I mean, as a romantic couple
So are they canon or nah?
Other urls found in this thread:
mandy is for irwin
billy is for mindy
No, she just uses him for loveless fucking.
Of course. They are the only people who can handle eachother.
There was an episode where Billy straight up said that they are not a couple.
The most reliable source
>unconditionally loving guy who doesn’t care she’s an evil cunt
>excessively tsun childhood friend girl
Good combo.
They cared for each other for sure. Dont think it was romantic at all though.
This. It's a very cute, very rare, dynamic.
have a job
have sex
and have self respect
t. brony mad because his thread got moved to /trash/
Billy is Mandy’s property
I'd say so but it's not healthy... for humanity.
Confirmed canon by Maxwell Atoms himself via his tumblr.
Mandy is such a fascinating character to me. Like, she chooses to dress like this? We know her parents don't make the rules so it can't be this is just what her parents buy her to wear.
It is ironic as it contrasts with her character
and it’s cute
They’re mean to be with each other, but their love goes beyond romance or sex, Billy & Mandy are the only people that can stand each other for a relationship were even if they don’t see themselves as equals care about each other and can freely speak, that’s why Mandy dosen’t adore Irwin the guy adorrs and obsess over her, while might be afraid, but still defy her and same with Mandy taming Billy, but also protecting him.
They were just made for each other
>mindy is for irwin
>billy is for mandy
you got it mixed up, don't worry I fixed it for you
Nope mandy is for dib
We have a true patrician
And since the same images keep getting posted.
Chubby mandy always will be the best possible mandy
>have sex
Why do NPCs use this as an attempt to insult? Do they really think any of us wouldn't have sex if we had the opportunity? We can't, unless someone is available to us.
have sex
what the fuck is that
Buenos dias, Mandy!
Remember that time Mandy got to do Grim's job for a day and caused 9/11?
That.... Oddly fits very well.
Remember that time billy accidentally killed archduke fernindad after mistaking his pistol for a confetti gun
Remember the time billy set fire to the Soviet grain in 1931 before a nasty winter
What a damn legend
Yeah, and it was opposite day.
All I remember was that she was actually concerned when it looked like Billy drowned in the movie.
Damn no one has posted this yet?
Also yes, for some reason they are
Remember that time Mandy got to do Grim's job for a day and visited the Metropolitan Correctional Center?
This artist has good taste in ships
Mandy claims to hate Billy, yet she still wants to hang out with him. Why?
makes me wonder why Mandy picked Billy.
She could probably get whoever she wants to be her bitch, and yet she settles for Billy.
Is it his nose ?
Because everyone is afraid of her at all times. Billy is too stupid to realize that he's a creepy little monster most of the times, so he's the only human being capable of showing authentic appreciation for her without it being backed up by fear.
Superior show coming through
More like, the Jannetty
So, this show dived through the window to escape?
What makes you think he’s right?
>implying she wouldn't abort
She enjoys having power over someone
How come she hated vampires?
The Boogie Adventure confirms that she in fact cares about him
makes sense for mindy to want that nigger dick.
that also makes the son half witch too along with vampire mummy and werewolf.
And nerd
As a kid, Billy and Mandy reminded me of Banjo and Kazooie with more extreme personalities.
Kill yourself Smashfag
Fuck off nigger, just because they're in a game played by autistic retards doesn't mean that everyone who brings them up is a mouthbreather like you.
wasn't Banjo a character from Diddy Kong racing? Lmao, literally didn't know that nigga had his own game
Personal belief
I think Mandy liked Billy that he was able to ground her to reality. That element in her life she can't 100% control, and doesn't want to. She does take a personal ownership in their relationship is enough for her.
>Episode where Billy mom de-ages, we can see Mandy get jelly
I think Billy sees Mandy more of a boss than romantic interest. I think a lot of people think Billy is too dumb to understand love, but he's chosen other girls in the show before two Indian sisters for Valentine's dance and an alien he wanted to marry.
There is one episode I always find curious where Mandy orders Billy and says "Thank you" to which Billy takes as an insult and straight up quits. To which Mandy replaces him with a doppelganger, causing Billy to get rid of him and go back to being Mandy stooge monkey
Yup same as Conker
Banjo had the back pack but I don't think Kazooie was invented then.
And I'm going to stop with this. Imagine if they all got a game
Billy is for Blandy and Blandy alone. Even in her monster form.
To be honest I always thought this was just the straight version of shipping two characters who interact with each other a lot, even if there's no chemistry.
But I'm starting to really like the thought of Mandy methodically planning out her relationship with Billy, only for him to fuck it up somehow.
thats the point, incel
It's pure, man.
Holy shit, you’re right! But I think it was before billy realized it was Opposite Day.
Pretty much this, Mandy can make everyone his bitch, but this means the person's affection might come from fear rather than genuinely care.
Billy is stupid enough to piss off Mandy multiple times, but his love, care and friendship come from his own feelings for Mandy, everything that Billy feels for Mandy is real
If not Billy I could picture this happening
>Chubby mandy will always be the best possible Mandy
I enjoy your thought process
I actually really like this couple. Draw requests?
>That disgusting acne on Gaz's face
Literally ruined what could've otherwise been perfect art
Billy doing something stupid with cotton candy as Mandy looks on like it's business as usual.
Well, even when Mandy can be tough as shit, she's very secure about her feminine side.
yeah that was what i inmediatly tought . weird
Well, that pizza Gaz loves will eventually come back to get her.
Buuut Florpus has a food robot that seems concerned that Gaz and Dib get a good diet.
>proclaims be a bi girl
>only draw straight pairings
Hat swap
Mandy wearing Billy's hat
And Billy wearing Mandy head band
Probably self insert as a threesome with her. She's that chick who openly flirts her girlfriend and the boyfriend hoping they ask her to be in a threesome one day.
She ships Jaspidot