Am I the only one who unironically wants Steven to be beaten up by someone he clearly shouldn't have tried to redeem?
Am I the only one who unironically wants Steven to be beaten up by someone he clearly shouldn't have tried to redeem?
Other urls found in this thread:
That’s a weird ass kink.
Spinel decking Steven in the face felt good as hell, I want Talk No Jutsu to at least be a challenge
Except Steven would kick their ass if he absolutely needed to.
What do you think pic related is from?
>fuck their ass
Frank is known for not regretting his actions. How would Steven go about trying to redeem him, Yea Forums?
Can't redeem someone who doesn't need it, retard.
I agree with you user, but Steven probably wouldn´t.
Whos Rosanne from? Also does this ever get continued?
Would Steven be able to redeem a male villain
He redeemed Lars. Just had to mindrape him and get him killed.
Am I the only one laughing at the thought of those threads getting Accelspammed with this image
Fuck it, I’m going to say it anyway. GWAG.
“Gabriel. Gabriel... Rise and shine”
>Gabriel’s eyes snapped open. This was what he had always been dreading. Being needed again. Was fighting demons enough?
>He sat up and sighed, only to turn his head up and be greeted with the most bizarre sight. He was in the middle of a ruined town. The skies choked with smog.
“Long story short, this place is beyond saving. Keep moving. Kill everything you see. Then you can rest a while longer.”
>Gabriels attention, however, was focused on the.... Locals. Strange, multicolored creatures. Some of them looked animalistic, others looked like limbs made of more limbs. And they were all moving towards him.
(What follows is a skeleton violently dispatching several failed fusions.)
Ew, stop shilling this nerd.
Didn't that already happen with Navy? She basically threw him out an airlock.
Nah. It's just one of those greentexts that pops in, gets a fanbase riled up, then disappears.
I felt a strange sensation every time he got punched in the face
First episode:
>"Alright Steven, are you ready for an adventure?"
>They froze as they heard a microphone boom out, "this is the police. We have your house surrounded. Come out with your hands up and nobody gets hurt." They looked out the window and saw masses of police cars, a SWAT team, even a news helicopter circling over the shack.
>"Well girls," Pearl shook her head, "looks like we gotta scare them again."
>"Uh, guys-" Steven was nervous, "I don't think that's a good idea-"
>"Oh Steven, they're just little humans. What could they possibly do?" One by one the Gems left the shack with Steven watching nervously out the window.
>"You ready girls?"
>"She's got a gun, she's got a gun!" Before they could fuse, bullets ripped across the beach, tearing into the three like mince meat. "Go, go, go! Git da kid outta heah!" Officer Ruckus shouted, his gun still trained on Pearl or rather what was left of her: a vaguely humanoid shape with a torn mouth with little gem stones sprinkled around her.
>"No!" Steven cried, "WAAAHHH!"
Second Episode:
>Greg had gotten arrested for child neglect and sentenced to seven years in prison. Onion continued his domination and takeover of Beach City, Ronaldo as his buttboy. Peedee never got over his fear of Mascots and killed himself after seeing a Ronald McDonald actor at a birthday party. Pearl tried to find Steven but gave up, eventually returning to homeworld.
>Steven meanwhile... "WAAAHHH!"
>"Boy, you're goin' work and you goin' ta work hard. Or," a lash hit the ground. Steven's back was already covered with scars and his eyesight was weak from being exiled to that hut the Dunbars had stashed away in the forest. He knew damn well what Roger had in store for him. Steven was unresponsive, the light still blinding. "Boy, what did I say?" As the lash hit the ground, Steven remembered the horrible man's left eye which had some kind of fungoid growth.
>"Yes Papa sah, dun whips me again!" Steven pleaded.
>"Gud, now get pickin' BOY!" Steven immediately fell to the ground and stated tending to the tomato patch. His fellow kids glaring at him, one even throwing a dirt clod at his face.
>"Das what ya get," Rahem snarled, "you gettin' us in trouble again."
>"Yeah!" Snarled Lila, her beauty doing little to hide her vile dark eyes, "Every time you fuck up, Papa fucks all of us!"
>Another dirt clod hit Steven, making him cry: "STOP!"
>"Eh boy," 'Papa' came riding on a horse, "what did ah say 'bout startin' a ruckus?"
>Am I the only one who unironically wants Steven to be beaten up by someone he clearly shouldn't have tried to redeem?
but that already happen
Frank would teach him about firearm safety.
Third Episode:
>Steven managed to make enemies of everyone at the farm. Becoming the victim of many practical jokes and forced to hold the worst pen in the entire farm. Nobody wanted Steven so he had been placed in foster care, ending up with the Dunbars who ran an ailing farm out in the county. So Steven went from the half Gem hero to a slave in all but name in backwoods Mississippi.
>One day while cleaning his mess, he saw something through the chain link fence. He blinked, his eyes still weak, vaguely making out Papa and his terrible junkyard dogs he turned out on any who tried escaping. The figure got closer and closer until, "Ronaldo!" Steven cried, "help! Connie help!"
>Connie stopped with Kevin and stared, "who is that?" The two watching the filthy kid with the torn striped shirt jumping up and down like a maniacal monkey.
>Kevin gave the wickedest grin, "I have no idea. C'mon Connie," Connie moved beside Kevin, "let's leave that psycho fuck."
>"No..." Kevin slowly moved his hand to Connie's behind and winked at Steven before entering Papa's farmhouse. "NO!"
>"Hey fatfuck," one of the other children who was knee deep in pig droppings snarled, "shut the hell up!"
>Later, the back door opened and out stepped Papa with rage in his eyes. "WHERE'S FATTEH!?" The two dogs barking and diving into the yard, Kevin's laughter echoing as the man bought his fruit and drove off with Connie. Steven tried to run but slid in the mud and didn't have time to react as the dogs ripped into his arms.
>"No-AAAAHHHH!" The Dogs were relentless, Steven shrieked as he felt the jaws rip into his skin. The dogs dragging him through the mudwater which was quickly getting mixed in with blood.
>Papa watched for a few minutes before whistling and calling his dogs off. "Let that be a lesson fatteh, Stinks? Drag this piece o' shit into tha barn."
>"Yes sir." The taller kid walked over and kicked Steven in the guts before hauling him to what passed for their infirmary.
There's nothing wrong with crying.
Fourth Episode:
>Steven has to go to school. Papa did everything in his power to fight against it: claiming he was sick, claiming he was ill, claiming he was retarded and forcing Steven to get a low score on his IQ test as proof. However, the State of Mississippi eventually wins and Steven watches Papa in his dirt stained coveralls growing smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror. You would think that he felt relief but Steven didn't, still shivering at the image of his caretaker's disgusting left eye.
>But school wasn't great either, "hey fatshit!" One of the big fifth punched him right in the nose. "I hear you're in retard classes!" Steven had been thrown into special ed and the whole school knew about it. Making him the laughing stock of the entire student body. Not helped by Lila and Rahem telling everyone about Steven's fuckups.
>"Stop hitting me!" Steven cried, "WAAAHHH!"
>"Dah, look-" Steven felt the kneecap kick right into his chin, tasting blood as he fell onto the ground, "the little bitch is crying! AHAHAHAHA!" The school roared with laughter. Then the bully started stomping him, and the entire thing turned into a circus. A teacher stood watching, having gotten tired of Steven and needing someone to 'train' him into fitting in.
>Only stepping in when the bully started crushing Steven's left hand. Shouting, "THAT'S ENOUGH!" The kids backed away, "you had your fun. He's broken in now. GIT!" The bully gang left grumbling and the other kids snarled.
>"FUCK!" "I HATE THAT KID!" "Bro, we should throw rocks at him!" "Yeah, the little queer won't know what hit him. AHAHAHA!" Steven heard all of it, shivering in terror, knowing that these kids would tear him apart in a heartbeat if it meant even a brief respite from their shitty life. Or if they had that shiny 'white stuff' on the line, stuff they sniffed in the school bathroom during recess.
>Steven dusted himself and went to find a corner to cry in.
>What is Bismuth?
That is the maximum stuff you are getting OP
Fifth Episode:
>Steven overhears Lila and the girls talking about him in school and it's not pretty. "Hey, you know Steven?"
>"Yeah, the faggot?"
>"Yeah, did you know he was raised by a commune full of lesbos?"
>"No wonder he's so queer."
>"Not only that, they made him stick a dildo in his ass everyday, saying that it made him closer to Jesus?"
>"Oh shit!"
>"Damn, no wonder he's so queer. All he knows is cock. Cock sucking, cock riding, cock fucking, hell bet that cock lovin' sack of shit was a total slut."
>"And you know what they do to sluts?"
>Later that day the mean fifth graders cornered Steven with Lila in the forefront, her vile eyes looking down at Steven and smiling. "Hey slut, we hear you was pretty dirty."
>"Get 'im, boys!"
>"NO! AHHHH!!!" The fourth grades held him down, the girls grabbing tuffs of his hair and tearing. Steven screaming as he felt the girls ripping out of his, droplets of blood falling onto the cement. Then, RIP, it was over. "AAAHHH!" Steven felt like he was scalped, the kids looking down at him and laughing, their trophies held in their hand.
>"That'll teach you." Lila smiled as she walked away and threw her tuft of hair right into Steven's face.
Sixth Episode:
>Steven walks up to the chain link fence in the middle of the night, collapsing on his knees, and cries. His hands holding his head, weeping endlessly as he sees the stars in the great wide beyond. Twinkling, seeming so close yet so far, and all he wanted to do was go up there and leave this terrible world behind. One of his ears had bandages, having lost it from frostbite.
>He was missing three fingers, one on his right, two on his left, and somedays he woke up coughing blood. Apart of him knew his time was coming to an end. Papa refused to take him to the hospital, the other kids joined in the beatings, always blaming him for their fuckups, and his star shirt was gone. Instead of he was wearing a second hand rainbow fag shirt he had gotten from salvation army. But all he wanted was to see one person one more time, one person that he cared for...
>Then a car pulled up, out stepped Kevin and... Connie. "Kevin," she looked at her boyfriend, "I'm not entirely sure this is a good idea."
>"What do you mean, Fatima?"
>"Ya know..." Steven craned his last remaining ear to hear. "Farmer Dunbar might see us and..."
>"And..." Steven tried so hard to hear.
>"And... I'm not really good at this, ya know?"
>"Please," Kevin looked at Steven, smiling. "They called me the Pussy Slayer back in College."
>"Oh? Ok. Hahaha!" Connie giggled as she excitedly went back into the car.
>Kevin remained outside for a moment longer, grinning as he flipped off Steven before getting back in, the car turning off. Then it started rocking back and forth, Steven hearing Connie giggling, screaming, and giving sounds of absolute delight. "No..." What was left of Steven's spirit died, now his body...
>Blood started pouring from his mouth, "No..." Steven fell to the ground, sliding into the mud, coughing up more blood stuffed mucus. He felt his bowls give way. When they found in the morning, the Coroner decreed Steven died in a pile of his own blood, shit, and piss.
>That is the maximum stuff you are getting OP
Papa did nothing wrong. Steven just refused to learn.
Kevin the VIP
>It was a warm and sunny day when they found Steven, a terrible day to die. Papa could barely hold back tears, looking at the chubby boy, slowly getting zipped up in a bodybag. "I loved that boy as if he were mah own son," his eyes were watering, "poor kid. Ah gotta go..."
>Papa walked away, his head down, his two really friend dogs trailing after him. The other foster kids watched Steven leave the farm in silence, Rahem shaking his head. "Man, that Steven was like a brother to me. Like he was there in the streets but when the time came to get real, he just couldn't do it."
>"Yeah," Stinks agreed, staring dejectedly at the sky. "Poor Steven. The pigs loved that kid." Stinks noticed Lila crying her eyes out right next to him, the tall boy gently laying a hand on her shoulder. "There, there, Little Lady. I'm sure Steven is in a better place now."
>Lila looked up, her makeup washing down her cheeks and her nose completely stuffed. "He was so..." She started crying again.
>"There, there..." Stinks hugged her, then Rahem.
>Steven however saw one thing and one thing only: a flaming gate with devils whipping and tormenting the damned, shepherding them inside. One of them pranced up to Steven, it's genitalia replaced by a horrible face that went: "WELCOME TO HELL, FATTY!"
>"No... WHAAAAHHHH! I DON'T WANNA-I DON'T-" He turned and saw an image from the mortal world.
>Kevin and Connie sitting in bed together, Kevin inspecting Connie's rather volpatrous lingerie while Connie was barely able to keep her eyes off Kevin's well sculpted muscles. "Hey Kevin..." She tenderly moved his right cheek. "I'm open to experimentation. Wanna fuck my ass?"
>"Sure babe. But... Kind of feel like we're being watched ya know?"
>"Oh, but that's the thing..." Connie turned and looked directly at Steven. "We are." She then leaped upon Kevin.
>"No.... WAAAAHHHH!"
>The Demon picked up Steven, staring at him with it's horrible reptilian eyes, before tossing him through the gate.
Frank is a mary sue, so it's not really possible
What a ride. Started with the Gems shot and ended with Steven at the gates of hell. Now, THIS is how SU should've ended.
Only if you're a brain-dead queer who mistakes bad ends for good writing.
>the new villain is beyond redemption (still created by his mothers negligence)
>to much pain for healing, simply wants someone to put her down
>goes around fucking shit up, destroys the earth
>due to SU BS they save all the people and most of the animals (except pigs, no more porkchops, no more hot dogs)
>villain fuckin loses it with the healing bullshit
>Shatters Amethyst
>Steven trying to heal the shards, again, and again, and again
>Garnet “...Shes gone, Steven. Shes gone.”
season ends with the shards coming back together, it glows and reforms. Steven runs in for a hug, but its a hologram.
“I made this video, ya know, just in case. We are going to homeworld after all. Listen bro, if I don’t make it, I dont want you to stop being you. Ya know what I mean? Im just saying, if the worst happens, then I died fighting for you helped us all believe in. I love you, Steven.”
>it plays right after he shatters the villain.
It’s just really cliche man. No offense.
>Sequel where Steven has been resurrected and takes care of Kevin's kid with Emmy while he's off fucking Connie
I mean this is basically what happened in the movie.
Steven tried to redeem with Talk No Jutsu.
She beat the shit out of him.
He tried again.
She beat the shit out of him.
He tried to sing at her.
She beat the shit out of him.
Then she came down from her rampage on her own and reflected on what she is doing and why does she want to kill him so badly and gave up on her own, not because of anything he did or said.
Also, What is Jasper, What is Aquamarine, What is Ruby.
>not because of anything he did or said.
I think Steven being kind to her and trying to redeem her is what at least helped calm her down, the singing was like a poison effect that slowly chipped away at her hatred
Well yeah but to be fair Steven's happy ever after fetish for the entire show was cliche and they still gave it to him. Even Steven knows he barely tolerates anybody outside of his inner circle and he's just singing/talking false platitudes to get what he wants. He even rolls his eyes at White because he knows she isn't redeemed, they're both putting on airs to keep each other placated.
Absolutely Yes
Give him someone who outclasses him, and has unyielding loyalty to their cause.
Fuck off misha you pedophile retard.
Yes you're a faggot.
Says the pedophile.
God that's shit
I would like a truly irredeemable antagonist, but I'm glad it wasn't Spinel.
It won't happen, every time he cries then craps his pants and the villain becomes good.
Steven learns of the horrors of child abuse.
I wish I were Steven there
Lots of people feel this way.
I think a bitter Steven would be the worst possible thing that could happen to the cosmos.
Alright, this is art. Some drawfag needs to immortalize this.
>Cluster gets corrupted and gains higher thought
>Only way for it to survive is to corrupt gems
>Can't be redeemed because its simply a fight for survival
It understands what's its doing is wrong but won't stop.
Would be good if there was a gem or whatever that craved a fight and Steven couldn't just talk down to it.
A lesson of "sometimes you have to do what you don't like to do", with the thing being sentient enough to talk and converse but it just want to fight, destroy and kill.
So basically it goes with Steven trying to do everything non lethal to stop the guy (every other gem lacks a shield/bubble shield so they get wrecked) and comes to term that certain people cannot be reasoned with.
They have an epic fight, beat each other into a pulp, eventually Steven win and either kills or imprison the entity for good.
I’d prefer it someone who just likes to fight. Not make it a life or death thing, just a good fight episode.
It would get boring without stakes: if it is only about sparring then why would the fighting entity even be a villain?
It could work with a similar Spinel scenario, maybe a gem that was put into a "super soldier" reprogramming that was left on loop for so long it just turned the gem into a war machine, furthermore it could be a first generation gem, one of the firsts, so even other diamonds could end up not being able to handle it.
This would tie with the "How can Steven stop it", because it would tie with its protection abilities, his willingness to save everyone would give him an invincible defense against this unstoppable force.
It doesn't have to end with a death granted but it would lead to an incredible fight, with a lot of destruction and violence happens, instead of having cool animation for dancing and singing ti could have a rad animation for fighting with the rhythm being timed with their attacks which would add to the notes of the ost.
In the end the gem could end up being reformed MAYBE but I feel it would be better to leave it sort of a threat, like it was launched off in deep space or bubbled, a terrible threat that was solved for now but could come up in the future and cause trouble, something to always remind Steven that he cannot just live a normal life, not if he truly wants to protect everyone, if he wants to everyone to live he needs to be vigilant.
Basically, it would be him becoming a man, an adult, keeping a soft spot in his heart of course but also realizing that not all hardships can be solved with softness.
I think an unintended benefit of having every villain be redeemed throughout the entire series is that people that watch it are starting to actually think about what actions aren't forgivable and what kind of person is truly irredeemable. Definitely more than if they had actually had a piece of shit villain
> "They called me the Pussy Slayer back in College."
fucking KEK
It does make the plot predictable however.
No matter how bad of a villain, everyone expects them to be redeemed.
Even Jasperfags are awaiting her redemption arc.
Man this shit was hilarious.
Still hoping for art and/or a sequel
Steven did nothing wrong. He just keep having to pay for stuff women did, which is somehow telling.
This is torture porn in text form. Its not the fact that its Steven I'm upset about. It's whats happening in general. You could do this to anyone and I'd still feel upset.
I want someone to call him out, shake his belief, etc. He tries to redeem dudes because it keeps working for him.
If it ain’t broke
Probably not but i dont.
What is the matter, ntr hits to close?
Buddy, you're taking it way too seriously. The violence is over the top, everyone but Steven is a Master Shake tier irredeemable asshole to the point of parody, and both Kevin and Connie go out of their way to fuck with Steven. They drive halfway across the country just to cuck him for god's sake. Hell, notice how Pearl just builds a spaceship and fucks off, forgetting about Steven altogether? It's hilarious and pokes holes in 'a song solves everything' message of SU.
I want to fuck Aquamarine so badly
Dante passing judgement on Steven in the seventh circle of Hell?
he is beneath Dante
I know, but still. It just feels wrong to me.
What feels wrong? Its a story meant to make you feel icky/amused
It’s inspired me to work on one, albeit more cuckold focused and less about beatings but I intend to do ballbusting and cigarette burns.
No. I think he should be beaten so badly by the villain he's hospitalized. Nothing worse then teaching kids that talking and redemption is the way of the world, when it's really violence and power.
well be sure to post it on literotica
part of growing up is questioning and rejecting old teachings. If they were all correct there would be nothing to question.
I would but unfortunately everyone has to be over 18 in the story to post it there and I have artistic integrity
>inb4 season 6 steven finds out his talk-no-jutsu is directly related to his diamond powers and he can't convince anybody to do shit if his powers don't work
Yes. It's what the next villian should honestly be.
The show is very good at subverting itself and we are starting to get used to the "badguy seems like they can't be redeemed but they ARE!" trope. Time to spin it on it's head and make a villian that not only is irredeemable, but also manipulates Steven by pretending to be.
ah then go to ASSTR. the site is janked but there are no restrictions. if all fails you can fuck off to "archive of our own" and freely use character names
That would be gold that redeems the show for me
the show lacks such writing range
Everytime, and i mean EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. i come to Yea Forums to chill and see what's going on i see atleast 7 fucking Steven Universe threads
What is it that a single cartoon attracts so many autistic manchildren? What does that cartoon have that makes it stand out?
It's just a stupid cartoon made for little kids who don't know shit about what makes a cartoon good, and for retarded pedophile trannies who won't stop gobbling on cartoon networks corporate cock.
Seriously, you fucking tranny SU-fags make me sick. You will never be loved and/or needed by anyone in your entire NEET life. You're all human waste.
Please do us all a favor and do the following:
1.- Go to your nearest grocery store
2.- Buy a deodorant
3.- Apply it on your diabetic, greasy-ass stinky armpits
4.- After that, take both your shitty SU gem merch and shove them up your fat ass as deep as you can while screaming "WE ARE THE CRYSTAL GEMS!"
5.- Finally, grab a rope, make a hangman's knot and neck yourself so that you stop stealing my precious oxygen
>Time to spin it on it's head and make a villian that not only is irredeemable, but also manipulates Steven by pretending to be.
who would do such a thing!
>Steven dies a cold lonely death and goes to hell where he watches his oneitis get fucked in the ass
Man why did they cut this episode?
I think I’ll just make it greentext. Pet Pig Steven kept and abused by Kevin as he fucks Connie. That’s the main theme.
Why not here? Everyone gets to see it. And the SUfags reeing.
I had mixed reactions to a lot of the music in the movie but something about the composition of Change just fucking got to me. Something about it all just comes together between the music and lyrics right at the part before he's framed against the moon. I can't even describe what I liked about it but I know it fucking knocked it out of the park in that precise instant. Does anyone know what I mean? I feel like there's a word for the feeling it invokes. Is it crescendo?
I concur, but there's also setting the kids up to fail in life. They're told to be kind and talk your way out of problems, when in reality they're going to be punched in the face and have their money stolen, and god forbid if a full grown man acts like that. He'd get beaten for being a fucking sissy and sissies don't get wives or girlfriends, they get cuckolded by their "lover".
post the song. maybe I will.
yeah but this is not one of those lessons. kids learn the truth the second they interact with other kids
I always wanted to see a non-gem alien who is the last survivor of the gem colonization of their planet and has dedicated their entire life to revenge against the Diamonds. They don't even need to blame Pink specifically since she only had one colony. How is Steven going to talk down someone who lost their entire planet and entire race because of the Diamonds? That's something you can never make up for even if you see the error of your ways.
You do have a point. I just personally believe this cartoon hinders and harm how children, since their nativity will lead them into disaster. Kids need to be taught how the world actually works so they can be prepared for that reality, or we're just sending the lambs to slaughter.
That's why I don't like SU. Some people are just assholes and you're not going to fix them with a song or a conversation.
Navy is a one off gag villian. An actual season-long antagonist with substance would be nice.
>post the song. maybe I will
I'm specifically referring to the portion starting at the line "You can make it better" up to the point Steven bursts through the clouds.
>the show lacks such writing range
Hard disagree. They have pulled off subversions hell of a lot more complicated than that before and thought nothing of it
Honestly I always kinda assumed this was the case. Specifically after the wedding episode when his pink diamond "aura" is what turns the diamonds.
>Honestly I always kinda assumed this was the case. Specifically after the wedding episode when his pink diamond "aura" is what turns the diamonds.
I mean, I can see the argument for it, but Steven was making friends with the townies and Lapis and other random shit well before he had any real control of his powers. If anything his powers just grant him the stupid invulnerability he needs to just sit there nagging until people listen to him.
Part One
>Steven snorted in his sleep, his short chubby body jiggling in fear as the nightmares occurred.
>Kevin looming over him at his party, being so forceful with Stevonnie,having fused to fulfill his promise as he tried to protect Connie from him.
>Kevin just kept on seeming stronger as he grabbed Stevonnie and managed to defuse them.
>Steven plopped to the ground, tasting the tiles, as Connie was taken from him while he kept reaching out
> He could see Connie and figured she was so scared, being handled by a brute like Kevin, when his eyes grew wide.
>Connie was kissing Kevin, moaning and groaning as she kept humping his leg in front of everybody as all the onlookers gazed and cheered Kevin on.
>He could see Kevin lower Connie’s skirt, giving him a peek of her panties. His tiny cock hardened as Kevin and Connie smirked in unison when Kevin palmed her ass.
> He could see Connie taking her shirt off as Kevin’s free hand began unhooking her bra releasing her mounds.
>Steven tried to get up but couldn’t, his porkish body feeling too heavy to even life, as he noticed Kevin pull his cock out and leaning towards Connie’s mouth and-
>Steven woke up. In his dark pen as he felt the cold air from the holes that allowed him to breathe . press against his fat naked body. He could feel the dirt on his ass and budged his arm with the shit and piss on the corner. He had wet himself again...
All I got so far.
Yeah. What's little Billy going to do when Enrique and the Elm Street 16 come in demanding tribute for crossing his bridge? What's Sally going to do when Abdul, Ahmeed, Omar, and Mohammed pull up in a car offering cigarettes and booze? Or Sam when he gets cornered by big Mitch Armstrong and the football team when he sat at the wrong table? SU doesn't prepare you for those scenarios and the kids aren't going to know what to do.
Maybe other cartoons will teach them.
>I mean, I can see the argument for it, but Steven was making friends with the townies and Lapis and other random shit well before he had any real control of his powers.
It could be passive. Stevens gem grants him sympathy and understanding powers like how blue has the power to make people cry
But would that be a passive power influencing other people, or would it be influencing Steven to avoid conflict and try to understand people he doesn't get along with?
> Anonymous 09/06/19(Fri)16:39:30 No.109
i hope all of you know not making kids watch su right?
It would be influencing the enemies Steven deals with to be more understanding and compassionate without either of them realizing it
why is Yea Forums so fucking bloodthirsty and horny
This. I come here once a month and it's always the same fucking shit.
>beating the shit out of 15 year old faggots and dragging them off to hell
I've seen 3 threads and i can tell you people are fucking demented.