>cartoons are still good
>take off the nostalgia goggles
Cartoons are still good
Unironically, but only if you search for good ones long enough. There's a LOT of shit to sort through.
>G-go back to Yea Forums
Hi mods
grow up fags
You meant to post that in Yea Forums
Hey fuckers.
You forget this epic reaction
I dont get the point of wojacks desu.
Its like projecting
lol no
i'm sure it's also applicable there, but i proudly proclaim that i have no first hand knowledge of that
it's the picture form of 'i have nothing interesting to say'
that word doesn't mean what you think it means
Actually, Anime is for highly intellectual mathematicians.
haha good one
All cartoons are cringe.
Animated movies, as well as ALL DC shit is fine.
you don't get yo use Yea Forums memes tumblrfag
>literally gay shit
Yawn. Try harder OP
All objectively better boards than Yea Forums.
Maybe /pol/ & Yea Forums for the glorious shitposting.
Yea Forums is too retarded to me.
The only problem with Yea Forums are the cumbrains.
Their LOL threads are great.
I have been on Yea Forums quite often, and It ain’t better than Yea Forums. Not by a long shot
i can smell the election tard on you.
Yea Forums is just so boring
Nope, been here since at least Zimmerman.
I rather have boring than the chaotic mess that is Yea Forums. Yea Forums can be stupid at times but Yea Forums is retard to the fifth power
>chaotic mess that is Yea Forums
Damn, i can't even make a proper Yakuza thread.
That's fucking gay
Why don't you just go to reddit if that's what you like?
wtf i agree with soijak?
>not wanting your homeboard to bee an unusable shitpile of wojack spamming retards and edgy 13 year olds means ur leddit
Nigger, the majority of this board has been SU spam for the last three days.
It's less usable than Yea Forums, Yea Forums, or /pol/.
then hide them dumb ass, also one of the reasons they keep getting made is because people shit themselves over the threads even existing, that and some stonetoss spammer got pissy and tried to get the show banned via falseflag. not too mention this happens all the god damn time when any major event happens in animation.
A movie on that show came out not too long ago. A show that is pretty popular/infamous. so it's going to get a lot of discussion but it will die down eventually. It's not the first time something like this happened. While Yea Forums is consistently shit