Is Jewish

>Is Jewish
>Writes the series about the miraculously born child of a godlike being (who, at the same time, IS the godlike being) spreading the message of peace, forgiveness and love towards your fellow man, while performing inhuman feats like resurrecting people from the dead
What did she mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread: 13&version=NIV

So you're telling me Steven's gonna get crucified soon?

she means that Steven is the actual prophet prophesied by the ancient Jews instead of Jesus

I already like him better than Jesus.

The actual prophet of the ancent Jews was supposed to be a military leader and a conqueror.

>Virgin jesus vs the chad steg

Pink Diamond is Lucifer tho.

>is Jewish
>pushes tranny shit targeting white children

ooh nooooo!!!

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If I remember correctly she was raised in a mixed religion household and just practices Jewish holidays the same way a non-practicing Christian still celebrates Christmas and Easter.
She makes no bones about Jesus being a Christ figure and even directly parallels the birth of Jesus in a season 4 episode.

ew you shouldn't know that

>pushes tranny shit
Is there even a single tranny in the show?
Steven doesn't really count.

I legit thought religion Abrahamic religions didn't exist in SU. Wasn't there a facebook post about this or was that something else?

Jesus wishes he was Steven

It was in an interview a while back and someone posted it in a thread I was lurking.

You don’t have to be Christian to reference the Bible, it’s a popular fable

>is Jewish
>sympathizes with space nazis

Meh, everyone knows of it, but nobody remembers the characters.

>Turns even his greatest enemies into his friends with minimal losses
>Can't even keep his own people on his side and failed so hard at converting Romans and Jews that they killed him then his people had to make up a story to make it look like he meant for that to happen

None of you know anything about jews

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Go back to tumblr Lily.

>jesus was trying to get followers.
Woah there

lily can stay assuming of course she also sympathizes with space nazis

Some joe thought steven was the antichrist.

Idc what this is just crusify steven. End it all. Go away SU pLEASE

Believe In Steven

crucifize me, cap'n

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/r/ the copypasta explaining how Rose is analogous to Lucifer

i miss when this place was a secret club and it didn't regularly look like myspace kids had managed to wonder in. looks like we both won't get what we wan't.

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you're more than welcome to go be a faggot somewhere else

same twitter junkie fuckboy, same.

it's almost like plot armor doesn't exist irl

user, I...

the fandom craves for one

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I will only have any respect for her when pic related becomes canon

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digits denied!
pack your bag fag!
use a condom if you're going to fuck the doorknob on the way out!

They did the trans metaphor with steven/pink during season 5 but that's about it, everyone hates the "sjw show" enough as is I think if they did a trans character that this board would go apeshit

>paul yeets steven

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Steven is a cartoon character.
Jesus died for our sins.

Posting infinitely better series about rock jew people

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>rock jew people
they're called golems you uncultured fuck

>Jesus died for our sins
Prove it.

Steven brought down an empire.

Can't wait for the sequel. Jesus did call himself a rock though so

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Because he makes me believe. More than Jesus ever could.

Steven has titties, unfortunately Jesus doesnt, therfore...

Also Steven could totally beat up Jesus.

Superman's creators were also Jewish

It means she wants to fuck Dib from Invader Zim.

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no, somebody said that jesus said he was a rock. there's a big difference. but it is a dead on metaphor for the character.

Yea with his rock hard gem tiddys

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Ya know for teenage cringe. It’s drawn pretty close to his style.

>somebody said that jesus called himself a rock
Perhaps reread my post friend.

Faith isn't about proof, brother.

no thanks it really wasn't that great

It's no wonder she got into the industry, she was good at drawing on-model from an early age.

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You’re the one saying Steven isn’t real

You said the samething I did.

But he wouldn't because he is cool like that. He would totally save Jesus even if he was whining about some suicidal original sin nonsense like an emo. Hell he would have the jews and romans throwing a tea party for that dirty hippie within the hour.

jesus is a student of Violence tho. he is simply waiting for there to be Beings capable of facing him in hand to hand combat

and yet somehow it was better when i said it

Can these threads just get moved to /trash/ already?

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So we've got a narcissist now

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fuck off faggot there are 8000 steven universe threads spammed on this board every single day. if you can't handle one of them not being a waifu circlejerk then gtfo bro

Every single one of them should be moved to /trash/. Or better yet, just delete them and ban faggots who make them.

fair enough, but there wouldn't even be shit talking threads if there weren't paid shills and faggots falling for it.
at least force them into a general.

>Ay bro fuck u
lmao how enthralling.

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Believe In Steven

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More like anti-christ.

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Not him but if it makes you feel better I think you're both awful

I would never hire steven as my lawyer

>And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

And why should one of the most popular current cartoons be banned from the cartoon board exactly?

not him but the other guy and i agree

because the faggots that spam it are a cancer and we have plenty already

>And lo, user gave forth a sincere response to the shitpost, for he was a newfag, and also a tool.
Book of Memes 4:20

blessed and canonpilled

Like all jews, she will burn in hell.

Ok for those who dont know;
In a nutshell steven universe is a spin on her brother and the awaited Israel talmund mashiach ben david. David is known to have a shield with the star of saturn el on it pic related, which is why his weapon is such.
The jews after Moses wanted a conqeror king, so Jehovah gave them david. Steven is the 2nd coming of david ben jacob(yisrael). David failed to rule over israel so then God chose solomon.
When a practicing Jewish person today refers to a figure named "mashiach" theyre basically asking God to return king david.

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kind of their own doing since boiling pits of excrement was all they could come up with for an afterlife.

>replying to yourself
Here I thought nazis are jew experts.

that's paranoia not samefagging. you're either on drugs and or you should be

>those 4 digits...

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A movie just came out like two days ago and generals aren't allowed. That kind of shit happens.
It is kind of like how we had 10 or more Amphibia threads a few weeks back compared to the zero we have now.


>failing to fact check a claim
>Dank meme cope
what an intellectual power house you are sir

Jews came up with the Jesus story to begin with.

why did steven become so small in later seasons?

I was the guy that said you're both terrible. Stop taking yourself so seriously before I die of secondhand embarrassment

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How many meds are you on? Because you're getting stuff hilariously wrong that isn't even esoteric, just plain surface-level Bible.

This reads like an /x/ post.

Well then who is he besides rebecca's brother?

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don't pretend you're a newfag, it was happening consistently long before the movie was ever announced. this is much more pronounced than amphibia spam ever was. 8000 is more an exaggeration than a hyperbole
there's still has plenty of "i lub er bruhs" amphibia waifu threads between the same 3 faggots and with zero meaningful discussion on a regular basis. that there's not one right now is frankly shocking, and i'm sure it'll be corrected soon.
there is absolutely zero reason to have 5 different active threads to review the movie in. that's retarded and if you disagree you probably retarded too.


Thats good to know 'xir'

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now this is copeposting

Im not the one who identifies as the english alphabet.

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I like how you focused on the only non-insane part of that post.

that's weird, cuz you're putting everyone to sleep

So you cant tell me who steven universe is based off of?

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>upset because imaginary character prophesied by another imaginary character
Quick, somebody call the Inquisition!

>still replying to a pol stealth thread
Oh excuse me i was supposed to be a cyber nazi...ahem...

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Steven Sugar and a bunch of anime Rebecca watched as a kid.

Lol shut up dude we're the entire English alphabet now

it's actually space nazis itt, get your imaginary fascists sorted out.


Yeah I figured she would make her brother an anime fighting character.
I'm not the one vouching for 'steven is the antichrist,' david was called a messiah because he conqured the philistines.

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Its been a jewish belief that Christianity is a Roman empire conspiracy to discredit their religion. Think about it, the plot of the new testament is "The messiah came but your ruling priest class killed him. We romans tried to talk them out of it but by gum they really hated your god!"

So obviously Sugar tied into that.

They allowed storyboard artists to go off model as much as they want and so they went crazy with it

>space rock nazis that are also ashkenazi
oy vey...

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invadir zim mostly

Judaism isnt mostly tradition. The jews you hate are orthodox hasidic.

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Sure why not I thought he was her brother and the entire show was based around that fact with anime inspired styles.

That is just Peridot.

what are you even talking about

I've accepted that this thread doesn't make any sense and that this guy is a troll playing 4d chess with us

i haven't

Old flying house is infinitely better than the new CGI garbage.

Gohan? Maybe Josuke.

The Gems being Jewish allegories technically works for Orthodox Judaism as the Toranic Messiah would be able to remove free will from everyone and make a paradise for Jews where they could do anything they want without remorse or lasting punishment. This doesn't apply to the goyim/non-jews however as they will be hated/despised by the messiah and his fellow Jews. For example this is why Steven coddles and gives slaps on the wrist other Gems/Diamonds but despises humans like Kevin & Ronaldo. The gems are Jews so therefore are free from reproach other than getting kvetched at but the human goyim are not.

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Rebecca is low key kinda pretty. Wish I could date her.

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Do you have a fat black cock?

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Yes, I am black.

The whole point is Judaism didn't accept Jesus as the true Messiah.

That Steven should have been crucified?

Lars. But nobody ever talk about it, just like they never bring up that Connie is a literal midget.

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No he didn't. He called Simon a rock - 'Kefas', which becomes Petros, which becomes Peter, "And upon this rock I shall build my church".

One out of three, user.

This hurts my head

>is jewish
>entire story is full if plot holes
>is only good at manipulating audience emotions

Best Boy.

peter was blowing smoke up his own ass
jesus cobstantly rebukes him for not understanding his mysteries

Why did she want to fuck Dib?

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"(...)When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, He questioned His disciples: “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”
They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
“But what about you?” Jesus asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven.
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (...)”

Man, I hope Peter survived that burn.

Why did she want to be in chains?

that steven(based on her brother) is the antichrist

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Is so weird to think that Rebecca used to be horny for dib abd perhaps even Johnen himself

I was raised atheist, can someone actually explain the Antichrist to me?

It’s like the Devil’s kid with a jackal or something. Basically gets into a war with Jesus after the Rapture takes all the good people into heaven while the sinners are left on Earth. Demons and Angels battle and shit.

It's a misunderstanding. The Bible mentions the phrase 'antichrist' but this refers to anyone who opposes Christianity.

Colloquially the term refers to the 'Beast from the Sea': in a vision, the apostle John saw a beast come from the ocean which would rule humanity. This being - apparently a metaphor for some human leader - is sometimes called 'The Anti-Christ' since he would be an evil version of the Christ, Jesus. He would seduce humanity to the ways of Satan and make them worship him and even a statue of him.
He would also have a sort of evil wizard to accompany him, the 'False prophet', usually interpreted as (an evil version of) the Pope.

The Beast from the Sea receives his power from the Dragon (usually assumed to be Satan), but is sent to Hell, along with the False Prophet, much sooner than the Dragon himself.

Some people think John must have eaten special mushrooms before he had his vision. 13&version=NIV

Most of Christianty across the world take Revelations as a metaphor filled dream, not a literal insight into the future. Heck, aside from the gospel the Bible itself is a mixture of myth, fable and exaggerated history. And even the gospel has minor contradictions on the exact wording Jesus used in his sermons.

so the antichrist is not real

Jesus is a great character even if he isn't a real person.

What is wrong with you guys and nonwhite male creators?

There is always someone here to shout about sjw's making people look bad but every now and again you look at posts like this and think "damn you guys really are just racist".

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Jesus > Steven

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Once you learn something you can’t unlearn it.

Are you surprised? We're returning to an era where 21-year-old Neo-Nazis are committing mass shootings against minorities because they were radicalized by a bunch of autistic internet weirdos and unsourced infographics from /pol/. Of course there are a ton of people here who really are just racist.

It’s a fucking joke you goddamn ponce.

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Well never be able to compete with Ian Jone's jones.

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I kiss your mother on the pussy and call it a joke?

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He is, even his bro Buddha knows that.

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Don't think anyone still believes this for a second. I would've agreed with you maybe back in like 2016/17, but all the Neo-Nazi rallies and /pol/ spergout mass shootings in the past couple years have made me reconsider.

incels rise up

No wonder Yea Forums is mostly known as Yea Forumsmblr, just at this thread.

>anyone concerned about domestic terrorism is tumblr
Yeah ok

Yea Forumsmblr? Bro tumblr was dope. Porn gifs everywhere. Loved it.

>"anyone concerned about domestic terrorism is tumblr".
>Thinks /pol/ produces mass shooters
You think too much about social outcasts and extremists, in the end can't you just admit that none the policies you moral outrage lot passes have any effectiveness?

tumblr without porn is cancer user, no wonder it died without it.

>edgetheist with no knowledge of religion thinks his pithy, no-meaningful-commentary opinion is worth the data it's printed on

>shooter literally spouts and references just about every /pol/ meme the entire time he’s carrying out shooting; cites it as an influence in his manifesto
>”/pol/ totally doesn’t cause mass shootings, you’re just a paranoid SJW!!!”

I can smell the Axe body spray emanating from this post
Don't worry, user, it gets better in sophomore year

>the shooter sprouts and references memes associated with the alt-right by the media as a way to bait that same media.
>his manifesto is actually says he's objetive is political accelerationism, and the censorship of said groups that use there's memes as a way to create more mass shooters
>the media doesn't say any of that and uses the tragedy as political ammo, just like many before, and uses /pol/, kiwifarms and 8ch as the boogeymans

>omg so creepy ;O i'm a woman

Go to hell Steven

She took that pic 10 years ago. She went complete gobo ever since.

Nothing about her facial structure changed. If she's full goblin now, it's only because she forgot her Myspace training.

The bible does warn that the jews will stupidly follow the anti-christ thinking him as the messiah.

We /x/ now. Let the spoopening commence.