>things that made Yea Forums hate Yea Forums
Things that made Yea Forums hate Yea Forums
Being able to have a board not dominated by Nintendo discussion
Just for clarification Yea Forums hates it when any Vidya gets a comic adaptation. They see it as an emberessment to the hobby and think comics are the lowest common denominator when it comes to entertainment
Oh wow Yea Forums is pretty based
I would assume Yea Forums hated most video game adaptions of “calarts” Cartoons.
That's nice actually to remember.
T. Yea Forums oldfag
Let's get the obvious one out of the way first.
Hey, but this shit is unplayable.
First you need a quality control to publish shit, right?
it's fucking. Based. what, do you want 80's mannequin design or something
The evil girl being desexified is really what pissed people off.
Not entirely. They just hated the artstyle and called it "CalArts" garbage because they don't know what that buzzword means. The villain was just the icing on top (tbf, she appears for less than a second)
Rare actually is fucking dead.
Why everybody in Yea Forums can't accept that fact?
>Asking Yea Forums to be rational about the situation at hand
You are seeing the contradict right?
That's why i'm here
I’m actually pulling this comic right now. The first arc, Death of Sleep, was pretty bad, it’s just four issues of “Hey remember this from the game!” But each at that’s followed, Healing Thirst, Song Of Crows and the current Veil Torn Asunder all really delve more into the inner workings of Yahrnam and its people rather than just reflecting the game. Sure there are still buts of the game in there, but they aren’t as much of the focus like they were during Death of Sleep
The guy who wrote this is literally some non-binary genderfluid snowflake named Ales Kot who goes by they/them pronouns. He made the hunter a hermaphrodite. He did a reddit AMA where he accused anyone who disliked it ofbeing Gamergate. I assume it was just a cashgrab from From Software since they know no one in Japan will read it. If they cared they would have a Japanese manga made of it.
>I assume it was just a cashgrab from From Software since they know no one in Japan will read it.
Man, Japan literally have his own public.
Even Ryu Ga Gotoku or specific sagas
Lmao fpbp
But the hunter’s gender served absolutely zero purpose in the story, who really cares?
I’m sure no one made the argument that the hunter is actually female due to the ending of that arc wherein the hunter decides to spare the pale blood child and take the boat out into sea due to maternal instincts. Naw I’m sure they saw one page and flipped right the fuck out and jumped online to vent their frustrations.
id fuckin read it if someone storytimed it
Does it really matter the hunters gender?
more panels per pages than frames per seconds LMAO
humans have a gender. 1 of the 2 God imbued the beings of Reality with
Yea Forums also hates it whenever anything exists so that doesn't tell me much
Humans also don't turn into monsters and gain magical powers through blood and fight eldtrich monsters.
>I assume it was just a cashgrab from From Software since they know no one in Japan will read it. If they cared they would have a Japanese manga made of it.
From doesn't actually own the Bloodborne IP, Sony does, so any promotional tie-ins like comics is their doing. It's the same with Dark Souls and Bandai Namco and the shitty comics they produced for that. From has this weird thing where they'll create a new IP, develop everything, then hand off the IP to the publisher and move on and restart the process.
You do know hermaphrodites are a real thing right?
>things that made Yea Forums hate Yea Forums
The fact that most of us don't go into apoplectic fits at the sight of black people usually
Hold the fuck up, didn't/v/ have an annual Sonic the Hedgehog storytime back in the day?
Sonic is that retard stepchild you let do whatever without judging them because thier life is already bad enough
I actually enjoyed the DS2 one with Bearer ignoring the Crestfallen and getting blown the fuck out.
No, they are still generally either men or women, their genitalia is just underdeveloped or overdeveloped which makes their gender appear ambiguous.
I don’t believe anyone is arguing against that, what I was saying is that the hunter’s gender in that first arc plays absolutely no role in the story being told. Hell the gender option in the game changes nothing other than what noise your character makes when you fuck up a dodge.
I believe you can find the whole thing on read comics online, or google.
Humans have 1 gender, and we all have to share it.
>I’m actually pulling this comic right now. The first arc, Death of Sleep, was pretty bad, it’s just four issues of “Hey remember this from the game!” But each at that’s followed, Healing Thirst, Song Of Crows and the current Veil Torn Asunder all really delve more into the inner workings of Yahrnam and its people rather than just reflecting the game. Sure there are still buts of the game in there, but they aren’t as much of the focus like they were during Death of Sleep
I had no idea it was still ongoing
The current arc, The Veil Torn Asunder, is about a man who seems to be going crazy and seeing Yarham for what it truly is
Welp at least a broken clock is right twice a day and that is spot on.
Videogame books are also terrible, I remember reading the Bishock one since I wanted to know about the creation of Rapture and it was overall kinda bland and uninteresting.
>TV adaptations of vidya are all shit
>Cartoon adaptations of vidya are all shit
>Movie adaptations of vidya are all shit
>Book adaptations of vidya are all shit
>Comic book adaptations of vidya are all shit
Gee, I wonder what all these things have in common which could explain this?
In their defense it was fucking horrible
Just that first arc, everything else has been pretty intriguing
was it that bad?
Pot kettle black
But to be fair, any adaptation of any vidya is likely to be trash. Not just because all vidya stories are trash, which they are, but further dilution of creativity through adaptation is a cancer on our culture
Never read, how could it have been any worse than this?
The first arc is pretty bad, but everything that follows is pretty good
What issue does the first arc end? I lole the art, but never had the initiative to pick it up until now
Vidya adaptations that are good.
street fighter comics and ovas
Darkstalkers comics and OVAs
Viewtiful Joe anime
DMC anime
Are you seeing a trend here?
Other than capcom
Persona series(its already a visual novel esque game)
Dantes inferno
Dead space
Halo ovas
Kirby:Right Back at Ya
I'm sure there is more, but /v and /co can go fuck themselves for their pretentious standards. Fucking hipsters.
For (you)
It really takes a bunch of off topic stuff for Yea Forums and Yea Forums to bond that isnt just /pol/ and lol threads
I believe it ends at issue 4 or 5, they are short arcs, once you see the Hunter’s weapon left on the beach then you’ll know Death of Sleep is over and you can begin Healing Thirst
>Those cartooney eyes
Top kek
Thats because they do not have in house publishing.
And its not just publishing, Bamco has a say in development too.
basically, if they are gonna publish for the company, and spend the cash on it, they want a say in the IP, if not ownership. With sony, it is outright ownership.
>angry sun
every time
The problem is that the comic was made by someone who never beat the game let alone got far enough to understand shit. Not sure about now but it's how I felt while reading it.
look at the percentages on trophies, most don't even get past the first boss
That video games are a medium focused on interactivity and player control and that sets them apart from other mediums and makes it highly unlikely adaptations will be good without changing fucking everything?
Also up until recently stories in games were pretty much just paper thin excuses for the gameplay to happen.
Only 60% made it past gascioine or however the fuck his name is spelled. Every boss proceeding him sheds off another 10% of players. It's really that pathetic. Only 8% or something defeated the orphan of Kos.
Actually, never played Bloodborne, just read a lot about it, and the comic had 2 things against it: looked like shit, was boring as shit, and I'm pretty sure this new story was just made up shit, and seemed really dumb. Also not enough Vicar Amelia.
Only thing more annoying than Smash spam is the eternally seething and shitposting snoybois who have an eternal victim complex.
When does the first arc end?