What did she think of the SU movie?
What did she think of the SU movie?
Part of me feels like Spinel was Rebecca's way of trying to write aboout this person.
Her material surrounding SU never changed, what you'd expect
I'm annoyed that she uses a very feminine avatar yet sounds very male (at least the last time I watched her)
I don't care about a single YouTube commentator in the entire world, whether male or female or cis or trans or white or black or any race or any gender or any age I don't FUCKING CARE
thassa a goodun
"She" is a transgender.
"he" then
I know but she sounds like she isn't giving any effort to sound like a woman
Only respectable person in this thread
He's gonna fuckin HATE Steg
You cared enough to post in this thread and not hide it like the more savvy anons here.
Usually trans people, specially ones who identify primarily by voice, attempt to make that clear in how they speak.
in all honesty, what's up with lily's attitude towards some cartoons. Hates overarching plots... or just plots at all, certain characters, certain morals, doesn't understand character growth...
>What did she think of the SU movie?
Wait for robobuddies to say something and then he'll copy it.
I don't understand how anyone can stand this faggot
just reading his tumblr posts nearly gives me an aneurysm
also, the difference between his avatar and how he looks in real life is extremely funny
I'm watching Invader Zim again.
It's a means to an end with them. Anything to get them notoriety.
I refuse to believe anyone could hate father/son incest
The PUREST form of love
>Hates when cartoons have overarching plots
>Ends up liking boring soL shit
How mentally stunted can you be?
They don't hate overarching plots. Lily thinks they've over-saturated the market and that too many writers mistake episodic shows for weaker writing. She hates lore which, in truth, has become synonymous with a slowly growing cancer. Just look at how lore is treated in Anthem and you've basically seen how modern writers treat lore in general.
Really, their main gripe is with the shame that writers seem to carry. A lot of writers, for cartoons and comics, seem to believe that they were meant for something greater and they're ashamed of the fact that they're stuck writing for children. So they make the most bloated, over-written tripe they can think of; because they mistake that kind of writing for mature writing. A lot of writers, cartoon writers especially, want to emulate the last airbender. But they don't know thing one about why airbender worked.
His biggest complaint was pink diamond being a terrible person if I recall? He should be satisfied that its at least acknowledge even by steven that she's awful. He won't like the diamonds being redeemed though, to be fair he's not exactly wrong about that.
She’s doesn’t look at that bad
On his tumblr he's bitching about Pearl getting thirsty for Steg and how Rebecca is a literal Nazi for converting a lesbian or whatever. So the usual same old, same old for Jerry Peet.
Lily said something like, "Pink Diamond looks worse with every story featuring her," and I can't really disagree with that.
I don't see why Steg is badwrongfun, other than some audience members might think fusion is just for romance.
>That's bad
That's mediocre. Also, why do you have pictures of Lily on your computer?
I've never felt a bigger lie in my than seeing that avatar and hearing the voice associated with it.
>Rebeca is a Nazi
>a Jew
pack it up
its just a dude with long hair
>why do you have pictures of Lily
you have to download a picture to post it here
Put the URL in the filename bar
Cant take him seriously. he got real pissed, in the bare minimum video, that a straight man was able to do something others have yet to.
if you can't accept or get angry just because a straight man could do something that a gay or woman failed at its pathetic
Pearl is clearly bi, she's based on Rebecca for fucks sake.
You know what I debate sometimes?
I don't think some groups should be asked to represent gays groups or vice versa.
Like, should a straight man be told it's his job to give lesbians quality representation when they largely want their own space away from others?
I kinda feel like unless you're someone who just really has a weird lesbian obsession who just really wants to depict them you shouldn't be told you need to include them.
Straight men usually do this stuff better, how is that shocking?
Lily has writen several fanfics about Futa Twilight sparkle raping, mindbreaking and impregnating her daughter that stands as her self-insert.
That says a lot about our society.
Off topic, but that is a sexy horse.
that's what i mean, he got so pissed that it happened and was basically yelling at lgbt people to step it up cus straight men are doing it better
That’s an old photo. This is what she looks like now.
He still looks like a cross-dressing neanderthal.
Not bad
Honestly not bag
i can still see the dude in there.
That is airbrushed to fuck.
Who is the uglier tranny, Lily or Rebecca?
He should wax his eyebrows if he's going to pretend to be a girl.
nowhere near as passable as the sphere hunter.
same with the voice.
I actually had no idea The Sphere Hunter was trans, so good on them.
I honestly wish I can punch Lily Orchard so bad. She loves to bring her extremist liberal agenda to everything and outright sends her fanbase to attack anyone who criticize her opinions or her liberal views. Thats what happen to a majority of those in the MLP community who criticized her, including Josh. My God, she has a hate boner for that guy. I bet he called her out on her BS and she throw a hissy fit. She blames the Right wing for everything under the sun and she beats her meat to children. Want proof, just check her fanfics and Tumblr posts. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried touching a kid.
Is that why the Sphere Hunter keeps buying avatar art from that artist who draws twinks?
I think the two are friends.
she's too busy dilating
ohai mark
don't they use male pronouns?
My personal theory is that Lily knew about ToonCriticY2K's action (since most of his victims went towards him) snd he was OK with Toon's actions. But when Josh and company confronted Toon being a pedophile, Lily leaked the messages and threw Toon under the bus to make him look better in comparison.
I wouldn't be surprised if that's true. It seems to much of a coincidence that releases the video a few hours later after the info got leaked, like she had the info just sitting right next to her.
Rebecca is a nonbinary woman.
Now this is a face I would proudly fuck
Rebecca is a nonbinary IT that goes by they/them pronouns, same thing as a tranny
The most specific thing is...
Her avatar is literally a Asami FC
Did Sphere Hunter keep her...stuff? I'm fine with trans girls as long as they don't have a mutilated fake vagina.
And this is such I can find and post without feeling the compulsory need to jerk it
You can’t say that and not post it my guy
Same, girl dick is better than meat hole.
Yes, she kept her dick user.
It's really small, before you get any big cock futa fantasies going.
She's fine with her/she too.
No it doesn't.
She still goes by female pronouns too.
Aw, she's cute like her avatar.
It’s not futa if she doesn’t also have a vagina
It's weird, because I saw her as Sue Lightning with Natalie Mars a long time ago. Then when the Sphere Hunter popped up, I had no idea it was her but thought she sounded cute. Was just a weird epiphany that I'd jacked it to this one Youtube reviewer without really knowing it.
Why can't more people be as convincing as Sphere Hunter?
Well, she was basically born to transition. Look how naturally feminine her face is, particularly her jaw.
Thanks for derailing this thread with someone attractive and talented. Lily is poison.
Where the FUCK IS IT
The idea of trannies has been around long enough that some of them transitioned before puberty, is Sphere Hunter one of those?
Hi there, Anthony Cumia
Looks like a guy with long hair wearing a ton of foundation.