shorter of the girls, too, which just makes her figure more pronounced.

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One could say that there are indications in the #HateTriangle episode, but perhaps they are only things related to Hal not taking things seriously.

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I want to see Karen and Sinestro together with yellow rings

Best Boy

look at that slut, bitch be eyeing my man

The show is getting a 100 pages giant comic series coming out soon.

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I'd like to go with Steve but Hal just outshines everyone else.
Diana is best girl. I like everyone but she is just perfect. I have to mention the closest contender Jess who was really bland in the pilot but got awesome later.
Got me there. I like Barbara/Carol/Leslie/Pamela equally.

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I think it is just a recurring joke about how complicated is the GL lore. I don't read lantern stories but it seems like that for me.

I want to see a Kara babysits Garth episode

>It really feels like Kara is Faust's favorite girl
She said so in an interview.
Pretty much all of the crew in the interview agreed.
This is show is Supergirl and Her Amazing Friends.

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Katana will be there. Interesting...

They go back in time and transform into their old character designs?

In costume, Hal.
Out of costume, Barry. He's great, the body sock just isn't flattering in this artstyle.

>If Jess stays with Green
You're thinking wrong.
Green Lantern War scenario where the green rings are off limits for whatever reason.
Kara gets Red, obviously.

>Hal just outshines everyone else
He's the best.
The Lasso even agrees.

It's a reprint.

Diana is Star Sapphire violet.

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Garth's looking fly af. I like these semi-confident nerds who think they're hot shit, no homo.

I mean Flashpoint already implies he’s saved the world by crashing on Diana’s island and she doesn’t turn into murder-bitch supreme out to destroy mankind

4-D chess this man

Garth could be gay

He's into sea animals

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Kara, Jess, Zee. Am I missing someone?


>the hal one

Superman was busy

we need a the boys crossover

More importantly where is Diana living?

I figured the Trevors were going to be her host family, but that’s not likely

Based on past experience, she presumably has a small apartment she pays for with her job at a sushi restaurant.

Maybe she lives on the boat we saw on the Steve episode

Why isn't Kara there?

this best girl is just the like other best girl

Hal isn't a cute superpowers girl, he doesn't count.


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rule 63 when?

she flies up bringing Diana back up after she falls of the beam, swooning over Steve.

you forget the part where they are holding hands

How does he do it bros?

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>garth had cute minisode giving bee a gift
>gets cucked by hawkman with a literal hentai haircut

cant make this shit up


Bright Dazzling Eyeteeth?

it's like those NTR where your girl was stolen but you win an even hotter girl

>best boy
Hawkman because he's the hottest, but Oliver Queen's snobbishness and dynamic with Zatanna makes him the funniest to me
>best girl
Zatanna for the same reason why Queen is funny
Catwoman, thief characters are fun to me because of how smart and sly they get to be

Brings Donuts for Everyone

So I started watching this show this week. love it.

Is it doing well bros?

very hard to say, considering the hiatus network treatment

Ratings are solid
It has a toy line
Most shorts have more than a million views
Someone said it was second most popular on the CN app

Needs a fixed timeslot (Saturday evenings seems fine) and more reruns.

It's okay, Kara will take advantage of his depression and peg him better


He is tho

He is a cute superpowered boy

>GL lore is complicated
I never got this meme, although I started reading about Lanterns in Sinestro Corps War. Was it really that complex in the Golden/Silver Age? I always assumed it would just be stupider (as is tradition) and the complex part comes with the fact that their continuity is usually inconsistent with DC's universe reboots.

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GLs are simple

Other corps can be weird


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It’s mainly Johns.

so Kara with snu snu

Imagine having a tall mediterranean beauty all over your dick and not doing something about it

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How can they be so pure?

or Doris

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Garth is a lucky sob, I know longer feel bad for him

Whats the deal with Steve?

Do it for her, zee lads

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Post more Hal already.

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good boy

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The proper episode order for DCSHG:

It says on Faust's twitter

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I need more Oliver!
Is he this fun in other shows?

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Just JLU and BATB. CW is kind of a bummer.

that was pretty obvious, I want the order of the others

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I never understood how can they air episodes out of order. You get a series, it has numbers on the episodes. How can you air them in a random order?

It's basically a given that Nth metal disrupts magic in this universe too, right? I feel like they showed that pretty clearly when Conner uses his mace to bat Zee's spells aside.

CN gives a fuck about shows not produced by them. except teen titans go

But doesn't it take extra effort to air them in the wrong order?

Speaking off will there be new episodes next week?

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Why does Jess look so confused?

She seems like a major bitch. Has she even done anything mildly heroic

She is trying to figure if those donuts are vegan

Please someone draw those 2 being cute or lewd together

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How are they so perfect?

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>Attacks people who unintentionally take away attention from her
>Plan to send people who fail her to other dimensions
>The murder of innocents seems good to her
>Does inappropriate things to her friends
>Runs like Naruto
>Planned to stab one of his partners to entertain a villain
>Revealed the secret identity of one of her friends

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calling it now, this show will make Bee popular like TT cyborg making DC push her everywhere but never with a personality like this version so no one will like it

Bee is already everywhere tho.

less revealed and more threw her under the fucking bus

She also ruined a bunch of innocent's classmates school picture

They're both petty bitches.

I'm sure all of that's reversible.

think Steve would pull the 'popcorn trick' on Diana?

The Deep's got the worst name and the best costume. Kind of fit his style as a noble slimeball.

She's such a fucking narcissist. I love her.

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Most of that sounds like something a villain would do.

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Also, don't forget, there is theoretically no one capable of stopping her! Her magic has no upper limit, and the only thing we've seen that comes close to countering it is Hawkman's mace. It's only her upbringing and her own clumsiness that are stopping Zee from doing literally anything she wants.

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Aqualad profile

I think is funny how Lauren described Green Lantern as overpowered when Zatanna is nigh omnipotent and without any weakness besidess being too used at doing pointless gestures from her shows.

Faust doesn't read comics. This had been well established at this point.

They all fuck except for Diana/Steve, Karen/Carter and maybe, Babs/Barry. These three couples are pure love.

Forgot Kara/Garth, Zee/Oliver, Jess/Hal. Even non-official yet but still interesting to see Tatsu/Cisco. We need them, i mean it and down for it.

>no surname for garth

give this poor kid a break

for some reason green lantern corps are considered too powerful.... in theory... just because they can create any shit with their rings... even then they are very overshadowed by others

She’s probably going based off Hal or Kyle or even Alan.

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>not cosplayers
lois is such a cunt

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Love her

>nobody gives a shit about Garth at the point he doesn't need to cover his identity


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Is this bitch eating a donut with her pinky up

what's the story here?

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Still gets shat on nowhere as much as in TTG

They were on a play together

Hey burgers, watch it on CN

I did. It's nice that Steve saved the day.

You know, when you really think about it, if Steve hadn't left to get those donuts, then Wonder Woman never would have had the idea to get the Kryptonite, and that "Kneel!" guy would have totally taken over the world.

What a nerd

They were rehearsing for a play, then they started teasing each other, they were getting closer and closer... one thing led to another ...

Da InvinciBros are way better than The Super Hero Girls

They are both cool

Steve Trevor does it again!!!!!

Diana wants to be BLEACHED, and Oliver is kind of a cunt so he's out.

Steve Trevor is the hero everyone should be striving to be like

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>black Wonder Woman

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but could he deal with them?

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Wait you guys unironically actually watch this show?

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Yes, of course we do

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How do you know?

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Hal no contest

Yes and no. With animation, multiple episodes are worked on simultaneously at any one time, so it's possible for a "later" episode to be finished first. This can lead to it being slotted into the schedule earlier, even if the continuity becomes wonky as a result (and I imagine most executives still operate under the idea that all cartoons--barring multi-part episodes--can/should be aired in any order).

On the other hand, we've also seen networks prioritize certain episodes because they either focus on a popular character, storyline, or because the subject of said episode is relevant to an upcoming holiday or season. Presumably, these decisions are driven by data/studies telling them it will maximize exposure and viewership.

Now the show has the Super Villian Gals, I wonder Lex Luthor will form the Legion of Doom, and a group of Super Villian Boys

why wouldn't we?

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>implying Lex needs to bother with petty shit like forming teams

He's Lex fucking Luthor, he doesn't need other villains to do his dirty work. Especially because this show's version is basically evil Jeff Bezos, so he'll probably use a bunch of robots and drones and computers.

>He's Lex fucking Luthor, he doesn't need other villains to do his dirty work.
>he doesn't need other villains to do his dirty work
>doesn't need other villains to do his dirty work..
>doesn't need other villains

congratulations, you are the most retarded fag in the thread

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>Super Villian Boys
Ollie is a villain

>Diana swooning over Steve
Faust ruined Wonder Woman forever.

if one day there is a ''teen legion of doom'' pretty sure it will be lena who made that group

What was Wondy seeing that guy?

Y'know that Zatanna gets a magic sneeze? Either was from the short or an episode...

Does Hawkman even talked? Does he make bird noises?


This is the magic sneeze scene that i was talking bout

Was there a TTG epi when the Titans except Robin turned into toys that we didn't know about?

Made the last two hugging Bee pictures, I really like her and hope everyone does too.

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Not really a hug but I wanted to show more their height difference cause it's so cute.

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I think Karen is the shortest girl, and Zee is the second-shortest. Diana is obviously the tallest, followed by Jess.

>big, strong, quiet redneck with a soft side
Check off another MLP character. It's only a matter of time before John De Lancie shows up voicing Mxyzptlk.

Did you do Jess?

>tfw JDL would make a great Mxy but you also feel like that would be a waste of his potential

Especially because Gilbert Gottfried will always be Mxy to me. Who else could De Lancie voice?

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>implying Lex needs to bother with petty shit
Do you not know who Lex Luthor is? Pettiness is 82% of his character motivation. He's meant to represent how awful petty people with power can be.

Ikr, what a chad

He already voiced Mr. Freeze in the theatrical short. He said 3 whole words in the short but I can't imagine that's all they had him say if they had him in the studio because THAT would be a waste.

Bring Mxy to DCDHG

Forgot the wings.

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We need Black Canary for Arrow


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Which DC characters from the web series that needs to be appeared in the reboot?

Mine are the Titans. What's yours?

It's Bernstein according to the yearbook.

Thank you. I didn't have this one saved for some reason.



>there are people right now in the thread who enjoys Karen in a borderline abusive relationship where she's told to shut up and not express herself

Actually Kara is taller than Jess. Babs is second shortest.

funny how horsefuckers will get the fluttermac they expected in first seasons

That's the way to do it. That's old school

Pamela being a carnivore makes total sense, she'd never harm an innocent plant.

to the kind gent uploading to the Mega. It's missing GothamCon~

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the Mega is unfortunately missing #GothamCon

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so... is clark an adult?

God I want to marry Karen so bad.

She was getting away from the kryptonite.

Huh? I'm surprised Hal let Steve be the leader. I was certain it was going to be Hal.


>Who’s best boy?
>Who’s best girl
>Who’s best villain girl?

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>Mexican Wonder Woman

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aeolus on paheal

Your art is amazing. I love it so much!

I hope Superman will form the Justice League including Batman

Based draw and color-edit anons

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Hey remember that poster from SDCC? Well here it is

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YES! Bless you drawfriend!

Good lord, look at Garth's leg!

god bless ya based drawfag

when do we see dumbdown batman ?

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This show needs more super team!!! Is Katana gonna be an hononrary Super Hero Girls or better yet... Suicide Squad???

you mean sinister squad

Are you ready for faust to leave halfway through S2 over creative differences with the DC higher ups?

>That one “Yeah, it’s real complicated, you don’t wanna hear about it” joke both Lanterns give that seems to be becoming a running gag
I know it's a joke but like...isn't the whole point that Green Lantern is a title, not the name? So you'd have Green Lantern Hal and Green Lantern I've already forgotten what her name actually is and I'm too lazy to look it up.

Imagine if this ends up directly referencing GLTAS.

I knew an emo redneck because I went to a school in the country. I wanted to fuck him, but I knew I wouldn't have been able to because everyone out here is a Christian.

Yeah. Seems they're following the route that the live action Supergirl show took.
>Kara is technically older cousin
>Kal sent off to Earth as baby
>Kara sent after
>Kara for whatever reason gets lost in some time-based thing for years where she doesn't age
>gets out, comes to Earth
>despite being born before Kal, Kal is older now

AS IF! The show wouldn't be the same without her! If she was a executive producer, why can't she just written more episodes, a storyboarder and of course a character designer

Is Booster Gold a Justice League member? Just asking

U wanna fuck an emo redneck like Hawkman? Dream on!

Hey Jess, try lick dem both donuts why dontcha? You'll never know if it's vegan

I need more of that.

Oh terrif! This is the only nuepi to be scheduled dis month. Now that the new two part special is finished airing we'll just have to wait a whole agonizing month for nuepi to come

Really CN? Unfair much?

sauce of gtfo

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Yep. Similar thing is happening with Miraculous Ladybug also.
They basically air them when finished, time lines and continuity order be damned.
An easier and shorter episode to animate, although being in a latter season continuity order, will be aired before a harder and longer to animate episode even though it'll be an early season continuity order.
They typically do it for popularity reasons, I believe. If a drought of no new episodes or content (I.e. hiatuses),then viewership, ratings, and the overall interest in the series, can dip or even plummet, thereby affecting profits. Look at Adventure Time and Steven Universe for examples of that actually accuring. So for viewership and interest to remain consistent they air episodes as soon as available instead of sitting on them.


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>brown haired Terry

Love the shoe

Why did the show stuck with the worst Robin??? I can't tell if he was either Jason or Damian. How about we bring Carrie Kelley to DCSHG whaddya think?

Attached: Carrie-Kelley-as-Robin-from-The-Dark-Knight-Returns.jpg (1920x1080, 282K)

>Babs is cucked out of being Batman's sidekick again

Would make a fun episode

>Jason or Damian
it's Dick. that's why he acts like his name says

Thnks for the people who created these 2 shows! They're my greatest weaknesses

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Yeah it’s not a superhero name, it’s more like a job or volunteering.

Then who's gonna be Nightwing???

We don’t need a Nightwing. He’s not that great.

Make sense

he is still robin

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My man Oliver.

best boy

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>Writing girls in love
Um sweetie this is 2019, you can't do that.

For all the shit Yea Forums gives to /mlp/ you fuckers seem be on the same page because HawkmanxBumblebee is just FlutterMac all over again and obviously he would fall for Hawkgirl once she is introduced, with bee couching him. That been said looks like whenever Faust get a hold of a set of characters the shippping intensifies badly, I guess thats also a part of her special talent.

When will she come back?

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what the hell is a fluttermac, you horsefucker?

when a plot device calls for it.

when green lantern tease green lantern babe again

Shipping Yellowquiet and Large Redquiet. Popular in the earlier years.

It wasn't THAT popular, really. Probably looked like because it was one of the few straight ships.

didnt she married an old dirty dracothing?

Oh oh, they won't cuck her ... or will they?

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well, we are not horsefuckers so, we dont know what are you talking about

since the comics, star sapphire was made for cuck

Dick should be a chad. This is just wrong

Well, at least he's still being a Dick.

how carol can even compete?

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By being white

>Dick should be a chad

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Cute bearded boy

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the white virgin vs the stacy latina

yeah sure...

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He had to be a little faggot so we, the audience could see that Batgirl is more deserving to be Batman's sidekick


user pls, it is obvious that Jess was lying to her so as not to have competition.

>make your own group of super hero girls
>still want to be a simple other hero's ''sidekick''

where is babs dignity?

Might have exploded with her library.
It's complicated.

Stop self inserting as him

He's the chadest of the Go characters

Who the fuck cares? Stop inserting mlp into everything Faust does.

Agreed Bee is best. Also I like how Karen and Babs can connect at a tech level and sometimes one up each other.

Liking a character =/= self inserting

you're a one you


>6 girls
>sporty, competitve, tomboyish one
>'fabulous', fashion-minded one
>shy, reserved, wallflower one
>energetic, overly-friendly one
>traditional, moral, hard-working one
>new, strong leader in new environment
>all becoming friends and having exciting adventures together
yes, it's totally incomprehensible how parallels between the two could possibly be drawn


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Parallels can be found, but no one here wants to talk about MLP or have it be compared to it all the time. Plus the show is hardly like MLP, if anything it should be compared more to the PPG.

it's a new buzzword

I wouldn't say it's new, but it's definetly overused too much and incorrectly. Especially on Yea Forums, the home of stupid made up crap

I was going to animate something. Then I realized animation is hard, so I stopped.

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Tall to short:
I've seen the height chart. even Hawkman is shorter than Wondy!

I like how all the sidekicks are 4 foot tall nerds

That's because it's never been released online. Check Amazon, Youtube, or Itunes. It's not been released. The same shit happened with the other episodes. Took almost 3 weeks to get shit that aired on tv back in july.

Thats cool

Why is this show more popular on this board?

>tfw Jessica will never hit you.

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> even Hawkman is shorter than Wondy

I meant not more popular? This thread is slow

it's not woke enough

having so many breaks between episodes killed a lot of the early interest
it was a fair bit more active before them

I asked myself that as well, though is right.
DC Super Hero Boys showed just how good they can actually make the episodes, hopefully the rest are like this as well.

we may or may not get an ep tonight.

not mention stevenfags and pedos were infesting Yea Forums recently

That's also a major factor, the new movie has caused a lot of threads to go slower and die faster

Has poison ivy been featured in an episode yet? I saw a short of Jessica bothering her in civ mode and thought this version of her is cute as shit.

Now I really want him to become Nightwing so we can watch Barbara craving for The Dick. It would be fucking hilarious if he did a 180° and the other girls only get to knew him like his new self while Batgirl spergs about how he was a douche before (while getting reluctantly wet). Add some Harley Quinn's shenanigans and hilarity ensues.

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timm get out

She's had an episode with Jess and it was fantastic. She also shows up in a Barbara episode, which was also good.

Overall she's actually surprisingly dark for a show like this. She openly calls humans vermin and talks about genocide. She is, as the kids would say, "blackpilled."

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Nooooo, keep going!! You are the chosen one to get the snowball rolling down, to knock the first domino, to finally giving us the SHG smut we crave.
This is fate goddammit!

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does school even allow student to have beard ?

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She needs the D bad

Why wouldn’t they?

Back in my high school days they'd take you to the nurse's office and tell you to shave it off if your facial hair got too noticeable. That was 10 years ago though, maybe things have changed.

Weird, in my school, the teachers didn’t really care about that shit, this one kid had practically a mop, no one said shit, but he was weird so eh

He actually looks Egyptian now
Ahorita no joven

I'm sticking to my theory that Robin is actually Batmite

That ass is magic

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you mean larry

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>purple hair
>charming eyes
>great smile
>big tits
>fat ass
>broad hips

They really must have gone out of their way to make her the sexpot of the group, she's got by far the most physically attractive character design.

"Uh, guys... there's a clown in here"!

She always wanted to be a sidekick, she is only SHG because there is no better. There should be an episode where she gets an offer from Bats and has to choose.

Now THAT would be an amazing reference like 3 people would get.

Why would you be so cruel? She needs her lipstick as well.

It is hypnotic.

>sporty, competitve, tomboyish one
She is not "sporty", and the only thing that comes close to being competitive is her jealousy of Superman.
>energetic, overly-friendly one
She is overly-friendly only to those who share here cape-autism. Jess is the one who tried to befriend Pam, not Babs. Her unhealthy obsessions and intelligence make her close to the purple horse though.
>traditional, moral, hard-working one
You mean the modern-hippie-SJW one who protests when her friends actually work?
>new, strong leader in new environment
The one is an upper-class sociopathic bookworm and the other is literally barbarian princess.
Yep, totally the same characters.

What does she keep the dolphin in her purse for?

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A smart animal - can be taught to delicate tasks - who likes wet surfaces.

It was released online on the CN website and app.

You don't understand, if you ignore all the differences they're exactly the same. There's only ONE tomboy character, there can't possibly be different characters who are both tomboys. There's only ONE fish-out-of-water Chosen One character, there can't be different characters who are fish-out-of-water Chosen Ones. etc etc etc

Best looking boy, kinda cute

Soooo, which Invicibros we want to fuck???

The Invincibros needs to have a sixth member (not Robin)

Vibe should be. But that could be Young Men of the Seven if they keep Steve around.

I dunno bout Vibe! Hey, how about Firestorm? He's perf! And he's a teen as well

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NuDCSHG title "Halfway Thru" plus, Katana's official debut

Attached: DCSHG-Blue-2.png (804x1028, 134K)

Says who?

Oh my God no...
Faust said she would appear in an episode "halfway thru season 1"

Doesn't DC have ANY other female waifus?

This One is the Ultimate Waifu who's into Bondage

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What do you mean, there's like a hundred of them. If the show gets to live longer than one season we may even see some more obscure ones.

Doesn't he share a body with a Professor? Would that skew the teen dynamic a bit? Also I really preferred the title "Nuclear Man".

You stay right there until you're finished mister.

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I'm unfamiliar with DC. Don't they have the same amount as Marvel?

I'm pretty sure he shares the same mind, and nobody else can see the professor. I don't think they can switch body forms.

That show had a decent amount of entrapment.

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Bros I need to have sex with pamela.

Fucking best boy right there, he was too good for this world.

pretty sure there are two. I mean babs is clearly a tomboy but not in the same level of superdyke

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Why is his midriff exposed?

he's wearing Garth's clothes


It's not like there's a scientific, black-and-white definition of "tomboy" anyway. The point is that it's easy to find similarities between things (see TVTropes) but similar things are not "the same". For example all humans are similar, but not all humans are the same.

Well ... Lauren is a tall woman ...

For me

Cmon dude, dont cuck us Zee lads that hard. We need this shit.

stop bumping on page 10

>enter the locker room
>see Zatanna stuck in her bag like this, asking if anyone's there
>the door locks from the inside
what do you do?

Do I know that she's magical? Am I aware that if I give her big booty a slap, I am at risk of being banished to the Warp?


get rekt m8

How will user EVER recover?

is the episode title for next week

No, it's a misunderstanding.