This is the future of Captain Marvel, Wasp and Insomniac Spidey.
Say something nice about her!
This is the future of Captain Marvel, Wasp and Insomniac Spidey.
Say something nice about her!
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She's brapping all over those comics.
Hot, but they all deserve it.
Looks like a man in a wig
it is
If she makes her characters like her, Captain Marvel with no gag reflex will be canon
Are you Yea Forums people curious? Is she a trapster or what
The chin betrays xyr.
makes sense, they'd have more value as toilet paper
Nah, just Canadian.
Holy kek, man. This is hilarious.
If you have to state constantly that a character is strong or written well, chances are it isn’t. Same goes for people.
It’s like writers saying “my book is a modern classic!” when it is just published. Grandstanding, hoping that some fool or Gullible person is suckered into buying their product so they can laugh to the bank. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, you’ve officially become “that guy.”
Besides, they already got to Insomiac Spider-Man. The game is 90% good, but any section where you don’t play as Spider-Man, sucks. Especially Mary Jane’s because the writers forgot she’s not Lois Lane.
True, she does get information that Spider-Man could use, but geezus with the way she treats Spider-Man like her own personal Superman style saving device or backup parachute is absolutely wretched considering, I dunno, the fact the city is literally falling apart. And he is the only superhero that seems to care. At least Lois Lane was cocky because of literal years of investigative reporting and an award. Probably also took extensive classes on how to handle herself in dangerous situations. Lois would be a badass anywhere else but Supe’d up Metropolis. Mary Jane has... nothing.
Her stealth sections are ugh. Her detective skills are mediocre at best. And for once in all the Spider-Man media I’ve consumed, it made me think that Peter should ditch that bitch and go with Black Cat or Betty, or literally his own hand. The pussy cannot be that good to put up with her.
I wish they would go back to MJ the model or MJ the actress. Not every female needs a 300+ iq to be of value. Or have a meteoric rise at their work.
Besides, it feels nice for at least one aspect of Spider-man’s life not to suck all the time. But in that game, he could do so much better. She’s got a minor case of Andromeda face going on. It makes me wish they’d do Gwen Stacey except with MJ.
she looks totally insufferable.
Based and BRAPilled BRAPchad
She's just writing a miniseries aimed at children for IDW, not exactly high profile stuff. So why is this relevant, again?
>"oh my god Peter why do you treat me like a baby? I'm a strong independent woman and deserve to be your partner!"
>sneaks into a chop shop full of ruthless bikers and their nearly unlikable boss, two different places guarded by trigger-happy PMC's, and a Maggia gangster hangout with no escape plan or way of protecting herself
I loved that game, but fuck PS4 MJ.
Damn it, I meant unkillable
It's just the video game equivalent of a barroom joke that hackers do. Get over it.
He is kind of an asshole, though.
With a chin like that is has to be a tranny