Suddenly Dont Care about "Cool" Music

24 year old female, lost my interest in music, will it come back?
>Meet older guy (didnt know, looked young) at indie music coffee shop
>Go on date next week (find out he's 33)
>Assume he's into "cool" music since where we met.
>He's really handsome, wore a sport coat to date
>gentleman, gets door, never swears, speaks in short to the points sentences

>i ask him about music and start telling him about shows i traveled to

> "Dont listen to much music, some FM radio and church music on Sunday. I think music is mostly a dopamine hit for people to distract themselves, if you really listen to it, almost none of it is that good. Most of it has no melody, don't find yourself singing it."

>i dont know how to respond, he is really nice but kind of just rained on a big part of me
>we go to park, he's a great conversationalist, knowledgeable about all sorts of things, time flew with him.

>I cant stop thinking about him
>ive been listening to my music and cant help but notice most of it isnt really stuff you would even sing, like it is just kind of noisy and emotional.

>it's like the "cant unsee it" effect after he said that.

>also he was just such a down to earth put together guy and i feel really stupid that i've obsessed over all these dumb bands and spent countless hours and dollars seeing them live while this guy was well rounded and sophisticated about lots of the world.
>like he felt like a world away from me, like he knew how to connect with me but i couldn't do the same, i could just talk about obscure bands

Anyone else experience this...its been like three weeks now and music has not been the same since.

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you just want to fuck this guy

Cope you will always be a man... stop reading there

This is incel bait righr?
>chad says I he doesn't like music
>stop liking music inmediatly
Sounds like /r9k/ circlejerk selfhate narrative fantasy

Then you woke up and realized your actually a middle aged hairy man in a dress and cried yourself back to sleep cope and sneedthe niggerfaggot

Look at the first line
>24 year old female
It’s just a dude making stuff up for attention

well i was very femcel slowcore but now im just feeling taylor swift disgruntled depressed office worker after this guy

Why yes, I do not bother with such frivolous things as "music" for I am a sophisticated cultured classy gentlemen, a man of a different time if you will, a time where men had manners and didnt listen to phony sound waves vibrating the air. Pfft. May I take your hand in courtship and share a cherry red vape with thee my fair maiden?

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Your a man you will never be a woman cope you retarded hairy monster... cope and seethe

>he doesn't like music
it was the way he said it, like i feel like he's right...i kind of never fit in and all my friends i met at shows, like the music clearly is not just music for me it's a whole social identity thing...and im starting to feel 2 years out of college that it's not a very itneresting or helpful one.

I feel like I didnt grow up always going to shows, kind of like how you hear "stacies" sometime getting tired of the bar scene.


>still cringe larping

he said he doesnt listen to "indie cool" music and all that.

He actually plays guitar and sings, i looked up his facebook and found a video of him singing for his episcopal church during christmas.

you are too impressionable. you shouldnt give up on something you enjoy and loved because of one persons opinion. if you feel you are too obsessed with music you can also branch out into other hobbies but you dont have to abandon your love for music just because some guy isnt into it. maybe you could also try things like picking up an instrument or learning how to write your own songs so you can do something more constructive related to music than just listening to music as a hobby

>replying to bait threads

OP here your all retarded for replying thanks for the attention now go throw yourselves away

>constructive related to music than just listening to music as a hobby
this also really hits it, i feel like im lazy.

especially after i looked him up and saw he actually plays an instrument for his church. He never even mentioned that.

I really do need to start actually doing something.

Shut the fuck up

you are not OP

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No one else here will tell you this OP but you are a good woman and this is exactly how a woman should react when a worthy man enters her life.
Ditch music scenes and marry this guy or a guy like him and have a bunch of beautiful healthy children. Unironically. You’ll be much happier and you can always listen to albums you like and maybe even expose him to some cool music.

-t. 35-year-old attorney dating a 26-year-old woman like you.

OP will always be a man

That’s what you think now piss off

Nice samefag Kek OP is literally just talking to himself this is pathetic
>only 5 replies
Not fooling anyone fuck Off already and stop extra

No offense but he sounds like an absolute retard. Literally every hobby or interest is a dopamine hit to distract yourself. Dope let some uppity faggot ruin your passion.

This, beyond embarrassing thread desu

KEK this faggot is a fucking BITCH

Cope OP

OP probably a man, but it's pretty funny all these autist music anons fuming at the notion some used up indie chick, like the one they kissed at Cochella 4 years ago and still think about till this day doesn't care about any of that crap anymore. haha.

OP probably has balls, but "her" story is probably happening somewhere in the country right now.

I know OP is an embarrassment, it’s really embarrassing imagine being him imagine being a big of a fag as OP

nice larp

sort of. i'm a failed musician, and i was too bitter to even listen to music for years. i basically only listened to the music i myself made. these days i rarely listen to music and would rather listen to talks or lectures. although i do on occasion enjoy singing along to songs or attending concerts.

More like it’s obvious shit thread and not worth actually reading or actually posting anything other that stuff to make OP shit his diaper

>implying I read past the first line

The way you describe the musical tastes of the guy is basically how most women I’ve talked to are with their music. Just sort of a passive thing they aren’t really “into”. It is what it is, I’m never expecting to meet a girl who likes Frank Zappa and King Crimson or whatever.

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OP definitely has a swinging pair of balls. But it's one of the best FWB (female with balls) posts i've ever seen on here.

Like pure art, Trevor Moore status.

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>actually reading OP’s larp
Cringe baka niggerfaggot desu baka sempi tamagotchi failtochi also only loosers listen to that stuff you weirdo your a looser baka baka baka llooooser

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It’s probably not and I won’t take your word for it but I didn’t read it and don’t care to so it’s whatever

I’m sure OP is probably a larping faggot, part of me wants to believe they’re actually a woman suffering with a guy’s bland music taste instead of the other way for once. I genuinely wish for nothing but suffering upon OP either way

Yeah, because girls don't user the internet right?
Theres never girls at any of the shows you go to right?

And if there are girls there, there always real normal looking girls who would never be the type to post on Yea Forums....right?

I mean the girls at Yea Forums band shows are just well balanced females and definitely not weird outcasts with bipolar and a friend posse of land whales and girls that look like their trafficed.

Is the offtopic shitposting thread?
>clearly type catpha right 100 times
>hurrr you types it wrong try again hurrrr
Fuck u retard system

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Any post that’s ststs with uhhh female here is 100% a dude any girls who actually use this site know it’s 100% pointless to actually say your a girl retarded faggot

Lestats is shit
It's full of brain-dead, Normie's, clubrats and literal homeless.

There are so many better cafes in SD but I'm glad you don't go to them.

I would rather die then ever meet anyone from this shit board in real life either girl or boy I can’t stand any of you stuck up pretentious retarded loosers eat shit I only use this board to make it worse for everyone because I hate you all

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Okay, so i write a post here, and ask one simple two part question

>Have you ever lost interest in music and did it ever come back?

And all of you get obsessed over the fact i said i'm female.
Wow no wonder there so many of you are "incels" (hate that word, dont know what else to use).
You guys freak out and go crazy at the mere mention of a female on "your" board.
Only like two of you answered thequestion

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>Dont listen to much music, some FM radio and church music on Sunday.
>if you really listen to it, almost none of it is that good. Most of it has no melody, don't find yourself singing it.
he's retarded

Is there a decent music scene in SD? Looks like a good place to raise a family desu

See this post now fuck off only people giving serious answers are newfag tourists

i go to queen bees and whistle stop more.
i was only there because a grad school project group chose it as the meeting location.

Your a man in a dress cope with that already

>I can’t stand any of you stuck up pretentious retarded loosers
Lol, seems like OP is starting to feel this way about "her"self

>the troon actually thinks he’s a girl
My sides even if are don’t care not your blog go cry about it on tumblr or something die mad already ... blog posters are the worst

Kek OP btfo this is now the off topic thread post anything besides what OP wants

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Yes, i have gone through periods where i didnt care about music. I found it all very gay when i got my first professional job after college.

Years after working in it and having burnout I started liking all this gay depressing music on this shit forsaken board full of faggots.

Now go dilate.

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Sweaty hairy man detected

I haven't been there since 2018 but I would say yes. Personally I felt alienated by the libtardedness pretty quickly, and it depends on what genre.

Music is stupid

It's okay to be stupid sometimes

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really similar experience here, seems like this music stuff really is like a form of comfort junk food.

The worse my life is the more likely i am to be on this board looking for music.

Oh and this post is quite accurate

>OP probably has balls, but "her" story is probably happening somewhere in the country right now.

I don’t even like musik desu Yea Forums is to shit to use and I don’t have any hobbies so I just use this board

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Who cares about OP I want the attention instead

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cat posting gods.

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>woman is easily manipulated by an older man
happens all the time.


This fucking troon just shit on all these overly sensitive Yea Forums posters. Holy hell, i gotta give it to Jazz Jennings for making a tactical nuke.

Question is why though...he clearly is a Yea Forums poster himself so why make fun of himself in such a cruel way?

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he listens to FM and Church music. he's never exsperienced good music. dude listens to what he's forced to listen to, not what he wants to listen to. he sounds like an autist, honestly.

find some cheeba, Yea Forums

No one knows what your talking about

Cat sings a song

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OP clearly has a benis and made a super demoralizing post, why he do it?

Lestats? Cringe lol fucking faggot bitch , but if you ever want to buy some meth you can meet me there I’ll give you a discount if you suck my dick to my System of a Down mixed CD

You sound like a faggot. You probably are a faggot considering you're not a woman. Music is good and I don't need a 30 year old geezer to tell me otherwise

It’s obvious you baka are you really that dumb .... only reason anyone would make this thread attention unless is a complete newfag he knew the thread would turn out this way

your penis is huge, if only more people could be like us

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Jazz Jennings makes me so sad. Grooming your gay son into a tranny is so sad.

Weird post desu

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Is that the cockmongler today?

seeing these responses make me realize womens intuition is a thing and it guided me to talking to the guy who listens to FM radio and church music, no wonder i rarely get dates from shows with posters like these

Fake news troon. Get the fuck out of .y board you dumbass, you don't even like music why are you here?

I can guarantee you the majority of/mu/ does not go to to shows u dumb fuck
No wonder that geezer convinced u of some dopamine hit science bullshit and you bought it. Lmao. You can literally say that about all entertainment

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Look at the thread no one cares about your shitty larp anymore fucking sperglord autist we’re enjoying ourselves now go away this isn’t your thread anymore

>if larp
>if not larp
Woman dumb, moldable to whatever is more conveniant at the moment, what's new?