Honestly the idea of a pedophile Superman is a much better story than both Injustice and Snyder Supes combines.
Forgest Supes being evil. What if Superman was a pedophile?
Honestly the idea of a pedophile Superman is a much better story than both Injustice and Snyder Supes combines.
Forgest Supes being evil. What if Superman was a pedophile?
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It’d be hot. Though I’m pretty sure Homelander had sex with underage girls.
So basically, The Boys?
it'd still be just as easy to kill him with kryptonite; only now, there's a different sort of bait for whatever sort of trap that Lex wants to set up.
Well the government would take away his X-ray vision for one
Then instead of mermaids, gods, and normal women he'd be fucking little girls. Duh. Who's gonna fucking stop him? The only ones strong enough to even try are wonder woman, super girl, and power girl. And if any of those bitches take offense and try to take him out, they'll just look like jealous old worn out roasties
>Superman is a pedophile
>Recognizes his urges are wrong and refuses to act on them
Because he is a paragon and a hero
Stop shitposting, Jared.
>implying lex wouldn't weaponize cunnies with kryptonite to fuck with supes
Nobody has inferred that
But what if a little girl tells him she wants to slobber his knob for being such a good man and saving so many lives and deserves a reward?
>Forgest Supes being evil. What if Superman was a pedophile?
What if I told you pedos are evil?
Just imagine Superman flying over a city looking for kids to diddle. Just spots a cute kid walking with their parents and stops right in front of them. There's a pause as everyone on the street except for the kid knows what's about to go down, His mother starts to plead for mercy. Maybe his father is dumb enough to try and stand between Clark and his kid. Before he can even process Superman's movement the man is a bloody smear on the other side of the street. Then like lightning the child is naked and on their knees. Supes is without pants. He goes to town, staring directly into the eyes of every person that remained, daring them to do something. Getting off on their helplessness. As the mother tries desperately to comfort her anally ravaged little boy, Supes bust his Kryptonian load with a confused cry of "Martha!"
The deed done, Supes pulls out, hikes up his tights, nods to the mom and flies off into the distance. Somewhere on a nearby rooftop Batman masturbates in frustration.
Self denial and abstinence.
But pedophiles are evil.
>What if Superman was a pedophile?
Alan Moore's Top10 does this
I'd say its evil if you act on it.
What if shes very insistent? What if she says that the countless lives he has saved more than justify by many magnitudes a simple blowjob? What if she says that if he doesnt accept it, she will just blow someone else so it may as well be him?
Nah, if you have the urges at all you're just inherently evil. If you don't act on it, good on you, but you still have an evil in you that you'll have to monitor and never let out.
Dammit, user, stop trying to make Superman accept underage blowjobs!
He's the man of steel, but he's not made of stone!
>What if Superman was a pedophile?
How about Wonder Woman instead? Female pedos are the new hot topic these days.
>female paedophiles
uh sweaty they don't exist
He'd go to the future and visit Mon El, Duplicate Boy, Ultra Boy and Proty!
Its gonna happen whether he likes it or not and he deserves it more than anyone. Shes gonna dejectedly and reluctantly force herself to blow some random schmuck off the street, or she could happily and gratefully suck superman dry of every drop of kryptonian seed in his body
No one would give a shit, in fact, people would praise her for that.
Just look at all the horny niggas jerking off to the idea of being a 5 year old getting sexually molested by a 21 year old woman.
So you're implying that being a pedo isn't evil?
Make it the whole league. Hal’s already a good start.
>what if good guy is actually bad guy?
>Lex fund and arm a militia formed by the victims families.
>They have kryptonite weapons and bio enhancers.
>They manage to broadcast one of his assaults live.
>Supes now public enemy #1 and everyone is worried who's family is next.
>With a little bit of fear mongering Lex gets a blank check with government and justice league support.
Lex wins
Were you not here for the 12 Forever fiasco?
Even in most religions, it is believed all humans are born inherently evil and that choosing not to act on evil urges is what makes you good.
Please explain.
I'd say it depends on what you define as pedo. If you say a degenerate who slaps it to cp along with a whole host of other shit and wouldn't deny a horny superman loving blowjob queen 4th grader is a pedo, I would disagree. They're just perverts. If you say someone who collects images of clothed children and literally cannot imagine a life with an adult partner and would weep with joy if blowjob girl offered but then spend the whole time trying to sniff her feet is a pedo, then yes.
I feel like there's a clean, clear difference between perverts and actual real pedos with uncontrollable urges to fuck kids because they literally are only attracted to them. Of course nowadays if you're 21 and you date a 19 year old then everyone will call you a sick pedo and set you on fire in front of your house after the neighbors watched you being beaten half to death
>19 year old
I think you're confused about what a pedo is.
I'm not. The world is. There's so many guys who go to men's forums and ask if it's okay for them to date 19 year old or saying they date one but feel bad and gross about it. I'm not even joking. It's really, really fucking sad how bad things are now
And these men are either 21 or 23
I'm not religious, I just call pedos out as I see them faggot.
>Men are not allowed on Themyscira! (but i guess boys are OK).
He would send her to therapy and call CPS because she is very likely being abused.
He would know fucking children is wrong and wouldn't do it. Then he'd be back to being Superman and helping people.
If you look at what Jimmy Savile got away with, it would probably be similar to that. 'Volunteering' at children's hospitals and other charities where they're thrilled just to have a superhero there.
You are still inherently evil and clearly giving in to your evil urges. Maybe you should consider religion.
What if she came from a good home and in reporting her she grew to hate him for ruining her life and breaking up her family and causing her fathers suicide and was the reason for her dark turn towards a life of crime?
In trying to hide how he feels, superman has denied a gift and caused immeasurable pain and suffering
What if pedophilia wasn't a thing on Krypton and Kryptonians could actually fuck and marry girls at any age?
Stop trying to justify your sickness user.
>what is superman was Batman
wow, so fresh
>Hey kid, wanna /ss/?
>What if Superman was a pedophile?
>Implying he isn't...
Um, user?
Agree. It's a mental problem, they didn't choose to have a broken brain.
Therapy and meds, jail, or a bullet. Those are the only acceptable courses of action for a pedophile. If you recognize it's wrong and can get help so you don't wanna fuck kids anymore than fine, welcome back to being a human. If not, it's the rope.
I cant believe superman ruined the life of a little girl and destroyed her family and future just to virtue signal
Uhm sweaty it would only be problematic if it was a MAN stalking an underage girl around a carnival trying to take creepshots of her, please educate yourself uwu
It would fit Batman better
Alan Moore did it in Top10
Morals are relative faggot.
But mine say abortion is baby murder.
Then they'd be Muslim, or Mormon.
What if a little girl has space cancer and the only thing that can cure her is super semen but it will be ruined if the semen comes contact with the air
Batman is already a known pedophile
AND time is ticking and there's no time to whip up a contraption to extract and hold the semen. It must happen NOW
Lex Luthor is probably viewed in a much more positive light, probably gets to lead the justice league in fact. Batman has a lot more scrutiny for all those young wards.
Age of consent laws are all over the board even within the U.S. so by your definition, an adult in Maryland fucks a 16 year old it's perfectly okay and acceptable, but if they go across the state lines to Virginia, suddenly they have mental problems and are a criminal.
t. Garth Ennis
I'd like to know what would happen to Lois. Would she be Superman's beard, protecting his secret for the greater good while grappling the moral conundrum of her inaction? Or would she be like JJJ and write article after article talking about his perversion, despite the danger it could bring to herself and others?
Based Quads Post
I sure wish that Yea Forums landwhales didn't exist.
Clark is a good boy. If I can resist my urges then so could he.
On a somewhat related topic does anybody have that one page from that one Elseworlds book where Diana and Bruce peer pressure Clark into making out with loli Lana from the past?
That book was weird.
>the condom is obviously not for her safety
I know nothing about this character other than it's from the Boys. I take it he's still vulnerable to STDs.
Lois would be a loli who pretends to be a reporter and goes around trying to follow stories to write for the unofficial school paper, which is a small blog she posts to her elementary school website.
Basically all the women in his life are now little girls. And hey now we can have wonder loli. Finally after years of hiding in rule34 cove
John Byrne is that you?
That's actually a different Ennis comic called The Pro. The whole thing is a Power Girl parody.
>All of the women in his life are lolis
>Superman desperately tries to ignore their advances and ignore his feelings
>Hijinks ensue
I would be down for that. It would be like a superhero Kodomo no Jikan without all of the super fucked up stuff from later in the manga.
actually, seek help, user
>or Mormon
Do you actually know what Mormons preach, man? They aren't pedophiles.
It's not really that bad.
The kid must be rocking the look.
At least she isn't trying to fool herself.
>"I am Krypto-Fuck! The girl with the kryptonite cunny!"
Read the filename you nonce
>Power Girl parody
Why did I not know this exists?!
Go away. Bendis
Superman could be a huge voyeur and literally no one could stop him short of a lead lined room. I wonder how they'd react to a Superman who would still save everyone but openly talk about rubning one out while he watches them shower as he sits on the moon.
People like to bring up Superman but I like the idea of superheroes all having some serious flaws. Not the Boys level of deliberate evilness, but something they can't fix or deal with it. Naturally they have to hide it in their entire life and this takes a toll on them. Superman looking down on everyone would be perfectly sensible.
Better idea, make Power Girl a pedophile
Metallo Jr and he has a kryptonite dick.
Was expecting someone to post that
He would join the Green Lantern Corps
Well now I'm just imagining a comic where Superman is being stalked by a predatory little girl. All outside of his window when he's trying to sleep and shit. That's right. She found it his secret identity. That's how thirsty she is.
Do you think Steven can redeem Jared Folge?
How does it feel being the new MLP fanbase?
>Lex wins
Lex would fuck it up somehow because he always does.
He'd be non-practicing
Aside from the inevitable Lois Lain age regression issues.
Alan Moore already did it in... Top-10 was it?
Even if he was it still wouldn't top pic related
Apologist trash.
>Mommy and daddy, why did my no-no parts feel funny when that nice man winked at me?
> Are we talking about fucking little boys in this thread? Awesome.
yeah, of course, that's the public's usual reaction to accusations of pedophilia, "she's jealous" not "lynch him on the spot, who needs a trial?"
>Why yes, I would like to go on duty with Mary Marvel. Is that a problem?
>April 17, 2010
This is SJW level "cancel someone for a jokey post they made on the internet a decade ago". I'm really wondering why it's getting spread around so hard this week. Did she piss off Zoe Quinn or something?
>that tumblr avatar thumbnail vs that photo at the carnival
They're like 2 different people wtf
Does Krypton even know what AoC is? That'd be a interesting topic. Not every country has the same ideals and morals.
The post is almost a decade old. Her avatar is probably more recent.
Cousin loving is illegal on Krypton, which is why Supes isn't allowed to bang Supergirl/Power Girl even though it's legal in most of the US.
Lex luthor and all the villains would probably become the good guys then. As evil as they are, they still have standard and wouldn't stand for any cosmic pedo terror bullshit in their future kingdom.
Then he would post of Resetera.
Yeah, that's sounds fair.
>Lex Luthor finds out
>Uses science to turn the rogues gallery into Lolis including himself
It's also a perfect time for milfseid to show up and tell him he has shit taste in women before shattering his pelvis with her giant New God Ass
can't go a week without a teacher being dismissed for sexual conduct with a student
There is more than likely at least one Japanese doujin that has done that.
When searching for powergirl porn I did stumble across the western equivalent once.
Most probably, yes.
That thing with the girl about to jump off the building would be different