Russian minister of culture: if you read comics as an adult you are fat and stupid

>Russia's culture minister says adults who read comic books are "squalid." Vladimir Medinsky insists comics are intended for children of 7-8 years, who are learning to read: "for an adult to read comics is to admit that 'I am a moron, I read comics.'
>“I generally don't like comics - it's like chewing gum, it's not food. The comic is aimed at a child who is just learning to read, but to an adult to read comics seems to me squalor, ”Mr Medinsky said.
>Agency “Moscow” quotes the minister in a different way: “For an adult to read comics is to admit that“ I am a moron, I read comics ”. It’s probably possible to collect them, it’s fun, but don’t read it. ” It is clarified that the Minister of Culture opposed the creation of comics dedicated to historical events.
>The statement was made at the opening of the 32nd Moscow International Book Fair, which takes place from September 4 to 8 at VDNH.

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Other urls found in this thread:лeниe_PoccииПpoдoлжитeльнocть_жизни_в_Poccии

Not a "moron": he said "debil", implying someone mentally deficient, not just stupid.
>This from a guy who said Russians are superior because they have the 47th chromosome

He's 100% right. And watching cartoons is even worse

Mudinsky actually champions patriotic propaganda cartoons though

Where's the lie though?

>culture minister
What the fuck does that even mean?

Vladimir Putin himself has responded to the comic controversy

his response:


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"I have been promoted to head of meaningless office by great and terrible Putin! Please to taking me seriously!"

Pick one, only one.

comic can be much more than kiddie shit tho, it's not the medium but rather the content created in it's boundaries, for example, BLAST is a mature ( in the sense that it adress mature theme such as depression, suicide and the complexity of the human relationships) comic, the problem with nowadays comic is that the publisher take the audience for dumber than they are, and so they publish subpar story but with the mandatory banter and action scenes.

>be Russian
>be autistic

I'd rather be autistic than subhuman.

>minister of culture
Imagine having a population retarded enough for something so blatant to exist. At least in the US we have to disguise it as independent media channels so people don't catch on.

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Ha cocaч быдлo

>was once mighty rival to USA
>now not even in top 10 of worlds largest economies

Oh Russia


Russia is always trying to turn their kids into robots

> ultra right mafismo state based around a masculine strongman does not approve of people enjoying childish things

Russia is a country that borders on being a failed state. It's economy is on the same level of Italy's (it will never properly recover from the collapse of the USSR) that's basically had to cultivate an image of extreme masculinity in order to make up for its growing levels of poverty, drug addiction and crime.

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That's why russians do the mature thing and chug vodka on a playground all day

He is a Jew who plagiarized his dissertation and is busy writing shitty propaganda books on topics like "Stalin did nothing wrong" and "Western Europe has sucked since the very beginning of its history". Fuck his opinion.

What is with these old, out-of-touch caucasian idiots and their "anything drawn/animated is for kids" shtick? This stodgy-ass mindset's been going on since the 1950's. They need to be shown some shit with a waifu they like, then told the same thing. Watch how fucking quickly they elevate that particular title/show to "for all ages". Unrelated, but similar, My dad always berated me for liking video games (80's kid, so, yeah, games have always been a thing for my generation, and parents were just perplexed) and said comic books were for kids...then when I was 16, I saw some doodles on the border of a newspaper section that he'd thrown into the wastepaper basket. May he rest in piece, Captain Uptight was doing doodles of Goofy!! Anyone ever get the feeling the deriders actually LIKE animation/comics/videogames, but are ASHAMED, and feel that they would be seen as immature by the somewhat emotionally/imagination-stunted old men in their peer group, who hold the mentality of "Fun is for children, adulthood is all seriousness"?

We already had this thread. It's clear the man is an idiot.

Did the other thread finally fall off the board?

>Amerimutt criticizing anyones culture.

>It’s probably possible to collect them, it’s fun, but don’t read it.
What's that for a retarded take?

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Ministries of culture are not rare or weird, user.
Most of modern first world countries have them.

Except for burgerlard, I guess

It's mostly about allocating funds to museums abd art galleries, plus embezzling money by 'sponsoring' movies nobody will atch.

It's still a moronic opinion.

gr8 b8 m8

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>Russia's culture minister says,
They don't like comics because they just don't get it. Thus, everyone should be forced to feel the same... Pathetic and predictable.

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>>Russia's culture minister says
>Chernobyl was result of CIA tampering, not shitty Soviet engineering
>Stalin was great man, did nothing wrong
>all of Europe is Hitler
>KGB good boys, did nothing wrong
>Stasi did not exist, is western propaganda
>Gulags not exist, is western propaganda
>Holodomor did not happen, shitty Ukranian peasants are liars
>Vodka good for health, drink 1 litre every day

Other than Stasi and Vodka, I believe Medinsky did say all that stuff, actually.
Also, "Russians are a superior people because of an extra chromosome".

Hello, time traveller. How is the life in good old 1997?

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Basically. Books are propably the most brainlet form of media because in order to understand them you only have to know how to analyze words. With comics, you also have to know how to analyze pictures, so they require more knowledge to understand them. People only praise books as the peak of intelligence because they have been around for longer and because a wall of text is much more intimidating than a picture

>It’s probably possible to collect them, it’s fun, but don’t read it
Is the nigga really implying that hoarding comics but not reading them is okay?

what's up with that huge dip in 1995?

all the social weight and disaster of 1990's have culmitated then.


>275% of all babies aborted

Someone was butthurt enough to post statistics straight from propaganda sources. Christ almighty.

Reverse capitalism bull trap

back then they had half of europe to leech from

Great job, Yea Forums! You must proceed to hate Russia. Carry on, go...guys.


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You see Jimmy, only our way of life is wholesome, pure and correct and therefore we must cherish and protect it. That is why our media is infinitely better than those of everyone else, they never lie,

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If Russia wants to be admired, it should do something worth admiring.
So far we've got a culture minister saying
>Things I no like are objectively trash
Which isn't very inspiring

We have an old tradition here in Russia - the ministry of culture goes to the most retarded man in the whole country. The second most retarded man takes the ministry of education.

>from Propaganda sources
Probably, but without any sort of citation, he could have just made them himself

Maybe he should worry about the 50,000 protestors at his doorstep rather than comics.

It is from this guy. Russian blogger who has been spot on the issue of russian demographics for the last decade. His articles are filled with every bit of info that I as a russian shill need to fight off the anti-russian retards that sites like these are so filled with.

>see out abortion is decline haha
>Manage to be higher than US, or Authority might as well turn their eyes away
>life expectancy manage to be lower than literally lot of third world even than my third world hole
>Lower abortion cause no population increase

they were all siamese twins and triplets due to radiation mutation

>275% of all babies aborted
Literally how? Russians must've went into fucking overdrive just to spite babies

hi Anatoly, how's your buddy Richard Spencer doing?
Still think it's 'diversity' that's dragging Russia down?

Here you can see Karlin talk in his own words, refuting his critics, by calling them illiterate

It's fucking cold over there. You gotta stay warm some how.

>rational wiki
Holy shit, I knew this board is a left wing/liberal containment board but this is just plain pathetic.

I am russian myself, you mong.
He took it from here most likely, or any other similar website:лeниe_PoccииПpoдoлжитeльнocть_жизни_в_Poccии
The website is basically handbook for propagantist, but most of the sources are either other propaganda sites/literature or complete bullshit. Best case the source is federal statistics service, which is.. fine, but I personally would take with a grain of salt.

Americans don't have a ministry of culture
Because they have no culture other then murder and child molestation

Russia's policy since Putin was installed seems to be "If we can't win, we'll just make everyone else lose harder than us."

so post a better source Karlin

fuck off pony horsefucker

>ultra right
lol no
>its growing levels of poverty, drug addiction and crime.
All 3 have been in steady decline for almost 20 years
>It's economy is on the same level of Italy's
Only nominally, Purchasing Power Parity is on the level of Germany, making it 6th in the world
PPP also shows China as the largest economy in the world, which it is

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>the virgin karlino
>the chad rationalwiki
Go cry about it on /the_donald

>Americans don't have a ministry of culture
Because Hollywood etc is doing just fine on it's own, doesn't need the government shilling it.
Also, the majority of popular movies and music are made in the USA
>b-b-but popular doesn't mean good
And modern Russian art is neither good nor popular, at least when people see American art, they recognise it.

>It is clarified that the Minister of Culture opposed the creation of comics dedicated to historical events.

There's the problem. He doesn't want comics because most Russian comics/games/film usually tend to be introspective and take inspiration from the shitty things they did in the past and you can't have that now can we? Hurr Russia stronk

>other propaganda sites/literature
When the stats are bad like in case of the AIDS epidemic or data from a decade ago then they are 100% honest
When the stats are good that means they are fixing the numbers and muh propaganda machine

No one denies that goods in Russia, like lives, are cheap as shit

Well he is a Jew, probably doesn't want anyone digging up nasty facts about the Cheka and NKVD
And God forbid people find out Yakov Sverdlovs ethnicity

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what about the visual art in the comics?
he might as well say you're a retard for going into art museums because only children enjoy books with pictures in them

The last refuge of a scoudrel

>Implying the Government doesn't meddle in Hollywood all the fucking time
>Hollywood "culture"
>American "art"
>Popular things = good
Dios Mio

Dick measuring for American satraps
Useless for measuring quality of life or military capability

>b-b-but popular doesn't mean good
>muh obscure russian nasal fluting is the height of culture!

As expected

>Stalin was great man, did nothing wrong
That one's true tho

Shred that strawman, Johnny

>Period of high abortions
>Less people getting abortions next generation
Oh wow it's like that's how it works or something.

Why do any of you care what some Ivan says about comics?


Why do you all seem like a bunch of meaningless cunts whose only purpose is making Putin feel good? Pinocchio was more of a real boy than most of you cyka blats.

Which is why it's in percentages and not raw numbers, dumbass

Westerners are more obsessed about Putin then Russians

Yea Forums is full of homos so they get triggered every time Russia is mentioned

Since Putin? That's American education for you. That was our motto for at least 800 years.

Because Putin makes you feel bad mostly. We just keeping him to spite you.

>cutting off your nose to spite some ither guy's face

Yeah, that's Russia alright

>be Russians, be invaded more than your average nation through history
>those invasion always beign especially brutal
>shit, we need security and stability fast
>cue in autocracy and veneration of the ruler as a personification of security and social stability
>500 years later still the same societal and governmental formula is in place and it works for them

And then they have to deal with Americans online who drivel about their Individuality and cargo cult of Progres solely for Progres sake.

I'm still trying to figure out what that fucking retard brain graph even means by the percentages. Is it abortions in relation to live births? So in 2017 for every 2~ births would there be an aborted fetus? And in the 60s were there 2 aborted babies for every live child?

That is the worst graph I've seen since fucking secondary school.

If my interpretation is correct, that isn't exactly something to laud, JUST managing to only kill off 1/3 children on purpose is hilarious as a brag of progress.

Note how they all rise and drop in almost the exact same pattern, almost as if the deaths aren't going reported over a certain quota.

>I may be under the yoke of slavery, but at least it was made domestically.
Go back to drowning your sorrows in vodka, Vlad.

All world to dust.

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They quite clearly vary over the years, while the overall pattern remains the same
Almost like there was a stable Government and a windfall of Oil money that allowed them to recover in the early 2000s

>did nothing wrong
Hold it right there commie


The nosedive that happened since the end of the 90s IS impressive, and if the trend continues that will mean they finally ended a half a century long problem

>Eurofags need the state to tell them what kind of culture to consume

Thank god I don't live with you buffoons.

Shut the fuck up KULAK

>involuntarily calls his countrymen autistic

It's too bad Russia doesn't have any comics people want to read, like the US, France and Japan does.

>his country removes great works of it's literature from the school curriculum because the book contains the word "nigger"


US and Japan*

It is good there is no Tsar
It is good there is not Russia
And it's good that God's not here

Only yellow rising dawn
Only icy stars above
And the eons passing by

It is good that there is no one
It is good that nothing left
It's so black and dead in here

That it never will be blacker
And could never deader be
No one has the means to help us

And there is no need to help.

>he only get's exposed to culture in the classroom and state mandated bullshit

Bro, American's consume culture voluntarily, they don't need some shitty government to tell them it's good or bad. If the Government says it's bad in the first place, we take extra interest in it. Europe hasn't had an impact on world culture in the past 50 years, and that's being generous. Why else do you think all of your precious "European cultural elite" ends up moving to the United States?

This really smacks of old Soviet propaganda that American culture is decadent.

good grief that is depressing

In the context of when it was written it was pretty depressing:

Thank God there is no Tsar
Thank God there is no Russia
Thank God there is no God

Only a jaundiced twilight
Only hoary stars
Only illimitable years

Thank God there is no one
Thank God there is nothing
So dark, so dead

It could not be deader
Shall never be darker
No one to help us
And no need to help

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Enjoy watching your grandkids read Stan Lee in school instead of Twain or Hemingway

Russia has no international pull to speak of other than being one of the most notorious practitioners of communism sending most people to gulag. That being said, mutt comics sell like ass outside the States, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this was directed to those reading manga.

I've never learned English professionally so to speak. But every time I read this official translation I want to the find the translator that did it and murder him slowly. There are good translators, like the guy who translated most of Pratchett's books in Russian, and then there is this guy.

Russia has international pull in Belarus and Kyrgyzstan

Manga readers in Russia would probably first murder the minister before they give up reading it.

>forgetting about the most watched YouTube non music video

Anglos are shitting their pants
>Children’s show is propaganda for Putin, say critics

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Frankly, they could read diddly shit in school if they wanted to.
It's not the school's job to teach them about culture, it's a person own responsibility to educate themselves about things they don't need for a job.

You got a point
It does sound a lot better in Russian

And what did you thought it would be saying considering the picture? Story of fluffy rabbits running over a meadow?

America has hundreds of different cultures, it doesn't need a federal bureaucracy enforcing one particular culture

>America has no culture

drinking overpriced shit that passes for a coffee, worshiping everything Marvel churns out, driving electric cars, vaping and eating avocado toast is not culture.

Just like the founding fathers intended


what about culture of gettin shot, even when one is a corpse


Zero Hedge is a batshit insane Austrian school finance blog run by two pseudonymous founders who post articles under the name "Tyler Durden," after the character from Fight Club. It's essentially apocalypse porn. It has accurately predicted 200 of the last 2 recessions.[citation NOT needed]

My two year old watches that shit on Netflix all the time. It's pretty harmless outside of Masha being kind of a little shit.

Fuck you Tintin is awesome.

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Spank me, pls. And let me lick your karate feet.

>One project that had enormous DOD support was Man of Steel – the first film in the DC Extended Universe. However, when Phil Strub first read the script he thought it was terrible, that ‘we could never work on this stupid thing’. The Army’s ELO reports from that time first record their involvement in Man of Steel in February 2011 but it took six months of negotiations for the DOD to approve support. They reviewed the script multiple times, sending it back for further revisions throughout March and April. In the end the only support the Army provided was some vehicles for a scene filmed at Edwards Air Force base, but in exchange they rewrote the script multiple times.

>It’s probably possible to collect them, it’s fun, but don’t read it.
Well, seems like your average VARIANT-COVER-loving Comicbook Nerd that keeps shit Mint is still in the clear while parents reading something to be informed about what their kids read is not. Good to know.

You are nothing but a braindead cow, just waiting to be slaughtered.

Head of the propaganda machine

>hundreds of different cultures
Not its own. All come from migrants who being them in. The US itself has no culture except mass shootings by neo-nazis/bullied faggots and sending aid and their people to die for our interests in the mid east.

>Why else do you think all of your precious "European cultural elite" ends up moving to the United States?
So they can make easy money off your people?

>Stalin was great man, did nothing wrong
He really is.
>muh 20 million
All those were enemies of the state and the revolution. Everyone who dares step out of line needs to executed together with their entire bloodline

He is right but i am not stopping reading comics

at last, a loyal comrade!

I hope we can ship off all of our Marveltards to the gulag. We will pay good money too.

>It’s probably possible to collect them, it’s fun, but don’t read it

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Who gives a shit about what some old ass russian bureaucrat says, he's probably just fucking mad that Mosfilm isn't raking in billions of dollars in capeshit money

Based russians.

>i'm superior because I got 47 chromosomes
Yeah that's how genetics works m8

Cкaжитe yжe фopчeдeбилaм чтo peчь шлa пpo иcтopичecкиe cyкa кoмикcы, чтoбы их пoпoбoль oт кeйпшитa yтихлa нaхyй и oни зaткнyлиcь co cвoим "LOL HE'S RIGHT XDDD"

Since we're gonna have this thread non-stop for the next 6 months, could we at least talk about lubki prints and how they are one of the most clear predecessors to comics?
It's been years since I read it but I don't remember Scott McCloud talking about them, and they are pretty comic-y as far as I can tell.

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Turkey got impaled!

Sadly the radical left controls media and education in the US.

Having 47 chromosomes gives you down syndrome, you retard.

Usa doesnt have a minister of culture? Jesus fucking christ.

Who cares? These faggots are borderline third world now. Fuck 'em.

Nope. Instead it has a Veterans Affairs because of the many casualties the US suffers for being Israel's Foreign Legion.

Thats not what a ministry of culture does shit for brains.

Thought police in current Russia’s case.

>purges all his generals right before the Germans invade
>purges all the doctors right before he has a stroke

>Yea Forums is so full of Putin cocksuckers that they'll literally bend over backwards, even go so far as to call themselves "fat and stupid," just to defend Russia
Have some self-respect.

But europeans are fat and stupid.

Kill yourself you stupid ass ruskie bitch. Putin is a huge fag and so are you, now get on your knees and suck my dick, bitch.

But that isn't true, huckleberry finn and to kill a mocking bird are both part of US public school cirriculums and they have the word nigger in them.

We even read them outloud.

Why do you need to tell lies, Ruskie bitch? Because you feel so insecure about your awful country? Sad.

China is the true superpower and we are all its bitch. They are realizing they can't control us anymore so they are destroying the planet. Chads