rank the looks Yea Forums
Mostly I'm just mad at YOU for making me remember how much I enjoyed Arrow S2 and thinking it was gonna be a second DCAU going forward
So does the costume just not translate well to live action or is it just incompetence?
>"Who am I playing again?"
>good but was better without the suit
>"They forgot to give me a parachute."
>BP3 villain
The best in my opinion. Their design was ideal.
It's alright. Nothing too special. A bit too similar to Arkham Origins' design though.
Looks a bit rough. The helmet looks ugly and the rest of the costume looks janky to me.
Yo, what the FUCK?
Titans > JL > Arrow > Smallville
Orange is a really difficult color to pull off. Aside from that the trunks are really unnecessary due to the belt, holster, bandolier, and two-toned blue, the loose gloves and pirate boots don't translate well into real life, and live-action has to account for the fact that anything put over someone's head other than cloth will add bulk - which usually means adding to the shoulders to keep the proportions right. Basically, there isn't anything major with his costume that messes with how it looks in live action, but there are bunch of little things.
Incompetence, it shouldn’t be that hard.
I like Arrow's for actually having color in it.
Speaking of porno, is there a porn parody costume?
Those things are always great.
Titans > Justice League > Smallville > Arrow
oh no no no
>JL > Arrow > Titans > Smallville
It's really not even up for debate.
Incompetence. Deathstroke's suit is rather simplistic with a lot of stylistic flair at odds with his profession, so costume designers feel the need to tone it down and make it as tacticool as possible, which usually winds up making him look cluttered instead of prepared.
I hope future adaptations get closer to his Rebirth look.
It's not that it's hard, they literally don't want to make it look like the comics. Why do you think every adaptation looks so different from the source material?
Seems like it has a lot of problems the traditional Captain America suit would have in live action
I always figured the Rebirth look was made to streamline his design. Easy to add a few pouches and shit to that. Don't know why shows keep copying the Arkham games armored look.
Didn't Slade say before that all that armor would be a dumb choice since it slows him down?
I can't believe anyone is rating this above JL or Titans. He looks like an autistic Airsoft player
>I guess I'll die an unmarried virgin and it's all Deathstorke's fault
To be fair this isn't just a problem with DC. Marvel has more than it's fair share of inaccurate costumes. It really just makes me appreciate it all the more when they go all out like Aquaman or Black Panther
Oh yeah, because Aquaman's design was so faithful to the comics.
Arrow's looks like an old porn parody with Justice League a modern one. Titans seems to actually be trying while Smallville was clearly ashamed of the source
S2 of Arrow was also shit.
We were talking about costumes
>live-action has to account for the fact that anything put over someone's head other than cloth will add bulk - which usually means adding to the shoulders to keep the proportions right
You can stiffen material without making it thicker. The helmet really doesn't need to be any thicker than if it was made of leather.
I know.
you forgot the best one
Arrow looks cool like the Arkham Origins version.
the Arrow helmet is fucking hilarious
JL has the best one no contest
Why does it always need to be a helmet?
In the comics its a mask but they always make or a mask, even in Teen Titans and that was a cartoon
Why is John McCain in this list?
But a hamster's turd compared to the elephant coming on the horizon
Could do without the fishing boots though.
>range is a really difficult color to pull off.
lol no
Even if you have a healing factor, I figure getting shot/stabbed isn't very fun. Also the armor can be made out of some sorta super light, super durable CNT alloy bullshit.
That's what it is in the comics.
Other one doesn't even have costume.
feels like none of them are right because he looks so fuckin bloated. How the fuck are you suppose to fight on those cumbersome suits?
Arrow also had a precursor balaclava
Have any adaptations addressed the fact Deathstroke is missing an eye because his wife shot him?
Obviously not talking about Titans or JL since one ain't out and the other is fucking dead
None, it’s always whoever the protagonist is rather than the wife who takes his eye. In the dc animated movie universe, it was Damian. In the Arrowverse it was Oliver. In Smallville, it was Clark. In Beware the Batman, it was Bruce.
Based on this pic alone? JL, Arrow, Titans and then Smallville.
Thought so, since for some reason most of the time Deathstroke shows up he either has both eyes, or is missing one and it's never explained.
Do any adaptions bring up his kids or wife at all for that matter?
Because I've only ever seen Jericho in Teen Titans but he and Slade were never in the same episode and they never bring up the connection.
As weird as it seems looks like Titans might be gearing up to be the most accurate Deathstroke adaptation.
So they can make money off fooliah nerds buying new versions of the character?
>People ITT actually like Titans costume
It looks like someone was trying to cosplay Black Panther but painted it wrong and added shoulder pads.
I mean I guess it looks kinda cool in it's own way. Just doesn't really look like Deathstroke.
Well Grant and Joe show up in the Arrowverse. Though Joe basically just acts like comic Grant rather than comic Joe. But yeah I suspect you are right about Titans probably being more comic accurate. That being said, I bet it’ll be revealed that Dick was the one who took Slade’s eye.
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they did that, knowing what the show has been doing with Dick already.
Snyderverse and it's not even close. They did the right thing by simply cribbing the best design the character had ever seen (Arkham Origins).
Secondary begone.
In this day and age they will never show woman on man domestic violence or a mother who has her motherly instinct kick in. Considering the fact that Adeline shot Slade’s eye in the first place because of a mercenary making Joey mute by slashing through his vocal cord and Slade hiding his mercenary life.
If she does show up it will be as a crazy bitch and in the wrong women. So either they won’t show it or they will make Adeline an example of a poor role model. As woman on man domestic violence is suppose to be justified.