Person explains why "Joker" is problematic

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Other urls found in this thread: our movie/ up joker/

Anyone who argues against this is a white incel and a piece of shit.

This movie is a mirror of how rotten American values have become.

People should stop seeing characters as general statement about whatever group they think it represents and start seeing it as THEIR OWN CHARACTER! and stop doing generalisation.

I don't think it's about what it represents so much as how many fuckboys are going to be inspired to pick up daddy's gun and start shooting things while singing the theme to Malcolm in the middle.

That's kind of hard when the point of a story is to have a message or statement and so you're going to consume the narrative under that assumption, if a movie isn't going to have some kind of message than it has to tell the audience that

>when the point of a story is to have a message or statement
Maybe sometimes, it's only about the journey of a character and how things went for that one doesn't mean it apply to others.

>if a movie isn't going to have some kind of message than it has to tell the audience that
I disagree, I think it's when IT HAS a message that it has to be clear about it.

Literally who and why should their opinion matter at all?

Counterpoint: If we don't show the consequences of a failing system, what drive is there to fix the system?

First they came after comedy and now they're coming after drama. They won't stop until everything fits their social agenda. Thank god Clockwork Orange didn't come out nowadays.

her opinion is as good as mine
in other words; IDGAF

Bog has indeed abandoned us to the glupi ones, my droogs.

We used to actually view mental illness as a problem to be fixed but now it's something to be placed on a pedestal. It's no wonder the world is turning to shit and people keep killing themselves at skyrocketing rates. People need to realize that having a mental issue is not something to be proud of and seek immediate help not act as if nothing is wrong and that the world is the problem when their mental delusions are.

Gee I wonder why on a chinese cartoon board teeming with incels and shitkickers. It's a mystery user.

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Nothing about the movie is sympathetic this guy is just a vulnerable idiot who would take these as sympathetic excuses in the first place. Its not sympathetic at all when an abuser is broken up with, it's what should happen and if he's worthy of synpathy he takes is ike a man and changes his ways, then some sympathy comes. In a world where people think Travis Bickle hyping himself up in the mirror to shoot a man he saw on tv is a 'cool classic movie moment', manchildren like the author here continuously prove they will worship whatever occurs on a giant screen


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A mental illness means you're a victim and treating a mental illness would remove that status. What people have always prized throughout time is a victim status, whether to use it to justify their own actions or to manipulate people into giving them more attention/control or whatever else.
They won't stop abusing mental illness until the culture shifts back to picking yourself up by your bootstraps, and even then it'll linger.
It's just human nature.

soccer moms are annoying in any era
Minorities (brown people, women, mentally ill people) are not your children

The message is the joker is a supervillain evil abuser who takes the very regular behavior of an everyday real life abuser to the extreme. It literally asks the audience to be wary of anti-social and abusive behavior and asks society to view it as a precursor to larger scale social violence.

It does sound redundant when you think about it.

I wonder what would've happened if Fight Club was filmed nowadays.

It just means Yea Forums, MRAs, and incels wouldn't have a movie to be inspired by for all of their values until much later down the timeline.

Instead of the character finding his masculinity twice over, he'd realize being a man is whatever popular opinion decides and become a hipster. Tyler Durden would be played by Ryan Gosling, the Narrator would be played by Leonardo DiCaprio, Marla Singer would be played by Margot Robbie, Robert "Bob" "Bitchtits" Paulsen would be played by Mike Myers in a fat suit.

This person seems to be more bothered by the reality of human behaviour than the movie desu. Look at the background of any mass murderer - be it a school shooter or a dictator - and their backgrounds always have the same recurring themes. Abusive and/or absent parents, emotional neglect, social isolation, consistent rejection and disappointment in various areas of life (relationships, education, career). You put any vaguely intelligent social animal - human, monkey, dog, dolphin, elephant and probably others I'm unaware of - in that situation and the end result is always instability, neuroticism and aggression, without fail.

I know it's easier to just call people "evil" or "monsters", feel nothing but hatred for them and call it a day, but those people aren't going to stop existing until more of society makes an effort to empathise with them. Once the causes of their behaviour are better understood, we can better adjust the social structure accordingly to prevent those circumstances repeating as much as possible.

>posting shitty twitter posts by nobodies wasn't bad enough
>this idiot posts a fucking Facebook post

Well-off liberals don't want to fix the system, or any change for that matter. They just want to feel morally superior to everyone.

You are overthinking it. She just hates white men.

DC really deserves all the hate they get for thinking this shit was a good idea

Is it really so alien to them that feelings of pain and pity lead to abusive and violent behavior? Did they think 'bad people' just came our pissed and wrong?

No, they think they come out white and male.

Hes saying whites cant be both. Becuase they are the most wanted partners globally

God forbid I'm unable to dehumanize other people!

Some people legitimately believe that morality is intrinsic to everyone and that being evil is something you decide on either out of thin air, or because you like money more than being good.
Trying to explain to these people why anti-social individuals exist is like trying to explain the inner workings of a computer to a rainforest savage. He might get one or two rhings, but it'll mostly be wasted breath on your part.

That's even funnier than the truth.

This is from the same people that think air conditioning is problematic. I'll pass.

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Friendly reminder that this is why everyone prefers Based Marvel over DC

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>actually thinks people will be converted into loving murder and become murderers because they watch a film
>thinks the moral of the story is that people deserve to go on killing sprees if they're not treated right
>unable to distinguish between fiction and reality

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Does anyone else unironically love this shit?
These kinds of people already decided "straight white males" were the enemy a long time ago.
If they're really going to be like that, I would much rather see them cowering in a corner out of fear that they're going to get shot in their stupid faces, than having to continue to listen to their aggressive bitching about "privilege".

But that's too hard. It's easier to demonize people and ignore the issues, rather than try and fix them.

>do what we want and spread your ass cheeks for feminism or else youre an incel
I fucking hate the 2010s

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Op delete this a repost without the name, I’ve got a funny story about the poster but won’t post it with her name

Except that's exactly the damn point?

School shooters ARE white boys who have been failed by the system. And yes, anybody can become one if put under the same circumstances.

This should be a wake-up call to fix America's culture, not burying your head in the sand and pretending that those guys were born by Satan, magically fully grown at 16 and ready to kill mass amounts of people.

>I dont want to see a movie

What if...they just didnt go to the theater...?

Shut up incel. Learn to respect women.

>This should be a wake-up call to fix America's culture, not burying your head in the sand and pretending that those guys were born by Satan, magically fully grown at 16 and ready to kill mass amounts of people.
There reactions are just creating more jaded serial killers, if they could get over their man hate and realize that these people need compassion not mockery then we could fix this.

You know it really says something about our society when rightwingers throwing a tantrum over a movie can get it pulled even though it depicts them as the heroes but this piece of garbage that doesn't even deserve to be called a movie and that will do actual harm to the country if not the world is still allowed to exist no matter how hard we protest


And that's why the US is where it is.

Maybe if we had sympathy for criminals we could help rehabilitate them so they don't hurt as many people as they do?

So killing half the is altruistic? ,

The first thing psychiatrists do is cram pills down kids throats. Most school shooters were on prescription pills.

>these people need compassion not mockery then we could fix this.
I wouldn't even go as far to say "compassion", just stop actively shitting all over straight white males from every conceivable angle, blaring from every media outlet.

Tell that to all those mentally I'll black kids these soccer moms have with their bulls

>I wouldn't even go as far to say "compassion", just stop actively shitting all over straight white males from every conceivable angle, blaring from every media outlet.
Thats what i mean, im literally voting red only out of spite against the current political climate. I dont even care anymore, i dont get why they hate me since im for prochoice and gay marriage, and yet they still wanna go after me. Rage voting against them feels good after everything from star wars to adventure time being ruined.

They're not even in control of their own message anymore, they've literally gone schizophrenic appealing to one another and to the minority vote

School shooters is the most extreme thing someone can be, but I wonder what else feminism is causing. Imagine all those men who grow up thinking they are intrinsically predatory rapists and feel guilty for being white because they have priviledge and shit. Meanwhile men still donr even have the right to choose if they can keep part of their dicks or not, and kill themselves exponentially more than women, etc

And that's why theyll continue to loose, take for instance muslims and how theyre all just as crazy as westboro, the left should be totally against a backwards religion like islam yet now theyve betrayed their values to try to virtue signal to them. The lefts changed for the worse.

I don't care that this movie even exists, much less do I have a burning desire to justify why I don't care to strangers on the internet. I don't understand why anyone does.

They lay it on thick because they assume every white man has a great job and a castle and a team of white supremacists backing them up, you know, hey figure you're priviledged and they're just trying to get you back to normal, but they're simply wrong about that. In most cases they're left ostracizing children and telling the unemployed they dont deserve to work

>School shooters is the most extreme thing someone can be, but I wonder what else feminism is causing. Imagine all those men who grow up thinking they are intrinsically predatory rapists and feel guilty for being white because they have priviledge and shit. Meanwhile men still donr even have the right to choose if they can keep part of their dicks or not, and kill themselves exponentially more than women, etc
I honestly think this is just creating more animosity towards women, i can only imagine zoomer males outright hating women now. This is doing more harm to their cause and growing legitimate sexism instead of helping their cause.

Daily remonder to earn your self-worth through your peerage and not to leave it to the mercy of media

It really bothers me how in Spiderman PS4 they have shittons of Muslik NPCs in headscarves and not a single fucking Jew in those tinynJew hats in New York.

>t. Today’s version of overemotional soccer moms

lol like 90% of incels are white

Trying to cater to mudshits was the final straw that made me realize it was time to leave the left, i absolutely hate their regressive religion and its something liberalism should be totally against.


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All I know is whenever I see gay shit in media now I instinctively feel like its forced. And I am and have always been a faggot. Nothing makes me more incomfortable than rainbow pride shit now. Legitimate gay haters are really awkward and awful to experience but at least most of the time they're straight forward and honest. These fucking liberals see you as some sort of human virtue signal. Its dehumanizing.

Although I do like some gays in stuff, I unironically liked how shiro's lover on voltron was revealed because it was tragic and normal and in the background then every straight fujoshit sjw badic bitch online was sporting out about how it was homoist and I was so upset. The the dumbass show runners ruined the epilogue with that retarded gay wedding last minute Korra kiss bullshit completely raping the tone of lance's loss.

As if it's not bad enough we have a world of problems to deal with, they've actually got trouvled people fighting eachother over who's in trouble worse! Unbelievable

You are a nigger faggot if you believe in the right end left dichotomy. The world isnt decepticons qndnautobots, ps4 and switch, or any sports team you goddamn fucking greasy brained burger claps. Go suck the guts out of a dilated tranny.

This post is why I keep to the SU threads

Incels are the discord trannies of the left. They see incels everywhere and incels are behind everything bad in the world, when in reality they're just a bunch of sadsacks in their parents' basement.

Thats because you've been branded and politicized into a voting bloc by one of the two ruling parties of your nation, and their signals desifned to awaken you frustrate the sense of self they deny youc

I genuinely hate lesbians right now because of cartoons

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"Person" "explains" "why" "Joker" "is" "problematic"

write stories like that when the world isn't in crisis. at times like these it's irresponsible to waste time with navel gazing "what if" scenarios in writing that aren't relevant to current events

IDpol is a boujey plot to sabotage working class solidarity. People have already moved on from Epstein being very blatantly suicided before he could flip on a billionaire pedo ring that included both Clinton and Trump, and it's partially because online media has decided to focus on Chappelle and this movie.

That's because people are too vested in the political side of these matters. Even the creators, when they try to write a gay person, seem to slip up often and just think about how they should write these characters from a political perspective. And I wouldn't be surprised that those who don't get told by directors and producers to change it so it can be political.

Put simply, too often gay shit can't be seen as just people being gay, but it -has- to be more. it has to be representative, it has to be more, it has to be a thing.

"all men are rapists" is a few tumblr wackos blown up into a some huge bogeyman by the right

Villain did that.

Then they went back and reversed it. And the first public hero sacrificed himself to take out an army that was trying to kill everyone.

(((Persons))) (((explains))) (((why))) Joker (((is))) (((problematic)))

Liberals aren't in power currently.

I'm amazed that a post like this can exist in this thread without a single spelling error

It seems to me like she more has a problem with caucasian males rather than the Joker, but whatever.

Oh shut up, these feminists clearly are only on one side and i will do everything to stop said side by voting against them.

It's actually mainstream current feminist theory taught in universities, but w/e.

>Liberals aren't in power currently.
off, yikes, there's a lot to unpack here

>post literally who social media screencap
>millions of replies guaranteed

When do they make a movie about the plight of the white male shitposter?

Let's be real here. If a kid is unstable enough to watch a movie about the Joker and decide it's a sign to pick up a gun and start shooting up the place, he's going to eventually pick up a gun and start shooting up the place. They'll find an excuse eventually.

Moon Knight existed since forever. Is MK one of the few characters who has a serious mental illness (hard confirmed, major part of his character, and has dealt with therapists) wherein he is a hero still and didn’t turn into a villain?

Wasn't the whole point of the Killing Joke that he tries to prove that all it takes is one bad day to turn a good man into a maniacal serial killer like him? And in the end doesn't he fail because Commissioner Gordon is a stronger, better man and doesn't break and become a maniacal serial killer?

>a hero still and didn’t turn into a villain?
>implying The Jockler isn't going to be a hero for the disenfranchised masses of Society in The Current Year

Directed by a guy who is notorious for his sexism and awful direction of female characters. Why is this surprising?

Joker should have actually killed Barbara, then tracked down and killed James Jr. too. A bad day isn't so bad when the day after that you still have things you care about to keep you going. The Joker's bad day was bad because his wife and kid died, he was left with nothing.

I was talking in-universe but I suppose you’re right, sadly.

I dont know if this is just because I'm old but I remember in Twin Peaks, a 26 year old show the transexual character didnt bother me at all and even in Return when Kynch too people 'fix your hearts and die'in regards to how he fought for her to have her job as a high ranking government agent (meta for Lynch fighting for her to be on the show.)

But the fucking trans frog in Rocko's modern life just killed me.


The entire point of Batman is that he was traumatized by his parents death. That's mental illness...

Has Batman ever dealt with therapists, taken medication for his mental illness, or ever been in a mental institute as a child where he was actually submitted for his mental illness?

I don’t know anything about Starboy.

But he literally sucks black woman's lips in the trailer and one of few times he's shown to smile more or less genuinely, is when he's either doing Joker shit, either doing black woman.

Honestly, this is a bit disturbing in a sense that more and more people give incels characteristics of Joker and calling them villains, rather than finding incel characteristics in Joker.

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Great counter-argument.

They are in media. All they have to do is whine and write articles and they'll get companies to give to their demands.

And even though blacks only make up 15% of the population...

>These kinds of people already decided "straight white males" were the enemy a long time ago.
When the large majority of school shooters fits the pattern and the media runs pieces trying to justify their behavior as "misunderstood loners" while police guns down black people for less, you can sort of understand where they come from.

>All this autism for a remake of The Comedian
Does this country ever learn?

I think that's in part because Lynch is Lynch. Twin Peaks had its fair share of eccentric personalities, so even in a time when it was less tolerated, a trans character didn't stand out quite as much, especially because at the time they hadn't fully transitioned yet. Even with the new season, the most acknowledgement it really got was Gordon stating he'd always stood by her.

And another part might just be that nowadays, the idea that "everything is political" has spread too much, and is even constantly on the minds of those who disagree with it.

don't forget that school grades, math, and logic are all racist
and don't get me started on video games and voice apps!

No, it actually isn't, "but w/e".

Why dont companies ignore these faggots? Everything they touch turns to shit.

My Linear Algebra professor last semester was a black dude with long dreads. Coolest and best math teacher I ever had.

Actually, I think it's an entirely different issue. Now we view any semblance of inconvenience, anxiety and hardship as mental illness and genuinely mental illness as whining. Just look up how girls are getting hospitalized for stress and anxiety.

>But he literally sucks black woman's lips in the trailer and one of few times he's shown to smile more or less genuinely, is when he's either doing Joker shit, either doing black woman
It actually implies her failings resulted directly in the downfall of the Joker and the rise of the maniac. Typical abusive behavior: blame it on the victims instead of those who perpetrate it.

You arent the victims, youre the villains by attacking men like you are doing.

I'm sure blacks would shoot up schools more if they actually went to school.
Instead most mass shootings are objectively caused by blacks gunning down other gang members, instead of showing up for class.

Most companies do that but we focus on the companies that don't because it's more interesting.

>I'm sure blacks would shoot up schools more if they actually went to school.
>Instead most mass shootings are objectively caused by blacks gunning down other gang members
Objective false.

Because within their circle they find it as being an accomplishment to "go woke' for whatever fucking reason even if it ruins the brand.

But honestly I think that is their idea.

Ruin the good stuff with their shit and we'll be forced to accept their garbage that they want because that is all there is left.

>No, it actually isn't,
Yeah, actually, it is, and you would know that if you actually went to university. They're not hard to miss.
These "few wackos who somehow only exist on tumblr" didn't come up with feminist insanity on their own; they're just regurgitating what they've been indoctrinated to believe.

>Meanwhile men still donr even have the right to choose if they can keep part of their dicks or not
What the fuck are you talking about? Circumcision? That's the dick equivalent of getting your appendix out, it's superfluous at best

Was completely with him until he brought race into it. And no, I'm not white.

That's just grief combined with extreme autism.
Actually yeah it's mental illness now that I think about it.

>Just look up how girls are getting hospitalized for stress and anxiety.

Not possible, at least here in Canada. You will only get hospitalized if you physically harm yourself, attempted suicide, or wrote suicide notes in combination. You can’t get hospitalized just because you want to.

Source: I am a girl who went to two different mental hospitals because of panic attacks and all they gave me was benzo drugs and therapy sessions.

It's just a fucking movie.

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>The point of a story
Is to entertain. Full stop. There needn't be a lesson or moral at all.

Oh you're just a deranged piece of shit who thinks the world revolves around how you feel.

>American values
Joker hates nazis remember? He's American as fuck.


>Someone makes an honest film about society failing a man and his extreme but honest reaction to it.

Yea welcome to a common interpretation of the Joker for the last near thirty years, idiot.

>It's just a fucking movie.
It's just a fucking society.

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>not a single fucking Jew in those tinynJew hats in New York
They do, apparently. But they only spawn in the right neighborhood, and if you're playing on the Sabbath (Saturday) then they don't spawn at all, because they're all at home resting. Here's an article about how they hid that as an easter egg.

In the Dark Knight movie, Batman explains to Harvey that the people who follow Joker's influence are broken and/or mentally unstable. If anything is going to drive the disenfranchised masses to see this movie and use it as a guideline to life, it'll be the people who disparage them (such as by calling them incels and fuckboys) while simultaneously citing them as the reason why the movie is "problematic".

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I saw it more as Batman's rebuttal to Joker demanding why he isnt laughing at the inherent madness of existance itself: "Because I've heard it before, and it wasn't funny the first time." Joker had everything taken from him and "laughed", i.e. went batshit nuts. Bruce arguably went just as insane at seeing his parents gunned down BUT he managed to turn his pain into a force of good and spends his every waking moment trying to stop that pain from happening again. It's all about how one takes the punches. You can either give up and start lashing back at the world or you can use the pain as fuel to change the world for the better

>even cast Deniro as the talk show host
Is this hypercrisis?

So female circumcision is also acceptable.

I don’t know, dude. I got hospitalized once as a teen because I was cutting myself and kept telling my parents I was going to kill any self. I also drank so much hoping I would overdose on alcohol. It could be because of the underage factor or they also all showed signs of self-harm. Top hard to tell from such little information. Also was talking about my experience in Canada only and I don’t know where the fuck that is.

How come Yea Forums gets all the new jannies and we get dick.

So the Bible is solely for entertainment purposes? Boy, do we feel silly now.....

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Because nobody posted Stonetoss.

Canada =/= America. Maybe Canadian hospitals have some semblance of common sense left. Those news are from America, and I am Russian and I went to a hospital complaining about stress I would just get a slap in the face and smoll dose of Valerian.

Also, it wasn't because you are underage, you did that because you were retarded and dumb brat, hope you grew up.

That's the comics one?
Do WE know it's the same with Phoenix's Joker?

Because Yea Forums has normalized being Yea Forums

>I don’t want a movie that shows us the trauma that drove Joker insane
>I don’t want a movie that shows us reality
These people

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My reasoning for not wanting to see the movie is more shallow yet more reasonable I'll bet.

No offence to the actor but I don't like the new Movie Joker's look. Something about it doesn't look "Joker" enough.

Where the fuck are the charities for stressed out middle aged men? You gotta be a teenage girl to get people to donate to a cause? Maybe we should give all the teen girls cancer and then maybe we'll get a cure for that.

>Charities for canon fodder that's about to expire anyway

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Is that why Russia is #3 on the list of highest suicide rates by country?

I was hospitalized because I almost died from alcohol poisoning and they viewed it as a suicide attempt. Because thanks for telling me how my parents sexual and physical abuse me was my fault.

I mean, maybe turning into a criminal because you're socially excluded and rejected is a logical conclusion?

Yea Forums too is going down the shitter slowly but surely.

There are many reasons for that, but free health care doing jack shit is one of the reasons too.

We all have problems, I personally saw my mom pull a knife on my dad and then she went after me and my brother. That's why I spent rest of my school years in boarding school. Dad didn't die, but there was blood. Your personal issues don't really make your point about how hospitals in Canada don't hospitalize kids for stress, ergo they don't in America any more right anyway.

You should get a say about what is done to your body, wouldn't you agree? After all, my body, my rules. Or is that only applicable to abortion? Christ, most women find the idea of having their entire head shaved to be traumatizing, and boys should just brush off having the skin of their dicks chopped off without their consent or an active medical reason? And no, "prevention" doesn't cut it (no pun intended), because you can prevent phimosis without ever using a knife.

It’s not a serious mental illness. A lot of people have had their parents killed at a young age but we gotta somehow pretend Batman is the especial one right? Serious mental illnesses are Schizophrenia, DID, Maniac Depression/Bipolar Disorder.

If Bruce has a serious mental illness he couldn’t function without medication at all.

This is what is defined as serious mental illness

“mental illnesses listed in DSM that “resulted in functional impairment which substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities”

Bruce doesn’t have a serious mental illness.

>congenital insanity doesn't exist

Meanwhile these people will applaud characters like Killmonger even though he is pretty much the black equivalent of this.
>I don't want an innocent boy turn evil because of the poverty he grew up in.
>I don't want to have sympathy for a man best known for his robbery, murder, and attempted genocide.
>I don't want this to be sold as a relatable story the can happen to anyone with a bad enough youth, and I don't want to be around any of the raging black boys who relate to it.

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Interesting, thanks for the share


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Pretty good point.

And the majority of people won't give a shit and will see it anyway.

When are you guys going to stop cherry-picking reactionaries and representing them as a large group?

Well, Killmonger is african and a chad, so of course he's a different story.

Joker in his movie is played by a lanky, weird looking dude.

He's American, born in American soil, raised in American land. He's black on top of that.

DC is an absolute KEK of the highest order.

Joker gets raped as a child, hates women because he got rejected, and now lives in clown world

Black Mask wants to get dick pics back from a crystal and oh and did you know he is also gay?

When they stop getting attention from their friends and using their wirds to get their way by censiring media.

The soccer moms never left. They just changed political views.

>I don't want to sympathize with someone who feels so isolated by society they take drastic measures to feel the slightest bit of relief

>Also, trans rights are human rights

When you stop being a filthy commie.

The problem is the media tend to jump in on this stuff as well. So it's difficult to just ignore it.

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>Black Mask wants to get dick pics back from a crystal and oh and did you know he is also gay?
What? Does your dad work for Nintendo?

>It's easier to demonize people and ignore the issues, rather than try and fix them
Reminds me of the right's view on immigration.

gamers rise up!

The plot was leaked, slowfag.

Surface level reading, desu.

What if the issue is the behavior or culture of the immigrants?

>jump in on this stuff
They're literally the ones who created the "white mass shooter" meme by ignoring every single non-white mass shooting, and spamming every single outlet any time there is a white mass shooter.

They think, correctly, that humanising your enemy weakens your side and endears neutral parties to them. Whether it's true or not is irrelevant to what is practical and necessary to you.
It's a matter of expedience not callousness.

It's not a country's job to "fix" immigrants, you retarded cuck. If they're "broken", they shouldn't be allowed to come in the first place.

When did it change from being named spree killing to mass shooting? Or are those different things?

Bottom text*

Spree killing implies they're shooting at multiple locations, like the DC snipers. Mass shootings typically only happen in that moment at that location.

All the terms used to refer to "gun violence" are essentially weasel words... but for the most part, a "mass shooting" is a more general term when there are at least 3 victims (whether wounded or killed), whereas "spree killing" further implies a "mass shooting" that occurred at more than one location.
And "gun violence" always includes suicides and legitimate cases of self-defense, but is always talked about like it's purely homicides.

>Batman is the especial one right?

We sont have to pretend. He is literally objectively factually 100% special. That's why he became Batman you complete and utter dumb fucking idiot.

You completely missed my point.


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Your "definition" didn't even have your qualifier of needing medication to function.

Batman clearly suffers from some form of mental illness. At the very least he has PTSD and survivor's guilt over the death of his parents. He's antisocial and paranoid on top of that. And, oh yeah, he dresses up like a giant bat and spends millions of dollars on weapons and gadgets to fight a personal battle against the crime in "his" city. And since he believes he's the only one who can keep the city safe, he also shows delusions of grandeur.


The difference is that those aren't OUR issues. That's their issues

>And, oh yeah, he dresses up like a giant bat and spends millions of dollars on weapons and gadgets to fight a personal battle against the crime in "his" city

Don’t pretend this is especial in the comic book world. Batman can function without medication and can still be a social butterfly in his waking world and not some shut in at his manor or a mental institute.

Bruce suffers from mental problems but doesn’t have a serious mental illness.

Its better than SSquad joker but I do wish they'd go back to the mob boss style rather than trying to chase the Heath Ledger look.

>immediately begin demonizing the people.

Thanks for proving my point.

Immigration into the US is definitely a US issue.

I meant the issues that cause them to immigrate to the US is their own issues.

>It's not a country's job to "fix" immigrants
>It's not a country's job to "fix" disabled natives
>It's not a country's job to "fix" civilization

Care for your community, because we can't afford to do it for you. Amirite?

Your the one who implied that immigrants need "fixing" in the first place, retard.
>It's not a country's job to "fix" immigrants
>It's not a country's job to "fix" disabled natives
You mean their own citizens? It's generally in their best interests to do so, within reason.
>It's not a country's job to "fix" civilization
Their own civilization? Yes.
>Care for your community, because we can't afford to do it for you.
The entire continent of South America is not "my community".

>didn't watch the movie
>but here's my verdict of what it represents

If they read even just the leaked script they'd know it doesn't deal with mental illness.

Are the glows pushing for a war or something? How easy, how simplistic it would be if we could just settle this via last man standing. Left leaning folk love invoking the previous civil war, so maybe they want another one. People are bored anyways, so its ok, right? And when the unspoken hatred and resentment spews out in the form of mass murder, torture, and rape - when the losers are gutted like fish and their intestines ooze out like eels, and the winners laugh at the pathetic, painful death of the enemy, it'll be ok, right?

We'll definitely solve the "uncle problem!" Because the incels will either be dead, or winners. Winners with guns, against a bunch of metropolitan women armed with lattes and laptops.

Something tells me they won't be incels for long>;)

>implying it's not about mental illness

Attached: Leaked Joker Script (2019).png (1546x1666, 1.21M)

>I don't want to know why people are upset.
>I just want to keep thinking those people are babies with no real problems so I can continue to demonize them with zero consequence.

Albert Camus already made murder into the logical conclusion to the socially isolated and nobody is arguing The Stranger should be banned now are they?

Why's she so insistent that it's lonely white guys relating to Joker? She doesn't think black people are Joker fans too?

If blacks want to stop getting shot by cops then they should stop waving guns around and acting like retards when the cops show up. Imagine you’re a cop and you deal with the same group of violent simpletons day in and day out. It’s dark, you’re at the end of a long shift. Some nigger books it past you wearing gang colors and holding a purse. You tell him to stop and he obviously doesn’t but eventually you have him cornered. He’s got nowhere to run so like any frightened chimp he attacks you. He goes for your gun and you have a split second to react. Thoughts of your wife and daughter flags through your head but then you think about the young black gentleman trying to kill you over $35 dollars he beat an old woman for. He will be a doctor or lawyer, perhaps the finest this country has ever seen. You think about how he was forced to grow up entirely on tax dollars taken from hard working whites and how it’s not his fault that he thought it would be cooler to act like a thug rather than contribute ANYTHING to society. You know he stinks like weed and commits crimes because of people like you! You who worked your way through some state college because scholarships and good schools are handed out to niggers first. Sure, the ape who now has your gun didn’t choose to go to a good school for free even though it was available to him, but who’s to say he’s not going to use the money he stole to invest in his community? You let him blow your brains out and your daughter grows up without a dad. Hopefully she doesn’t hate niggers because of this. Hopefully she grows up to be a liberal faggot retard who was as much of a reality denying cuck as her father. Fuck you. Eat a bullet.

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>it contain a coupon for new parents, but is expired.

Kek, better jokes than the dark knight

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Specially since the past few years has been.

>Please don't say mean things to minorites, otherwise they will kill you!
>WTF why are these people shooting up my mall when all I said was their country is dumb and all white people need to be genocided!?

Cops? What do we need cops for?
We live in a society.

Attached: cop free.png (640x494, 444K)

>Its video game's fault
>No, its actually rap music's fault
>Just kidding, its comics
>No actually its movies
>Wait, maybe its movies about comics

Hm, what did they mean by this.

This is all wrong. Society went wrong when novels were made available to women, giving them idle fancies outside of breeding, cooking and cleaning.

White = Good
Jews, lefties, women, shitskins = Bad

Drinking to the point of your body shutting down is suicide, whether it was your intent or not. I feel for your pain man, I really do, but letting yourself get that far gone is entirely on you. The pain you feel isn't your fault, I'll give you that, but how you deal.with that pain puts the ball squarely in your court

No. I said the right's stance on immigration perfectly mirrored that anons interpretation of the left's stance on societal problems.

Which you demonstrated in Spades.

Or you can just fuck off and be a hermit. There's really no need to drag other people into your own issues

lefties hate the truth
They have a truth avoidant personality

Illegal immigrants knowingly broke the law. No one forced them to immigrate to the US. That's a choice they made. No one forced them to do illegally. Another choice they made. You make it sound like illegally entering the country is the only way people can immigrate. We have ports of entry and a system to legally allow them to enter the country.

Explain to me why it's the US's responsibility to babysit South America and South Americans?


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They have a good point.

But the Colonel took their passports and electrocuted their testicles and pulled off all their teeth (they grew back) and so they had to cross the border illegally

To be fair, if you replace the joker with Harley then you get a similar sentiment from me, people shouldn't get a free pass for what they did just because they have a tragic backstory.

>if it's not marvel then it's bad

Joker in comics is just a serial killing nutjob with an ideology not an incel, where the fuck is this stupid shit coming from?

you have money

No, the other user's point was
>maybe we should take care of our citizens

Your point was
>maybe we should take care of Mexico's citizens
>and Guatemala's citizens
>and Honduras' citizens
>and Venezuela's citizens
>and Somalia's citizens
>and Syria's citizens
you dumb horseshoe faggot

>wit gr8 powah meanz let allllll the mehicans move in wit u
tanks uncuh bean

>You make it sound like illegally entering the country is the only way people can immigrate. We have ports of entry and a system to legally allow them to enter the country.
And this right here is why youre unqualified to have an opinion on immigration. You're wrong on this and you're wrong on a practical level, not technical. Which is another important note you don't want to bother with because acknowledging that might make you seem even more overtly irrational.

You realize you're going right back to demonizing them. Right?

>God I'm sick of the Joker.


This. Just because they broke the law doesn't mean they're criminals.

Not him, but are you suggesting that we should make immigration easier? Should we make it a relay race to the boarder and who ever get there first wins?

Fuck off and stop blaming the victims.

Racism is a mental illness, no doubt about.

Let's take groups of 30 on an island and have them do a battle royale. Winner gets to be an American.

>Should we make it a relay race to the boarder and who ever get there first wins?
Yes, except the prize should be harvesting their organs, since we know they'll be in good shape instead of withered by siestas and tequila.

It can take up to a decade fro legal citizenship, you ask why people jump the border and drop anchor kids? because it's the fastest way to gain citizenship besides being born in america.

Good thing that loophole is getting closed soon.

god a hate liberals, refusing to acknowledge the problem they also know exists, hoping that if no one talks about it then it will go away

they want alienated incels to go away and commit suicide, there is no solution

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Where is everyone getting "incel" from this movie?
The trailers make it pretty clear that he has a gf/love interest.
And if it's anything like many other variations on Joker's backstory she'll probably end up murdered not rejecting him.

How will you close it down? Stop giving citizenship to those born in America?

>movies are real

Incel is people I don't like
>Art doesn't influence real life
Pic related, it's you.

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>It can take up to a decade fro legal citizenship
That's heartbreaking, if only there were other countries on out hemisphere that existed outside of the United States.

>Stop giving citizenship to those born in America?
If neither of the parents are a citizen, why on earth should the child be? No other country on earth has such a retarded policy that you can literally hop the border for a week, shit out a child, and they're magically a citizen.

Maybe they should fucking consider improving mental illness treatments and fixing bullying in school, or at least teaching children how to reply to bullying.

Honestly you seem like you've only maybe ever gone to community college/JUCO at most if you believe this.

It's not even some conspiracy or some shit. Orientation at both schools I attended was mostly focused on men being good boys and not speaking to women if alcohol has been ingested by either party.

I couldn't access my schools system without sitting down at my computer for over an hour and taking an orientation class about sexual assault and boozing. This was ten years ago in 2009 when all of this shit really began to hit the fan. It absolute HAS NOT gotten any better.

It's easier to point the finger and blame. Fixing shit is HARD.

>No other country on earth has such a retarded policy
Are you that ignorant or just playing dumb?

The name Rachel Miller should inform you the writer is a female Jew.

>t. Some bitch who doesn't have a dick.

That was a non-canon comic

>it's okay to mutilate children, goy

The idea predates tumblr by decades and has been prevelant among feminism for just as long.
Just because the average armchair feminist doesn't believe that doesn't change that it has been a consistent part of feminist ideology for longer than most of them have been alive.

Retards are gonna see this Joker as a brave heroic role model just like they do Rick, or Tyler Durden.

But a person breaking the law is the literal definition of the word criminal. I don't see anything wrong with demonizing people who broke the law.

>Just because the average armchair feminist doesn't believe that
I'm pretty sure anyone who still unironically considers themselves part of the feminist movement in Anno Domini 2019 believes that.
It's literally Women's Studies 100 level shit, not the upper eschelons of feminist master programs where they get to that point.

Name one.

Uhh, how about you check your privilege, FUCKFACE?

Good post, but I think that in general crimes should never be presented in such a way as to create sympathy for the criminal, to promote distrust of the forces of law and justice, or to inspire others with a desire to imitate criminals. Also, while we're at it, if crime is depicted it should be as a sordid and unpleasant activity and criminals should not be presented so as to be rendered glamorous or to occupy a position which creates a desire for emulation. On the other hand, policemen, judges, government officials, and respected institutions should never be presented in such a way as to create disrespect for established authority. And as to not promote brutality, scenes of excessive violence should be prohibited. Scenes of brutal torture, excessive and unnecessary knife and gunplay, physical agony, the gory and gruesome crime should be eliminated. I also have some other ideas, like forbidding the use of words like "horror" or "terror", but maybe let's talk about it some other time.

I will, right after you stop victimizing criminals.

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Delete this /pol/ thread mods.

I never said the legal immigration system was perfect or that it doesn't need reform. It absolutely does. But opening the border to literally anyone doesn't remedy that problem. What do you propose we do that would allow us to at least properly vet the people entering the country?

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>The entire Western hemisphere
At least the Europeans aren't dumb enough to give their refugees free citizenship.

Why is skin color alwways an issue, the point is that it could happen to everyone, not just "white boys", lonely bullied crazy people come in more than one flavor

Also fine, you don't want it? Don't watch it! It doesn't mean the thing has to cease existing just because you find it problematic

I don't like A Serbian Film, nobody is forcing me to watch it so I don't do it, and I'm not gonna become a murderous rapist just because that movie was filmed

This place is Yea Forumsmblr.

So, in Europe, it's mostly no birthright citizenship, or they actually have standards?

Most of them have entire former colonial empires tgat get free passes on residency visas. Example: Peruvians can immigrate to Spain pretty easily. Naturalize in about 10 years and gain EU citizenship. Pakistanis and Indians get good availability on work visas to the UK.

Stop trying to make the world fit your based/cuck memeific autist mindset and exporting your internet buzz word driven mentality to real life you millennial dirtbag.

All this tells is that the countries with high former slave counts adapted the policy and others didn't.

Here it is a better map.
Mostly if one of the parents have residency is the minimum requirement.
If tourist go to have their child in Europe, no country would give citizenship to the child.

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Has there ever been a mass murderer who survived to get examined who wasn't found to be mentally ill?

>Mostly if one of the parents have residency is the minimum requirement.

Goes for both sides, no matter how much they accuse the other of the same behavior.
There's the other half of the problem:Exploitation of said individuals by social media, conmen, political parties, etc. Feeding into their issues for money and power aggravates the problem to the point it is now, yet not even the victims speak up against them. There's this shitty attitude of "at least I did something other than sit on a fence" whenever people point out they were used rather than prevent the abuser from exploiting them repeatedly.

You were the only one to spout buzzwords like based or cuck. I never said such things. Project a little more please.

Look around Yea Forums and social media, and you see a lot of people who can't distinguish fiction and reality, and legit argue about how media has a responsibility to be a parent and reflect their personal views.

Reactionaries are unable to do this, it's literally impossible for them.

"The other half of the problem" is really failing to see proportions. People can exploit rejects only because they were rejected (more or less literally) in the first place. This cause can exist and form a problem on its own, so it's far more important.

Not calling you a liar but I graduated in 2010 and I had to deal with none of that. What state and college was this?

>But opening the border
No one mentioned that you autistic retard.

It's literally the same as "video games make people violent" bullshit.

According to the leaked script she isn't into him and he kills her.

Just post it you white knighting cuck.


>No one mentioned that you autistic retard.
Not him, but when pretty much every one of the dem solution to the immigrant issue "decriminalize crossing the boarder, on top of providing health insurance and voting rights" you've all but opened the boarders

Is this the modern day version of the nerd insult
Nerd used to be an insult that implied virginity, them the mainstream highjacked the insult to make themselves feel smart

Nuh huh any land I spills seed on is mah land we wuz kangz

Aoc is not "the dems"

Part of that rejection is because of the exploiters creating the environment of rejection and feeding it so it influences more victims. Social media is a prime example of that.
Yeah, but what gets me is that it's the same people shitting on censorship for something they like but go think of the children when it's something they don't like.

>That's the dick equivalent of getting your appendix out, it's superfluous at best

>Amerisharts actually believe this
I feel bad for you guys; imagine being traumatized and mutilated mere days after being born, all for the sake of keeping some old crone's face looking young.

No but Joe Biden and other 2020 candidates pretty much all want to give universal health care to illegals. That's pants on head retarded.

She’s the sister of a very close friend of mine and she’s just a coal burning bitch. That’s about it she got married to a guy to spite her family and didn’t tell them for months, fuck I knew before he did. She pretty much just pitted all of our friends against him for a while and now their relationship is nonexistent. Though now that everyone is over the shock of my friend being “racist” to see that she was just a manipulative bitch. But she’s got two kids and her husband has aspirations if a nice trailer for them so I suppose it’ll all work out in the end

Can of explains the reeking of libshittery in O.P's post.

You're misrepresenting their stance.

>equating Joker with the Bible
definitely deranged then

Attached: disgust.gif (480x480, 2.56M)

What is there stance then?


The message is universal and doesn't apply to a single skin color. Any individual can lose control when the world pushes and beats them down long enough. That isn't a struggle that speaks to a single race. Every demographic of human being has experienced suffering like that. But Identitarians see white skin on the screen and immediately jump to the conclusion that the message is for whites only. They compartmentalize race and racial messages by superficial means.

>This person seems to be more bothered by the reality of human behaviour than the movie desu.

This single sentence explains genrealized SJW rage in a nutshell. Nothing is ever wrong, it's problematic. You can't say that a true thing isn't so, but you can say why it's bad that it's so. That is the heart and soul of modern leftist pearl clutching.

Posts like this are honestly a minor source of validation for my decision not to have my son circumcised.

Except for bernie no major candidate actually supports universal healthcare at all let alone for illegals. Everyone else at best supports some form of expansion of Medicare/medicaid. That said Bernie wants universal healthcare and a pathway to citizenship which would defacto give illegals healthcare once processed.

This. Your son is your property so it's okay to mutilate his genitals.

>Post someone's opinion on the Joker movie
>Get close to 300 replies arguing over "Who is more insane? White people or the rest of the world?"

>mfw it was all according to keikaku

Never change Yea Forums. :^)

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Incel may be the most pathetic insult of this century. Even simple "virgin" is more insulting.

So this never happened?

Lets see if it fits the other foot shall we?

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Anyone who watches this and thinks “Oh wow it must be ok for me to kill people” probably had that thought well before the movie. Murderous people will justify murder regardless. Maybe we should take this conversation back to the Stone Age and start pointing fingers at video games for making our children violent? Oh because that’s fucking asinine, that’s why.

Same person:



this movie is shit, you shouldn't call it out for a character that has existed since the fucking 60s that NOW we get an origin movie and its PROBLEMATIC!


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Killmonger wasn't the protagonist.

>I can't bear a fictional story because I literally can't stop seeing allegory and sociopolitical commentary in everything everywhere all the time.

Sounds like a personal problem, sweetheart.

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Well we can only hope that if one does you're the first one they hit.

evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's own actions or questions

Fuck this. All of you retards don't get it. A deranged lunatic is a deranged lunatic and it could be literally anything they latch on to and pushes them over the edge. A movie a book a song a poem a fucking new flavor of Fanta. Stop blaming whatever happens to gets stuck in their crazy hole.
>lol isn't Trump dumb for blaming video games for--
Fuck all of you

Washington DC and RI.

You're not getting any more without giving any more.

Also your orientation would obviously have been before 2008 which you should recognize as a major year in the explosion of brazen "progressivism".

I want everyone to take a good long look at his post and remember it whenever they hear a feminist say "we care about men's issues too." It's a lie. They never have and they never will. They despise men and trivialise any problems men might have. This post is why if you're a man you should never support anything feminist.
Remember this post because it's feminism perfectly encapsulated.

Literally every single one of them said this once the debate stages. Both nights.
They literally all did. I notice you went dark after user posted the video proving you wrong.

That's fine, you're grappling with some major life decisions. You seem to have believed something that wasn't true. The democrats have no interest in the economic prosperity of the United States or most specifically the individual citizens.

Also, as much of a kook as he is, Bernie was THE ONLY one that before the debates said it was absurd to suggest the borders should be open BECAUSE of his healthcare stance. They asked the question at the debate to give him and Diblasio and a few others the chance to, wait for it, DEBATE the topic. Each one punted and raised their hand.

>beguiled bints

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Yes yes white men are evil yadda yadda yadda. Get some new material.

They're absolutely right. The difficulty of Joker is making him absolutely not sympathetic.

This is a problem because the audience usually doesn't like a protagonist we can't sympathize with.

If this movie has any balls, the trailers we've seen are just a takeout, and the actual movie makes him a completely unrepentant, unsympathetic, evil character.

>I base my opinions on Marvel and DC based on their shitty inaccurate movies

Sooo, do they intend to give Islamic terrorists the "joker" treatment or what?
Or should white fucks get away with everything and everyone goes, ":(, he's just mentally ill"?

You know what? I kind of agree. Joker is shit as a protagonist. He works best as a force of nature style villain.

The whole point of Joker is that he's a special case. "One Bad Day" just applies to Joker since Batman, Gordon, and Robin had bad days and they aren't putting pipe bombs in teddy bears

the world would be a better place if we tried to genuinely understand why every awful person did what they did and where they came from instead of aggressively trying to write them off as something below human

People never change.

Christians think anything without Jesus on the screen for at least half the runtime will turn everyone into murderous sociopaths. Right wingers think anything with gays or blacks even mentioned will somehow turn kids into monstrous deviants, no matter how little sense that line of thinking makes. Twatter groupies think movies about the Joker will cause more incels to commit violent acts.

Retarded people are everywhere.

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unlike you am i right enlightened centrist
no you're right people think being a retard extremist is okay as long as they're on the 'right side of history'

>I don't want to watch
>I don't want to watch
>I don't want to watch

Then boy, do I have good news for you! This may be a surprise but you aren't *forced* to buy movie tickets!

Woah lets cut it with the homophobic comments ok?

Treat the symptoms, there is no rot

This is the truth.

I'm not a centrist and centrists usually are kinda dumb. You'd probably consider my politics dangerously radical because they'd shake up the ridiculous status quo we're in.

That said, being far [x] or whatever doesn't mean you believe shit like this. The people we're looking at here are just the internet echo chamber of retards that exist in all groups.

>mass murder as the logical conclusion
Just because characters do bad things in fiction doesn't mean it's supposed to be the logical or justified thing to do.

>Peter, with white power comes white responsibility and you know that!
>You shouldn't be bullied by some guido trying to pork that good aryan girl, Mary Jane. You should rise up and kick his pasta-filled ass.
>You need to become a man. This time of your life is crucial as it will define you in the future. Do not become a libera, onions-filled cunt that cries like a pussy every time you get hit.
>Kill them all Peter. Eery black, every kike, every berber, every non white, non proud person for you are an American!
I wonder if Joker had an uncle Ben if he would have ended up differently, given how Raimi wrote that scene.

Boy you must really hate Muslims then if you hate religious conservatives

I definitely dislike Muslim fundies, sure.

Now now user, you just generalised Christians but aren't willing to generalise Muslims. That hardly seems consistent.

The thing I find dumb about how they report this shit in America is ok some dumb fucking bangers lock eyes a cross a crowded room/street and decide to start shooting. They hit multiple people. Maybe people die maybe not.

That's not classified as a mass shooting. That's "Gang activity" and it's often left out when people go on about how young white men are the problem in America.
Oh wait that actually didn't leave that out. Well shit.

"Person" is a strong word for this hambeast. Reminder that these are the kinds of creatures who write this shit.

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She auditioning to be some Z-list batman villain or what

>We shouldnt talk about uncomfortable problems with a sympathetic opinion towards anyone but the victims of tragedy
This is why the problem is so big in the first place.

I also generalized twitter posters. Clearly, not all twitter posters are prone to this sort of thing. The point isn't that they're all like this, the point is that there are people in these groups that are like this.

Please stop trying this GOTTEM bullshit, it's embarrassing for everyone watching.

hard to say

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Why dislike right wingers for generalising gays and blacks when you generalise just as much as them then? And if the point is that they aren't all like that but some are, why not just say that instead of generalising?

They should not have brought food. They do not require more food.

>Why dislike right wingers for generalising gays and blacks
Because they go out and try to act on this shit.
>when you generalise just as much as them then?
You don't get it, do you? Or rather, you do, but you're being intentionally obtuse because muh culture wars. The aim of that post isn't to say all [x] do [y]. The inclusion of twitter people there should have tipped you off, since the average twitter poster uses it to update their friends and family about shit and nothing more.

I don't have to specify because normal people can read context clues.

Then why specify Muslim fundies instead of continuing to generalise to make your point? Why feel the need to stop generalising there?

These are the creatures that type
>have sex, incel
day in and day out around here

Creating a mass murderer isn't a failure of a system that is designed to manufacture mass murderers. Outside of civilization animals kill. Civilization has education, sports and war specifically to prevent humans from becoming domesticated animals. Some one needs to back in time and explain this to the Jews in Egypt who berated Moses for killing his that cruel Slaver in Exodus.

>unironically using "problematic"

There is no faster way to tell that someone will literally never have anything to say worth listening to.

Because you were intentionally trying to pull some kind of weird OH THE TOLERANT LEFT shenanigans, and letting you hang yourself out to dry via this exchange is a good way of demonstrating to others what a rube you are.

Congratulations, you activated my trap card, several times.

white men need to be forced into servitude to women and have their rights stripped away, i won't be happy until it happens. and i guarantee once it happens in this country, we will see WORLD peace.

As I already find the idea of a Joker movie pretty goddamn stupid, isn't he supposed to be the villain?
Figures. That's what you get when they make movies about Maleficent and she's a villain in name only. It's just a movie, jeez.
Oh right, Ghostbusters 2016 got Trump elected. The hell is with some people.

I don't see how. If you're willing to generalise one set of religious right wingers but not another that seems inconsistent. You also mention right wingers "going out and trying to act on it." I'm not sure what you're referring to. Muslims executing homosexuals?

>Ruin the good stuff with their shit and we'll be forced to accept their garbage that they want because that is all there is left.
But no one accepts their garbage, there just creating more enemies this way.

>Why is skin color alwways an issue, the point is that it could happen to everyone, not just "white boys"
Because compared o the others they're more likely to commit more terrorism because of that mentality, as recent events showed. Which I think it's what that guy is talking about, and wanted a Joker as what we've known him for, but more tragic were he basically realizes everything he has done has always been a joke. A joke he's going to exploit as the city is essentially his stage to perform

Joker was never meant to be political, nor does he take any political sides. He just kills and blows stuff up because that's his game, and wants to show how much of a failure everyone is behind all their rhetoric they keep spewing

This movie however is tuning into a political thing because of those themes he mentioned, and just wants a movie where we understand why he became a villain, but not have him be used as a poster boy for a political narrative by typical incels as an excuse to commit murder

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Goddamn I am getting weary of Warner Brothers astroturfing this movie on Yea Forums.

It's just King of Comedy with le quirky Pheonix playing Starvin Marvin as Joker.

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>God I'm sick of the Joker

That's the only thing in this ham galaxy's rambling that I agree with

>I don't see how. If you're willing to generalise one set of religious right wingers but not another that seems inconsistent.
You really don't get it? The point of this whole exchange is that showing that people like you are willing to ignore all obvious context clues in order to play stupid m-m-m-m-muh hypocrisy game for political brownie points. Which you are doing right now.
>I'm not sure what you're referring to.
Letting it guide their votes, actions, etc.
>Muslims executing homosexuals?
Yes, this is also bad.

>They hit multiple people. Maybe people die maybe not.
>That's not classified as a mass shooting.
It is in some cases. There's no agreed upon definition for mass shooting in America for osme reason. Apparently if you shoot 3+ people in the pinky toe, that goes into the statistics as a mass shooting in some cases. So if some gang members shoot at each other and get hit in the arms and legs but don't die from it, it still counts. There was a somewhat recent mass shooting where some kid shot 7 people, but it didn't get major news traction because no one died.

But you are a hypocrite. You're willing to generalise Christians but not Muslims. And I'd think you'd be more concerned with death penalty for gays in countries than votes and protests in others.

>You're willing to generalise Christians but not Muslims.
No, you just chose to read my original post that way and decided to play a stupid gaddem game because lel culture wars xDDD, and I was willing to oblige so you could make a fool out of yourself.
>And I'd think you'd be more concerned with death penalty for gays in countries than votes and protests in others.
I'm more concerned with things that are relevant to me geopolitically. Dumbass theocratic regimes are shit, yes, and I'm very concerned with making sure that people don't manage to push for something like that in the west. Because I live here.

Both fake h-h-h-hypocrisy outrage and whataboutism? You're a treasure trove of culture wars stupidity.


Gears of War my Poop-monster.


You are.

>Dumbass theocratic regimes are shit, yes, and I'm very concerned with making sure that people don't manage to push for something like that in the west. Because I live here.

That's good. I don't want sharia law either.

Nobody was actually generalized in this argument. You realize that, right? If he'd said ALL Christians or righties or twitter users, you'd have a point, but that isn't the case.

That's generalising. He's not specifying, which implies all. Then he specifies for another group. Supposedly it was a trick but I know he's just conditioned not to do that to Muslims.

>You are.
You're a legit retard. I didn't generalize anyone. Please point out where I said every Christian acts this way. Again, we all know that twitter posters aren't all doing these things, and right wingers aren't all doing these things, so you should be able to read this in a logical manner and realize what is being said.

And you have realized this. You're just trying to play silly word games that anybody with basic faculties would cringe at.

I can't fucking stand it when writers and retarded fans like you continue the mistaken belief that The Joker is insane.


The reason why The Joker is Batman's greatest enemy is because The Joker is using the EXACT SAME METHODS as Batman. He's pretending to be an insane criminal to mask the fact that he's a schemer and master strategist.

When Bruce Wayne first began, he failed miserably as an anonymous crimefighter because he was just a man fighting crime. The same skills, ... but the criminals were always confidant they could take him on: he was just another man. So he created the "Bat-man". Suddenly, criminals were scared of what he could do. Many in Gotham honestly believe Batman isn't HUMAN. Others believe that no matter what you do, Batman has a weapon/strategy to stop you. GODMODE VIA PREPTIME. That's how well Bruce Wayne has pulled off the "Batman" concept. Through theatrics and misdirection, Batman cannot truly be predicted.

The Joker does exactly the same. By *pretending* to be insane and commiting ridiculous acts at any random interval, The Joker is *disguising* the fact that he's just another clever criminal. Every step of his plan has been carefully planned through the ingenuity of a Chess Grand Master, but he covers it with seemingly insane moments of random madness. The clothes, the behaviour, the sheer unpredictability... "You cannot predict what The Joker will do". YES YOU CAN. That's why Batman always beats him.

This is why they are arch enemies. The Joker is aware of Batman's methods and works to outmanuever him. Batman also studies The Joker's actions and recognises which were feints and distractions, and which were clues to his REAL plan. A master strategist hero and master strategist villain, using the same methods of misdirection and theatricality to succeed.

...but no, people are all "Joker is Batman's opposite because he's truly insane, and a force of chaos lol".

No. Just... no.

The arrogance of idiots like you is astounding.

You've been baiting into acting like a retard. Accept it and leave with some measure of dignity.

Not specifying, implying all, then specifying for another. You're a hypocrite.

Your hypocrisy was called out and you can't deal with it. It happens. Move on.

And you're either a moron who can't read properly, or you're a political shitposter with low forethought who got pulled into demonstrating this. Either way, I don't envy your position.

Literally any human being who is not retarded would understand what the first post is saying, and would not feel the need to post some "whut abutt islam!" shit.

>And you're

Finally admitting you're a hypocrite. At last.

Yeah, but, like, not everyone with a mental condition like ASD is dangerous and needs to go in an asylum.

The irony here is that, by the rules you're establishing, you've admitted to being everything you've been accused of... and therefore clearing me of hypocrisy.

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I haven't admitted to any of your insults, but you admit to hypocrisy. That's good because it was obvious.

>I haven't admitted to any of your insults
You're trying to establish not responding to insults as admitting to them. And seeing as you didn't respond...

they why doesn't she just not watch it?

I did respond. I said I didn't admit to any of them. You didn't respond to being called a hypocrite because you are one.

I'm boycotting this movie. This is Ghostbusters 2016 all over again, but from the other side

Because she needs money from leftists praising her and rightists getting angry.

She's not going to. Are you?


Can't wait for jojo rabbit personally.
That's gonna be a whole new shitshow.

Just saying, you kinda have.

So, he didn't address your insult of hypocrite, just accused you of being something worse. And then you said this is an admission of hypocrisy, without addressing his insult. Which by your logic means you're admitting to what he's accusing you of.

This entire conversation is kinda hilarious.


>This entire conversation is kinda hilarious.

Glad the bait's entertaining somebody

...And you didn't respond to being called what you are, and apparently that by your standards means admitting to them. So, you are in fact a moron and a shitposter who is being intentionally obtuse.

And this is why trying to create stupid logical hoops instead of arguing authentically is a poor idea.

Technically, they aren't granted citizenship upon birth if they're born via illegals.

This was stated as such during the signing of the 14th.

Eitherway, it'd be stupid to grant citizenship to people just because someone from elsewhere decided to plop one out here. Rife for exploitation.

The only rot here is you, you glorified slime mold.

I did respond. I said I didn't admit to them. But you still haven't denied being a hypocrite because you are one.
>logical hoops
Pointing out the obvious isn't a logical loop

>I did respond.
You responded as much as I did, as in you quoted the post but did not address the accusation at all. Hence, by your own logic, you are a moron and intentionally obtuse shitposter, hence nullifying the idea that your opponent id a hypocrite.

It might be alright if they actually followed this stuff through American Psycho style. But they always seem to want the protagonist to be likeable.
The problem with this style of arguing is that—even if you win—you still look like an autist.

Oof, you just caught yourself up in your own definition of guilt.

That one will be fine, its Taika Waititi being eccentric. Unless the movie actually calls for neoNazi violence, or Neonazis start adopting it, its harmless.

In the case of the Joker, the alt-right are adopting it the way the SJWs adopted Ghostbusters 2016. I hope there is no actual shooting, but I'm not ruling it out, especially since people are now serious about going to Rachel, Nevada to see aliens. The only way to respond this unironic insanity is to treat it with rationality. Which is why I am openly boycotting the Joker movie.

This whole discussion of semantics is pointless.

It should be obvious that isn't referring to any of the groups mentioned as a monolith. As soon as you try to pretend otherwise, you've started arguing poorly.

If the poster started lying and pretending to trick people there's no reason to believe their accusations.

>The problem with this style of arguing is that—even if you win—you still look like an autist.

Better an autist than a hypocrite

>Oof, you just caught yourself up in your own definition of guilt.

I'm not guilty of anything

If he wasn't referring to them as a monolith then he should have just said Muslims instead of Muslim fundamentalists as that wouldn't be saying they are a monolith. He's a hypocrite.

>I'm not guilty of anything
Well, I mean, that's not what your previous statements would indicate. Are you not willing to let the same rules you apply to others apply to you? That seems a bit hypocritical.

Again, this is why arguing like this doomed to fail, and why everyone seems to have easily noticed the logical mistake you've made.

>In the case of the Joker, the alt-right are adopting it the way the SJWs adopted Ghostbusters 2016.
I have seen no evidence to support this other than people asserting it.

Eh, when you ask someone to literally be more specific like you did, they're obviously going to be more specific. You've essentially tried to spin normal conversational writing style as signs of hypocrisy, and it's pretty clear. And because you've been arguing in bad faith, you've gotten yourself into this ridiculous semantic trap.

That's not really how people talk.

>Admit to baiting
>More people take it

Why am I wasting my time like this? Good night. our movie/ up joker/

It may seem like Yea Forums is ironically joking about adopting the Joker, but a joke can only go so far. The New Zealand shooter took this shit too seriously, and people now want to go to Rachel, Nevada to see aliens. So fuck it - I reject this movie, the way I rejected Ghostbusters 2016.

Since when did joker ever rape? Wasn’t he more of a murdering type?

>he never read The Killimg Joke

What a sensitive soul.

He didn’t rape Barbara though

It was implied.

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>I don't want to watch a man's slow descent into madness because it hurts my feeling
>i don't want to treat the problem either i just want to complain
one media doesn't influence people to violence
and two, Get out of your parents basement.

Not even Barbara mentions rape and she was awake for everything that happened to her

Like I said, its implied. Its a way of storytelling - Barbara dies not have to ouright say it. All we need is the Commish looking at the photos of his daughter.

This movie wasn't made for you, Rachel Miller.

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The media also does not influence people to change their genders or to be feminazis.

Buh buh buh it doesn't count when they do it.

>It may seem like Yea Forums is ironically joking about adopting the Joker,
That is what it looks like, yes.

>The New Zealand shooter took this shit too seriously
There are people on /pol/ who take that rhetoric seriously and before the shooting there was evidence and posts of people taking that rhetoric seriously.
I am not seeing anyone taking this rhetoric seriously at all.

>the way I rejected ghostbusters 2016
I didn't watch that movie because it looked and sounded like it was crap and from what everyone's said about it who has seen it: that's exactly what it was.

>I am not seeing anyone taking this rhetoric seriously at all.

Give it time. All ot takes is the one idiot to go into a theatre with a weapon to make a statement.

>looked and sounded like it was crap and from what everyone's said about it who has seen it: that's exactly what it was.

>Ghostbusters 2016 looked and sounded like it was crap and from what everyone's said about it who has seen it: that's exactly what it was.

I don't disagree. That was the other reason why I boycotted it. I mentioned my main reason for boycotting it was that SJWs were treating the movie like it was a godsend to feminism amd the men who didn't want to see it did so "because they were chauvinists". Overnight James Rolfe has his reputation ruined and his name dragged in the mud because he did not want to see the movie. But his reason was nostalgia. But the SJWs didnt care.

It is on this same orinciple that I will be boycotting the Joker movie. Regardless of what critics or journalists say about it, the alt-right are going to make the movie fit their worldview. And some idiot is going to take it too far.

It doesn't, whats your point?

You are not wrong, but how the hell did one single comic book character got so many people going crazy?
This are just funny books, why are people putting so much meaning on pop culture? Even creators are trying to do that now.
But not this movie, for WB is just a product. As it should be, and admitedly pretentious product, but a product nonetheless.
(Hmmm, could Disney be behind this drama? Try to undercut the competence? They are known to play dirty.)

>Give it time. All ot takes is the one idiot to go into a theatre with a weapon to make a statement.
That isn't evidence that people are taking it seriously. I'm not convinced that's what's going to happen and, with all due respect - you haven't given me any reason to think that's what people are doing now.

> Overnight James Rolfe has his reputation ruined and his name dragged in the mud because he did not want to see the movie.
I honestly felt more respect for him because he stuck to his guns and his opinions and didn't back down. They whined, bitched and complained. He was proven right and didn't change his mind. I'd argue he made them look foolish. Not the other way around.

>but how the hell did one single comic book character got so many people going crazy?
>people becoming psychopaths who kill people with laughing gas
What is wrong with you niggas
The new zealand faggot deliberately stated he wanted to start a war between the left and the right so he went around spouting anything he could to make others look bad, how do you not know this he wrote a damn manifesto.

>I don't want to understand why people do terrible things and how to reduce the risk and keep them from going that far, I just want to hate them.

109846376 #
The world desires to be tyranted over. Buying Hitler's paintings when he was young wasn't some complicated math society couldn't solve. Don't you feel your own skull's desire to be broken in like a rock in a rock crusher? Don't you feel a cathartic release when you hear a glass bottle in a recycler?

I might sound like an incel or an idiot or some sort of sheltered hermit but I go outside everyday and ask the public why they are the way they are and they act like what I suspect are magically shape-shifted scared animals afraid to exhibit intelligence. People act like scared animals too afraid to live or die. Everyday I go out into the real world, though I am sure you consider the workplace the real world, as artificial as it obviously is, and I speak these very same topics in public. Rich neighborhood parks poor neighborhood trains, spoken calmly and eloquently well-being though emphatic demeanor, wearing no malice on my face, and the bodies stare back, blank and scared, like asians, or you try.

you've convinced me, all this time i thought no one could be retarded enough to take cartoon violence seriously but the faggots in this thread and you especially have finally convinced me that there are a group people so stupid they actually want to be enslaved.
The cure is simple you should kys, kys so no one has to suffer through your idiotic choices, if you're so stupid you need massa to help you think removing yourself from the world can only be a net positive

>i dont want

Then don't watch it. Fuck these retards all need to be hung. Im over it. We need to purge all the libtards.

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>I don't want a narrative line to be drawn between mental illness and mass murder.

and this is why america will never get over mass shootings, if you don't treat the mentally ill they will in some cases escalate and do really fucking crazy shit because surprise fucking surprise there not thinking logically or are delusional...

Studies I've come across, one way or another, state that only about a third of shooters are/were mentally ill.

>1/3 not a statistically viable number
>These studies know if the mass shooter was mentally ill when most of em shoot their own brain out

So basically they don't want to face reality. This rant describes an actual person who exists or could exist.

The line "I don't want to have sympathy" is ludicrous because you don't just sprout sympathy out of nowhere.

dey jus por oprezed peepol now gibs dem dat money

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This is the first time I will pay attention to anything capeshit

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>In the case of the Joker, the alt-right are adopting it the way the SJWs adopted Ghostbusters 2016

Spend less time on the internet man. To the entire real world it is a comic book movie.

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>only about a third of shooters are/were mentally ill.
How in the fuck can you post that in a reply as if its a refutation of my point? if you can cut down mass death by a fucking third as you state by actually giving the mentally ill the time of day is that not great fucking progress?
Or is it you don't give a shit actually and just want to use mass shootings as an excuse to push your own agenda?


i know its hard to face facts when the thing you want to believe in turns out to be false but you just gotta cope

>Be Reagan
>Get shot by mentally ill stalker
>defund national mental health centers

Yeah, except The Joker has existed for nearly a century.

"A" Joker has existed for nearly a century.
"We live in a Society" Joker is a very new phenomena.

As I said, dilate, tranny.

sounds like someone is on their period.

So you're agreeing with him that we need to help the mentally ill.

We do live in a society.
My point being that to take The Joker, of all people, and claim he is somehow representative of America is ludicrous because many of his traits have been present since his inception.

lets get them bright costumes and foam swords to run around with so they are easy to spot.

I'm all for helping all ill people. The Government on the other hand is all for mouthing platitudes for all types of illness.
We also need to close the methods for diagnosed mentally ill people to acquire guns while on a list that would deny them those guns.

The psychiatric care community is always boostering for better funding/support, there are a lot of people in need of help. A very tiny percentage of them do more than self-harm (certainly not 25%), and better mental care won't cut down on shootings in any meaningful way.
Most people shoot because they are super-pissed.
Unfortunately we have a thriving cottage industry in pissing people off for ratings/views/clicks.

Something something incel.

I didn't take the character and make him a social outcast/professional/romantic failure who shoots people out of despair.
That was WB. Joker has always been this stylish gangster/arch-criminal who luvs Bats and pulls boners.

voluntary celibate. Women are trash.

Joker is and always has been a social outcast.

That has never been a fundamental aspect of Joker's character in the 20th century.
He's a dangerous rogue. Generally pretty stylish on top of that. Often in the company of many in the Gotham villainous community. Known for having large gangs of loyal henchmen and often even a crazy girl.

He's not some emaciated victim living with his mother and taking the bus.

You don't think there's got to be SOMETHING a little wrong with you to open fire on a crowd? That's not just 'acting out'. Have you ever handled a gun?

People do all sorts of shit for little more than road rage. Hurt their own families. Fuck up their neighbor's shit over pettiness.
People have a lot of problems.
That doesn't make them all clinically insane.

people just pretend that other people have no real interest in violence despite the ages of genghis kahn and such. why have immersion in it. it's all used for some daft political purpose

Jokers comic origins were that he was a washed up comedian who turned to crime to make ends meet for his family only to have them die in an accident and batman to dunk him into a vat of chemicals in an abandoned joke factory.
Jokers backstory has always been a down and out failure, all WB did here was put a 21st century spin on his origins.
Instead of being a widowed, washed up failure hes a mentally ill social reject.

TDK is the only time Joker's mother is mentioned, not WB.

Clearly everyone has their own take on the character.

>I don't want to watch
>I don't want to watch
>I don't want to watch
>I don't want to be shown

Well, maybe just don't fucking watch the movie?

There's a lot of films out there that I don't think should have been made because they were garbage for several reasons but I'm not gonna write paragraphs about why society should change or some dumb shit.

Just don't watch movies that you're not interested in. Is it that fucking hard?

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"Think of the mentally ill!" is the NRA-approved talking point for doing Nothing (except buy more guns, goy).

>Jokers comic origins were that he was a washed up comedian who turned to crime to make ends meet for his family only to have them die in an accident and batman to dunk him into a vat of chemicals in an abandoned joke factory.
That's ONE comic book in the last century.
Alan Moore has not been accredited as having written the canon Joker origin story.

Or giving a gun to a schizo who has voices telling them to kill people is generally a very bad idea.

Half the traffic on Yea Forums is driven by posts about movies they have no intention of watching.
It's not extra-upsetting when its a DC movie.

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>TL;DR: Batman and Joker are just Sherlock and Moriarty

That's stupid lol


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that is just what the voice in your head tells you.

then why the fuck do you fucking care if another backstory to yet another incarnation of a decades old character isn't the one you personally like?

There are laws against that, majority of shooters get their guns illegally

Well, for one thing, it's really hard to diagnose schizoids in a brief transactional settijng. They usually aren't painted up as edgy clowns or half half their faces burnt off.
The legislation that no one outside of the House will touch makes it illegal to bypass the background check by selling online/privately.

That's it.

You can very legally acquire guns online or at shows with no checks.

source i can use some guns

I'm not using Google for you. It's clear you don't have a clue how guns are acquired, what the laws around them restrict, or how active shooter crazies get ahold of them.

Doesn't prevent you from being a Loud Expert on the topic tho, clearly.

>can't prove anything
>its not my place to educate you
game set and match thank you for playing

I have court documented evidence that you are the product of incest.

Your thick wall of willful ignorance has thwarted me again!

Right wing
>the most important thing is the economy as fiscal success means progress towards higher general satisfaction. Life is unfair and that's a good thing. Also, we must secure the existence of Africans and a future for christian negro children.
>the most important thing is an almost spiritual value that inherently binds peoppe together based on their genetic proximity. The modern multicultural, multiethnic experiment is a trivial speck in human history and will prove to be a failure that causes more suffering than it prevents, especially to those closest to me. When certain groups of people have been historically and consistently unprofitable and destruction to a nation without evidence of change, the question of race must be examined with an open mind.
>the most important thing is ensuring that nobody is ever criticized for sticking their penis inside another man's shithole. Also, the government should give them free STD checks.

You have my permission to post links to it.

Post a website then nigga.
Oh wait you can't

>Right Wing
>We must secure the existence of Africans
Had to stop reading there, tears of laughter.

This. A fictional character is not the spokesperson for any movement, clique, or emo chimpanzee.


this but unironically
Or really any private sales listing.

>A fictional character is not the spokesperson for any movement, clique, or emo chimpanzee.

>Implying Pepe doesn't count

Attached: 0e9.jpg (499x499, 26K)

>free ar-15 guns
Uh huh, are you sure you're not being mocked

Attached: free.png (965x774, 611K)

Armslist does a shit-ton of business, and that guy is clearly interested in a trade of some sort.

He only counts until he's given his own show.

Fuck you

Its a Craigslist for guns. Are there a % of people up to some silly shit? Of course.
Can you buy a gun directly from a private citizen with zero background check? Absolutely.

Man every black guys evil in you guy's world huh?

Black Guy: Hello officier I need help getting my car started. I was just wondering if you could help.

Good Guy Cop:(What are these niggerisms? "Hello"? Must be gang talk.) *Twitches*

Black Guy: You okay man? *Backs away*


Black Guy: I don't have a g

Brave Hero Cop: *FIRES WEAPON*

Dead Bad man:

The Hero the City Deserves: I feared for my life.

Probably should have included names.

>email them
>ask for verification with drivers license, private information, and credit card number
this isnt nearly as fucking easy as you assholes make it out to be

>roastie doesn't want to admit that maybe she's done things wrong

They are selling firearms user, not t-shirts.
No one claimed it was "click paypal, gun is in the mail".
The pertinent fact is that you generally need no background check to buy there.

Ok then don't send the dangerous ones there.

>I fucking hate the 2010s

Only 4 months more to go then

You guys raise a fair point. I guess we'll just have to see a month from now.

>He was proven right and didn't change his mind. I'd argue he made them look foolish. Not the other way around

That is not how History will remember it. I use Reuters factiva, and the dominant news outlets painted James Rolfe to be a misogynist. There's a chance, decades from now, that James might be remembered in history as being a contrarian who disliked a feminist movie. It bothers me tono end and makes me hope James is not only vindicated, but remembered for something far greater in the future

The point is not just his agenda or his manifesto, the point is that he took all this shitposting too seriously. The joke can only last so long.

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The black people didn't shoot because they thought that other races needed to be exterminated, they did it because they were in gangs and wanted to kill other gangs. But I guess motivation doesn't matter when you hate niggers this much

I need this movie, it empowers me. I never complained about Black Panther, Wonder Woman, or Captain Marvel so I think it's time you gave me this moment.

>Thinking Oscar buzz is a bad idea

Aww you hurt ladderbro

Hes already been vindicated and no one cares about the accusation since the movie shat the bed and a new movie ignoring it is out. No one is still harassing him.

>implying this shit will get nominated, let alone win an Oscar

He's only been vindicated by the failure of the movie. And, considering , AVGN only matters to the people who watch him on the internet/youtube, aka a niche crowd. To the real world, the people who only read newspapers and watch majornews outlets, James Rolfe will only be known as the misogynist who didn't like the Ghostbusters movie. Even if no one is harassing him, at this point of time, if youa re going to look for news clippings that mention AVGN, or James Rolfe, there is more about him seeming to be a misogynist than on his work as AVGN.

That fact bothers me to no end.

Batfags a little sensitive to the truth? You can’t have a character who regularly pouts and cries about the same damn thing every time and not have him considered a pussy.

Then again if Tom Kings popularity in comics has anything to say about it, accurately reflecting mental illness is not the comics industry’s strong suit

And where are these articles and major outlets? Everyone only talks about his show, in fact bloody disgusting did one for his halloween picks. I looked up recent stuff and all i see is that article and a few reddit posts talking about him being tired of the show.

That should be going to their own legal citizens, not subsidizing the health of illegal ones

Like I said, Factiva.

Its a commercial product but if you work for a university or a analytics firm, you cna get access to it. I decided to search for james rolfe/avgn's name in it, and found more results about his ghistbusters video, and journalists criticisng him, than anything about his work as AVGN.

If everyone talks his show recently, its only the outlets the niche audience (or nerds) who follow. The mainstream outlets are the ones most people read and, in the public consciousness, that is the image of AVGN will endure.


I recently got a new handgun from someone on armslist. Only had to validate e-mail.
Of course we traded in person and wasn't any different than any other private sale through craigslist or a classified ad or something like that. Nice guy though.

>but with the troubled reality of unintended consequences.
Lol yeah right, otherwise Tony would have gotten worse shit than what he did for his actions and almost all the people who are pissed at him for one reason or another end up as villains.

Typically nothing is purely environmental or genetic, but requires both.

We should take responsibility for a society that is harmful and is the catalyst to create people who do horrible things.

We should also take care, that in mass-media we not stereotype vulnerable groups, such as people with mental problems being killers {or insert whatever harmful stereotype you can imagine. Most people are pretty stupid in this regard and seem to easily lump all "bad" attributes together, eg: homosexual or transsexual are every sexual sin they're aware of despite completely different reasons for each of them and there not being any commonality aside from Judaeo-Christian sin}.

Sure, they SHOULD, but most people WON'T. So before you fix this flaw in the general population, take responsibility for what bad ideas you feed them.
It's not about extremists on any side, it's about most people being stupid, and good luck fixing that. I mean it should be undertaken, but it's a monumental task.

Not all ideas are equal. Some are a lot more acceptable than others.

How is Joker an incel when he gets bitches like Harley Quinn fawning all over his dick? Also in one of the trailers for this new movie he's making out with Zazie Beets.

we live in a society

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