
In which Claggart continues to be great.

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Will has come to accept his new life as a bag. Also, for anyone curious, Vampire's full name is Mallory Fici, unless he has a different last name from his sister for whatever reason.

Bet you Cresce wants to find a way to use the Etalarche Curse to decapitate or outright destroy Alderode.

Scratch that, it definitely is Fici. unsoundedcomic.tumblr.com/post/179930663310/your-new-icon-of-roger-in-happier-days-will-we

who is his sister?

Elarosny Fici, leader of the March

Why are they bringing they prisoners with them.

They are going to feed them to salt momma

Prisoners? That's fodder.

What's with all the strawberries?

I can see mist eels in the water but what are those human shapes? Are they like the ghosts Bastion can see?

Huh, it never occurred to me that the variable lifespans would lead to disparate dialects. Would language even evolve that much when you still have200 year old speakers perpetuating their own speech patterns?

Well it's also a class thing, the reds are the upper crust of the upper class (Yeah Ash says there are poor reds too, but realistically, they're mostly the 1% of Alderode) and toffs always speak different to proles.

You'd get people trying to imitate them like Duane, sure. But they'd never be able to pull it off 100%

Weirdly, the senet beasts seem to have no problem adapting to current language. Yes, tittybird and rapesnake have their quirks but their speech is usually perfectly understandable and they are far older tha any copper.

I wonder if Shaensigin will accept two-toes one or two generations removed form her original people that grew up under human conditions.

>You'd get people trying to imitate them like Duane
I love that he just got called out on it.

She is intelligent, obviously she will. It wasn't Vampire who asked for them.
>Weirdly, the senet beasts seem to have no problem adapting to current language. Yes, tittybird and rapesnake have their quirks but their speech is usually perfectly understandable

Tittybird can watch the khert and keep up to date, and Ruck woke up a few years ago and had to learn the language fresh, probably. It would not surprise me if they have perfect recall like Duane, Ash has mentioned they have to sleep a few thousand years every aeon or so to forget stuff

That's obviously the plan, if you've been picking up the hints. Roger wants to be cursed. The Queen and him have purposefully let Ruck mind fuck him into tiny pieces to the Black Tongues can figure out something from his soul. They need Delicieu 1.0's map of the soul to find whatever it is they want. Even if we didn't know that Cope said years ago there's a very specific reason Roger and only Roger can help the Queen's plan, it's clear the function of the Etalarche Curse is the keystone to the Queen's plan to end Alderode. Presumably it's to either just destroy the Dammakhert or somehow fuck up how it functions to essentially destroy the idea of Alderode. It might even be as simple as making the Curse work on every single Aldishman, so they all tear each other apart or something. I wouldn't bet on that myself, but it's the simplest theory.

>had to learn the language fresh
Couldn't he have just acquired it, so to speak? I don't recall specifics about how Rape Snake memory eating works, other than its function on humans is actually not the intended purpose. They were meant to be facilitators between other Senet Beasts and on them, their power is to mix both minds together inside of each other so they can come to an understanding. Then the Senet Beast's nature as unchanging lifeforms drags their memories and minds back to their bodies. But humans don't work like that, so they not only lose their memories and minds, but the process is actually super pleasurable to Rape Snakes. They either keep or consume the human's memories.

He speaks kind of weird now anyway, so maybe he's just not that out of date or is making an effort.

Ah yes of course, I forgot, Ruck just probably slurped the first Crescian he saw after waking up like a Body horror version of Starfire and said "It's fine" to the terrified others

Ashley said that it's a good thing that the hounds are not being brought into the heart because it's
>not a safe place

Either those Two-Toes are going to get a first hand account of what serving a god feels like as Salty forces them to strap people down to her hide for salting, or they're going to die a horrid death.

Seriously, Lemuel? THAT'S the slur you go with for a gay guy dressed as a strawberry?

I read in another thread that Ssaelism required shaving one's pubes, is it true?

Ashley once said that trimming certain body regions is recommended in the sacred scriptures of Ssaelism.

Ssael wrote a lot, and he apparently wrote a lot of weird stuff. Shaving pubic hair is the most common (for cleanliness), but I'm pretty sure (Ultra-)Orthodox Ssaelit shave all body hair. Women are also supposed to shave off their eyebrows, so as to not attract ghosts.

Duane tried to get Leysa to do that, just in case, and she adamantly refused.

Still better than circumcision or that weird shit Jews do where they can't cut their sideburns.

What's with the lack of best niggers?

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So, I guess Duane is just waiting to see if he can get some proper names?

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No, he's waiting for the khert fire to end before roasting everyone

Does core leeching require the name of the victim or does "human flesh" in Tainish suffice?

To what, provide to the Aldish state later? I doubt any of the rebels is careless enough to give them up.

Pretty sure proper names are only used by spells involving the Aldish state's weird and frightening dammakhert, because that thing brands you at birth.

He can't do a sting by himself, right? That's something only the government can do.
Speaking of which, how has the government not tagged Vampire yet? How many 300+ year-old Coppers are there that are unaccounted for? He's not exactly inconspicuous.

>How many 300+ year-old Coppers are there that are unaccounted for?
If it's any more than 1 you can't risk it.

How would the government know Vampire is a 300+ year old Copper? They know he's involved in the rebellion, which has lasted 20 years, so they can only assume he is not a Plat. The name vampire? Might be a misleader, or perhaps he drains his enemies of blood as a signature move, it is unreasonable to assume it refers to his caste.

Absolutely. We see a compressed version of this in our own cultures, where language changes are picked up by a younger generation, but not the older. If anything, I'd imagine the difference would be even more pronounced here, approaching a different language even.

So what's Prakhuta's endgame? He wants to placate the ghost babies, but how does the silver monster accomplish that?

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By making people suffer the worst days of their lives over and over again.

I'd wager the ghost babies are the fragmented pain/memories that simulate his soul, and the only thing they want is to see the world burn.

The Silver Monster itself is a big enough fuck-you to the Khert that it's self sustaining and the Khert can't fix it. Perhaps the end-game is to make the field even bigger, like those STALKER-esque hell-zones throughout the Aldish/Crescian border (such as the one where Duane and Jon were first stationed). Only this time, the land itself is "alive" and a portal straight to the Khert for every bad memory to come flooding out of.

That's fair. I assumed they would have at least a basic physical description from him being seen on the battlefield, but he probably would do his best to avoid that.