She’s so cute, I love her.
Why doesn’t Yea Forums like America Chavez?
She’s so cute, I love her
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I never read her comic. How is she Puertor Rican but also an alien?
Blame Wiccan.
I'm literally intrigued and in awe of her. If this is what it's like to read America Chavez, then I applaud all the women reading America right now because this is incredible. Motorcycle courtship chase? Check. Missiles and explosions? Yup. And now "we're just flying together in the sky, heading to a giant heart." I swear, if they come back married I'm going to be so jealous. *Sigh* always the bride's best archer, never the archer-bride.
How is Superman a white American but also an alien?
Still no comic of Superman celebrating his white culture.
Nice tits
Oh look another female POC superhero, how novel, does she have any story arcs involving evil white males yet?
Plenty of instances of Superman acknowledging that he is an American citizen. What more do you want? Star spangled underwear?
She's a bit too headstrong and stubborn for my tastes. Like she just headbutts a brick wall until it breaks and then starts headbutting the next wall. She's not a bad character just nothing that interests me personally.
I don't actively pursue capeshit
American =/= white, try again
>what kind of person that
Literally ever culture in existence
Actually read some Superman comics before saying something this dumb.
Considering it's a re-telling of fucking Superman it's like it's trying to say white people would never actually do that, only we would.
seems more like a wonder woman knock off to me
She had cool powers in that movie
Isn't it two women from another dimension?
>Why doesn’t Yea Forums like America Chavez?
Because most only know her from her Sonichu-quality 2017 series.
Because you can't get her without SUPPORT THE GAY AND/OR FEMINIST AGENDA now.
That's some good bait.
Because in the comics, her personality has been boiled down to her bad attitude, her "race" and her sexual orientation.
isn't she a man gating dyke?
America (vol.1, 2017-2018) is a brave, political comic, tackling complex social issues.
Terrible fucking retcon.
In canon, she's the child of two dykes from a magical lesbian world without women.
Said world doesn't have a fucking latin culture or even spanish there.
She's also a virulently misandrist bulldyke.
This sad soon to be forgotten retcon is not going to fix that she's essentially a massive fuck up and the latin community will not only not embrace her but be PISSED at Marvel for choosing this clusterfuck of nonsense over better latina and latino representation in films.
Non-whites aren't true Americans.
American does equal white.
>Said world doesn't have a fucking latin culture or even spanish there.
Well, her grandma and mom come from a planet that's just Mexico.
user, that's who she's been from her first comic.
She also speaks spanglish and dress and acts like a chicana(hoping I'm not getting that wrong)but comes from a dimension where there are no men the women reprodjuce with each other and she's latina on any level and there's no spanish there.
So her personality is the exact same in Marvel Rising, got it.
That's actually 100% wrong.
One of her mothers just happens to be brown the other is as white as snow on a paper plate in a snowstorm. No offense.
There is no country that can be considered an equivalent of mexico on lezworld.
user, I fucking storytimed America some weeks ago.
Her grandma is a fucking luchador warlock from another planet.
t. racist
Why is every Hispanic person made in modern comics Puerto Rican? Isn’t there an entire continent being ignored?
And she was created by Wiccan as part of a shitty bet he had going with Hulkling.
America Chavez, post her inception, has never been in a worthwhile series, or brought anything to one either.
She's what, a 9 year old creation now since Vengeance and what have creators done with her since? One liners and tough talk in Young Avengers, one liners and tough talk in The Ultimates, the ghastly solo series and, surprise surprise, more of the same in WCA.
Creator's love of America is completely superficial and it shows every time to do something with her. "Oh look here is our gay latina superheroine who we can't seem to stick with one fucking girl before the writer gets bored and moves on to another one".
Other than having yet another creator awkwardly try to do something with her, the whole character just needs a page one rewrite.
Since fucking when?
She's been a biracial dyke buttbaby from a lesbian pocket dimension from inception.
Her entire latina thing is her fucking cosplaying.
And I'm pretty goddamned sure that this is a recent retcon that they created because they realized that america is vaguely racist.
I'm not defending it, it's just how fucking retarded the entire situation is.
Because then the drama of immigration politics is a non-issue. I'd rather she was Basque. They get no representation.
She isn't. That would be alien appropriation. Why didn't she get fed a kryptonite razor blade or something.
Who is she for?
Latin folk are VERY homophobic!
They also look down on people who don't follow traditional sexual roles closely.
She's not even a real latina!
Who is she for?
Is it because she eats pussy, don't need no man, her name is america chavez and they can....oh
Dyke latina captain america
I see
good job
that'll one and infuriate everyone and prove nothing except that they're out of touch
The funny part is, I really think if they stepped back and did a "America Chavez: Year One" with this concept, It would straighten her out a bit. She would essentially be Brown Superman, but instead of landing in the quiet farmlands of Kansas she's in kinetic, multicultural New York City. And we can see her try to awkwardly assimilate and find what she's into and learn that fusions of culture and ideas can work (and not work). But every time she appears she's already a smug, cooler-than-you bruiser coasting on the power of her character design.
what are you talking about Clark wears overall all the time
Reminder Gillen never intended America to be an American Latina who is proud of her codename but rather a cynical angry woman whose skin color had no relation to any ethnicity from Earth and who actually hated staying in 616, who also just dressed with stars and stripes for fashion choice.
Doesn't make me wrong.
"Latino" doesn't mean Iberian.
Actual Spaniards and other Iberians aren't "Latino."
"Latino" is a polite way of saying Mestizo.
Go back to /pol/
When was the last time he actually attended a NASCAR race? When was the last time he watched the Simpson's or logged on to YouTube to watch a stupid video?
Answer: Never.
Superman holds America up as some shining beacon of perfection but he knows next to nothing about it.
But I like comics and cartoons.
I like her a lot, but I pretend Rivera's America didn't happen. Too bad Yea Forums doesn't, specially considering most here didn't fucking read her in Young Avengers and Ultimates.
>Why doesn’t Yea Forums like America Chavez?
because that shit is gay and lame
>Who is she for?
>Latin folk are VERY homophobic!
>They also look down on people who don't follow traditional sexual roles closely.
Absolutely bullshit and it shows you don't know actual Latinos beyond the guys in your discord servers who act like any other 4channer.
As a Latino, I can call complete bullshit on that.
On the technical side she started out as a flying Puerto Rican brick then in the next book she was in she became a Flying Lesbian teleporting brick from a Gay dimension.
Next book kept that but gave her some limitations to her teleporting.
After that they made her a flying teleporting time traveling lesbian brick who immigrated to the gay dimension from a Latinx lesbian planet then that place blew up and someone's Abuela adopted her when she accidentally ended up on earth.
This is under 8 years not even 50 issues.
>Young Avengers
Maybe we had this argument before but Young Avengers started her descent into retarded bullshit. You can't talk about how fucking dumb this character is without it.
I mean you're obsessing over her origin but it's basically Space Themyscira, not particularly subtle about it.
Take your fag drivel rhetoric and choke on it.
Ungrateful beaners aint welcome
Gillen didn't create her. She was already a Spanglish spouting Spanish stereotype when he got her.
as an hispanic actual living in a south american country all my life im calling bullshit on you. our culture is highly homophobic, a lot of our insults are straight up different versions of "faggot". also we'll talk shit about niggers all the time. it's so based. authentic hispanic people are trad. catholic gang rise up.
That doesn't make it better? Some of the worst shit to come out of comics is trying to rip off other companies.
He didn't have to do any of that. It made fuck all sense and added nothing to the already convoluted plot of Young Avengers. When you take a character a change everything about them because you think that would be more interesting you might as well make a new character. This is like fanfic level.
user, Young Avengers is what ruined the characters potential forever.
That informed the character forever.
That's nice and all of that.
But this is reality.
There aint no angry manhating bulldykes making it in latin society.
Go on, show me these good depictions of manhating butch lesbians in mexican and south american media.
I"m dead fucking serious.
You're full of motherfucking shit and pretending to be the end all be all on latin culture is goddamned retarded gatekeeping and everyone can see through it.
You're trying to push a character that litterally NO ONE in comics likes and everyone can see is a big PR disaster in the making.
Disney desperately wants to push this shit down everyone's throat because she's a dyke and her look and name.
There is way way WAY too much potential BAD PR with this character. The youtube people and media out there that the normies are litening too now will not be enthused about their choices.
Why in the FUCK do they want to go with that?
>latina and latino
The word you're searching for is 'latinx'.
>She's so cute
Way to base your opinion solely on her looks, incel.
You're definitely a larper, South Americans might lack a filter as a whole but this whole pseudo edgy bullshit isn't our deal.
>Young Avengers is what ruined the characters potential forever.
Only in this site is the series seen with such derision, everywhere else is a cult hit.
>Go on, show me these good depictions of manhating butch lesbians in mexican and south american media.
The fuck is your problem though? You're openly mischaracterizing her for the sake of an argument, when she's just a Latina with an attitude. Big whoop.
user, no one really likes Themyscira and it's kept around only because of creeper ass subsections of the population and feminist power brokers dig it.
WW is not as popular as people wish and to be honest, is far less popular a heroine then Starfire, Raven, and Harley Quinn.
Arguable she's not a dyke, she's lipstick lesbian. Her bitch side is from the angry latin stereotype.
Also she's a sexual harasser.
C'mon, yankee.
You'r more pathetic than us.
>Implying the latin community will accept gender neutral bullshit.
Nigga, you're stoned.
>everywhere else is a cult hit.
The first series people like, sure. GIllen's is lauded by tumblr et all because most of the cast was gay.
Estoy en Venezuela. Nada que ver con ningún yankee.
So yes? You've admitted it has a following, even if it's from people you don't like.
Everything about her is straight up bulldyke.
Even the bitchest latina is sexually fem.
The lipstick starts and stops at how she looks.
She's quite honestly the shlick fantasy of dykes, a masculien bulldyke with a lipstick looks.
>Only in this site is the series seen with such derision, everywhere else is a cult hit.
user, "everywhere else" is the comic industry controlled media and in forums where anyone can post. Including the authors of said media.
>The fuck is your problem though? You're openly mischaracterizing her for the sake of an argument, when she's just a Latina with an attitude. Big whoop
She's a hateful stereotype that's being glorified and is part of the problem when it comes to female representation in media.
America is a terrible terrible character who only has the look and name going for it.
You can't use this character becuase it's background is so very very very poisioned.
That doesn't mean it's objectively good what is your argument here? It's ok if Gillen shits on several characters, not just America, because it made the gays happy?
>She's a hateful stereotype that's being glorified and is part of the problem when it comes to female representation in media.
Calm your tits, this is some deranged nonsense. She doesn't strike me at all as hateful.
>That doesn't mean it's objectively good what is your argument here?
When does that matter? I am talking about it having a fanbase, and taste is pretty subjective. If you don't consider it good that's your deal, but many others do.
Also nuts that you think Gillen shat on some characters out of sexual diversity, I'm almost afraid to ask what you mean because I suspect it's gonna be more gay panic.
Her dad ruined my country.
Diablos, entonces no pongas algo tan americano como respuesta. Pensé en eso.
Ojalá puedas salir de ahí lo antes posible.. un amigo que tenía allá no he tenido contacto hace 4 años apróx.
Ya casi todos mis amigos se fueron del país de hecho, no me voy porque cuido a mi madre y porque acá gano bastante con el trabajo que otra gente dejó de hacer por irse, irónicamente. Pero ganas no me faltan.
En ese caso, siga así. Mis bendiciones desde un universo paralelo para usted, estimado.
Igual seguiré diciendo que los latinos nacidos en USA son unas pestes lloronas y vivir realmente en Sudamérica es el reto.
Because if you were to tell her she was cute, she'd punch you in the face for being a WHITE STRAIGHT MALE.
I am a puerto rican woman which I assume is the target demographic for her character and I absolutely detest her
Pasa mucho generalmente con este tipo de personajes. No te preocupes
this amount of butthurt lol
Estoy de acuerdo, muchos de esos latinos no comprenden el privilegio en el que viven, y se molestan si se los dices.
Y gracias :)
You can't separate their altered sexuality from the writing decisions he made. That's the point.
America had to get an all new power set to accomidate the story he wanted. She also had to be a lesbian because in his version Wiccan created her and she spends much of her time of the time in the book sexually harassing girl Hawkeye who is suddenly a raging whore with a character who, not very long ago to her, was trying to kill her. Prodigy had to suddenly be bi because he need someone's dick to get between Wiccan and Hulkling. Let's not even go into this stupid Wiccan is a god shit that doesn't go anywhere.
Gillen's art is also just really dull. Not plot related but stiff and boring as fuck.
So you can couch everything in Oh lawd they all scared of the gays, but there's well written "diverse" characters and then there's that shit. I'd be embarrassed they kept making gay containment books instead of having gay characters exist among all the other teams.
Latinas are the best.
ahh, i remember the threads on that. civil war was such a clusterfuck
She’s cute, but not cute enough to put up with her attitude.
As a actual Puerto Rican, as in actually born and raised on that floating trash heap of a island, America Chavez makes me legitimately offended.
Normally I don't give a shit and am glad people forget we exist, the author being a retarded New York born spic that doesn't speak spanish makes me angry since it not only reminds people Puerto Rico exists but it makes people associate this retarded shit with it.
Gabby Rivera didn't invent America Chavez. You're right on being offended over that shit solo, but she existed and had better characterization years before that.
Read her in Ultimates by Al Ewing if you want to see her well written.
I did! She was still obnoxious as hell.
Well too bad then, nothing much I can tell you.
Unironically because of her solo comic. Everyone enjoyed her in Young Avengers and Ultimates
I hate the dialogue so much.
I remember this, too bad I can't trace back these Ultimates threads where we lively discussed the series and she was asking the favorites; I remember that one time when she hit Carol with a chair and everyone here went apeshit over it.
It’s amazing how much of a stereotype she is, she’s actually a good mirror to Jessica Cruz on how much Johns and Dogfucket could have screwed up on her.
She was so boring in Young Avengers though, her only personality traits was, “don’t take shit from nobody” and thirsting after Kate.
I thought it was Mike Casey who created her for Vengeance?
Yep that's right. Which you reminded me, I have that book in my wishlist for a long while on Amazon, I should buy it before it sells out for good.
they absolutely butchered her character after that story, she's a bitch to everyone but she's not over powered and has actual moments of weakness that make her kinda human.
She may have the most boring origin/motivation I've ever seen.
"I'm from a future where everything is perfect. I have powers, because why not. I came back to be a hero in your imperfect time, because I'm just so heroic. "
How does anyone get interested in this character?
By she doesn't come from the future and doesn't have they motivation at all? What the fuck?
Yes. I know. I'm saying why does she need to be latine? Say she's something else. She could say she's anything more interesting, because she can't actually be anything other than a pan-dimensional alien.
She's a filthy dyke.
Sorry, she's from a PARALLEL UTOPIAN NON-TIME UNIVERSE PARALLEL UNIVERSE THINGY that resembles some sort of future-world.
And her world doesn't need heroes so she came here because we suck and need heroes.
Because we don't like THE ROOM
>Why doesn’t Yea Forums like America Chavez?
Last Man Standing has Basque representation.
The bi erasure with this character is problematic.
I'm not much of a fan of her because of her attitude, her backstory doesn't appeal to me, her outfit is meh at best for me and her powers don't interest me.
Damn, good explanation.
What are her powers? Flying brick #20932?
She can also make punch portals.
Do I even want the context? Does it help?
That plus punch portals.
only good thing to come out of that is her going to Scott's punch dimensional
>Do I even want the context?
>Does it help?
>Paramedic for the multiverse
Just read Ultimates and it will make sense. Or don't, your loss really... But it's great and it made me appreciate the character, even if it's verboten to admit here.
I would like a comic or character that does Puerto Rican history justice for once. America Chavez is ultimately a failure by her writers to capture or understand what it meant to be Puerto Rican beyond some superficial picture of ethnic neighborhoods in the Bronx.
There's a lot of worthwhile Puerto Rican history to explore, with both heroic, tragic, and horrific episodes. But I feel that most Puerto Ricans have lost the ability to speak to these things over time. It's regrettable.
Considering that Young Avengers is part of the reason she's so shit, and all future writers ignored her more tolerable Ultimates characterization, I'd say it's fair.
>she's wearing thigh-high socks
I wish that'd be a standard of her design. For me, it puts her from a 6 to a 9.
Because she's now forever associated with the Gabby Rivera run, which is one of the worst comic book series of all time.
It's worse than NFL Superpro, Ultimatum, Austen's X-men, Spider-man Sins past, Marville, OMD, Identity Crisis, Zero Hour.
It's awful and the character will always be associated with it.
Not only evil white males, but evil white females as well!
Ah, my good friend that is incorrect as well, the word you're looking for is chinga tu reputisima madre pinche user puñetas
She's not a Latina.
Whatever, it matters very fucking little at this point, only people who care about some sort of Latino pride are expatriates. She's not real anyway, none of this matters an ounce.
>She's not real anyway, none of this matters an ounce.
Yeah, who would talk about fictional characters in a comic book imageboard?
I miss when Ya Boi Zack would read America
>women reprodjuce with each other
Are we talking mitosis, spores, or full on she-dick
Basque terrorists are in Counter Strike