The early great pioneers of early animation from the 19th and early 20th century

What would they have imagined if they saw the future of animation?

Attached: Steven_Universe_-_Title_Card.png (418x230, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They’d Believe In Steven.

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They'd be disappointed in how it's precieved, but would have heart attacks to see even the low-quality stuff that can be made now

Why the hell are women making these and why are they so many gays. Is what they would say.

Pure degeneracy brought on by the vapors.

>it's a "college freshman just learned about Winsor McKay in his history of animation class and doesn't have anything else to compare it to other than trash like steven universe" thread

the first feature length animated film was by a woman. they reference it constantly in steven universe

What was it about?

If you're pulling them right out of the coffin to show them Steven Universe, probably blown away.

If you're pulling them out of the coffin and showing them everything they missed leading up to Steven Universe, probably say something like, "Animation was really at its best theatrically".

El Apóstol by Quirino Cristiani?

I beg your jollygood pardon?

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Quirino Cristiani was a guy, the Humorous Phases of Funny Faces director was a guy, walt Disney was a guy. I feel like we're being rused here, what's the quote from Steven Universe?

maybe he's thinking of this.

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not that.


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The user is talking about Lotte Reiniger, who used cutout paper animation to tell a story about weird nonwhite people being weird and nonwhite

They'd see anime and then be happy with how non-retarded Western animation is by comparison.

They'd see Thundercats Roar and immediately kill themselves in a vain attempt to prevent its existence

so user is wrong then.

Wrong, it was by a guy. Why would you lie?

> two earlier ones were made in Argentina by Quirino Cristiani,
So... she didn't make the first feature animated film. She didn't even make the second.
Heyyyy, did you know a black woman invented the camera? It's true! There was an image circling around that proved it! Also, a black woman wrote all of Shakespear's plays, all of them.

This is a pretty usual game.

I invented everything

"I say, people are still animating even in the future?!"
"It's even somewhat respected? Jolly!"
"My word, look at how many different styles there are! Some people look like bulbous caricature, others are so realistic, and goodness that one almost looks like I could reach out and grab it in my hands!"
>"Look at all of these different people enjoying this hobby! What? It's a profession now? Oh...oh my."
>"I must sit down, everything is just too much. We're no longer a joke, the craft is respected even. Jolly, I think you user from the future, thank you for showing me these things."
user: "NO! Say how much you hate the gays and the women!"

On a related note, Turner Classic Movies is airing a one hour compilation of Windsor McCay's cartoons in a few hours.

This but unironically

They will say it's dead and is not coming back, stevefags are the new mlpfags worse than that the mayority for some reason are in trannies and gays.
Steve is a faggot
Sugar is a pedo
His husband is a cuck

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Cute but wonder what they would say about SU in particular

Only correct answer.

"That boy must miss his mother."
"I think he is his mother."
"How odd! Like something out of a space novel!"
"The boys father needs to cut his hair though."
"Oh yes, most certainly."


Why did you invent SU and shitposting and Yea Forums so they can shitpost abou SU?

Note: 19th Century is the 1800s, and 20th Century is the 1900s... Then again, this here French Postcard from the 1910s predicted car combat.

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t. N. Brio