Do you like french comics ?

Do you like french comics ?

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roastie btfo

name of comic?

I liked Lastman a lot.


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That reminds me, I just found out GiédRé made a BD about her family.

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Un peu de tarte aux épinards

This gag has been done hundred of times.

>Un peu de tarte aux épinards
thanks mate

"The Killer" is my shit! I also like Seuls (Alone)

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>this is a comic for children

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>ugly lesbians
>not drying off completely before leaving the shower
>literally not shaving the armpits

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It's his schtick.

Correct but that has to be the first variation I've seen in which the characters point out the strangeness of it and how things go back to normal after it.
pretty nice

Not really into the Wakfu cartoon much, but i like their comics.

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yes I love euro comics they're so good

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lol she got turned into a pillowcase

only if it has girls in stockings/lingerie

Depends if Belgians and Quebecers are "french"

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The Metabarons were made by a Chilean and an Argentinian... WTF...

How many argentinians are so based?

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jodorowsky lives in france though

Do we get to see Jelilah nekkid?

Not particularly

France makes a lot of kino comics.

French Kamala?

>literally not shaving the armpits
I don't see any armpit hair, that's just the hair from her head.

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>hurrrrrrr mice that live in barns are horses
Get fucked froggo

>oh yes mon ami I'm not like those other retarded americans who read capeshit I love le beind designees
>proceeds to only read entry-level Hurlant stuff and bottom of the barrel western / historical stuff with sub-manga art

>>proceeds to only read entry-level Hurlant stuff and bottom of the barrel western / historical stuff with sub-manga art
first thing first, that would be already better than capeshit.
then, any exemple of what you say?

it's only better than capeshit because you were taught to dislike capeshit, if you sounded even slightly earnest I would recommend you something.

Which French mangas do you prefer?

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>wow, my capeshit heroes is so better than yurooop.
>he can fly, he is invicible, he have superpowers and shit
>he always talk with inspirational quote
>he live in New York too!

Who would purposefully bump a guy when you're holding two drinks?

I've been really into the L'Association guys, though finding translated work is a bitch and my french isn't even passable (also, the only thing by Groensteen I actually read was his semiotics book on comics, which is very good) and it takes me forever to read a single album, since I spend more time with a dictionary than with the book.
A student of mine loaned me her dad's (or father in law I'm not sure) Obscure Cities and Lone Sloane books and while I haven't read those yet, you can't really go wrong with either Druillet or Schuiten. While on the Peeters subject, I also really enjoyed Pachyderme.
Now, I have to admit I came out as a bit of an elitist considering I'm just now starting to get into this stuff, but it's from a genuine place precisely because I've been reading these sub-Blueberry books for years because that's everything the public seems to want, but I actually quite like a lot of comics like the ones I disparaged in my post (I also avoided books I haven't read yet but checked out and plan to and non-french cartoonists who publish in french). I also really enjoyed Epileptic by Beauchard, but I'm not sure I enjoyed it bcause it's a good book or because I have an epileptic cousin and the stuff described in the comics are very similar to what he tells me about it.
Please, read my post. I don't think it's wrong to enjoy or dislike capeshit, but doing it because that's the kewl thing to do is detrimental to your tastes and to comic culture as a whole. Reading the Chimerical Brigades and pretending you're above cape books is just as silly as reading Hellboy and pretending you're above cape books.
There are plenty of good cape comics, some of them were even published by the big two, and I only want what's best for you user, I want you to get your hans on every good comic you can get, but I want you to do it because you enjoy comics, not because you wanna be perceived as someone who does.

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>that's just the hair from her head
*That's* what user was whinging about? Jaysus.

That's what I'm assuming. She didn't have any armpit hair in the lower left panel, so I'm guessing user saw the upper right panel and thought she was growing a jungle there lol.

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Thanks for pointing out the obvious

I keep looking at your image and coming up with different interpretations.

I don't know what this is from, I'm trying to get more material by Killofer because he's my favourite ouf the Association guys.
It's not from 676 apparitions, but it probably has some similar themes (which is why every man looks like him), but she's into him, doesn't wanna admit it because he's fugging the other girl, he makes a pass, she feels conflicted but they fuck anyway.
Based on 676 Apparitions, he's somewhat of a sexually tormented narcissist so it kinda fits.

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I'm a Hue and thought about this a lot, and I have to assume that since argentinians were trying to be europeans much more than the rest of the continent which usually tries to mimick north-american.
That being said, our comic scene didn't quite resemble either, but it's (or rather was) far, FAR worse than argie books.

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I like how the artist couldn't figure out a pose for her tripping off in the stairs.

weird because frogs are usually good at that

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