When it comes to the Best Animated Feature Film category at the Oscars, Disney and Pixar reign supreme...

>When it comes to the Best Animated Feature Film category at the Oscars, Disney and Pixar reign supreme. Since the award was first handed out in 2002, only six films have won that didn’t emerge from the Disney/Pixar powerhouse. While it does happen, the odds are certainly stacked against any competitor who wants to challenge the might of the Mouse. This year, there’s an additional obstacle.

>With “Toy Story 4,” Pixar has not only a natural advantage, but it benefits from being the culmination of a universally beloved franchise many viewers grew up with. It features a generally well-received storyline that brings Woody’s narrative arc to a satisfying conclusion. With all this in favor of “Toy Story 4”, how can any other films hope to compete?

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>Internal Competition

>“Frozen 2”, the sequel to 2013’s global phenomenon “Frozen,” is also slated for release this fall. And while “Toy Story 4” has nostalgia on its side, the overwhelming popularity of “Frozen” shouldn’t be ignored. Depending on how audiences respond when it comes out, “Frozen 2” could serve as a spoiler for the Oscar ambitions of “Toy Story 4.”

>Then again, the “Toy Story” franchise is a bit of an outlier in that it has uncommonly good sequels, something we shouldn’t assume will always be the case. There’s nothing saying that “Frozen 2” will end up being any good when it actually comes out. And of course, there’s always the possibility that these two films could split the vote, clearing the way for another animated film to claim victory.

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>An Anime Dark Horse

>So, we look to Japan for a potential wild card. This year’s “Weathering With You” has already been selected as Japan’s entry into the Foreign Language Film category, and its critically acclaimed director Makoto Shinkai had a massive hit on his hands with 2016’s “Your Name.”

>Although it hasn’t been released yet, the quality of Shinkai’s previous work suggests that it could have a very high ceiling. And although this category tends to be dominated by Western animation, anime has been known to turn up ever since the award was created, with “Spirited Away” winning in 2003.

>So, while “Toy Story 4” may be the front-runner in the Best Animated Feature Film category, there’s still every possibility that it will be usurped by the time the awards are doled out.


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>Animation Oscar

The most worthless of the worthless. A bunch of fags don't watch the movies, see a logo, then give it to the logo.

I don’t care for anime but I hope Shinkai wins just to spite Disney.

the oscars are a worthless idea that was created by the big studios form the 20's. no one gives a fuck about them except old people who still watch cable.

>what real directors think of Oscars for animation

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>it benefits from being the culmination of a universally beloved franchise

That's what they said about TS 3.

This. Didn't there use to be a group of people who specifically looked at all the animated films and made their decision. I know now the fags who decide just choose the one Disney makes or the one their kids dragged them to see. These "people" lack anything even resembling integrity.

I refuse to see toy story 4 for precisely this reason.

I never letting that Kaguya snub go

There's no third season of Gargoyles.
There's no fourth Sly Cooper game.
There's no Toy Story 4.

Who cares?

Japan cares. They selected an anime movie to represent them at the Oscars.

Just see 2011 with Toy Story 3 win over How to Train Your Dragon (that deserved the Oscar more than the Pixar movie).

If both TS4 and Frozen 2 get nominated, there’s a chance they end up splitting the votes and another movie wins.

The oscars are completely worthless. They didn't even nominate The Tale of Princess Kaguya.

>They didn't even nominate The Tale of Princess Kaguya.
Actually they did. It just didn’t win (Big Hero 6 did).

Angry Birds 2 should win ngl

Toy Story 4 is lock pretty much. The Academy almost never votes against Pixar/Disney and I'm pretty sure there isn't going to be a Spiderverse between now and the Oscars.

>caring about the Oscars
do people actually give a shit. Who the fuck wants to watch the hollywood industry jack it's self off

Kinda proves the point. The animation oscar is worthless.

How was it?

Might as well call it the Pixar award

Unless Frozen 2 steals votes from TS4, resulting in a third movie winning.

I like anime but I don't care for romance and also want weathering to win. Especially since I am still convinced gigantic was only canceled to free up resources to get frozen 2 out faster

It used to be that you actually had to work in animation to vote on who gets nominated but the winner was voted on my everybody
But then they changed it so everybody voted on nominees, presumably to make sure no anime would ever win.

Now that would be nice
Do the Oscars use any sort of preferential voting?

user, disney owns the animated oscars division.
No anime or truly deserving piece of animation will ever win.
The most marketable and clout filled crap will win.

>But then they changed it so everybody voted on nominees
That’s the reason why shit like Boss Baby and Ralph Breaks the Internet got nominated.

>There's no fourth Sly Cooper game.

Hey, that one was actually pretty good. The only real problem was Penelope's heel turn. Seriously, Bentley has suffered way too much.

Weathering is released in a bunch of places outside America and it actually is really good.

dont forget that terrible QTE final boss

it happens every now and then, Spider-Verse being the most recent example

holy shit, it's been 7 SEVEN fucking years already since frozen came out. what the hell happened? why don't i remember anything that happened during that time in my life? didn't i DO anything important enough. did i do anything at all?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa someone put me out of my misery aaaa

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that is the stupidest most naive thing i've ever heard. you're sad.

time moves faster the older you get as a year becomes a smaller and smaller fraction of your life

Plus, Japan also submitted it for Best Foreign Film. It’s going to be noticed.

Disney property.

Spiderverse is Sony

No, Sony wholy owns the movie rights to spider-man, they simply until recently allowed Disney to use the character.
Spider verse (and venom) were made entirely by Sony.

Isn't Netflix submitting Klaus to the Oscars?

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Never forget

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You’re right but in the end Spider-Man at the time was still a character Disney was banking on for the MCU.

Netflix is also submitting this.

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Don't you need a cinema release to win an Oscar?

I wonder how many people in the academy didn't watch it and assumed it was mcu related.

>Didn't there use to be a group of people who specifically looked at all the animated films and made their decision.
Ironically, this was prior to the award for Best Animated Feature. Beauty and the Beast actually WON Best Picture in the tally, but the Academy vetoed its own majority because having Beauty and the Beast win would be "undignified" (or "slap in the face" depending on whose version you heard). When BABE of all films, came excruciatingly close to snatching the Oscar for Best Picture some years later (It was seen as animated because of all the talking animals, apparently) they decided to put a category for the animated films so they didn't cause friction with "real movies". It's a fucking ride.

You do but it takes a fairly token effort to qualify - I think now a five day run in one city is the minimum

And there's no war in Ba Sing Se.

Probably this one, if anything can beat Disney, it just another Disney movie

As much as I would love this to happen, I wouldn't bet money on it

if anything that would've made them vote for another movie

fine, we can go back to Rango if that satiates your autism

Happy Feet

>When BABE of all films, came excruciatingly close to snatching the Oscar for Best Picture some years later (It was seen as animated because of all the talking animals, apparently) they decided to put a category for the animated films so they didn't cause friction with "real movies". It's a fucking ride.
so what are animated movies, "fake movies"?

Fucking hate this hack. Children of the Sea should have got nominated instead.

"woke" black people, so they can be mad about other black people, except this time with millions of dollars, not getting as many golden statues as white people with millions of dollars

Yeah but Shinkai made Your Name and that alone made him an animation god in their eyes.

Well, duh. It's animation, it's in its name. Artificial movement, illusion.

Yeah. Best Animated Feature Film is a complete joke, even more so than the rest of the Oscars.

I would create an award show that ignores everything Disney and Pixar related because we're way past the point of being ok. Japan has a healthy competitive market, and we have a violent Monopoly. People don't need to see every film that isn't made by Disney we just need to let them know they aren't the only ones making film.

>brings Woody’s narrative arc to a satisfying conclusion
Woody's arc was brought to a conclusion already in 3.
And 2.
...and 1.

Meanwhile Buzz is nothing but "I'm deluded" joke.

Buzz keeps repeating his character arc too, only as a joke instead of treating it seriously like with Woody

Isn't it pretty much accepted fact that the criteria used by 99% of the academy members to vote for the animated feature is "hey, I think I brought the kids to watch this".