The Blender of DAWs

The Blender of DAWs

Attached: Cockos-REAPER.png (600x600, 25.71K)

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Don't you have to pay for it? It's only free for 60 days or some shit.

No. It's like winrar. You just have a pop up pestering you to buy it whenever you start it.

Yeah but it's only 60 bucks and it's on the honor system.

>it's only 60 bucks
it's "only 60 bucks" plus the money you'll need to spend on basic synths since it doesn't come with a single one.

There are a lot of high quality free-synths out there, and about a trillion middling ones.

Mine didn't come in a box?

the tool doesn't matter as much as your mastery of it

it's inarguably, THE most powerful DAW with the most features. It just has an extremely terrible interface and workflow and you need high levels of autism to conquer that and customize it etc. So it is in terms of potential, by far the best DAW out there, but the usability is so atrocious that I would not recommend it to anyone who wasn't suited for that kind of thing.

>more concerned about synths than real instruments

I'm going through the user guide and my head is spinning

is this bad or something? spend your time with it, customise it how you want it to work for you. Set up your hotkeys. Stable as fuck. just werks.

how is this better than ableton?

google anything you're confused about and add 'kenny gioia' after it to find your answer

and therein lays the rub
you can have all the bells and whistles you want. i found it to be the most uncreative POS and ive used cakewalk and cubase.
atm i can use 6 other daws and having tried reaper, well it can get fucked

I must be super autistic then because I always found the workflow in Reaper to be way more straightforward than everything else I've tried. What am I missing out on?

its not, its just cheaper and shittier. poorfags seethe

there's no reason to use only one DAW. use something with a friendly workflow, continue tinkering with Reaper in the background and learning about it slowly at your own pace. In the future, you'll probably be wanting to use different platforms for different things, just like you would do a lot of audio editing in Audacity probably and port results into your DAW cause it's just easier to do certain things in different programs. I can't remember if it's Reason or Logic but one of those now is basically designed to be plugged into your other DAWs mainly

you expecting illustrator to draw for you or some shit? it's a DAW you record you music it doesn't do it for you

nothing, I find FL to have by far the most intuitive workflow, i can do things and build tracks in FL so much quicker than anywhere else. I think that's just a subjective thing. One of the main popular complaints about FL is that the workflow is cluttered and hard to follow, whereas the workflow is the only thing I like about FL. Just made sense to my eyes right away.

EDM want their loops to play ad infinitum, they want sidechaining the bass to be one click away

Thanks god Reaper exists. Very simple to load VSTs, select input and monitor. Great to play guitar through and record.

Midi piano roll could use some improvements but I usually import midi files that I've created in other programs so it doesn't bother me that much.

Fair enough. I had the exact opposite experience with FL Studio, I was lost at step 1. Ableton is okay, but I can't do much else with it than fuck around with loops.

Attached: reaper.jpg (2299x1369, 805.66K)

reaper is fine but im gay

>There are a lot of high quality free-synths out there
name five.

It's actually much simpler than other daws.

How the hell do I do routing in Reaper? Every tutorial I've found is designed for older versions and apparently it goes through significant UI changes over time since none of the pictures match what I'm seeing, buttons aren't found where the tutorial says they would be, etc.

I'm trying to avoid having multiple copies of the same plugin running when I want to use different instruments from that plugin and I can't for the life of me get it to work. Every track seems to want its own FX, there's no way for them to share.

Im sending track 1 to track 2 in this image. Is this what you want?

I'm using the 5.0 theme since it's what I'm used to. Options>Themes>Default_5.0

Attached: Capture2.jpg (687x478, 55.27K)

click on the thing that says "route" on the channel and drag it to the thing that say "route" on the channel that you want to route to

If you're just wanting to share one FX over multiple tracks you should just be able to make "slave" tracks under a master track where the FX is loaded, if that makes any sense. Picrel, it's from v5.99 but I don't think its any different in 6+. Just drag the slave track up towards the master track until it looks like this. There is the whole routing menu too but I don't think it's necessary for this task

Wow I guess I can upgrade past v5.99 then lmao I'm fucking retarded

Attached: slave.png (410x390, 26.34K)

Just uninstalled this POS

Comes with a FOSS style community too I guess.

That doesn't work.

Probably a limitation of the VSTi only letting you use one instrument at a time then

you can use as many at once as your computrer allows, what are you trying to do?

Trying to help this guy

vital and reaper is all you need

what's vital

free synth with wavetable

visual synth

That's really cool

How do I get my midi controller to control REAPER?

or look up preferences in the options menu

Does Reaper have a convenient MIDI mapping function?

>VCV Rack
>lounge lizard 2
>DiscoDSP OB-Xd
got any more brain busters, dumbass?

>convenient MIDI mapping function
MIDI is MIDI, it's usually a pita. what do you want to do?

>vcv rack

+ both work on Linux

This is the truth.
I used ableton Live 9 for years. Upgraded to a newer desktop that wouldn’t work with it so I switched to Logic Pro and learned to love it.
Recently got Live 11 and I use both daws about an equal amount of and everything is so 2nd nature it almost feels like I’m using one massive daw or something lol.
It also helps because not everyone will know your preferred daw, so it’s handy to know the basics of a couple.

gaslight it. make it think it can't live without the midi controller.

thanks I'll try them all

belnder is open source and backed by the community, and also by major industries which are now contributing financially for the development.

The only developers for reaper are Justin Frankel and his gang. If you care about its grwoth, you should at least pay for a license. Do i need to remember Justin Frankel is the man who gave to the world winamp and gnutella?

Isn't Winamp considered at bit shit?

Who cares lol


Blender is Libre/Open Source

>open source
that's what me and the boys call your mom

This is news to me, thats neat
Why is it shit? If anything it's just old. Plus it ships with MilkDrop which will always be the best visualizer in the game.
I tried MusicBee this week finally but aside from plastering album art and artist info all over your screen I don't see how its any better

Why do I, a certifiable retard, like to read smart person things?

I know a guy who runs a successful home recording business on it, so it can't be that bad.

And by successful, I mean "is the guy every important band in the area goes to.".

There’s a reason Pro Tools is the industry standard

obxd by discodsp
any free TAL synth
podolski+tyrell+zebralette by u-he

>kenny gioia

since i started using reaper i never looked back to other DAWs. the metering alone is the best in the game, but the routing and JS plugs and native distribution for linux make it the only option at this point for me. not to mention the low memory footprint and reliability.