I know there’s already a lot of threads about her, but I gotta know. Why DID Pink Diamond abandon her anyway? She was created to be her best friend. Sure she was immature, but she probably would have a good ally in the rebellion nonetheless. At least she could have been a meat (rock? light?) shield for Rose.
I know there’s already a lot of threads about her, but I gotta know. Why DID Pink Diamond abandon her anyway...
Other urls found in this thread:
Pink wanted to be a big girl Diamond and take her colony shit seriously. Spinel didn't fit into that agenda, so she left her behind.
She never went to Earth to rebel, she wanted to do colony shit and grow up like her sisters. Back then she didn’t give a shit about lower Gems, she figured she’d just pick her up later, then she got to rebelling and they had to disable the warp pads after the corruption and she just got occupied.
Other than that spinel was annoying her, it's because she literally thought of spinel as a toy or at the very least just didn't care about her
As to why she didn't come back so that spinnel could help out in the rebellion, pink probably straight up forgot about spinel's existence
Even then though, it’s not a terrible idea to have someone who could take care of homefront sort of things like keeping her troops’ spirits up.
She Is annoying
So are you, but were you abandoned in space?
Ok new question: Why was Pink Diamond such a massive cunt?
Spinel got on her nerves. She was clingy and goofy and only wanted to play games. Instead of telling her things were going to change and that Spinel needed to learn to fo other things than just play immature games Pink left her in the Garden.
Because the diamonds are sociopaths, weird that pink is the most caring one out of all them
She could relate to most Gems because she was also unequal, just to the other Diamonds.
Have you ever known that autistic kid who's really clingy, and he clearly just doesn't understand social queues, so he's really enthusiastic and constantly pissing you off without trying, and you just know that tolerating him and letting him get closer when he's clearly hankering for any kind of close meaningful relationship without understanding that interpersonal relationships are give and take and require boundaries and respect will be terrible for your mental state so you try to give him a berth even though it makes you feel like a jerk because you don't really like him and you can't give him what he wants?
It's like that only PD dealt with them in the worst possible way
>but she probably would have a good ally in the rebellion nonetheless. At least she could have been a meat (rock? light?) shield for Rose.
If Pink had known ahead of time she'd start a war, then bringing a gem as innocent as Spinel would've been doubly inexcusable. It'd be like taking someone with Downs Syndrome or Williams Syndrome, giving them a gun, and shipping them off to Iraq.
it's easy to put all the show's problems on this one (DEAD) character's shoulders. eg want a cheap movie villain? Pink did something bad and someone wants revenge! shit writes itself.
what if spinel can recognize rose quartz is pink diamond , they used to play game all the time , it is possible spinel think pink diamond is playing rose quartz game .
You know how some parents leave their little kids in hot cars on purpose so they'll die? That's why. Spinel is a little kid and little kiddos are grating and annoying after a while. Parents who are good people deal with it, but Pink was a Diamond and Diamonds are utter sociopaths, the kind of person who has a baby to play with, dress it in cute clothes, to "love" them then ditches the kids' ass or kills them when they get sick of their shit because babies and kids are imperfect and have their own needs too.
Also in this case Pink just sees Spinel as a toy like a teddy bear, big girls don't carry their teddy bears with them or take their dogs with them to cool adult frat parties, so she chucks her in the garbage. Pink chucks a lot of people in the garbage, it's kind of her whole character. Abandoning people. In the end, she finally abandons herself.
Oh, picking up on this: Sugar apparently said that Pink could have chosen to have Steven as a normal human child and been there for him, but chose to die instead. While you can see positive motives like wanting Steven to have those Gem-power advantages, making some new great thing, or even "becoming" and "being reborn" as human so "she" becomes capable of change for the better, it's awfully convenient. In effect, she chooses to abandon Steven before she decides to have him and foists his care on Greg, who lives in a fucking van, as a single parent and on her "friends" whether they like it or not. She's a deadbeat fellow Diamond, friend, leader, wife, and mother who skips reality while the people she fucked off from must spend millennia picking up the pieces for her.
Idk what frat parties you’ve been to, but dogs are usually welcome.
Her purpose in life is to provide emotional support to others, and so she has no real emotions of her own. All of her empathy is fake.
Within groups of sorority girls, though? I think the other girls would get annoyed quickly if one of them brought a pet, or she'd get drunk and leave it in someone's bathroom. Not that you should bring a pet to someone else's place and get hammered, but outside of a designer mini-poodle for an ultra rich heiress it's not very "cool" to bring Fido much less your kid along. Of course that is sensible if you're going to "work" like Pink, but this is more like taking Fido or you 3-year-old Tommy on a long car ride to a field "to play" fetch or catch the ball and driving off before you move to start your first adult job because they'd cramp your style and you want to seem all business.
did the other diamonds have spinels? who else would have a spinel?
Pink was the baby of the family, others were too mature.
We dont really know that Pink intentionally abandoned her. Pink had to found her colony and may have planned to come back for Spinel, but after the war and destroying the galaxy warps it wasnt possible.
that's an accurate analogy though, because no one would have cared if pink brought spinel to earth. they'd either be jealous she owned a personal jester, or be the diamonds who clearly didn't give a shit. pink's embarrasment with her was all in her head.
she had a double life, time in between the war and the death faking though.
she also left the zoomans in a garden, but at least they were taken care of
>apparently said
Someone pulled something out of their ass, and you ate it up and are now repeating it like its a fact.
Yeah that's another point redditspacingfag, everything else that was Pink's was taken by the other diamonds. Yellow got Jasper, Blue got the zoo, etc. She would have assumed they'd take Spinel as well.
why the fuck didn't they go in the garden for blue to cry?
did they forget where it was?
how would Greg react if he heard this story, he seems like the only character whose opinion of Rose thus far has been unwavering
oh... this was a missed opportunity
he'd adopt her probably.
>member when Greg and Rose's relationship was a focal point of the story
He’s a pretty chill guy, who knows?
I hope we get to see more of Young Greg in Season 6, I don't know why but it's just pleasant to see Greg in his prime
Pink abandoning Spinel is essentially the same thing of having your childhood friend leaving you in middle-high school because they wanted to hang out with the older, cooler kids, and rejecting everything you did together as ‘childish.’
Probably found Spinel's existence offensive as a kind of clown mirror showing her how the other diamonds perceived her.
Why would she go to the garden? She didn't go to the zoo to cry, Agate said it had been hundreds of years since a diamond visited.
Most grieving parents try to leave their kid’s bedroom intact. Don’t even touch it.
>Why didn't Pink Diamond think things through
Who knows, this is a brand new development to her character
Do people generally consider the diamonds Pink's sisters or her parents? They're a family, White even mentions "his diamond heritage" so
A combo of both, three sisters who were teens/adults by the time the littlest were born and were the ones who raised her.
White is the mom, Blue and Yellow are the older sisters.
I personally go for sisters, I know some people read Yellow and Blue as in a relationship like dad and mom to their Pink daughter but nah they're all sisters at least in my head.
She was selfish and childish, and didn't take Spinel's feeling into consideration when she abandoned her.
She just saw her as a form of entertainment to cast aside when she got bored.
Pink left Spinel behind because she was annoying and immature and would have hurt her image while leading the Earth colony.
PD wanted to prove that she was mature to her sisters and if she brought Spinel along, then she would have embarrassed the fuck out of her.
Reminder that Steven never hugged Spinel
>She didn't go to the zoo to cry
that's like literally exactly what she did
Blue was purposefully hoarding/maintaining any signs of Pink: visiting Earth and the Zoo, keeping any gems that came from Earth soil, unable to shatter the Quartz gems. Visiting the Garden wouldn't have been so out of left field especially with it being only one warp away. But the Garden may not have been that important in their eyes, it may have only been made to placate a temperamental Pink after losing her only friend Pink Pearl it may not have been a thing for relatively long.
the strange thing is that blue said spinel was a lost treasure. what did they think happened to her?
only in her own head. in actuality no one would have cared. which makes sense because when you grow up you realise that no one gave a fuck about your dino stickers binder in middleschool and if they did you shouldn't have cared.
Depends if you count when he saved her from the explosion
Oh right she did it once so that invalidates everything i said huh.
She is big so her cunt is enormous
As smaller rose she became a bit less of a cunt
nah, doesn't count. Least he gave her a handshake
God I want to hug that gem
she cute
i want steven's warm hug and i want spinel's rubbery hug.
She didn't want one. Steven offered to be her friend and she pulled back.
What's in Irock?
Glad this was the first post because this is exactly what I was thinking.
This but also pic related
I doubt it since she refers to Steven as Pink's son.
I love her dancing
at least she didn't do the whole 'pink is steven' thing, she's pretty explicit that she's taking out her anger on randos
maybe she tried to kill steven the second time as a premptive thing. so another fake friend wouldn't hurt her
Would it even be possible to really communicate with default Spinel, she was designed to be clingy only caring about her assigned Best Friend smiling and laughing. Spinel started developing emotional depth thanks to overwhelming tragedy.
steven asked her to please put him down and she did it.
i imagine pink never tried.
>...and this room is where we keep our dust collection! Yes, it's turned into a rough grey powder now, just like our son
>reminder she spent 6000 years trying to figure out every possibility of what she could've done wrong while Pink drifted away
>6000 years
Pink was created as a Diamond, to be a calculating leader of gemkind. That she was smaller and more immature could have a few reasons - perhaps she was malformed during her creation, or maybe she was specifically designed to wick away White Diamond's happiness/compassion etc as part of some sort of purification process to make White more "flawless" (extending to her anger and sadness being isolated to Yellow and Blue respectively).
Pink was their beloved sister, but also somewhat of a liability. She was mostly isolated away elsewhere with a playmate specifically designed to match her perceived maturity - and when Pink's petulant demands for a colony were in full swing, she was also in the early stages of changing and becoming more mature, albeit with the flawed lens of adolescence and the Diamond hierarchy/indifference to "lessers". So she left Spinel during this time, and proceeded to go about her gaddings on earth.
By the time she'd actually matured - before and during the process of which she found life, loved life, tried to spare the planet, started a war, survived the war, settled into existence as an exile, and eventually figured out that she wanted to make and love a new experimental lifeform - she'd completely forgotten about Spinel. During that timeline, she was both thoroughly distracted and also, after a certain point, detached from everything related to homeworld, including the garden. The only other gems who would've known about Spinel were either homeworld based, and thus didn't care, or Pearl, who had no reason to bring it up, having no idea of Spinel's fate and probably considering her to be somewhere on Homeworld.
tl;dr - Pink Diamond was an immature, distant bitch who eventually matured, but by that point she'd been distracted for millenia and had completely forgotten her childhood playmate.
spinel probably really annoyed pearl
i imagine in an au where rose brought her, pearl was driven up the fucking wall by her antics
Well Spinel can certainly follow orders, but it's not the same as actual discussion. Pink seemed to have a normal friendship with her old Pearl from what we've seen it's not like she's incapable of trying to make a friend.
>au where Spinel comes to Earth with Pink
>Pearl and Spinel are the only Crystal Gems who survive and have to raise Stephen together despite hating each other
>Hijinks ensue
i think most of the reset gems were pretty bad at having conversations. maybe after she matured a couple hundred years spinel would understand.
they'd have amethyst too
they'd gang up on pearl together
>they'd have amethyst too
>they'd gang up on pearl together
Amethyst can be a side character who occasionally stops by and causes trouble. It's more sitcomy if it's just the two of them.
She has a lot more depth to her than people give her credit for. Even in her default form she was careful to not upset Steven, and anything that he voiced displeasure with she did not repeat. The problem was that Pink was a retarded child who couldn't communicate her thoughts like an adult so Spinel didn't know that she needed to change her approach.
i'm not sure how different pearl's dynamic with spinel would be to her dynamic with s1 amethyst.
she also casually saved him from falling in the poison pool
Also because the diamonds don’t consider that lower life forms have feelings and emotions. Leaving her behind was the easiest thing in the world to PD.
They literally have Gems whose only purpose is walls
Yeah, I assume at the time leaving Spinel behind was the equivalent of a toddler leaving their LeapFrog computer toy behind to her
remember this is what pink diamond was like at the time
She out grew her and discarded her like some old toy once she was determined to rebel and live on earth. I guess she felt like Spinel wasn't fit to fight a war along side her, would hold her back, or was a reminder of her past immaturity.
Honestly I feel like she might've also been a bodyguard of sorts to Pink, she obeys her every command and stays close to her unless she tells otherwise, and for entertainer she's really, REALLY good at fighting, to a point of overpowering three veteran gems all by herself despite never being in a fight and standing still for 6000 years
I assumed those gems had been "harvested", like the blinking statues.
Bismuth says rejuvenators were used on wayward gems to reset them.
What’s really fucked up is that Rejuvenators don’t actually delete the original gem’s “files”, the device effectively partitions the drive, installs a clean new OS and force the boot exclusively from that.
So that’s why you see fresh gems showing behaviours that their old versions did, like Amethyst being compelled to visit the art gallery, Ruby and Sapphire falling in love again, and Spinel showing her dark side when Steven says he will be back for her.
That means there are probably gems out there with several resets who have fractured memories and compulsions and have no idea why. I wonder if this will ever be brought up.
Maybe the next villain will be one who has been reset too many times and shows suppressed memory trauma?
She was singing. It was impossible for her to lose.
Note that Pink probably still had Spinel AFTER she was given her colony, zoo, etc. and assumed the identity of Rose Quartz. She most likely didn't decide to abandon Spinel until she made up her mind about the shattering plan. This is evidenced by the fact that Spinel was 100% aware of earth, humans, where to find them, how to hurt them, and injectors among other things.
rose absolutely would not give a fuck about misusing spinel for the war. she let a baby climb a rollercoaster
someone pointed out that the title of pearl's song having a 3 in it might mean she got rejuvinated before at some point.
the thing that weirds me out is that the garden has earth plants in it. like that pink one.
Pink wasn't rebelling yet when she left Spinel, she genuinely just wanted a colony. She didn't really start deviating from being a diamond - albeit a shit one - until Pearl took her on a tour of Earth.
>someone pointed out that the title of pearl's song having a 3 in it might mean she got rejuvinated before at some point.
Isn't the theory that Pearl used to be White Diamond's and she gave Pink her Pearl after Pink damaged her first one.
Seems like Pearl would have to be rejuvenated for command to be completely shifted over to Pink.
that's a good point.
also someone pointed out pink has her on default because she couldn't be bothered to customise her
Unrelated, but what happens when Steven dies of old age or has children?
When his human half dies, does Steven obtain diamond form?
If Steven impregnated Connie, does he transform into sperm or is he just infertile? If not, will his children be normal, or will they get their own gem?
At her core she just saw Spinel as beneath her. A little toy she can play with and leave at her leisure. In the end she found Spinel's energetic attitude grating and childlike, at a time when she was trying to appear mature and responsible. She decided she didn't want Spinel around anymore, and just left her without a second thought because she honestly just never really cared about her. What makes it worse is that after she gets reset and joins up with Steven, we she that she's completely willing to change her attitude if her "best friend" is honest about not having fun, and will behave however most makes them happy. Spinel is a friend, to Pink she was a doll.
I said this before but I gotta get this off my chest...
She was innocent, then undeservingly betrayed and abandoned by the person she cared about most. Possibly forgotten about, which means that she mattered so little that she wasn’t even worth remembering. If she didn’t matter, then was anything in her past truly real? Were all of her good memories based on a lie? (Probably not, but she doesn’t know that). By being forgotten, she was essentially being murdered, doomed to die alone as the universe ends and the stars go out one by one. She only leaves because of the pure coincidence that the protagonists actions show her what’s happened. The only person she cared about left to go find new friends and live 6000 years without her, while she stood there waiting, because she’s such a good friend. Due to being left behind unlike Pearl, she missed out on being alive or going through those 6000 years. She then finds out just what she missed. That she never got to help manage a colony, or fight with comrades in a revolution for their freedom, or live countless lifetimes in peace on earth, or see her friend fall in love, or help raise the child, or get to be a playmate for the new child, or watch him grow. She never got to make new friends despite everyone else getting to. She even learns that her best friend didn’t even tell anyone, and that she was completely abandoned and forgotten. She was effectively murdered, at least symbolically. Until 6000 years later she manages to symbolically come back to life only to find out about everything mentioned above. On top of this, when she trusts the person who she believes is offering her a second chance, they borderline ignore her just to focus on saving their “real” friends and saving their “real” planet, despite the fact that she needs saving most of all.
Part 1 of ?
kids would be pinkish and mortal maybe? i imagine he'd just die if half him died.
I’d say she’s an incredibly tragic character. Now, not that my ideas are good, but if I had to change something, I’d want to have everything previously stated being focused on since her pain was kept simple and was mostly glossed over, not showing the true depth of her despair. Overall, the characters are uniquely similar and could make great foils, I just wish that they interacted more. I’d also make her more focused on how much pain she’s in, how she wants the pain to go away by any means necessary, so her idea is to vent and attack people she can hold responsible, all to ease the pain of her life being a lie. When this doesn’t work maybe she becomes suicidal to make the pain end, or maybe she was suicidal the whole time and dying while getting revenge was just a bonus. I’d say that the ending wasn’t satisfactory, so I’d say that it should have been an actual happy end where they all try and befriend her, while helping her clean up the mess she created, all while making up for lost time.
However, even her redemption might have been impossible since making up for lost time might only hurt more after seeing what she’s missed and what she can/could never be a part of, now that it’s all over and in the past. She can’t go back and be part of those 6000 years she missed, and it’s even worse because the only person she cared about is gone, so she’ll never get answers and never even get to say goodbye. With redemption impossible, maybe she should instead have had an ending befitting of her tragic story. Either she commits suicide at the end (out of guilt or maybe just to make the pain of her betrayal go away), or she uses her tool to go back to being her original self, or she sacrifices herself to undo the harm she’s caused, or lastly, the protagonist offers to save her from the explosion, but she rejects because she wants to die, or her guilt makes her feel unworthy of salvation.
The rejuvenator and the entire movie is a goldmine for bimbo and brainwash fetishists god bless.
>When his human half dies, does Steven obtain diamond form?
Who knows. Maybe Pink Steven could exist without his human body. But most likely Steven would be buried with his gem in him, which would then stay inert.
Steven can probably just have normal kids except maybe they'd be a bit more powerful than normal human children having being made with his super fluids, they would not have gems.
THIS. Spinel knew too much about earth and humans for Pink to have abandoned her upon getting the colony. This was something that happened long after she had already had earth as a colony, as I was pointed out, Pink probably abandoned her shortly before going through with the shattering.
> Why DID Pink Diamond abandon her anyway? She was created to be her best friend.
You know exactly why, because she was annoying.
maybe spinel went to the zoo and saw the humans there while pink was gone, before the standening
Difference. Rosen's naivety of humans doesn't equate to "this gem is simply a glorified annoying toy my sisters gave me, and not useful to my plans at all, it'll probably just get in my way or end up shattered anyway"
I really did not get that impression. We see Yellow and Blue tell Pink that she is getting a colony, she's at the Garden when she gets this news, and we can visibly see how done Pink was with Spinel at this point. Why would she ever go back to the Garden after she got her Earth? I think the canon timeline is she abandoned her after being gifted the planet much earlier than the rebellion. Spinel apparently knowing so much, really she only needs to know that injectors are bad for organic life, can be chalked off as convenient writing same as her having the injector in the first place.
spinel would be useful earlier than pearl would be.
From the sounds of it Steven will stay alive because of his gem. When Spinel disabled it with the rejuvenator, that’s when he could die. I think he will eventually stop aging.
user, the garden literally had earth plants on it. We know Pink had never been to earth before or started up the zoo, until after she was given it as a colony. She was already on earth and in charge of it long before she decided to abandon Spinel.
but we see them in the garden explicitly before pink gets the colony.
continuity error?
That doesn't make sense for the reasons I said before, we see Yellow and Blue gifting Pink her Earth and she's already annoyed with Spinel at this point. Why would she ever go back to the Garden? Spinel talks like the colony gift was the big event that changed everything.
>Did something happen?
>Pink wanted a colony...more than anything.
The Garden had dried out hibiscus flowers for the sake of symbolism and not for any other reason.
They're not Earth plants. Jungle Moon had plants. Other planets have plants. And .
Yeah, I was under the impression that Pink only chose to abandon Spinel, after deciding to be Rose forever. Not upon recieving earth.
>Oh I was so excited! A new place to play.
>So why didn’t you go with her?
>begins to sing Drift Away
Spinel never got to leave the garden and PD never came back once.
I think there's just some continuity error going on. Someone can ask the crewniverse as to when Pink decided to abandon Spinel. Was it upon recieving earth as a colony, or was it when she decided to remain on earth forever as Rose?
The first would lineup with the scene, but the latter would answer more questions.
Hard to tell intent. Could be like a Seymour situation where circumstances led to the abandoning. But judging by her annoyed look, I’m leaning towards discarding her like a old toy, and being too late to do anything after she got better with empathy.
nah, it's not needed
the flowers can be easily explained: The earth was already under surveillance by the diamonds(or rather some of their lackeys). Thus they could easily take some pretty flowers from this planet before dooming it to be a colony to produce more gems.
As for Spinel knowing about humans, she did have a few hours of preptime. Since she had nothing on her mind but revenge, she probably used that time to research earth and "humans". Or, she might have been born with knowledge about biological lifeforms, and then simply accepted that a gem can fuse with one that is called "human". She had 6000 years to think about stuff
>not once did Pearl mention Spinel to Steven
>not once did Pearl talk to PD/RQ about her
>not once did PD/RQ talk to Pearl about getting Spinel out of the garden once the war is over
>nobody made a plan for Spinel, or explained why they didn’t return for her (“The Diamonds might have set a trap for us at the garden. It wasn’t a risk we could take.”) she was just left there
This is the most fucked up part.
Just turn your brain-off. The fanbase doesn't think a story needs a message or themes, so complaining about plotholes is irrelevant.
I miss Rose. I don't have anything against the twist itself, I actually liked it a lot, but PD is a horrible person and she pretty much ruined Rose.
Not a fan here, I could enjoy the movie by itself for what it is, despite goatse-scale plotholes.
Now that the dust has settled: Do you want another season of Steven Universe?
Or should the show end here?
i want another season but bin the steven-only viewpoint, it's run its course.
Sure. Love that guy.
>when she realises Pearl never mentioned her once
Fuck. Rewatching this movie gets harder and harder because each scene makes more sense and thus hurts more.
I wonder what Pearl thought she was doing.
Because Pink is a terrible person and thought Spinel was annoying so she just left her.
I think Pink and Pearl just had no reason to think about her, the same way most people have zero reason to think about some kid they played with then they were in preschool. When Pink told her to stand there to get her off her back, I don't think she knew that Spinel would literally just stand there doing nothing for the rest of her life.
I want more Pink Pearl and Spinel
spoiled entitled brat who didn't actually see gems and people that aren't diamonds as actual people, just play things for her, it's a wonder she managed to be less of a cunt over the years.
They just didn’t think she was that important. That is literally the whole fucking point
Just like his mom he fucking hates Spinel
I imagine pearl didn't give a shit either. In her mind at the time the rebellion was just a way for her to date her diamond. Spinel was just a random gem in Pink's old life.
>But she can't be serious
If only Pearl said "holy fuck why has she brought a great world-ender device with her wtf" instead of basically being retarded
The first half of Other Friends is incredibly chilling after seeing her backstory. Spinel was singing all about what had Pink had say about her, how they played and shit. Turns out Pink just forgot completely about her. The second half of the song after Steven is like Spinel who? She flips and only then she wips out the scythe
It'd be like the old bionicle toy you threw away a decade ago suddendly shows up with a nuclear weapon. Thats why Pearl was so dumbfounded
>Why DID Pink Diamond abandon her anyway?
She's annoying.
>It'd be like the old bionicle toy you threw away a decade ago suddendly shows up with a nuclear weapon
Holy fuck that would be amazing.
Pink is the quintessential gem, and part of that means a hideous lack of emotional intelligence.
Blue and Yellow are like her sisters, but White is clearly the mother in this case. Her dialogue to Steven in Change Your Mind heavily implies she created the other Diamonds by extracting their traits and putting them into the new gem from herself, like in Red Vs Blue where that's exactly what the Director did to the Alpha to make the other AI fragments. Pink was the last one because she was White's empathy and emotional stability.
Are you asking why a literal space princess whose only parental figures have no idea what parenting is and expect her from day one to go against her nature, at best treat her like a child and at worst like an irresponsible brat and whose literal purpose in life is to oversee the systematic destruction of all non-gem life in the universe was no worse than this? Is that what you are asking, you little turd?
I just realized why Spinel is so cute.
It's because her tear lines look like eyelashes.
The fact that Pink brought Pearl over her must have really stung
>Yo Pearl this is fucking crazy!
>I just figured out I love life and love gems because they're thinking, emotional beings just like the organic life I love on Earth, and all we Diamonds did was exploit both. This ends now.
>Spinel who?
Spinels were not their bag. IE didn't fit their aspect.
White is Order. We have not really seen any white gems (yet).
Yellow is Power. Her gems are dynamic and officious.
Blue is Restraint. Her gems are subdued and controlling.
Pink is Passion. Her gems are playful and emotional.
Because Spinel did not exist as a concept.
Spinel is the Captain Marvel of the SUU.
The tear lines are the eyelashes on her cute og form inverted, and are meant to look like running mascara. Its actually rather sinister for me
Hello continuity problem.
Oh god I hate this movie and character.
Cool as heck, but then the fucker is angry cause you abandoned him and proceeds to hiroshima your face
She doesn't want Blue Diamond know Spinel no longer has a purpose. She rather hides her away than let her be shattered
I would love to be able to witness what would happen to the world after a nuke randomly detonates in the middle of a large town. Would my country start accusing the rest of the world of terrorism? Would nukes inevitably start flying because nobody trusts anyone anymore and everyone turns hyper paranoid?
Spinel'a not even important. She's just a babysitter the diamonds made to keep Pink complacent
I mean, you could quite easily come up with a contrivance such as, "why would she bother to reveal this dark secret when she's cut off any ability to go back and fix this, and for all she knew noone would ever find out". It also occurred before she'd even came to Earth for the first time, so no character development yet. I'd argue that this is by far one of the smallest plotholes/retcons in the show
Not but you are dismantling the metaphor too much
I am not, I am simply enjoying the metaphor outside of its intended meaning because the metaphor by itself is a cool concept.
she's the pampered brat of a trio of deity-despots. What did you expect? Her whole rebellion thing might as well had been just a rebellious pre-teen angst phase.
>yellow spinel
Bitchy best friend, always ready to sit down over a cup of joe and start saying horrible fucking things about the people who've wronged you.
>blue spinel
There to be emotionally dumped on, to watch a soppy-ass copy of Steel Magnatites, to binge eat with. A real hugger.
>white Spinel
The perfect friend. Good for brunch dates, previewing new ensembles, shopping for another solar system to subjugate, and space polo. Pretty soulless and sterile, but very agreeable.
She had horrible abusive parents and forced into arranged marriage with Spinel. But she's too pussy to follow Blue's footsteps and just put Spinel out of her misery outright
that's kinda hot
God damn I want to see a fusion between Crazy Spinel and Connie
White Spinels are like nobles and teach a young high-born gem about etiquette and proper decorum
Yellow Spinels are combat partners, training and instilling a love of violence in their charges
Blue Spinels are mediators and always speak in a way to calm their charge and allow them to act on logic instead of instinct
Wasn't that basically Rose's Room Connie?
My problem with this example is who the fuck would through away a bionicle?
Spinel would be forest gump
these are it, Gems and especially Diamonds are naturally pretty psychopathic, almost totally apathetic to others.
the real question is why she didn't poof and bubble her. possibly some small warped sentimentality not to want to do the violence required, possibly the opposite, that her actions were calculated to cause Spinel the most suffering. most likely though it was just the first thing that came to mind to the immediate problem of getting Spinel to stop following her, and she just didn't think of or care about any consequences. like everything else Pink did.
especially since pearls aren't even classed as gems and spinels are
>Downs Syndrome or Williams Syndrome
No? Spinel is a perfectly fine gem.
Because PD is a terrible Gem
judging by how stupid cotton candy garnet was, this is exactly what she did anyway.
Normal Garnet who didn't suffer through a reset didn't seem that dumb.
>How I feel? I feel... uh, lost... and scared... and happy. W-why am I so sure that I'd rather be this than everything I was supposed to be, and that I'd rather do this than anything I was supposed to do?
>*laughing* Welcome to Earth!
>C-can you tell me!? How was Ruby able to alter fate? Or, why was Sapphire willing to give up everything? W-what am I!?
I can't see movie Garnet talking like this.
Show Garnet had more knowledge of Homeworld etiquette and morals, hence she unfused and felt self doubt. Movie Garnet doesn't know she's a degenerate, so she's just wandering around being happy
Shouldn't Sapphire know? I thought that's how she's able to "see the future" in the first place, predicting how things are supposed to work (thus assuming all gems follow their role, their fate)
There are people on Yea Forums who have been invited to frat parties?
Are Pearl and Greg banging now
Kinda unrelated but did Rejuvenated Pearl know Steven was a Diamond or nah? And would she have to listen to him over Um Greg Universe?
>Love at first sight doesn't exist. Love takes time, and love takes work. At the very least you have to know the other person.
Yeah this
They did know eachother, it was just buried deep deep down.
It’s predictions, not actual future vision. Once she “broke” the prediction of Ruby getting shattered by saving her, everything started from scratch, and that was Sapphire who knows Future Vision. Maybe it’s a skill Garnet needed to hone the first time, and she was just too busy being herself and enjoying it during the movie?
Even if she was hypocritical, that got resolved with the wedding ("we loved each others because someone told us to, but now we want to confirm that we do love each others because we do and not because of someone else")
>implying that manifesto thing wasn't a excuse that early in the rebellion
Maybe she's was just self-absorbed.
weird that pearls can apparently be assigned to humans
she'd probably just think he was a human.
Garnet's future vision is actually different from Sapphire's. Sapphire only sees one possible future, while Garnet sees all possible futures. I thought the possible future Sapphires see is the one where all gems act the way they're intended to.
sapphire was probably acting on what she knew about the other characters from pearl's song.
What the fuck even is this post.
Rock Zombie Steven digging out of his own grave when?
>Steven shows off the Gem
>Pearl immediately pushes Greg out of the way and does her little song and dance.
future vision doesn't make any sense
Garnet explains how she can't truly see the future, she can make accurate guesses based off of the information she has... but then she'll do things like see Spinel coming.
>my diamond! thank you for creating my um greg universe!
>...you have that one backwards actually, he made me...
>my um greg universe is truly amazing!
My interpretation of that is that she knows what a Spinel would behave like if she interacted with Pink.
maybe rose was sad when she saw a clown one time and garnet noticed it subconciously or something
Maybe Garnet's "no" answer was generic because there's always going to be more work to do, and Spinel's appearance right after that was just a coincidence.
Garnet is a bitch
The question on my mind is this:
What will life at the Homeworld palace be like for Spinel?
Will she like it? Will the Diamonds still like her, and see her as more than a plaything?
Pic related is something my sister drew of what post-Diamond Spinel might look like
she'll be a despot
thats cute
>Mix of her punished and innocent form
Your sister has good taste.
Yeah, that Rejuvenator thing doesn't actually completely wipe memories, it just suppresses them in the gem's subconscious or something. It might not even be permanent at all if just a reminder of the gem's past is all it takes to snap them back to normal. For a memory-erasing device it's quite shit, really.
Maybe there’s a Gem version of the Cloud that stores all their memories? They’re all basically living computers anyway.
They probably stopped using it for that reason. Not like Diamonds would care if it's ethical or not.
>"every fucking time we try to rejuvenate a gem it just goes back to being broken again. Fuck it, just shatter them it's more worth it."
Maybe it made her aware of the minute shifts in the atmosphere that indicate an incoming spaceship?
please stop making these threads
Garnet seems to sometimes have a really underdeveloped unexplained ability to sense others when it's convenient for the plot; e.g. knowing Blue Diamond was on the planet despite too scared to get close, accurately knowing where Peridot's marbles were landing during Marble Madness and sending Team Pearl to the north pole to hunt some corrupted gems.
Has shadman drawn spinel?
we're posting in these existing ones arent we? go away
I want Spinel to come back and have fun with Steven! We need her back!
Steven probably can't actually expire from old age. And if he DOES somehow, then he'd likely leave behind Pink Steven, who is almost entirely emotionless without his human half.
Steven literally almost died from old age in an episode, he definitely can. He can shapeshift into a younger body, assuming he still mentally identifies as younger, but I actually think him dying relatively around the same time as Connie is very possible.
No, he decided to bodyslam every single trauma button she had and tried to makeup by saying sorry.
Straight from the horse's mouth.
Steven is as old as he feels he is. If he wants to stay eternally young and not succumb to entropy, he most certainly can. And assuming Pink Steven just kinda leaves if his human side ever dies off, then technically speaking his actual gem can't truly die either.
He'd probably want to pass on with Connie eventually, but otherwise, he's a literal God wearing a meatsuit.
She got bored of her.
Diamonds can only care about other diamonds.
>"Rose and I talked about tons of important stuff. Music, comic books, getting sand between your toes, y'know, feelings. We both made a lot of mistakes when we were young. I thought disco was coming back, she started a war, I think she felt like she needed to confess everything to me, but I told her, "The past is the past. All that matters to me is who you are now." And who she was, was an incredible, loving being."
Probably not much of one.
Rose never had any empathy and was never shown to have. She loved living things, but that's completely different. She saw others are precious possessions and toys and loved them in that way, but she never empathized with any of them.
She loved all living things, but she didn't understand them. She loved Spinel, but she never thought about what Spinel would think of being abandoned. She loved Pearl, but never thought that there was any problem in their relationship dynamic.
She loved Greg, but she didn't start empathizing with him until they had the big talk. From that point, Rose started learning to empathizing, but then a few years later she went and had Steven.
>steven dies of old age
>his body fluids bring him back as an immortal pink zombie
>he frequently de-ages and ages to different stages of his life depending on how he feels now that he's immortal
>what did they think happened to her?
Probably got lost during the rebellion.
>but never thought that there was any problem in their relationship dynamic.
There was none, the movie confirmed Pearls are a literal slave race.
>"Oh she took you... with her... Isn't that just SWELL!"
Given how Pink Steven was like, I imagine that his 'defualt' in such a state would be borderline emotionless. Perhaps not completely, but enough so that it's nigh-impossible to tell what he's thinking unless you piss him off.
Honestly, it would be kind of shitty for him to be immortal, and might be yet another thing to add on to Pink's list of fuckups.
Im pretty sure Pink Steven would reverse the decomposition of Steven's body and keep him alive forever.
Shapeshifting into a form that a gem doesn't identify as causes shapeshifting strain though, he could shapeshift into so many different ages so convincingly in So Many Birthdays because he mentally identified as those ages. Trying to shapeshift into a younger body if his old body was failing him, despite still "feeling" old, could end up killing him faster. I don't think Steven could convince himself he's young when at that point he'd likely see most of his human loved ones die. This doesn't seem like the sort of power Steven would master either. He might naturally last a lot longer though just because he's basically Superman.
And do you think his gem would just pop out if he died? I think it'd stay in him forever, maybe someone would pull it out and then... I don't know. Maybe Pink Steven reforms and destroys the planet or something, seriously I wouldn't trust it, but it may be fitting if the gem half can't exist for long without its container; neither can exist without the other.
Garnet explicitly does see the future. It's just that the future isn't set in stone like Sapphire thought.
Steven cant really die his gem is basically a machine that keeps his cells constantly energized and his alien physiology means he doesnt even biologically age.
>Well, the thing about Spinel is that she's a little overwhelming. She can be pretty grating. I think Pink also, she wanted to feel like she was moving forward. This Gem was given to her to placate her in a certain way, and she was ready to move on. She wasn't really thinking about how that would affect other people because she tends to not think about that.
>It doesn't excuse what she did. It absolutely doesn't because it was very cruel, but she can be very cruel.
based sugar
what a teeny interview.
>how that would affect other people because she tends to not think about that.
Confirmed sociopath
you can literally hear his heart slowing down, he was definitely dying. note his gem wasn't pulled out here like his only other serious Low HP moment in Change Your Mind.
I wonder if Sugar enjoyed demonizing Rose through the series.
Yes because the gem was removed, but as long as the gem is there he will never fucking die. Steven will watch all the townies he hanged with eventually decompose while the gems will still be there and eventually there will no humans on earth given enough time. I believe in about one million years our species will be long gone replaced by something we created vastly superior to us in every manner.
also i guess this confirms she wasn't actually made by pink in any capacity.
you can imagine white just going 'ffs stop snivelling about pink pearl and take this spinel i made out of my foot hair and shut up'
Ya ever cut a rat open...
Put your Pee-Pee in...
Put it back together...
and let it live?
Spinel reminds me of that rat.
>made by pink
Of course she wasnt, Pink is a fucking idiot.
all the diamonds are fucking idiots
Pink is clearly in the low 90s of IQ while the other diamonds seem to be average in intelligence, and White Diamond might be really intelligent but also completely insane.
>Yes because the gem was removed
talking about the prior webm, he had his gem there (So Many Birthday) and he seemed to definitely be dying.
his healing fluid isn't just like some scientific Wolverine healing factor, it's sort of magical tied to his emotions. they didn't work unless Steven was feeling empathy and he lost the ability for many episodes after losing faith in his ability. in the movie, his nosebleed didn't automatically heal itself Steven needed to work out his emotions and deliberately heal it. if he were a corpse, unable to feel, than that's it for his healing ability unless they have a vat of Steven piss somewhere like Rose's fountain.
Why would Steven decide to die? This makes no sense and is incredible uncomfortable. If he's immortal, he's just like any other gem in that regard. You don't see other gems killing themselves and the one that did it is rightfully criticized for her choice. Steven should not and has no reason to do the same mistake, Steven is better than that.
>Honestly, it would be kind of shitty for him to be immortal
Yeah, it's terrible for the other gems right? The series is making a huge point about how gems should get along with humans. This isn't compatible with the idea of "immortal steven would be a bad thing and he should kill himself" (which would be dumb regardless).
Because he doesn’t want to experience his friends die.
So just cry on them and make sure do it while they are young because being an immortal old coot is a big no no.
rose would probably wanted him to die at the end of his life to get the full human experience
God I want to hug and play with her
It's not that Steven would be deciding to die, it'd be him dying naturally when the time comes. What wouldn't be natural would be if Steven shapeshifted himself into a younger healthier body which may not even be possible with what we know about shapeshifting.
good take, longer hair needed tho
28 minutes in
Look I get death is glorified by us mentally ill bipedal primates not not existing really fucking sucks, so Steven will obviously choose to live forever until the universe eventually deconstructs his protons via the expansion of the universe but thats like 10^80 years from now I mean holy shit thats so fucking long you could probably develop science to make a new universe to escape to by then.
We know that Steven can literally shapeshift himself back into a baby if he cares enough to. The ONLY reason why he grows and devlops like a normal kid is because he decides to perceive himself as such. He could choose to remain young forever If he actually wanted to.
I am under the impression that Pink did not at all mean for this to be a cruel and unusual punishment for Spinel. I think being granted a colony marked a new "beginning" of sorts for Pink, that she believed Spinel would not have a place in.
I've seen someone compare it to "tying a dog/cat to a tree" and leaving them there. Why would the owner do this if they do not plan to come back for them? Heavily depends on the context. One somewhat positive interpretation would be that the owner did not believe their domesticated pet would do well in the wild and hoped that keeping them stationary would allow for a kinder soul to pick them up.
A crueler interpretation would be that Pink, at the time, viewed Spinel as her property, and therefore, hers to dispose or keep as she wished. Like owners tying their dogs down while they themselves flee an incoming hurricane or forest fire.
I understand that Pink gave up her gem to Steven when he was born, but I do truly wonder if there are any plans to give or reveal Pink/Rose awareness of the events that happen during Steven's life. Maybe Pink and Steven will never truly share a direct conversation, but I wonder, sometimes.
I'm sorry, Spinel.
as much as she'll enjoy redeeming her by the end of season 6.
Pink probably assumed Spinel would get bored and leave the garden. She never anticipated how insane her ex-friend would be. I mean just standing around waiting for thousands of years.
Yes, I know about that podcast and it's terrible. It's stupid. It makes no sense. It's something that everyone experiences. Should we all kill ourselves then? And by that logic, gems should never make friends with humans either. This whole thing is incredibly stupid.
None of these are plot holes. Maybe actually watch the show instead of screaming PLOT HOLE PLOT HOLE
>because he decides to perceive himself as such
No he doesn't. This is an important distinction to make: this isn't Steven's decision. When Steven tried to force his body's age, aka literally what you're suggesting, it strained his body. That's the reason why he rebounded back into baby Steven can't do that intentionally and it didn't last long. There's a reason why we didn't see baby Steven start talking like he normally was and started shitting himself, mentality is important with how effective shapeshifting is. Steven was mentally a baby at that moment which was why it was an effective shapeshifting if he tried to shapeshift into a baby normally it would put strain on his body.
Deliberately changing how you perceive yourself isn't an ability Steven has and would not be easy to do we literally see Steven unable to hold a form that only looked maybe 2 years older than he normally looked for more than a day.
Wrong. As proven in Steven's Birthday, Steven grows regularly. The powers that make him grow based on how he feels are unrelated to his human side growing regularly. Doesn't mean he can't use his powers though. What we see in Too Many Birthdays wasn't shapeshifting and him going back to a baby instead of poofing was because he shapeshifted too much, it wasn't shapeshifting.
Rose was dumb. Who cares what she wanted?
This is literally glorifying suicide. And it also makes no sense that you only apply this reasoning to Steven and not any other gem, despite them also being immortal.
Yeah, and Spinel eventually did leave. Some people say Spinel literally could not because of a Diamond's orders, which I don't think has been stated to work on anyone but maybe Pearls.
Pink did not want to directly confront Spinel about her personal feelings of moving on. I don't know if Spinel held previous fears of her playmate, the entire basis of her creation, leaving her, but the fears were certainly present when the movie began.
Depends on how much you value your life. Martyrdom is a Steven thing.
Reminder that Rose didn't know how to have actual relationships until she met Greg
death is a natural part of life
>grows regularly
>looks 8 at chronological age 14
we're all going to die because that's just how we are. Cartoons do not die, because they're not real. Those questions will simply never be answered, because they don't have to be.
Not for a gem.
Suicide also isn't part of life.
I would be okay with Steven being mortal. I would be okay with Steven being immortal. However I can't accept Steven just deciding to die like that podcast says.
If that's the case he should have character development that makes him realize that it's messed up. But that's not what we're talking about. In the podcast they said that Steven would have to decide to die "when he feels the time is right". Because he wouldn't be able to accept the humans around him dying. You know, something every gem, no wait, everyone experiences. That answer they gave in the podcast (which is also what someone was saying earlier in this thread) glorifies suicide as a valid escape from pain, while also disregarding how people around you would feel about it. It's messed up on many levels.
Why did they answer the question in the podcast, then? It didn't need an answer, but they still gave an answer that makes no sense and even goes against some of the fundamental ideas of the show. I can at least hope that it's something they said on a whim without thinking it trough.
I hate that guy. The dude started ignoring me but only when his other friends where around.
Here's a better question: Why didn't Pink just poof Spinel and bubble her if she was so much trouble?
You overestimated how intelligent Pink Diamond was
at first sisters
by the movie, its clear they are smoother aunties
At that point she wasn't cosplaying as a warrior and wouldn't have been accustomed to violence, a simpler solution was there: just tell her to stay still. I don't think it was a "ugh this little shit is so annoying I hope she stays here forever and dies of loneliness" situation and more of a "teehee I got her to stop following me aren't I clever?" Sugar said Pink just wasn't thinking of the consequences, which fits with her character.
You shouldn't consider them like a normal human family, consider them for what they are instead. The diamonds.
We're watching her redemption arc in reverse. By the time she was Rose she was trying to make up for all the mistakes she made and straight up hated herself for it. But every new piece of information we get about her is further back in the timeline. At first she was just behaving how a Diamond should be, but her time on earth made her reevaluate everything about herself.
You shouldn't consider them like a normal human family, consider them for what they are instead. The diamonds. Not everything has to fit in with a regular family.
Bipolar writers
In the first 3 seasons its flat out stated that the galaxy warp on earth is fucked. They literally couldn't leave to get her if they wanted.
And don't scream WHAT ABOUT LION? because going to the moon damn near killed him.
Now rewatch the show, but just remember, Spinel is literally standing dead still in the Garden waiting for Pink to return.
Implying that she was a great leader, she just play both bands, and abandon Spinnel because she think about her as something funny just for play, like the other humans before Greg.
Steven, for a large part of the series, looked like a fucking 7 year old despite being literally 14 years old in actuality. His aging is entirely up to his mentality and this is shown in several episodes.
>yfw if Pink Diamond did take Spinel to Earth she wouldn't have protected her when the other Diamonds corrupted the other Gems
What the fuck do you mean bipolar writers?
So long as he feels young he can't die. But because Connie is in his life, and assuming they are a couple, he'll kind of grow alongside her to live a full life and mature. So while in theory he could be immortal and unaging, he would wind up dying almost voluntarily just to keep pace with Connie.
Pink Diamond
In Too Short to Ride he doesn't care about Peridot doing stuff with his shoes because they were old and not fit for him anymore, that's proof his feet grew. He just grew slowly and wasn't tall for a while. Maybe he grows weird but he does grow naturally independently from his powers. He grows up a lot during the series and you don't see him physically change much despite him acknowledging that, that alone is proof that he has natural physical growth that is unrelated from his powers.
>villain is a literal-who retro'd into the backstory
Yes and Steven doesn't have any control over that, the one time he tried to consciously exert control over it he couldn't hold it for even a day. And I don't think it's as simple as "Steven was mentally 8 years old this whole time!", that wouldn't be doing Steven's character justice, seems moreso his body was somehow stunting itself because of how baffling his existence was to himself.
'Tis gay and would be immediately seen as an act of terror
I mean don't take it like I'm saying he needs to be edgy and commit seppuku when he feels the time is right. But like at the end of his life he can just Yoda himself out when he finally decides he's seen enough. Besides his age is directly tied to his mental state so if he lives long enough to feel ancient, his body will look old and decrepid, and he'll eventually just give out. That's why I said almost voluntarily because he wouldn't necessarily be killing himself but because he feels so old his body will age accordingly and eventually give out.
Except that's not what they say in that stupid podcast. They clearly say that dying would be his choice. That's dumb.
Ancient? Like the other gems? He's a gem, too. If he's immortal, this should be expected, and not being prepared for this (and thus letting himself die) would be irresponsible from the other gems, and him. Or do you think he should stop interacting with gems altogether and live a normal human life? That's what Rose wanted, maybe. But who cares about what Rose wanted, she's an idiot who killed herself.
My interpretation is that Steven ages naturally, but he also has powers on top of that. Powers that he's not in control of. I'm not talking about shapeshifting. If he's mortal, fine. If he's immortal, fine. In the latter case, he has no reason to just decide to die, because no other gem is doing anything like that either.
I think you misunderstand my point. It's been pointed out in the series before than Steven himself is not like anything that's ever been seen before. You can't apply human or gem logic to him because he breaks the rules of both. His aging as far as we have seen is linked entirely to his mental maturity or at the very least, how old he feels. So if he felt young forever, then he'd be young forever, if he felt old and ancient, he'd look and be old and ancient. And because he has a human biological form, he'd wind up dying if his body went that old. And we don't know if that's something he can control outright. Even later in the series, he could barely control how he aged during his birthday party when he reverted back to a baby.
Not that we'd ever know, the series won't ever show Steven passing away, it's too dark for a kids show, especially on CN.
Bold of you to assume she would have been able to.
I go by the show than creators, if we go by the podcast that means I could chloroform Steven (or hit him with a potato Ronaldo style) and then stab his unconscious body a hundred times and he'd still live because "his gem half won't let him die." This doesn't work we've seen Steven on the brink of death specifically to his body failing due to old age and in the movie it's not like his gem automatically healed his injury when his power returned.
>he could barely control how he aged during his birthday party
He wasn't even trying to control his aging powers though, he was shapeshifting, which is another power. Which caused him to turn back into a baby (instead of poofing). But all of this is besides the point I'm making.
I'll try to say it again. Humans are mortal. That's okay. Gems are immortal. That's also okay, right? We don't know if Steven is immortal or not, but in the podcast as well as some anons here, we see cases where people act like Steven's supposed immortality would be a problem. The justification for this is "he wouldn't be able to accept connie's death!", and that's dumb because what that means is that Connie, and all of the gems, and everyone else, would have to accept his death, which wasn't even necessary.
I don't know what you're referring to, but I agree that it makes more sense to only go by info presented in the series rather than something that could have been said without much thought because the series was never going to explore that topic anyways. I'm just very bothered by the idea they shared. If it's something they actually put thought into and maybe even want to include in the show, then I'm even more worried.
Well at the end of the day we can just say "we don't know". Sucrose would never tell us what WOULD happen and podcasts are irrelevant to the audience. When I was watching RWBY I would hear all the time about shit that was said in the podcasts about characters and the world, that I eventually threw my hands up and said "if it's not in the main material then it's not canon". So unless Rebecca want's the final episode to be Steven on his deathbed and him taking his last breath as his body fades into a cascade of rose petals dispersing through the air, we don't fucking know how Steven will die/not die.
Maybe he felt suicidal in that birthday episode.
>forgetting he can just fuse with her
Yeah you're probably right, I shouldn't think too much about podcasts and interviews and such. Particularly when it's full of "I think", "I guess", "I feel", "I'd say", "maybe" etc. between every sentence. It's her story but sometimes she still sounds like she doesn't know what she's talking about. Maybe the worst part for me is that I know that I would probably speak like that too, even though I'd like to be more confident in what I would say.
>Spinel, let's play a new game
>You follow me around silently whenever there's other gems around
>When we're alone we can still play like we normally do
How would this not have worked?
Well the "I think", "I guess", "I feel", "I'd say", "maybe" statements are just the ponderings of a writer. Tolkien probably tossed and turned on his notes when writing the world of Middle-Earth saying "I think this may work, or no I feel may be this, hmmm". Until it's written down into the final work, it's just ideas and possibilities. Like the author can have their own fan theories and head canons on their own. Look at the Sword Art Online author, he wrote smut of Kirito and Asuna, and never stated if it actually happened or not. Unless it's put into the final product, it's just conjecture.
Oh I love the kind of fucked-up dynamics immortality brings to the table.
Huh, that would be interesting. You know what would be more interesting? Steg Multiverse fusing with Connie.
I like this way of looking at it. Thanks for sharing user!
reminder that steven can, and has, aged himself to death
the initial abandonment i can understand. at this point Pink was just like all the other diamonds, and all other gems in fact, of thinking that a gem only existed for one purpose and couldn't go beyond that. she probably only wanted a colony in the first place because she was a diamond, and diamonds are supposed to lead. it's only on earth she learns that gems can be anything they want, and are capable of being fully developed people.
but back then spinel was a toy, and she was putting away childish things to become a real diamond. so tell her its a game, leave her there for however long? why not, it doesn't matter. she'll be happy if she thinks she's playing, or not, whatever. but after going through all that growth, the whole rebellion, living with the humans, falling in love, deciding to build a life... she just never once thought to go back and save the person, who she now must have realized was a person and not just a toy, that she left alone for thousands of years?
well why not? she did basically the same thing to bismuth over one argument.
>Why DID Pink Diamond abandon her anyway?
It really looked like Pink Diamond ditched her, the way you would a pet.
i don't think the gems are mentally disabled, they're just innocent and fixated on their designed purpose. rejuvenated spinel was literally just born that day, as was rejuvenated garnet, so of course they seem stupid and confused all the time. but obviously they don't stay that way.
Spinels are FAMILY not TOYS! Don't get a Spinel for christmas!
The fucked up thing is Spinel would have done that on her own, she did that with Steven when she realized hanging back and helping him was making him happier than distracting him with games.
she had her legs in full working condition and the diamonds thought she was dead. she could have at least tried to get out there and back to rescue a friend.
Pink probably didn't realize it would have worked. Or she just thought the diamonds would have thought less of her if she brought Spinel. Yes, Pink is dumb.
And then, ironically, she got bored of running the colony properly and Pear had to entertain her
And then she got attached to her new Toy (the Earth) and started a war when the Diamonds wanted to make her run it properly
Pink was an obnoxious womanchild until the day she died
Because she literally didn’t want her around anymore
she didn't have "plans" at that stage, she wasn't planning on rebelling and starting a war, that all happened after she got her colony. abandoning spinel is actually the first shitty thing we've seen her do timeline wise, and it can be explained as easily as "where i'm going i don't need a toy". basically it's the bad ending of toy story 3 where they all end up in storage.
She’s clearly smitten with him and they had pretty good rapport before the movie too
they had her legs in full working condition.
Hey if all Diamonds were perfect, we wouldn't have Era 3
Season 6 is Punished Jasper leading a new gem war
worst era of gems desu
First of all, Blue Diamond built it after Pink expressed a desire to preserve the life forms (humans) from earth after they did whatever gems do to a fully colonized planet.
But also: Pink abandoned Spinel way, way before she had any personal growth that caused her to create her Rose Quartz persona and question everything about the Gems way of life/ruling, let alone rebel against it.
During the events of the show we know for a fact there are *no* warp pads on earth left that can go to space, much less Homeworld and private enclaves like the Zoo or Pink's garden. The CGs (presumably) destroyed them all to keep Homeworld from sending a fucktillion troops down on them, rather than Homeworld destroying them so a coup wouldn't show up on their doorstep.
Whether early on, or later in the war effort, Pink/Rose was probably aware she was damning Spinel to an eternity alone and knew the Zoo-humans were as good as dead or permanently cut off from their home. However, it's pretty much a lose lose situation for her; things escalated too fast for her to warp back home, grab all the stuff important to her, and then cut ties. She had to cut ties then and there, like any/all of the gems who came under her banner.
For all the shit her character gets gets we know she had intense regret and guilt over *all* of her actions by the time she met Greg, so... yeah. She basically had to cut life lines and made some pretty tough decisions, and hated herself for it.
...That's a pretty good point, but judging by the reactions the other Diamonds had, they had probably forgotten about Spinel in the wake of PD getting 'shattered.'
Or it's possible that Pink's garden was only accessible from the outside by Pink herself; sorta like how the Gem Temple on earth works, you need the specific Gem to open the door to their room or you ain't getting in. You can leave, as evidenced by when Smokey Quartz split apart and the CGs weren't trapped in some fucked up limbo.
i think she'd have stayed close to pink, since she would have been a co-conspiritor from the beginning.
Wait, Pink didn’t know that though
They did end up taking the other gems but there wasn’t much to suggest Pink thought that would happen
She doesn’t seem to know the other Diamonds well at all, she thought they wouldn’t bombard the earth with gem mindrape rays if Pink Diamond got “shattered” but they did
Pink was a fucking terrible judge of character historically
it's like lady and the tramp, where there's a puppy in a hatbox.
Oh, that we could be so lucky
>I'm the one who got caught up with Steven, a gem above the hierarchy, even the Diamonds....and I was the parasite below, feeding off his power.
>Jasper, I'm gonna make'm give back our past
>...Lapis, tell me what to do. Tell me, like you used to.
She literally could have just asked Spinel to take it easy and give her some space because she's not having fun anymore, and Spinel wouldn't have hesitated to back off a bit and just be supportive. Spinel isn't just some jester. Spinel is a friend.
>Spinel is a friend.
Not just any friend. A BEST friend!
Diamonds never considered the feelings of their subjects shocker
>Steven Universe but there's also a Spinel on the team that's mysterious and never talks that nobody can get a bead on.
>"Pearl why is Spinel so quiet?"
>"She didn't always used to be that way...hmm"
I'd imagine she'd speak and play when it was just her and Steven, until Steven asks her to play with the other CGs too.
This is the first thing Garnet and Amethyst ever hear from Spinel.
She didn't need to forget Spinel. She would have had no way to retrieve Spinel without a functioning Warp, and leg ship would have given the game away.
>I'd imagine she'd speak and play when it was just her and Steven, until Steven asks her to play with the other CGs too.
Oh man that'd actually work kinda well. It'd just make it seem like she's babying Steven or Steven's bringing out her kinder side, but really it's because she was told to be very stoic and serious around other gems. So whenever she's with Steven is the only time she's allowed to be herself.
Why didn't Pink just poof & bubble Spinel?
If the whole War arc hadn't happened and she actually became a proper administrator of that planet do you think she would have bothered going back?
cause she didnt care lol
spinel was just some old doll to her
> Rose in her room on Earth, watching a view-screen of the garden.
> Pearl walks in and becomes curious. "Is that Spinel?"
> Rose: "Yeah. We're playing a game. She's super good at it."
> Pearl: "Oh, a game? I'm good at games! May I play too?"
> Rose: "Sure Pearl, you can go next. I don't know when that is. It's been Spinel's turn for I don't know how long.
The game was real all along.
Idea: Spinel meets other spinels.
How stretchy is their fusion?
Alright everyone, it's time to play a game. The one that can hold still for the longest, gets to have a friend.
I wish this artist used more colors.
About 72 gomu gomus.
Ano, they're all spinels. What other colors are there to be used?
>What other colors are there to be used?
Have you ever had someone with a personality disorder split on you? You really want to get away from them after that happens.
Spinels come in many colors.
Their color comes from impurities. Pure spinel is transparent bulletproof glass as used in luxury limousines.
>"Uh...Hey, you guys."
>"You look so cool!"
>"Are you our big sister?"
>"You're so pretty.~"
>"Why's your gem upside down?"
>"I love your hair!"
>"Do you wanna play with us?"
Travel from Homeworld to Earth in one step.
Pink kept writing invitations to get Spinel to follow, but Spinel never game. Pearl swore that all the invitations had been delivered.
If Steven can make Lars immortal, he can do the same for anyone.
You're right, in about a hundred year every single person on earth will have been made immortal by steven.
He'll need to learn some restraint.
Are you suggesting that's why Steven avoided Spinel when he became best friend with literally everyone else?
>Spinel makes friends with a human.
>She gets really attached, but has abandonment issues.
>Finds out that humans have a crummy two digit lifespan.
If any of them were like how she used to be she'll probably hate them for being so innocent and gullible.
Ultimately, what everyone is overlooking, is that the diamonds are 'brains' of the empire, and that other gems are 'limbs' of the empire. Its no so much as abandoning a person, but shedding skin you no longer need. If you no longer need a hammer, you put it up. Gems aren't supposed to act like 'people' with 'feelings' because they're just tools for the Empire.
Here's the thing, that I think we all know, but don't want to say.
Spinel's best friend shtick is extremely childish and she did not acknowledge or want to acknowledge Pink Diamond's waning interest in her playmate. We all have that toy or friend we cherished and ultimately left behind or became left behind ourselves.
Some day, we will grow tired of Spinel as well. These threads will wane and we'll all move on to more interesting things.
Gems are born with programming. Pearls and Spinels are patterned to their owner. When the owner is gone, they don't have a logical apparent outlet for their feelings. Also, Spinel was literally kept alone in a terrarium for Pink's entertainment.
If the pinkening is anything like when White was bleaching her minions, there may be a limit to the numbers and a point where Steven can take the feature back. Steven will literally choose when Lion and Lars die.
That's literally wrong though. If Pink actually expressed interest in things other than Spinel's games Spinel would've changed for Pink. Pink just hid her disinterest in Spinel and didn't give her the chance to change. Spinel was literally left for six thousand years never even knowing what went wrong
And just like that, if we get more Spinel the Spinel threads will keep flowing. The content and stuff to talk about with her may dry up, but our love for her won't.
I don't think he even needs a heart, honestly. Remember when he spent a day in space in a tiny bubble that would have given him carbon dioxide poisoning in an hour?
Well let's be fair here. The idea of gems changing at all wasn't even a common manner of thought. Pink herself probably never thought that she could change. Her experience being on earth in just that short trip changed her outlook on the whole gem empire. Through her change she changed her pearl. Through their change they promoted Garnet's fusion. Pink wasn't open to the idea of change until she became Rose.
if you don't understand why she abandoned her you were probably the friend people abandoned
The movie makes it pretty clear that Spinel loves her old self and wishes she could go back to it. I don't know where you get that.
Huh, that's genuinely a good take user. I literally had no thought of that before. I still think what she did was horrible, but she had no real way of knowing since this was pre-colony Pink. What happened to Spinel actually made me absolutely despise Pink, before I had reasoned that what she did was either indirect horror, a sacrifice she chose to make, or just literally ignorance. But Spinel seemed inexcusable. Now I see it falls under that third option, and my liking of Pink has been restored.
Still awful though, considering Spinel definitely would've changed for Pink if it made her happy.
So I guess Spinel Jesters (like Pearls) would just be color-coordinated with their diamonds?
>Pure/White Spinel is a stage magician
>Blue Spinel is a mime
>Yellow Spinel is a court minstrel
I like Pink because she's messed up and feels bad about herself (even if she doesn't understand)
She also says that she doesn't want to forget everything and be reset
I've said this before in the thread but the thing about Pink is we're watching her redemption arc in reverse. By the time she's giving birth to Steven she's already a completely different person. But every new bit of information is something further back in the timeline. We're always learning earlier and earlier information with her so the misdeeds she did feel fresh. But Rose lived an entire life. An entire life trying to make it up to the gems she let down. An entire life blaming herself for what she had to do to bismuth. An entire life taking responsibility for all her friends being corrupted. Even Greg mentions how much Rose seemed to be unable to move past the gem war and she never wanted to talk about the things she did. It's not hard to think that she had a lot of regrets.
>I barely know you
>That's a good thing
Yes, she does have many regrets indeed.
I wonder if we'll find out that she shattered gems or something like that.
It's pretty good writing when you can just imagine a movie-exclusive character just slotting into an existing dynamic.
>Spinel taking the news of Rose giving up her form to make a baby just as hard as Pearl does
>Spinel being angry at baby Steven/depressed over Rose's actual death
>Baby Steven loving Spinel's jokes, games, and antics
>Spinel becomes very attached to Steven and one the main members of the Crystal Gems
Never ever
maybe we could have a reboot at some point. right now we should enjoy the series we have though
I'm more pointing out something that could've happened if Pink had let Spinel join her on the Earth colony. But no, she forgot to go back for Spinel
She was perfectly fine before, you know, she had to stay still for 6000 years
She didn't HAVE to.
She just did, out of love.
I take it like she's kind of a greek god. Gems in general seem to act like a godly pantheon system. They simply don't think like mortals and do fucked up shit to each other and lesser life forms from the logic of aliens with an eternity to live
She was quite literally have to. That was her programming.
She's trying to grow from her trauma, but she's also trying to hold onto the good parts of her old self.
>They simply don't think like mortals and do fucked up shit to each other and lesser life forms from the logic of aliens with an eternity to live
Yup. See: Yellow Diamond thinking "only 6000 years" was meant to be a joke about how that's a blink of an eye to a gem.
I...Guys I realize why most of us I ain't sayin' all but a good contingency of us like Spinel buuuttt...I'm afraid to ruin the character for yall...
Is it because we all deeply relate to being left behind by someone we thought loves us? Or we just like stretchy balloon girls? Or we're desperate for someone who will love us and be our best friend?
Was Rebecca Sugar's plan to upset all of her viewers like this?
She needed a good dicking
Actually enormous brain
He announced earlier this week he is very sick with fever and seizures
> Rebecca had secret cameras recording at 4K quality in the theater during the premier of the movie to record reactions
> and then sell the most emotional videos to eldrich abominations who sustain themselves on people's suffering
she goes to great lengths to get season 6 produced, you should support her.
I think it’ll be good, White seemed genuinely concerned when she heard She was alone for so long, Yellow still see’s her a jester but at least she’s amused by her Blue I dunno didn’t get a good read on her. I see white being good with her though.
its a qt
>Wow big sis you knew Pink Diamond!
>What was she like!? I bet she was great! I wonder if our best friends will ever be as amazing as yours was
>Spinel's face when
>Uhhh? Is she okay?
>I think you blew her mind.
>Was it something I said?
Reminder that literally any Spinel fusion would be unstoppable because the resulting gem would have access to the toon force.
No it's because she reminds me of ... Her.
and how did that work out for her?
she was a defect, AKA retarded
When did you realize that Drift Away > Other Friends
she projected all the abuse that she suffered onto those around her to make herself feel better. she became the thing that made her suffer.
The moment I felt bad for her as she was expressing her true faults during the musical accompaniment.
Same time you realized that “found” is better than “drift away”
gem weapons are just really ineffective. its almost a joke at this point.
What I noticed is that she always called him Steven, right from the beginning. She knew immediately that he wasn't Pink, even though she still wanted revenge.
Perhaps it's not so much that gem tech is bad, but gems are so resilient. The only way to stop a gem for good is to shatter it.
>I just love that part, where Pink Diamond spends the rest of her days on this nowhere planet with a bunch of nobodies!
Then again...
>She doesn't exist now, survived by her son
good picture
I think it’s just because those lines are at different points of the movie and spinel probably changes her opinion on whether or not Steven is PD as the film goes on
i dunno man, a lot of gem weapons seem kind of flawed from the start
>limb enhancers have weapons that users arent told about
>destabilizer requires you to get really close to gem you want to poof
>gem anti air cannon cant actually shoot a real ship down
>gem warship cant fire through a sheild (admittedly it was a diamond shield, but bismuth almost broke it with her fist) and it only makes a small hole in some sand
>scythe that resets gems doesnt actually fully reset gems
>only weapon (that we know of) that has the express purpose of shattering a gem has get right next to a gem to shatter it
like, fuck. im sure its not intentional, but at this point it seems like an angry farmer with a shotgun could take on like 90% of gems.
Pink Diamond DID spend the rest of her days on that nowhere planet with a bunch of nobodies.
Steven put the Earth on the center of the galactic map; even the Diamonds were willing to move there.
>me not no how spek englij good
How do you think Spinel would have reacted if Steven had taken her into Rose's Temple Room?
>cloudforms take the shape of pink diamond but subtly warped
>cloudforms traumatize her by fading away again
Gems aren't given strong weapons because they don't want them using them to rebel. Diamonds need to keep the power available to their subjects in check. That's why they forbid fusion.
Don't you dare call Murdercock a nobody!
>Why DID Pink Diamond abandon her anyway?
Because Pink Diamond is a peice of shit.
fair enough i guess. although it beats me as to how they got so many planets.
It's not forbidden, Rubies fuse all the time. Diamonds consider fusing between different gems inappropriate.
What was ver name again?
Name 8 times Rubies have fused
Anyone got a webm of Spinel handeling the Rejuvinator? A+ animation
given how earth caused such a big deal, maybe humans were the first sapient races they encountered? blue did say something about having a hard time dismantling human cities, and that was before rose started the rebellion proper.
what the fuck that is one of the most cursed smear frames of all time, never noticed that in the movie
ty user, theres a really good part a few seconds further in the scene that feels pretty great to watch aswell.
I think the Diamonds would have rolled their eyes if Pink had actually brought Spinel. You don't bring your vuvuzela to desk job, user, and you don't bring your Spinel to colonies
The legs? You mean the legs that had been buried on sand? Kind of made me think Pink was pretending that thing didn't exist since she couldn't bring herself to destroy it like with the pads but wasn't planning to use it
While I didn't like the movie, this animation was nice to see.
dump incoming, this: is #3, not sure how I fucked up that name.
I know Spinel was more directly hurt by Steven and trying/failing to be his friend, but Garnet and Spinel had an underrated background relationship
>spinel becomes giygas
>farmer with a shotgun
I doubt you could shatter a gem with that.
Don't doubt the power of farmer with a shotgun
>You don't see other gems killing themselves
Other gems aren't human. We can clearly see that they experience long amounts of time like it's nothing.
Amethyst fell on her gem and cracked it. A shotgun blast could shatter it no problem.
Amethyst is a defect
Only one who's got a good shot is Peridot, since her gem is supposed to be sturdier than most others.
And? Her gem is still as hard as any other quartz, only her form is small and weak.
Huh, really? I guess I've forgotten that scene, I just feel like if they were THAT flimsy that would all be dead by now. Ya know, the way they get slammed into walls and stuff so often?
The flashback episode with Garnet, Hit the diamond, The one where they went to the moon with the rubies, and i cant think of anymore.
Yea, its the one in the first season where they go to Rose's fountain for the first time. The one where Amethyst cracked her gem and started talking backwards and shit, it was cause she fell off a cliff onto a rock.
She never left her. She had no chance to get back to her
She fell long enough to say a whole sentence and her gem landed RIGHT on the jutting rock, it getting a chip isn't so crazy to me. I remember Lapis' gem getting a crack just because some Homeworld gems trampled it during their retreat but you kind of get the impression that Lapis is a bit of a Glass Cannon.
Oh well that puts it in perspective.
Garnet seemed like she was trying to reach out to Spinel a little during her musical number, but couldn't help rubbing in how loved she was.
Or maybe it was 100% taunting because that's how Garnet do.
Garnet is a smug self righteous cunt, what else is new.
Ruby squadrons fuse all the time, and the big Topaz that accompanied Aquamarine was a fusion of two Topazes.
It's just fusion between different types of gems that's forbidden.
Would she obey Spinel? She was supposed to be closest to Pink... Wait...
and all of those posts...
Spinel is supposed to be the closest friend of someone, someone who can aid them best, Pink wanted only a jester to make her laugh so that's what she got
We saw with Steven she lets him take the lead in what they want to play and also instantly stops when he asks her to and makes it clear he's not having fun.
Trying to fix the problem is what cheers him up and she clearly takes notice of this, since distracting him didn't work she'll help solve the problem too. He reacts positively to this, so she continues to hang back and help him since that
is clearly what's making him the most happy. The movie established (subtly?) that there's more to even her happy-go-lucky base personality than just "random fun silly jester".
Spinel could probably fill any role as long as it's part of being a friend.
great picture.
anyone have pic related in higher res?
what if?
>Steven insists she can find a new better Best Friend, instead of finding value in and living for herself
has he learned nothing
>Which Pearl are you?
>It's just, Pink went though quite a few, so I want to know about you specifically so we can all laugh about this later
>best friend
I think the implication was that she'd romantically love again
Spinel? What Spinel needed wasn't another best friend, or a romantic love interest, she needed to love herself like Pearl learned to do. She spent the past six thousand years living for someone else it's time she lived for herself, but instead Steven hoists her off to the Diamonds because he's an actual terrible person now.
I remember really liking this comic back when I first saw it but thinking on it now, Garnet would NEVER say such a thing. If anything, she'd encourage him.
Yes, PD did spend the rest of her days on Earth. She wasn't referring to Steven. Atleast not completely.
>So, why didn't you go with her?
>music starts playing
>a fucking gem clown beats up the crystal gems effortlessly
I thought it was pretty dumb how not even Garnet put up a fight.
She was supposed to be the best friend of Pink, she's intelligent but Pink never wanted anything other than a jester.
Based on the Pink Pearl, Pink Diamond isn't exactly gentle with her subjects so durability would be important.
now this is good
>the giant crack mark in her face that went away even when white healed her
the fuck did that mean? did pink melt her face like playing with a barbie?
Fuck Spinel
That is not the problem. Spinel's problem was the refusal to love again, not refusing to love herself like Pearl did.
Tell your sister to keep drawing
spinel seemed pretty confident in herself. she clearly thought she was a 'somebody' and the other gems werent.
Toon power, baby.
I would
Who knows, it's Pink Diamond, she left a friend/servant/valuable asset in the garden, a pearl seems hardly worth considering.
it's pretty clear she considers spinel a poor replacement for spinel
Is Steven Universe the most "Cared About" show on Yea Forums?
I'm not saying it's the best, the worst, the most popular, or the most unpopular.
But it's a show that EVERYBODY has an opinion on, and whenever new content is released, all of Yea Forums discusses it, whether loving or hating it.
It's impossible to miss or ignore.
Is there a single current show with a comparable magnitude? Has there ever been, in the history of Yea Forums? Aside from the horse show.
*pink pearl, even
legend of korra still has many seethers
Well, she was a perfect cut, the best of the best of her type of gem.
And she caught them by surprise with her stretchy toon powers and her rejuvinator.
They hadn't encountered something like those before.
And remember, the CG got the upper hand on their second fight because they knew what to expect.
Plus, Spinel was focused and dead-set on taking them down the first time, whereas she was pretty much an emotional wreck the second go-round.
Fuckin hell, I don't even like the show every episode has been mediocre at best to me, but goddamn I love her so much.
Fuck you Sucrose
Pink Diamond isn't exactly rational about worth or ability, she wanted what was her's so anything wouldn't be as good as getting her own way.
Personally I care very little about anything else in the show, never discussed it more than other shows, but I just LOVE HER
Like Pearl, it seemed like Spinel could never truly change until whoever they've imprinted on (Pink/Rose) was gone. That's why when Steven, who their reset selves imprinted on, fused with Greg and was "gone" for all intents and purposes, they finally had the capacity for change.
Pearl would probably be even more terrifying than Spinel
Considering the literal slave programming that they have she would have no choice but to stay perfectly still in that garden FOREVER unlike Spinel who was bamboozled
Imagine Steven of that AU traveling to the heat death of the universe with the Gem Empire long dead with everything else being dead for even longer.
>There's just a single pearl standing on a dusty slab in the middle of an endless void, following orders as any pearl would.
on the bright side, spinel would be an extremely good fighter if she actually got to move in the last 6000 years.
Here's your new best friend.
So you're suggesting that if a group of humans found a way to be immortal, they should eventually kill themselves because huamans are allegedly unable to experience long amounts of time?
>he's an actual terrible person now
No he's not i'm sure there's obviously a justification for this maybe he was just tired please stop ;_;
he said 'you don't have to, they're a bit much'
what else was he supposed to do? dropkick her into little homeworld?
God damn I need pic related with the two spinels
where to buy a spinel
Garnet was the only issue for Spinel she was making Pearl and Amy job.
What? Pink Pearl only has that crack in her face AFTER getting whited
People keep saying that Steven was cold to her but because of how the movie is set up we can't tell clearly enough. The timeskip was a mistake.
Literally every diamond can instapoof any non diamond gem.
I hate what Sega has done to Sonic in Generations.
It was implied that White took Pink's Pearl after she broke her
I can see how that could be the case.
Is he acting like that because he is tired?
Is he acting like that because he just needs some time to think about a recent incident?
Is he acting like that because he is just like that now?
We don't know unless S6 will tell us in the future.
Speaking of which, are we in another 6 months hiatus now?
i thought the theory was that pink said 'i order you to not do what i tell you' and it made pink pearl bluescreen
there's an nyc panel with news in october so we might know then
there's also a docu at some point
>Ancient Spinel are tube armed rubber girls.
>Old intermediate models are well made, but tend to attract small animals and make questionable decisions about food safety.
>There are some cheap years that are designed somewhat lifelike, but have a conspicuously low frame rate and a tendency to adopt catch phrases.
>Modern models are somewhat simple and hard to look at.
I mean. You'd have to be an absolute saint to keep your warmth while trying to save the world.
I get that Steven's whole deal is empathy, but at a certain point even somebody like that reaches their limit.
>here's a song about what you already know happened instead about something you don't know cause we skipped
this is funny
i don't know if they'd bother making them in era 2 though.
All I want to do, is see you abducted by some giant women.
Some giant women!
All I want to be, is be someone that sees taken by some giant women.
All I wanna do, is help you be abducted by some giant women.
Some giant women!
All I want to be, is be someone that sees taken by some giant women.
Oh I know it'll be great, and I just can't wait, to see the cuddles they'll force upon you.
At every chance, they'll insist that you dance, because you are their tiny plaything.
I might not enjoy, being so smothered, but get used to it, 'cause you're basically stuck there.
But as for me, I'm happy you're abducted by some giant women.
Some giant woman!
All I want to do, is see you abducted by some giant women.
Some giant women.
Just be careful to avoid the furry era.
that was pink's era.
I don't know about that, all I know is Pearl's "stop it you're going to break her" line when Steven is joking with Yellow's Pearl.
>There are exotic Spinel designed for tentacle porn.
No, it's implied that she took her after Pink started treating Pink Pearl as a playmate. Then she was given another Pearl and Spinel so she can have a Pearl and a playmate but not mix them
>gem anti-air cannon can't actually shoot a real ship down
What you're not considering is that ALL the tech the crystal gems of earth have is like...4,000 years out of date if not more. Hell Lapis had trouble sending them a message cuz their stupid communication device had no idea how to process a video file.
The gems trying to take down a gem ship with rose's cannon is like trying to take down an aircraft carrier with a bunch of 18th century canons.
Well of course.
Anytime Garnet sings the enemy might as well just stand down because they're about to get fucked.
>That one colony that's essentially an archipelago in space that has their own aesthetic when it comes to gem output, and makes the weirdest fucking Spinels
>They keep building giant robots.