*theme park thread*


She's adorable and shows all the prices

Which one do you want to do?
Halloween Horror Nights
Not so scary Halloween

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>Show is coming out officially soon
>Cocofags got BTFO and Gran Fiesta Tour is staying
It's based being a Chadallero

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i expected jenny nicholson and now i'm sad

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Did she EVER decide to cover Star Wars land?

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Potter Collector went to Disney and did a great Fall vlog.


It's a three part video now

My favorite ride

Oh good I'm going to check it out. Took long enough!!

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no video yet but i remember her being really hype on twitter about it

It's not out yet user. She's gonna male it a 3 part video.

Well, summer's over now, and attendance never picked up. Maybe things will improve for the holidays. I blame Galaxy's Edge

Yeah that's what I thought. She's lazy af

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Hit pieces like this don't help


I think Disney World had way longer lines when theirs open
Don't know about now with the hurricane fear



based Splash Mountain user

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What do you fear he will get rid of before his time is up?

Figment may as well be on the chopping block since kids now a days have no clue who he is.

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Lol what a bunch of bullshit.

I'm actually not worried about much from him unless he extends his tenure. The Epcot expansion seems to be in place just about, and Galaxy Edge failing means there's budget cuts in what's being placed in the parks. He also probably doesn't want to go out being known for killing a well-known attraction
Now his successor is who we need to look out for

She not lazy, she's just going in depth. The first part's coming on the 19th.

What's lazy was her Endgame video.

He started a horrible precedent for how the company should be run. We will never get non IP attractions like Matterhorn again without having Frozen or some shit shoved into it.

>unless he extends his tenure
He's stepping down in 2022 and running for president in 2024.

>frozen matterhorn
mother of god


Taking my sister and my niece to Mickey's Halloween party next month. While I'm down there, I'm also going to do Galaxy's edge.

Pretty sure I'm going to cry like a weepy little bitch when I get into Savi's and start making my lightsaber.

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Lol, annual passes aren't even expensive once you do the monthly payment option. My sister and brother-in-law only pay like $60 a month for their annual passes and honestly, when I move down there I plan on doing the same.

He has 0% chance running for president

Oh my god the food at Wizarding World looks so fucking good. So jealous of that chick eating it all for her "job."

Enjoy it, user. What style are you aiming for? I really like the Peace and Justice hilts. I wish I could pay lower price and just get those without the giant blade.

Different user here. Gonna make one in feb. Tried ultra saber at Boston fan expo... so torn.

What super burns me at disney is you cant keep the parts you dont use from your kit.

You can purchase extra “scrap metal” pieces for about $20 a set. They don’t advertise it though.
I did protection for mine, but I didn’t buy any extra sets. I probably will the next time I go though

How is it bullshit?

Yeah I wonder what Business Insider was motivated by when making this...

The absolute best is this sour cream ice cream cheesecake flavor in Harry Potter land.

I know people who go in depth and it doesn't take fifty years to upload.

I know she mentioned some video trouble on Twitter. And she seemed to imply reshooting some parts that are now incorrect info. I think she’s just a perfectionist and gets stuck in that hole of constant adjustment because it isn’t just right.

>theme park thread

Threadly reminder Robb Alvey is cancerous.

Living with The Land. You just know they're itching to scrap it.

Anyone else scared about just what they're going to do to Spaceship Earth? The idea of storytelling could work, I'm wondering if it's going to wind up being an IP circlejerk.

I personally can't wait to see Olaf, Iron Man and Kylo Ren as part of mankind's great storytelling figures along with Odysseus and Prince Hamlet.

I am surprised that it survived IPCOT for this long, it even made it into multiple versions of the concept art for the EPCOT redesign.

Yeah I guess I just wanted to see it before summer is over.

It is kinda boring

>not wanting to see giant vegetables, hydroponic gardening, the catfish tanks and the comfy as fuck animatronic scenes of rainforests, deserts and farmlands

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I'm doing Not-so-scary next week sunday, really looking forward to it

Vlog the food

I'm prolly eating the nachos and the headless horseman cheesecake, maybe that hocus pocus kettle, I even watched the movie this week in preparation, it was alright

also kind of looking forward to doing WDW like a chad and waking up at 5 because all the parks are open from 6-7AM and from what I've seen it's a ghost town

I'm super jealous have a blast!


For 2020. The Fox deal meant he extended his term to 2021. He'll run in 2024.

When the finally scrap Dinoland USA, what will they replace Dinosaur with? Indiana Jones Adventure is my hope.

>Indiana Jones
>Animal Kingdom

for what purpose

Anything besides Zootopia.

I could see it. They'd just need to retheme the premise like how Crystal Skull and Forbidden Eye are a bit different. Hell, they might even be able to get by on re-using some of the dinosaur animatronics.

>Implying it's not IP Kingdom now

Probably the casual attendees.

Just went on Splash Mountain two days ago and thought about this.

So post-Dorian Disney World was the best experience of my life. Flight of Passage, Seven Dwarfs, Frozen, and pretty much every other ride were walk-ons. I didn't wait more than 30 minutes for a single ride. It was surreal. Go now before all the evacuees get back.

Animal Kingdom has the least amount of invading IPs out of all the Disney World parks

>Disney IP Adventure
>Magic Ipdom
>Disney's IP Studios
>IP Kingdom

Same brother, went to both Magic Kingdom and Universal, both were ridiculously empty. I'm gonna hate it when the tourists come back.

If I ever become a Disney imagineer which is literally my dream job you can bet your ass I'm gonna be trying my best to make more non-IP rides. Or at least original ideas.

Nice user! How are you working towards it?

Planning on doing the DCP for semester at some point, although honestly I have no idea if I can even do it mid-college or if I have to have my BS first. I'm pretty confused about it so far.
My hope was this spring—I applied earlier this summer, but it doesn't seem like I've gotten anything back. I have to wonder if there's anybody I can contact about these sorts of things.

Check out the DCP subreddit they can for sure help.

Honestly I don't mind IP rides if they're actually done creatively. Like Splash Mountain is technically an IP ride and it's my favorite ride in Magic Kingdom.
Yeah, I hear you. I doubt lines will be that good again for a long time.

Word is Imagination's going down once Spaceship Earth re-opens from its redo.

Are the Inside Out rumors true?

>Went on vacation to Japan
>Wasn't able to plan a trip to the Disney parks cause my schedule was already way too packed
>tfw I saw ads everywhere taunting me
I have many regrets

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>the sixth infinity stone was AMERICA

Plans are still in flux, but Pete Docter himself opposes Inside Out evicting Figment.

Best non-restaurant restroom in each park:

Magic Kingdom: Caribbean Plaza
Epcot: Imagination Pavilion
Hollywood Studios: Rock N Roller Coaster
Animal kingdom: Lion King

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>President Iger gets Congress to keep expanding copyright law indefinitely
god help us

>not the Tangled bathrooms

Nicely themed, but too busy.

Animal Kingdom has the Conservation Station bathrooms with the signs telling you how far a rhino can piss though.

It's always funny seeing people get their wedding pictures taken there. You're taking a picture in your wedding gown all dolled up in front of the ladies bathroom lmao

This one thing that humilated Disney Land.

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Which mainstream theme park has the best Halloween, and why is it Knotts Scary Farm?

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I can actually hear the seething in this article.

You'd think that Disney would capitalize on that and have a separate area for people take photos that isn't the women's shitter.

Like they fucking care. They are probably laughing their asses off that a couples special wedding photos are in front of the fucking toilets.

Whenever I'm sad, I just remember riding this and being thrilled and amazed.

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Gimmie the rundown. Do these have lore, like Carey Ohio from HHN?

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Yeah, but you could charge extra for it. Couple of franchises to choose from, half dozen or so backdrops and settings per franchise, actual wedding photographers on staff. Pay per franchise, pick your photo package, add in an extra surcharge if you bring your own photographer, it'd be a pretty easy thing to do and they'd easily be able to pull in hundreds of dollars per session.

Not a bad idea at all user, but if it's done on Disney park property that might annoy some guests if it's done during operation hours.

That Tangled area needs a small food stand or something. Such nice theming that's wasted on bathrooms.

Realistically it'd be set to the side, and in a closed off area specifically for the sessions. Stick it in Main Street, USA off the main path, like the barbershop.

>not Main Street Bathrooms
>Not bathrooms right outside of Park Gates at MK

vampire: best job in the world

Busch Gardens Howloscream

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Nope Tampa Bay

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Over the years we've seen various updates to the mascot costumes; more on model faces, blinking eyes and even moving mouths. What's the next innovation you'd like to see?

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There’s already a photo studio at Disney Springs.
Plus the area near the barbershop is where they have parades and vehicles step off and keep the horse so during the day. That wouldn’t be a good area at all.

I'm shooting for protection and defense, I love the Old Republic style so I'm really leaning toward that. Though peace and justice looks pretty good too. Honestly my plan over the course of next year is to make one of each. It's just going to take a while, lol.

Went with P/D myself. Was originally going to go for Elemental Nature, but the P/D pieces come with a bit of a weathered/worn-out look to them that ultimately sold the deal. I'm a bit of a sucker for the used, falling-apart, hastily put together look.

I just dig the way the Old Republic style looks. Gold accents, curved lines, almost like sci-fi art deco.
Elemental nature is probably number 3 on my list just because I feel like it's a bit too quirky for my taste. Though I admit that the rancor tooth pommel is pretty neat.

I just know that the power and control style will be my last one, because I already have a sith saber from ultra sabers so I don't have a pressing desire for a sith saber.

Do ANY parks sell boba tea (fishy ale is not actual boba)?!

Try Epcot, especially with the Food and Wine Festival happening now.

The ice cream is legit fucking excellent. Really thick and creamy, like they make it in the back room or something. I got dark grey and lavender with a scoop of chili pepper chocolate on top. My mom got the clotted cream one and it's really really excellent.

You wouldn't think thick creamy dairy is the best choice for Orlando but man did it hit the spot.

Anyone here get one of those droid carrying backpacks at GE? Are they worth it?

The dinosaur ride isn't just the same system as the indy ride, it's the exact same track layout. They'd just have to retheme it.
I dunno about a whole land but if they redid it to be South America the ride would fit in

Epcot in China, either the quick service year round, or the FW China booth during festival season.
Animal Kingdom in Pandora, either alcoholic or non alcoholic.

The boba in Epcot is ABSOLUTE shit. Don't bother.

That's why I'm betting it'll be changed to Indy eventually. Indy is a way more recognizable IP than fucking Dinosaur and it's already a proven success in Anaheim and Japan.

Fuck that noise. Dinosaurs are a universally appealing concept that doesn't need a popular tie-in to draw people in.

The ride consistently has low wait times in a park with few attractions. It's just not that popular anymore user.

It's almost like it's tucked into the back corner of a land that most people seem to think is exclusively the fucking carnival.

I won't deny that it's in a shitty location. But guests have so many different resources now to see what rides are in the parks.

Clotted cream! That's the one!

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Thank you! Too bad they don't have it in Harry Potter land. I'm going for Halloween.

It's a great ride but it's not kino. I'm very glad I've done it and that it exists, but I'd rather ride Everest fifty thousand times.

Anybody remember back in the '90s when Disney wanted to license the Myst IP from Cyan and turn it into a theme park attraction? They couldn't make it work, so they gave up on it. But nowadays, we'd call what they were trying to make an escape room. Could an escape room work as a theme park attraction? Most of the guests would be kids, so Disney was planning to have a cast member with them to give them hints.

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I'm not sure you'd be able to cycle people through quickly enough.

I don't see an escape room working well in a theme park. Maybe as a paid attraction in Downtown Disney.
You wouldn't be able to cycle people through quickly enough. There would be little kids, so it would either be too hard for them, or too easy for adults. You'd have guests who don't speak English that don't know what's going on or what to do. Once you do it once, what would be the point of doing it again after you know how the puzzles work?

Myst was specifically a plan for what to do with the abandoned Discovery Island.

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Multiple rooms with multiple parties running through them in a non-linear order? If people solve the rooms too quickly, they can be shunted into a separate branch.

The guy who runs Theme Park Review. Recently bitched on Twitter about a Starbucks closing early before the hurricane hit this week.

Why is Wizarding World so good bros? I love it so fucking much

I don't know about that idea mate. I worked at an escape room and would monitor guests as they completed the room and would give them hints if needed. Our rooms were separated into 3-4 different sections where guests would have to solve puzzles to progress through within an hour. I had a group of 10 people that could not solve a puzzle that was literally plotting points on a graph and connecting dots. They used up the rest of their 40 minutes on it and lost.

People are fucking dumb man

I could never do an Escape room. I'm normally claustrophobic.

It's magic

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What went so fucking wrong with Galaxies Edge? I was looking so forward to it

Of course the moment I ask I realize I have my application available in my inbox.
In any case I'm excited now.

Iger, Chapek, and budget cuts. They tried to make their own Wizarding World but ended up shitting themselves. They have a new motto of "Build it and build it cheap" which is finally starting to get some backlash from the average theme park attendee. The land is full of nothing and they took one of the most imaginative, creative, and versatile IPs and somehow fucked it up.

Congrats user! I haven't done it myself but from what I've seen, everyone who was a part of it has really enjoyed it and made some great friends and memories.

Disney needs a better dinosaur area, half of it feels like a shitty carnival, whereas universal makes it feel like you are in jurassic park in IOA

I fucking love Universal, they just put so much care and imagination into their lands and attractions now. They are picking up Disneys slack and going straight for the jugular when Epic Universe opens. I'll admit they had some fuck ups recently with the Jimmy Fallon and Fast and Furious rides, but Hagrid is a fucking marvel of ride engineering and more than makes up for their recent slip ups.

I think it's up next on the chopping block. It's an unpopular area and rumors are going around Primeval Whirl will be closing.

Went to Hogsmeade a few years after it opened and fucking loved it, but I haven't been to Diagon Alley yet. How is it? I heard from several people it's even better, but how so?

It's an extremely detailed and well planned area. Tons of little areas to explore, amazing art direction, and little elements that just make the place feel so magical. I go average once a week and I just love walking around and listening to the general atmosphere. Haven't tried the ice cream like the anons above have been posting about but I for sure will next time.

This. Disney is floundering, and if Universal can deliver a fucking POKEMON area with the immersion of Harry Potter? It's over.

Lots of promises, very little budget. It also opened half finished.

Disney fucked up royally by not getting any video game IPs. Universal now has fucking Nintendo, the most recognizable and family friendly video game company in the world to use for their parks now.

>What if we took Star Wars, and made a land based on a setting in no movies, games, or tv shows? We can contractually obligate someone to mention it in passing in a book.

No hard facts or actual proof, just alot of projection and wishful thinking.

>no familiar locations

I love this argument. You'll never go broke appealing to the 'member berry crowd.

A new location can be fine, but the one they ended up doing just falls flat honestly.

>Wanting to visit a cantina that is similar too, but not exactly like, the one on Tatooine

Anyone going to Scarowinds? I've only been once before but I haven't found anyone to go with since.

Why go through the trouble of creating not!Tatooine when you could just do Tatooine?

Jenny is the first time I've ever fallen on love with an internet personality.

I've always liked the "Route 66 Fossil Town" vibe, but the carnival shit was a huge mistake. Dino-Rama doesn't even work as a Roadside Dinosaur Attraction like the contrived backstory they came up with to justify it intended. The concrete brontosaurus is the only thing of value there. Put in the Boneyard coaster they originally wanted to build or do something with Ice Age Mammals, but it just needs to be gone.

It sucks because I know this is going to happen

Kind of hypocritical considering all the complaints about IP shilling and catering to the 'hey, I remember that' crowd.

Problem with Black Spire Outpost is there's no damn kinetics or streetmosphere. Chapek thought making underpaid fast food/retail workers say funny Star wars words was a perfect immersion substitute for actually paying actors to dress as aliens and robots or have free-roaming droids.

Free roaming droids seems like the easiest shit.
They were doing that for years with the talking trash cans.

Please tell me you have watched the live Star Wars trivia video where she's outed as a total fraud

It's just very cleverly put together. Dragon Alley has literally one ride but no one cares because the theming is good enough that the entire area is like a ride.

It's got literally everything a Harry Potter fan could want to eat, buy, or do with shockingly few restrictions or immersion breaking theme park elements. The reason Galaxy's Edge feels so lacking by comparison is because it was built under the assumption that people would eat up anything with a Star Wars logo on it.
>Star Wars has no iconic food outside blue milk, so restaurants and food stands serve normal theme park food "with a twist"
>"oooh, it's a hotdog, but it's in a pita instead of a buuuun! that's how they eat them in spaaaaace!"
>everyone wants to drink at the cantina
>but drinks are $30 and you are only allowed two and you either need a reservation or to wait in a 90 minute line and you can only be in there for an hour max
>everyone wants to build a droid
>but its $150 and you can't take it out in the park
>everyone wants to build a lightsaber and be a jedi
>but the lightsaber experience is $200 minimum and you can't wear the robes if you're over 13
>opened with one ride that features no iconic characters or anything aside from Chewie and the falcon

Compare that to Wizarding World where you can literally do what an average Hogwarts student would do on a trip to Hogsmede or Diagon Alley. Granted Star Wars is a lot harder to theme service and down-time activities like restaurants and shit around than HP, but still.

Hogsmede has the better rides, Diagon Alley is 10x more immersive and has way more details. Also better food options.

If you like tea the earl grey and lavender flavor is a must. It's like the gaijin equivalent of matcha ice cream.

I haven't. Were the questions about obscure characters and shit that the average movie watcher wouldn't really know or care about? Or was it simple questions like, "Who is Luke's Father?" or something?
Also she's still cute so I don't really care either way desu

I honestly like that it's an original area. More freedom for the Imagineers to do whatever they want without making it look like a theme park. Literally the only film location that MAY have worked was if they just built Mos Eisley, but even then it'd look weird whenever it rained.

Who cares?
People love snow covered Hogsmeade, despite it also being in 100 degree humid weather.

That's a fair point, honestly, especially since it rains damn near every day some weeks out of the year.

Fucking this. They've got the tech to pull off free roaming droids and aliens but they're too cheap to do it.

Galaxy's Edge would feel so much more alive if you threw in a street busker or two. Wasn't there some oc donut steel bounty hunter that would hassle people who crashed the Falcon?

This is exactly it, Disney is going to have to change stuff up fast if they want Galaxy's Edge to get even close to the level of immersion in Wizarding World. I'm betting everything Galaxy's Edge will get a massive refurbishment in two years or less.

I’m fucking terrified that this sounds like a realistic thing Iger would do

>They've got the tech to pull off free roaming droids and aliens but they're too cheap to do it.

that's literally not the reason.
The reason is the test droid got abused to high hell because parents refuse to tell their kids to behave themselves because "it's muh vacation i do wut i want."

it would cost a shit load to upkeep bots that were constantly getting beat up because brazillians can't be trusted with anything ever.

This. Hogsmede and Diagon Alley? They work as locations for a theme park. That's where the action is, and you can reliably replicate them with a few acres of simulated streets and buildings.

Tatooine is a whole other beast, same with Hoth and Coruscant and pretty much every SW planet except Endor. I'd prefer an original location where all the main characters happen to be doing things than "Disney's Tatooine", where there's no deserts and everything is tiny and also there's a flat ride in the middle of this seedy spaceport for some reason.

Same reason I hope when Universal finally does Pokemon, they make an OC locale, some kind of "Pokemon Festival" or something, rather than just saying "welcome to Pallet Town". Because if I'm immersed, like I'm really in the world, I don't give a FUCK about Pallet Town or Tatooine or whatever. In the context of their own universes, they're just "some town" basically, and that's not exciting for a theme park reliant on immersion. Conversely, people in universe WOULD be hyped and excited to go to Hogsmede or Diagon Alley. Ministry of Magic? Kind of a dumb idea, since to wizards, it's just an office building.

Will do lad! Cheers!

They can't do Tatooine or Jakku because if it starts raining, the immersion is broken. Coruscant would work better as an indoor environment, like Epcot's Mexico. Perhaps the best setting for a themed environment would be Endor, but (1) it would be too similar to Pandora, and (2) nobody likes Ewoks except people who were 8 years old in 1983. Like me.

I honestly don't know why they made Hogsmede snowy instead of, like, perpetually autumnal or something.

I love Wizarding World but the fake snow is fucking dumb and breaks immersion to the point I have to assume it has some practical purpose in hiding building elements or saving on cost or something.

Yea I agree on this. Street atmosphere could be really fucking cool if people just weren't so fucking stupid and parents knew how to control their children. I do think there should be more than just a random character or stormtrooper walking around though. Also I find it stupid how I can't even take pictures with any of the iconic characters from the original trilogy or prequels except fucking Chewbacca. I love my hairy man, but shit man I want a picture with Han or Vader.

Nothing too obscure, all movie and tv stuff. Something an omg super fan join my patreon should know

This. Remember all we were promised about the Millennium Falcon changing our reputation?

The IP shilling complaints is when they add IPs to non-IP attractions and because Disney prioritizes IP attractions to non-IP attractions. When Disney said, "hey, we're doing a Star Wars-themed land," most people were wondering when they'd remove the SW IP from Space Mountain. So it becomes confusing as to why Disney would create an IP land, then go out of its way to specifically not make any of the featured locations in the IP, then turn around and sorta give it the aesthetics of a featured location. Give parkgoers the SPACE North Africa of Tatooine, give them the gleaming spires and permanently neon twilight alleys of Coruscant, the sleek futurism of Cloud City, the Renaissance retrofuturism of Naboo, the sprawling scrapheaps and ramshackle towns of Jakku, the Mediterranean opulence of Canto Bight, or the cozy, hidden, off-grid hideaway of Takodana. Hell, use fucking Castilon and have the entire place be a bunch of pavilions set above water.

Were they really taking that much of a beating? You'd think they'd have some of their famous plainclothes police around any droids, it's not like they'd tolerate a bunch of hues attacking Goofy or Rapunzel.

The snow is great, it's hot as fuck in Florida and snow can obviously never happen but I like it.

if you watch the video, one girl straight up just crawled up on the droid and wouldn't leave alone, and her mom "just thought it was the cutest thing!"

Small expansion or additions? Sure. Massive refurbishment? I doubt it.

I thought they had a few free roaming droids but the public kept abusing them to the point of destroying them?

>fake snow is fucking dumb and breaks immersion to the point

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Which vid?

But again, what did they expect to happen?
Either build them fucking sturdy or give them an escort. They don't let the Muppet Mobile Lab roam around without handlers, did they honestly believe the average Disney Park patron WOULDN'T go out of their way to try and break the droid?

At that point you just need a cast member in a costume alongside the droid who acts like the droid's owner. Or a couple of suit droids like the protocol droids.

Blizzard Beach is kino because it's a water park so you feel cool and refreshed.

In Hogsmede it's dumb, especially considering how realistic everything else looks.


Jesus fucking christ... This is why we can't have nice things.

If Disney got really desperate, I wouldn't be surprised if they changed the theming of the area to the Original Trilogy.

I honestly wonder if part of it is just the Disney brass being afraid that people would complain about gross alien gypseys hassling them in the streets.

Meanwhile Universal has shit like the raptor encounter and Green Goblin meet and greet where the actors are actively encouraged to run japes on people and spook them because no shit that's what they do.

>run japes
I learned a new word today, and was pleasantly surprised it wasn't what I thought it was.

No way in hell. They already spent the money and it's not a complete failure, just a disappointment. I'm sure attendance will pick up once Rise opens up. But they are not going to spend millions of dollars changing the theming.

I honestly think it's designed the way it is specifically for that purpose.
>Falcon ride is screen-based, don't even need to replace Hondo
>change the Falcon's radar dish
>swap out the Stormtrooper costumes
>change certain details on the prop ships
>remove strong independent blue hair poc womyn character
Literally the only change that would be in any way complicated to retrofit would be Rise of the Resistance, and even then it'd be no more of a chore than reskinning Dinosaur into Indiana Jones.

All things considered, that's mostly nothing in regards to kids fucking with shit. The biggest issue would seem to be that everyone wants to get a pic with the droids, which means that they'd pretty much be stationary due to anti-collision features in their pathfinding.

Also the kid is told not to climb on it in the video.

Not right away of course, that'd look very bad for them.

But I imagine in a decade or so, once the sequel trilogy stops being relevant, we might see more and more OT stuff. That's the enduring iconography. Darth Vader is never gonna go out of style.

>They already spent the money and it's not a complete failure, just a disappointment
yeah about that.
turns out it might have just been a the fact disneyland had blackout dates on their passholders cause florida didn't have the same problems.

Integrate a body cam into the droid/CM costume and you'd solve a lot of complaints like that.

It wouldn't be hard, plus they're going to change theme anyways once they're ready to cycle in their next trilogy.

Dinosaur has the same track layout as Indy, but it has way more walls and ceilings surrounding those tracks. Like you aren't gonna get that "Rope Bridge over a lava pit in front of a giant skull face shooting lasers at you" vista in Dinosaur without it being a huge pain in the ass.

Rise of the Resistance would be waaay easier to do since the Sequel Trilogy has been super derivative of the Original Trilogy from day one. It really is a matter of costume swapping and repainting.

Isn't next trilogy supposed to be a nu-KOTOR?

>but its $150 and you can't take it out in the park
Honestly, I think that one is for the best. A bunch of droids roaming around is probably pretty hazardous. Easy to trip over one or just have to spend your time dodging random R2 units while you're there.

Knotts does really clever and inventive things with their mazes, with fun narratives to them too. They’re supposed to be the first theme park to do the Halloween transformation thing, so they put a lot of pride into what they do. I’m not sure about the inner workings or anything, but it looks like they seem to use their mazes 2-3 times, and then they swap it out for something brand new. Check out the Pumpkin Eater maze on YouTube, it’s super original.

GE in Florida right now is still relatively empty due to the Hurricane. We won't know how truly busy it'll be until after all the tourists come back.

As for GE in Disneyland, I check the wait times fairly often and even now it's only sitting at 30 minutes. There are no restrictions over there at this point surely.

Maybe, but you just know that everything is going to look suspiciously the same.

Don't forget other guests fucking with your droid.

Anyone else curious what Disney’s going to do about Disneyworld, what with Orlando being submerged within the next thirty years and all, with increasingly severe hurricanes in the meantime. They’ve got to have spent trillions on Disneyworld over the course of its lifetime, there’s no way it’s going to just be abandoned, is there?

>Don't forget other guests fucking with your droid.
The lockers are still there on Main Street, you know.

That's a fair point, but it'd be nice if they at least let you take it out of the pet carrier

Fixed it for you

It's pretty much the same thing except better just like everyone said to you. The train is cute for kids but can be annoying because they really pack you in there.

It's not bad, each cabin holds max 8 people and there is a good amount of room. My gf has really bad anxiety so unfortunately we can't take the train all the time.

No shit, dumbass. But we're talking about why banning people from playing with the droids isn't a bad idea.

Orlando isn't anywhere near the coast and is 82 feet above sea level.

>Implying Disney isn't controlling the climate
I wish I could return to being as ignorant as you. But I know too much now.

>he doesn’t know

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While they don't have support for it now (or at least it seems like they don't), it wouldn't be too difficult for them to update to support that. When they add credits to your datapad from the ride, they could also update your reputation (basically just changing it to good or bad based on your last ride-through, doesn't even need to be visible for you), and update the terminal some of the shop people have to also show a + or - sign to represent if you did good or bad. Basically I'd expect them to bring the idea back eventually, though probably not until a while time after RotR opens when they start plotting ideas to freshen up the land when interest dwindles.

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>Orlando isn't anywhere near the coast and is 82 feet above sea level.
Yeah, should've looked at the projected map before I said any of that. Just the same, worsening flooding and rising ocean levels will effect the ground under Orlando. It's still not in a great position. Not to mention, how is Florida going to survive Miami being lost? Cause it'll be prime real estate for Aquaman pretty soon.

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bigger boobies on the females, both costume and actresses

Go to a furry convention.

Reputation is more like faction influence. You get three scores, with no penalty for maxing all three.
I guess there is technically a 4th "blackspire" faction but it doesn't track points, yet anyway.
I think they originally sold it with the ride having branching story in the sense that you could pick a side. I have no idea how that would work when you've potentially got 6 people who don't know each other and might pick different teams

Build a fuckton of seawalls, like the Netherlands.

>The carnival is good because it has a backstory.

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I'm gonna miss Saint Augustine. My favorite touristy part of Florida outside Orlando.

There a rumors going on that Lord of the Rings or Star Trek could be potential IPs that Universal could use for their future parks and expansions. Are those IPs even that popular anymore enough to actually capitalize on? Both IPs are popular with the older audience that was old enough for the shows and films, but I don't know any teenager or kid that's a fan either really.

Fake news

Losing Miami is going to seriously fuck up the world economy, and it's one of the first going under.

Both of them are popular enough. LotR is probably the weaker of the two IPs, but makes up for it by also being the backbone of a lot of modern fantasy. Star Trek is still in production and, while not as popular as it used to be, still has a large cultural cache. It also has the benefit that between the TOS, DIS, and TNG+ eras, the major alien races, and NuTrek you can do a massive amount of themed stuff. Between TNG and DS9 you could probably have enough food mentions for two restaurants and a couple of food carts.

Really? I would say Star Trek is the weaker of the two. The hobbit films that came out recently still make a crap ton of money.

Unless Disney starts thinking more towards the long term after Iger leaves, I could honestly see them just letting DisneyWorld sink into the ocean.

Will Disneyland Paris ever get the treatment it so lovingly deserves?

It's getting a huge expansion within the next few years iirc.

>tfw live in Orlando
>big family so had many people that worked in the parks as part of it
>always got in for free growing up
By the time I became a teenager there was really no magic whatsoever. Going to any of the theme parks feels like going grocery shopping to me. I don't even remember any magic I might've felt as a kid.

Also if any of you is going to Galaxy's edge, make sure the first thing you do is get a Cantina reservation. That place is small as fuck.

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LotR doesn't have anything coming out soon except for the Amazon thing. Discovery is still airing and they're also fixing to do Picard. Plus from a fandom standpoint Trekkies are a huge market, so a proper cross promotion has a huge built in audience.

Nothing went wrong. It’s all overblown

>1 mediocre ride
>1 "cantina" that barely has 10 tables
>around 25 GIFT SHOPS plus the premium lightsaber thing which sucks since you can get better looking ones online
>they REFUSE to add any fanservice or stuff relating to the older movies that have 100 times bigger appeal
Gee, I wonder

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i want to take jenny to cars land

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I don't even like Star Wars, I just enjoy her enthusiasm for theme park stuff.

Why can't they capture the imagination and wonder of the first one...you know, without the farting?
Inside Out is just not that good. It was boring.

They need to put a Boba in the Japan area, near the shredded ice.

>wanting dinosaur to leave
fuck off chapek
is it actually good or do you just like the nurses?
the droids are only 100 plus tax but yes
>blue milk is hated by pretty much by everyone
how could they fuck this up

I mean people have been saying that crowds were low for Galaxy's Edge...are you sure?

They already have the best Haunted Mansion. What else do you Frenchies want?

I want to be friends with Mindy Minx and Potter Collector.

they should put it in galaxys edge if you catch my drift

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Really good summary. They really made Diagonal Alley immersive and magical while Star Wars is a plastic, empty money grab. They could have made it sooo magical, user.

Jokes aside, the Galaxy Edge cantina actually has Boba tea drinks in its menu for some reason...
Even including the classic boba balls and popping pearls too.

I'm a fan of Earl Grey Tea but I didn't like it. The clotted cream is what's amazing.


>Liking nerdy things means you have to know everything about them

me on the left

Vader is back at Hollywood Studios now since Kylo walks around GE all the time.
It honestly wouldn't be that hard. Change the costumes for Kylo, the stormtroopers, and the one officer. The vehicles would be tough to change since the X-Wings are T-70s. Rise of the Resistance would be stupid easy as well, since the main animatronic will be Kylo who could presumably change to Vader. Heck, they even have AT-ATs in that ride instead of the First Order variant.

I still don't think it would ever be done man. Disney is way too fucking stubborn and they are shilling Nu-Wars more than ever. They even made it so Star Tours shows the same fucking Sequel Trilogy shit now instead of the other worlds that are in the system. I went on Star Tours multiple times within the past few months and it was the same Sequel trilogy stuff over and over.

Wasn't part of the point of making it fairly generic was so that they could retheme and add things based on whatever part of the franchise they're plugging? They won't want to keep it ST themed forever regardless once the next trilogy gets underway.

Probably by making it a blend of coconut and rice milk and making it so lightly flavored that most people think it just tastes off in some way.

I call the Star Tours point rotten luck. I was there recently, and got all the old non-ST shit.

Wait really? I went back in February and they had a mix, but that's sad if all they have is the same ST stuff now. Was it always the exact same three scenes?
That's what I thought, which is why I'm predicting it won't be too long. Even if Iger wants to push this ST stuff he's going to be gone by 2021 and the new guy will hopefully know better.

that doesnt sound good
anyone ever done discovery cove?

I miss old Star Tours, back when Rex was the pilot. Sucks how it's gone forever.

Also because it uses plant based milk the texture is off from what people are expecting.

where is elsa

Just patiently waiting for Disney to bring back the characters they don't care about like the Rescuers, Bolt, Dodger for meet and greets....

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All the scenes (Vader, Kylo, whatever) are in rotation right now. user is just part of that small subset of saps that, for some reason, get the ST scenes whenever they ride. It's just coincidence...until the rumors of the dedicated theaters prove to be true.

Yea it was always Kylo in the beginning, Jakku with Finn, Not!Hoth with Poe, and Batuu at the end. Oh and the orange alien with the glasses was our transmission.

Funnily enough, I keep getting the BB-8 transmission. I've yet to see in person the ones they did for Maz and Poe.

>Friend of mine hears that I got a Disneyland/Disney’s California Adventure annual passport this year.
>Wants me to take a Shadow Heartless plush with me next time I go and see if the folks at Galaxy’s Edge react to it.
I get that KH is underrepresented (and understandably so) at Disney Theme Parks but that doesn’t mean I should be the errand boy for these autistic fantasies of his.
>Blue Milk is pretty much hated by everyone.
Weird. I tried it at DL’s Galaxy’s Edge and, while I was initially turned off by the idea of mixing of coconut and rice milk, found it to kind of enjoyable given the heat.

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They for sure will not. Don't do it.

It's definitely an acquired taste, based off of the notions of coconut and rice milk alone. I sure as hell like it, and the green milk was a lot better than I thought it would based off of everything being said about it.

Star Trek is also MUCH easier to make onto an immersive theme park area than anything in LotR.

Like, how are you gonna fit the entire kingdom of Rohan or the mines of Moria inside a theme park land?


Like, making it a rice/coconut milk isn't a bad idea. Dairy in the florida heat sounds like a fast track to some real bad vomit.
But you'd think they'd go for a more crowd pleasing flavor, I've heard everything from "vaguely fruity" to "kinda like how bleach smells".

Honestly, my biggest issue is the portion size if you get it from the stand itself. For that kind of money, you'd expect to get a larger serving. On the other hand, considering the negative reputation it has, maybe it's for the best.

Oof, that's rough.
I wish they could bring him back. I've seen old videos and while I don't like that you're part of a Death Star attack, I do like Rex's humor.

The original idea thrown around was that if you fucked up the Falcon pretty badly, you'd have a reputation for being a garbage crew member and it'd follow your around, so that people at the Cantina would comment on your bad performance. Talking about reputation in that sense, not the faction reputation that's already in use and can already be referred to if cast members at a register feels like it.

Don't worry if it's your first time, it's mine too.

for me its the comfyiest park dollywood (havnt actually been in the fall tho)

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Let’s ignore the fact that I fucked the spoilers up.

Are the black kyber crystals still available in red kyber crystal tubes or have they been discontinued? I noticed black-colored paper in the tube my red crystal came in so I’m assuming they still are.
I already told him that they’d probably confuse it for a nude Jawa, that was enough to get him off my back. I did tell him that the cloaked Mickey pin was back in circulation though.
>It's definitely an acquired taste, based off of the notions of coconut and rice milk alone.
I think it’s also to do with it being served as a smoothie of sorts rather than a proper fluid beverage. I did detect a change in texture when it started to melt but didn’t bother me that much.
>the green milk was a lot better than I thought it would based off of everything being said about it.
Interesting, I’ll have to give it a try when I’m at Disneyland in a couple of weeks.
>making it a rice/coconut milk isn't a bad idea. Dairy in the florida heat sounds like a fast track to some real bad vomit.
I think it has more to do with dietary restrictions than it does heat-related issues, making it based of cow’a milk would bar those with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies from enjoying it.
>Honestly, my biggest issue is the portion size if you get it from the stand itself.
Agreed. That’s something I think the park needs to address at some point, either by making portions larger or decreasing the price.

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Disney should do Halloween mazes. There's no reason to think that it can be done in a family friendly way.

Didn't they do stuff like that over in Hong Kong? Trying to remember my shit here.

Just come to Tokyo, dog

>Last year for Shadow Lands

This'll be my first time going to Knott's Scary Farm. What am I in for?

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>what with Orlando being submerged within the next thirty years and all
You absolute fucking retard, that’s not how global warming works.

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Be ready for people jumping/sliding out at you from all over. Also, lots of fog. Be sure to check out the rides they have running.

Oh shit!
This sounds fucking rad!

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anything less obvious?

Black crystals are still available in red tubes with the black paper; I believe those ones also have the updated text on describing it being obsidian and shit (old text had a typo or something). Black paper is meant to block using the flashlight trick. There's theories that they upped the frequency of black crystals as well, with some thinking it might be as frequent as 1 in 5, but nobody's positive and the 1 per customer thing makes it more difficult to buy in bulk to really test the theory.

Arrive as early as possible, or else the lines are going to enormous. I also recommend going in September, smaller crowds. Aside from that, expect some genuinely great Halloween mazes. And the actors put a ton of effort into their costumes. I really recommend Dark Ride and Trick or Treat. Shadow Lands has really cool atmosphere, animatronics and costumes, too.

You don't have to fit them in their entirety. Honestly I'd probably run 3-part LotR land consisting of The Shire/Rivendell, Minas Tirith, and Minas Morgul.

What's the point of trying to make bad faith arguments and trying to indoctrinate people on a comics and cartoons board? Like really give it a fucking rest.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. The Hong Kong resort has always been willing to indulge in the more intermediate spook stuff compared to what gets done in the other parks. Though one can only wait and see if anything more trickles out like with what happened with Ghost Galaxy.

When was the last time a non-shit non-IP attraction opened though? Because the last great actually great land to open in Anaheim was Indiana Jones in the mid 90s.

Ghost Galaxy looks fun as fuck. The holograms are well done, and I love the music. Just too bad I won't be able to afford to go for a long while.

there not doing ghost galaxy this year

Mario is great I look forward to it and DK, but Pokemon is one of those rare franchises people really want to LIVE in.

California Screamin I guess. The rides they've built since have been IP based.

I miss Soarin' Over California. And Tower of Terror. And just generally when California Land wasn't Pixar Land.

You will GET Pixar Land and you will LIKE it.

Drinking dairy when it's hot outside does nothing. Your body is already at 98 degrees, any discomfort would be due to lactose intolerance or the temp difference causing stomach issues.

If they're concerned about dietary restrictions they could just have more options. One with a dairy base, one with nut milk, one with a coconut/onions/rice base, and one that is just juices.

Yeah, I was planning on going in Sept anyway to avoid crowds. Not sure if I wanna spend an extra $100 on the fast lane thing though. I'm really looking forward to pic-related.

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>he didn't see Soarin' Over California when they brought it back for a bit this summer

Goddamn that's gonna be rad. The fast pass shouldn't be necessary if you go this month, unless you want to do all the mazes AND rides.

Oh, also, if you plan to smoke a jay, hide it in either your shoe or your underwear. Literally no one will give a shit if you spark up in one of the smoking areas, and the smell of the fog more than covers up the weed smell.


You're going to have to extrapolate, my dude

I predict that there will be an episode of The Mandalorian set on Batuu.

Is that all any of you can fucking say

If we are Bob Iger then yes

a story in 2 parts

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>not dropping multiple hits of acid
>not bringing a cloud vape full of DMT and blowing fat cotton
>not taking a couple hits of flaka and seeing how long it takes guests to realize you're not part of the show


I dunno man, involuntary commitment doesn't sound like a good end of an evening.

Hit them bath salts and start eating faces, you pussy.

This! No matter what familiar location Disney would’ve done, people would’ve bitched. I enjoy Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland, but it does feel empty without Rise of the Resistance. Here’s hoping that changes everything.

They'd have to work EXTRA hard to make it work though. Like, Wizarding World works as well as it does because it's such an easy concept to pull off. The theming of Diagon Alley is literally "wizard shops". Hogsmede is "a row of bars and shops on the campus of a school". Both are REALLY easy concepts to build and still have rides and gift shops and shows inside.

One of the trademarks of LotR (the movies especially) is scale. They'd have to work some serious magic to put, say, Rivendell alone in a spot the size of Diagon Alley and have it feel authentic and immersive, let alone the other half dozen big name areas.

I would absolutely shit myself if I could go to Moria and get some dwarven stout though.

I think part of it depends on how much space you have to work with. Minas Tirith could be vertically oriented, something like a large three/four story building with mixed indoor/outdoor elements capped off with an open plaza that overlooks the park and it'd fit with how the film presented it.

>Drinking dairy when it's hot outside does nothing. Your body is already at 98 degrees, any discomfort would be due to lactose intolerance or the temp difference causing stomach issues.
Well yeah that's what I'm saying. If you chug a glass of milk and then do light cardio in 110 Floridian humidity while riding roller coasters, you're gonna have a bad time.

>Not injecting krokodil into your arm and snorting bath salts so you become a spooky zombie for real

Yes, but you're going to have a bad time regardless of what you're actually drinking.

>guests just think the monsters are more interactive than before
Wow, the way that guy's eating that other guy looks so realistic!
>flee into the fog, never to be seen again

Not if you stick to water or something with electrolytes like lemonade.

>There's theories that they upped the frequency of black crystals as well, with some thinking it might be as frequent as 1 in 5
And people are STILL selling ‘em for $500+? That’s insane!

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Don't go on the train ride. You would expect them to do cool shit with it, but they never do.

they do for christmas

All the more confusing that they never do anything now

Besides, with an RFID writer, you can turn any kyber crystal, or any RFID chip, into a black crystal:

what did he mean by this?

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God I went to Knotts for the Boysenberry Festival and I don't know why but those animatronics scared the crap out of me.

Also the Boysenberry milkshake with a slice of boysenberry pie inside was probably one of the best desserts I have ever had. Anyone know a good recipe for it, just the milkshake is fine,

Next time, try a funnel cake with boysenberry topping. It's like heaven.

wtf i love hhn now twitter.com/ksortego/status/1170173640635273217

Elvira's at Knott's

we tron now twitter.com/thrillgeek/status/1170149737691041792

I fucking love HHN. They do a great job every year. Some are better than others sure, but they still remain top quality.

That's kinda reminding me of the festival of flesh from AI

ai what?

Man, I wish I could afford to do a HHN when I'm down in Orlando next month, but between Mickey's Halloween and saving to build a light saber at Savi's, there's just no way.

Which is a shame because I am such a fucking Ghostbusters fanboy and I would LOVE to go through that house. Guess I'll just have to watch a walk through on YouTube.


A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, the Spielberg movie.

you do hhn twice with money left over for the price of that lightsaber
looks kino is it worth a watch?

Kubrick wrote the script, and Spielberg directed (because Kubrick died). Whether that sounds like something you would enjoy or not, is completely up to you. Personally, the script is far more cynical, bleak and inhuman than Spielberg's willing to go, but he does his damnedest to do right by his friend, so...A lot of people like it. I'm widely ambivalent.

I know. But as much as I love Ghostbusters (and Strangers Things for that matter), I literally sit here weeping watching people make lightsabers. I am even more of a dire hard Star Wars fan than I am a Ghostbusters fan.

see i thought the saber thing looked cool untill the
gatherer dude stops talking and then it just kinda breaks down

Galaxy's Edge was fucking packed for it's first few days.

The hurricane slowed it down for a few days, but it definitely was a bigger deal than Disneyland's.

There's nothing else they can really put there. And they can't scrap the Land in total now because Soarin is there.

So they're basically stuck with the boat ride.

The lightsaber building event looks kind of shitty if I'm being quite honest. $200 fucking dollars for a random cast member to just talk to you, random SW characters talking over speakers, and few light tricks. It feels stupidly cheap.

They used to do some pretty cool stuff with it. Case in point: youtube.com/watch?v=bgwiRuu84KQ

Also, if I buy the Scary Farm ticket, am I able to enter the park before the event, like around noon? Or do I have to wait until the event starts?

They have to clear the park for an hour or two, just to get everything set up.

I’m outside Cedar Point and everyone is drunk as fuck what do

>random SW characters talking over speakers
No, just Yoda.

A college professor of mine took a few minutes out of class to explain why Dragula by Rob Zombie is the perfect Halloween song and desu I've yet to see any evidence to the contrary.

The gatherer I had was genuinely good. I’ve watched some really stiff ones online so I was worried, but I was very pleased. He probably has some acting experience.
Overall, the wand experience at Potter is better. But that’s because they sprang for actual actors. It’s a real issue that Disney is so stingy with entertainment offerings. Calling all of the CMs actors and entertainment in Batuu, expecting them to have backstories and improv far beyond the normal amount you do in the the rest of the property, but not paying them entertainment pay is so backhanded.

She looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome.

Is that Rise of the Resistance ride still not operating?

>opening a land without its main attraction

what were they thinking?

>First question
>How many blasts did Luke deflect when doing jedi training with the helmet
Yeah no that's just bullshit

Just a few more years user.

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>6 years until the star wars land opens
>a few years

I fucking hate DLP, why do they hate us so much, remember when phantom manor was closed for 2 fucking years

Would you have preferred that Galaxy's Edge stayed closed while they dug up all the floors in Rise of the Resistance?

Still no real timeframe and they've only just begun groundwork. I'd be amazed if we can ride before 2025. The new Star Wars Trilogy will be out by then. At least it'll probably get the sled coaster.

>"DLP is going to get Ant-man and Doctor Strange attractions!"
>it's a restaurant and a meet and greet

God fucking dammit.

>Chessington is finally removing Ramses Revenge

Amazed it's taken this long, it was old and falling apart 10 years ago, you have a good 1 in 4 chance of it breaking down when riding.

>Alton Towers is probably getting an ultra cheap walkaround attraction next season

Lego need to hurry up and complete the takeover so they can stop destroying the park

>Project 2020 at Thorpe Park is probably going to be 2021 or later

They've had planning permission for 3 new coasters for years...

>London Resort has burnt through £100m's and it still doesn't look any closer to actually happening

Somewhere there are a bunch of people sitting in an office doing nothing all day getting paid shitloads.

Not that user but yes.

They opened it with only the B-ride open. The land was big and empty, the ride was 'ok' and they got embarrassed by Hagrid's Bike Coaster which is an amazing ride.

Shanghai Disneyland has Duckling restaurant.

Probably that they could still get thousands of tourists to drop $200 on lightsaber each day for two whole seasons in the interim, so why not?

Three, right?

Yea. You should start a patreon.

I went to DW when I was 10. It filled me with magic and wonder. My kid takes the park for granted like you do. I think kids today are more into Video games, not that there is something wrong with that.

You and pic related have an endless budget for making a promising, progressive high tech ride in Future Land Epcot. What do you do?

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spend all my time making dumb tweets

Please shut up already People could move on from your being triggered if you stop bringing it up

Put a sock in it already. All I did was post a link due to someone's question and you keep trying to attack me for it. I'm trying to enjoy myself and you're trying to make this an argument. Go bother someone else about using plastic straws or something.

Post pics


Personally I'm glad Disney provides a cute Halloween instead of the creepy horror vibes.

I can see the logic. If they were really worried about crowds, do the soft opening with the land and the lesser ride, let all the "first day/week/month" crowds come through, and then do the big ride after some of the major crowds have died down a bit. It doesn't seem to have really worked out because takeaways from the land seem pretty meh, but I don't think it was entirely terrible thinking.

>co whines about ip at disney parks
>but yet loves halloween ip nights

Night life on the Bay is pure 80s technojoy

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what did you mean by this?

Universal Studios was built around being an IP only experience, while Disney used to do more park-original shit.

Because it has lots of fun music and neon lights. Watch old 80s movies where people were having fun at night clubs. Today's nightclubs are scary with druggies and rapists galore.

Tampa Bay Busch Gardens Howloscream

Universal does original haunted houses along with the IP houses.

Universal is and always has been an IP park. Their main motto is "Be in the movies". Disney has been trying to follow in their footsteps for years now.

Will Universal ever get rid of the Fast and Furious ride? It's such a massive waste of space and has gotten horrible reviews.

probably redo test track to feature Tesla cars cause he's a.) not that benevolent. and b.) wouldn't waste the money if he didn't have to.

Lol you don't think he's that benevolent?

Funny enough, I just read an article from some site saying how F&F is cancelled at Universals newest (Shanghai?) park but it's not going anywhere stateside cause even though it's garbage, it at least provides some entertainment

Has there been any subtle changes to slinky dog dash? I rode it the day before TSL opened and was really underwhelmed by how clunky it felt. I went back and ride it twice a year later and actually really enjoyed it.

I'm sure they've improved it since.

>Not to mention, how is Florida going to survive Miami being lost?
With great rejoicing.
Wait really? Dang, I gotta get to Shanghai.

haunted mansion holiday is kino

>dressing up your haunted house ride to christmas theme before Halloween

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That's what happens with a 28-hour work week.

If the leaked plans are anything to go by, they're planning a third park in 2030.

Some sort of Cars tour replacing the terrible terrible tram tour is also going to happen.

I'm really hoping Galaxy's Edge looks cool at night.

It looks really good at night

Men don't like rides. I've never seen a good looking man get excited about theme parks. It's always a short fat guy with glasses. Meanwhile the girls who go are.

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Same could be said for you asshole, and I'm not even the same user you started your little shitshow with.

Fuck off user, there are several of us who agree its you trying to stir the shit.

>Disney's CEO has also threatened to stop filming in states where abortion is illegal, which is a head-scratcher considering this guy runs a company that depends on little kids as customers. Why would he try to reduce the population of his fan base?
The article is stupid but that made me chuckle, I assume that's a joke or a troll and not a serious argument

I really like blue and green milk

I really can't taste much of a difference. They are both extremely similar.

So you got in?? Holy shit, congrats brother!!
It's still Japan though, so it must have been amazing. I hope you enjoyed it!

why does disney attract so many thots?

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:/ Yes you are just shut up already you are ruining everyone's fun time. Please leave.

Why are you pretending to be more than one person? If you don't have something nice to say, LEAVE

It explains the low crowd numbers since their target demographic is families.

Dated one of these. Her dream was to work in the parks but she covered herself in head to toe in hideous off model Disney tattoos that can’t be covered in the Florida heat so I don’t know if that will happen.

>Star Trek could be potential IPs that Universal could use for their future parks and expansions

I’m not a Trekkie, but I would love an ST land. When I rode Gringotts, I came off of it thinking of the elevator scene in the queue.

Imagine a Star Trek version where you enter Starfleet, step into a transporter room with a video screen for the guests outside. You get transported to the Enterprise and the people in line see you rainbow-sparkle out of existence.

I wouldn’t even care what the ride is beyond that. Universal does amazing queues even if their rides have been overly screen-based recently.

Ten Forward could potentially rival Oga’s Cantina in wait times

It's the type of girls that take wanting to be a princess to the natural end.

You're the asshole. I'm not even being political but someone asked why the crowds were down. I posted a link that might explain why. A lot of people hate abortion. Yet, you decided to go after me just because I speculated and posted information. You are an awful person and ruining the thread I MADE.

The Star Trek Experience that used to be in Las Vegas was something like that. A walkthrough of Enterprise-D sets with a Star Tours-like motion simulator.

That is an amazing idea!! You should send it to the imagineers!

>thanks for taking me to the park user

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Even if you weren't pretending to be more than one person, I'd still tell you and any carbon copy of you to leave my thread.

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whos the best girl tho?

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Not in that pic.

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Based and punzpilled

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Is...Is that Ariana Grande?


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me irl

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Howl O Scream fuckin blows compared to HHN

hhn has a way higher budget way more crowds and way higher ticket price tho so thats hardly a fair comparision

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This guy desperately needs to be a walk around character in GE.

how can universal even compete with disneys top tier waifus?

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whats the best theme park channel on youtube?

Why are you pretending to be more than one person?

why do you keep replying??? quit ruining MY thread.

You're thinking too small. Ten Forward, Quark's, Sisko's, put a Bajoran themed food cart across from a Cardassian themed food cart and have the operators in-character shit talk each other when its slow, maybe a Klingon restaurant that is actually lacto-ova vegetarian with the gag that traditional Klingon meat dishes can't pass human health and safety regulations.

All you faggots need to fuck off outta my thread I'm OP, not that other fag.

man why the fuck is anna always the better looking one? It's like they intentionally go out of their way to make Elsa's wig terrible.

>tfw moved to vegas after they closed down quarks & the trek area in that one hotel
>tfw moved away before I could ever attend the trek con out there
The regret is real

Because Anna IS the better looking one.

>tfw no disney girl gf

this is true
>meet anna at epcot
>she shows me her shoes
what did she mean by this?

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Is Universal actually allowed to fully use Pokemon in their theme park though? Obviously a Pokemon theme park would be dope but I was under the impression that Pokemon, as the best performing IP of all time, was being held on to very strongly by its Japanese controllers, and they wouldn't allow Universal much room to do anything with it. i.e., just a giftshop or a small area related to it or something.
>but I don't know any teenager or kid that's a fan either really
LOTR is still pretty popular among teenagers.

pokemon would be hard to pull off
wouldnt really have any appeal without actual pokemon tho

She just wanted to share her Scandinavian cultural love for shoes.

on todays episode of lol epcot

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For what reason?

it character spot the fountain and whats left of innoventions are closing forever today

Left front


>i ran a company therefore i'm qualified to run a country

this meme needs to die


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Because nerdy girls like Harry Potter, and hot girls like Disney.

Funny enough, I've only been there when it's night. Both times with the fireworks going off.


>thinking the 2 have to be mutually exclusive

Oh my gosh lol

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I'm excited for that, hopefully it won't be as busy while everyone is watching fireworks. The biggest thing I'm trying to figure out now is if a backpack for the droid is necessary for comfort or not.

>m force has one of the most intense bits of any usa coaster
in what reality does this guy live in?

This, Miami is a bad place full of terrible people.

I don't know what any of that means, plz explain

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i think thats cherrypicking

Disney's breaking out their photographer squad for the last day of Innoventions and Fountain of Nations.

not sure if halloween event or average six flags customer

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You Disneyfags are really fucking weird

In what way?

>I've never seen a good looking man get excited about theme parks
You just haven't met me yet.

You're on Yea Forums, it's not like you're a normie.

>Smile user

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Well, considering that isn't Six Flags, I'd have to go with your first guess.

>no fun allowed

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Theme Parks are serious business, Anonymous.

When's the Yea Forums meetup to Disneyworld

Has this actually happened before?

i know /khg/ did a meet up kind of thing when the kh3 demo was at disney springs

Doubt it. That's usually a /soc/ thing.

Interesting, thanks anons

imagine the smell

So now that Galaxy's Edge is a disastrous failure, how long until it's bulldozed and a REAL Star Wars Land is made?

its not gonna get bulldozed it literally cost 1 billion dollars if anything they would just change all the new trilogy stuff to ot stuff

Literally never. They paid way too much money for it and people will always go to disney world.

When people finally shut up about the failure that it is and talk about something different for a change.


>Is Universal actually allowed to fully use Pokemon in their theme park though?
They've done a deal with Nintendo.
People mistakenly think that Pokemon is a Nintendo IP because they've always made the games for it.

So they don't have any ability to do anything with Pokemon?

But it is a Nintendo IP. They hold the controlling interest in The Pokemon Company. It's just that the Pokemon Company manages the franchise for the three studios involved in it. It'd be another hoop for Universal to jump through, but it couldn't be that difficult.

I see, thank you. But as of now, is there any evidence that Universal is planning a Pokemon related ride/area?

None has been released. But they haven't officially announced what will be at Epic Universe.

Interesting user, thanks.

To be fair the only nintendo IPs we know they're using 100% are Mario and DK. I know Zelda was planned (for the Japanese park, it'll probably make its way over to Florida eventually) but I'm not sure if we've seen concept art/models for it or any other franchises.

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It's so obvious this is the same person its pretty funny that they then accuse their critics of being the same person in
Conservatives are very stupid.

Some of the super early designs for Orlando also included a Kirby kiddie section.

The second two are definitely the same person as well judging by those posts.

I mean, you're paying the $200 for a lightsaber with a sound board and light board with a full metal hilt that's moddable once you get more than one saber.

You can't even get a saber with sound for less than $300 from 3rd party saber makers.

The experience of the storytelling and atmosphere is just extra as far as I'm concerned. Disney doesn't have to do that, but they want to do it to make it that much more immersive.

Yeah, a cute Halloween experience is good for families with young kids and people who don't like being scared. I work in a haunted house, so I got desensitized to scare actors years ago, so something like HHN would be fun for me from a haunter's perspective. I'd love to see the work and detail that went into building each house and the characters that inhabit them.

isn't 20 years of fear the exact tagline they used for HHN?

Not when you go to Osaka in January. It was in the 30s. The snow was great.

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I'm going to miss trying out all those drinks.

Why are Brazilians so rude when they come? Do they act like this in Brazil or just when they come here?

Please leave my thread. I am trying to ignore you because you're a bad person. Stop (You) ing me. I have no interest in engaging with you. You ruin lives.


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Stop harassing People with your agenda. Either talk about theme parks or leave.

Everyone who is a Conservative or decent person, please report that guy, he's trying to derail the thread. I've tried ignoring him and he's ruining the thread.

Reported for being off topic. Hope they ban you.

Guys I made this thread and posted one link as a response to a question and this guy keeps making mutiple accounts and harassing me. If you have any decency, report his off topic replies.

You honestly think Liberals are going to act like decent people? Liberals are evil.

Why did the jail let you on the internet?

Everyone please report this harasser

Everyone report this guy I can't enjoy the thread because he's bullying me.

who approved this?

I've known a couple of Brazilian girls. They were extremely loud and in your face. I think that's just how they are

Universal Orlando (not sure about Hollywood) has a tour where you go through the houses during the daytime without any scare actors, so you can just walk through the houses and look at the details that go into the houses.

Thread is over sadly
Thanks for making it

They skip in line. Honestly I don't understand them. They're so rude.

Thank you for your kindness God bless you

When I was a kid in the 90s it was a simpler time. I used to walk down a dirt road to the bus. I remember when Liberals started to ruin America. They started screeching about homosexuals and Bush. Then things just went downhill from there. Kids started shooting up schools and Muslims were bombing buildings.

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That would be cool too. I've been a scare actor at my job for the last 3 years now, so I'm always interested in seeing cool haunt shit.

I would recommend it. I always like going through the houses at night with no expectations, taking the tour the next day, and going back through the houses that night to see what I missed the first go around.

It's so weird to me that a few years ago, I was a total scaredy cat. I would never walk through haunts or anything like that because I don't like being scared.
But after 3 years of being exposed to the stuff nearly daily, I don't really care so much any more. I guess immersion therapy really does work.

But yeah, if I can swing a day at Universal during my trip I absolutely want to. I'm just kind of laser focused on Galaxy's Edge because I'm such a Star Wars mark.

What the absolute hell lmao.

>Less than two weeks of opening on East Coast

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I can't believe they're getting rid of these guys at photo ops for that weird robo camera

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Yea? Why has Niantic been developing their mobile offerings with no Nintendo involvement? Also explain the complete lack of Nintendo branding if they're in charge of the franchise.

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>making mutiple accounts
no you

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He never made the claim that he was on mutiple accounts, the Liberal did. The Liberal has been attacking him this whole time even though its his thread. He's a bully and it really isn't fair.

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