Talk about this
Talk about this
when is it going to be released?
Why do they oppress us racists?
Ban evading fucktard, get a life
Broke: Anne Frank and Confederate Soldier taking on Nazis
Woke: Anne Frank and Superman taking on The Klan
We did earlier and the thread got deleted
The peeing?
Are we going to talk about that?
Why is this thread so unpopular?
BecAuse one side doesn't like racists and the other side doesn't like being conflated with racists without actual evidence.
Because the comic isn't even out yet but OP repeatedly spams this fucking thread anyway (always with a basic-ass subject like 'Discuss/Thoughts?/Talk about this') before it devolves instantly into offtopic political bullshit
Anti-racists, everyone.
I must be really vulnerable to reverse psychology or something because the more people say not to be racist, the more I want to.
Because you have kids on Yea Forums who like to toss around the word nigger and get upset when people call them racist.
Why is it ok for Black people to call other black people that word?
here's a secret. Everyone's racist. What advantage do bilinguals have for letting out steam?
Did they ever do a Superman Smashes the Black Panthers?
Conservatives are offended by Superman.
He's an illegal immigrant, you know. He belongs in the concentration camps with all the other illegal immigrants.
>concentration camps
Lawl, do people really believe this? Ok smart guy, what do you propose we do with them? Letting them go free isn't an option unless it's back to where they came from.
I think the several centuries of black slavery and loss of being able to follow or track any kind of family lineage prior to the mid to late 1800s made it ok
>simultaneously arguing:
>1: I don't believe it's happening
>2: It's happening because it's the only option
When will conservatives argue in good faith?
Or you know, just give them better living conditions instead of separating them from their children who are going to grow up in this country probably in foster care and mentally fucked up for the rest of their lives because they will never see their birth parents again or grow up thinking their parents abandoned them
He’s not an illegal immigrant in Byrne’s run and post-Crisis Superman is the best Superman. And on your second point, it should be all immigrants not just illegal ones and then we are talking.
>He’s not an illegal immigrant in Byrne’s run
Which isn't canon.
Never said they aren't being detained silly. Just lawling at your goofy attempt to conflate being caught knowingly breaking a law to getting taken from your home unwillingly in the middle of the night. It's pretty silly.
But seriously, what should we do about this problem?
They're more than free to opt for this option if they seem asylum through an actual port of entry.
Any time OP's image is posted, the thread always, *always*, become a faux-/pol/ discussion.
What are you even doing in a Superman thread if you hate illegal immigrants so much? Why did you come here, if Superman bothers you so much?
The law is that asylum-seekers can request asylum anywhere, not just at an official point of entry.
>Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.
Why not just send them back? What's wrong with their home country?
What year do you think it is? Besides most of them don’t know who their dad is anyway. And what the hell does not knowing your ancestry have to do with saying a word?
He probably means “it isn’t happening but if it was then here is what they should do.” For example, I could argue the gas chambers used on the six billion were not real but if they were they shouldn’t have used wooden doors.
>But seriously, what should we do about this problem?
100% open borders in order to destroy the United States as quickly as possible, because the U.S. is the only reason that communism failed.