ITT: Cartoons the tourists could be watching instead of SU because they refuse to dig a little bit for quality

ITT: Cartoons the tourists could be watching instead of SU because they refuse to dig a little bit for quality

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Believe In Steven

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So french weeabo crap instead of US weeabo crap.
Hard pass.

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he cute

Only people with taste like Last Man

No body wants to suffer through Filmation again is the thing.

The new Looney Tunes Cartoons can't come soon enough.
Oh, and just as a reminder, John K is not harassing the staff behind these shorts, they're just shelving them for HBO Max's launch and nothing else.

>Using that as a criticism of another show when supporting Steven Universe

Fuck off OP, Lastman is excellent by don’t try and start a war with SU like a retard.
The movie was ok, but Spinel was a great character and Pearl is a cute.

No it's not, read

Fucking release Crisis Jung



Is this a term other boards use? Because I don't think I've ever seen it used here.

>He doesn't know what Last Man is about

t. newfags AND tourists

The saddest part about last man is we probably wont get more.

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Thanks for the good news user. I had no idea. Is it just gonna cover the comics or is it gonna be side stories?

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When isn't John K harassing WB staff?

>Cartoons the tourists could be watching instead of another East vs West thread because they refuse to dig a little bit for quality


Redpill me om this show Yea Forums

Why is this not funny at all? Is it the timing?

Google Translate:
>"As we learn about the French film , this one will be called Lastman, the shock wave , and you can discover in gallery of this article the presented visual. An image that makes sense when you know that the events of the series and comics will meet in this second season. The production of the first season having experienced setbacks, we had some fears for this new component. Do not panic: it will be broadcast on France Télé's digital platform , Francetv.slash . Six episodes of 45 minutes are planned."

French amateur boxer with jungle fever discovers his gym daddy has a magical daughter being hunted by demons and he needs to become the world champ to get the world saving macguffin.

Damn, I was kinda hoping for animated Rocky

With these new LT shorts since WB knows he's a pedo.
It's just Wabbit with a bigger budget, but if it does well enough it will make Disney be themselves again and stop making Nick/CN rejects.

kys and stream it

>Supernatural shit
Eh, this actually hurts a lot of my drive to watch it. I'll just go watch Ippo or something.

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>he cheated on his big titty waifu Tomie with that ugly negress trainer


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Sort of, half is fighting demons and magic the other half is cool fighting sequences in the MMA tournament. I think the fights are very good.

Also the setting is very urban.

The comic is cool but Richard stops doing cool shit after the first arc and there are way too many strong woman. The cartoon is much better and much more macho.

Eh, I think I’ll just copy the other guy and get into Ippo

6 episodes of 45 minutes?! Holy shit, that's fantastic

Ok, you killed Last Man's little respect in this board.
Western Jonathan Joestar rip-off

Nah, anything used to shit on SUfags is cool in my book.

>Thinking the opinion of the people who are spamming the board with 60 threads and will leave the board in a week matter

>lol just give us- i mean them another week straight of spamming bros, then we'll- i mean they'll just go away, i- i mean they promise lol

If you didn't notice he has jungle fever. He fucked that guy's fat black mom in the beginning too. He literally can't help himself around nigresses

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Anybody else see a little bit of Richard's face in Steg? Especially the sideburns and nose.

It’s the hottest “word to describe people who like something I don’t” in Yea Forums. Use it while it’s still trendy!

Lastman came out a pretty long time ago and while I liked it I didn't think it was the amazing show a bunch of people made it out to be.

Richard is husband-tier adorable.

>snarky jackass who develops a fiercely determined paternal instinct
>kicks supernatural demon ass with nothing but his bare fists
>a straight-up beefcake

What more could you want?

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fuck yes
i cant wait

Based retard