>Fucking hippie gems move into his barn
>They start building a fucking city on his land
How is he the bad guy?
Fucking hippie gems move into his barn
he's a white man.
If the gems pay him rent, I don't see a problem.
They can come, but they have to come legally
He's not, that's why he isn't shunned by the end of the episode.
>i suddenly want this desolate thing in the middle of nowhere i left alone in decay for decades because someone else is temporarily using it
you humans are so weird lmao
Okay Gem Alien. Its not my fault I can't comprehend the concept of landownership.
go be a nigger somewhere else
He isn't, even if he's a conservative white guy, somehow he's not so bad.
He wasn't. He was reasonably pissed about a bunch of strangers moving into his place, the only people who gave him shit about it were the anti-social idiots who were living there, then everyone went out of their way to impress him and include him and he decided to let them keep the barn.
Carl got a fair shake.
He wasn't.
Was it his, though? If he had the sole legal claim to the property, I think that's what he would've busted out the records first. I'm pretty sure his parents still hold the deed.
But yeah, I really liked Uncle Carl and it's a fucking shame the writers refused to make Peridot give him an actual apology or an attempt to appease to his better side. I hope Carl shows up in some role in little HW.
>What are property rights
Just because I'm not using it right now doesn't make it no longer mine; I still paid for it, still pay the taxes for it, and have not sold or leased it. What I plan to do with it now or in the future is none of your concern.
Let's not forget that time Andy used the Foreigner Belt to save Lapis, Peridot and Pumpkin from the Moon Rubies
I kinda dislike the comparisons to real life conservative family members. I don't think he said anything that could be considered political, unless we're pretending this is the 70s and "hippies" has any weight. He's a nostalgiafag yearning for simpler days, compounded by the fact that everyone he knows has apparently moved on, except him.
He wasen't the whole point of the episode is that your family can still be your family despite belief or politics, they even pointed how everyone in Greg and Andy's family drift away, he even comesback at the end and accept his newfamily just as they accept him.
Seriously OP, Tumblr hated this episode just because the moral was that you could still love your conservative relatives, because they were too far their butts to understand basic human empathy
hoarder mentality at its finest
Fuck off commie
It's only hoarding if there's no functional use, retard.
nigger mentality at its finest.
Gems are a military expansionist society with lifespans that go on for thousands of years. There's really no reason Lapis and Peridot couldn't understand Andy coming back to his property and being pissed off it had squatters.
He did complain about them being illegal aliens
having more unoccupied land is objectively a good thing
He wasn't portrayed as bad guy tho
>It don't matter
>None of it matters
It humors me that this guy has a legal case to be mayor of the city the gems are building solely because it's his land.
How has there not been a Steven Universe/ATHF fanfic yet?
Yeah, but as far as the Gems are concerned, personal property only exists for the Diamonds or whoever is their leader.
Lmao, seriously.
Get out of here, gem
property is theft op
that's a very statist interpretation of property rights; which necessarily isn't as strong cause in that system, it's more like you are leasing the land from the government, rather than owning it yourself. Many AnCap ideas around property rights require you to work the land, or hire an employee to work the land that you own, or maintain ownership in some other way of showing possession.
It even went like that in semi-anarchic places IRL, when the USA was expanding westward. Americans would move west of the US border, into unclaimed (indian) territory, with hopes that when the US expanded its borders, they, the pioneers, would be able to keep the land that they had claimed. But claiming land isn't enough, you had to demonstrate that you were using it.
In the HBO series, Deadwood (based on a real place), the gold-prospectors would sometimes set up a claim, and simply pan for gold flakes in the river; not cause the claim owner really cared about the gold flakes, but as a way to establish ownership over the entire claim; just to buy time while they got the equipment and labor prepared to start a large-scale mining operation.
>S6E3 Andy arrives to see the new construction
>Andy competes against Peridot, the heaven beetles, and Jasper to be mayor
>Steven feels conflicted on who to help, he wants Jasper to have a win
>Steven helps all parties out, Jasper and Andy blow up at Steven
>ends up with the heaven beetles winning
>Andy and Jasper bond with their abandonment/insecurity issues
>Andy decides to move in with Jasper
If only.
I wouldn’t mind a DeMayo family reunion episode or something for townie episodes. The whole series has been about the family drama on Steven’s gem side of his family, let the human half have some time.
Finally, an excuse to use this image.