DuckTales emergency cornbread

DuckTales S02E18 - "Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!"
>Louie teams with Goldie to scam their way through Doofus' dangerous party; Huey pushes himself out of his comfort zone in his favorite online game.

MEGA link (temp):

Zippyshare link:

DuckTales S02E19 - "A Nightmre on Killmotor Hill!"

>The kids are pulled into a world made of their wildest dreams; Lena's worst nightmare comes true, as Magica De Spell returns to reclaim what's hers.

Zippyshare link:

MEGA link (temp):

"The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!"
>Webby leads the kids in a race against the Beagles to find a secret treasure while hiding a secret of her own; Della is forced to teach Launchpad how to actually fly a plane.

Mega and Zippy coming eventually

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Other urls found in this thread:!0ptB2KSJ!ichL_xt0jZ4ie8V5c1RhYl8JSD5jYBLzRHr-HxjrHAY!sHgVmYjS!C12UV2gbPeNV4qYZUYjVyw

launchpad and Della's interaction will be interesting. Wonder if there'll be a Grandma Duck Reference?

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That statue is dope

Reminder that Shark Bomb is a good boy.

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Sharkbomb is like Duke Baloney without the stupid schemes

This episode is going to end up with some femdom hints and if they start teasing a ship Tumblr will go apeshit
It's going to be a great episode

Loath as I am to modify excellent fan art, having the wrong leg amputated irks me. Here is a flipped version.

Attached: Della flipped.jpg (1648x2048, 444K)

Those were very good plans. Flawless.

wow, there's a real statue
where's this at?

I think it was in Toontown

>hurt pushes himself out of his comfort zone in his favorite online game

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God I hope so

I'm calling Huey Hurt now

Who did it better?

Attached: cake.jpg (799x997, 165K)

Flan is disgusting, so Lena

Statue confirmed

Attached: Annotation 2019-09-05 211009.jpg (1920x976, 223K)

First off based
Second mega when

>It's a "fuck pilgrims" episode
a few months too early but ok

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Why the fuck is that statue allowed a gun by my Panchito isn't

because he’s mexican

Reminder, magica has been living on the property since season 1

L i n k

Racism speaks

Tumblr may still go apeshit even if they don’t tease a ship. It only took a plot summary to make them mad, after all.

DuckTales S02E20 - "The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!"

>Webby leads the kids in a race against the Beagles to find a secret treasure while hiding a secret of her own; Della is forced to teach Launchpad how to actually fly a plane.

MEGA link (temp):

Zippyshare link:

Attached: DuckTales S02E20 - The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!.mp4_snapshot_01.36_[2019.09.05_21.38.59].jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Good job duck-user.

Attached: m'ma.jpg (882x712, 87K)

>that S
Oh Della

Sharkbomb should listen to his father more


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Louie just keeps getting hit

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At least were through the obligatory Della and Webby bonding episode. Let's hope there isn't a second one.

that fucking turbo boost

Launchpad's wearing his old aviator cap.

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jfc he’s a hunk

Attached: DuckTales S02E20 - The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!_Moment5 (2).jpg (604x612, 54K)

>talk shit, get hit

Are we getting Bubba tomorrow

Next episode is Monday


Starts up again Monday

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>still watching dyketales

I thought they'd bring up how della likes to show off while flying and thus her flight is Rocky but launchpad might crash but the flight is very stable till the end



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Which means it will probably be here Sunday night.

It’s a little weird. Of course family is insanely stressed in this show and they want Webby to be part of that too (“honorary family and all) but it comes off rather forced in my opinion and just is a little awkward. Like it’s cool but you know she has sons she hasn’t seen ever and all. You do need to scream it to make it seem creditable
3 Cabs does the whole idea of adopted family more naturally and I think Ducktales can make strides towards making it work

That’s true. Give me my caveduck kino and Gyro I guess

We she already bonded with huey and Dewey and webby was always a fan of her and Donald and scrooge. And they have to save Louie for last to have the individual bonding episode with della

So as it turns out it's not a "fuck pilgrims" episode, it's a "Launchpad has magic airplane powers and can FLY AT MACH SPEEDS WITH ONLY A HAMSTER" episode

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Dammit. Well, at least it can't be any worse than the original.

Weird how even her pajamas have that exposed shoulder. Does she not have any shirts that fit her?

Attached: DuckTales S02E19 - Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!.mp4_snapshot_00.09_[2019.09.06_01.32.59].jpg (394x522, 106K)

No, it's just her style

Attached: DuckTales S02E19 - Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!.mp4_snapshot_00.17_[2019.09.06_01.35.04].jpg (626x551, 201K)

Do you expect a gerbil to do the job?

Attached: DuckTales S02E20 - The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!_Moment9 (2).jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Jeez, Webby, first the pink in her hair, now the shirt? It's what said!

Very Flashdance

Why does lena need a bra does she even have breasts

The hamster buffing up and running on two legs got me

The guide is cute

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Magica does
so presumably yes

Maybe it’s a tank top

>ywn have a loli in just a t-Shirt and her teen friend at your house having a sleepover

How many jobs does Quackfaster have?

Attached: DuckTales S02E20 - The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!_Moment (2).jpg (1280x720, 170K)

>jerky milk

Thank you knd for teaching me to read victuals

Lena's probably gonna grow up looking sorta like Magica but without the RBV and green feathers and such.
She'll be like that cool aunt that lets you say bad words who also does magic and stuff

Scrooge is her boss so as many as he needs her too

raises some questions.

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>“You can drink but only in the house, and if I’m around”

Chip and Dale and the rescue rangers will be from another world line who got sent there after the chaos God attacked their home and they got bsck at the end of the season

maybe she's the Larry of the DuckTales universe

Attached: Ln.png (174x252, 47K)

Remember that Magica was only green during the eclipse when she was full of diabolical magic. Afterward she got powered down and turns white.

Buff Roid Raeg Monterey Jack when

That's not Quackfaster that's Quackmaster
And the buttermilk salesman is Quacklaster, Quackmaster's brother.

Attached: DuckTales S02E19 - Nightmare on Killmotor Hill! (2)_Moment7.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

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Yea, ok, so imagine depowered Magica minus the illuminatti eyes and with Lena's hair
Also in some hot topic clothes

Phooey Duck reference, hilarious.

Which one?

Wait, so if depowered Magica cleaned herself up would she look similar to Lena? If Lena gets a major influx of power would her feathers change color too?

In Whatever Happened to Donald Duck. Since there was a fourth nephew in so many comics, it's just great.

I think the green feather is a dark magic thing.

Wait for Killmotor Hill

How many episodes left?


4 but one's a two parter

Damn, off screen breast expansion.
Nearly had it.

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the Ducktales Minecraft thing is pretty fun.

>gore in the gully?
>that's rated R, but we can watch it tonight

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>mfw random strangers on the internet have different opinions


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Same energy
>Yo don't tell your dads I let you watch Sunday the 8th or I'll curse you.
>No, really, I'm pure magic I can LITERALLY curse you

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Attached: DuckTales S02E20 - The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!_Moment8 (2).jpg (1280x720, 122K)

I love him so much


Back in my day we had to wait a week for one new episode of a show and we were grateful for it. I wish this "bomb" format never took off.

It will probably be here Sunday.

Launchpads ability to crash a plane with people being ok afterwards was brought up.

Attached: DuckTales S02E20 - The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!_Moment(2).jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Attached: Cornelius Coot with corn.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Average compared to last three.

You would think Magica would just want the amulet back.

The what now?

Della is definitely Donald's sister

He’s the best

They released skins of the characters for Minecraft.
I’ve never played it so I don’t know what that means

Launchpad and Della were really good in this one

I think "Nothing can stop Della Duck" might be considered the Della/Llewellyn bonding episode.


It's nice to see Della actually take something seriously once in a while, and she actually plays a decent straight man next to Launchpad.

Killmotor Hill links don't work.

Ah, the popcorn twist. It might be from ''His Majesty, McDuck'', where Cornelius got the Fort for himself by first getting it from the English and then driving Spanish out with some surprise popcorn.

God, I love the callback to the early powerless, tech-based Magica from the comics.

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8 think that's timephoon

Man, Webby was really obnoxious in this episode. I thought she did stuff for the sake of adventuring not to please her own ego.

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With Cabs is a lot easier because no one is really related except for the triplet sisters. In Ducktales absolutely everyone is except for Webby, Beakly (who is irrelevant now) and Launchpad who is always treated more as a cool whacky friend rather than as family.

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i dont' Understand

His gender is robot

He’s a robot

Tumblr pretending that every character is a tranny. Though turning one of the triplets into a girl might have ended up being a better option than relying on Webby so much.

Is that the transsexual Donald Duck artist?


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>t. Duckberg Goldstien

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So, cheep he will only pay for a “C” to be written by the plane

Attached: D62E57D9-8FAF-4555-B013-51F897E3BEEF.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

And now he didn't even have to pay for the C and got a very profitable tourist trap.

>gore in the gully
April, May, and June would probably love to hang out with Lena. She'd probably approve of their antics too.

You just know

Yeah, but the others are literally her biological kids
They should get alone obviously, but there doesn't need to be a full episode about it

>my grandma what big jewels you have
The point looks like a nipple and everything.
Louie's pretty fucking Chad spending his time around a woman in a bikini all day.
She even has his picture in her wallet. The real question is did Louie get any pictures of her?

The episode was more about Webby autism, Launchpad being an incompetent pilot that somehow is still allowed to be in one than about Della and Webby

>he real question is did Louie get any pictures of her?

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Launchpad is surprisingly clever and inventive.

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It’s amazing the Sunchaser/cloudslayer even flys at all. The thing is literally held together by bubble gum.

He is lucky that he is a cartoon character. I don't think that bubble gum and hamsters can make planes fly irl.

Lena being the favorite eccentric aunt is nice but I can't help think of what happens if she never ages past 15 and has to watch all her friends grow old and die.

Why Louie
It is Louie strangely often

she'll probably magic herself older, duh. Plus, if she's unshackled from being Magica's shadow, she might start aging like a normal duck

She is 15? Why does she have sleepovers with ten year olds?

tumblr has probably already got Huey and Dewey reserved for being gay for Fenton and Launchpad

She’s been 15 for 15 years

Those ten year-olds are the first actual friends she was ever allowed to have, and they saved her from her abusive aunt.

She likes them young amd by virtue of being older they look up to her. Win-win situation.
>best friend immediately took off her freindship bracelet after she fucking died

Would you a Lena?

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I would definitely adopt the sarcastic shadow golem

that minecart cockblock caught me off guard
i was expecting a theme song reference and instead they bamboozled me good

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I'd settle for some decent art. Why do talented people hate birds so much?

I'm just waiting for some decent Magica lewds myself.

They’re the first friends she ever had. She was stuck with Magica for 15 years.

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She didn't die, she was revealed to have never been real, or at least that's what everyone thought. That's not a case of "I lost my friend" that's "she never was my friend, she was just a disguise Magica wore."
Also the "Lena reappears" episode was supposed to air earlier this season but got shoved back.

She actually starting playing in money immediately after she died. I love the show but it would have been nice for Webby to at least have a period of grieving. I mean, The Lion Guard is a preschool cartoon and it at least let a character cry when someone they loved died.

Do you ever just sat down and think to yourself, "Are they watching me?"

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Is Beakly ok?

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it's a secret agent thing, don't worry

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She's dead.

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I ship it

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Lena may not be out of the woods yet, The promondid have a shot of Green Magica with the villains.

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They're not talented enough to draw beaks relying on squash faced muzzles.

Turns out it's green paint cosplayers use.

Frankly this just isn’t a well written show
A fun show but not the most high quality stuff

>She actually starting playing in money immediately after she died
I don't remember that happening in the S1 finale?

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She really has anger issues

Apparently off camera, Launchpad might be an older more season adventurer than Della. If not some immortal being that Scrooge found one day

The whole plan was to make friends with Webby before the total lunar eclipse. The next one might have been too far away in the future so they had to act now.

Amulet in her hands? It might be easier for Magica to steal it from Violet.

What would Lena have done if Webby weren't at the mansion? How would a 15 year old girl manage to get Scrooge McDuck to invite her in?

Wrong shape but I agree, I think she'll get the amulet back before anything else

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I am both disappointed and relieved that they did not have Grandma Duck anywhere in the episode.

Attached: Grandma.jpg (250x307, 25K)

She might be dead

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gerbilpill me on that husky boy
i know it's from something i've seen already, but i can't recall from what

nice try, i'm not listening to anything right now, and the sound's off
but seriously, that didn't help at all with me trying to remember the source

Not with that attitude, user

I hope Beaks is still comedically useless in this villain team-up. Why is he even there? He's a billionaire.

I love that even though Della was supposed to be the ‘teacher,’ she ended up learning from Launchpad instead. His methods may be unorthodox but they are effective. She and Launchpad make a great team.

He probably feels like being there, like every other time he's anywhere.

it is from the storytime animators animation from a little while back

>When MEGA makes you wait 4 hours

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>Why is he even there? He's a billionaire
Why are rich as fuck CEOs still on social media? Why is Tesla-boy doing Rick and Morty memes on twitter? This is the accurate representation of contemporary rich people, user.

Why the fuck is Zucc on this show?

I don't think Magica had a clear idea how she was going to do it at first, she just made a harmless-looking girl and then tried to figure out a way to get in later.
She may have initially hoped to get Della to adopt the poor homeless girl, banking on her biological clock ticking, only to have Della lay some eggs from an unidentified father and disappear.

That's not really accurate for Beaks. The ZUCC is more like the missing link between the old stuffy rich guys, and the new attention-whore rich guys we have now.

user do you even know the Zucc ways?

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Its always so sad to see family members who turn to drugs.


None of you fucks post that Donald image
or else I'll have Della fuck you up

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She'd have dated Huey or Louie. Donald of course would be the harder option, but also viable.

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>Why is he even there?
Dude loves to mingle. If he was down for Scrooge's party he'd be down for a literal Scrooge bash.

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>implying people wouldn’t want that

You dont got a say in this, Della

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Adorable retard

Careful, she doesnt like that talk

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>Huey or Louie
They weren't born until ~5 years after she was created.

Nice try replicant slave. I won't be assimilated to your synthetic master.

>oye tranquilo pato

is down the hallway and to the left

user...that aint English

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so two old shitposting memes just rocketed over your head, huh?

Wait that was a double play?

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The amulet is in Lena

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How many more episodes after this


But seriously who made that vocaroo?

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It kinda sounds like Brett Hull

>Magica KALI MA's lena to get it back

Alright, before I download and watch the episode I have an important question: Are there any survivors of the Della/Launchpad b-plot?

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>Tfw no Femanons to do Della voiced Greentexts here

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Amulet in has flat sides, Lena's is rounded. Magica got a new amulet

Love is patient.

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What do you mean?

Apparently that "controveral" thing hasn't happened yet.

>Inb4 it goes political

What's the redpill, my son?
What's gonna happen?

Why do writers relish in making fans mad? Yes, adult fans are nerds and emotionally invested in things that they shouldn't be upset about, but that doesn't mean the people making these shows need to go out of their way to mock those people.

Have you ever met fanboys?

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Scrooge is going to be Drumpf

>Wow Orange Man bad

This is getting stale, why do people even do this anymore?

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Apparently something stupid that might anger some comic purists. Thought it was Jones being Donald's therapist, but I guess it wasn't.

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Whatever it is, it'll be stupid be get mad about

Whats the most cursed image that you have?

I bet it's Webby being amazing again or something. And they are anticipating the same people to bitch about it as usual.

Not like he's never shown up in DuckTales before.

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Attached: Nerd Della.jpg (312x335, 23K)

>Zelda Mom
I dont have a mother, and this hurts

They’re all trans

As you should

>actual thugs
>swashbuckling air pirate
>a fucking witch
>little millennial bird Elon Musk
Someone’s got to do the live tweeting I guess

It's Mark Zuckerberg

>They think they can do any single thing to piss me off then the Cabs

So when the season ends, we switch to Cabs?

Forgot Glomgold

Attached: ALL I DO IS WIN!.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was inspired by both.
I just want an episode where he has an Elon Musk level freak out over a rival rescuing some Taiwanese ducklings from a cave

>Elon Musk vs Mark Beaks

Make it happen, I know the show writers lurk these threads.

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He's their Louie

Beaks seems to mostly be a Gismo duck villian.

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beaks has the same energy in this shot

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>This whole show is Donald having hallucinations on medication in the ward for his PTSD

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>that episode where beaks becomes a massive bara with on screen muscle growth

Attached: well....gif (500x513, 101K)

So Magica is Lena's villain.
Don Carnage is Dewey's villain
Beagle Boys for Huey
Mark Beaks for Gizmoduck or Louie

>Beagle Boys for Huey
for why

Established Big Time as a rival in Day of the Only Child

>a rival
It’s Gizmoduck

Id say yeah
Cabs should be on Disney+ before season 3 of DT unless they get into season 3 really quickly

Ah, I suppose there is that, yes

Golmgold is pretty much making a "family" in order to go against scrooge.

Attached: Daddy's home.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Is it weird that I get visions of Della?

>the photo
>thumb over webby

Glomgold is the hero in all this

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I love him so

>Huey typing the navy seal copy pasta

I could see this

Beaks is the best of them, I agree.

>When the 3Cabs episode goes right

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>Cool wine aunt Duck

>"Who wants to see pictures of my last exploration?"

>"The child free life is so GOOOD! *snort* I love it!"

>"Uncle Scrooge is coming to the house, make sure to hide all of the gold and wine."

Could I get a bill job for a seven year old pinot noir?

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Quiet night tonight

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>It getting anywhere close to right

Damn right

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He does seem to be the triplet who inherited the duck anger gene.

Makes sense. Huey's the fighter, Dewey's the rogue, and Louie's the jew

I draw really good and I want to work on the Ducktales series.

What do I need to do to achieve this goal?

Show some art, and draw Della for us
Do any pose or meme you want with her

I thought that Webby was the fighter

Ignore . Draw Louie wearing a really really really tall tophat

Pfft, Della is better than that

The ducks in a tophat measuring contest

Why not both?

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Have a Lena

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Attached: DuckTales S02E19 - Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!_Moment2 (2).jpg (298x347, 24K)

Her and Violet need to hang out without Webby.

About to see and hear Della for the first time tomorrow.
What am I in for?

"Whatever happened to Della duck"?


It's a pretty good episode, it focuses entirely on Della and it establishes her character more, and what she's been doing for the last decade. Didn't you see her at the end of the season 1 finale?

>he calls the actual rescuers pedos

His hair is too nice to be Trump

It runs in the family

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Ive stopped at the moon, wanted to save the moment

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Huey is the brains, Webby is the muscle, Dewey is the devil may care, and Louie is there too.

Female Dewey mostly. Sometimes has Donald's anger issues.

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are they gonna fuck


have another lena

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Yes, why not both?

Unfortunately, I gotta hit the hay for work tomorrow.

If this thread's still up, I'll post the finished work.

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Fuckin furries

Animal Control?

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Yet another girl better for Donald than Daisy.

When will it be time for Chad Knight?

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So questions
1. Was Lena ever real? was she a fiction and now she's just a magic being?

2. Why does De Spell give me a boner

>The absolute madman

1. She's not a biological duck, shes made from Magica shadow.

2. Don't see any reason why.

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Why is she so perfect?

>. Why does De Spell give me a boner

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She lets the kids drink, you know she does

But then why does she call her "her aunt"?
Its more like a mother no?

also she's best in white
Magica > Della >Lena > Goldimama > Webby > Beakly > litteral shit > Dasiy

Evil bitches give a nigger a boner
she's also cannonically itallian (if they matters in a duck)

The Episode with Huey and his mom was really nice

Heuy, being good boy of the year blends the least with his mom, and it was nice for the two to really bond

They’d better.

This is great user.

We can all agree that Magica is objectively best girl, right?

Agreed see

Can we agree that makes Lena also best girl by proxy?

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Would them getting together count as incest or selfcest? Or an advanced form of masturbation?

Nice that Huey gets some time with his mom, considering the other triplets usually get more focus.

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Writers confirmed each triplet will get at least one episode bonding with Della

>still watching dyketales


Lewy should have let Goldie rot.
Drake would have had a Goldimama, Goldie would pay for being a thot, and he would have been able to start an empire

Instead he robbed poor doofus of his only remaning joys of his grandmama

Don't care if LenaXwebby (the only plausable dyke ship) is a thing. Its Lenas mom I be after

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>Why huey, Why

that line really made me apreciate the new voices more

Looks like Huey has the tallest.

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Lena could probably use magic to grow a cock.

I seriously fucking hate that... Hummingbird?
She is the fucking nerd character of the show but has no charm

Her character was extremely forced and it still makes no sense how easily she got invited into the mansion when it took Lena a good bit of effort. I know Webby is much more outgoing now than she was at the start of season one, but still.

I think she is a road runnner? Also why is she purple? that already clashes with Webby's colour (and lena's)

She addes nothing but exposition/explanation quips that Lena could also do with her written out

Every character on this show is a fucking nerd.

There's some subtext but Webby and Lena really don't seem lesbian for each other. Now, Dewey, though. That boy's gay.

His subconsious "Love interest" had a female voice? idk and he wasn't molested nor was his mother overbearing so I don't think so

My take is that the writers want them to be gay, but Disney would probably never allow it even though Webby isn't much of a legacy character to them.

>His subconsious "Love interest" had a female voice?

A combination female and male voice that he was very threatened by.

Based Suits
Dykes are awful and ruin many a show

Dewey's just retarded, like Hank Venture.

Violet Saberwing is a type of hummingbird, which is also her name.

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Hank is not remotely that flamboyant.

Ah cool I was right
but why isn't her beak longer and her tail thicker?

Like the ducks look like ducks despite some female ducks being green (a male thing, wild females are brown) and beaks looks like a pidgen.

Have you not watched the show for a while? Hank is incredibly flamboyant.

Dewey's got issues.

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I wonder what it means

They keep stressing that the show is about family and that they’re not into introducing romance with the kid characters so I think they’re probably happy to just leave it vague. I wouldn’t be shocked if they have a gay reveal with the adult characters though, outside of Violet’s dads or bi Launchpad

>Implying that Huey isn’t the gay one

Probably to make her design “cuter” and easier to animate.
Beaks is an African Grey parrot but I was thinking Pidgeon at first too.

Even then Disney's not gonna let them do anything explicit. Wouldn't be surprised if the "two dads" thing with Violet is just lip service.

>He doesn’t remember when he dressed in a strength suit that was made for a woman and renamed himself Destiny for several episodes

it defiantly means something

Dewey’s going to drop acid in the near future

He wants to fuck his mother.
The moon represents her naked body, while the tears represent his semen. It's a metaphor, you see.

>Beaks is an African Grey parrot but I was thinking Pidgeon at first too.
I am calling bullshit. Pidgin fits the corporate theme he goes for too well. There is no way they are going to be that way off the mark for character design

Of course not. It’s going to be a quick mention if anything and that’s fine by me. I’m not watching this show to watch bird men kiss.

Why do they have to interject the feminist mystic into the nicest part of my childhood, I remember Dan Rosa and Carl Barks. Their takes on Lost Horizons are as good the Ronald Coleman Coleman classic in both the original comic book to the original cartoon.

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>way off the MARK
Aren’t African Greys supposed to be the smartest bird species?

I guess its also because parrots repeat shit without understanding it. Just like how mark plagiarizes


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give nudes

I can't
but I can give you a lovely non-magical evening at Dave and Busters

Thanks for the psychoanalysis, Ludwig.

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>Character that Rosa created remains in character
Is everyone who liked Not-gargoyles saturday Disney cartoons this stupid?

>60-70's xeroxed

>He didn't enjoy Darkwing Duck
Awful, horrible taste.

she doesn't need it anymore
she needs to handhold with the shadow child

That’s pretty cool if that actually played into the decision to make him a parrot

>tfw she'll never dominate you

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Good designs, terrible dialogue, humor and plots made by soulless TV writers and no substance, The Rescue Rangers was decent in some episodes but other than that there's a reason on why people remembers 90's cartoons made by Warner and Nickelodeon as individual pieces with their own merits and they always talk about most of the Disney TV shows as a unique entity, because they all feel the same indistinguishable, tasteless, pandering crap over and over again with different characters

Because they were in a single programming block, user. Like how people lump everything from Toonami, Jetix or Adult Swim as one thing.

Reminder that according to one of the DT books that was released as a companion to the series, Scrooge hides his dime by eating it, tracks it through his digestive system & then repeats as necessary
Rich people are disgusting.

>Good designs, terrible dialogue, humor and plots made by soulless TV writers and no substance
>Rescue Rangers was decent

Not till Monday

So much this
90's TV disney was the equivalent of fast food for TV, you can wath any DC cartoon and still feel the effort and energy behind it, you can watch The Tick, Ren and Stimpy, Freakazoid and still laugh at it. People who watch the Disney shows will only feel nostalgia and be somewhat amazed on how the koreans managed made "almost" disney movie quality animation with a TV budget

Next episode is on Monday, which means it probably will be here Sunday night.

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She is the opposite of Huey. So now the girls follow the same personality types as the boys. The nerd, the streetsmart slacker, the naive adventurer

dewey has unresolved issues since he used to moon gaze to find solace about his missing mom and it turns out the moon was the one who stole her.

Post Magica lewds.

All two of them? Wait, I doubt she even has that much.

There's 77 pics on e621, but there has to be more.

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How much is her old design though? That's had decades to build up. 2017 barely has anything.

That something we need to fix.

From quick klook, 9 are of the 2017 design.
All rest is old.

Shame, because the 2017 design is much better for porn.

>Picture most recently uploaded to was 2017 Magica
Which one of you was this?

Start a thread in /trash/, maybe?

Maybe never, since they already spilled the Omnisolve in a episode. And never ever looked back at that moment as a possible end of the world scenario. Biggest oof as a comics fan so far.

And wasn't the Omnisolvent™ colored green in this instance?
A fucking lime green knight is not intimidating.

she has duck breasts. Delicious.

It was a prototype

>i'm duck dimmadome owner of the Duckburg dimmadome, thank you for locating my long lost mother della dimmadome heir of the mcduck dimmadome fortune

>young girls that are friends?
>they must have homosexual feelings for each other!

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Why is he so cute

Donald dying?

Maybe the show introduces us to Huey Dewey and Louie's biological father., which has NEVER EVER been adressed in ANY comic EVER afaik.

Argones already revealed its mickey which is why hell never be on the show he knocked up his old high school friends sister

Well except for in their debute comic. But other than that, nothing. Absolutel nothing for like 70 years. I could see that angering a lot of comic book purists.

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I swear guys he either did some fucked up shit or just kinda sorta one night standed Della but I doubt it was a fuck n' leave because it's a kid's show

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>When that one Drawfag could be a real show artist

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Is there any episode this week after the Cornelius Coot one?

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I rarely laugh when I watch new Ducktales, but I do find the writing to be pretty sharp.

But I was fucking laughing my ass off at SharkBomb, and how it kept talking back to Glomgold

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Can someone post the mega with all currently released episodes?

>this week


First thoughts was sneed

Glomgold is comedy gold

up to date mega

Every scene with him is pure Glomgold

Woops, forgot to add the last two ep.

Okay, the show finally delivered on MY Magica. She better use her signature bombs, battery powered magic wands and the likes in the coming teamup.

She used her poof bombs to “excape” back in the finale.

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I don't remember those dazing anybody, just producing smoke. I will not be satisfied until the entire remaining Clan McDuck is seeing stars.

It could be a fuck and leave. They’ll just never allude to it.

>Leaves while coughing and walking away

Too angry to die.

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it's one of Donald's two friends, or Storkules
>cue Della: It was a wild night. It's a wonder none of you guys came out barking.

>Too angry to die.

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>webby was always a fan of her and Donald and scrooge.
Webby barely acknowledges Donald past the first episode though, which just makes it weirder how she got a bonding episode with Della.

To be fair, Donald was a broken man due to the loss of Della and in no way acted like a great adventurer. Webby respected him, but it's not like Donald would have been eager to go on an adventure with her or tell her stories. We can only hope that in season three, Donald regains some of his adventuring spirit.

I don't like the unconventional family aspect of the series, it just feels off to me. Even in the original comics, Donald and the boys were never really considered "McDucks", despite being more than worthy of the title. Scrooge is the last of his clan, that's a big part of his character. The last and the greatest, but definitely last. And it is because of his mistakes (negligence of the concept of family, what happened with Goldie) that the clan is ultimately doomed.
So having all the little friends of the housekeeper's granddaughter be considered family by Scrooge really devalues that bond.

Yeah yeah "it's not the comics" and "stop hating on Mabel- I mean Webby REEEEEEE".

Because this is Nu-Ducktales. All their attempts at appealing to comics readers have been marred by half-baked executions so now they’re just trying to work with their shortcomings rather than against them.

Honestly, Donald Dying a Martyr would probably better for him than continuing to be in this show. At least then he would be remembered and relevant instead of pushed off to the side until the season final rolls around

>we can only hope that in season 3, Donald actually acts fully like Donald Duck
Its sad this this is a sentiment that actually has to be expressed with this show, but i agree.

Guys cmon, we already know who the father is.

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There is a connection to be made.

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Dewey got dropped as an egg
now he has developmental issues

>All their attempts at appealing to comics readers have been marred by half-baked executions
Best example of this:
>Universal Solvent appears!
>Housed inside a diamond jar and all, just like in the comic
>Implied to be made by Fenton Crackshell, not Gyro. Concerning but I can work with this
>Gets spilled
>Nothing happens
>It's not even black, like the Black Knight who coated his armor with it, it's FUCKING GREEN
I mean, it could be just a prototype or something but I'm done making excuses for this show. It has yet to deliver even the tiniest morsel of actual content to the comic fans. Just nods and "fan service". Yet, we had an entire episode dedicated to a villain from a different Disney Afternoon show. Didn't even have the protagonists, just the villain.

Monkeys with typewriters. That's what they are.

also this guy loves helping donald duck and is his anger management counselor

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Don’t give me that look, you know it’s the truth.

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>I'm scaroused

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Because comic duck fans are obsessive third worlders who deserve to be mocked.

See this guy is from either a South American or a European and his opinion means nothing

I kinda want to fuck Goldie, bros

>There goes the bravest man on two worlds.
Nigga, she's already wet and ready. Donald just needs to slide in there.

>Implying you're the only want who wants to do the cool wine aunt

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>Keeps a photo of Louie in her wallet
my /ss/ fantasies are coming true

What other world has Donald been too he's just been on earth and it's moon

>b-b-but muh Cartoons are more important
How’s it feel knowing that if it weren’t Nu-Ducktales, you’d never get a chance to even tangentially talk about your Nostalgic Disney afternoon cartoons?

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Fine because the only Disney afternoon show I watched was a few eps of darkwing. I prefer the Donald from kingdom hearts anyway who is the strongest magician in all of square

Moonlanders believe the the moon is a planet.


>He’s a kingdom hearts fag
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but now i see that was unwarranted.

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>As Della screamed

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stop using that term -- wine aunts are repulsive in 3D

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Okay, ___boomer

exept Huey has some charm that he is a total dweeb, had a whole crisis of faith with the woodchuck book and socially awkward

Hummingbird bitch litterally just explains things and doesn't really have much character

Are you a woman? Only women use wine aunt as a term of endearment because their biological clock hasn't hit them with a haymaker yet and they think it's cool to be a 40 year old womanchild who still acts and dresses like she's 21.

>Drake would have had a Goldimama, Goldie would pay for being a thot, and he would have been able to start an empire
I wish I had a Goldiemama...

It’s Planet Moon, Earther!

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How do you know this, user?

>Being so devoid of accomplishment and validation in life that you think the normal tired disgruntlement of middle age is a sign of achievement and mental maturity, rather just the loss of spirit.

>So now the girls follow the same personality types as the boys. The nerd, the streetsmart slacker, the naive adventurer
The 3 caballeras?

>Donald from kingdom hearts
Are you retarded?

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I like how you keep assuming I'm a boomer. Personally, I don't want kids myself, but I don't glorify the idea of being a drunken old bag who think she's in Sex and the City when really she just has the horsey face of Sarah Jessica Parker, the wrinkled leathery skin of Kim Catrall and the worn, mannish features of Cynthia Nixon.

By all means, feel free to let your womb rot, but can you do it without the "YAAAAAS KWEEEN SLAAAY" and just age gracefully and without futile resistance powered by red wine like a mentally well-adjusted person?

Am middle aged, can confirm this user speaks the truth.

We’re getting three seasons in, more characters are getting in and the whole “cinematic universe” is coming to plan. Donald is getting less time most likely
I think holding onto the false hope they’ll change Donald into what we’d desire isn’t happening. And frankly it won’t matter, his interpretation here will be as remember as Quack Pack years from now
If people want a show with Donald being Donald and it turning out respectfully we all know the show that exists for that. This show isn’t for that and it’s strengths will never be that

Because being a drunken party slut in your 60s is so much more admirable.

I’m assuming you’re a boomer because I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt in assuming that the ridiculous things that come out of your post have some basis in personal experience, and aren’t just your own personal autism and lack of social experience showing. Clearly i was wrong in doing so.

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This. Cool wine aunts are the female equivalent of MGTOW - desperately attempting to make their loneliness and inability to maintain a successful LTR that fits their biological imperative look like a hip, awesome lifestyle choice while they slowly rot from the inside.

That's kinda me right now when people pressure you to stream DT.

At least drunken party sluts don’t delude themselves into thinking their lifestyle makes them a better or more achieved person like tired wageslaves. They know they’re doing it for personal gratification and don’t invent high horses to stand upon.

No, you're assuming I'm a boomer because you're a woman and you think attacking me personally is an argument.

I guess have fun pitifully fighting against the ravages of time one shudderingly short cocktail dress at a time. Fair warning, though: every attractive or respectable older woman ever accepted that they couldn't be in their 20s forever and came to accept their reality. You'll just end up like Madonna.

>At least drunken party sluts don’t delude themselves into thinking their lifestyle makes them a better or more achieved person like tired wageslaves.
The irony of that statement. You're literally attempting to beat down anyone who doesn't try to stay 18 forever in the same sentence that you're claiming you pass no judgement. Your high horse is this perception that you need to be a literal mental and emotional child to have fun because you're so terrified of "adulting" you can't fathom that anyone who makes the mentally adjusted decision to stop clinging to their youth like a turd on a sphincter could possibly enjoy life.

My advice? Therapy. Sounds like you've got some real insecurities surrounding family and responsibility, and that shit ain't attractive.

Rich and Famous?

Crazy, old and being too much of the former to maturely accept the latter.

Next episode Louie gonna fuck with time.

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based evil triplet

I mostly know Donald from this show and old shorts and kh so yeah I prefer kh Donald

>assuming i’m a woman, on the basis of seeing the lack of intelligent thought that bleeds through your every post and assuming you to either be biease or a retard
Ironic. I don’t need to have a uterus to hate the pitifully mundane, who’ve turned their lifestyle as a standard to judge others upon, because their own life fails to grant them satisfaction.

Thread soon at page 10

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Why didn't Dewey or Donald or his mom warn him

Has to learn the hard way.

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Lena is the amulet

Janny actually did something good for once.

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I guess Jannies aren’t completely bad after all.

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Never change, Janny

What did the janny do?
besides "it for free"

See for yourself.

It kind of looks like Dewey's going for a kiss with Violet.

Well at least you’ve watched old shorts. Else you’d be getting a lot of shit for being a thirteen year old weeb who’s only exposure to the best cartoon character to ever live would be an Anime crossover fan fiction.

>Cinematic universe
I still don’t get how they’re planning on doing this. The Marvel Cinematic universe worked because every, or at least most of, the characters had their own solos before the crossover movies, and could go back to those after and in between those big crossover movies. With this they ONLY have the big crossovers, and they certainly can’t fit all of them in, let alone give them enough focus to convincingly sell them to get them their own solos.

Post the big image with the whole cast

Absolutely based and janitorpilled

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Same way they did everything: change what needs fit even if it’s no longer who the characters are and cram it in
They don’t care if it makes sense or not. Only that they can do it

They are doing what DC did. Jump straight to the big crossovers; fail miserably because you didn't build a foundation.

this one?

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>best cartoon character to ever live
That's not daffy

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They're watching the thread incredibly closely, despite it already auto-saging.
I think they must be autistic or something.

This this has been the battle of the last two centuries

>2 centuries
But both Donald and Daffy were born in the 1930’s

Maybe they like ducktales?

But still rich
I can live with that.

Mods are Magica

She's probably the janny's waifu and he's overprotective.

Than I respect the mods tastes
Bitches in Psydo-medieval dresses with magic are fine af

Do you think he prefers green or white Magica?

hmm white is just a better colour but I'd take either

The green design looks more aggressive, so I prefer that one myself.

White works for the comic design but the sharper angles of the new Magica look great in green.

They also help to make her best girl.

were almost there

Heh, the Disney Channel Twitter called Bubba a fan Favorite.

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Kinda like both.

you know, of all the characters, references etc i got, i have no idea who the fuck bubba is

That was from the comic strip, when the The Donald’s nephews short came out it was sister. The family structure wasn’t set in stone yet, for example Some older comics have Scrooge and Grandma Duck as brother and sister.

Count yourself lucky

He was the worst, basically a meme character born out of the late 80s "caveman" media fad who practically became the main character.
On the upside, they can't make him any worse than he was.

keep in mind that i liked loonatics unleashed, maybe kid me had shit taste or something

Dumb Cave Duck from the past.

So, were did Donald land?

Penumbra's bed.

New thread?

Mods can I make the next thread?