Just finished the dark crystal show, can i just say how amazing it was...

Just finished the dark crystal show, can i just say how amazing it was. All the new creatures and the focus on the skeksis as well as world building, it had everything i wanted in the star wars sequels that they didnt offer.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Glad you enjoyed it user. Still trying to convince some of my Netflix owning professors to check it out.

I really did, i had a blast watching it. Cant wait for season 2 when the garthim are finally used.

Which scene was your favorite, user?

At the moment, the part where the scientist brutally beat to death one of his slaves with a handle to the essence extractor.

And your favorite character?

Probably the emperor, him along with the scientist and hup. I love hup.

Chamberlains awesome too.

Not OP, but this whole sequence made me smile and giggle like a fool the whole time. I really love puppets, so putting puppets in my puppets just really made my whole day.

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skekGra best Skeksis. Convince me otherwise

skekLach was cooler, i loved her pustules


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it's out? fuck

Mira's death in the first episode. I was still in the "oh it's Muppets, how dark could it be" camp. The voice acting and the music made it feel like a real crime against nature.

why you mad? it was great

>”My lords! Help me!”

They were laughing at her man. That's what hurt me. It was a joke to them.

Gelflings are like puppies, they don't think or believe, they KNOW the Skeksis love them and wanna take care of them. She believed that they would save her, they wouldn't let her die in such an awful way.

The last thing she heard was them laughing at her

Watched the scene again and I noticed that the only one laughing was The Emperor. Everyone else seemed pretty shocked or awed... until they got the essence that is.

Yo should i watch the movie first or the netflix show.

Show first.

Chamberlain's speech at the end of the first episode

Personally I'd say watch the movie first, but the series seems to be a much more palatable entry into this franchise for a lot of people. Either choice is completely fine, your experience will be great either way. Just know that the series and film are REALLY tonally different. Not in a bad way, they just are.

When Seladon went to talk to the Skeksis thinking she had any power and they just outright mock her and humiliate her and then assault her.

Also the entire Heretic/Wanderer scenes.

SkekMal. Nothing gold can last. I hope the mariner will make a future apoearance

Chamberlain bullying Rian in the carriage

This. When Seladon put on her Skeksis costume I was worried she was gonna be the main focus villain but HMMMM... NO

You're right, one of them even even shockingly said "what are you doing to her !" Some of them even call out the scientist to stop.
Skeksis were corrupt rulers and nobles in the past, but It's when they become drug addict and cross the line of canniablizem that Skeksis became full evil and psychopathic and see Gelflings just their food instead of their subject and civilians in their empire.
Pre essence addiction, scroll keeper was actually going to invite the princess to his library.

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I think Scroll-Keeper was just kissing her ass because she was a princess and he had someone to brag to.

But it is interesting that the Skeksis besides Emperor and Scientist were appalled by the act. Their last morsel of decency died in that room

thanks I needed something to watch.

Most kino moment of 2019

Skeksis the bird folks right? Man I don't remember much if anything. The birds still evil? Hell were they even evil in the movie? It's always nice to see practical effects again. I miss that shit. They look good in motion?

Yes, yes, yes, yes
Just watch it for yourself dude

>>birds still evil

Nigga you got no idea

They chew the scenery with how evil they are, its great.

Just how evil are the Skeksis here anyway?

Absolutely despicable, moreso than ever. Though they also have a couple scenes hat semi-humanize them so you see what their mindset is that drives them to do what they do, they're well done and don't try to portray them as less selfish, so they don't hinder the show's ability to show them gleefully committing atrocities.
Telling you the stuff they do would spoil some of the series best moments, so my advice would be to go watch it.

Over the top borderline demonic. Slavery, torture, genocide, cannibalism, murder, betrayal, bullying, netorare, animal abuse, poor table manners, and public mictruition

Wait a minute...

I did not stutter

basically what said minus the cucking. Not sure about the 'public mictruition' though since it was done within their private property.

Dont forget... TELLING LIES

Did you mean ...this?

Attached: Give it back.png (1191x856, 1.79M)

drinking the youknowwhat in front of youknowwho

I honestly think the scroll keeper was taking a shine to her. He probably still thought of her as a pet but he probably thought of her as the smartest pet.

The Gourmand and the General actually look physically ill. I'd go so far as to say they looked horrified, as if the Scientist just stabbed a puppy right in front of them to turn into liquefied cocaine.

Of course once they hit that shit they were right as rain, but it needs to be said that at the very least they had some morality while they were sober.

Why do I think she is referring to a radiation or virus experiment?

The Ornamentalist is one of the worst of the bunch since skekEkt wasn't even present for Mira's draining and pretty much responded to the news about drinking the souls of Gelfings with "Oh, that's neat. Where the hell is mine?"

The Scroll Keeper seemed genuinely delighted to meet somebody else that liked knowledge for knowledge's sake though. Without skekLach around, he probably would have wound up taking her there if just to show off how great he was.

Far as the draining goes, the Scientist actually knew what was going to happen in advance so it's no surprise he wasn't appalled by it. The Emperor didn't but clearly didn't care.

She very well could be. The Skeksis were beautiful before they started abusing Crystal

>Of course once they hit that shit they were right as rain, but it needs to be said that at the very least they had some morality while they were sober.
I think it bears looking at that while they were siphoning off the life-essence of the planet through the crystal, up until that point they seemed to have a bit of distance between them and the actual harm of their rule, they weren't getting their hands dirty as much. Most of them didn't see the darkening, sent Gelflings to be their forces, and because of this, were able to more effectively keep up the facade of benevolence. As soon as they started directly siphoning life from their subjects, a more animalistic side of them came out, and they were no longer able to hide their true nature, and it makes perfect sense that the phase of their rule through propaganda and manipulation came to an end coinciding with the consumption of Gelfling essence.

I think that ties to Aughra thinking the Skeksis were benevolent once then got darker.

Skeksis were maybe not as corrupt or psychotic as they were but centuries of using the crystal to stave off death or maybe just the time itself had changed them. Until that time they only sought to enslave the gelflings and maybe genocide other races for opposing them or because it was a tuesday.

When they find out that they can murder gelflings to extend their lives and restore their strength they went of pompous manipulative aristocrats to literal monsters who prey upon the gelflings. At first they are trying to keep it secret but as we know from the movie, they switch to about a monsterous as you can get.

Attached: Im not trapped with them they are trapped with me.webm (640x392, 2.92M)

Also that the other skeks were ugly and had some festering puss ulcers but with her it made up her entire body.

Anybody else thing the new show is a little too busy compared to the movie? I mean the movie felt more impactful because the dialogue was so sparse and there weren't so many distracting music cues. It was way more atmospheric and alien. The sets also feel smaller now.

What the was the festering skeksis chick's name? I legitimately can't find a reference.

skekLach, the Collector.

I like the series better, out of the two non muppet henson films from the 80s i always preferred labyrinth because it was so lively, and while i still loved dark crystal it was mostly for the skeksis, alot of the things about jyn felt kinda boring tbqh. I feel the series has the strengths of the film and builds upon them to make something better.

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>They look good in motion?

The Hunter is the best example. Apparently they are using lighter suits so they move around better.

They also get tweaked with CGI, like when they roll their tongues.

She totally seems like the character that gets the fanart.

I don't think that counts as cucking him, its more of just psychologically torturing him by drinking whats left of his gf. Its a separate brand of of dickery.

Why the fuck do people watch prequels before the original? Prequels are just sequels that happen to take place earlier in the story.
Prequels almost always use the original as a foundation and build off it. Just like sequels do.
You would never tell someone to watch Empire Strikes Back before A New Hope.
And there's tons of references to the original film that you would not pick up on if you watch the fucking show first. Watch the fucking movie first.

the one where the emperor and the general talk about their dreams, it really did a great job making the skeksis more sympathetic, the strong feeling of guilt they had whenever they thought back, their fear of death, how the emperor was willing to suffer to assure the survival of him and the other skeksis.
it made the later scene of the emperor being willing to do almost everything to make sure that the hunter survive work even more. he is desperately trying to hang on to the self created myth that skeksis are immortal. if the hunter dies that means they all can die and his fear of death is too great to let that happen.
also really liked all the hunter scenes, especially the once where he ridiculed the other skeksis for only caring bout court politics which in his eyes were pointless.
the heretic was also great.

Because people like watching things in order.

>Until that time they only sought to enslave the gelflings and maybe genocide other races for opposing them or because it was a tuesday.
They started genociding Gelflings only when that was the only real way to extend their own lives. Its the beginning of the first episode where they become from ostensibly evil to full blown diabolical villains. Before the prequel they were just greedy assholes obsessed about self-preservation. It was Chamberlains idea to start killing off other creatures for their gain, SkekTek didn't even have that pop in his mind.

Aughra reminds the Scientist, arguably the cruelest Skek, they used to be friends. He can't even look her in the eye, he can only mutter that it was a long time ago.

People whine about "sympathetic villains" like every villain who isn't Darkseid is without merit. This year the most tragic villain is an Aquaman-themed casting couch rapist. The genocidal bird vampire's are still evil without regret, we just know that DEEP down they still have emotions and fears.

Brea tricking the shopkeep with the tainted drink

Anyone else notice how many of the leaders seemed to know that the Skeksis were just bullies running a protection racket? I guess they let it slide to maintain status quo

If you and your family could live in the biggest house on the highest hill in town in exchange for a yearly visit from weird creepy bird monsters, wouldn't that be worth it?

I like the Skekses and all, but this series suffers from being just so, so ugly all the time.

Chamberlain and Rian in the carriage.

The emperor, I loved how desperate he is to cling to life.

that part was great
they got this young guy from youtube that makes his own small hand puppets to perform most or all of that part according to the Making Of documentary

[racial slurs in podling language]
[podling language about their mothers]

drunk Hup is an absolute madman

And its great.

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>it was a metaphor for crystal meth all along

Nah. Skeksis were always ugly as they represent the dirty side of UrSkeks after the conjunction had falied.

No it really isn't. It's nice that the Skeses are hideous and that their personalities match, but the Gelflings also have ugly little rat faces that preventing you from rooting for their little love affairs. I mean who wants these things to reproduce? If there weren't an explicit father/son relationship in the show, I'd believe you if you told me that female Gelflings lay hundreds of eggs in their mates so that Gelfling larvae can eat their father when they hatch.

She was probably helping the Emprah with his early Darkening experiments and got burned.

There is only one order: RELEASE ORDER!

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What about the Order of Lesser Service

Touché, those blingy hats are hard to beat.

>weird creepy bird monsters
Don't badmouth Soros/Koch/Rothschild's!

why did he have Cheetos dust all over his hands the entire time?

I pulled a muscle cringing at the "all the clans are equal" heavy handed social message, But everything else was fucking excellent

Skin was fucked from exposure to the chemicals n shit he worked with

I thought they weren't like that before his first experiment on the Crystal.

Me too, but on a rewatch you'll notice they are

Semi-autistic psychopaths with strong sadistic tendencies coupled with absolute desperation to cling to life for as long as they can.

Fuck you, I want to make tender love to Deet.

Im new to the whole thing, watched the movie for the first time only a week ago, and started the show. I feel such a conection with the fucking Skeksis.
I walk around my apartment wearing robes while making skeming biird noises.

>I walk around my apartment wearing robes while making skeming biird noises.
Are you the same asshole who try to shave my pug and force it to play drums?

I thought it was a rusted mechanical hand

A-a-user.......could you explain this connection you feel a little more? How MUCH of a connection do you feel?

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Psssst Jim Henson was a fucking hippy and he'd 100% be a SJW if he was alive today

The gelflings are the worst design because of uncanny valley

He was a strange breed of good ol boy southern hippie.

He'd probably wonder why everyone was so pissy all the time

Says you. I wanna make sweet tender love to Deet. And hate fuck Seladon.

Strap Seladon in the chair and just fucking have a go

What happens if a Gelfling drinks Essence?

Also, who is best clan?

First for Grot

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Dude wasn't a dumbass. He'd know exactly why people are so pissy, and continue to put egalitarian themes in his work.

That's awesome, I need to follow this guy.

Any hopes and predictions for the remaining skeksis?
>skekung the garthim master
>skekna the slave master
>skekshod the treasurer
>skekli the satirist
>skeksa the mariner

The creation of MY DEADLY GARTHIM


>>skekung the garthim master
The Garthim have some fundamental flaw or malfunction that prevents them from being effectively used in battle. He arrives and makes them work, earning his title and prominent status. He and Chamberlain give new meaning to hating someone

>skekna the slave master
Inspires the Scientist to use the Crystal to fry the brains of podlings and harvest for slaves. Possibly after a podling revolt

Questionable if the remainder have any prominence at all

>preys on nurlocs
So are they saying there's a really big bird out there

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Soon, gentle Deet. Soon.

How tight is gelfling poon?

V tight, but your dick will still be too small for it

Chamberlain and Rian’s scene in the carriage.

Chamberlain was my favorite in the movie and he’s my favorite here. Simon Pegg crushed it with his performance. I also love Deet because she’s cute! Cute!

Have you practiced self love today?

Attached: skekso.png (800x800, 274K)

this had better fucking get more seasons

>Aquaman-themed casting couch rapist. Who was this?

Are you shilling it to your friends and family






Just letting you know I've claimed this Gelf boipussi as mine so back off

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Hahaha what if SkekLach sat on my face hahaha

>Chamberlain's speech at the end of the first episode
That speech really hooked on the show quite hard. Especially after the shocking events involving Mira right prior which I wasn't expecting.

The Skeksis were beautiful after the initial split.

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He is talking about The Deep from The Boys.

It's funny that the skeksis with the strangest voice often has the best lines

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I wouldn't really call this beautiful

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I really like the way the Hunter moves. I get that he's a lighter puppet than the others but everything about him feels like an actual living, breathing creature. Very cool.

I can't be the only one who wants to see this?

>"Thanks for healing Thra and my gf, oh wise UrSkeks! Can you guys do anything about the rest of the Gelflings you genocided?"
>ight bro im boutta head out

Attached: cya.gif (326x184, 1.91M)

>Questionable if the remainder have any prominence at all
They might not all be super relevant, but I am betting they will all have a decent a amount of dialogue and at least one really solid and memorable scene

I bet we will see that there are gelfling surviving in random corners of the world

None of you noticed the Emperor's dick did you?

Now you can never not see it.

Your welcome.

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I think he might actually be a full-body suit, like Aughra, rather than a puppet held up by a crouching human.

>What are we doing on the chair Skeksi onee chan?

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Talk about a napoleon complex.

Is this from the movie or series?

Fuckin beautiful


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>be paladin
>Lords of the Crystal call me to castle for "important task"
>walk in
>hear this youtu.be/SXl3XT2sKtI
Wat do

Attached: 1555111028026.png (600x431, 331K)

>Better side with the Lords and betray everyone

>makes sqauking scheming noises

>all clans equal
That's literally 80's tier babbies first moral message

>But I was loyal! I warned you of the guard's revolt!
Snitches get stitches gelfboi

Attached: TRIAL BY LEAD.png (2048x1073, 695K)

>I'ma duck out m'lords

came to Yea Forums for porn of the bird guys where is it

*laughing bird noises*
Stttupid harry podling, he needed a ERr cut

Scattered across the internet

>get curious
>look it up
>its all skeksis raping gelflings

Attached: 1544955957421.jpg (640x640, 104K)

There's a few skeksis/skeksis stuff

As someone who's been looking for that, where is it? All I find are skek on skek


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That's his toe.


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No it's not. Do you have a toe growing between your legs?

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The Skeksis should have listened to Chamberlain and not killed all the Gelflings and instead just took only as many as they needed


They could have lasted a lot longer that way, ya

hhhmmMMMMMmmm this user makes a good point, yes?

Open your mouth

and the stupid skeksis would not hear chamberlins plans!

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It's just the perspective. I outlined his foot and circled his toes.

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>tfw this was the first thing to pop into my head after watching that scene

Is difficult being voice of reason in such crazed world.

Attached: The-Dark-Crystal-Age-of-Resistance-Chamberlain.jpg (1920x865, 118K)

>mfw just getting to The Heretic

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Loved when the skeksis are all laughing and bantering drinking essence and Gourmand is just confused and asking what the heck an ablution is

Attached: gourmand.png (1356x1820, 2.42M)

Dark crystal but the word "essence" is replaced with "gamer girl pee"


You're in for a treat

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>Puppetry... Yay.
>everyone groans
I lost it


>Everyon groans
>Except Deet, genuinely loves their company and everything they do
Why is she show precious?

because of how hard she is going to fall

On my dick

I identified with Deet all too strongly in this scene and it solidified her as my waifu.

Okay Seladon is a highest level bitch but goddamn she TRIED
She kept her cool and worked every possible angle to keep the Gelfling race alive, even when the skeks laughed down every single suggestion she made
She did have leadership material, if she just wasn't so stubbornly locked on the established order

>I'm a fun Skeksis!
Heretic confirmed for """cool""" mom status

>Can I get you gelflings anything? Some snacks? A condom yes?


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Heretic wouldn't have condom. He only raws The Wanderer, no barrier needed.

Is it considered masturbation though?

Go neck yourself

What is the context of this meme?

Wholesome self love

Behold his wonder


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All I know is I want to make her scream. From pleasure.

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Where's the love for this show's true chad

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Gurjin is a true bro.

His arathim waifu, obviously

Who wants to bet he got to smash some of that bug pucci in the end

>orgasmic hissing is heard all across Thra

Wasn't interested, but checked it out just to see the effects.Admired them so much I'm still watching. The characters and their quirks are growing on me.

He ain't no snitch

Can someone post skekMal bowling Rian

>decades ago, user want to mate with gelfling
>now they want to mate with skeksis over gelfling
May I ask why?


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Juni from the order of lesser service is cute!

skeksis are clearly the superior race

SkekMal hits all my buttons

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>Soon after tries to publicly execute him by caving in his skull
Fucking brutal

Imagine being a skeksis convinced that skekMal is dead then he shows up in the middle of pitched battle, snatches the enemy Chosen One at full speed, and just fucking bowling ball's his ass into a building

Attached: SkekMalnomask.jpg (1080x816, 162K)

I don't like how fizzgig went from being the name of a character to the name of the entire species

To be fair, what the hell should you call them?

So I it okay to watch the movie now or will I be confused after watching the series

Starting with either is completely fine
The series is super welcoming to franchise newcomers

Series explains everything for newbies
Movie's lore is a bit murkier, still entirely watchable

Series slowly reveals twists you'd have already known/guessed upon watching the movie
Watching movie first allows you to appreciate details and characters the series introduces

Like user said, either/or. Each works fine

God, their dynamic was perfect. This show has been perfect every step

He's even the coolest looking one under the mask, too.

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I can only imagine the effort it took for Kevin Clash to pull off the character's movements with all the gear and costume on


What the fuck are they even buying, especially now?

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Better than shortstacks. Fully proportional little people

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>tfw no "virgin mystic and Chad Skeksis" edit

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My wife.
>ywn have a qt gelfling gf curl up in your lap and fall asleep.

Dude just keeps track of their stores of food and nice stuff in case they need to get more.

Maybe if he wasn't such a lazy bitch and got back in the fucking lab he'd get to eat at the table

We are finally going to see the skeksis funeral in season 2 right ?
SkekZok must had figure out the funeral ritual by this point

He literally came from nowhere and yeeted him across the battlefield love this guy

>Maybe if he wasn't such a lazy bitch and got back in the fucking lab he'd get to eat at the table

Scientist eventually finally got
a seat at the banquet table, according to the film.


Attached: Aughra don't give a skekshit.png (1345x1229, 2.55M)

Oh you see him having dinner with the rest during the series itself, in the scene that Chamberlain returns from getting PEACH'D by the stonewoods
He was only locked in his labs until the essence extraction machine was repaired WIIIITH UPGRAAAADES

I'm just imagining skekZok huddled up in his room somewhere furiously up at night trying to autistically craft the perfect funeral ritual, vials of Essence surrounding him a la cans of Mountain Dew. Then after grueling hours of torment, he finally comes up with his perfect ritual and gets to do it for the Hunter. Then he gets sad because none of the other Skeks can into his deep symbolism he put into the ritual and they all think it's stupid.

Attached: desk.jpg (550x376, 30K)

I'm surprised he survived his first episode even.

>gets to do it for the Hunter.

What about the funeral for the General and Colleter ? That three death in one day .

I'd assume so. I just forgot about those two since the Hunter was the big one.

aye me too, I was totally expecting him to die just as another guilt upon Rian
but no, nigga still going strong

...For now

this, hensen was the steven colbert of his time. the original dark crustal had the same messages, he would have probably been a massivesjw if he was still alive today.

Pretty sure his big "dead in the first episode" energy was entirely intentional so that Mira's death would be subversive.
Also, props to Gurjin for figuring out that draining means jackshit if your will to live is strong enough decades before Kira did.

That’s the chamberlain you dingus

How is Chamberlain so fucking based!?

It's all in the mmmmmmhmmmmmm

Here are your skeksis.

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I still can't believe Simon Pegg is the Chamberlain, he does such a good voice.

Not gonna lie, before I opened the image I thought you were memeing and it was gonna be one of those /pol/ collages of Jewish people in positions of political or financial power

Mark Hamill and Harvey Fierstein might have been the most perfect casting choices for any Skeksis period

>Do you sleep?
>Of course, Sire

>Do you dream?
>No, Emperor

>Neither did I, until I began my experiments upon the Darkening. Now my sleep is riddled with nightmares

>Do you remember what it was like...Before we were rent asunder?
>I don't think of such things
>And yet, the thoughts come

>...I remember suffering
>And sorrow

>But it's hard to recall, like...
>A dream
>A nightmare!

>We know the torment that lies behind us, but what torment waits beyond this existence? All the more reason to hold onto life with all claws...

>No matter the cost

Attached: dreams of the skeksis.png (1365x603, 1.01M)

No, shows the Scientist.

>Mark Hamill VAing this
Do I need to sign up for Netflix or could I buy the movie without doing that?

Sign up for Netflix to help us get a second season. Or just torrent the show instead.

Above all else, I hope the writing stays this good for future seasons. So many memorable lines in this show.

Do I need to watch the original Dark Crystal film to watch the series?

I tried, but I got bored and popped in Labyrinth instead.

You got pleb filtered hard, but no. You can just jump straight into the series if you want.

It's a prequel to the O.G. Dark Crystal. If you're the type of dude to watch Star Wars starting from Episode I, then go right ahead.

>The Scientist as an urSkek built Aughra her observatory and enjoyed having someone with a scientific mind to talk to
>after they split apart, centuries later, he still feels bad about their betrayal

This exchange is so good it really made me kind of feel for them. Extesential dread is bad enough for us but imagine you are an alien on a world full of hiveminds and tnagibke connected energies
It'd be fucking terrifying trying to image what will happen to you, uniquely disconnected from everything around you with vague memories of being punished for a crime you don't remember
Such good villains

Just finished the movie, it was neat but obvious that it was meant to be a movie mostly for young kids.
What am I in for with the show? I notice each episode is an hour long so I get just the slightest feeling it's gonna have just a little more depth.

Heretic and UrGoh's puppet show

Surprising amount of death and Chamberlain

It ups the ante on the gelflings and fleshes them out infinitely more than the movie
you'll also get much more skeksis goodness, the gelfling characters are fine and all but for most of us the skeks are still the best part


You have me sold
Also from the clips I've seen of the show the puppetry seemed on such a different level that I figured the movie would be almost unwatchable if you watch the series first.

I made a thing. Suggestions?

I'm also not memeing about Brea, she really creeps me out. Seems like she has Down's syndrome or something.

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Is it really that good? I don't think I have ever watched the dark crystal. It kind of bored me as a kid.

>"The Emperor Turns To Dust"

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>You have me sold
skekSil is possibly the best part of the whole shebang. Again
And I say this with acknowledgement that most of the skeks are fantastic

Cosplay is already happening.

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Anyone else see the part in the documentary where the lady who made Brea's diary blatantly points out a drawing of a pot leaf?

It was also really fucking cozy seeing Brian Froud and his family working together.

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The fucking technical and performance difficulty of getting puppets to perform a complex puppet show blew my fucking mind. At one point they have a Skeksis usings its hands to use finger puppets... that's like using a pair of industrial robot arms to control a mouse and keyboard to play Counter Strike.

Brea and the Vaprans look a-ok to me. It's Rian who looks off to me. I get that his mouth looks smiley because he's almost certainly Jen's dad and he had a similar look, but it still threw me off bad. I still don't mind him, but he easily looks the worst.

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I'm not so sure that they actually had the puppet models doing that
We know that it was Barnaby doing that one little sequence


it is inevitable.

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You don't know how hard it is to not be leaving somewhere and say
>I go now, bye-bye!
while slinking away with hunched shoulders

Skekung will befriend the scientist and help him perfect the Garthim, thus securing him as an ally. Then he gradually starts to take the scientist for granted and abuse him like the others do, and like he does in the movie.

>the virgin "ight bro im boutta head out"
>the chad pic related

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I want art of sekUng and skekTek at a bar drunk on essence and commiserating about how much they hate skekSil

Movie had way too much focus on boring generic Chosen One and his bland Love Interest, not enough on Skeksis. The TV show fixes this.

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It's because no matter the situation, he has the perfect comeback for it. The only time he doesn't is when the other side is just straight-up throwing down.
Chamberlain is an early season GOT character that wandered into a marionette play

Everyone loves the same big scenes. But which is your favorite small one? For me it's this. Honestly, how many works have the bad guys calling for aid? It felt to me like it was even parodying Tolkien. And the reaction of everyone else in the castle was priceless.

Attached: [Mordor calls for aid intensifies].png (1361x609, 1.05M)

>they didn’t rip off all of the gelfling’s clothes like they did the chamberlain in the movie

It finally understand that what people want to see is a bunch of assholes politicking and stabbing each other in the back, not "STOP THE DARKNESS, BE THE CHOSEN ONE" tripe. That's what killed GoT.

>What happens if a Gelfling drinks Essence?
Do you want Mad Gelfling Disease? Because THAT'S how you get Mad Gelfling Disease.

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Essence-drinking, path to Dark Side of he Crystal that is.

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Deet reassuring Hup with a pep talk after they broke out of prison on their way to Ha'Rar.

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I autistically make Chamberlain noises while reading these threads

Where can you see the documentary?

>Fucking Andy Samberg as the Heretic

it's also on Netflix, it's called the Crystal Calls

>Deet always beautiful

It's fucking great.

>when you haven't paid your late return fees and try to duck out before the librarian catches up

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Never watched the original movie but I'm enjoying the show so far. Only on the second episode though but shit keeps getting realer and realer and I'm loving it.

Anyone else feel like they need to explore more of the setting, so we can get beyond the Gelflings (who honestly are the worst part of the whole thing) and Skekis (who are effectively dead and shouldn't come back as they did before)? Because there is a lot of potential here, but we're sort of in the whole "I REMEMBER THAT" running in circles phase.

I don't even know how to choose
Scene within a scene, but skekmal fucking throwing Rian's ass across the battlefield like a ball is beautiful

I love the Gelflings and learning more about them this time around as much as I do the Skeksis. I get they're not as memorably ham our good ol' skekbois but they're so damn likeable. I'll cry buckets when they all die.

Ill suck the librarian's dick

Gelfling puppets just look terrible, and the whole concept is just too similar to generic elf/fairies/fey. They've just gotten more elf-like with the series.

Can anyone explain what the "three brothers shine" thing means? It was when Rian and Deet were searching for the dual glaive.

>One member of a race of lazy fucking shits is in his prime and shows how potentially terrifying that race can be
I wish this was a trope, fucking love it

The suns
Thra orbits three stars varying called the three Brothers or Sisters depending on culture

3 brothers are the 3 suns

She reminds me a lot of Nausicaa's journey and I love it.

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He reminds me of Reyn from Xenoblade, even has a similar voice.

They all look fine to me, I guess I just have a tolerance for that kinda stuff. Also stuff like dreamfasting, the sex differences, and the physical and behavioral distinctions between the clans appeal more to me than typical elves do.

not really

don't get me wrong, the world could definitely be explored, but this is a definite situation where the gelfling and split races are and always have been the center

I just don't think I'd care very much about something ELSE

I liked how he he repeats verbatim the opening line of the movie when he answers her, and it doesn't feel like a hamfisted callback at all. It was a very well executed little moment.

I loved it when the Hunter came in the castle nearly dead and all the other Skeksis seemed genuinely concerned as if they just snapped out of their horrendous ways if only for a minute.


This is why Emprah is best authority figure. He cares!

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God I just want to give him a hug and reassure him that everything will be alright. Based potato boy.

Isn't Thra also really small for a planet?

That little scene with skekMal and skekSil where the Hunter goes from mocking the Chamberlain to straight up respecting his thirst for power within three lines.

Both of them are absolutely terrifying in completely different ways.

I thought it was okay. At the end of the day might makes right bores me.

The little elves team up and that means they can slaughter the vultures in physical combat.

I like when stories don't boil down to this.

Like, the archer. He doesn't take out his other half by merging and finding forgiveness/peace. He murders himself to murder the hunter.

murder murder murder.

>completely missed the point of the Heretic and Wanderer
How do I achieve this level of retardation

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I know what you are, but what am I?

>Like, the archer. He doesn't take out his other half by merging and finding forgiveness/peace. He murders himself to murder the hunter.
the fuck was he SUPPOSED to do
the great conjunction wasn't going to happen for DECADES more

When Hup loses his shit.

I kind of get what you are saying, but I think it worked in the Archer's case because the story did a good job of setting up how the solution to his dilemma was and always had been simple violence, and he had been avoiding coming to this obvious conclusion for centuries because he was just as scared of death as the skeksis were. Thematically, the Archer was really more of a foil for the Emperor than he was for the Hunter.

Retarded. The Heretic and Wanderer literally exist to show you how a Skeksis and Mystic can resolve their differences by making peace with themselves. Such a plotline was already there.

The 3 brothers are the suns, the three sisters are the moons.

Ah shit, Hup even points that out doesn’t he now that I recall

Probably the Chamberlain drinking Mira’s essence in front of Rian. What a glorious fucker.

Chamberlain, Scientist, and the Hunter. Skekso was great too.

Why didn't the mystics just kill themselves?

Like others have said, he probably perfects the Garthim design, crowning him Garthim Master. Chamberlain probably thinks he’s as easy to fool as the General, only for Skekung to see through his bullshit. Skekung wasn’t a genius, but he wasn’t stupid.

If the skeks were all sucking down crystal power just to stay alive before they discovered Essence, how did the Hunter stay alive out in the forest? How about that other female skek that visited them? They didnt seem to bathe in crystal energy every morning like the main group did.

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They didn't want to die either

They held onto hope that the prophecy would come about. They were scared of dying. Various reasons
You could say that their great sin was inaction and allowing the world to suffer while the Skeksis refused inhibitions

Reeee there are no female skeksis

Skeksis don't actually need crystal to stay healthy and live long time. They just think they do.

>Not absorbing the spirit and power of your prey by eating it's still beating heart

Lifestyle seems to be the common theory, not giving in to sloth and hedonism probably keeps the outer dwellers fitter than the Castle Skeksis
But it’s also possible that they would come to the castle periodically to take part. We see just in the series itself that even castle skeks can spend a few days away with no real ill effect
They had probably only been trying daily because they were hoping to see if the Crystal would give THAT DAY since it hadn’t the prior. When the ritual gave them plenty of energy they probably had to do it far less often

Gurjin was a beast.

They may be the "better" half of the UrSkeks but they are very much beings with their own faults. They still very much wanted to be reunited with the Skeksis and while aware of the horrible events going on on Thra, they were overall too passive in nature to do anything about it while the Skeksis (The much more active half) continued to do as they saw fit. That's why the Archer's arc concludes with him realizing what had to be done for the better of Thra, even if his own selfish nature had made him reluctant to do so.
Adding on to this, some user earlier said this kinda matches Archer more thematically with the Emperor than the Hunter, but I kinda disagree. The Hunter, while not drawing from the Crystal or Essence, is still as obsessed with the idea of eternity as the other Skeksis. His outlet for that is the Hunt and keeping himself in peak /fit/ condition as opposed to the Crystal/Essence. He even boasts about his supposed eternity when trying to kill Rian. skekMal may have been more competent than his brethren for sure, but he still absolutely shares in their same selfish desires to be as brutal as they please without consequence. His desires are just more respectable because he's not a lazy shit.

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>aughera said he was the most beautiful
besides the heretic, he was the most intune with thra/nature

Season 2 is going to be brutal. Empire Strikes Back except everyone dies horribly. Not just Gelfling either. Remember that there were explicitly only 10 Skeksis/Urru by the time of the movie.

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So did the skeks used to be covered in pretty fluffy feathers when they were younger?

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I don't want my old gay hippy dads to die

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they're also your moms at the same time too

I don't want my old gay hippy parents to die

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If they take inspiration from the JM Lee books, then skekSa the mariner will sail inside a gargantuan enslaved sea-behemoth, with rooms built into its innards

That sounds like it would make for some exceedingly creative set design, needless to say we should all be in agreement that the prospect of that being a thing would be amazing

Not really. They seem pretty hairless, and cover themselves with clothes fairly quickly

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Who is the dude? The puppeteer? Emperor was voiced by some other guy.

16 Skeksis/urRu at the start of AoR. 13 by the end of the season. 3 more left to die.

That's his voice actor Jason Isaacs as Lucious Malfoy

That's Isaacs

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My only real issue with the show was the score. Trevor Jones aint dead so its a shame they cheaped out. The movie has one of my favorite soundtracks of all time, I appreciated the tease of the motif in the first and last episodes but on the whole it didn't do a whole lot for me.
Also I wish drained Gelfling just collapsed from the chair a withered husk with white hair and sunken features insead of exploding into sparkles. Besides that stuff, loved it. Especially my boy SkekTek.

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What's the chance of seeing Raunip in S2? He hasn't officially died yet in any expanded material, has he?

He looks so different in Death of Stalin.

Do they all have 4 arms like that?

Yeah, you can see them sometimes. Most of them are atrophied and useless by the time of the show/movie. Only Hunter seems to make use of his.

The blonde wig will make anyone look weird

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The writers actually talked about this in an interview:

Addiss: We love Raunip. There was not space for him in this story, but we’re hoping there’s space for him in later stories.

Matthews: Raunip is such is a great character, and he’s such a great engine for drama, relationships, a different perspective. But in the first season, the audience needs to learn sort of the first perspective: the Skeksis, the Gelfling. That’s the easiest way in. As the story progresses, with more layers, nuance, and grey areas. Raunip is the master of the grey area. So, keep hope alive.

Doing nothing seemed to work pretty well up to that point.

I finally sat down and watched the last three episodes. I got to say this is one of the most perfect shows I've seen in a long time.
If I had one complaint it's that there wasn't enough random small creatures running around in the foreground. I always felt that was a staple of the old Jim Henson movies.

>Reeee there are no female skeksis

I'm pretty sure a few are more female than not.

Trevor Jones may not be dead, but judging by his imdb he's mostly inactive as fuck. I utterly adore the original film's score as well, but I don't know if he'd have it in him to do an entire tv show. Not to mention the show and film are radically different in tone.
As for me, while it's not as iconic as the original film's music, I still loved AoR's score. The main theme, the song of Thra, and the memorial song were particular highlights for me.

I sexually identify as Skeksis.

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They aren't any. There aren't even any male ones. They're hermaphrodites. They only differ in how they express themselves, and how we interpret their clothing and mannerisms.

SkekZok has the prettiest eyes of all skeksis.

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For his own personal survival, not Thra's. And despite his own selfish desires, he ultimately wanted to do what was best for Thra.

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>Skekmal decides to skin SkekSil instead

Nah that's just some friendly foreplay

Why would skekMal have skex when the hunt is all he needs

The hunt for skekbussy is what he needs

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Don't mind me, just posting the biggest chad to ever grace television.

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I’m certainly interested in more Skekso in season 2. I felt like he was more on the sidelines this season, but every once in a while he would do some intense or Chad shit to remind you he’s the boss.

I hope they find a way to make heretic meet with the other Skeksis. That should make for some interesting material.

Is the Crystal piece in his scepter a part of the Crystal of Truth, it is it just something else?

The Emperor used his to hold the scepter during the battle.

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The only thing I could actually point out that annoyed me was “DID I MENTION MY TWO FATHERS YET,” but even then I just took it as a Netflix requirement that didn’t derail anything thankfully.

The Scientist was into growing crystals, to the point where he made the Haakskeekah stone in an attempt to produce a superior version of the Crystal itself.

You can see some samples growing in a little pot in his locksnake cupboard, on the shelf under where he stores the essence sample.

I think they were also the motive power source for the weird wargear they were wearing, like the Scrollkeeper's blade-launchers.

No Netflix required. The producers and writers are to the left on their own.

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I don't know if you can really call three-streamers any kind of gender as it applies to human beings. They are gender skeksis

He reminds of Scorpius.

Well, they have been planning to kill eachother for centuries so everyone of them probably has horded some weird stuff.

She only mention it once. calm your tits down.

This. At first I was scared she would be a standard villain and I thought she would be very Mary Sue. But you realize that she put on this front of becoming the villain to save her people from a struggle she didn't apprehend the scale of. Then as she is told no you see that increase of realization and fear because no matter how much she tries her efforts were all in vain and she's actually in danger. She thought she was a wolf but is actually a sheep in the middle of a wolf pack.

But there are so many great scenes, it is hard to pick.

>how did the Hunter stay alive out in the forest?

100 Push-Ups.
100 Sit-Ups.
100 Squats.
10KM Running


That’s not true. They say FATHERS multiple times, even the son does, and instead of saying parents they say FATHERS.
It didn’t make me mad, I just laughed and didn’t mind it just stopping there, but no, they don’t just reference it once.

Netflix produced the show.

So, safe to say this isn't a show I can watch with my 10yo niece.

You can watch it yeah. Just be ready for a *Pop* every now and then.

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Everyone does.

It’s a good test really. If she gets scared or doesn’t care for it, she’s a normie. If she’s morbidly fascinated with the Skesis and appreciates the puppetry, she’ll make a fine Yea Forumsmrade some day.

Either way you can always tell her parents that you thought it was just a cozy puppet show and didn’t know any better.

Henson was of the opinion that children needed be to scared at times to have a healthy emotional development.

Absolutely. If you don't scare them as children then they grow up to be manchildren who need safe spaces.

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...is this cropped?

Who really should have been the one of the two members of the 7’s old guard who was not a monster alongside Maeve; but no they just shunted that plot thread from A Train over to him in the adaptation and made fallout for exposure for it a plot.

I think that's generally true, but this show assumes you don't know anything and everything is clearly explained. It plays with some expectations slightly, but I think the show actually does benefit from a blind viewing, in addition to the show simply being better written and overall more interesting. My suggestion to a new viewer is to watch the show, then the movie, then the show again to catch the few references.


I love Aughra, like the part where she said she was born old.


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What the fuck where's a Deet statue when you need it? Rian and Hup gets one its not fair

She was... Deetleted

Is this show 3D or Puppetry?

Puppetry but cgi is used

Jim Henson himself stated that the skekses are meant to have completely ambiguous gender. He comments that some are more effeminate and some are more masculine in their clothing and expression, but ultimately they all have no definitive/canon gender.

>every once in a while he would do some intense or Chad shit to remind you he’s the boss.
I think that's what made him so effective, he's never overdone and sometimes you just don't really think about him until he suddenly shoves his royal dick right down your throat and proves why he's the emperor.

So male gelfling all have fetishes for wings don't they? Considering it's apparently an explicitly female trait.
I am betting they've got erotic fiction that goes into eerily deep detail in regards to the description of gelfling wings.

I watched way worse shit when I was 10. There's no need to shelter the poor girl, she'll be worse off for it.

vast majority is puppetry but there is CGI. mostly for puppeteer removal and tweaking the expressions

i was waiting for the trans gelfling that constantly hides their wings

Fucking mad lad

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All those scenes really leave me with are questions. I didn’t think their society was at a point where that was a thing, who was the mother, why present these concepts if they never add to the story or progression?

Fuck yeah, I was talking with a coworker a few weeks ago about Invader Zim and how the sadistic undertones and dark humour where a blessing to younger viewers and shouldn’t be hidden away and replaced with more stale family friendly content.


For Mature

>old gay hippy dads

And I don't want Deet's dads to die.

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it was fucking great

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So skekGra looks to be quite tall and is described as "imposing and intimidating" back when he was the Conqueror. Wonder if he was more agile like skekMal or more brutish like skekUng/skekVar.

I saw that they created 70 different species of animals that were seen throughout the show. Do you really want more?


But I swear at least 1 of those who died is in the film.

Nah, the 3 left to die are the skekGra the Heretic, and two of the ones mentioned as not being at the castle: skekLi the Satirist and skekSa the Mariner

Justice for the gruenaks

Don't swear to something you don't fully understand. The General that died in the season finale is a different character to the one who is also called the Garthim Master. The Skeksis all have names and they mentioned the Garthim Master's name when they were listing off the Skeksis that needed to return to the castle in episode 9.

Plus the Garthim Master and the first General look like completely different species of animal. How can people think that their different morphology is a sign of aging? Even the two different versions of the Emperor look pretty similar to eachother.

Attached: Garthim_Master.jpg (480x480, 44K)

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It's a shame all the best ones die and the shittiest ones get to recombine.

Why not?

I'm going to bet SkekUng only gets that particular outfit once he becomes the Garthim Master, seeing as it looks very similar to Garthim plating.

I wonder what he'll be wearing when we first see him again, and what his AoR-era title was?

Neat! Been meaning to know what the names of the Mystic counterparts are to the Skeksis

>he actually did it the absolute madman!


Of course not, why don't you watch something more family friendly like Godfather II?

It's possible they recombine after death.

I hate the UrSkeks so goddamn much
>arrive on planet
>not only genocide nearly entire species of natives but make sure they will never be reuinted with the planet's afterlife
>enslave the rest of the sentients
>your more positive halves are too lazy to do jackshit about it
>"Ok I go now bye bye!"
What a bunch of dicks

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Lizards or birds?

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>tits and nipples below the ribs
That is so weird to look at.

Hello to Jason Isaacs

That artist has been drawing them for a while; she based their look on how the Chamberlain in the original movie seems to have something like a pectoral below his ribcage once stripped.

Attached: tumblr_p7ynhy4JDq1wa7o90o2_1280.jpg (1123x1910, 249K)

Visible from another angle here.

Attached: tumblr_p5yhm4ug6H1wa7o90o1_1280.jpg (860x708, 95K)

Notably the NECA figure seems to make the same interpretation of the bumps barely visible in the second picture.

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I hope the give skekna a genteel southern accent.

To be fair, skekvar and skekung have similar body shapes and similar small heads with short beaks.
It would be very easy for someone to assume they're the same person, with just minor differences in the puppets

Just like the colonization of America

This is a good reference

There's a reason why they were banished from their home planet user.

Not really


So only three UrRu are seen in the show?

Are the two pairs in those comic bits still canon? I thought the books and comic were overwritten by the show?


The rest are in hiding.

I want to hug Deet and carry her around in a backpack like Yoda. She's so cute and pure, she must be protected.

I want to kidnap Deet and sell her to an evil circus troupe where she gets abused and forced to perform as a freak.

That sounds familiar.

Attached: Aerie_NAERIE_Portrait_BG2.png (210x330, 123K)

Deet is for big dark cock

>It's ok Hup, you can have Seladon. She's been desperate for anyone to dick her, I'm sure she'd appreciate it. Anyway, Deet, Brea, and I are gonna have some killer dreamfast coitus. Catch ya later dude!

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And what kind of response did you get?

The Creation Myths comic is still canon. The writers have talked about possibly incorporating stuff from it in future seasons

And also, even when the show overwrites the books and comics, they still reappropriate elements from them

Would be curious to see the girl if she's different.

What the fuck was the emperors problem he ripped off his fucking nail

His body is falling apart from crystal usage/the darkening.

He is the slave master

I really loved the lead up to and the eventual multiple dream fasting scene. Aughra is such a great character

Attached: aughra-from-the-dark.jpg (253x450, 32K)

Stupid inceladon needs to have skeks

Apparently heretic is based on some really old previously unused art

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>lmao gelfling brainlet

I bet he posts on Yea Forums

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Emperor is cute! CUTE!

>Seladon like....

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The heretic and wanderer die?
That's pretty shit man, I wish I didn't know so I can keep dreaming about them hugging during the convergence

Do you think Seladon likes to be punished? She's probably wracked with guilt, so you could be as rough as you want and she'll just endure it all because she deserves it.


HmmmMMMmmmposting is here to stay.

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Underrated Skeksis

So what even is Aughra? Is she like a super old Gelfling, or is she just some kind of unique personification of Thra?
I mean she has like sheep horns or something. No other creature had that.

While the Hunter represents the physical terror and threat of the Skeksis so well, The Chamberlain exemplifies their truly worst trait: Their ability to manipulate people, even themselves. HmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMM?

She's the spirit of thra. The planet's avatar.

Stop, stop, my penis can only get so erect!

I just want to make pull that gothy Skeksis oufit off her. Then fuck her roughly till she shakes with pain yet begs for more

Yeah, she was "born from the need of the rocks and trees for an eye to see the world". She's pretty much Thra's Mother Nature.

Unique personification of Thra. To quote the World of Dark Crystal lore book, "Born from the need for rocks and trees for an eye to see the World."


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Gelfling pussy is probably super tight, considering that they're about 3 feet max. I want to completely wreck her until she can't walk for days. Deet and Brea on the other hand are for gentle lovemaking


In the end he agreed, didn’t really need to explain it much more to him beyond just saying this kind of stuff can be good for them.

What intrigues me is how by default he first when with the standard parent cliche of “it’s too much for the kids” without really thinking it through.

So why didn't the Skeksis just use random animal's for their life force and maybe a few slaves nobody would care about? I feel like they could have rationed it better and still kept a lot of things in check.

Eh, when I see skekVar, I see a boat with a beak, and when I see skekUng, I see a decayed owl.

I’m glad she didn’t start off with all the answers, she had to build herself back up.

Gelfing are closest to Thra. They provide the best essence.

Random animals probably provide shit essence.

You expect the Skeksis to do anything in moderation?

Every word of what you just said was absolutely correct

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Gelflings make the best essence because they're the closest to Thra. In original film they tried using podlings but the essence they produced was too shit.

Except the end

Because Essence is drugs. They are drug addicts, doing anything for the next big hit.

That part were he saves the general the first time felt so bad ass that for a second I forgot he’s the kind of guy who never do that without some nefarious reason.

Especially the end

I want to choke them with their own hair during hip bruising sex.

Chamberlain would have done that because he's got self-control.
The others are just egomaniacal drug addicts and Gelfling essence is the purest. Podlings just can't compare.

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>The skeksis had an entire race of little doe-eyed elvish creatures who were completely subservient to them, yet they never used them for the purpose of decadent and perverse gangbangs/orgies/sexual slavery.

They deserve to die just for that oversight alone.

But why? That means they aren't degenerates.

They dont seem to have any kind of sex drive

Yeah They have a Skeks drive instead

Because they raised my wife to be a pure hearted gift to Thra. They deserve an honorable and peaceful fate.

Thank god, they're magnificent villains but truly disgusting physically.

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>ywn have your own harem of little gelfling love slaves to see to your every pleasure

*boar with a beak

ask /pol/

Hasn't stopped people from lewding them

It's kind of like vampirism. You can survive on drinking rat-blood in an emergency, but human blood is much more potent and has longer lasting effects. The Gelflings are closer to Thra, so their essence is more potent than lesser creatures. In the original movie, the Gelfling were almost extinct and the Skesis used Podling essence because that's all they had available.

I am utterly shocked people have fapped to them (Even though I definitely shouldn't be). skekMal I'd understand because he's definitely ripped as fuck under all that gear. But everyone else? Holy fuck no.

The end of 'All i remember is fire' made me jump. Hunter is a beast.

People have been fapping to skeksis for 37 years

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>tfw ywn engage SkekMal in glorious combat
>your skull will never be his most prized trophy

Its shocking how good he was. He really should do more villian roles.

Just posting based Skeksis cool dad

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Tasty, TASTY!

He probably just REEEEED the Arathim into defeat on his own
No army required

(You) deserve this user.

>He doesn't want to stick it in all purpose rascal hole

They spent 379 trine alone doing drugs making up a puppet show and opera
There is no more based pair in the world

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>Be a well-to-do skekboi with a comfy position in the court of the Castle of the Crystal.
>Giving a report to the emperor about stocks of weapons, food, treasure, whatever.
>A couple of hundred miles away, your mystic counterpart starts jacking off.
>Oh fuck.
>You can't just stop talking in the middle of giving a report to the emperor himself.
>Just hope that you can get this whole thing done quickly and then run off to find some privacy.
>Your mystic has four experienced hands with which he can bring himself to a quick and pleasurable climax.
>Oh no.
>"And so in conclusion, my Emperor, - GAUGHGHAKAAH."
>You come buckets inside your moth-eaten skeksis bloomers in front of the emperor and the entire court.
>You are publicly emasculated as punishment.

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How long is a trine in human years?

>You are stripped down by the entire court right then and there

Apparently 1 trine = 1 human year

We've never been told

will The next season take forever to come out or will it be next year?

Dunno. Thra has three suns so first you would have to how long a day even is.

It hasn't been renewed yet, so keep shilling it to your friends and family

So Louis Leterrier apparently said they have 2 unused/scrapped Skesis ideas

>Artist who was crazy and eventually ends up using gelflings and piddling body parts for his works
>Sportsman who was a gambling addiction and into various kinds of folk games and card games

>skekVar is genuinely grateful and says he misjudged Chamberlain


Gambler sounds cool.

>Artist who was crazy and eventually ends up using gelflings and piddling body parts for his works

Not when most of them aside from skekMal look the way they do. Depending on how the Mariner looks, I'll consider it.
>Drifter Skeksis
Would have been cool

Attached: Drifter_1.0.jpg (1920x1080, 596K)

Crazy artist feels played out
Gambler game master skek sounds bitchin though

Now I imagine the court playing scale model DND style games with podlings as their avatars in constructed environments with various beasts and wildlife

Turns out cunning really is the most powerful weapon.

I like those concepts.

Imagine painting with Essence

I can imagine him playing high stakes games that result in grievous injury. Of course he never loses, because he always cheats.

Literally a living painting.


He even brought up the concept of farming and the scientist was wary of the Crystals condition, that all flew out the window soon after but the Chamberlain I feel only changed his tune in order to stay in good graces with the Emperor. Despite all his manipulation, he too needs to swim with the social current at times.

Could have been an interesting moment to show how the Skeksis will destroy beauty of any kind to get at essence

That brazzers moment with the volunteers was hilarious.
>its not about size, its about Vigor.

Hold on, urTih has both his eyes!


Technically we got the artist Skeksis with the Heretic. He's clearly more mellowed out than this concept, but he's still a crazy artist.

>sportsman goes around gelfling villages learning their games and fleecing them out of everything they're worth
I can dig it

No. You let Deet slowly ease herself onto your dick and ride you at her own pace. Seladon's the one who wants you to choke her and yank her ears while you slam your hips so hard it makes her whole tiny, slender frame jump.

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He for sure felt the eye being eaten though. I don't think the physical damage the others take transfer over, they just feel it. The Emporer is literally falling apart but The Master is still full but just dying at the start of the Movie.

>Anybody else thing the new show is a little too busy compared to the movie?
Most media these days is way busier than before, mostly because we're able to be now. Whether or not it would've been so busy had folks before had the means is hard to say though.

Except the damage does transfer. urSol bleeds after Jen stabs skekSil in the hand with the crystal shard. In fact, the shot used for urSol in that reference image is that very scene.

The Ornamentalist is supposed to torture little birds and creatures with feathers that she makes her dresses from. I noticed in that one meal scene where she's brutally stabbing a living turtle creature through his neck- it's possibly a hint of that.

Not to mention when skekTek falls into the crystal pit urTih burst into flames.

Hmmmmmmm... I bet they’re into wing-play

So what I'm getting from this is that the Heretic and Wanderer get double the pleasure when they jack eachother off

Nooooooooo Seladon gets the whole wrapped around her throat while in doggy. Other hand switching to gripping her shoulder/waist or spanking her. When she complains it hurts just say 'Not as much as it hurt your mother and sister when they died" and enjoy the heavy sobbing/hard orgasm she goes through

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Maybe he has a glass eye instead of a robot eye

That seems like a reasonable explanation.

Should SkekTek and Urnol be paired since they’re both missing their right eyes?

>your gelfling gf will never beg you to lick/tickle her wings while she rides your cock

This life is not worth living.

skekNa is also missing the same eye.


You will never have a sadistic femskek gf who will keep you as her pleasure slave and bring you to a mind-shattering anal climax with her mighty hermaphrodite schlong.

Yall okay? Thread is getting a bit.................rapey

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Sounds more like something Aughra might do.

I blame the conduct and content of the Zim threads, people tolerated their content and now they think they can do the same with Gelfling and Skeksis.

Thread is fine

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