How does Yea Forums feel about these two?

How does Yea Forums feel about these two?

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i'd have depressing sex with both of them

Everytime I see them I wonder if what I am watching really counts as entertainment.

Should've stayed divorced.

They're shit. Beth moreso

they either need to keep them together or apart because you can only milk that Joke for so long before it becomes stale.


They're both really, really terrible.

Makes me wonder how Jerry seduced Beth in high school it hes such a loser.

They're awful and their troubles marriage stories are never interesting. They always seem to suck the momentum out of every episode that focuses on either of them.

Beth is the worst.

I've already promised myself to never get married for various reasons, but Beth and Jerry reinforce it. Fuck falling in love, fuck marriage, fuck having kids.

Also, I do not understand why Morty and Summer were mad about them splitting up.

I hate them. I watch Rick and Morty so I'm an out-of-touch cumbrain incel who wouldn't ever even begin to understand the bitter romance or dynamic between two grown adults like this.

it doesn't, but that has nothing to do with any one or two characters

I want to rail Beth

Nah, he should have just gotten a big horse cock during that one episode. Woulda shut Beth right the fuck up for the rest of the series.

probably because if they were on the cusp of divorce, it was never obvious to them until rick came around. its clear that rick is the catalyst that drove them apart based on the original earths relationship

I doubt he did, she likely went for him (he was probably the only "man" spineless enough to tolerate her) and accidentally locked them together forever.

Jerry is a dumb but well meaning person who would probably try harder is Beth actually supported him.
Beth is an entitled cunt who was ruined by feminism. Like props to her for trying to keep the family together but Rick brings out the worst in her and she brings out the worst in Jerry.

Reminder that Beth is only 33-35, and Jerry is only 34-36.

I care just enough to want them to work. I hope their relationship plotline is finally done.

I love Sarah Chalke, it's a shame she didn't have a more fruitful career when she was still young and hot