Does this sound about right for each KoTH character in terms of their moral fiber? Remember, you hating the character =/= morally worse.
Does this sound about right for each KoTH character in terms of their moral fiber? Remember...
Do you mind not spamming Yea Forums with shitty redneck content?
My quick impressions:
>Connie should be closer to "GOOD" than Bobby
>Bill should be closer to EVIL. I dunno exactly where, but I'd say at least he should be ahead of Luanne
>Peggy could possibly switch places with Kahn or Minh, but I don't feel too strongly about that one
>Joseph and Boomhauer could switch places, same with John Redcorn and Dale. I think Dale's in overall the right general position but I don't think he's worse than Redcorn
Cotton being beat out by Buck is a laugh and a half, him being beaten by both Buck and Nancy is retarded.
Peggy is way too far to the right, I don't care if you find her annoying, she's not EVIL.
Bill is too far to the left, he can be a complete shithead sometimes.
Putting Nancy at second most evil while Redcorn is in the middle is some total bullshit and his logic for it was completely retarded.
What's the sides of the line represent?
Nothing. Bobby is most good, Buck is most evil and it alternates back and forth. Like, Hank is second most good, Nancy is second most evil, etc.
Nothing really, it just makes it a little easier to notice a different show character when they're not perfectly parallel with each other.
>Cotton being beat out by Buck is a laugh and a half, him being beaten by both Buck and Nancy is retarded.
Cotton is at least honest about being a jackass and isn't manipulative, and still has a soft spot for Bobby and Good Hank. Buck meanwhile fucks everyone over as much as he can with no regrets.
>Putting Nancy at second most evil while Redcorn is in the middle is some total bullshit and his logic for it was completely retarded.
While John Redcorn is aware he's cheating with Nancy on Dale, he doesn't go out of his way to cause shit for anyone else except for that one Thanksgiving episode. If Nancy didn't spur him on I'm sure he wouldn't have been reeled in by Nancy as her side squeeze.
Nancy meanwhile is a huge bitch by choosing to keep cucking Dale behind his back in their marriage, and never allowing her own son to know who his real father is. It's all kinds of fucked up because she's knowingly causing a dysfunctional family and has no shame about it.
>Luane lower than Bill
>Dale lower than John Redcorn
Absolutely shit list
Luanne was the least evil person on the show. I think her being so dumb actually made her incapable of deception and more susceptible to binary good vs evil thinking. She was a little slutty, but that's not necessarily evil. This has got to be a joke ranking anyway. Bill is one of the more selfish characters on the show, and every Bobby focused episode has him being a shit.
Gtfo of here, Kahn you fuckin egg.
Remember when he destroyed Hank's lawn? Or when he destroyed his house then got a restraining order against him? Or when he encouraged Joseph to kill some pandas to impress some teenagers?
Bill was manipulative and quick to abandon friends just for attention. He goes right behind strickland. Luanne never acted out of malice even when she was an shit it's just because she wasn't bright, swap her with bobby. Lucky should be swapped with dale and swap Joseph with Minh (she was a great mom and friend whenever it mattered and he was a little perverted shit).
Altogether the list was a garbage attempt
the most absolute cuckold bitch post
Do you mind go fucking yourself?
King of the Shit is trash. Deal with it.
None of the characters on the show are good, some are neutral but most have done almost irredeemable shit. I take that back Connie might be the only true good character on the show. Buck Strickland is the most evil character, more than Thatherton. This guy is right about Bill he's a complete shithead.
How the fuck is Dale worse then John Redcorn
Wrong. Switch Lucky and Bill, John Redcorn and Dale, and move Cotton up a space or two. Nah, one space up works.
Dale knows the kid is not his and plans to ruin his future “by accident” like his birth.
Name ONE immoral thing Cotton did throughout the span of the show. Denigrating Hank and Peggy doesn't count. He was a blustering asshole but he never did anything bad and he was good to Bobby and GH
Contrast this with Lucky, who acted like a chill Zen redneck but actually did shady things
Stole Santa Ana's leg
Triggered a bunch of Vietnam vets
Wrecked a Habitat for Humanity home
Tried to kill Castro on more than once occasion (and also attempted to frame Hank for it)
maybe more stuff but this is just off the top of my head
Bill has hurt and stabbed his friends in the back many times.
Cotton's not evil. He's just a dick.
I mean the show was very clear that he was an abusive asshole to Hank and Tilly.
Looking for the YTP with this image. Somehow i jump to this video and just clicked off quick.
Dale in general doesn't do things to be evil, he does them because he's an idiot and thinks the government/the commies/the feds/the aliens are involved. Which is a perfectly justifiable reason, of course.
Geez user. Sounds like you need to make sweet love to your hand.
Or perhaps not post on this particular thread?
I’ll comment on whatever thread I want.
Remember when he helped John Redcorn get his land from the government? Or when he accepted his father's alternative lifestyle? Or when he helped Hank get his driver's license corrected? Or when he saved Bobby from being bitten by ants and ended up taking the bites himself?
He also cheated on his wife.
Why are you on Yea Forums, Kahn?
>Name bad stuff he did
>The bad stuff doesn't count
nigga just go to another thread