How would you raise a baby amethyst to not be a lazy slob?
How would you raise a baby amethyst to not be a lazy slob?
So what was up with the lines on her arms and legs? I never got why they were there
You know exactly how
I think they were supposed to make her look robotic?
Boots and glove lines just not colored in
She likes the feels, being fit feels good and you could still give her that sliding tube feeling
Shes the best character, no change needed
Something is clearly wrong
She's like a doll with no clothes
Hold up
>Blocks your path
I said best character not WORST
Fucking this, i love amethyst the way she is. If i ever need a pity titjob shes the gem to give it.
>best character
You fucking IDIOT
Amethyst smiling at spinel when she walked up behind her was so cute
Nice bat
But he doesn't wash his hands, even though he knows he's supposed to.
Yeah and that's hot
best gem
literally everyone is better than amethyst
Greg is pretty great too, I thought it was going to be really cool if he actually lost his arm though but steven healed right away. What was the point of this even happening??
Washing the dick stank off his hands diminishes his powers.
To pretend to have STAKES.
I wouldn't, amethyst is literally trash
I was so silly to think it was permanent because of course Steven has healing powers
But purple girl is seriously worst gem
No taste, how sad
>thinks the cool older sister is the worst gem
Thought he was going to at least bleed like Steven did instead of getting blacked
>Something is clearly wrong
How about not giving her a pearl to clean up after her
This actually expalins a hell of a lot about why Amethyst is the way she is.
Well go on.
Would the team dynamics have changed much if the overcooking let Amethyst absorb more energy or minerals or whatever and become huge?
Not really since her personality would be the same, the team dynamic isn't really based on strength
>How would you raise a baby amethyst to not be a lazy slob?
by not being Rose.
Do you think she'd be more fapped to?
This thread is being baby-sat by op, for all dissenting opinions to be snuffed out
Pathetic and insecure
She's overcooked. It probably took time for her form to compress properly.
>you could go to prison!
Amethyst has in fact killed a guy, gone to prison for a hundred years then turned into a bird and flew away