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I'm honestly not going to the movie theater to see this film.
Prepare yourselves for the kino of the year
>Incel is a portmanteau of "involuntary celibate," someone unable to find a sexual partner, despite a desire to have one. Most self-proclaimed incels are males who desire female partners. The incel community often believes women hate them because of their outward appearance. However, judging from their often-vindictive and hateful views of other people and the world, it's more often that they can't find a partner due to their sexist and antagonistic behavior.
>Incels often hate other men, or "Chads," who they believe to "own" all the things they want due to their gifted positions in society. They also hate women for their "judgmental" views of men, as they believe women only want to date a "Chad," a wealthy person. Most incels believe the sole function of women is to fulfill the incel's sexual fantasies.
Is this accurate?
I can't wait.
I'll never get used to the mainstream media casually throwing the word incel around.
I wonder if Rotten Tomatoes will delete any review boycotting this movie...
How long before some nutjob in clown makeup shoots up a theater/mall?
>Yea Forums is going to unironically praise a movie that turns joker into a communist rape victim just to trigger SJWs
Seethe harder, incel.
absolute state of american media
Is this movie this generation's Taxi Driver?
You want to get shot, go ahead and go see this movie at the theater
It's just a shitty remake of King of Comedy+Taxi Driver.
You're a few years late on that one chief
I think someone will shoot up the theater and I'm not risking that bullshit
Even when DCucks win they lose! Enjoy your third flop in a row
Yeah no shit Sherlock. You know what I meant. More unfortunately to come
It started after some guy drove his car into people.
I don't think anyone will shoot up the theater near me but I don't really feel like risking it. I'll see it the second week or something.
See I don’t even think it will be a theater this time. Might be wall st, or a comedy club
How much of a shithole is your country
I'm surprised someone has not conspiracy theorized this movie as a false flag operation to get incels to start shooting things in joker makeup to help the government pass laws to remove the guns.
Why would incels dislike the Joker movie?
Have sex with dilating Incel zoomers you soi nazi
Want a real conspiracy? Here’s one; The Joker’s popularity is actually making people go mad and act out. The idea is going viral and fiction is blurring with reality. The Joker is evil incarnate
For the same reason they dislike looking at themselves in the mirror.
Why don't they ever realize that these losers learn to hate AFTER years of social rejection? Are they just trying to justify their shit behavior towards them?
I unironically believe this. Things have been getting way too crazy now for non-demonic explanations to be in any way valid. It's like Wes Craven's New Nightmare, where the Joker has become an avatar for an evil force from beyond the stars.
Hatred occurs when hate speech is normalized, retard.
That's the nature of the bully, aonon. It's always the victim's fault
Burgers can't even enjoy capeshit without fearing for their lives.
Well it was good enough for Pennywise I suppose. Weird how clown imagery just gets more popular and more malicious
Hypercrisis wasn't supposed to be like this
based Joker being such a good villain he can even make people beyond the source wall in meta reality go crazy
>the absolute state of american media
It isn't just capeshit. I've only seen a movie in theaters once in the past 5 years, and that was the new Godzilla movie. Had to go through a fucking metal detector like the place was a fucking airport. And the theater was in an upper class neighborhood too.
I have to say as far as retarded Yea Forums memes go this one about people wasting their time and money shooting up an empty theater is probably the best
That was you were never really here and the first reformed.
DCels will defend this garbage remake
Unironically, yes. But not a hateful one. Just completely lacking in social skills.
I'm not watching Joker because I don't want DC to make money :^P
>this is what American theaters look like now
Why would anyone take some site that uses "incel" unironically serious?
Feels good to live in an actual first world country where shootings aren't a common occurrence.
I swear this is some weird meme, because this thought never crossed my mind and I'm only seeing it spouted on Yea Forums. It's like people want that to happen or something, it's so stupid.
Yeah, it's so much better having acid thrown in my face while I'm trying to watch a movie where the actresses DARE to not wear burka.
That’s a flat out lie. I go to the theater all the time in a big city (LA) which has one of the highest crime rates and ive never seen a metal detector.
>yfw this happened almost ten years ago, before all these kids were even cognizant of it
Spam "incel" long enough and you create your own boogieman. All well. I'm not going to see it because I'm sick to death of the fucking Joker.
>But it's a bold new take!
I don't fucking CARE
Spotted the incel.
Yeah because shootings are sooooo rare now a days. It’s totally an irrational fear.
at least they don't die.
Not to mention this happens way less than burgers getting shot for no reason and when it happens is usually within groups so who care.
>at least they don't die
Imagine being THIS cucked. "Part and parcel"!
Christ, where do you live? I'm in Florida and we have nothing like that. You must not live in as good a neighborhood as you think, man.
No you retard. It’s a sad a plausible possibility because
>Mass shootings are more common than ever
>The infamous TDKR shooter
>Plot of movie is about a pathetic fuck acting out, and said title character has an autistic cult following
No one wants another tragedy, it’s just all the ingredients are there
They also fucking play a song by a child rapist in the film, it's tryhard.
This, I'm not going to see this fucking film, I am not dying by some incel
Nobody even heard about those movies. Are they as good as endgame?
>Plot of movie is about a pathetic fuck acting ou
this is all it takes for some white boy to shoot up a theatre now? why would anyone willingly live there go move to Canada
>mass shootings are more common than ever
[citation needed]
What does this movie even have to do with incels? Does Joker browse incel forums in this movie or use incel lingo?
I've had sex. It's not much of an accomplishment. What exactly is supposed to happen now?
It happens to the brown women not me, so why should I care. If you are american it doesn't matter you are getting shot.
>I've had sex.
No one is this fucking stupid unless they do it on purpose
Remember to high five your local terrorist after he stabs 20 people!
You people are delusional and hyper-afraid. Get it together.
>Are they just trying to justify their shit behavior towards them?
as long as you can say that your victim deserved it you don't have to bother so ofc they do
Incels don't hate Chad, they admire him and respect the natural hierarchy, and aspire to experience the same social comfort and ease of being that Chad seems to enjoy
Joker is a sadboy in the movie. All incels are sadboys (because no sex). Also he is white.
That's all.
Believe what you want, but seriously, what's supposed to happen after? The way you spam incel and have sex I'm interested in what supposedly happens next in your mind.
it was your mom yeah but it still counts
>Girlfriend is forcing me to see Joker in theaters
>Doesn't care if we could get shot
If someone starts shooting, what should I do? Run or save my mom?
Turn on the fucking news. Why are you being obtuse?
>Rape victim
>if you care about getting shot in your own country more than some cooky moslims on the other side of the world than you must tolerate terrorists!
Maybe it's a city thing. Live outside of cities and that is hardly even a concern. Plus our concealed carry laws here essentially lessen most gun-related crime.
Getting flashbacks to omelette du fromage here. Any coherent thoughts rattling around up there?
Incel have sex incel.
but joker has one of the hottest gfs around that would kill for him,shouldnt incels hate him?
You wanna know the messed up shit? There will likely be some shootings from this film. I'm not even kidding. The chances are too high
You mean the ones that count some dude commiting suicide in an empty building next to a school as a school shooting? the ones where some nigger kids having a turf war is writen off as a mass shooting?
White men won't be shot. Don't worry.
Yes, because the mass shooting that happened in my area 3 years ago is totally not a cause for alarm.
That with the fact that I live in the south doesn’t help either.
High five them for rising up.
The real conspiracy is that's an elaborate Disney psyop to devalue a movie they see as being serious competition
The truth is probably that news websites are desperate for clicks, and invoking the specter of a lunatic shooting up a movie theater over a movie about a man in clown makeup makes for great clickbait that works on everyone, from normal people, to lefties on twitter that want to believe it, even and lonely men who feel they're being attacked. It may also be a misguided marketing attempt to make the movie feel "taboo" and dangerous
You're statistically far more likely to die from some gangbanger getting itchy after asking for your wallet
>You wanna know the messed up shit? There will likely be some shootings blamed on this film. I'm not even kidding. The chances are too high, because it's easier to call out a bogeyman movie than to do something about our gun problem
>Joker is an incel character
Also this is media being media.
>incels: fine i will support for lelolz
>see? they did it
Remember when the same critics praised a racist Disney movie about a supremacist ethnostate because it was empowering for minorities?
Of course,these shooters are often doing it from anger and no hope,so they want to give one everlasting attention to the public.
If you don't think there will be a shooting because of this film then you're an idiot.
99% of gun deaths are from handguns in the hands of gangsters, you ever gonna do something about THAT problem?
Shootings have happened on a daily basis for literal decades, nothing has changed except needless fearmongering over the idea that ever time you go outside you could theoretically be randomly shot by a psycho
Posts like this express in a nutshell why all leftists should die.
This is honestly a good idea.
And what percent of the population did you lose? That's what I thought, infintisimal.
Accurate. The incel boogeyman has gotten out of hand. Easier, I guess, to hand waive it as entitlement and shun people instead of attempt helping them.
I live down south too, outside Orlando. The difference is that I don't let my fears cloud my enjoyment and try to go out and have fun instead of hide for fear of a potential crime. Also, three years ago? Calm down, man. It clearly isn't some everyday problem where you are, don't let your fear prevent you from enjoying yourself. That's just stupid. That's like me fearing going out because of the Pulse shooting.
Nice deflection NRAgger
Why do you spread clickbait? Why do you do their work for them for free? Moronic liars that can barely string sentences together, and you're their messenger boy.
explain what the gun problem is then, if it isn't niggers with glocks.
>The Supreme Gentleman will never wear clown makeup
It's like when movies have someone having a prophecy and when they try to stop it just ends up creating the circumstances for the prophecy on the first place.
There was a change of like 0.001% of a Joker-related shooting happening, but the press just made it happen a guarantee.
Okay serious question for you dipshits, why would someone shoot up a theater for a small budget piece of shit like this which will at best have 20 people in the auditorium and not a movie people actually WANT to see like Endgame, Star Wars, or It 2?
Yes, happened in poor neighbourhoods between gangs and other scum. Not in a normal fucking place like a movie theatre or a school.
just shut the fuck up
t. /pol/tard who lives in constant terror of antifa killing him with a cement milkshake
>Lol like mass shootings are just part of life bro. People are always gonna get shot.
I can tell from the lax opinion some of you have is probably because you’re under the age of 20.
But random shootings have increased over the past few years. Yes inner-city violence is higher but that doesn’t change the facts here. I fully support gun ownership but you just know some nutjob is going to get ideas from this movie
It's the ease with which they get their hands on them. Do you genuinely believe they just get birthed into existence in black hands?
Doesn't he have a hot black girlfriend though? He's not an incel.
>Things have been getting way too crazy now for non-demonic explanations to be in any way valid.
Yeah I'm sure it's demons and not the constant collapse of neoliberalism we've been experiencing since 2008 (I mean, if you're in a first world country. Elsewhere this shit has started at least in the 90s) coupled with the imminent enviromental collapse (which is of course a libtard hoax).
>tfw living in a normal country looking at burgers afraid of even just going to a local theater
For the memes. It's like they have been dared to do it now.
Also if someone does end up shooting Star Wars 9 they will still blame it on the incels and connect it to the Joker.
What? It felt like it was in the news not that long ago.
>And the theater was in an upper class neighborhood too.
This is probably why they had a metal detector. You have a wealthy audience with lots of entertainment options, so you need to take extra steps to draw them in + you probably don't have to actually worry about violence, so the metal detector probably won't actually turn up any problems to scare off customers.
It's always funny how blatant open-carry states have no mass shootings and very, very little gun crimes, but cities like Chicago (with, added, the most extreme restrictions on guns in the entire US) have shootings frequently.
>MCUKeks this desperate to spin tranny propaganda as incel power fantasy
Because its about sending a message, a warped one in their minds. There are idiots who want to act like Heath Ledgers Joker and act out in violent behavior to find purpose in their sad lives. Furthermore, no one said it would only be a theater. Any populated area could be a target. Just suspect some autist in clown makeup
Wow dude too far.
Be Safe: Be Suspicious
Terrorism has become an unfortunate fact of life not only in New York but the
country at large, a direct assault on our communities and our way of life that
leaves citizens struggling to find answers to difficult questions, not the least
of which is "What can I do to prevent such atrocities? How can I help?"
Quite simply, terrorism is successful because terrorists are able to pass
unnoticed and unremarked upon -- but they fail to count on the best intelligence
network ever devised: the American people. How can you tell who might be a
terrorist? Look for the following characteristics:
* A stranger or foreigner.
* Argumentative, especially about politics or philosophy.
* Probing questions about your work, particularly high-tech.
* Spends a greater than average amount of time on the Net.
* Interests in chemistry, electronics, or computers.
* Large numbers of mail-order deliveries.
* Taking photographs of major landmarks.
And those are just a few. If you're suspicious, then turn them in to your local
law enforcement for a thorough background check. Better safe than sorry. You and
your neighbors will sleep more securely knowing that you're watching each
other's back.
No he doesn't. She rejects him too according to the leaked script.
how fat is your mom's ass?
does she like it when you cum deep inside her and call her mommy?
>Are they just trying to justify their shit behavior towards them?
Could you please explain to me who shot somewhere up in clown makeup?
Inb4 Aurora theater, he wasn't wearing clown makeup and never claimed to be the Joker.
Didn't they say they made changes since then? I swear I read somewhere that they did.
I'm sure this is definitely a real sign.
>can literally buy a weapon intended for war and bring it home 2 days later
>you don’t need a license to own, just to conceal carry
>there’s no restriction on how much ammo you can buy. I can literally buy 1000 rounds of ammo and no one will question this
>gun shows where sellers are literally selling guns for under the table cash and ignoring background checks
>background checks in some states don’t look at prior arrests for stuff animal or domestic abuse as a red flag.
Every recent mass shooting has been used with a legally owned firearm. If that’s not a clear some that current gun laws don’t work to hell prevent this then this issue is never getting solved.
Texas has had basically no shootings for the last few years
thats right he said he was Bane didn't he
Pathetic Chadlicker
Posts like this justify calling people incels.
Psyche evaluations for strange purchases. Done
>Less than 100 killed in a nation of 300 Million over an entire year
This is like watching nothing but crime shows and thinking we have a serial killer epidemic
I really don't understand what I'm looking at here.
>You want to get shot
well your tax dollars would be used to plan and fund the whole ordeal, might as well benefit from it directly
there was one like two weeks ago in El Paso (unless you're being sarcastic)
you do have a serial killer epidemic as well, given the fact that pretty much every serial killer is american, and every non-american serial killer is always some sort of gangbanger or in a few instances some irl Frank Castle.
If death by falling vending machines kept climbing each year, there would be absolutely no pushback against better safety measures for vending machines like a heavier frame.
Oh wait, that's literally what happened
Posts like this express in a nutshell why you need to have sex.
Except an El Paso Wal Mart was just shot up a month ago
>tfw live in based texas
>Incels often hate other men, or "Chads,"
oh Jesus that dude is projecting so fucking hard it's sad as hell.
member all the ominous clown sightings leading to that halloween
boy I sure am glad nothing ever came out of that huh like an evil clown god being summoned or something
Pretend you are an incel as well, tell them to give you a gun so you can mow down the normies, turn the gun on him instead.
false equivalence, making vending machines heavier doesn't infringe on anyone's constitutional rights
this is your brain on leftism
nobody use of think "chad" is a thing outside of women and trannies that want to fit in on Yea Forums and only have an old fake meme that died in a week to post ad nauseam
with how stupid many of the people on this site are I genuinely have no idea if this is sarcasm or not
>Also if someone does end up shooting Star Wars 9 they will still blame it on the incels
Because lord knows you guys aren’t fixated on “Soi Wars”.
>we don't have a shooting problem what are you talking about?
From an outsider looking in, you people are a joke
>single women don't exist
>homos always find a mate dude I swear
>sexism never get you a girl bro
>this is all it takes for some white boy to shoot up a theatre now?
more reason than most black men living in detroit need
Has the incel reddit been closed so long that people honestly forgot or think everyone doesn't remember it existed?
They literally griped nonstop about "roasties, chads and stacy's" being the reason their existence was miserable.
It was a negative responsibility identity movement.
Hey man, at least I can take a bullet or seven.
What your excuse for dying at one?
I can tell from your responses your stance is literally “well if it doesn’t happen to me, it’s not a problem”. I used to think like this and it’s insanely ignorant. With age comes perspective. So maybe in a few years after you finally graduate high school you might think differently.
>joker has a gf in the movie
as an outsider looking in, your opinion isn't valid
That sub was a false flag made by basedbois
>Incels are whatever I say they are
This is why this is clickbait, it's just endless assumptions about separate communities based on a single basic criteria
Where are the falcons, though?
>All this autism for a remake of The Comedian
My country used to be sane. Used to.
>one or two nutcases go on a rampage
>entire group of people demonized
now you know what black people feel like.
They left about three quarters in.
You don't get a subreddit that fucking big as a false flag, shit excuse.
There is a legitimate movement right now that's entire purpose is to make white men embrace victimization and lash out violently against their "inferiors".
It's honestly beyond sad that people can base their entire self worth around the fact they're a white guy and nothing else, but here we are.
hold the fuck up
Incel is the new nerd now that being nerd is cool.
>intended for war
What gun are you referring to?
That's a slippery slope. Who determines what defines a "strange purchase?"
It may not be as easy as you make it, user. The answer of banning guns outright would render ideas like the Bill of Rights null and void, and strong background checks like in Chicago doesn't deter illegal firearm crimes even slightly, while making it more difficult for law abiding ones to have them at all. It's more nuanced, regardless of one's age and assuming he is young to discredit him isn't fair.
Movie changes it to him fantasizing about her and embarrassing himself mixing his fake world where she's his girlfriend to the reality where she's just someone he stalks and opens the door for at the apartment
>This entire gigantic community based around the incel identity didn't exist because I say it didn't.
fuck off shill I won't go see your movie
Most of these people have serious problems, but they're problems of their own making. The average incel is not a bullied schoolkid constantly being mocked - in real life, very few people give a fuck about your sex life. Most incels cannot form female attachments not because of some magical effect that renders them unlovable or because they are being picked on by society, but because they have internalized ways of acting that repulse women. Women simply don't want to date creepers, which is what most incels act like.
Incels need therapy, but their hate shouldn't be glorified or excused as them getting back at an unjust society. Most of them are feeling the same things everyone else feels, but they've chosen to irrationally blame women for those feelings and submerse themselves in a death cult internet subculture that constantly reinforces not only their stupid ideas about women, but their own insecurities about themselves.
Incels need to be taken out of their communities and put on the health system. If their country has a working health system, anyway. You guys are basically justifying their shit behaviour while pitching a fit about people justifying shit behaviour, due to a ridiculous bias.
How unfair is it that people face social rejection just for being complete fucking pricks
It's the new "virgin" now that "virgin" has fallen out of PC.
You are not a victim, you are just a shit person.
>"virgin" has fallen out of PC.
user, what?
explain the process of obtaining a gun legally.
Goddamn what fucking retarded cunt you are. Chicago is being flooded with guns from surrounding states and Drumpftards can’t resist dog whistling each other with the same regurgitated snowballing meme of Chicago. What’s even sadder is how easily you autists believe this.
The self worth of men is inexorably tied to having sex and this is reinforced by everyone, likely including you.
>constitutional rights
like that time we made alcohol illegal, should've never changed that
They always want to look for excuses instead of solutions. It's just easier to get people fighting "us vs them" battles instead of working together.
user, statistically they don't happen. Plane crashes are incredibly rare compared to car crashes yet millions die in car crashes while planes are statistically one of the most safe methods of travel. You're just a scared old man who thinks a bit of comforting is worth eroding god given rights.
nobody calls each other "virgin" as an insult these days. it make them feel like kids while "incel" somehow make them feel adult, savant and mature.
This is some delicious irony.
the function of women, is to be some form of human. the end result of women, is to Disappoint those who expected quality
cope harder Chiraqui, stop blaming others for the failure of your city.
thanks for proving the point.
>nobody calls each other "virgin" as an insult these days
They just say, "have sex" instead.
Which is pretty much the same thing really just different semantics.
Nerd was always adjacent with virgin, but implies worse things (bad hygiene, being bad with women, a weakling etc). Incel just adds hating women to it.
It hurts the asexuals I guess. Also pic related.
Thank columbine for this shit and the kike media pushing to censor it
I used to live there, you fucking delusional sperg. What the fuck is your problem?
Sez you
Society claims tolerance is a virtue, but when I wear my swastika shirt and start talking about how all jews deserve to be killed, suddenly they're not so tolerant of ME, are they? The prejudice against incels is exactly the same and frankly it's sickening
Nobody ever used 'virgin' as an insult, you moron.
It doesn't even mean the same thing as 'incel' does. A virgin is anyone who has not had sex. An incel is someone who cannot obtain sex due to being basically unable to attain affection from their desired partners.
>Incel just adds hating women to it.
If you live solely on the internet and think communicating via text counts as meaningful human interaction, sure.
In the real world no one gives a fuck, social media and the internet has poisoned your mind and made you afraid of everything.
>Nobody ever used 'virgin' as an insult
yeah this seems to describe 4channers pretty spot on
i'm sorry, what exactly are you trying to say? it's really not clear and that's no fault of the reader. is that you think that prohibiting alcohol infringed on anyone's constitutional rights, and so that's a justification to do it again? because it didn't and it's not.
One of the most popular and used social media sites on the planet.
Or are you naive enough to think Yea Forums matters at all.
Anyone who's put to ban all guns is an idiot. This is what gets me most upset is the fact that people who are for guns get spooked by the NRAs boogie man shit that da gubmant is gunna take muh gun.
All people want are are stricter gun laws in place. I got no problem with Joe Schmoe owning a couple hand guns or people with farm property owning a shot gun or hunting rifle.
We don’t need fucking 30+ round magazines for any weapon. There’s literally no purpose other than to compensate for having a small dick. We don’t need to own sub machine guns or assault rifles. Even if they are semi automatic, there’s nothing stopping people from missing or converting guns.
If some dude who’s hotter arrested 3 times for hitting his wife is still able to get a gun, that’s a problem. We got people who have been straight up investigated by local police and the FBI still go out after and commit these shootings.
There is a problem and to act like it’s not is dangerous
>Nobody ever used 'virgin' as an insult, you moron.
are you five years old?
Nobody who has had sex would be so obsessed with it that they spam "have sex"
I wonder if white people are looking to cash in on victimhood status because others have done so for nearly 10 years.
I take it this post was descended upon by a bunch of these "tolerant" people saying shit like, "Well, no! Not you! You're one of the good ones, but the rest of them are all bad!" Because that's what I always see when I try something like that on twitter. It's amazing how mad they get when you say they shouldn't use "single" as an insult.
you seem to be, considering you still live in Disney teen drama world.
>We don’t need fucking 30+ round magazines for any weapon. There’s literally no purpose other than to compensate for having a small dick. We don’t need to own sub machine guns or assault rifles.
all the meme arguments on one line, good job user!
You know nothing on subject kindly swallow cyanide.
we're the sole victims of the victim complex, user. it's our turn.
The point being is that the constitution isn't fucking set in stone. Anyone who has an elementary school education knows this.
Virgin being used as an insult is a thing, user, for a very long time.
Incel was an attempt and men with virtually no self worth to rebrand their identity around the idea that it's everyone else's fault no one will form a relationship or have sex with them.
>Nobody ever used 'virgin' as an insult
lmao from where are you even from
Who the fuck put you in charge of deciding what's needed or not? 30 rounds is not ENOUGH to fight off more than two attackers.
>All people want are are stricter gun laws in place.
Speak for yourself you dumb faggot.
That's what the media always talks about when it comes to incels. How they hate women and feel entitled to sex. Nerds have also been portrayed as being entlited to sex (revenge of the nerds, the big bang theory jew), but not as 'they hate wahmen' but more as they don't understand them.
In the real world throughout the entire school system it is used as an insult, during the important formative years of of adolescence which are critical to forming values and self esteem.
Regardless, people who use the term "virgin" as an insult on the internet are not likely to be lying, and they probably genuinely do feel that it is a negative trait. Meaning, that just because they only express it online, doesn't mean they 'don't care.'
Shit, is this something Americans do?
The only places I have ever seen the term virgin used as an insult are shitty tween movies and anime. Are you guys just confusing fiction with reality?
>imminent environmental collapse
God I hope so
Why has Twitter in particular made a good chunk of Americans go completely insane in the last 5-6 years?
I always wondered how virgin leftist felt about their side constantly demeaning people for not getting laid, now I see that they actually get mindbroken lol
Odessa had a shooting just last weekend you retard.
Because we're approaching the singularity.
No this used to happen. Before other buzzwords took its place.
>Shit, is this something Americans do?
>The only places I have ever seen the term virgin used as an insult are shitty tween movies and anime
It's used here on Yea Forums and has been since the site was founded.
you would sound a lot cooler if I wasn't seeing the temperate trees that always grew in my town slowly dying
>ban all normal people
>only insane leftists are left
>insane leftists continue to insanity spiral
It's just like any other community trannies infest.
The only thing they've victims of is thinking that they are one. They literally can't accept a reality that their behavior, affiliations or biases might be at fault.
>"Well, no! Not you! You're one of the good ones, but the rest of them are all bad!"
their replies are always "no you see, I only use nigger to refer to the bad blacks, not you! you're a cool nigg- I mean african american" tier
The 21st Amendment was a mistake. It is the only amendment that straight up repeals a previous amendment. Can you imagine if something like that was done for any other amendment in our constituion? It would be madness.
If a law was put in place, a CONSTITUTIONAL one at that, it should NEVER go away.
I fucking knew this was bullshit, lol.
Why are you bringing up white men? You know a lot of incels are non-white, right?
Yeah. It sucks. I'm an extreme lefty and I see almost every descriptor that can be applied to me used as an insult against righties, or anyone they just choose to descend upon.
If you let what happened in school define who you are as a person then I don't know what to say, maybe try growing up?
Realizing that there are no roaming packs of people to put you down and that you only imagine that there are? That it's possible to form meaningful connections with people in a non sexual way?
You're the only person trying to make their sexual worth their only identity.
ok try to separate real life and internet for like 5 seconds
"being a different color" isn't a behavior or affiliation user.
Oh I hate this
do you people even use twitter? I'm logged to mine right now and my timeline is pretty much people talking about new movies, food and going to the gym and shit.
Stop looking for shit to be outraged about, the insane lefties are at least well intentioned in their retardness, you faggots are just doing this shit out of pure spite.
Its roots and beginnings are solely around the fragile white man victimization ideology. Any movement that grows as much as the incel one has will become more inclusive over time, not less.
>race is skin deep
factually and verifiably incorrect
so being different at all is enough to treat someone like shit without knowing anything else about them, okay.
Probably thinks gender is only skin deep too lol
A football stadium in Alabama was shot up. You won't hear about it because the shooter was black.
Culture is.
Again, try to look inward at your own faults as a person and stop looking outside of yourself to blame others.
You sound like someone who unironically has their pronouns listed in their bio.
Nigga we've always called each other far worse shit than 'virgin.' I don't think anyone could post that in seriousness here, it's too weak.
Also it's pretty depressing that Americans really are just as shit at producing burns as tween fiction would have us believe.
George Washington was right, Political Parties are destroying America
I agree wholeheartedly that a problem exists, but I also side with the notion that despotic governments can and, given a chance, WILL take away the people's best tools to defend themselves. History has shown that plenty in the past, and to think that has changed is just not something I can understand.
Now, yes, there may be better rules in place for procuring a gun, however several states have these rules in place and see minimal results. I'd say Chicago again as the best example, but the previous user threw a hissy fit, so we can look at California, which also has strict gun laws in the SoCal area. These do not limit or lessen, for instance, gang violence or additional gun crime. The guns may be legally obtained, but the majority are NOT, and thus background checks wouldn't have prevented much.
The FBI had credible tips on several shooters in the last three years. Local police down here in Florida during the Parkland shooting knew in advance about the shooter's warnings and history. These FEDERAL OFFICERS did nothing to stop it and IGNORED the evidence until it was too late. Legal background checks and all. Who's to say that increasing restrictions even works if, given all information beforehand, even the law enforcement designed to make sure people are safe just AREN'T doing it?
It is a problem. I agree. However, many states with clear open carry have seen gun crime fall substantially. Personally, that to me shows that it isn't so much a gun issue as it could be a city issue. Most of these shootings occur in highly populated cities, save for school shootings which appear to parse out among populated and lesser populated areas.
The problem is that no solution offered from either side is actually working very well. But they create a nightmare of every shooting they can, ignoring all gang related shootings, and often include suicides in with gun crime to puff the numbers up a bit. It's all a mess and a half.
so you hate people who don't live the way you like or think the way you do.
It was literally front page news on nearly every site 5 days ago and breaking news when it happened. The television news cycle is currently dominated by Hurricane Dorian at the moment though, for good reason because thousands of people are at immediate risk and relying on information.
You only see bias because you look for it.
Yeah mate the fact that my twitter feed is just comic books, art and normies talking about their normie shit sure works as proof that your misconceptions about a social network used by I don't know how many millions of users is actually a leftist cesspit.
Probably why I was watching Brendan McCarthy chimp out about Corbyn a few weeks ago and he didn't suffer a single consequence and is back to posting his art.
Is this from the book "It came from Something Awful"
Is it safer to go before or after the first week of showings? I'm assuming incels will want a big crowd for bigger media attention but maybe a smaller crowd would be better to manage/less heros that would try to stop them.
Just wanna see this movie on a big screen with big loud stereos breaking my ear drums without being shot to pieces.
>as tween fiction would have us believe.
where do you think that shit originates? Sex has always been held up as a status symbol, no shit people would use it as a means to insult and dehumanize others
All I gotta say is that being intolerant of people because they’re intolerant is kind of hypocritical
Yes it is.
go ahead! Keep calling me an incel!!!
Just know that when the gamer loses his patience, the devil shivers....
Congratulations. I understand exactly how you feel. I lost my virginity at 16. The thing I remember most vividly (aside for a kink for thigh highs) is that it was seriously over-hyped compared to my imaginations and anticipations as a virgin.
>What exactly is supposed to happen now?
For the rest of your life you're going to grapple with the fact that what every male does is for the sake of increasing the odds of getting laid. You know deep down, especially during rational states of mind, it's ridiculous that whatever you do it's essentially to get laid. You're gonna hate yourself a lot sometimes for spending so much resources on it; but you'll still keep spending to get another chance to get laid. It never ends. After what you get what you instinctively desire, the need for more will start building up 5 minutes later. You might deny this, like I did at first, but you'll learn it's the unfortunate truth of being a male.
What happens now is you live with the Curse of Males, user. Have fun.
The DeAngelo shooting? It's been all over the news.
>implying twitter isn't a leftist cesspit
Kinda disturbing how far left you have to be to unironically think that.
>If you let what happened in school define who you are as a person
Stop. Do not misrepresent what was said.
What happens in school is during your formative years as a child. The most critical time of the development into an adult. What happens to you as a child is extraordinarily important to who you become as an adult. Early formative years throughout pubescent are extremely important and gaslighting that is asinine when it's been one of the few things we know for certain is the most important to human identity. Hell, one of the few things that separates animals from humans is theory of mind, and that's a learned behavior that's learned as a child. Without learning that behavior from society, a child might never develop what is arguably the only trait that humans have that animals don't.
Please stop delegitimizing my hobby by associating with it with this shit please
Oh yes the weather is much more important to them than showing the blacks or commies as mass killers.
I don't hate people at all, I feel sorry for them and hope they can find peace of mind eventually and stop lashing out at others or submerging themselves in hateful cultures and places.
So many people look for things to get angry about on social media, youtube, message boards and groups in this cyclical way and those same places curate and produce more hateful content for them to consume.
Just walk away from all that shit, why waste an devote so much attention towards just trying to be angry to be angry?
Haha oh Ladderbro.
I can't wait for your mental breakdown whennthis will be a success. The same way you lost your shit when Aquaman made a billion
Having sex doesn’t make you a better person. Lots of bad people in history have very long, detailed sexual histories
The name Ghengis Khan ring a bell?
Yeah I knew it was going to be a bad idea from the jump
Yes, it is because half a dozen states are literally relying on information about the impending disaster.
News and updates about a hurricane ARE more important than a shooting. It is considered a natural disaster for a reason.
Imagine thinking weather reporting is racist lol.
that's not what i said. you're choosing to argue against something i didn't say instead of addressing what i did. why is that user? you've left us to assume that the reason is because you can't.
being different is just cause to be treated as different. sometimes those differences are so disparate from the norm that treating the people who possess those differences like shit is perfectly warranted, logical and natural.
As someone who actually has taken the time to look into it and also listen and watch videos from incels as well as FAs, I can say it's very inaccurate.
Thing is that incels is the modern outsider, the outcasts who generally, for one or multiple reasons, lack subtle social skills and subconscious understanding of social cues. Most people underestimate just how much of our social interactions rely on things we do without realizing it, things we've learned as we grew up.These people however often grew up in broken homes and families, or got into the wrong crowds.
One thing that often happens is people either assuming or suggesting basic "advice". Things like "Just shower and dress well bro", or "Just talk to them". Thing is however is that most of these people already have tried that, the problem they have generally isn't hygiene, clothes or anything superficial like that. Their main problem, as already mentioned, is lacking basic social skills everyone else takes for granted. They cannot get a partner because they can't even get their foot in the door to begin with, they fall flat right at the starting line.
They're people with mental problems that need help. The kind of people that these journalists and many others who claim to be "Good and care about mental illness" should be trying to help. But they don't, because that requires effort and understanding. None of them give a shit about mental illnesses, the only times they "care", is when it's something easy they can just virtue signal about and say "pls contact a hotline if you feel bad ):" just to feel better about themselves.
Mental illness is often hard and ugly. But instead of trying to fix the problem, people are making it worse, making them withdraw and just make it fester.
I mean it was all over the news. Nobody died so people didn't care.
At best you'll be surrounded by smelly incels and edgy teenagers, at worst you'll get shot and die. It's a no-win situation and I think I'll either hang on for the cam or the home release.
None of your shit ass post has any fucking meaning or point.
>They also fucking play a song by a child rapist in the film, it's tryhard.
And it's not even Living in the Sunlight
lmao reading this thread I can see why people call this board Yea Forumsmblr
Me neither thank god im a volcel.
Which theatre? How many hobos did you have to trip over to get there? Are you related to the statue in Fremont?
i go to the movie theater in Lynnwood (just north of Seattle) all the time. no metal detectors. if what you say is true, then Seattle is even more of a fucking joke of a city than i thought... and that's coming from someone who grew up in the Detroit area. also, no metal detectors in Detroit movie theaters either.
It also doesnt help that the incel movement in general allowed them to validate their biases and hate amongst each other and created a literally toxic community.
They do legitimately need help and need to stop just feeding their insecurity.
They will just move on to the next one
After Aquaman it was Shazam
After Shazam now it's Joker
Rinse and repeat
Shit man when I was in school we were calling each other backbirths and wankers. Expressing someone's lack of luck with women would have been more along the lines of calling them a thirsty cunt than just 'virgin.'
that you couldn't extract the meaning speaks more to your comprehension than anything. it's bad. really bad.
That's not how you spell "niggers".
unsure not betting on it though.
You could make the same exact argument for American blacks and Hispanics. Social culture, however, doesn't mock them and gleefully dismiss them for perceived privileges, unlike the current zeitgeist. Whites are simply the new target for prejudice and many feel justified because of historical injustices not being levied today. Sins of the father, essentially.
Social media as a whole, frankly, has poisoned discourse for most people here in the States. Those who control the platforms control what trends, what news to put up, and what is allowed to be said. People who live in social media simply do not look away from it. I've been off all social media for years and feel 10 times better than I ever had using that nightmare that is Twitter.
That insecurity is not solely their own doing and even if they stopped, everyone else would be and is more than happy to feed into it.
Did you not go to high school?
People lord over people who haven’t had sex as if it’s some inherently good thing
I’m not a virgin (thank you college), but I always see people shitting on virgins as if having sex inherently makes you better than anyone who hasn’t. It doesn’t
>maybe if we put scare-quotes around everything, it won't be true
That was only a very small fraction though, most just tend to stick to their forums and whatnot. It shouldn't be up to the ill to help themselves, it should be those with the power to help. But like I said, these people aren't actually interested in helping people with mental problems and anxieties.
Thank you for posting this.
t. someone who can't even properly maintain eye contact and cannot really socialize
What a shallow and shitty analysis. Keep sucking the SJW and media teet you fucking redditor
>incel movement
this is the sort of nonsense that make you take so much "RENT FREE" answer, sweaty.
I literally have seen footage of robberies that tell a different story. Armed encounter work like this:
-everyone will be running and too amped up to feel pain
-the first 3 rounds will miss, especially if shot back and suppressed
-the next 5 will hit arms, legs, or graze non lethally, or even be stopped or deflected by obstacles
-you need 3 hits in vital areas to drop someone, if you hit someone in a non lethal place they will keep running squirting blood everywhere for 30+ seconds before they collapse
-you need around 5 shots to fully suppress someone and make them duck for cover or run away
multiply this for 2 or 3 perps and you need to reload a handgun at least once. Revolvers or shotguns are flat out non viable if you aren't ambushing an invader in a corridor. A semi automatic rifle in a controllable, reliable and accurate caliber like 5.56, with 30+ rounds of ammunition is unquestionably the best option when you're facing determined attackers.
It also works with people who are completely unrelated to yourself. It's easier to assume people have it shitty because they deserve it, that way you can keep thinking the good in your life is your own doing instead of accepting there's a huge amount of factors that escape anyone's control.
Basically, the just world fallacy.
>"I know that WW3 will be fought with bombs. But i know for a fact that WW4 will be fought with pies." - Honker
>americans are actually genuinely afraid that a milquetoast capeshit paincoat of Taxi Driver will get them shoot
might as well just kill yourselves right now if you have to live like that
>It also doesnt help that the LGBT movement in general allowed them to validate their biases and hate amongst each other and created a literally toxic community. They do legitimately need help and need to stop just feeding their insecurity.
it's so weird how in your mind some identities have the unreasonable expectation of existing outside of criticism and strictly in the realm of tolerance when you're so very exclusive and intolerant of others.
You've still failed to define what exactly makes you think less of them or feel no compassion or willingness to help them other than their skin, you just assume their skin means they automatically, inherently have every negative trait you've associated with them.
You're racists, and you're so racist you think your bigotry makes you morally better.
Assuming you're a normie, holy fucking shit well done.
I mean TDKR did
Such a movement may not have taken so strong a hold if there were more sympathetic people trying to touch on the root of the problem that
mentions. However, instead, these groups were dogpiled on and every member assumed a hateful, toxic, unlovable person. Even you make the same mistake in your post, delegitimizing the root cause of the problem in favor of attacking the "incel movement," which is hardly a "movement" at all. If they have nowhere to turn but a community of self-proclaimed incels because others have already preemptively disregarded them, who is more at fault? It's not some cut and dry issue at all, but the internet takes simplistic extremes. Please, look up incels anywhere online: you will find nonstop mockery, insults, and blame thrown their way, but never any shred of sympathy, or very few cases thereof.
Are you from an alternate dimension?
but The Drumpf won the popular vote ...
You’re oppressing the real gamers with your psychopathic memery
Dude you just broke like 3 rules spoiler that shit at least Jesus Christmas fucking Satan Claus
Man it must suck to grow up as an akward nerd teen who can't get laid these days
He's afraid that they will Rise Up.
lol good. Fuck leftoids
People will go through all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify their irrational hatred of people who haven't had sex, so they invent these reasons after the fact rather than admit that their preconceptions aren't based in reality but are superficial in nature. Justification is made after the fact. A conclusion isn't drawn from facts.
>never any shred of sympathy, or very few cases thereof
What about /r9k/ or /fit/ back in the day?
No, they aren't. Yea Forums isn't Americans exclusively, calm down.
Well that's a new one. Post the big reddit thread before you get banned, might as well have some fun here.
And yet r/feminism still exists
No, he won the vote of the electors (aka: the vote that really matters).
This is reiterating that any sympathy is going to come from within its own community.
This incarnation doesn't have a crazy fangirl yet. Although that might make interesting character development.
>Women simply don't want to date creepers,
What it actually means
>Women don't want to date ugly men, and if they must then said man should at least have A LOT of money.
It’s a real shame how this era of “acceptance” and “inclusiveness” is so filled with hate and irrationality
On the other hand, my experience with incels is that they're kids who have gotten into the whole redpill meme and as a result have become extremely hostile toward women, and this hostility has fed itself by making it difficult for them to attract a sexual partner.
There are definitely people in the community who come into it from a position of genuine weakness and hurt, but more often than not, this isn't the case. Incels in general would still benefit hugely from CBT to unravel the incredible world of delusion they've woven around themselves (and help shore up their self-esteem), but that doesn't mean the 'movement' is just a bunch of scared hurt kids. Many were dragged into the mindset they've found themselves in because it's the natural progression once you start going down the alt-right youtube rabbit hole - first they start looking for easy people to blame for things, and things go from there. Most incels have issues, but they're essentially the same issues that every human being currently living under neoliberal corporate hegemony does - increasing isolation, lowered self-worth, insecurity regarding the future, etc. The difference is that they've gone down roads that have led them to, rather than blaming all this on the right people, blaming this on women, and turning this hatred for women into their entire identity.
I've worked with people who consider themselves incels, as in part of the incel community, and they're rarely from abusive homes or the like - that kind of thing tends to produce something very different. They are, however, surrounded by an abusive community that they've put themselves in, and as is the case with every abusive relationship, they need to be taken out of it. That's the really ironic and sad thing; most of the signs of real depression and social anxiety I've seen incels seem to be linked to their community, not to something in their past, and is almost identical to the specific signs of an abusive relationship.
Oh Bats, Mista J cucked me for a black woman!
Do you want to date ugly women?
That said, most men do enter and remain in relationships, so clearly your point is flawed.
>Having sex doesn’t make you a better person
Yes and? Do you necessarily HAVE to be a 'good person'? Do you have to have the need to strive for being this person? What does that even mean? A 'good guy'? It says nothing.
>Lots of bad people in history have very long, detailed sexual histories
>Ghengis Khan ring a bell?
Why are you bringing him into this? If you're talking about sex why would you put a man who's known for being a conqueror and strategist as an example? Isn't there someone better out there for this purpose? This is not /his/ DO NOT fucking start a half hour rant about Genghis Khan's sex life or some shit, please.
>tfw don't have to worry about getting shot by an incel because I am one myself
>he was never going to sleep with you anyways, Harley.
>now go fuck Ivy, we need diversity points
I assumed you were saying that even within groups where these guys tend to congregate, they can't even depend on each other, sorry.
>Incels in general would still benefit hugely from CBT
sure mate, you get right on that.
Never seen Hocus Pocus, huh?
Even Disney laughs at Virgina.
i didn't fail to define anything. i wasn't asked for any definition, and definition is really a poor word choice here.
>you just assume their skin means they automatically, inherently have every negative trait you've associated with them.
no, you just assumed that i do. assuming my assumptions isn't a strong base for your argument, user. might want to rethink that one.
>You're racists
lol here we go. personal attacks, which i'll add are entirely unfounded, aren't a valid argument either.
discrimination exists, and you owe your existence to it. it's the mechanism of your mind that discerns between ripe and rotten fruit, ripe and rotten people. one can reasonably and readily assume the flavor of an apple without taking a bite, owing to their past experiences with apples, and lacking those, from other people's past experiences with apples. that last bit is a fundamental part of being a human being, the transmission of knowledge without personal experience. expecting everyone to forgo the benefits of millions of years of evolution because you don't think the results are fair, is, for lack of a better word, fucking retarded.
>People will go through all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify their irrational hatred of people who haven't had sex
People don't hate incels because they haven't had sex. They hate incels because they direct their frustration outward and are now committing more mass killings than legit fucking terrorists in the US.
acceptance and inclusivity are things I'm all for, ironically, except when it's doled out solely to people you like. At which point it is no longer tolerance, acceptance or inclusive, but just favortism.
Technically my idea of an attractive woman is traditionally seen as unattractive and unfeminine so yes?
>All people want are are stricter gun laws in place.
No most people are pussies who instead of just arming themselves or doing a modicum of physical training would rather big daddy government make all the bad things go away. Even though time and time again we've seen that zones where guns are banned or as you put it have "stricter gun laws" are still subject to lots of gun violence
Different user, so I can't say for sure if that's what he was saying.
No need to apologize.
They used to be good, but I'm referring more to larger sects of society than Yea Forums. Besides, frankly, /r9k/ has always been... pretty bad. Besides, this incel "epidemic" spread mostly outside of Yea Forums, rather than within it if those subreddits are anything to go by.
Absolutely quality post, user. The bigotry of some people is astounding.
We live in a very sexually involved age. Sex has become an almost basic commodity for most, and women seem to reap the majority reward for it (based merely on usages of apps such as Tinder, OkCupid, and others); this, though, has created an odd power dynamic. Many men fear getting their foot in the door in an age of false rape claims and lies, rarely interact with the other sex, and often when they do can be shut down so cruelly it's downright hard to watch. The idea that this is merely "hatred of women" implies that there may be no outside influence but the incel themselves. I'm not saying women are to blame, but the hypergamy that has flourished in recent years has led to it's own strain of problems, and women should shoulder some burden. It isn't one side or another, it is a cultural issue that has yet to be addressed.
If any sufferage activists were around today they’d be so pissed about shit like diversity quotas and all this other shit
It's my job so yes I will. That said, I obviously do wish there was better access to healthcare of this sort, especially abroad seeing as few places are as lucky as my home is in regard to accessibility.
Deflections again.
let's go back to the original post Why do you think white people could only be victim of fake problems and why do you assume it's the fault of things you assume they do and have automatically.
wait, you didn't mean CBT as in cock and ball torture?
Cock and ball torture?
Doubt it.
>That said, most men do enter and remain in relationships
Men have a sex drive 9 times higher than women and have a far FAR more lax criteria of what is attractive(hence guys who like bbws, muscle girls, thin waifs, shortstacks, Amazons,plain janes, comely etc.) , especially in comparison to women.
Maybe that IS their job. Don't shame sex workers.
I also thought cock and ball torture
It seems like some bullshit somebody made up to pretend to describe incels but actually mock them. Why don't they just ask an incel instead of pretending they have all the answers in a typical know-it-all caucasian fashion?
Same with that TERF subreddit, Gender cynical or something like that
What are moving averages?
Can I stop you guys for a minute there? What do you mean EXACTLY when you say:
>People lord over people who haven’t had sex
> I always see people shitting on virgins
> justify their irrational hatred of people who haven't had sex
>so they invent
Did these things happen to you in real life? Can you actually pinpoint to an exact real life event (not behind any screen) where any of these things happened, and not just something you imagined up due a bad day, or mood swing? Are you sure you're not just filling out the blanks in others' heads by yourself?
backlash from who? incels?
>I also thought cock and ball torture
it's his fault for posting that alongside an anime girl
I'm afraid not. I suppose that might help in some cases, though.
I'll admit, I do occasionally want to just tell some people to just go down to torture garden in tight leather pants. Those people will fuck anything.
If you can walk into a room and stab 20 able bodied adults without being apprehended, then you kind of earned it.
>an incel threatened a community college near me
Joker really inspires people
>What about /r9k/ or /fit/ back in the day?
Sympathy existed inbetween us freaks, it sure as hell didn't come from normalfags. It was when normalfag redditors invaded shit got completely vitriolic.
MLK’s Dream was about blacks and whites treating each other EQUALLY. Exactly the same, as if there was no difference. That never happened. He’d be mad as fuck
The oppinions of lesbians on what men find attractive and what women wish to emulate to be themselves and attract men means nothing.
But you've been convinced that your opinion should matter and to feel insulted and left out when you're reminded of it.
CBT just seems like platonic findom. Pay a middle-aged weirdo to subtlety bully you into not being such a pussy, hoping you'll somehow develop the spine to take risks.
why should they? Nobody else does.
Wow, that's just flat wrong. Don't forget that the biggest terrorist attack on the U.S. was 9/11. "Legit terrorists" still hold the record.
youre attracted to men and masculinity and dont want to admit it faggot
...And? This still means that most men will get a woman who regularly has sex with them. Whether said woman finds them incredibly physically attractive is beside the point.
Dating apps are a pretty terrible source of information for this as the format doesn't allow for all the various things that cause attraction beyond looking alright in a picture.
MLK wanted reparation gibs and was a serial adulterer.
dude some incel kills like 10 people and these morons forget about all the fucking muslim bullshit. like when dylann roof shot a couple of niggers the media and liberals try to make it out to be a bigger problem than niggers gunning down their own, or niggers gunning down literally anyone which just isnt true
>Did these things happen to you in real life?
If I'm being totally forthright and honest?
Yes. Yes it did.
And I saw it happen to some of my friends as well. Which sucked because some of them were from pretty religious households, so they strongly believed in the, "no sex before marriage, ever" thing.
The most rational post here, but unfortunately socially inept posters will refuse to acknowledge this
Forgot pic
You realize than 9/11 was almost two decades ago, right? Things change. When was the last time we had an Islamic shooting in the US?
It is a FACT that incels currently perform more attacks than Muslims in America.
>Many were dragged into the mindset they've found themselves in because it's the natural progression once you start going down the alt-right youtube rabbit hole
Unsubstantiated statement, what you're speaking of is a false assumption commonly made, also known as the "third-person effect" which basically is "The false belief that others are more vulnerable to "bad" media content". Just a way for people to blame something else for a problem they themselves have caused.
You're also going from the wrong direction in this. You assume that the blaming and hostility lead to them becoming incels, rather than it being a result of a lifetime growing up, with smaller and bigger things adding up while also having very few ways of letting that growing frustration out.
Abusive homes is just one way it can happen but as I said, there's multiple reasons and I would most definitely say it is *not* because of incel groups. People come into incel groups because they generally have little else to go. It's partly why it's so immensely important to talk with people. The communities aren't a cause, they're a symptom and the main reason things can become worse is because of stigma and further ostracizing from everyone around them. The only thing the communities itself does is validate the already pre-existing thoughts and beliefs many of them have as a result of the circumstances that lead them there in the first place.
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Even Elliot Rodger was a hapa. Hell there's a whole subreddit of bitter hapas aligned with incel ideology. Also Alek Minassian, the one who ran over people, was Armenian. Prove the movement started as a white thing; you can't. If anything whiteness is seen as an 'alpha' trait so some insist white people can't really be incels.
Sex objectively DOES make you a better person.
Well... Actually it's other way around, LACK of sex messes up with your body and brain chemistry BIG TIME. (Not limited to men btw, just far less common in women)
More over, the lack of steady sex will cause following changes in male physiology: heightened loss of testosterone production due to aging and at an earlier age, 8-12 years lower life expectancy on average when compared to males who have sex regularly, permanently heightened stress levels and significantly higher chance of cancer and cardio-vascular diseases.
To this day Chicago has a higher fatality rate than fucking Iraq. You're literally more in danger in some North West ghettos than in a war torn hell hole.
If you say so
Well first of all
Outside of the internet, though?
>our son doesn’t show much interest in girls, we’re worried he might be gay
>what, you’ve never had sex and you’re in college? What are you, asexual or something? luckily for this one college girls seem excited to pop a cherry
I was born with a thyroid condition that basically makes me more tired, delayed my puberty, and dramatically lowered my sex drive. During that time, whenever sex came up I always felt like I was being judged by “normal” people whenever I’d talk about myself, and in some cases I was. I was bullied for not having a girlfriend in highschool, and eventually started dating just to stop it. It didn’t work out, and I ended up getting kind of emotionally fucked up by some bad girlfriends during that time. Basically, me having a low sex drive due to a medical condition caused me to get bullied and hurt.
No, it’s just my first crush was my gym teacher
Three years ago one went and killed 50 fags.
Happens often to me and my familly.
What’s wrong with wanting a healthy, active, incredibly muscular gf to crush the life out of me with her hugs?
It's almost like I don't fucking go to Chicago for a fucking reason? Crazy idea right? Meanwhile my hometown of El Paso was relatively safe until you cucks decided to get angry about beaners.
That wasn't the point you first made.
And it's a FACT that the areas with the highest gun violence have the strictest gun laws, and these shootings pale in comparison to rampant gang violence. But all that is counterproductive to the Left's narrative.
Have sex incel is just shitposting.
>If I push the narrative and blame niggers hard enough. They'll forget the real problems plaguing this country
Have fun pushing your narrative shill.
I'm ugly and I have a normal sex life. My Dad's also ugly and he managed to get married and have an affair. We're also poor as fuck.
>Many men fear getting their foot in the door in an age of false rape claims and lies
Most men don't really think about this at all.
>and often when they do can be shut down so cruelly it's downright hard to watch
Also kinda question. Beyond school most people don't really act like kids. Being turned down is harrowing as fuck, almost always, but it's rarely the case that the one doing the rejecting tries to be intentionally cruel. This is something you mostly see in movies, not real life.
Doesn't exist. Statistics don't reflect this at all. Men still are far more likely to seek multiple sexual partners, are far more likely to have affairs, etc. Women can't be completely ignoring all men beyond the 8.5 line or whatever incels say it is, because the vast majority of men are in relationships with women by their mid twenties.
There's a whole lot more black people than incels
And too much sex will turn you into a pleasure-addled horndog.
>>I dint actually care about gun violence
Well, that was just because his religion and his sexuality didn't gel. Also allegedly because he couldn't catch a dick with a 2-mile-wide vagina, so he just decided to ruin it for the rest of them.
Shitposting is still based on impulsive thought processes
>That wasn't the point you first made.
Is isn't? I said that incels are committing more attacks than actual terrorists in the US now. Seems like the same shit to me.
>gun shit
I don't care, don't try to change the subject.
Liberal-run hellholes. Same as they want for the rest of America if they get back into power. Cali in general and San Fran in particular are just the canaries in the mine...
that's the implication, that you're qualitatively better than someone else because you've had sex. that's obviously false, and particularly in the case of unsuccessful reproduction, the majority of sex being had. really, in the grand scheme of things having unproductive sex is a greater sign of failure than not having sex at all.
and nobody's arguing that you're a goid person, don't worry about that.
the point there was that you're more likely to not be a good person by having sex. i really can't believe that i have to spell that out for you.
>Why are you bringing him into this?
i didn't bring him into this, but they did, and probably because, to our knowledge, he's the most successful male in the history of the world in terms of having sex - the epitome of 'have sex', as it were. he's the epitome of all sorts of things, and first among them is being a qualitatively shitty person.
>DO NOT fucking start a half hour rant about Genghis Khan's sex life or some shit, please
i'll spare you since reading and intellectualism in general is apparently an insurmountable hurdle for you. suffice to say, he had thousands more children than anyone else you can think of.
A healthy one tho.
>Doesn't exist. Statistics don't reflect this at all. Men still are far more likely to seek multiple sexual partners, are far more likely to have affairs, etc
There is twice as much genetic variety in mitochondrial DNA as there is in the Y chromosome. This means that twice as many women have had sex and had a child as men who have had sex and fathered a child. The rough estimate is 60% of women throughout history and up to today and 30% of men.
Addiction isn’t healthy
And there’s a reason prostitutes don’t have a very high life expectancy
Make it harder for them to get guns?
Opposite actually.
Too much sex lowers your life expectancy.
consider that this place is usually the site where all those psychos waste their time, the whole meme of "Some of you guys are alright, don't go to X tomorrow"
was a thing.
boston bombing
Fort hood
those are just two I know off the top of my head, stop making excuses for pakis acting like savages
>b.b.b.b prostitutes!
are you fucking retarded?
How much harder than illegal can you get?
Before anyone says anything about how easy it is to buy a gun, has anyone here actually gone and tried to buy one, done the background checks and waiting periods?
What's with the gap in 68-70?
>I don't care
It's fucking infuriating how you assholes freak out about guns when there's a mass shooting but when someone points out actual statistics you plug your ears.
i want to use this quote someday
lol your whole last post was a deflection, user.
that post isn't mine, i entered the conversation afterward and nothing that i've said or responded to pertains to that post directly. so why are you backtracking, user. i believe that you'd call that "deflection".
>Why do you think white people could only be victim of fake problems and why do you assume it's the fault of things you assume they do and have automatically.
why are you still making assumptions about my assumptions?
i'm happy to argue with you, user, but for that to happen, you'll have to present an actual argument. i eagerly await that.
Illegal gun trade parallels the illegal drug trade.
And who runs the drug trade?
Thank Zack Snyder for corrupting Superman who should represent the idea of Good
There was also that terrorist training compound in the Arizona desert where they prepared kids to do suicide bombings, and that little incident in a highway in California
Yes. I own multiple guns and so does my roommate. It isn't hard at all.
The average person who buys in to this shlock is also fucking rwtarded. Who knew?
I hope only women get killed during the shootings
Yeah, the price of living, crime rate and quality of life is horrible in every Leftist city yet they act like their God's gift to humanity
Texas had one like a month ago. People get shot here all the time.
>"The false belief that others are more vulnerable to "bad" media content"
Some people legitimately are.
>You assume that the blaming and hostility lead to them becoming incels
No, none of this is an assumption. This is from actually working with incels.
>rather than it being a result of a lifetime growing up, with smaller and bigger things adding up while also having very few ways of letting that growing frustration out.
Yes, there's often an element of this here. However, most incels I've encountered have not had notable trauma in their childhoods, instead they've suffered from the same insecurities most of us have.
>I would most definitely say it is *not* because of incel groups
I agree. A large amount of responsibility does however seem to lie with a powerful internet based propaganda machine that constantly spits out a certain type of rhetoric, though. This stuff isn't made by incels but it pushes a certain worldview.
>The only thing the communities itself does is validate the already pre-existing thoughts and beliefs many of them have as a result of the circumstances that lead them there in the first place.
Absolutely, which is what I've said. The clinical levels of depression incels feel usually comes in, or seems to come in, after they've spent time in these communities and had their insecurities continually reinforced. Which is why it's very much like an abusive relationship. These communities belittle them and cause abject despair, but they're also used as a source of identity, making them hard to let go.
Most incels need to be removed from their communities and spoken to at length about where their pre-existing feelings of insecurity come from. Most find that the things they were feeling before were perfectly normal.
And have you been convicted of a crime before? Most criminals have had prior convictions and don't get their guns that way regardless.
Hey look at the bright side, last time a movie like this got traction a dude was inspired to shoot the president. Though that was what won Reagan the election so you win some you lose some
yeah seems when muslims are doing bad shit the news just mentions it once quickly and tries to move onto another story where as with dylann roof they just never shut the fuck up about it
>has anyone here actually gone and tried to buy one, done the background checks and waiting periods?
I have. Several times.
Note that they just want to legally stop men from trying to avoid women.
They have no problem with the false accusations or female trigger-happiness.
Men are the only problem.
>Sips Tea
Sure feels good to be MGTOW
I don't think I've ever freaked out about guns. Go find another strawman.
What did happen exactly? Do you get surrounded by random groups of chads, get shoved around, and get told witty jokes about your sexual life?
And I guess this would justify feelings of revenge, instead of wanting to prove them wrong?
>I always felt like
And that's fucking key right there. You 'FELT as if'. You don't necessarily KNOW that they were mocking you, so you just blindly follow your intuition.
>due to a medical condition
Well then it's not really your fault is it?
> get bullied and hurt.
Children are fucking assholes due to developing hormones. This could be looked at as another motivator. Even if not, if you keep this within you, you'll only hurt yourself while 'they' are probably not paying too much mind to it. Concentrate on what you CAN do instead of what 'SHOULD have' happened.
>meanwhile, general violent crime involving firearms and total violent crime are at all-time lows in the US
>violent crime in the UK is through the roof.
Good job believing what you're told to believe.
And Texas still has a much lower crime rate
Always gets me.
The manchurian candidate was a warning.
They used it to stage a shooting so he could get put into office.
I'm probably going to go on a list.
>implying it isnt a bunch of Leaves shitposting
Says someone parroting the anti gun establishment
>Yea Forums - Capeshit & Inceldom
Professional sex-havers don’t count, kümmenbräin?
>uses the word incel
>tells me to find another strawman
The Telegraph is a propaganda rag, mate, don't pay it any heed. And your second source is a blog post with literally nothing to back it up.
Im glad you’ve moved on from your hatred of minorities, Tuxedo Pepe
>Posts links to opinion pieces.
I remind the ones trying to argue with people like this guy, to him those articles are just as valid as any statistical survey. He's not INTENTIONALLY being stupid.
says someone looking at the actual FBI statistics, and not just parroting headlines
Those are some extra rose-tinted nostalgia-goggles you're rocking.
There's quite a few publications that have covered it, i don't have all day, you can look up "Mike Pence rule" and "Men avoiding women at work" and get them all. The statistics are real, men are no longer willing to work with women alone or even be with women alone for any period of time in corporate spaces.
>What did happen exactly? Do you get surrounded by random groups of chads,
Chads isn't the word I'd use. But yeah. Something like that.
>get shoved around,
Rarely got physical.
>and get told witty jokes about your sexual life?
Weren't very witty to be honest. Just spiteful and callous.
>And I guess this would justify feelings of revenge, instead of wanting to prove them wrong?
Justification isn't explanation. Regardless, you didn't ask about justification of feelings of revenge, nor did I ever conflate the two. You asked if being called "virgin" happened to me or anyone else outside the internet. Any feelings I have about the subject are a different conversation entirely.
Yes, I've also bought one from someone second hand, which requires nothing but cash.
drawing attention to the crimes of muslims doesn't do anything to further their narrative at this point as we're not actively trying to influence public opinion in favor of invading the middle east, we already have. talking about fundamentalist muslim terrorists operating in the us goes further in that it can only hurt the narrative by drawing attention to the fucked up shit we're doing on both sidea of the us-mexico border. that's just plain bad for business.
Okay, so can you provide one that includes actual research and statistics?
We all are user
So wait the thing people are worried about is basically the joker becoming white incels gangster rap equivalent?
At least they shoot each other over money, a physical resource. Not because some comic villain made fun of them
So women have the power to literally take 10 years of mens lives away if they ever feel like it?
no they should be drawing attention to the "diversity is a lie" narrative thats what I mean, I could give a fuck less about going to war with them I want us to keep to ourselves and them to theirs but the kikes in congress wont allow that
>The statistics are real
You haven't provided any statistics.
>men are no longer willing to work with women alone or even be with women alone for any period of time in corporate spaces.
How do you know? Because a guy said so on a literal right wing propaganda machine?
They're just being bigots user
>Every recent mass shooting has been used with a legally owned firearm.
Every recent one that you've heard about on the news, that was perpetrated by a young milquetoast white man. The vast majority of mass shootings are gang/crime related and involve illegally obtained weapons. You're still correct that gun laws didn't do shit though.
Ok, so fuck you first of all for saying my “feelings” about something decidedly emotionally based don’t count. Second of all, other people who are poorly adjusted so they become “incels” aren’t necessarily any more responsible for being emotionally maladjusted than I am for being biologically malformed.
These weren’t just children, these were my parents, family, friends, classmates, teachers, counselors, and peers. I was treated as an outcast because I didn’t pursue puss from age 12 like everyone else. I’m not worried about the past anymore, I’m taking meds and I’m out of that shitty podunk I called home. But it doesn’t chance the fact I am irrevocably developmentally affected by my experiences. My condition and the way I was treated made me who I am today. And I hate it, sometimes. And I hate people for treating me like I did, sometimes. And I wish people wouldn’t behave like they did. But they still do, every day, in every place I see. And it’s SHIT
>unironically posts opinion pieces from random shit papers that are barely better than tabloids
So how much would you say is actual worry and how much is company wars bullshit?
You're right.
Everyone else is wrong and you are correct.
This is not having a chilling effect on women in works spaces and enrollmentr of men in colleges aren't at an all time low.
women were the original sinners eating the apple from the tree of knowledge and they have been trying to drag us pious males down with them.
He's already done the hard work of being right, it's up to us to provide the evidence he's right. He doesn't have time for evidence, he's too busy forming opinions.
>how much is company wars bullshit
not him, but I'm willing to be 100%. I won't be surprised if WB will start marketing this as "THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL MOVIE OF THE YEAR" "SO DANGEROUS SOME PEOPLE WANT IT TO BE BANNED" "THE MOVIE YOUR MOM DOESN'T WANT YOU TO WATCH"
What about the incels you've worked with that didn't join those communities and groups?
Who don't get their thinking reinforced, but nonetheless are exposed to the usual rhetoric and denigration of being, well, an incel?
not in america no
I'd say it's all delusional bullshit
There’s been like three shootings here you fucking moron.
>I was treated as an outcast because I didn’t pursue puss from age 12 like everyone else.
Just saying, this makes your situation fundamentally different from that of an incel. The incel pursues puss, or desires puss, but doesn't get it.
You sound like you were legitimately abused as a child.
>Feels good to live in an actual first world country where shootings aren't a common occurrence.
Allow me to educate you on Western shootings.
Every massively covered Western shooting has been a false flag conducted by the US government, for what purpose you ask? To push the country further and further into wanting to give up their weapons. No matter how much you think it doesn't matter, an unarmed populace is easier to control than an armed one. And what they want is total control. So technically, where you live is simply more enslaved.
>Incels need to be taken out of their communities and put on the health system.
Are you seriously advocating to unironically take away people's right to assembly and individual liberty because they won't have sex?
I can't believe it, an user who knows his shit.
Hell at my last job co workers called me virgin as an insult. It is common with blacks and mexicans to make fun of virgins. Hell, even at UT football game, the crowd mocked the other team as virgins for sucking that night.
5% Company wars BS, 20% actual worry, 75% nonsense made up by scaremongers who profit from people being afraid and divided.
Oh no, this piece of media is going to harmfully affect the weak and feeble mind of our populace. Surely we haven't seen this song and dance a thousand times before, and dealt with the fallout of it.
>reading and intellectualism in general is apparently an insurmountable hurdle
oh get the fuck out you college freshman. jeez.
>that's the implication
Yes. Males are naturally agressive assholes, we have been for thousands of years. It was thanks to this is how we survived after all. You can't fight something so deeply ingrained into your code, or I guess you can, but it's not going to be easy. So of course, as an unintended implication, having as many partmers as you can, sort of becomes 'this self-worth indicator' for guys.
But is this really something that naturally exists in everyday life, or is it just our hormones cursing us all to think about it constantly? It's the 21st century. Never have been such a time in human history where the individual person has been this important. You can make up your own rules about pretty much anything.
And another thing that can a big saving grace: passion. Here's Nikola Tesla. He died as a virgin, even though he did get married (because he was supposed to, because SOCIETY gave the IMPLICATION that you MUST be a family man), his sex life was basically nonexistent.
Our mortal coil, the human body may seem like a big responsibility, perhaps could even be called a shackle of the soul.
But that's not the only part of you that exists in the world.
>tfw not a burger
Feel good to be able to go to a movie theater without getting shot.
>won't have sex
I don't think you understand what an incel is.
>washingtonpost com/business/2019/05/17/metoo-backlash-more-male-managers-avoid-mentoring-women-or-meeting-alone-with-them/?noredirect=on
>leanin org/sexual-harassment-backlash-survey-results
>surveymonkey com/curiosity/mentor-her-2019/
>apnews com/61132b41eb624f4eb0ebba88a3f6dec9
fucking spam filter
If they don’t realize that that shit is because Chicago is flooded with weapons from the redneck bumfuck areas around it, there’s no hope.
>Everyone else is wrong and you are correct.
Who else? More people seem to be disagreeing with you than agreeing.
>This is not having a chilling effect on women in works spaces
Well, you haven't provided any evidence whatsoever for this, so that will have to be our conclusion.
>enrollmentr of men in colleges aren't at an all time low
They're not. Proportionally, more women are going to colleges. This doesn't mean male enrollment has dropped.
Joaquin Phoenix already did incelcore and nobody died, who cares about what some tabloid says
The incel pursues puss because they were treated like I was, and think the social maladjustment and all the bad shit will go away if they put their dick in a vagina and cum. It won’t, but society keeps treating them like shit because they haven’t had sex. It’s reinforcement of their wrong belief that ultimately leads to failure and despair or success and despair.
The incel is an abused rat in a maze chasing cheese that they think will heal the abuse.
And I wouldn’t say abused, more like “bullied” or “frowned on as a person”
Don't you know user, anyone who disagrees with their opinion doesn't have any actual rights
If it's any consolation user, You are not alone.
I understand the struggle you've been through, and, in seeing you struggle, I am convinced that in my own problems, it's more important than ever to stick to my convictions and not feel resentment towards myself, nor to those around me tho throw the rhetoric around like candy.
It's trite, but I've always felt that those feelings of anger and resentment were poisonous to your own well being emotionally and in some situations, physically.
Then why aren't those redneck bumfucks more violent? could it be that Chicagoans are simply inferior beings that cannot be trusted to behave as well as the aforementioned simple rural hill billies?
Is this in reference to Wakanda or Zootopia?
This literally happened when the Dark Knight Rises came out. How old are you?
Oh so those redneck areas really must be crime riddled hell holes, right?
It’s just a classic point that jocks make fun of nerds for, I don’t know when it became an actual point adults would talk shit about though. Like “haha you have trouble connecting with people and that’s your fault completely” which isn’t wrong but I still don’t see how it’s helpful
It's just a thing with city people.
They are all sick and through media they have infected small groups of people in rural communities with their memetic sickness.
Look at the level of debauchery, violence, and death when a group is really into media from large cities.
Not him:
Seems semantic but won't, can't, or doesn't, then.
Really whichever phrasing you prefer. The same question can be posed:
Are you seriously advocating removal of individual liberty because they don't have sex?
Or can't?
And nobody replied to those sources, too. Disappointing, but not surprising.
>“haha you have trouble connecting with people and that’s your fault completely”
There are people in this thread spouting this right now either verbatim or implicitly.
Big city Liberal sat atop his pile of human feces looks down on rural folk.
>Men are such horndogs that instead of giving the tiniest bit of effort and controlling themselves they'd just not be around women at all
Or maybe...
>Oh can't use 'em as fuckholes? Then better not bother at all
Pretty telling to be honest.
Thanks for that, user. I’m sorry you can relate to my shitty experiences
>What about the incels you've worked with that didn't join those communities and groups?
I don't think I've come across any. At least, any that espouse the typical incel hatred of women or bring up the talking points. I have of course talked to a lot of people that feel bad about themselves because, among other reasons, they don't feel like they have the right kind of sex life, but I draw a distinction between people that haven't had sex and self-identifying incels.
Most of the incels I've worked with have been pretty candid about identifying as incels, and being part of that club. They also tend to have been pushed toward therapy by family members rather than seeking it of their own initiative, which is yet another similarity between them and typical participants in an abusive relationship.
posting in a epic thread kek
No. I'm saying that easing them out of these communities is the only way to help them, as they are often suffering from severe depression caused by their participation in said communities.
Given that the one thing above all else characterising the incel identity, the meaning of the word itself, is the frustrated desire to have sex, I don't think it's just semantics at all.
Yeah, it did. Someone also bombed a marathon in Boston, I just don't assume it'll happen at the next one like you are.
Your hobby became delegitimized the moment women found out it could get them attention, and demanded the very nerds they insulted years earlier upend everything to cater to their whims.
The funny thing is you fucks actually did it.
Yeah everywhere on the internet is infected by normies I suppose.
>At least, any that espouse the typical incel hatred of women or bring up the talking points.
What about the ones that don't?
I mean, I know I'm asking a lot of, "what about" and maybe that's whataboutism, but I'm genuinely curious.
>I have of course talked to a lot of people that feel bad about themselves because, among other reasons, they don't feel like they have the right kind of sex life, but I draw a distinction between people that haven't had sex and self-identifying incels.
You may draw that distinction, and it's very kind of you to do so. But most people who use the word 'incel' unironically as an insult do not. At least, that's my experience.
The joker movie doesn't represent me, he talks with a black girl and wants to be a comedian
I'll wait for the Elliot Rodger movie instead
Yeah the online incel communities REALLY do not seem to be doing their constituents any favours.
Willful misinterpretation is obvious.
They don't want women to lie about them to get ahead.
First rule of self-defense, avoid the situation.
>The incel pursues puss because they were treated like I was
Or they pursue it for the same reason most people do: because they want sex.
Desire for sex isn't something that comes exclusively out of trauma, user. Not everyone is you. Most people want sex.
Haha finally.
You just assume that of men.
This doesn't answer the question.
Do you believe in the removal of individuals from the public (or, A SOCIETY if you will) for feeling that frustration?
You'll want HESCO ceramic plates. Level III or higher. Then you'll want a nice plate carrier like a shellback banshee or something. You could go all out and get a Crye Spear or something but those are pricey. Make sure the plates sit all the way up to the dollar bone. Good luck.
Well companies and media seem to force it. More and more banks require online access, schools require students to do homework online, resumes must be sent online to get a job, etc... So the niche internet community is overwhelmed by normies.
oh fuck no, I already was in disney jail, I don't want to also go to movie jail
You lying fuck
I mean more than usual when I say that
And I don’t just want to fuck because of emotional trauma. The meds also gave me my sex drive back so I’m as horny as a sixteen year old now. It’s pretty awesome actually. And if I need to do a presentation or something I can just delay taking my meds and I don’t have to worry about nervous boners
Or just not living in an overpopulated city, that helps a lot more. You're not clever, or funny, either. Living your life in neverending fear of death by shooting is not a way to live.
No, but A) I'm not the original user and B) I don't think he meant SOCIETY, he meant "incel communities" i.e. online shitholes or other enablers.
nice trip dubs
Tesla was never married.
Ah, ok, you're probably right.
And he was a very smart person
Could YOU make the tesla coil? Didn’t think so
>What about the ones that don't?
Well, the ones that don't are technically incels, but I rarely think of them with those terms because they don't fulfill the other checkboxes you've brought up. Incel is, as far as I can tell, almost likely a badge people put on. Either way, I don't think I've come across a person whose condition overlaps entirely with that of a self-identified incel without being a self-identified incel. For one, there is generally less anger projected outward. People with these problems actually often come forward because they feel like their lives are going nowhere, and their lack of sexual activity is just one part of that, one that often don't bring up unless they're prompted to.
>But most people who use the word 'incel' unironically as an insult do not.
I don't think I've ever seen it thrown around as an insult in real life. On the internet it seems to be used when people show one of several typically right-wing views about women or race. In fact, it as an insult it often seems to be more about politics than actual sexuality.
He's upset Sans got into smash and not steve
Isn’t the fundamental difference here is the “joker” is supposed to represent an actual mentally disturbed person trying to connect and never being able to and Rodger just parroted things he thought were cool and thought it was enough to make the connections come to him without ever actually attempting to go out and make them himself
Pretty much, so much of life is on here, to many get trapped and ridiculed for it yet there is no way out presented which is the point I think. It’s to present a convenient enemy that matches everything we’re already taught to despise yet “fighting” them both make things worse and doesn’t actually do anything for society as a whole
>Ok, so fuck you first of all for saying my “fe
You betray yourself in your own sentence. You're clearly very emotional right now. That's fine I get like that too, and it often sucks balls. I didn't say it doesn't count, I said it's not the end, this shouldn't define who you are. You can live a life where you ONLY follow your emotions but these lives are quite hectic and difficult.
>maladjusted than I am for being biologically malformed
Every person is a different story. A different fate. You could never truly know what others are going through. However where you clearly have something to explain your difficult childhood, them on the other hand, are likely to be suffering from chronic me-itis. They're afriad, anxious and lashing out, so they obviously need help.
But a certain trends keeps coming up among them: egotism. For a very long time it was very hard for me to come to terms with this, because I have the same flaw. I'm not a virgin or an incel, but then again I haven't been in a relationship for at least 6 years now. And that's fine, my current situation doesn't really need any extra baggage like that.
Point is, look at this:
>And I hate it, sometimes. And I hate people for treating me like I did, sometimes
It's all 'me', 'me', 'me'. And yes, you are justified to feel what you feel for all these grievances; you never deserved any of these things, you didn't get a choice. However, is it really that bad for you? So horrible that you wish every waking moment that you'd die right there on the spot? And not just in the oh-so-funny way of millennial humor, but actually die and leave the world? Could you imagine a situation like that?
Well let me tell you that the 15th wife of an african druglord who gets beaten and raped every night and then left in the desert for disobeying her husband, doesn't have to imagine that. She fucking lives it.
This is why I liked VICE news back in the day. The situation in the middle east were like a reality check for me.
>I mean more than usual when I say that
I would actually say incels pursue sex less than most do, because once they get to the point where they identify that way, they've convinced themselves that sex is impossible.
What they DO do is think about sex much more than the average person. And they do it because it's a way of explaining away their problems.
Society is a joke of itself. Pun wasn't intended but keep it. The most successful people in society today are crooks, liars, and scammers. Then you have societies in China that revolve around praising their leader.
This seems to mostly be about specifically mentoring. Also the last one is just an opinion piece.
Ok so your entire argument basically amounts to
“Hey stop feeling bad bro, don’t let the past define your life (even though it literally does because the past was my life), you could be an imaginary person I just made up. Also you’re selfish”
Go fuck yourself, you’re the least helpful armchair psychologist I’ve ever met.
> For one, there is generally less anger projected outward. People with these problems actually often come forward because they feel like their lives are going nowhere, and their lack of sexual activity is just one part of that, one that often don't bring up unless they're prompted to.
Sounds familiar enough to me.
>On the internet it seems to be used when people show one of several typically right-wing views about women or race. In fact, it as an insult it often seems to be more about politics than actual sexuality.
I see it used by feminists or the left leaning often enough, but again, my personal experience may clash against yours. Take that with some salt.
so does this mean people who call others cucks just can't stop fantasizing about big black bulls?
Freud says yes
Rise up and take aim.
It extrapolates to other situations, the number of women being hired is also starting to lower
>I could give a fuck less about going to war with them
yeah, it was a pretty successful campaign, a lot of people feel that way, and on both sides of the aisle. it's pretty entertaining to watch the democrats try to navigate around the fact that their propoganda is responsible for many of their own passionately hating arabs and muslims broadly.
>I want us to keep to ourselves and them to theirs
what, a nationalist? you'd better not be white, too. sure 30 years ago you would have just been a patriotic american like any other, but now you're just a fucking bigot.
seriously though, that's not unreasonable and i don't disagree with you. being a nation of mostly english speaking, mostly protestant, and mostly germanic peoples, is what made us the premier power in world, the pinnacle of civilization.
>the kikes in congress wont allow that
i think you're misplacing the blame and fundamentally misunderstanding the problem here. jewish people don't care much for arabs or muslims in general for that matter and congress has quietly done an efficient job of keeping muslims out of the us for as long as it's been a country. of the millions of refugees that the congress has directly had a hand in creating, particularly in syria but elsewhere in sudan etc, surprisingly few have wound up in the united states. we're talking tenths of a percent. you're not wrong that diversity is on the left's agenda, but it's not excusively a jewish position and that's not where the influx of diversity was, is or will be coming from.
>Or just not living in an overpopulated city
Not everyone was born with a silver dick on their ass. Check your privilege boy!
>Sounds familiar enough to me.
It's familiar to a lot of people. Aside from imposter syndrome, the idea that a person's life is somehow not gaining the inertia they think it should is probably the most common thing I see. It's also really painfully obvious that we're seeing more and more of this because our current societal system is making it continually harder for a person's achievements to matter in a practical sense.
>I see it used by feminists or the left leaning often enough
Sure. They're usually not aiming it simply at people who haven't had sex. They're aiming it at people who express certain views about women or race, because... those views are very common in the incel community.
>You betray yourself in your own sentence. You're clearly very emotional right now. That's fine I get like that too, and it often sucks balls
The same can be said with you though, no one is buying this whole act. You want to pretend to be kind and helpful while obviously going for prodding lines like this. Calling out someone being emotional is always an easy way to aggravate, you are denying their ideas while pretending to understand them. You aren't actually responding to what he said, just glazing over it with a just be yourself bro don't worry. Getting called out you will respond with oh I didn't mean it like that you've read the situation wrong!
>On the internet it seems to be used when people show one of several typically right-wing views about women or race. In fact, it as an insult it often seems to be more about politics than actual sexuality
Of course it is. It's the lefts response to cuck. They're basically the same insult.
By the amount of cuck/ black on white porn on pornhub, spankbang, xvideos,xhamster, /gif/ that would seem accurate,
I get it believe me, I think the most helpful thing to do is realize that you can’t do anything about society as a whole. But you can affect your own life and the people in it, so just be good to them. It’s not going to fix much but the idea is you can change your outlook by thinking positive it’s not an actual fix of course but it does help a little
I don't disagree with what you're saying, user, but I feel like I should just say: people, whose lives when viewed objectively aren't all that bad, do top themselves. The human brain can get into a negative feedback loop, people who outwardly have lives millions would envy can genuinely be in a sort of subjective hell, and they do pick death. Happens all the time. So I don't think "they have it worse in Africa" is a great talking point for maladjusted young folk; in some cases they're very aware of it and it just makes them feel even worse.
Best idea is to do what you define as fun or just go after what you like away from others. Comics for instance.
View this board as a warning and protect your own from the remaining 59%
>don’t feel negative emotions bro you could be a crippled Ethiopian sex slave baby who could have eaten that turkey sandwich only they are allowed to feel sad or bad or negative ever
Your hobby, "Gaming", is dead user. And it will most probably never go back to be a carefree "forthelulz" pastime hobby.
Now it's ruled by politics and has been "normalized" like the rest. Only the Japs are holding on to the "good old" for the most part.
Fuck this, modern games suck anyways
I’m picking up woodworking
>Well let me tell you that the 15th wife of an african druglord who gets beaten and raped every night and then left in the desert for disobeying her husband, doesn't have to imagine that. She fucking lives it.
>This is why I liked VICE news back in the day. The situation in the middle east were like a reality check for me.
Relative privation doesn't work for me, unfortunately.
But I'm a different user entirely.
>They're basically the same insult.
Not exactly.
'Incel', when thrown around here, isn't actually insulting people on the basis of them not having access to sex. The insult is supposed to be that they're a delusional manbaby who blames their lack of sexual success on women, or on some obscure politics thing, or on a wacky conspiracy theory. Being an incel is actually quite a different thing from simply being a virgin, both in the eyes of incels themselves and outsiders to the community.
like this user said. I have resulted in being a media archeologist. Finding things to like that are from the past.
St. Louis is apparently filled to the brim with violent crime as well, and it's home to just under 300,000 people. Larger cities in the midwest like Kansas City, Indianapolis, and even Detroit have a lower per capita rate. It's not just a problem that simply scales up as populations grows denser.
I've been trying to learn guitar.
My mood has improved considerably.
They can keep the new gaming, whoever wants it.
Something to add to this: responses like 'incel', 'cuck', and 'have sex' are basically memes now. Often they're used simply because they're recognizable as insults. Often they're slathered in irony or used in intentionally wrong ways.
Because this is Yea Forums.
That SVU episode was great.
I think that’s a good idea for the short term but the only way to properly deal with loneliness is to be with people, maybe try to find an open mic or some sort of video or card game gathering? Something you can do regularly to meet other weirdos(I do actually mean that positively) and try to find a connection. I used to go out regularly but when I got into a relationship with an introvert more introverted than me it caused my sociability to atrophy and it’s been hard ever since.
>Now it's ruled by politics
It's ruled by profit.
Dilate, fucker
Virgin is just someone who hasn't had sex and is looked down on.
Incel is a virgin that blames the world for their greatness not being rewarded with sex.
Yeah I have been alone for almost 5 years now with no friends or anything. I don't feel lonely, just feel like I failed at society even though I don't really care for it. It's like being told you will miss out on some thing for a game if you don't pre order. I don't even care about the game, but constantly being told I will miss out on it just digs in the mind, like a splinter.
Perhaps "ruled" was an overstatement.
Try "influenced". With Gaming becoming more and more mainstream, community guidelines and attempts to keep up a good and balanced profile for the public (since video games are now more accessible than ever) means that companies, and by extension developers, have to comply with societal presets and pressure on what should be allowed and what shouldn't.
Remember, you are not making games for a niche group of males. You are now making them for everyone. But, in having to please everyone, you end up thinking twice to take chances with a game with the resulting product being "soulless".
People "redpill" for the same reason they go into any other (real or perceived) extremist movement or community: social alienation. These are people who have largely been alienated in some form from broader society. They fail to connect with anything, they feel lonely and anxious and look for an explanation as to why things turned out like this.
With guys and romance it's even worse because every piece of media they've ever consumed has given them (and the general populace) a warped idea of what constitutes romance, of what girls look for and such and many guys feel right from the start that they can't measure up and just give up right out of the gate. The whole mythical Nice Guy comes entirely from this where people see that damn near every piece of fiction with a romantic plot or subplot so they truly believe that if by being nice their intentions will be recognized and reciprocated.
Add onto it the proliferation of porn (giving people fucked up ideas regarding sex and sexuality) and Tinder (allowing women to be ultra selective) and guys begin to withdraw and alienate themselves further. Then the media begins to label men as monsters and other pejoratives and they begin to believe the world really is against them. Thus they "redpill" and become incels, MGOTW or whatever. Much like hikkikomori in Japan, inceldom and whatnot are symptoms of greater societal ills and people withdrawing because they feel like failures in the greater social fabric.
>smartasses afraid to leave their house general
You can sit there and bitch all you want, it's never any more good than the rest of hysterical people who won't leave the house out of fear of being raped or gangstalked by the CIA. You think, 'oh it's a progressive cause, gun violence, so I have a free ticket to just go fucking nuts and act like everybody's crazy for being comfortable in public, and then when they tell me to settle down I act like they're accomplishes to murder'. Shut the fuck up, guys. You're not going to get shot. You're just fucking not, and quit acting like your comfortable ass being scared of violence for the first time in your life is fucking charity, when the rest of us have been keenly aware of death like any person should be. No I don't advocate shootings, I wish nobody got shot, but jesus christ guys you need to have some reality about you and quit calling anyone who doesn't join you in being afraid of the outside some crazy right winger.
haha ur americans dumb
you watch movie bout clown man
and scared to get killed
Virgin also has positive connotations of purity. A virgin is immaculate, child-like and closer to god.
People who want to insult others on their lack of sex don't want to imply any of that.
You don’t understand anything about social anxiety
>Just be yourself! :)))))))
i'm not a college freshman. if you've ever been one, you'd probably know that ad hominems are not an argument.
>But is this really something that naturally exists in everyday life, or is it just our hormones cursing us all to think about it constantly?
hormones would impky that it's existence is natural. you can argue that our hormones are modified but natural and unnatural phenomena unique to post-industrial society, but the processes by which they're altered are still natural.
>It's the 21st century
nice of you include at least a single fact.
>Never have been such a time in human history where the individual person has been this important.
that's a matter of opinion and is open to debate. it could well be argued that individuality has never been less important, and if it cited a single reason, like the unprecedented global population for instance, it would already be a better supported opinion than yours.
>And another thing that can a big saving grace: passion. Here's Nikola Tesla. He died as a virgin, even though he did get married (because he was supposed to, because SOCIETY gave the IMPLICATION that you MUST be a family man), his sex life was basically nonexistent.
what does that have to do with anything? you've not made any statement about how that corresponds to his not having sex, or rather not having heterosexual sex as far as you personally are aware, or even whether he's "good or bad" in this context, you've just broadly reaching statements of the esteem in which you personally hold him. i bet it all sounded like a very eloquent point in your head, but it was entirely lost in translation.
Don't give a shit whether you "failed" at something you don't even like.
Do give a shit that being totally alone is really bad for your health. You need some human contact. It's like exercise; you don't have to go to the gym but at least take the stairs rather than the elevator.
he literally didn't mention anything about social axiety, he's talking about the retards here who are genuinely afraid of getting shoot because of a movie
I know you hate yourself, THAT I get. However, my post was about the first half of the thread was full of fools who actually found a way to act sanctimonious for being too scared to go to a theater, based on memes no less.
I wasn't talking about your social anxiety. Just be okay admitting you have social anxiety rather than blaming black people or incels, okay?
Ok then I agree carry on
Oh definitely. I never understood lack of intelligence with it though. Like I was mocked for trying to answer something science/chemistry problem, but people ignored my answer due to being a virgin. I haven't figured that out yet.
What do you want me to tell you then? All you want to do is feel bad so you can bait people into pitying you. Or to pity yourself. You may not be doing it consciously (like me) but it's happening. And you instinctively close up, like a crab when faced with it. But there are some things in life you have to face there
>you could be an imaginary person I just made up.
No, something YOU made up. People are coming up with imaginary sexualities all the time, who says you can't do the same with yourself? Something you could strive towards? Either way you're not helpless. You really fucking aren't. Stop telling yourself this bullshit. You don't have to assert yourself in the physical wolrd neither if you don't want to. You """failed""" that part already (according to you).
But what's stopping you from becoming a fucking GOD in other aspects? Like say. Writing fiction. That could be a start.
>You want to pretend
I don't. I genuinely feel like I want to help some of you guys because it fucks me up to know that this is something so many people (like me) are suffering through and (putting memes aside) SOCIETY seems to only make it worse. Because their knowledge about incels are so superficial, they end up making it worse. There's just simply no intellectual data about any of these things for them to look up neither, because this is a phenomenon that's happening RIGHT NOW.
>Calling out someone being emotional is alwa
That's because it is. It's like asking an angry person whether or not they're angry. But you have to fucking face yourself and your vulnerabilities IF you want to grow.
>that you've read the situation wrong!
Here's an idea. STOP FUCKING READING 'SITUATIONS' altogether. Look at this fucking board. A forum dedicated to various forms of escapism. You're here for a reason. Don't you think these distractions could help you, if you really DO think there's NOTHING you can do about your physical cirmcumstances?
>people, whose lives when viewed objectively aren't all that bad, do top themselves. The human brain can get into a negative feedback loop,
This, it is easy to be thrown through a loop cause a few things in your life hit you wrong. Recently lost my Grandpa, he left a bit of a mess with his will and got shit from my sister about not doing enough or going anywhere with my life. My life isn't actually in a bad overall, clearly not a good month but those few things put me on edge for a few days. And when you don't have anyone to confide in that can be dark. We like to just handwave people with common or basic problems as they should just get on with it. But sometimes they just can't.
I think this is where people fail with the general incel issue. They don't need some lines of advice, they need a support structure of people who genuinely understand what they are going through. Not just people around them, but people in tune and helping them. Instead the only place they have is the shitty forums which drag them down. Places that indulge will always seem more inviting and the alternatives don't do enough to counter that. They always have that edge of you need to be changed and are wrong. Catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Because preserving your virginity is associated with fundamentalist religion, I guess.
>this is some weird meme
Is something that happened when TDKR came out.
I hear you buddy, it’s a gnawing at the back of your head while doing anything. The fact that places like this where you used to be able to go and shit post with like minded people has become a sad battle ground of actual autistic people being groomed either to become sad nazis or sad trannies and then literally inject themselves into every thread to start a fight over nothing. Then the people who indoctrinated them come here to laugh at them with absolutely no irony about their own involvement about making everything worse. I hope you feel better at some point user
I am doing something, and I never said I was helpless. I’m going to get a teaching degree and make sure that in at least one school in America there’s at least one fucker who understands what I do. I’m going to be there, and I’m going to teach kids, and I’m going to give them support when they need it, and I’ll be there to stand up for them when they’re in a situation like I was. I’m going to create an environment of safety from the misery I suffered in the worst years of my life so kids might not have to go through what I did without someone who understands it. Because I like teaching kids things and I don’t care if it doesn’t pay as much because I don’t need much
>Remember, you are not making games for a niche group of males.
This is true though. Way more people play games now.
That said soulless games are about as common as they've always been. The real issue with vidya right now is predatory monetization and EA/Activision style production schedules.
What is this shit? Joker is portraying INCEL violence? IS THIS TRUE? Or are these DELUSIONAL APES SEEING THEIR POLITICAL ENEMY, the right-wing (who mostly are incels), WHERE IT IS NOT? I want to know. Haven't watched Joker yet and probably will only when it's broadcasted in television for the first time. But GOD I HATE THESE RETARDS SEEING THEIR POLITICAL ENEMY where it is not, be them left or the right wing retards.
There is nothing important in this thread, right? I don't have to worry about reading it?
I mean it is directly a movie about a violent and abusive male, but you're right people are so fucking simple they really don't assume that type of thing happens unless its shown to them in a movie or in political meme form
There’s a good discussion on the perceived importance of sex in society and how it’s honestly kind of unfair
No just go ahead with what you were doing
no unless you want to laugh at americans (who are probably just falseflagging leaves)
I'm supposed to be driving over to move some boxes but I'm putting off checking my phone hoping the text says we can't do it
Why did you spend time making this?
Maybe Warner Bros should release the movie with a giant arrow that points at the joker everytime he does something bad, said arrow would say "this is bad, don't imitate", then everybody would be happy
That's also a problem, I agree. A major one as well.
But that's a problem stemming from the most common of problems: greed. It's something that every industry suffers from, more or less. Hell, every facet of human life suffers from it, if you want us to broaden it so much.
But this phenomenon of IRL politics and agendas creeping in, what essentially should be a pastime hobby to escape for some hours from real life issues and rules, is fucked up and totally defeats the purpose. And it's recent, so you can't exactly claim it to always exist.
Greed always existed and it will exist. SJWs and Feminists....not really. Especially in the form of today where they are out of hand and out for blood.
>I mean
adds nothing to your argument, it only detracts from it. this is akin to saying "like" every third word. you sound like a moron and instantly descredit yourself.
I ain't worried about violence at a Joker screening, crazy incels won't attack their own unless there is a personal grudge.
What people MIGHT be worried about are screening after Joker for things 'chads' like such as Fast and the Furious or hell even the next Star Wars movie since it's been 'corrupted' in their eyes.
But arrows are pointy! Children might pick up pointy things and play with them! Won’t someone please think of the CHILDREN?!??!
Does Komi know that we live in a society?
So is this violent and abusive male an INCEL? You can be a violent and abusive male even if you were not an incel. Guess I need to find out that article.
I mean like it's "discredit" but like whatever
Anybody who goes see Fast and the Furious at the cinema deserves to get shoot anyway
You can always wait for the next one to start.
> So I don't think "they have it worse in Africa" is a great talking point for maladjusted young folk;
I know, I realize this. I have run through this thought loop so many times before myself.
(FUCK me THIS SHIT is UNBEARABLE; shut the fuck up bro think of starving muslim kids dying in the desert, it's not that bad; Ok I guess it's not that bad after all; FUCK THEM they have NOTHING to do with me, they're IRRELEVANT, this SHIT IS GARBAGE; okay but bro, just calm down please; NO FUCK YOU)
It always becomes a little less effective, each time I tell myself this.
But the point still stands that we need to exercise self-awareness and mindfulness. If we don't, it's really easy to faill into a hole of self-pity from where, it's incredibly hard to get out.
>you could be a crippled Ethiopian sex slave
You coul've been. You have no control over this.
>only they are allowed to feel sad or bad or negative ever
I didn't say that. Your negative feelings are there for a reason. I'm just saying stop using them to excuse bad behaviour. Look around yourself from time to time.
>So is this violent and abusive male an INCEL?
I seriously doubt it, but speaking of: it's premiered now, right? Were the leaks correct?
Did I make my point or did my colloquialism really obscure it to you?
Obviously the connection isn't completely there, but people who don't think can connect dots over very little
i know that and you should know that i know that
But people do bad things to make themselves feel better when they feel bad
Bad feelings literally do “excuse” bad behavior in people’s mind
>The whole mythical Nice Guy comes entirely from this where people see that damn near every piece of fiction with a romantic plot or subplot so they truly believe that if by being nice their intentions will be recognized and reciprocated.
Just saying, successful nice guys in fiction are almost always interesting people too.
I'd say that the 'bad boy' thing is way more of a myth. Women rarely actually go for the bad boy, they just fantasize about it the same way we fantasize about fighting in exciting wars. Very few of us would throw ourselves into a war in real life, but it's a fun fiction.
>Then the media begins to label men as monsters
I don't think media on the whole has done this. Sure, we've had loads of men in positions of power outed as sex creeps or whatever. That's... not really something that should threaten men who aren't sex creeps.
I agree that this all derives from societal issues, but I don't think said issues are so shallow. IMO it's our economic system that's the issue, and the way that our media has been desperately heaping all blame away from the elite responsible for our current ills and onto basically everyone else. Wages are going down, inflation is raising the cost of living, and people are leaving school and heading out into a world that is incredibly complex and utterly hostile for anyone without a comfortable safety net of old money underneath them. People are overwhelmed by all the things they need to achieve to feel complete - they're supposed to be independent but becoming independent requires a ridiculous amount of money, they're supposed to find a relationship but this takes time and effort away from the former, they're supposed to be successful financially, etc. We all have so many things to deal with, and unless you're either lucky or advantaged, you often only have the time and energy to do one at a time, which leads to feel inadequate, which leads to paralysis, which leads to you doing none of those things.
You're lying
no you didn't make your point, i just stopped reading right then and there. it was safe to assume at that point that nothing to follow would be worthy of consideration.
Literally just make money and pick a girl who's worse off than you, and she'll worship you. That's all there is to it.
sorry user you're wrong, my digits were better
I'm comforting incels online and try to push them towards self-improvement. It's hard, not gonna lie.
But maybe someone will read what I said and have a revelation. You never know.
>crazy incels won't attack their own unless there is a personal grudge
most of us don't go to the cinema becasue money+going outside, the screenings will be full of just your average nerd and normalfag who thinks they are watching something more elevated than your average capeshit
>What people MIGHT be worried about are screening after Joker for things 'chads' like such as Fast and the Furious or hell even the next Star Wars movie since it's been 'corrupted' in their eyes
if nobody shoot up Captain Marvel or that one Ghostbusters movie then I doubt it'll happen with those
>just make money bro :)))))))
Who cares? It was a small point about people drawing fair connections in a movie about an abusive character becoming dangerous to the public. I didn't write my post for you.
You have comforted me in no way. You called me selfish and hurt my feelings and ignored my past misery. You suck
I know the feeling, can't always say its worth it but it feels like a duty to try.
Yeah, exactly. Sorry I didn't make an essay out of it, I can fit it in one sentence so that's how I say it. Just because it's hard to do doesn't mean it isn't true. Make money and you can win a woman.
Not everyone can do that
>that post
>star pic
Your a dinosaur, make way for the new!
Mm. But there is also:
>Fuck me I'm such a piece of shit so many people have it so much worse I should be able to cope with this but I can't I'm worthless I don't DESERVE to live
Getting angry and self-righteous is definitely a bad path, but angry is, at least, a survival strategy.
>But that's a problem stemming from the most common of problems: greed. It's something that every industry suffers from, more or less.
It's still a way bigger problem and it's still something that needs fixing. It's doing far more to harm the quality of games, and it's gotten way worse in recent years.
>And it's recent
Is it? There's always been political statements in games. Do you think the decision to have every fucking game in the post 9/11 period be about shooting ragheads in some dusty country wasn't political?
I mean, how has feminism and social justice actually hurt gaming? Which games have been ruined by it?
thats a horrid color job
who did this to our Boobchuy?
It's really not about making you feel good, it's about delivering important life lessons and staying present as a male mentor to hopefully rub some confidence off on you. Men are basically fueled by responsibility and judgement over how they handle their responsibilities. Accept it and you can receive the boons of society's idea of a man.
I know. Its still true though, sorry my one sentence didn't cure your world of problems. But yeah actually most people can figure something out. What's your situation, man?
>but people who don't think can connect dots over very little
The problem is, that people think what they WANT TO THINK. That is why they are seeing things that do not exist. For example, their political enemy in a person that is NOT their political enemy, just to be able to attack that person as a representative of their political enemy group. And that is FUCKING SICKENING. I really thought that the humanity had evolved beyond this kind of DELUSIONAL stupidity. That is how it looked like during the good years after the WWII up to the 00's. Then the shit started slowly fly again and we are back to the same ape mentality that caused WWII and numerous civil wars before that.
Need search for that article.
In fact if most people could do it the whole system would collapse.
i care and you'll not devalue my opinion like that. whatever your point was, it would have been better served had you not come across as a twenty-something insta-whore or whatever you cool kids are doing these days. it's pretty obvious that you didn't write that post for me or anyone else with at least half thought in their head.
I have, if you would actually read my posts and acknowledge what I’ve said you’d see I’ve turned all my sorrow and shit into motivation to not let it happen to others. I’ve eliminated the problem and am pursuing a future, taking up responsibility and trying to help others in a similar situation
Not gonna lie, I teared up a little reading that. You fucking GO user. Never lose sight of your star. I'm cheering you on till the very end.
Hey, it's that guy from the Mr. Rogers thread.
Dropped out of school because family couldn’t afford it. Have no marketable skills, I work at sonic to make ends meet
I will devalue your opinion as needless nitpicking coming from someone unrelated to the conversation in the first place falsely claiming my post was indecipherable for no reason, as if I needed mentorship in essay writing due to a colloquial Yea Forums post.
Well thanks
What a fag
Okay cool neat. No hard feelings.
Be handy. Try to fix things around the house and use the internet to learn how to repair things when they need fixing. Accumulate tools slowly and just become a handy person. Also look into anything at all. I think you're selling yourself short and also spending time on Yea Forums when you could literally be reading a book for free and learning anything
you're gonna get called a pedophile for being a single male teacher
Black woman did the same thing in Las Vegas two years earlier. Just like white people to steal the accomplishments of african americans.
You're a toxic freak who perverts dreams on impulse with the absolute most gross daydream of abuse possible
>Dropped out of school because family couldn’t afford it.
God I hate America. How do you people abide by this shitty system that just leaves people behind like this?
I’m going to get called something for being a single male no matter what I do in this age
Greed is a problem that you will struggle to contain user. And I say contain, because you can't fix greed.
>I mean, how has feminism and social justice actually hurt gaming? Which games have been ruined by it?
When you have to censor your own games by cover female bodies to the point of wearing burqa-like outfits, make them less attractive and feminine, nerfing their assets etc...all because you're afraid of the Rainbow Tribe or the Journo Gang, then things have become sad.
When you have to revision history or take existing characters and make them some flavor of LGBTYUENSDYGE all of a sudden all because you want to appeal to the new fad and be as PC and safe as you can, all accompanied with a shiny Crest smile, then you have failed as a developer. Where is the fun when you're afraid to take chances and shake the waters? How can you design memorable games like that?
It has come to a point where every depiction of a race, gender or appearence that the SJWs find "offensive", gets scrapped from games as well.
True, the more you warm up to this the better your mentally will be.
Sticks and Stones.
50% of our voters think socialism is literally Satan.
At the end of the day with feminism in gaming you're talking about a specific pressure on certain parts of an industry should they choose to accept it. It's really not that huge. Sure it's something to navigate, but the idea that dreams are dead and the public has just been washed away with this censorship attitude is not true. Zoe Quinn and Anita are really small-time career people with vague audiences and vastly moving goalposts. They really don't rule the world and neither do liberals.
>How can you design memorable games like that?
Exactly how people have in the past 5 years?
Nobody's fucking rushing you dude. Getting married and having kids between the ages of 16-25 will ultimately just fuck up your life anyway. There are SO many types of lives out there that you have NO idea about. And what IF you never settle down with anyone? What if you settle down with someone when you're 50? Nobody gives a toss. Just keep doing your thing whatever that may be. If it's something you can constantly improve in it's even better.
>it feels like a duty to try.
It really does. I don't know why though. Guess there comes a point when you just get bored of negativity I guess.
They're not talking about your high-ideology of 'Socialism', they're talking about leftist authoritarianism that turned the USSR into a genocidal madhouse and actively sought to infiltrate the west for the majority of their human lives. I understand your frustration with their terminology, and their resistance to your ideal socialism, but it really is what people were dealing with.
>but angry is, at least, a survival strategy.
Hey. Whatever makes the rocketship go. But OBVIOUSLY that should stop when you might potentially hurt someone.
You try to give back, because sometimes you do get great words of advice on here. Also in this sad world of anonymous bastards and self-hating incels what else is there to do but show up and be positive where they can see?
I agree with you but there is a large group of people who literally say that people who don't have kids are wasting their lives because "that's what we are designed to do"
>But OBVIOUSLY that should stop when you might potentially hurt someone.
Do these people harass you in daily life, or just when you remember about them or read about them on the internet? Unless your mom or dad or family member is giving you some real negative pressure, it really shouldn't matter. Literally your mind belongs to you and any stress you have that isn't delivered to you physically during your day is unnecessary and you should use let it float away when you feel it. When you think 'god fuck the world who forces me to have kids' just literally hit 'pass' and go to the next thought
I personally think that it's a fad. They can't continue telling people what they should like and what is right? At the end of the day, "we" built this industry dammit. Gaming started by and for males. It was a male need.
And you are mistaken to think that they are as powerless as you think. They know how to steer online reactions. They have doxxed people in the past and have demanded retractments and apologists by developers.
This shit is real.
Sequels don't count user. And they have botched several of them as well (not necessrily for SJW reasons but still).
Seems like the go-to belief is that it all springs from the same well. But hey, I'm making broad generalizations too.
There is no statistical correlation between gun crime and gun regulations by country, and no statistical correlation between gun crime and gun regulations by state. There's far more correlation between crime and a heterogenous society but no one's arguing for banning black people.
Then again, you're one of those folks who thinks putting a pistol grip and a detachable magazine on a hunting rifle turns it into an army weapon, so no use arguing with an idiot.
There have been plenty of memorable non sequels recently.
Lenin and Stalin turned the USSR into what it was literally by quoting Marx to the public and promising he could bring ideal socialism. That's what people are worried about, espionage subversion of any succesful structure in empty promise of utopia. Same thing with Nazis, they basically say they can make the world perfect and then when they have power they go ahead and do whatever they were going to do anyways which is always ruthless unchecked experimental reform and elimination of opponents.
It is a fad. Within 15-20 years, and even NOW its going to be considered a joke from a pathetic era.
Plus most of us have been protesting it and telling politically incorrect jokes on purpose at work and wherever we can because we're fuckin based and these colors dont run
that's a fun way to spell retarded
>Greed is a problem that you will struggle to contain user. And I say contain, because you can't fix greed.
Probably. But you certainly can fucking smite its applications, and its current applications in the gaming industry are doing way more harm than anything else is.
>When you have to censor your own games by cover female bodies to the point of wearing burqa-like outfits
Where has this happened?
>When you have to revision history or take existing characters and make them some flavor of LGBTYUENSDYGE
You don't have to do this though.
And you're still not giving me an example of instances where games have been ruined by feminism.
good one
In the last 5-6 years there has been
>The Last of Us
>Shovel Knight
>Hollow Knight
>Horizon Zero Dawn
You may dislike these games but they are undeniably memorable games that a majority of people enjoy.
>the last of us
This is why it would be helpful to make step-by-step changes rather than crashing and burning everything out of necessity. Changes like, for example, funding schools properly, taxing the rich, and forcing large companies to be accountable for their actions.
But any attempt to do these things is branded as a hellish evil, so change can only come when things get so bad that everyone's ready for a big crash-and-burn-it-all scenario.
Of those only like three are legitimately agreed to be good by everyone
>Probably. But you certainly can fucking smite its applications, and its current applications in the gaming industry are doing way more harm than anything else is.
I already agreed that it's a major problem. But in the end of the day, I could a lot for a game with BALLS that would truly entertain myself and let me have a proper escapist fantasy without mods or reminding me how awesome LGBT or non-whites are.
>Where has this happened?
FF7 Remake
WoW (some characters and races - like Sylvanas for example)
>You don't have to do this though.
I know. Why're you tell me this? Tell it to them.
>The Last of Us first....
No user. I'm sorry. No.
>you think you deserve better
>I could a lot
I could *pay* a lot
>Year 20XX
>Still believing its niggers causing the majority of gun violence
>Still believing Crips/Bloods are just rolling through neighborhoods doing drivebys.
I have a feeling that these people are largely boomers. And that's fine. Back when my mom and dad had my older brother and sister, it was the status quo to get children as soon as you can. But that was almost 40 years ago. The world has changed significantly since then, we face different problems than them. One of these major problems is overpopulation. It's very real and there's basically nothing planned for it. (I mean I guess China is terraforming Africa for one)
So you don't get in trouble, in a world that can already fuck you up because of a twitter message. Look out for yourself.
Well there you go.
The state of politics in the west.
>Still believing reality and facts
calm down there, sparky. I didn't assert that he was a pedo, just that he is going to get called a pedo
It's almost like my metric was memorable and despite what you think Last of Us was an immensely popular and memorable game
Isn't that a really dark first thing to say when you hear someone is trying to be a teacher? That's like someone saying they're working to be a fireman and you say 'what if you get severely burned over all your body?'. It's antisocial, and think about your own psychology. What would drive you to talk about pedophilia first thing?
Endless Legend.
Massive Chalice.
Astral Chain.
Both Total Warhammer games.
Kingdom Come.
Both Divinity games.
Gravity Rush.
He said games not interactive movies
>They're not talking about your high-ideology of 'Socialism', they're talking about leftist authoritarianism that turned the USSR into a genocidal madhouse and actively sought to infiltrate the west for the majority of their human lives
The problem is people equate both of those things as if they're one and the same.
Don't worry, the beta uprising will hand-deliver