Could Steven redeem Stonetoss?
Could Steven redeem Stonetoss?
Stonetoss could redeem Steven
Yikes, imagine how bad a stonetoss written SU would be
Maybe if he stops being a nazi.
Careful with the N word, mate.
>In the Stonetoss version, Pearl constantly brings up race statistics to Garnet. But assures her that she's "one of the good ones"
Literally the second coming of Hitler
Oh, so everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi just because they want to eradicate the Jewish poison and see the Aryan man in his rightful place as man's high adjudicator
Steven doesn’t care about mass murders or genocidal dictators.
The only irredeemable people to him are people like Kevin, who asks a girl out and can’t read minds to see she isn’t interested.
Why do I have this weird feeling that Stonetoss is actually Andrew Dobson? I mean, it's a stretch but considering how starved for attention the man is it wouldn't surprise me if he larps as an alt righter just so others notice him.
I mean Kevin was a creep though
Yes, quite easily.
Stonetoss is one of the pathetic young men who have desperately latched onto the last gasp of far-right nationalism in their search of meaning in the lives they feel are worthless.
When this last generation of old, feeble men are too weak to hold onto power, every single "man" like Stonetoss will pretend like they were never part of the boomers' last stand. It will have stopped being "cool" then.
What a hideous pack of creatures.
This is by far the worst adaptation of Moon Knight I’ve ever seen
As simple as Stonetoss' art is, there's basic elements of appeal to it that Dobson would simply be incapable of
There is nothing to redeem
Should have been the first post.
I doubt Steven would be all too knowledgable on politics in general. Seeing as how Stonetoss' main fault is his anti-semitic beliefs, I don't think Steven would be of much help here.
Not to mention that WW2 never happened in the SU canon IIRC, which could lead to Stonetoss misinforming Steven like suggested.
Yeah, but he probably shouldn't bother.
Does he even go to school at any point? I only watched season 1 but he seems to be barely civilized
steven heals people with major insecurities
so yeah
turns out the entire gem empire was created because white wanted to look perfect to yellow and blue
and yellow wanted to be a better commander for white
He's never been to school, but he is clearly educated
>You're right Steven, there really isn't anything wrong with being black or gay! I just deleted my entire archive, it's only pro LGBTQIALPOXN+ from now on!
>Episodes would randomly have poorly hidden self-insert to complain about women
Hearty kek. Here's a (you)
>the Holocaust is still fake though.
>WWII never happened in SU
>but the holocaust is somehow still real in SU
>Steven: In just one hour, I’ll free you from your struggle.
>[five minutes later]
>Steven: 50% of all crime is done by the female gems...and they only make up 13% of the population
If in Steven Universe world WW2 never happened then so didn't the Holocaust.
Holocaust is not canon to Steven Universe.
>So that's why you call yourself Stonetoss!
Steven Universe literally has a racist uncle voiced by Carl Brutananadilewski that he redeemed on Thanksgiving so sure.
Stonetoss doesn't need redeeming.
His art style definitely does
What a cold take. The boomers (except Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald and Sam Dixon PBUH) hold White Identity back.
The post-Boomer future where there is no more boomer Israel-first GOP is one where the anti-White left runs wild and the remaining 48% of America that is White has fewer and fewer reasons not to be Identitarian.
For better or worse, victory or defeat, White Identity collectivism is not going away.
it's more appealing than steven universe desu
You know its not
Not him, but the worst thing about Stonetoss' character designs is that they're overly simplistic.
Steve Universe character designs are fucking hideous. I dont know how anyone can stand looking at that fat faggot.
Shit looks too much like his last comic, Redpanels but only if you remove the Bone noses and change out the eyes.
Stonetoss isnt all that roght wing all it does it post right wing quips, so I don't know why people think that boils down ro hardline antisemitism when as far as I can see he just likes saying politically incorrect things liberals hate, like most anyone else
>overly simplistic
"simple" doesn't mean/isn't an excuse for bad art, stonetoss's style is actually ugly (horrible shapework, disgusting colour choices, those bold black lines, the fucking Simpson top lip), being "simple" isn't stonetoss's problem
Steven universe has a problem with being inconsistent and resembling the """"cal arts style"""" but if you actually think it's bad or even close to the same league as stonetoss than you are actually blind
Of course they're not in the same league.
Stonetoss looks bad, but the human language lacks the proper words to fully describe how disgustingly hideous Stevn Universe is.
Do you guys ironically hate Stonetoss or something? I don't agree with the jokes all the time but at least the jokes exist in the first place.
I think he's cringey because all political memes are bad, no comic he's made has been funny or though provoking
Every Stonetoss thread suggests otherwise. There's always some faggot who feels the bizarre need to go
>...except that one was funny
>and that one
>and that one
>and that one
redeem him from what ?
90% of his jokes are just 2-3 year old memes that have been repeated to death.
Being too based.
I understand not liking Stonetoss or its attitude, but it really is incredibly tame and nothing about it comes close to making political demands or anything aggressive
Laughing at politically incorrect jokes is a gateway to fascism, which is why fun needs to be banned.
>nothing about it comes close to making political demands or anything aggressive
Wtf are 'political demands'?
Fundraising? Demanding people be out in the streets protesting X thing?
Stonetoss is shit because it's blatantly pushing an agenda under the guise of 'lol just joking' cowardice.
If Rockthrow really thinks the US would be better as a white-only ethnostate, then have the balls to say it, as well as a guide to how it gets there instead of
>lol niggers do crime
>lol immigrants do crime
>lol jews rule America
I'm pretty sure "dabbing on trannies" isn't a political agenda.
It just takes politically incorrect quips people make to the news and puts them in a comic. It argues very little and pushes very little, it lacks the punch to convert anybody, and is really only just a brief chuckle at best to its audience. Yes anyone who worships the comic is retarded, but does anyone?