>Steg was a callback to STEVEN AND THE STEVENS of all things
Steg was a callback to STEVEN AND THE STEVENS of all things
If gems have time travel tech then why didnt the diamonds go back in time to stop pink diamond from being shattered?
shhhhhhhhhhhh, all the broken as hell gem tech from the first 20 episodes when it was monster/gag of the week are never to be mentioned again, PEARL'S HEAD WAS STILL AN OVAL BACK THEN
Steven and the stevens is one the best bops of the series
I barely remember the first few episodes, what else has been forgotten? I only remember Rose's cannon.
All of Steven's timetravel only created a self-contained loop that destroyed itself.
You don't want to time travel if there's no guarantee that you will be the surviving timeline.
Canonically speaking, all that happened is that Steven picked up the hourglass for the first time, and then out of nowhere a million Stevens appeared, one of them broke the hourglass, and then they all melted. And that's all.
>"I learned to stay true to myself by watching myself diiiiieeee~"
It also has one of the best instances of steven being traumatized, of which there are MANY
the light cannons, weird haunted page thing, clothing possessing gem shards, the replicator wand, fire salt, the time travel hourglass, etc.
most aren't TOO bad, but the hourglass and replicator wand are notably powerful.
steven, and chris-chan and satan and mustard and the stevens
Steven and the Stevens also marks when the series started to get good. the next episodes are monster buddies(centipeedle), indirect kiss(first use of healing powers), and lapis parts 1 and 2
thanks for reminding of that awful fucking episode
Steven also developed a fear for his own morality when his Italian accented doppelganger turned into sand before his very eyes.
Someone add steven to the list
Reminder that steven canonically:
>fears death
>was nearly drowned by lapis
>watched a teenager die on an alien world
>has been punched in the face hard enough to draw blood
>watched a teenager die on an alien world
Wait WHAT?
What was the deal with that mural with Rose Quartz and the Diamond, or the temple? Or why didn't the Crystal Gems try freeing Lapis from the mirror?
The answer is that they didn't really plan any of the early shit out back then.
>he doesn't know about zombie lars
Oh, Lars, that's different. That was just Steven dabbling in necromancy, not being TRAUMATIZED.
Lars was the one being traumatized.
I've always wondered who the white gem on the right is
That mural makes them look cool
One of the best episodes
I think it’s supposed to be WD. Atleast before the properly revealed her
The tapestry that Garnet burned in Together Breakfast still hasn't been explained.
My personal headcanon is that a bunch of gems were shattered to the point of being pulverized into a fine powder that was then woven into the fabric of that tapestry, and that's why Garnet was bubbling the smoke coming off it as it burned.
Because the temple it was stored in was lost on some backwater planet that only rose out from the water for a short period of time every so many years and they were still too busy grieving to be fucked to go searching for it.
That's actually official info shared online by the crew.
Because the one and only hourglass belonged to Pink and it was broken.
>Or why didn't the Crystal Gems try freeing Lapis from the mirror?
All they knew is that she was dangerous and that's all there is to it. Why would they free her? Just to bubble her? There was no reason to risk anything, they just left her in the mirror.
Probably made by rebelling gems (or humans? I think they mentioned that they fought along with the Crystal Gems somehow, not sure though), but yeah they need to explain it.
I thought the finely crushed gem powder was used for the pigment to make the paints in the painting
Diamond Blanco
Sweet home alabama time?
Isn't that pretty much the same thing he said
The light cannons weren't memory-holed, they just turned out to be super ineffective against anything that wasn't a shitty old Era 1 probe.
Biggity biggity bad writing nigga!